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Topic: The Importance of Quarantine during the spread of the COVD-19 Virus


Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak, Quarantine has been an important practice in controlling the
spread of the virus and since quarantine has become an effective strategy in reducing the cases of
the COVID-19 virus it is important to learn its significance so that we can get the most of this
strategy. Ever since the Global pandemic, almost all of the Public health officials across the
globe decided to enact the same measures that was aimed at reducing the spread of the SARS
outbreak during the 2003 epidemic. As a result, several countries/regions introduced the use of
mass quarantine for all individuals suspected of having had contact with a confirmed SARS case.
These coordinated global efforts were remarkably effective at curtailing the spread of the
disease, and to date SARS has not made a significant reemergence. [ CITATION Day06 \l 1033 ].
Quarantine is important because it reduces the risk of contracting the virus and failing to commit
to these measures could result in dire consequences and could cost the lives of people.
With all the reasons mentioned above it is our objective as researchers to determine why
quarantine is important to reduce the spread of diseases. Therefore, the results of this research
can aid in providing data to the importance of quarantine.
This is all for the purpose of letting the people understand the importance of quarantine so that
we can acquire improvements to this essential practice against diseases.

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