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Name: Louie Jay D.

Lleno Date: April 15, 2021

Year and Section: BSED-Filipino/3D


Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Teacher X would like to conduct a test in Math during the 1st day of class. What
type of test should he give?

A. Diagnostic

B. Formative

C. Summative

D. Posttest

2. Teacher X would like to have an overall assessment of student competencies on

all units covered in Math throughout the school year. What type of test is she likely to
administer to achieve her goal?


B. Formative

C. Summative

D. Placement

3. The 1st step in teaching and evaluation is the determination of_____

A. Instructional devices

B. Instructional objectives

C. Instructional procedure

D. Instructional activities

4. Which is d vital component of measurement?

A. Quality of an attribute

B. Quantity of an attribute

C. Setting of standards

D. Making instructional decisions

5. How does evaluation differ from measurement? Evaluation is

A. a process

B. Concerned with data

C. Teacher's concern

D. Based on certain criteria

6. What kind of standard can be achieved by majority of the learners?

A. Relative standard

B. Multiple standard

C. Absolute maximum standard

D. Absolute minimum standard

7. What must a teacher do when evaluation result is above the predetermined level
of performance?

A. Review the lesson

B. Reteach the lesson

C. Remediate the learning difficulty

D. Proceed to the next instructional objective

8. A certain university administered a college entrance exam to enrollees and

correlated the scores with their general average in HS. The university would like to
establish the____ of the exam.

A. concurrent validity

B. predictive validity

C. Content validity

D. Construct validity

9. Which of the following statements about test validity and reliability is most

A. A test cannot be valid and reliable unless it is objective.

B. A test cannot be valid and reliable unless is standardized.

C. A test cannot be valid unless it is reliable

D. A test cannot be reliable unless it is valid

10. What kind of decision is undertaken when an institution uses evaluation result to
choose the best candidate for a scholarship program?

A. Instructional decision

B. Placement decision

C. Selection decision

D. Guidance and counseling

11. In evaluating a certain test, which should a teacher consider first?

A. Validity

B. Usability

C. Reliability

D. Administrability

12. The degree to which an instrument measures what it purports to measure refers


B. Reliability

C. Validity

D. Economy

13. What principle of evaluation is shown when knowledge, skills, and attitudes of
students are appraised?

A. Evaluation should be continuous.

B. Evaluation should be comprehensive

C. Evaluation should be used judiciously used.

D. Evaluation should be based on clearly stated objectives.

14. A plan prepared by a classroom teacher as basis for writing test items is called

A. Test plan

B. Test analysis

C. Table of contents

D. Table of specifications
15. Which of the following shows the performance level of an objective?

A. Given a diagram

B. with 75%correctness

C. identity

D. Parts of circulatory system

16. Mrs. Somera would like to compare Antonio's performance in a science test with
the rest of his classmates. What type of test should she administer?

A. formative test

B. norm-referenced test

C. criterion -referenced test

D. summative test

17. What is the equivalent rating in percent of 32 in 50-item test?

A. 32

B. 60

C. 64

D. 82

18. Forty out of fifty examinees obtained scores below the mean in a standardized
test. A graphic representation of the score distribution is

A. Negatively skewed

B. Positively skewed

C Leptokurtic

D. Mesokurtic

19. A class is composed of academically bright students. The scores distribution will
most likely be.




D. Normal curve
20. Q1 is the 25th percentile while median is the

A. 40th percentile

B. 45th percentile

C. 50th percentile

D. 60th percentile

21. When a test yields zero standard deviation, this simply means that

A. the students’ scores are the same

B. fifty percent of the scores is zero.

C. less than fifty percent of the scores is zero.

D. more than fifty percent of the scores is zero.

22. What is implied by a positively skewed distribution?

A. The mode is high

B. Most of the scores are high

C. Most of the scores are low.

D. The mean, median, and mode are equal.

23. In his conduct of item analysis, Teacher Y found out that more examinees from
the Lower Group got item No.7 correctly.

This means that the test item

A. has high validity

B. has high reliability.

C. has a positive discriminating power.

D. has a negative discriminating power.

24. Which of the following is /are the least stable measures (s) of central tendency?

A. Median

B Mean

C. Mode

D. Mode and Median

25. The score distribution follows the normal. This means that___

A. The score coincides with the Mean

B. Most of the scores are on the +2SD

C. Most of the scores are on the -2SD

D. Most of the scores pile up between -1SDand 2SD.

26. What will you do with an item having a difficulty index of 0.49 and a
discrimination index of 0.60?

A. The item should be revised.

B. The items should be retained

C. The items should be rejected.

D The items should be replaced

27.A test on creative thinking has construct validity if the examinees who are creative

A. perform similarly with those who are not creative

B. perform differently from those of others

C. not vary, as the theory underlying creativity would predict

D. specify how creative people behave like those of others

28. A good test item should have an average difficulty index, which means ___

A.50 percent of the examinees can get the item right.

B.10 percent of the examinees can answer the item incorrectly

C. The bright pupils can be separated from the average ones.

D. The performance of the both bright and poor students is similar.

29. In employing parallel forms estimate of reliability, we actually measure

A. changes due to specificity of knowledge.

B. changes due to responses made by examinees.

C. changes due to time interval between the two tests

D. Changes due to maturation level of the examinees

30. Which tells whether score distribution appears compressed or expanded?

A. Standard scores

B. Measure of correlation

C Measure of Variability

D. Measure of central Tendency

31. Which of the following verbs describes learning outcome at the comprehension

A. paraphrase

B. identifies

C. Demonstrate

D. differentiates

32. Which verbs describes learning outcomes at the application level?

A. interprets

B. summarizes

C. demonstrates

D. differentiates

33. The verbs compose, formulate, devise and summarize can be categorized at the

A. Knowledge

B. application

C analysis

D. synthesis

34. Twenty students obtained the scores recorded below.

SCORE 20 24 29 35 40 41 44 50 60 62

Frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 1

What is the mean of these scores?

A. 36.2

B. 37.2

C. 38.2
D 39.2

35. How can essay examinations be made more valid?

A. make essay items longer

B. give weight to items for scoring

C. provide more time for each item

D.give clues in answering test items

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