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Proposed Title: Gender and Economic Status are Prevalent Factors that affect a student’s academic


Theories :

A student’s academic performance is affected by different factors such as Gender, Age, Economic-status,
Tuition fee[ CITATION Ali \l 1033 ]

Female students more academically competent than Male Students

Being in a High Economic-status make it easier to achieve Great Academic Performance than of a Lower
Economic Class.

Does being in a Low Socio-economic class Make students Strive to get achieve a better academic
performance or does it hinder them from Success and does Being of a High Socio-Economic Class Whilst
Easier to Achieve success makes them less motivated in achieving that.


In an article by [ CITATION Enr14 \l 1033 ], he found from his research a case study involving 369 studies
of the grades of millions of boys and girls from 30 different nations. They concluded that girls perform
better academically than boys.

This brings us to the conclusion that Gender may be a factor affecting the academic performance of a
student. But let us Consider the other factors Such as the Economic status and the tuition Fee of the
student and if they actually affect a student’s performance.

In a Study by [ CITATION Sag \l 1033 ], She Found that being of High Socio- Economic class grants you
access to more opportunities, Absence of Stressors but also the Influence of their parents is what Help
those in a High Economic Class achieve Greater Heights than those of a lower.

In conclusion the most prevalent factors that affect a Student’s Academic Performance are Gender, and
Economic Status
Proposed Title: Methods for overcoming psychological pressure within the classroom

Students are more likely to feel anxiety when they are asked to speak in front of the class.

In an Attempt to minimize the problem Researcher [ CITATION Pad98 \l 1033 ] conducted a research in
which he used the results of a survey study and he concluded that Both Average, and above average
students experienced anxiety when they speak in front of the class.

Students are likely to feel anxiety when they experience difficulty in mathematics

“Math anxiety is often developed as a result of a student’s prior negative experience when learning
math in the classroom or at home.”[ CITATION Ros06 \l 1033 ]

Students are likely to feel Psychological Pressure when they are in a position of difficulty

When Students are in a position in which their Academic ability is challenged, they tend to experience


The main Reason why Students are very likely to experience anxiety when they have to perform a
speech is because they are concerned for the conclusion and the comments at the end of their
Presentation[ CITATION Pad98 \l 1033 ] concluded that a Teacher that is tolerant of students is likely to
decrease the anxiety level of students that will perform a speech

Students Experience Math Anxiety because it is a very difficult subject,[ CITATION Ros06 \l 1033 ] found
from her research that there should be 7 measures that Teachers need to apply to lessen Math anxiety
and those measures are to show that they like mathematics, to make mathematics enjoyable to show
the use of mathematics use in everyday life, to adapt Instruction to student’s Interests, to Establish
Short term and attainable Goals and to Provide Successful activities.

From the Reasons mentioned above it is concluded that students experience anxiety when they are in a
position that they’re academic ability is challenged. It is Human nature to experience anxiety when you
are in a situation of discomfort. But There are ways to minimize it and It should be applied so that
students can overcome psychological pressure within the classroom.

Ali1, S., Haider, z., Munir, F., Khan, H., & Ahmed, A. (n.d.).

Gnaulti, E. (2014, September 18). The Atlantic. Retrieved from The Atlantic Web site:

Padmadewi, N. N. (1998). Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan. Retrieved from Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Web Site:

Rossman, S. (2006). Overcoming Math Anxiety. Florida: Palm Beach County Schools.

young, S. (2018, July 27). Classroom.synonym. Retrieved from Classroom.synonym Web Site:

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