Y2 Fundamental Movement Lesson 3 Transcript

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Objective - We are developing our jumping and hopping skills

Warm-up - Run Rabbit

For this activity room rabbit hole you are going to need in a large enough space. This can be
indoors or outdoors that your students our class can move around safely while jumping with at
least one or two of them. Most of the students are going to take on the role of the rabbits they
are going to be performing to 14 jumps around the space. They can be 240 jumps, forwards,
backwards, sideways, as long as they are 240 jumps. So recapping the learning from the
previous lesson, there's going to be one student who is the designated farmer trying to get rid of
the rabbits from his field, the farmer is allowed to run and doesn't have to jump. This game is
designed so the farmers should be getting lots of success as they're likely to be able to run a lot
faster than the rabbits can jump is the job of the farmer to tag the rabbits. And if a rabbit is
tagged, they're going to perform five star jumps where they were tagged. Before joining in
again. The farmers job is to count how many rabbits they can tag. The rubbish job is to simply
try and avoid being caught at all by the farmer. Play a 32nd rounds see how many rabbits the
farmer can tag. See how many rabbits are able to avoid being captured. In this activity, you're
going to take on the role of the naughty rabbits bouncing around the farmer's field eating all of
his carrots as a naughty rabbit, you're going to be bouncing with your 240 jobs up and down.
This can be forwards backwards sideways. Your job is to try and not get caught by the farmer.
One student will be the designated farmer and they will wear a bib so you'll know exactly who
they are. The farmer is allowed to run yes run to try and tag you. If you're tagged by the farmer,
you simply have to complete five star jumps. And then you can join in the game again, which
rabbits are able to avoid capture for 30 seconds and farmer how many rabbits are you going to
catch? Let's see. To make some modifications to this activity, you might want to add in even
more farmers. A good way of doing this will be to add in a second farmer who has a different
colored bib to the first farmer. And depending on which farmer tags the rabbit, the rabbit will do
a different kind of jump. For example, we'll have one farmer wearing a red beard and one farmer
wearing a blue bib. If tagged by the red bib farmer, the rabbits would perform five star jumps
before continuing in the game. If tagged by the blue bid farmer, the rabbits would perform five
took jobs before joining the game. In this version, the end for the rabbits is to still not get caught,
of course, but this time the farmers can have a competition between themselves to see which
farmer can catch and tag the most rabbits

Activity 1 - Jumping Jacks

In the activity jumping jacks, you are going to need a space large enough for your students in
your class to move around in Now this may be an indoor hall or it might be an outdoor space
like the playground, you're also going to need a number of rubber spots and lines and scatter
these around inside your space. These are going to act as the obstacles to dodge around and
for the children to jump over. When this activity begins, you aren't going to move around inside
our playing space taking care to avoid all of the spots that are placed on the floor. Upon hearing
my clap twice, you're going to find yourself a spot or align and perform five speed bounces side
to side over that spot online. Upon completing your five speed bounces, you're free to move
around inside the space again, as you were before. modifications for this activity that the
teacher can use include changing the way the jumps are made over the spot. So that could be
doing forwards backwards jumps instead of side to side speed bounces. It could even be hops
over it could be hops in a circle around the spots or around the lines as well. Similarly, the
teacher can choose that the students move around the space in a different way. So instead of
simply jogging around the space, they can sidestep, they can skip, they can jump they can
move backwards, exploring different ways of traveling inside the area that's marked out

Activity 2 - Cone Ladders

For the activity con law does split your students up into five or 16. So there are no more than
five or six players per team. Have them lined up behind one line of eight corns, there should be
a reasonable space between each cone so at least one foot of a child can fit between them.
You're going to take the students through a variety of corn ladder, agility drills, starting very
simply with them running, placing one foot between each gap of the cones before peeling off
and joining the back of their line again. You can then take the students through a variety of
different footwork patterns, such as both feet in the gaps, standing sideways and sidestepping
through and even jumping through the colons. If you're fortunate enough to have speed ladders
in your school themselves, then use these instead of the cons

Activity 3 -

Reflection - Camp fire reflection

CONTENT - Proofread and Edited

Objective - We are developing our jumping and hopping skills

Warm-up - Run Rabbit

One student acts as the farmer and everybody else is a rabbit. The rabbits spread out around
the playing area. The farmer can sprint around the playing area to tag the rabbits. The rabbits
can only move by jumping around the space with their feet together, they can jump forwards,
backwards or side to side. If the farmer tags a rabbit, the rabbit has to kneel down on one knee
and stay there until the end of the round. The aim of the game is for the farmer to catch as many
rabbits and see which farmer catches the most rabbits. Each child will have a 30 second round
as the farmer with the rest of the children back in as rabbits. The child who tags the most rabbits
once everyone has had a turn as the farmer wins.

L1 - designate safe zones for the rabbits to enter for a set amount of time so they can’t get

L2 - one farmer and the rest rabbits in each round

L3 - start with more farmers

Activity 1 - Jumping Jacks

Scatter a selection of rubber spots, lines or marker cones around the playing space for the children to
dodge and jump over. The children begin by moving around the playing space taking care not to bump
into each other or the obstacles. On a stop signal, children find an obstacle and perform 5 speed bounces
over the object from side to side. Progress by having the children move in different ways - hopping,
skipping, jogging, side stepping etc.

Activity 2 - Cone Ladders

Students work in teams of 5 or 6. The groups line up behind a line of 8 cones. The space between each
cones should be about 1-2m, space enough for children to stand between. Start with the children running
and weaving between the cones and then practise a range of footwork patterns and agility drills - side
stepping, switching feet, jumping through, high knees etc. Have the children practise their footwork, this
could be developed into competitions and relays between the teams or individual children.

Reflection - Camp fire reflection

Children sit in a circle or around a hoop in a small group and take turns to discuss the successes of the

Rubber spots, floor lines or cones
Enough cones for children to have around 8 cones per group or 5 or 6.
Set up:

Scatter the spots, lines and cones around the playing space for the jumping jacks activity

Set up cones in a ladder of 8 with 1-2m between them for the cone ladders activity (this could be
swapped for speed ladders if available)

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