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Operating Systems: Exercises for Self-Assessment

1. Which four components play a major role within a computer system?

2. Name three different layers of software types

3. Which layer builds the operating system within a computer system?

4. Which role plays an operating system within a computer system?

5. Name three different operating system families and for each family two OS members

6. What is significant for a single-user operating system?

7. Name two examples of single-user operating systems

8. What is significant for a multi-user operating system?

9. Name two examples of multi-user operating systems

10. What is a task?

11. What is significant for a single-tasking operating system?

12. Name one example of a single-tasking operating system

13. What is significant for a multi-tasking operating system?

14. Name one example of a multi-tasking operating system

15. Name two examples of single-user multi-tasking operating systems

16. What is the difference between co-operative multi-tasking and pre-emptive multi-tasking?

17. Name two smartphone operating systems and the OS family they do belong to

18. Name three server operating systems

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