Trip Report

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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
Engl 4021 M03

Date: February 19th, 2021.

To: Prof. Pier LeCompte Zambrana
From: Ana J. Bonilla Ortiz
Subject: Trip Report on “Psiquiatría” conference

On February 19th,2021, I attended the conference “Psiquiatría” held remotely via Zoom.
The meeting convened at 7:30pm and adjourned at 8:50pm. Doctor Caroline Toro-Ruiz
exposed this conference for all the members of O Shadowing Puerto Rico. The motive
of this conference was to inform the audience about Psychiatry and to have pre-med
students develop an interest in this field.

Steps to study psychiatry

Psychiatry is the medical specialty that studies mental illnesses, their types, causes,
courses and treatments. This conference talked about the steps that must be taken to be
able to practice in this field of mental health. The doctor explained that in order to
practice this profession, the interested party must be accepted into a medical school.
After being accepted to the medical school, the process of standardized exams step 1
and step 2 begins. These exams have the function of preparing the student to be able to
take the exam called step 3. The results of these tests are used to begin the specialization
in Psychiatry. The doctor gave as an example her university career, mentioning that she
studied at the San Juan Bautista medical school and the Veteran’s hospital as the place
to complete her specialization. After having completed the three standardized tests, one
proceeds to take the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, after this test the
profession officially begins.

Everyday Tasks of a Psychiatrist

The tasks of a psychiatrist consists of visiting patients confined in mental hospitals to

maintain a follow-up and visit hospitals in case they are required by the arrival of a
patient who presents some symptoms of mental illness while being treated for different
reasons. They also do office tasks that are more focused on therapies. These tasks may
vary depending on the psychiatrist’s approach, but these are the most common.


This conference helps pre-medical students to develop knowledge in the area of

medicine focused on mental health so that they have more possibilities when choosing
the branch of medicine in which they will work.
O n l in e Sh a d o w in g PR
Cer t if ic a d o D e Pa r t ic ipac ió n
Concedido a:

An a Jo sé Bo n il l a O r t iz

por asistir y participar en la sesión virtual #14: "Psiquiatría"

ofrecida por la doctora Caroline Toro-Ruiz y llevada a cabo el
viernes, 19 de febrero de 2021.

2 horas
fu n d ad ora
On lin e Sh ad ow in g PR

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