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Lesson(s) Learnt During the COVID-19 Movement Control Order

Until today, the Covid-19 Movement Control Order is still continuing. I believed that
many people will learn some lessons during the MCO. So, today I would like to tell you
about the lessons I learnt during the Covid-19 Movement Control Order.

First, I have learnt to appreciate my food a little more. The MCO has definitely
brought my cooking levels up a level. In fact, I am grateful that my Mum and grandma who
cooked three meals a day for me. I have also learned to appreciate online food delivery to
cook some simple dishes while staying at home.

Secondly, I became better at taking care of my health and personal hygiene. With the
spread of Covid-19 pandemic, protecting my health has become my top priority. I wash my
hands using sanitiser and soap. I also wear face masks and practise social distancing. I’ve
learnt to take good care of myself and others.

Thirdly, I’ve been reminded of how much our friends and loved ones mean to me.
Before the MCO, I would try to plan gatherings and meetups, but I would always fail because
someone is busy. However, I’ve all the time in the world to bond with my family and
reconnect with long lost friends. Thanks to ‘Zoom’ hangouts.

Besides, I have learnt how to manage my finances better and the importance of saving
money. With the Covid-19 movement control order, my Dad’s business has been affected
financially. It has taught me to be more prudent with my spending like finding ways to cook
dishes that can last us for a few meals. Thanks to online shopping. I’ve learnt how to hunt or
good deals online.

During the MCO, I have learnt how to use the Internet religiously. As the schools are
closed, we cannot study. However, my school teachers teach me online. We use apps such as
‘Zoom’ and ‘Google Meet’ to have classes. The government also held an online challenge. I
have discovered new ways of learning.

I have also learnt how to stay fit at home. Staying at home doesn’t mean that we
cannot exercise. Although the gyms are closed now, I can still exercise in my house. I do
yoga at home. Some apps like ‘FitON’ and others have trainers to help make the best of my
home workouts.
Last but not least, I have learnt how to manage my time wisely too. When I am at
home day in and out, it’s quite common to lose a sense of time. Sleep patterns have change
drastically. As the lockdown continues, it is important for me to be disciplined and use my
time wisely.

These are the lessons that I have learnt during the Covid-19 Movement Control Order.
2020 will be forever be remembered as the year the world experienced a health pandemic
caused by Corona Virus.

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