Firstly, What Is A Gap Year?

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Hello everyone, we are group 4.

Today we are going to hold

a discussion on the topic “Should we take a gap year after
high school graduation? Let’s get started.
We will split it into 4 for discussion. The first is meaning of
gap year. Secondly, Do you afford a gap year? why should we
take a gap year after graduation from secondary school. The
third, The Disadvantages of Taking a Gap Year. And the last,
why should we enter college or university right after high
school graduation?
* firstly, what is a gap year?
A: Most students start college the fall after they graduate high
school. However, some choose to take a gap year, meaning
they wait a year and start college the following fall. There are
myriad reasons one might take a gap year: finances, travel,
family concerns, personal health, and many more.

B: Taking a gap year doesn’t rob you of any rights or

privileges you may have enjoyed had you started college
directly after high school; essentially, the only thing that
changes is your year of graduation.
* secondly, Do you afford a gap year??
C: Think of a detailed plan and you will see if you can afford
or not. How much mone you will need depends on where you
are going and how long for. You need to pay foJ travel,
accommodation, food and fun, of course. But you can make
money by helping others. Get a job by looking online. There
are manv jobs for students, including bar work, waiting,
cleaning, shop assitant...
* Why should we take a gap year after graduation from
secondary school ? A gap year can be a good idea if you feel
you are not mature enough to cope with university. The
reasons for it are:
D: Financial reasons often compel students to take a gap
year. If you anticipate a change in your family’s financial
situation that would significantly increase your financial aid
award, or take your extra year to work and save money, it can
go a long way in making your education more affordable.
Some students even take a gap year because they’ve been
offered a unique employment opportunity that they won’t be
able to accept later in their educational career.
E: Health. Another reason to take an extra year between high
school and college is your or a family member’s health. If
you have chronic health concerns, taking a gap year can
allow you to learn how to best manage your illness or recover
without the stress of moving and classes. If a family member
is ill, taking the year off to spend time with or serve as an aid
to them is also a common decision.
F: Pursuing Interests. Gap years can also be a great time to
devote yourself to volunteering, finally finish your list of
books to read, or thoroughly reflect upon your personal and
career goals. Usually, students have very little free time in
high school to pursue pursuits other than academics or
their extracurriculars, and those who take a gap year have a
chance to explore their interests to a degree that wouldn’t be
possible while in high school and probably wouldn’t be
possible in college, either.
* The Disadvantages of Taking a Gap Year
G: Many students who take a gap year struggle with the
feeling that they’re being left behind as many of their
friends go off to start school. This feeling can persist
until graduation, when all their former classmates
graduate but these students still have another year in
school. Unless you feel very confident and secure in
your decision to take a year off from school, you may
experience some degree of alienation from your high
school classmates
* why should we enter college or university right after
high school graduation?
B: When you are fresh out of school, you are used to daily
routines. If you take a year Oil after graduation, you will be
lazy, not wanting to wake up early to go to classes; you will
lack and loose your motivation in learning.

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