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Copyright © 2017

Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 0019216904


It’s not uncommon for guys to want their wives or girlfriends to be naughtier and
sluttier in bed—or even in general. But it is common for them to not know how to
bring that naughty/slutty side out.

This manual is going to show you the easiest, quickest, most powerful, and most
effective way to bring out your wife or girlfriend’s naughty side. By the time you
get done applying these techniques in your relationship, you’re going to be telling
her your dick needs a break…

…and her response will be to sit on your face instead and get off that way.

Why Dominance?
Most women are a little uncomfortable with parts of their sexuality, so if you
want your woman to expand her sexuality into new horizons, you’re going to have
to help her do that, and you can do it by bringing out your dominant side. Why?

Because dominance elicits naughtiness. It’s no less true than the fact that
delicious smelling food elicits salivation, or that baby animals elicit feelings of
compassion. The more dominant a man acts with his woman, the naughtier and
sluttier she’ll act with him, and for him. This is why and how a good bull will be
able to get your woman to do things she’d never do with you.

But, and this is important so make sure you clearly understand this next sentence:
if you want her to be open to the idea of doing it with someone else, she first
needs a bit of practice with exploring that side of her in the safety and confines of
your own relationship with you. Only then will she be able to start imagining the
pleasure she can get by acting this naughty with someone else.

So now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s start talking about how you’re going to
bring out your dominant side.

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Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 0019216904

It All Starts In Your Head
First and foremost, dominance is a mentality. You have to internalize the belief
that most women respond primally to a dominant man by being submissive to
him. Although she won’t verbalize it, deep down she craves the fucking that only
a dominant man can give her. By dominating her in bed, you aren’t doing anything
wrong or disrespecting her. You’re simply giving her a gift of intense sexual

It’s a shame that most guys never get to see this side of female sexuality, but once
you do you might be surprised. Sexually healthy women all want dominant sex; at
times they all want to be treated like a piece of meat in the bedroom, to be
violated (consensually) and used like a slut. They all want you to override their
token objections and rip their clothes off, to make them feel like they’re your
whore, and to be helpless while they cum repeatedly from getting fucked the way
they really want to be fucked.

How Do You Develop A Dominance Mentality?

The best way to develop a dominance mentality is to use techniques that will
increase your dominance in bed (we’ll get to what these techniques are in a
minute). At first, you may feel uncomfortable using these techniques, or perhaps
even like you’re doing something wrong. But once you have seen how hard she
cums when you pin her arms down, fuck her hard and deep and call her a whore,
it’ll be impossible to believe that she doesn’t like to be dominated.

You’re going to start slow and small. At first, you’ll only want to try a few of these
techniques when she is extremely aroused. Later, you will be able to use them at
any time. Once you’ve seen that your woman likes to be dominated, it will help
you develop a more dominant mindset. This in turn will make your techniques
seem more natural, and you’ll get even better results.

Dominance Techniques
Being Assertive
When you’re acting dominant, you’re going to want to be leading the interaction
in bed, deciding when, where, and how you will fuck her. Don’t ask for sex or for

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something sexual, just take it decisively. Hesitation and asking for permission are
turn-offs, so refrain from being this way when you’re being dominant. Don’t ask
her to do something, tell her to do it. If you want oral sex, tell her to suck your
cock and move her head towards it. If you want to fuck her doggy style, throw her
on the bed face down and tell her to stick her ass up. If she seems hesitant or
gives token resistance, override her. Give her the sexual pleasure that she lacks
the courage to take on her own initiative and get in touch with her deepest
desires as a natural woman.

Using Pain
Pain is an element of dominance that when used appropriately can be incredibly
exciting for a woman. But when you use pain in the wrong way, you can totally
ruin her sexual experience. The subtle distinction between good and bad pain is
important to understand, so let’s take a more in-depth look.

There are two elements to pain. The first is the element of physical stimulation.
This element of pain can make the sex worse if it’s not accompanied by the
second element.

The second element is that of the psychological stimulation pain provides. This
will make the sex better because it increases your dominance. In order to use pain
correctly, you’ll want to make her feel pain in ways that maximize her psycho-
sexual stimulation, while minimizing the physical aspect of it. So just to be clear,
you don’t want to cause her pain in ways that are legitimately unpleasant or
distressing to her.

For this reason, I don’t recommend hardcore bondage such as whips, piercings,
electric shocks, etc. Things of this nature don’t really provide too much
dominance, and they cause too much physical pain for most women to even be
able to handle. You also want to make sure your pain is dominant, not annoying.
Pinching and twisting her nipples like your tuning into your favorite radio station
is annoying, while throwing her over your knee and spanking her can really get
her juices flowing.

So perhaps you can imagine a situation where you just come home from dinner
and you start to passionately kiss your wife. You grab the back of her hair by the
roots and give it a slight tug, pull her closer to you pressing yourself against her,
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and your by the closet door, so you slam her back into it. A door will have a bit of
“give” to it which will prevent you from actually hurting her (provided you don’t
slam her extremely hard). This action will convey a surge of dominance making it
clear to your woman that you want to ravage her.

Imagine throwing her down on the bed, climbing on top of her, forcefully
removing her pants and throwing them across the room as they hit the wall, and
then grabbing her by the sides of her panties. If you twist and pull them sideways
(into her rip) very forcefully, you can even rip them right off her. This works best
with lace panties.

Maybe when she’s naked you quickly throw her over your legs, and as she faces
down, her ass in your lap, you spank her hard (this area of the body absorbs blows
quite well so you can spank her fairly hard without causing her any real pain).

While fucking her, you can pin her arms down onto the bed, pull her arms back
behind her as you rail her from behind. Don’t ask her to turn over though—
command her to turn over, or even better, flip her yourself.

Manhandling her in this way will be a very big turn on to her, and they’re all great
ways to exhibit dominance.

Talking Dirty
Not all dominance has to be physical. In fact, some of the best ways to exert
dominance are psychological/verbal. Not to mention sex is much better when you
incorporate dirty talk into it. Once you’re used to talking dirty to your wife and
have her talking dirty back, you’ll never want to back to silent sex again. Even
when you’re not talking dirty though, it is important that you be vocal during sex.
I mean think about it…what gives you more sexual pleasure: a girl who moans and
screams in pleasure as you fuck her, or a girl who is silent and still like a

Dominant men aren’t afraid to let out passionate noises in bed. Remove your
inhibitions and make some noises.

Once you’re comfortable making passionate noises, you should start actually
talking dirty. The tonality that you use when you’re talking dirty is very important.
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It should be deep and dominant, at times slow and controlled like the voice of a
hypnotist, and at others forceful and stern. You don’t ever want to come off as
nervous or uncertain. A dominant man does not talk with hesitation, nor does he
look for approval from his wife before he continues talking to her however he
pleases. He just does it.

The best time to talk dirty is when she is very aroused. The very best is when you
can tell she’s in the throes of pleasure and isn’t thinking about anything else
except how good it feels to have you inside her.

The first few times, take it slow:

 “You’re a dirty girl, you know that?”
 “Look at how wet your pussy is; it feels so good to fuck you.”

Some of the best dirty talk comes from having a deeper understanding of female
sexuality. Women aren’t expected (or encouraged) to display their sexuality in
public. They have to go about their day wherever they are looking proper and
pretending that they’re thinking about platonic things. Even when guys approach
them, women have to pretend that they’re not interested in sex because of social
conditioning. This repression is extremely frustrating on a deeper level to women,
it comes with its advantages. Not only do women think about sex more, but the
thoughts are more intense because they try to repress them. Women crave sex,
whether they communicate it or not.

So after she’s become somewhat comfortable with you, you can start talking dirty
more when she’s very aroused:
 “I know how much you probably think about sex. You go to work or to the
store and pretending like you don’t want to get fucked all day, but I know
what a slut you are on the inside. You’re gonna tell me you wouldn’t rather
get fucked than do x,y,x?”
 “I know you think about having a cock inside you all day. [She’ll protest and
give you a token ‘no…I’m a good girl…’ but don’t pay attention.]”
 “I bet your pussy gets wet when you even think about having a cock inside
you. Look at how wet you are right now, you’re dripping all over my cock”.

Personalizing your dirty talk will make it even better. A great way to do this is to
infuse your dirty talk with a theme of possession. Whenever you can, you should

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always call her your slut or your whore, rather than just calling her a slut or a

This has a threefold effect. First, the implication that you possess her will make
her feel more dominated (and loved). Second, the motif of being yours will add an
emotional component to the mix, thereby amplifying her arousal. Third, any
insecurities that may be triggered by you talking dirty to her like this will be
reduced because she knows she’s yours and doesn’t have to worry about being
judged by anyone else for letting her naughty side come out.

Telling her how excited you are for her can be great:
 “I’ve been thinking about fucking you all day – I get hard just thinking about
tearing your wet little pussy up. I’m going to fuck you so deep and so hard
you’re going to cum all over.”

Being under your control is also very exciting for a woman:

 “You’re mine, you know that? I’m going to fuck you anytime I want. You’re
always going have my cock in your pussy and you’re gonna take my cum
inside you every day.”

When she’s about to cum, tell her to cum for you like a good little slut.

Orgasm Control
Making a girl cum against her will is one of the best forms of dominance. When
she is close to orgasm:
 “Oh baby I’m gonna make you cum like a dirty little slut, and there’s
nothing you can do about it.”

She’ll try to hold it back, so you’ll want to intensify whatever you’re doing to her
to push her over the edge. But, she of course won’t be able to hold her orgasm
back, and because she’s trying, her orgasm will be that much more intense.

The only thing better than this is telling her she’s not allowed to cum. As you fuck
her harder and harder and she gets closer and closer to orgasm, telling her she’s
not allowed to cum until you tell her, that she’ll be a very bad girl who needs to
be punished if she cums before you give her permission, etc will create a tension

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inside her that results in her own intensification of any impending orgasm that
will be of epic proportions because she’s trying to hold it back—but can’t.

Use this technique sparingly, but when you use it—use it well.

Gradually over the next few weeks, start to use these techniques more and more.
But, it’s important to make sure you don’t overuse them. You’ll want to make
some of your sex sessions focus on creating more of an emotional connection
between you and your woman. Some sex sessions should be short, others should
be long, others yet should be marathon sex sessions. Variety is the name of the
game here, both in how you exert dominance, and how frequently you exert it.

Three things will happen over the course of the next few weeks:

1) You’re going to see your woman do things and hear her say things you’d
never thought she was capable of doing or saying.
2) Some of the sex sessions you have with each other over the next few weeks
are going to be the hottest sex sessions of your lives
3) Your woman is going to gradually become more and more comfortable
letting her naughty/slutty side out.

To wrap it up, here’s my guarantee to you: if you follow the guidelines outlined in
this manual and you don’t have some of the best sex you’ve ever had with your
woman, just email me and let me know, and I’ll give you a FREE consultation
session with me helping you with whatever you’d like help with.

That being said, I haven’t had a single person say the advice I’ve given them in this
department has failed to produce the results I am claiming it’ll produce. So do
yourself a favor, and apply it in your relationship, and let me know how awesome
it was.

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Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 0019216904

Next Steps
Eliciting your wife’s naughty side and getting her to become more comfortable
expressing it with you won’t by itself make her open up to your fantasy (although
in some cases, it certainly does).

Once you have succeeded in enriching your sex life and her sexuality by
unleashing her inner whore with these techniques, it’ll be time to move on to
channeling her naughty side and its taboo desires into making your fantasy
happen. If you want more guidance on how to do this, then you’ll be interested in
getting my Basic Package which comes with a Personalized Cuckold/Hotwife
Plan™, complete with a day-by-day action plan.

The Personalized Cuckold/Hotwife Plan™ is like a little book written just for you
and your relationship, customized based on the relationship history you provide,
your personality, your wife's personality and objections, and your goals.

This Basic Package also comes with one follow-up e-mail to help fine tune the
plan after you put the strategies to work. And because you downloaded this free
e-book, you’re entitled to receive a time-limited 15% discount off the price of this
package. To claim your offer and get your Basic Package which comes with a
Personalized Cuckold/Hotwife Plan™, click the button below, add the package to
your cart and enter the following code at checkout to get 15% off: c0f8db9019
(note: this code is only good for the next 10 people who use it).

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Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 0019216904

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