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Answers to Review Questions A Vebiy meses deggie (change om paseo per amt a time: eecalonacin memes change ox voany po amit of eee FN Arcehsarny macame meng we angen eetnsry The mate speeding op oe el = oy ar eet woh ak shee mg mee Si A igs sha den dm ong tz pa a. eelet amen sata chat ponte a the dene sm opp a de mt. 4 The serene af seston ping fe crewmen peat and nope he carves is domed So reams imsane te aseeramen Thay fo es at mane seman lt ay (alling shes dal woth the came oman rior 18 No Whi the ste ling dwn hr ce eran Ae? tema Rowe, eins (odo fh cae epee vane beets ot ie ce eater tm a oh seated mune capercnsan a chart wera bs seater vena a pete an ae senna, whack splay ac denny the tm all) 7 Roca sar reuidtamce uw meplaplee dou 6 mack tonal othe the esti dead of toh ome The seeeleration dus tn grevery t momen! arar Sorin mentees, ad the rock upersemies that ecicerteem of i metas decamg o sand rip The cceeatno a rtp i mc a rang three of tha gh. Th ac tate = a nae rae eory desert omc = 6 Tr tal hand pecan es tome ‘elon mehng ss aca sees nm Lee he charg tm eheity dction enews that dere et be mes ing at the ap aad es aa op amg Nae ca ts DA mmc Ciagrame tema ane das te EC i Pe smemang tn! egal paced come cmerea Tha pect she ae ee bags spond hs dng ded hn uae el ng st Noe Kae gaan os ee or A nes mod sa pence by a arm of hmmm ahd ae nad a ea te ny 4 ned pon a tot aa ein aa a ey leno esi. No. Amore dagen camemaseacs the sort known bur moe b preva sina reprenetans deat hdps we tr mach ee lee a nema protlem Ths duagram orparescs (yous masrenation sd holes pou break dwn Sie problem sta part 1 (a Ma scceieraion content (B} Iie cceleratioe ac, 12 The} minded ee tee eof a angle one ball ae smc eg we ar) came he aren kr a mead swolees 4 ruamgle aml (im mun casen) a tangle. These ca ou be camebunad wo a trapezoal, but dong an wend obucure the act oar ar arudan porve repre tie ope of ha Se ama the ape pen an ar cbyrstn ache 14 Fur coma ascirratom the dileroacr in se aguane othe Sal ea meat + ompemnats a weloaty gl i oh pr ar dnplacemment and ar accelerate (Ea 48) 1 Sod me maerrale oo the aa The #ff) carve eeprenemtang the crewstory a evmmtrnal shear the amtant wt whack the bull seachex or gh pac, 1S. (at Quadratcally (Ea Ait) meariy Eg. 12 Ne, Threat a er dota rave th pre of te ape tm ome fe alba rene from so reang down am lame! ple 1 tabed es che mickraine 9 conaéare and Se mt Sloe ‘eagle posh. Phe mmoeaon agra ane alae abbogh the mimaerac vale o ar accra tie The aicateraom megan remus oe min tar pi maton ‘bg, 1 Soca wah mucmte scorleranm 2 a Mehainy a at wa (bj thar arco amar devon pont om, hich he assherato ) accleratn at that ware ll hn cma a depen cha recat drag hr tm marr 4.7: tthe gra wwe seat noe whch nthe doplacemnems dmg tor tome mmerea (Eg 329) Answers to Guided Problems Genco Fromme 22 50 ‘Sean Probie 34 a Frac al (pmo je) ~ GR tents jo | = VER ear = 2 a> eames Pram La 14 The motion oa partie tn the diction cam be described the equion f= H+ as & where b= Bt m/e, ‘60.m/s, and dé = 30m (a) Whar isthe parties accel. ‘ramon t= 104¢(H) What veloc tat tant 5B takes you 7.2m to brake bo » panic Hop from a epend of ‘oats Using the same acceleration, ha fa da you ge as you brake ta 4 pani tap fram speedo 22 m/s « 186. A persoe standing on «buling Rep tows ll vertically roma launch postion 45m dbave the grnunel Mates 205 for the Bal to at he ren a) ith wht inl ped ‘he Ball owe sad (0) i wich ection wa i thw 9 497, A bls ied staighe thrngh « Board 0.20 me thick sees the Bead with peed of 00 i aad comerges with a apd of 20m. (a) Wha isthe x compnent ofthe average acod- tation uf he ules wa un he boar?) What ithe me ‘eral between the bla the bull tthe a ad fcc the ‘beard ana the natant es the ack face? () Amng the svorag: acelrative you calculated in par, hus minimum ‘thickness ad the Boao have in ade sop the lw 8. During a Blackout, you ave trapped im a tal building, You vant no cal rescues on yout cell phone, bus you cast remem bet mitch foe youl a. You pry pen he nn i the ce ‘vator shat, deo yor eps down the shaft. and eur thenn hit ‘bet af ground level 3.27 slates. (a) Milo a simple cal- ‘culadon and remembering tha ee grad floor & mabe ‘loot 1, you determine which floor you're on. What floor is that? (h) Relowe you make the phhne call Someve, you real se you've forgotten thatthe sound ofthe ampact a the bot tom tanvels up the sha ot 340 mn/ and x yon ned yon ‘calculation. What oar mumber do yos lithe necuerst 10? Tewumes 10 10" = 1c 0 “Peon of magni 10 aample ‘oaz7w27 x 19? ound the coc 2.7 (hoc les has 3), that 1x 10 ‘Phe onder of magni 10 10" Recomes Serecgy w compute orde-of mapamate caimaet + Spy be problem, + Recah tn sme pars tht ar ease to este Rou your mimate fom nbs hl au Ms oF ca eaiy ta. Procedure: Solving Problems ‘Although there is no uct appmach when solving problem, it helps to break things down into several steps when: Ss eee meee book, we we the four-step procedure summarized! to solve problems. For 2 more detailed aacenal of each step, see Principles Section LA. 1. Getting started. Begin by carefully analyzing the isin. mation given and detercianing in your own words what ‘question or task & being asked of you. Organare the in- formation | a sketch of the simation or eee apply. and note any assumption yuna are making. 2. Devise plan. Decide what you mast do to solve the Problem. First determine which physical eelationships. ‘oF equations you need. and then determine the order an which you will use them, Make sure you have a suf: ‘AGEN aumber of cypatsons to solve for all enknowns. 3, Execute plan. Execute your plan, and then check your ‘work far the following five important points: ‘Vectors’ scalars used correctly? Every question | im problem stanement anuwered? No unknown quantities th answers? ‘Units correct? ‘Sipnaficant pits pusttied?™ As a reminder to yourself, put a checkmark beside each amswer to indicate that you checked these five points, 4 Evaluate resalt. There are several ways to check whether an answer in reasonable. One way is to make sure your answer conforms to what you expect based on your sketch and the information given. Hf your answer & an algebraic expression, check to be sure the expression gives the correct trend or answer for special (limiting) cases for which you already know the answer, Sometimes there may be an alternative approach te solving the problem; if so, use it 10 see whether oF not you get the same answer. If any of these tests yields an unexpected result, ga hack and check your math and amy assumptions you made If none of these checks can be applied to your prablem, check the algebraic signs and onder of magnitude, These examples acvodbe setriall fom this chapter But wee not amactated with amy particular section sie namaste more aul om ded other pa shone wel out by follow ag the puiklimws provited Horked Problem 1.1 Solar hydrogen The mass of the Sa is LP OO hy, is radian fa 6 = tel om, end its Compasiman by mast is 71.0% bpdroges (HM). The massa of a srdroges aives be 167 10° hag. Callculate (a) the awerage mass icity aed [hi the average eusmber deity of the hydrogen stones a the Siam BD GrTTewG STARTED Ta calculate mus snd aemuber densities we seed to deterenane the woliiner of the Sum We assume the Sean ie rieciby apherical so that we have a formula for as vobemie. We ae gven the mast of the Sas and the percentage of hydrogen, so we an determine the mas of hyshioggen in the Sus ated the waruber of baine Pegubred bo provide this muss. 6 eeu ran (at) Foe the mass catty, we have me —o7 oti "Tr te = 1.00 107 kgm, (7 WKL SS x 10g detase = 10" my" (01 Thee number demsity of the byebeogem atoms is ee 10? ha ‘Cegrs aise make of the uh ass and each one han amas of 266 % 10° ky, Calculate the average mass density al ‘onypes tn the Sus aad the werage sumber denuny of the oxygen tome, Uwe inioemtion gives an Wontied Probieas 1.1 as needed. @cerns suaares 1. How much of the plas of Worked Problem 14 can be used? @ornse ss 2 What is the definition of mans demsity? Murmber devutyt 1. Do you have cisagh information to compule these values? Worked Probilem 1.3 Rod walume A cylindrical sod te 258 om dang ame Shas a diameter Cab oka te veda Ie aha mci @ Gere ETARTED We know that the volume af a cylinder ie length times cross-sectional area, We ane given the length, and ver can unt the diameter value given to caloalite area. Because the diameter i in inches, however, we must comer to the St eqatvalent @ DEVISE PLAN ind we comvert Inches to meters via the cxmmer ‘ion factors 254 mom = | in, (Eepaation 1.5) and 1am = E000 mam, ‘Then we use the St values for lengih (7 and area (A) in the forma for volume: V = At = ahtt, @ eRECUTE PLAN tn meters, the radius, (3.24 in.) /2. bs AM In, 254 on tin. ‘Nome Wie wie four significant digits eve: Become th vahace goers al have thane cigniticant digits the final anwer mu buve ther also. Lm a x a 15 = 0. Lai @urur nan & Whae bs the suas of oaygen in the Sun? bie oo thet membe demey of oevgee chaind to its ass den ty a tar ee a ay alae? © ruuuars erst ‘& Arc your aniwem consistant with the ones is Wistked Prob lem Lt Iv intermediate steps, though we carry am exten cig 1 avid ceiling. eee “The wokame od the sod its Ve ere © w(ks eps) = 297 x 10 (Units consect: cubic meters Sapaificant digits: thie in answer because all given qusualties awe thine (@ EWALUATE RESULT Althoogh thi: rod ts about 25 m long, its radius is only 1.62 in. which ik about 4 nm, of 040m. We cam sake as otder-of-magnitalle estimate a consparian by Meat the oe Coen, © excuse rian hes fous segnaticant digits, Therefoue the pochsct cam have ay tom significant digits: 3.4 10” The coefticiest A.M Is grcatey than 3, sand to we sound ir to 10, making the onder-of-magaltude answer 10% Wo = aot Guided Prottem ‘Vit Digits on pour own Express the result of each calculation bosh to the peuper numer of significan! digs und as an ondex of magmizude Ga) (205 {0.0041 jeune 425) 1 300) vo (c) S003 + 02 @ cerns suarteo 1. Ace the technikues of Worked Problem 1S useful? Sufliciemst ect ender of meagan 46) (42-005)003 X10 (a.007 O00) ie oboe a 13.080 x 251 = ‘S200, caer of magnitude 52% 18? ~ 18 M0? = 10? concise ‘th ua ans 40) Theesurme result babs 4c) (2800) (30 = 600/98 4) Woo - 0 = yo = ag en rT Te Che: Ca = 208 w= 1 x not @ocwse rum 2 Far parts a and &, bow masy signilicens digits docs cach seuimber contain? | Por part <. which value limits the mumber of deciesl places allowed ia the aniwer? a. 4 How do you convert each anewer to oder ol miigiitinde mumbert ‘@evauare aes ts mate iy Lv oprabeme += ry 28 = interme oe = har CT samen pele 11 The scientitic method 1. ta cons of the sfmacent on ical «iad olen thin hypothesis “Se ace a ns bol pica netomat sed oh a emarane ype of radio, ali of hem hare Bee lst” Which pet this statement leno ikly to hep the samen few 6 ‘eng the cre or sate hypothesis 2. Am abverasemont for nc poodect tate thas contains ‘So ew fa per serving than competing pina. Wha stip ar yo rachg 1 pu sce can a all ‘3 Mu ate ed pct the emt Mera in the Ging scquence of iacgers 1.23. Mf your prediction is what ‘mumps ak yu ao 4, Checkpoint 1 af the Pracpcs wohume states that we xan Ihave a value af 30 ceats bat ane of then i mat fake. the chevkpolot said tte that “nether cain le ‘orth 5 come” wha den amgeons might prewemt you fr ceeaing 4 laa 2 fy Sc psc wth oe 2-by-2 wbequare fled a shorn im Pagans PLS, Ran any ways ae there com ‘lets the punter (tn fdas the dig 23. A Thice Metical colt ee posioned 00 4 gh as she igor PLA, Whewe would you pace 4 fourth cm 4 orm sa areangemcal that ae beth edlecinn sunray at SP etal prety = 9, Deseibe the sefletionsymanety ef cach of the eins the esd heb 0 TABLES 10, Which srpes of geumetrical symmetry mentioned ia the Prope rune doce a pct ere 11, Hows tap stay of eet symmetry Soot 1 cube hae ‘Howe many ane of station symmetry 12, Soppose you Bae dik af ardour with te perpendcult amie dividing the dh i og quaants. The ist and ‘hit qadunas taken achvie tum the open poi of shed ae va, wheeas the oes wo are wate How macy srs elec dors the dik have! Resi your answer 1, ‘isin the plane of the dick Des the dk have rational fymamery det ny sui peepeadidar o the plane of the dak we 1. cate be place on a mde wath een cde tacing up. Yow ‘now sha the sd facing down nano geen bt us aed ot the ene ofthe genet: From where yo at sng. yo can ee that ent etic es are ane i and (her bite What she matin number of aaa eecron ‘mney ple! a 1. Tein at 299 70488 mow far des ight eee im ents © 15, Light aka aprons 00 cece to te from the Su tthe Earth (a) What this dancin komen? Home ay Sans could de By aide a this stance? Tae He ‘i ofthe St he 00 ae Ne, Prowips Page 19 that suman cota 12” as se able whale comin 1 ween. Sethe values ode ‘Senne the tn a the gh cM wet the lg steman 2 n, nasal agua rh Ble spun akasag odepet brake a meagre pet ep yas Nak a de of maga exe oe narber you etme thal se gua 6 eae on a Jour callable she dap ean 18, Red eed conponis (RBC) consti saris Mood, by walume Make an ane ofan many ROC canbe oun suman oo Bots indicate dificay level of problems: + = ctsy o0- intermediate, seer = hare CR = conteat-rich problem 1L1 The scientific mothod 1. tra discemtos of the technological capabimis of wncie ev ‘nations. rtm offers this hypethets: “Somme ancient cit sasons bat nstraments ised on a mysterio, type of radiation, hut all thea hee Been last” Which part sof his statement is mont likely wo keep the surement fram sat- fy the crea ir a sceots byputhes? 2. Aw advertnement fat u food peut sates tht contain Sor les fat per werving than a corupetng peadact. What a spin ate yu nak you woop the cai us vali? 4. ou are aakod to: predict the met fem ix the Sowing sequence of Integers 1. 2.3. H your prediction I 4, what soumptienda you ma? 4, Checkpoint 11 af the Principles volume staes that Fw of fepether have a value of 30 ceats but one af them ts nat a iitkel I the checkpoint sabd intead that “nether cain ‘worth S conta” what hdilen emumptions might prevent you foam obtaang a valutoa + 5 Bw A bpd Socks puna with one 2-by-2 edbaquame fled tm shown in Fapure PLS. how many ways are there ta coos te the ule (ln Sudoku, the dit 1, 2, nat appr ‘aaly cei euch to ad once kn cach chusun of the Hb ‘gure and oaby sace in each subsquuce bse 12Symmeny "iow ening ses af election symemetry does the trtangle in Figure PLAS bare? Rstist your sm oat tha hem the plan ofthe lange + Fgure PIs QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS = 4 77. How many axce of rotational symmetry doce a cone Iarve?= ‘Thee hdeerical coins ser postioned an a grav shown in Figare PLS. Whese would yoa place a fourth coin wo form a coin arrangement chat hax buck reflection epmimetry an 90" muational symmetry! © Figure Pik % Srenctbe the seflection symmetry ofeach of theletiers inthe ‘wun belie TABLES 10 Which types of grometical spmnciry mentioned the Princip yoaome doce yphere hart o 1 How many anes of wcflection symmetry docs 4 cube bave? ‘How aan anc of etationa symmetry 12, Suppose youlhave a dak of candboud wi two perpendicular sdameccrs dang tr dink naa ft quadtants The trated idind quadrases ken clockorise fram the topanost potas of dhe dk are rod. wheseas the ather to ae eine. Hone suay ase of ntlectin does the dak awe? Restrict your answer tn ‘mcs im the plane of the dit. Does the dick have rotatinal nametry about any sis perpesubicadas to the plane of the disk? oe 13, A cube placed om utble witha greenside facing up. Yow ano ha the side facing dome is abo greca But es «rod dot the mille ofthe groem face. From where you are sting, yon cam ae that two dace eral des are one red ad he saber Base What the usin oumnber of ance ile penance pomiblct oe aa: 14, Teaveling at 298.782,655 m/a, ow Gar des light travel in Tayeare 15, Light tai approniontely S00 secoeas to travel free the Son to the Earth (a) What is thls dntance in ileerters? (1 How ny Stas Coukd A de By side this tance? Take te nun of the Sun ta be 686,000 kam. « 16, Principles igure 1S tellvws that « human cota Ho” ams sands biee whale contains 10"" atoms. Use these vues to de ermine the ratio‘ the eagth of «bar whale tthe bight ahanan = 17. A gustromechs is 4 sul quate ergancom with ale pun of about # days, and «plant lorioer as an average fe pan af on yours Muka under f-tagaum te estimate of the suas ot gastotichLMesmes that ar equal ae Late Bietime. a your caution wir am order-of magnitude value forthe smamber of days 1 yea |W. Ret Mosd corpuncies (RIC) cote 48% of wh ada ba seus Mood, by salute: Make an onder of magninuce est mate ef bone many RBCs cat be Sound athe dy aa amas 6 —_ Guided Problem 1.8 Raot area ‘Oe suggestion for reshucng the wi of Youd fuels isto comer the uote of all bulkhings ithe United States wath salar callectors Mabe an onder-of-magumude estimate of the cumbined surface area, in uae Kilometer of all then sar collectors @serreg mare A What simple shape can you ue to epprosimate the United sees? 2 Bet reasonable 0 ansame that bulkhings ate primary in ibest Solving contest-rich problems ‘The probiems labeled CR are comtest rich problems— (problems that ane more like thone in the ever yy worid. ‘These questions are typically embedded in a short nar. ‘ative and often do not specify what variables you mast calculate to anewer the question. Sq. rather thin asking ‘What is the mann of (telling pou that you munt calc le ther mass of some obpect a comtens-rich jprodiien may sank Do you accept the bet? (leaving it to you to determine ‘what wo calculate) The problem ypecally contain exsra neous information, and you may mend to supply some mining trfutmation exber by rstamation or by looking wap wales ‘Lake all problems, contest rich prodlems should be telved using the four-step procedure eutlined inthe Ooevse man 3. What ls the approximate area of the Unites States? 4 What percent ofthat ares ix ocoupled by cities? (@ exccure rian © count eesuct Procedure box tn this chapter. Because context-rich pmblem statements are never broken down into parts, the first two steps ("Getting started” and “Devise plan”) ave particularly important Contertnch problems will sharpen the skills ned to solve everyday problems where you to move toward goal but the path you must take bs fot immediately clear (if it were clear, there wouldst be a Problem). The information available to you may be a bit shetchy oF contradictory, there may be mone than one ‘say to approach a situation, and some waysimay be fruitful than others, but that may not be clear at set Se consider comtextrich problems as an to atretch yous problem salying abilities: 46 GUPTER! PRACTICE FOUNDATIONS 18, you could stack css of yur physics tetbok wat they ‘eadhed the Moon, what i tbe ener of mupaude af the ‘amber ofsoks you woold med? a= ‘ma Hany many ited tlecen ate tei Us snag pd that ing, AS. wide, and 15m deep? = 22 Oabe 1 bas de, an vue V Cube 2 hase = 24, (2) Wham making onde. ema by hae dy fers mage the Yin of the seo cube geet han the yl of heat ube? (bj ees the anes depen on the aumerial val of 98 22 East requees appro 305 dye to ober the Sen ang pul ut can be approninied by 4 ce with «ean of 50% Pan Mike aot magne ete the engi of tame wood tke Bight to mane once around thi ota 224 Whe admiring «er, you nance thatthe lees orm 4 me or lest conto spherical hell, with ete few leaves (Powing inthe sell er. ou eaimate thal the Samet thie shel snout 30 mach Bel host olga 3m wide, Make an onder af mapa etme afte em ber enressn this te. 2 eae 24 A buman Rew hea: 72 times very mime. How many arena, doe het beat daring hey 70 eat pan! igo ish tht which the bea beats suse wey mith he velo eae sy 25 Sou ea a pal of thunder and go the wand Yen see do ening wana me a the ‘Snead ening? 25 Asc lll the dt 8.192 10 ped ‘he ration erated by ace am, Wha ht dun fs second case prod fr thin att «| 1, Whe wang soa croning you avert this com ig ee Rome abt 0 ble at pin, Fs appea cvery tne Sx + Long wile se cay act smany limes th bir ot vcr bts tain pes sy try Dan he canal ain Bete he Pg 4 ats andthe mein fhe Brit es the gle wt ‘Scatenemals addict us amour oe 2% Asmne the radio from the cst som mentioned ia Problem 2 canes atthe pea gle Caza the wae feng of te (atin, dened a te dane ced by i one perid How many wavelength of thas raion wi ferent 1.5 Representations 2. Trandate this senement into 4 emuhemascal expec, sing ny synbo ou wai but clk a “hey to thera impel exh qmbol The wavelengths of any decrumagnesc adios traveling Uva tim. egal 0th spe a igh Arad bp te frequency of ature + 23M A plant shape be fone by fining the cos of fat straigh- line sepmcats, two wi emg and two wit Length 2, No Joe cade we alowed bet costings ase alowed aly wo segment etd mayo at any single pot. The end of etc eg egies cannot ots amc the What stuspen ac polo 3. A planar shape armed from Sour saniht ne aegments of ‘en that do com. One end of expen | creme tone ended segment Ysch that they mabe 1 XP ange The hes cao segment cuanectod ws aoe endo pment 3 such Shur hey alse mabe a 57 angle Fal he ater end (Slasgeat 3b connected to ke cad sf squat 4, Seg ‘sther WF ange, What he tune betmeen the mca nected cmd apt Bund «0 2 You ae ara lady memes pctagraph te yo ‘out them to and in oar of tmaewaing height Your ae (Ral ces Up es en ic te pre ‘usin. Vout anther in shure tha your gran ther. Your bother tlle than yur wat wd 34a alles ‘han your coun. Your gander 1 cm tle than your at. Lia a nas andro tring Bagi s BB. The apter-Son dctance be 77H mula Kemeters, and the Earh- Sun Aseance 6 150 elion Limes. Suppine a Imaginary line fom jupuer to the Sen fon + ight ange wah an ‘ine from Earth a9 the Sat How long, ‘sake igh travel fmm the San apace ll ‘ey song the sight ae path bern pier atl Lath = 34 During «physics ib yu and your prime keep tack ete ‘pontionof ama cart we Ht mong aang 4 dpe Te {be inttions ath you to pmpare (a 4 pctralepresent ‘tan ofthe experiment, (b) « ible recording the postion of {cat hemmed eer} 200 seca rn Sal pon, ‘a («pasha shams the potion ofthe cat the ve. ‘teal acs und time on the Borimatal aus You peodce the fetch shown ms Fagure PLM. What should your tale anc ior pq oka 235 The graph a Pipure PI shone a relatioeahip betwen te quanurics postive £ mcusuard ta meters and time te surat secon. Describe the elation ung (4) verbal ‘eperesioe and (b) a mathematical expeesint oe ‘36. Vou have four equllaterd tangles to red and ma Blow. You amt ta arrange them oo that each hie tangle shares se with the other Blue triangle and with bodh red wiangles and (ach te range Dates ake wth the ber ed tang aed ‘with buch blue tangles. How can this be dane! ov: 237. The worl cme fot Be 108 ith was ct at 58 sce sew years ape. What istis spe in kilometers pet hor! In sides pet hour? © Sm, Planes iy at an ate of 35,000 f shore sea level. What thin isan te mle? in meet « 2%, A.metal Mock of wnioemn mass dematy by cat i to parses ‘How docs the density of cack piece compare with the deasary of the original Mock (a) i wach place has hall the volume a the eriginal black and (H) if one piece has one-third of the congnal wom « 40. ‘Take the speed of sound tn air at standard temperatura [peessure be B4S:m /a Convert this speed ts Kilometers pet nar ches per nanoaccaid. aid miles sein 41, Seppoee yoo secarure the mats and! volume of two acid saones. Sone Uhas ama of 290 10g and a wobume of 18 cr Stone 2 has x mas of 250 5 10" hy al value of 730 coe! Ke ey that the stones are nade from the seme “+ quuammy T that can be represenead LC and Fave the unis of seconds and mean, thea what should the uno yb f th expres ‘ant be cnet a8 (44 Mok mass and wolume can be wed to dentibe the smoust of matter prevent ix am abject What plrysical quantity relates these two somcepto ee 8 The average radius off Earth ts 6571 km Ge ender of smngritae esimates of what the mass of Earth would be a the planet as thr masa denmdty of (a) aie (= 12 kg/m, (0) S15 kee an (can tom nuciewe (= 1g a) (ae Suppate x = ay", when 2 = TAL oq/Ten. Determine he ‘value ody whon x = 61.7 (Egan) (ams!) Eapress the vesslt I cient station ad slmpliy the enits (Hie Refer Promipdes Table 13, and noe that St preies ate ever sed to asaluply powers of sts for example. the abberviaion ce eneans (10° an} nat Handa bs Ks 0 not 10°", Abo note that wm can stand Kor meter oF for smu depending on the contest) ove 1.7 Significant digits a 42. (at What t the speed of light im vacimum exproned ta there sgpatcant digs? (b) What is the speed of laght i wacom, equated expreved i thoes slgifican igh! (Bethe mer. cab eadue in part bebe square of the numerical value im pert? Whe or wy aot « “am Hapeess the distance of the Kentucky Derby an kilometers tw the sume umber of sgiican digs needed rans tem 426 42% Youhave 2658 gol ugar and wih to divide evenly anor sx people. Byou calculate how much sugar each person re ter i mannii en ous anes Bae? ‘QUESTIONS ANOPROBLEMS = 17 “50. Sou wevecording your cas gas mileage Your ekameter mes sues wo the tenth of 4 mile The gas sation pump displays fall of gasoline dapensed to the Hewat ol « gallon, Given these eves of precision. ts there any diffrence in the Frvcinow of your cakewation when yo drive 420 miles oF oa mist = St, The odaaneter Your car says 23456 hm. To the caewest umber of sgauticant gi, wal sand the ocamcter read siher you drive 725 m a day foe the next 3 days? we 52. A certain brand od sof drink contains 4 mg of caleine pee 5-mb serving Mone male of caine as a mas of LAL g sd yom da a aneeage ol two servings ofthis dank u diy how macy caffeine molecules do on ing! se ya You work in + hospital aad are pecparing a saline salution for patient This sabetion met have a conceatration of 0.15 mal SE NOCI mush af ane mode 58.66 gram) per Ier of solution. ou have lots of vobume-ancaouring. devices, bt the only mess measuring tool you have ua balance that stases mass to the newest Og. What i the minimum amount of solution you should mia? 22 S54, Youn a container ofan unknown clear gus Ysa ave inter. cated ny conten, but ys have mo chanical amas devices at hand. You do have a yoo dectronic sale you meanane 23.408 p of the Igual and then pour this lagu into srmbasted cyirde with the level aicated in Figure PLS. ‘What & the muss eit of this gui 0 Figure Pasa Ap ea = 20 md, 5 Suppose thet ina boeing exten you ada 335 gag vid toa 1567p ccramic Bow Afr you heat the gat fo 25:01 4, you measure the mao the Bowel antigua vo be 14542 What was the average mast of lg that evap otted each sect oe 1.8 Solving problems ‘BE A test quedion gives the mae denary of semeater and ashi ‘what volumes eccupted by 10 % 10° ky of someatcr Somenne anwen 0813 m. Wiehout knowing the mane density vale iter. explaan shat wrung wih this ames. « S57. Voumesuse « watchs hou and minute hands tbe 1.0 mam and 12:0 mm bong, Over what ane ater des ‘he distance tare by the Up of the masate has exceed tht duane teaveked by the up a the hou hand by $98.0? = [SR An Clpmpe rang teack comsss of two straight sections, ‘exh 8439 m long, and two semicirclar ends each with ‘tdi of 16.80 max mca oem the iad Le (lane 1) “There ae eight lanes, each (22 m wide Mf runaets did at sar staggered (so tht each ramier Gowers the same is. tance. han mach wold he distance eevee by + ame Tone 8 exceed the dhatance treed By 4 runner i le 1 over one lap fe OMPTER 1 PRACTICE FOUNDATIONS 59, You hare the cute hat ae eid m appearance. On bs oumerfet ant ns mvc tiers fret the maf the rte Aegatmate cone. Yo als have om egal arm balance (a de le that compares the mans af sob and “balance” A they are equa esribe ew you can desermane which be ‘he coer a and wats Wheat git tha he gate cs by making say Wve mossisnena wah the lance oe 60. A certain spe of ce ban an ererage rat length and diam (Ger 6 mm und mm, respectively: One cup of thi he, ‘er being cooked, cats shout 785 fod cali, (a) Haw iy pee thas a Bap al ct (9) Mow may cal tes we there ln one aa (c} How many cap of wacked ‘ice are needa pevide 2000 fe caores wo each af sar ‘al oe 1.8 Developing 2 feat 1 Wat the ander of magne a the mb of mols ‘mst tt obra net « (© Toa old dbat Irn lo olf bhp at Baling, ‘heh Sly led Seba ems head ban hat the oreo gad tr ng tancebeteenseighherng rast of oce ac down for me ha meter of 80m ner a lengh 32m, Abt iw siny 6 eng 2m by 2. Sede can be mode fh et © (4 Esc the dro geo the umber fine the fener eccre hteton (5: fate the combined length fal he ae onthe ead « penen whose afl bead fs um-oog hate oe what oped malang te oun quem fein tng lec htt dot pl or Gt yams ape ater) in the Unsed Seas eciel) with deemed ‘lyon wda can slced om pope wah aie cast pout ve (©. Comper hard rors ane Wares dant capac tyatce he redone fet Te ft comm ed der be espe fabs 34M veo ice lrplasers cc 30 en dames tthe cathy par as amy tard deme appracted 10 18 ofa fee perc cach wt sate sheet 0 ny oat set o-agaads fit docs he somge copy pet oat toes cena ae exc th cin ew ( Apeeent, the tallest man-made iriure the By Kaa oe Dobad Lagues the Beige of his ding on nanometers. ‘Hw many stoma wd nee tbe sack tm the sme (A 30d stick aloo af paper 275i shi, What ‘he dickaess in mallmetcr of one abet? + 7 A water taki et wo a % LL capa (a) What fhe tnd vedas in cubic meer (Bh) What He mas ‘the water In migrant! (¢) B your hoveebel cmumed ten S0- res of water dy. bowl wel he water she a at 7A. Nou ate waking on an exit the wom at scence sewn You wind the eit to have & model of the tm eich the nucleus big enough fr wastes to se; aboot am as Sa mcs The sel eda bo ltd nee mong, Wal fe you mae the 6 607 weg! Aig S976 1g wm earn p= 9st Awuming « pberial Earth these quanttis ate ached by the expression gi Ge a) Ta how many icant ig ts this relation ated wing th rece data) Cay dof te dats to dhe are mum of gained ttre maplyng an sail at tas relat to that mam ber of spain digit A so, wht umber of sigan dap wort ‘Ph Wea soe a hg a akty lial pork A ee owing hems frum ae branch by Sm rope ad the as of the te Wt mom the gun daectly Beneath The lad sloped 1017 angle uur pond. from experience you na tha (oa enerpetc ll esa to came te cng 8 theo acm ge exceed 0" wih respeat the emia Yu ave certain tha pasenss wil want sewsarunce about the safety of he te nea, 8 CR 7 Wile working fr «space agency: you eid wit ess Ing tha the sagen aces of uma Beings an ang wen ‘user ype are met. aur bow hands you dat ibe aa ag st ys cna tami agen pec might eat ae the rage respect thy panacea ee an ‘mex a) Wha de of mage ic mate deat of ‘tusvon sar () Hw aay cer of mga de arp It ‘this than the mas emty of Hart O€ wate?) I wate had the mie esto 4 Ren sa, wha der of mag ade mass would be contained i he sods bn a al 2 bale! (Ploy the stay of matter ae sion (the uneree We bow seeereanding the amfyang patter that andl a pomomena 1 reaure 2 The ies metho & an erative proses that Seveiope wale thera ae expan cur vnarreaneme of matte B apbabres bedrvin secte picmianssion. formating s byporas frum the suet a ‘ea masking predicsos haar on the poche ed vada, the poedictions by ramming experiements ts let thes. A. Some er olla are omeerprcting obeervatimn. seco pal esta. aking an tecupanng suemptinms, ream inp, Meveloping srcels anal ung the mesiels jo make pense, A. bndictivesemnomang in anguing fem the specifi to the poner he ectine reamening 1s eigiang froas the pomeral te the specs A. Sprmmeery meats that the appearance ad an obpect, prmcees, ow Lew in rs charg ya specific operon, mach a4 tah or efecto ‘6. Trarmdattonal eyemmetry i ape, im whith dfn! ddmervers tities Ione pet the sae eae a guvem measurement. amd Aremistewa symmetry tome om whch an obaerver gets the samme sealer fora procs mcmareament aber af dbase tats ae 2, Termes de ly of ner sed enegy gn the space and tame meh al epee occ A Amory of mgt tv 4 value ottnded to the seat power tem, Ung. orders of mapetande oven yor a See oe 2 quantity aad shy sil om ary quamtier fe ‘A. The omer of mang of 290i Hn he omer of magne sppeupeinte for $160 0. Thani ame the ea digit ie ned ss the demarcation eteren roaming ap and mandony dire On 1s kogarthomac scale, the he 19 beyriten of 3 = abet halfseay ‘beveren he logarahon of Vand the ingarston of 10 (Then sce ranges from the wadatim (4 “* amr smaller) te the sare the amiverae (10% me larger) The time scale ranges Soom a huininedth of am ations (10°) on salen to the mg the ums (2 4K, Tim fom in a nigh, irreversible dincsion, from pant te present a2 a 12, The principle of camealty wan tad am event A camara even B tobuervers see A happening befute B. This maar that of event A in obverred te oucar after event H.then A.cannot be the cau of B 1, Making safe! vival sepeenestataons wach aw hehe, grap, fot tues bad yu etal «eae mae nape ol the taaions, elite i pat eapestencecomerpwes th mca. and commerqarmce, fon un ot enema! atases ad cepanue more evans inbeerata than ys cam ep teach of in yout head AA The Coneapes part develops the coneeptal fremont ofthe Sep te comeneal on the chagaer The Qhamntate Fle pt drwehops the fuuthematia! namewort for thea topne AS, A tetera eal al an appocpeiate cru! of seeamrcmar a weeded 16, The Stee anit are eter for keg, nema or tims; kina Sor feian aspire bee clei: creel keinen for teraperatane, mide hr sgemesry ofaubatancr and cancels dor Inman mena 17, Dieaaity the concept oflhow mach herr i of norm nibaance in ren robe, 1 Madeigihy the quantity bry 2 coemersion facto, + fraction im wthsats the menerater a mumaber and tee deured weit sad the demeanor the eguerahest value expecsed an the green it (The sabes gi nal thar daa erates te expen a memmerial vrabar The etme of cama place @ che member oaagee oo the ght oe ec pin The tare of ngmdicnt gts the: meer of gate tat are ellaly Luster The marr #647 20 hae 16 igi, ter Lat 4 ol them sip, aS Seca place, 20 Lendong ners ane ae that cme bade te fret acre dit samumiber Trahong zor ate ary dha comme after the lant ema age No ening rere igicare AL tease sates ts the eight of the Besta poss ane sipificane Trang nomen oe Slt of the Aroma pete mao may tbe egraficat 21 The suenbes of sipeiicant dogs im the rena shold be the name she suber spaicamt dagen om be pe query that ee te leweet moped digit 22h. Thee suber of decimal places i herent shal br he te the murer decimal places ithe pet quay th fas the fw so decor pars 21 Gating ares: ently lens, een asain, onpaiae ooh. scrantinformaatzon, 4800 Ken) CHAPTER SUMMARY 21 Average speed and avarage velocity (Sections 22-24, 28,27) Concepts The disencz tenced in the Ghmaiiatiee Tot ‘The itamic d beiwcen te poina and accorded sncance covered by am bec (do th pth fs mon, win sega a= iy- af an vw direction ‘The = component of an objects the x component ofthe dlplacement As ifm cbject that meee ft 4 * operat ibe chai scone pat ie ae ee “The average speed ofan object the dbus tzaves ded by he Mane te ‘adm taes to rave tha date “Thencompenest ofan obectcameamge elope Tomaponcat adc epune, YM cmnpanet ofthe abject aneuge veloc tent vied by the tame terval tues ta trae that diplaeent The magni of the eras velacty tact nese equal tothe anape el wea ee 288508 a ene Vectors and seatars (Sections 2.5, 26) Concepts A scalars «physical quantey Quantitative Tonks The wait veut 7 has magetnide ane at paints ang the xa im (hat i completely specifi by 4 mamber the action of sessing sad wa of mouse. A mech py cal gaunt that scamplesely specified Dy 4 yecte shan plans the x direction aha an component canbe writen i wale ume, «wl af cane od a eect ter modem ot ‘The mumber and nit af mesure together se aed the magaitde of the wectoe ‘A ual ecko has mage ane al wi “Tadd wer pace th tal of the second vec inthe mum tt tp he Bek estar the erin epeemng tc Au rt from te athe ot vec oh po he second, Treubinect oer vector foxes, sears the directa othe ear being wa twacted and add the ever vector wo the ec frm wich you a blo ag, an Position. displacement. and welocity an vectors (Sections 28. 2.7) Concepts The pation vector, of Quanatne Taots Thc posason Yo poms thathas«coamute #4 Potion, of pet den omstbe hgin Tecate ott pa gaat ja “The laplacomcal wc ofan bjt tthe change int poton vee Ibe 7 nam kien ee The daplactcatwecin A an abet scving ony thine sien wcoct sfthe el pat Ahh 4 Gy— ah (220200) tim ct ‘The average velocity cf am object mowing along the ax a #2554, 214.215) ar eae 22 GHAPTER2 PRACTICE MOMON WN ONE OMENSON Additional properties of velocity (Sections 2.8, 2.0) ‘When the velocity of an oiject is couctant, The x component of an objects instantaneous velocity & the derivative af the abject iy postion eros ime graphs «sigh ing hava sonzens dps aid 2s veactny- ‘versus ime graph 4 bartoasal ine The instantaneous velocity of an sbjet ate vclocity a ay parol mat The dope of a objects sft) carve at 14 oven costae io umericaly equal to che “A comeponese of the abject velocry at that Instant. The ares unser the abject) ‘curve daring time interval ste x se poocnt of the objet Giplxceacae during ‘thal iden a ‘comrinale th reopen ime = an= en Anvmers thee pues cam be fou at th emf thas chap. 2.1 From realty to made! 1. A end coostructs 4 graph of position a wfc of frame smarmbe for + flim clip as ming object. She thew challenges "you w construct «graph identical to hers. She sel you th che measured distances in muilbenctcr but what two additional Pieces of normative Fu 2 How do you sdencrmine whether an object i moving or at res? 2.2 Postion and displacement | Suppose you have a ils clip showing the motion of several bjt you wat a cabs dba fo a ugh wha ine ‘ation do you aced 40 know about at leat ane of hr objects? 4 apiain bow the inralve you named i Review Cvestion 5 ‘can be eed te calibene a pra 4 harm che parpose of ating the phrase « compomrat of when describing me phe qantas (6 How do you tepreseal Gsplatement iu dawg of ages? 2. Representing mation 7. Whur does atecpolaion meas WER raga plomting dia pes? (8 Dexribe how to detcrmune the 4 cumponest of he postin of a object a aspect inet given Ca a gap of pasion as function of tase Fad (a pation fort 24 Average speed and average velocity 9. an seh curve, what the sigaiBeance af steep slope as opposed toa gratie dope What the siguticance of « curve fat dopes dowmwand a you move from lef right along the fume sab at oppmedo «curse tha slopes upwatd = you more fea ei right log that aust Whar dest sgnly plsicay ifthe « component ol ober vevenage vec is mega over seme ume terval? 28 Seatars and vectors (ML What are te defining characteristics of a cal Of avec 172 What the relationship beteven che magnanade of vector and the vectrs x eamspenene? (FA What he pepe wf he wait vec iP 26 Poston and deustacement vectors 114 What the mathematical meaning ofthe symbol A the Grech api ene: dea? 1, He placement a scl avecte he datance asco vec? 16. Cam dimance be meyanve? Can distance traveled be negative? 17, Liner wa conditions the x component of he displacement sacgatine” | How te ditance taveled calealaed when motion occurs in there sepmenes: fir in one divection shang dhe ann, then in ‘teeyponte decimal the ta drt? be graphical procedure lor ahdang eu westoes an fo sburactang one nectat from smather 220 tf you multiply a veciarA by w cada, t the rest a waar or a ecto? Mf he seul scale, what bs gain? the rena la wecior what tees magnitude aod direction? What sheacdare 27 Velocity as a vector 12. te awerage speed a scalar or a wectot is average velocay a scalar oravectert 2, What propertice doc vlocty eve that mae «wear? 115. Mow isan objects average velocity seated to tx diaplacement dng vem tne eternal? 2.4 Mation at constant velocity 24, Whatic the chap ofthe cur for aboot moving can ‘sane velacay? What he shape ofthe nieve tha bec? 25. Awabjost tracls au comstat veloc a 10 m/s noeth i the tine interval fra t= Oot = We Ws addiion nfarmation ‘must you know in onder to determune the poston of the obec atese 26 Ine veloctty verses tame graph, what the sgniticance of the tea anesthe cure fe any hme meee =f 129 Instantaneous velocity 27, What feature ofthe aff) curve for « moving abject gives the bject x component of velocy tu pven instant” 2. Under what comdinns i the average ely et Mane te veal equal to the inaaneancous velicay at every Saito i the bral 29, What machematical reuionsbip allows you w campute the 1 component af an objects velocty at soune instant, given the ject x component of postion a stunt of me? DEVLOPINGAFER = 23. Mate a eer of mgmt ccomate fea of he folowing ines Lutes a pent fe Jo has ow: Ue thos me (pale your tng A Thebeghe ats 20 stay spate balding (D) 22 edistance igh tarde daring a humus span (RN) 2 The diplacerment (fines your mouth) ofa (nce) pop corn Ker passes Chase yout ody. andthe distance wcll bythe nde tee (0) “4 Thetiwelterval whim hich bere et fit chs before reaches home plate a proteainnal baseball iC, H) ‘5 Therion lnerval mended to dive nonstop fram San Francine eNews Yio Cry by the mat et sume (Cp 6 Thedeance inated whem pou nod fff + whi beving om the freeway (1) 17. Theaverge pad of um ine 2g frum San ance A News Wek Cy (0, The weage spc fa type ca in the Utd Sates i eat no he ing) CE) 2. Thcummeumcrlfeca oetop igh live rnd te world from Pat, rant Auchan” New Zeaund (Vand nem 7 oe 10, The nmr of eens mde by atypical ca tsb oe veri) 1 Thema pend of your eight wie ang (A) {2 The ck of bert daring wor reve oC carted 5) A What yr aveage plang oped 1B. What the pnd ight (© Whaat ssthe spend af fatal theowm by a profesional packer? DL Wat the height of exch ary ona apurtmen! bug 1 What dtc does atypia car travel ring ome yest? FF When you wesatlog upright how far above deal cas yt out? 1G. Wit the datncererwcen San Trance an New Yak Crt What the Aiaunce fan the pucherh mound ts home plan? 1 Whatchichoes af cubber lot daring thee ofa cat tie? Wht the crcumterenc of Eat Ke What ea pica freeway spent 1 What the sicumderenc of artnet DM. For what time interval your eight fut atest if ou walk for 1. What ia pce! ham ie spat CHAPTER 2 PRACTICE MOTION WV ONE CIMENSON (0. Wha ete eng ofthe geste tata an a era? Ryu nal Dita argh ne, what he plcean f aur igh oat (GM mach supeed tame doce igh rom Sun Francacn to ew Yor Cy regu? How ay ear cate pve? 4 tw may elton descaling mao Alm/e RI x mje C4 x mye Dam, 22 We! my Etim G8 OP M2 1 LE We BAS 1 mn KT May BE BL al Mirus Tm Rx ime G2 x wk A om Thess amples Iu mater! from Sle capes fut ans ml asic mith any praca ft Same example werkt out in dita thers jou shel wun out by foowny the puadcones provided ‘Worked Problem 2.1 Shopping runt A teases: shaper petit the tlloeang seyuence of warements along 4 permurket alle lacearch of» epecial hem (1) Me moves custwaad af a constan! speed of 3.5 m/s for 10, 2) eops foe BO, (3) as shly i the same dusction af 4 constant speed of (50 m/s fr 20, aed ‘(A tmmmeisety parm stowed and rushes westwand at a con sane speed of 40m /sfor 20%, (a) Phot the shoppers position as a function af tne during the 14-4 Innerval (h) Whit w the x compancet of his verage velocy from {= Otor = 35 From? = Oot = 44 (c} What distance does he travel during the 44 interval () What is Bis avcrage speed sdurung sks wera? © SETTING STARTED. We know thatthe shopper tit moves in straight line a oe diection. then ange fora while, thea ices the same direction again ale dower speed. wad then ewitches dire ‘oa To visualize ae mation, we make «sketch that represents the ‘velocity in each of the ur segments (Figure WG21) Figure waz.1 a Cr) aS w We nome hat the ped and irction of trae foc he ubop. [peth postion at any given insane. Let un say that al th motion aloe a xs. Chr frst tasks to plot the f}cunve frm the stant. ing postion, eed on the information abot his speed and dire om of mation frm that stant te addts, we ews to decree nis average velocty ding (wa time Intervals the distance traveled in it and the erage speed i the 44-8 neva. ‘We summarize the geeea information to wer which quintics ‘ee Kou We need anambignus symbols for the quantities tm the ‘various segments, We shall use the segment Bamber as 4 sabscript 1 Sdeweiy the final instant and final potion of each seyment Sox ‘example, the flaal natant of the tied cegument, ad at this in tent the shopper iat penton 2. Choosing the pose x des Hom to be eastward, we can lt this inom trom the pecbem staemment og = $3 m/e rng taser foes, = Oe (during interval foes ton, = 186 nur interval from = 15 4 = 40 m/s during interval foam, faa = +050) 38 = Maloy = 44s, Although it wold be nmgeang ta abel the inal stant ath er thus we Eecogadie thal there ave scvceal semen to this mo ‘Som and that the unital stant of Motion in ome semen a the Ral tia of muti te the preston segment. Tha kn ou general inmatis Sormulos bas diferent vaboes in the sifesemt segments saad is not abways equal to 2am. To avoid confusion, chesefoee, we henge out starting ntaadby momethiog other thaa 1; we choose Lire ee choca raher thas a the ering instant of the fourth segment to avoid confusion with the symbol wed is our ipreeradroaations asthe final tant af exch eyment. Because one tack i to plat postion as «fonction of time fom the starting. position. we choose the maming coordinate ta be Pe (© 06¥I6E PLAN tn order to make out positon-versas-time graphs for part 4. we need to determine the ihoppers final potion fae each segment of the motion. The inital postion for each waxes sre eepmaent is equal tothe ful postion for the previous sepmcat. ‘We cam connect the start ad ed penis iy gest wth ‘steaight line (comstamtalope) because the wrloxity he comelant in each segment, For motion at constant velocity. we cus wie fq, 2.19 na saleulite the poution Aya the ed sy tne intel om + mle Bh aw For part b, wee can. divide the dinplacement tetween the to specified instants by the comresponding time interval > yet the -canmposent ofthe average wlociy (ig. 214% 1 P 1 For parte ge the tance same 44 by adding he ds tances teuneed nthe Gnu segments, meting thet Betonce waved 4 mapaitade. For part the average speed isthe dizance reveled 44s dvd by that tase ionervak OF our foe tks, the ony “haaed” part os getting the displacement in exch tear interval fow or Pion eraut-sume graph, (@ execute PLaw (a) To plot poston vernus ume. we need ta zene pena asses ane cece To use Eq, 1, we mote that in the it seme tthe ital pox Thin i. = ay = 0, the velocity in the x direction = #3 m/s, he lal name = 6 = and the nal nan =f, = 10. Subattutng these vars tt 1, we compte the shopper's fal postion = ay ules 10 (segeext 1) 4 =a tog) + (430.m/a)(004 ~ 0) = +30m ‘We repeat this proceduse foe the ther thice segments, ing the final pion of the preceding. segencon as the nial penton ofthe ‘utes segcat Att ast +30 m+ (ON(156 — 106) = +30.m Nem we plot these positions in Figure WGI? and consect them vith stenight nes. 6” Figure W622 xint if oe (b) From £4 2 the 4 comepancat ofthe average velociy fo the first 35 5 which runs tothe ena of segment 3,6 the 4 component of the displacement during that tine interval vided by the se itera SoS timo = “se nos This rval ie ponkive because the overall travel exsuand. The « component ofthe hopper’ average veacity ovr the whoke rp (othe cad of segment} lm/aw aos anh (<) The distance waveled im 44 s isthe sam af the distances traveled in the various segments tn this case, because each segment involves os we co soo m/e OT ‘Yau mec to drive to a grocery lave that ls LO aut west of your howe on the samesnvet an which yo Live. These ate five teal lights Between your howe andthe tore ant on your tip yuu reach all ve of them jst as they change to red. While you are:moving, yur average speed is 3B mai/h. but you ave Lo wall Umi a ib light. (a) How long, does it talue you to reach the stowe? (ib) What bs pour average Welty fe the tip) Wht is yur average spect (@ cernns stanten 1, Draw & diagram that helps you wisuline all the deiving aod ‘topped seyruents and your spced in each segment. Dues sualler whew the trafic lights ate baat? 2 You start and stop. speed up and slaw down. What does the verage speed sigan thls cane and hoe it elated to yu eS aie WORKED AND GUIDED PROBLEMS = 2B motion in 4 single direction, the distance aveied is the same ws the Aistance—that la, the magnitude of the displacement. We can use the symbol 4 with appropriate subscripes to repeesent the distances ‘muveled in the segments: hoa = hey + aa + tas + hag = baal + bey! + bey — ad + bal +20m - 0| + |+30m~ (+30m)| + | +a — (+30.m)) + [+40 — (+40m)| = Mm +0+ 10m + 36m = 76me (UV The: wetage speed is the distance tuveled in 44 divided by that ‘ume interval o Ae =e au n-ne m/s (between & andi)” ry Remember that the checkmaris (7) im.our calculations show that VENUS, the mnemonic for checking our work, has been aged. © UALUATE FESULT Bis mot unrcasoamble for w frank shop [per to move 76 min 44 & This i covering « distance that ica Ine shorter than the length of « octal ld an a time interval some: hut les thas a mumune, which ie within the realm af postbily for «1 persoe prewed fo time. ‘The sigan af our poustion vabues agree with the postions we drew bo Figure WG2 I: All fous x vahies ae om the positive side of the x axis (because the shopper abways stays east of the origin) Notice that the average speedo LT m/s (Eq, 4) is very diffeset am the magnitede of the average welaciy. 0.091 m/s (Eq 3). “This sto be expected because average speed i bused on uunce raveled, which isthe sum of the magnitudes of the undvichaal dis Plsorments, while ena velocty alheand on Aisplacemsat, whist ‘mugaaude is much les than the distance traveled because of the shopper's backtracking. @vevse rum 3, During bow lang time terval ate you mowing? Dring how Jong a tume interval ae you stoped athe lghs? 4 What is your displacement forthe trip? 5. How can you apply the anawersta questions 3 and 40 obtain yous overage eloity? (6. What is the distance traveled, and bow is it velated a your avctage speed? 7. Haare average veloc and average speed clase tn this asst @vxecure Puan @evatuare sesur {A Ave yor annwers plasie; ands your com wit the range irene? intersect, meaning that the rummers ane at the same position at that Instant, but we dor not knew ehether this inant ts before or ater thedower runner A crosses the 100-m mario the trick. © DEVISE PLAN Because we want to lknow who cours the finish line fina, we can determine the anatase 6, af wi each runic reaches the paxitaon 4, = 4 100m ustay Eq 28 x, — 5 = w= Oh ‘The runner wha has the lower value for fi the winner Once te Kote who win aml ut wha instar shar races ie fad line, Wwe can find cut where the othet runner is at that imetant amd then devcrmine the distance hetwren them. Although beth ramnews start i.n, = 0, their tart times are not the same, and we must sscommt foe this. When runmer A leaves the starting position (xq, — Ol, the timer's sopwaich meade t., = 0, When runner B leaves the sme starting position (xa, = 0), the stopwatch reads fi, = 200% © WrtCuTE PLAN (a) We need to solve fine the instant f at which cach ranect reaches the fms line at ay = 100en. Bach runner maven Thocir distance apart when rummer A crimes the faiual Ine be f= feny — cad = [+976 m — (+100m)] = 24m @ EVALUATE NESULT The values we obtained foe t,, and fy, a0 both postive. as they mute because negative Values mould repre sent metas hedore the races ariod. The time intervals of appre mately 12's to run. 109 m are eessinable. ‘We cam alo salve the secomd part of this problem im 1 i ferent weap. Runner His catching wp with runner A at the mite « 9.30 m/s — 800 ‘start, and so she i (8.00-m/s){2.004) = Hi.Oan ahead when run sper A starts, Runner A wine the race with a ties of 12.5 x runner athe been running far 1254 — 20+ = 10.5 wap a theaedon scheme the 14.0 gap by (1 Mm /s)( 1005 6) = 1.6m; that Reave heer Um ~ 1.6m = 26mm behind runner A That result wth ene ws the one we obtaimed sore ‘Hithe new runners in Worked Proies 23 want ta crus the fash, he Ngetiey i a tematch, a renaes A apis starts at the instant ‘he ering pun b fest tame muy sects shold ruses M delay es onder ts conch ranmer A right arte Hass Diner ‘@orrms sues “L Makie a gagih hat shows the mew sation, in which beth ra pers each 100 oof the same instans 6. Boms rus 2 What type af motion wax urs in this race? Wht equations cam ‘You aie ir danced thes motion? 3. What piysiial quantity must you descrminct Wt algetiake veyobol ts swam with this wartdbet © crecure pean (@ tvaiuate eesuer 4 After solving for the desieed starting time toe runner WH, how ‘ca You use the result of Wacked Problems 2.3 to evahuste your Worked Problem 25 Airplane velocity WORKED AND GUOEDPROREMS = 27 Aa sieplane wavels in straight line from one abxport to another. It (Bie a constant speed of 600 ken oe al the distance ad thes {214 constant peed of 00 ash fae the etmaleaer athe distance In onder to weach the destination at the schadtled time. What is ‘average veka or the emi ap? © errs Staste Yo plcmre the sauseaen we drane 4 mation Buageamn. We ae noc gen the Stance between he airports aad so we Bane to wie the nari dio repesent this dasance, os shawn Agee WL. Figure wore v= 6ohah ent ae pi i ta ‘To get the everagevclocey we must divide tne digtacemcat by the tise interval sogeied fot the tip. But neither ofthese wasex ‘geen Sor have to devier& way to relae these two unkaen ‘panties tothe merage velocey The distance tasebed in each seg ment of the trp te the same, bu the segment with the dower peed equares « longer time iaervad Wah this mighe. we can dean a (poscinn-vermatame grap fo the pluses man (Figure WG?) ‘du dows he te egmenss, where we choose be postive a 8 ‘beim the directive of tbe planes motion. We incbade dashed bine ‘epeesent a plane that lees bf icp the sane sc cat lane eaves, eaves atthe wetage speed of out plase fot ts hake (up. and arrives the second airport the sume instant plas ‘ares The dope uf thie dashed Die epeesents the meeage velocity ‘dure seck. (© evise PLAN tf we knew the « cumponeat of displacement, an petthe 2 component of the average ela fom Bg 2.18 “The component of the dieplcerment i the sum ofthe x compo ‘sents uf theme eal displacements during the ra segments of the Might. We cas use the spool to reperiet the x coordinate fhe tds postin Acme = tu ae) + (oe- 9) = Amt An 14 + As aed be nl ee gl te AF= kt) + Bt, The x compoment ofthe welociy during each oy seat in cual t the chuage i poition divide by the cm intr val fo that segment thi lows ws fo capers the eakmome fame \aervals in term of the equ (bt unknown) distances. (© extcute PL Foe the entire tip Ae Ant de a an an Altboxigh the Hane intervals we wnknoten we can expeess them la ferme of the tev equals components ofthe daphacementx oat ae iM) + MD 53 2-2 Oe: 24) GE ‘The scopes th ais ath ena oaie— ftepltedeseshen,, = $0;an; = om, ng in the america vahars pve +6 kom ) ‘Neca the problem aks foc the average velocity. which i a wecton ‘we mulaply the « component ofthe velocity by the wall rotor te setthe deed est, ( een km, 60 kab Je (senekm hie (@evacuare mesuey We expect the s component of velocay ta be postive besa the welocines in buch tegen ae in thr pole 1 diyection. The vale of the anewer ix plausble because & hes be ese the few welocaies atic the wleplane actully fen (Widng the te constant speeds 600 km/h and 800 lan (ls mes we nored the short time interval needed to take af and seach ruining speed andthe Bort time interval needed to dow down fot Aandang, These two tne tervals are mach shorter than the time Interval needed Sor the Bight. an wo our umpliBcation i stesso able one. —_ 28 CHAPTER 2 PRACTICE MOTION #1 ONE DIMENSION Guided Probiem 2.6 Wrong way Abelicepter pilot at an sport is told to fy a distance dat peed 8 sGirectiy east o pick up stranded iter. However he tes no biker ‘when he arrives, Radioung the control tomes. he fears that the (hiker is actually a dance 4 west of the airport. The pilot twens around and heads siraight for the hiker at « specd that le SO% antes has bis ape rg ta hal eps a tn ang ‘wap. fa) What isthe cosuponcnt of she hedeopter' average velox iy fr the tip thos ukestf io rendenvous with the hiker? Assure ‘the amis pons cnet and has ma oigin ut the airport. (i) What ‘thecticapeers ewerage welocay fr the wipe (@ cerns stantea | Dra a dlagram representing the motion during the tip, tnd. ‘cog the postion of the alzport, the turing pat, and the ‘rendezvows location. 2 Label the exsrward and westward segments wit symbols you ‘can wie 1o-set up appropriate equations, Them indicate how ‘your chosen spenbols relate tothe given lndormation. and |X Add labeled vector armows to your diagram to indicate the in each A Would graph of xf) Be wef? (@oense pun |S. How des this problem dts from Woeked Problem 2'5¢ How “ate the two problems sams? 6 Mecasse no america values ae given, what sical guuat ‘tes do you expect to be represented by algebra ymbols in your answer? 7. Me careful about the sagas ofthe x component ofthe place. ment and the x sompencat od the veloity in each append a ‘the tmp: Is 4s the custard segment pouting oxpatne” i this segment positive or negative? What abou Ax andy, is Re westward segment? Hos can these quantities be ‘expremed in tems fv and | What time snterval is needed to fy the eastward ‘What time latervl for the westward segment? Ifyou dat (et ponltve values for bh interval, check your sigs for Sa sade, ‘9. How can you combine this information to determine the x component of the average velocay and thea the average ‘seo in ecto ean? @ cxecute pan @emuoare nesutr sheng on a Wha based ote nite yom pes daplnement Worked Prabiem 27 Uphill putt The position ofa ol al mening uphill alongs gety pe recs bs prema fuacton of te tby at) = p+ + 1, etth the por ie diction up the gree and with p = +20mg = +40%/s, wads = -30m/¢. (a) Calelae the x compancat the veoty and the pected che ballatt = tosandarr= 208 () Whats the has eerage wdc daring te ene terval oes Lostw209" @ ceri StAKTED We ae asked to calculate velocty, 4 vector Equation 225 defines velocity a the time derivative of postion: @= d/o ww ext tw work wh components of vectors and then expeesthe eal elas vector tn this case. the aresxand which we cam se consnact the wectan f=} and ‘Acconding wo Eq, 222 the component of the velocy cual the te debate of the bulls s coordinate wn = un-$ a The problem semen gets xcoondinate ns fonction me tt eee onde eon @ vows ran For part we ned opt thengh ar kn as ofthe mathematical express Sorte bas potions Wwe can the evaluate, atthe pei instant et numeri ales For prt he «component ofthe average icy cam be dsermined wangity 218 a Alle net ts compute a this quien Ae Because we io hat the te aterval AF 4 (@ execu PLAN (a) To determine the x cmmponest ofthe weaity 4 fee of tne, we oe 1 4 els #0 = Sips ate] satan Aom/s+3(-30.m/ee amide aluating thas the species instants yaks edtos) = +80.m) ~6om/ 00 e206) = +80.m/e ~ (4/200) = ‘The dead speeds are the mapniades of these velocity campo- ents 20 mn and 0/7 Uy For the average veloc, we need the tna and fal coord fates of the matin in the specified time interval fx ase bo, 4 = sls) = 20m + Om/91L00) — Bom/exL on? +70m a= A208) = 20m + (20m/9(205) ~ Com/e x20" = +60m, The average veloc then (480m) — (72m) ea — da and 205).

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