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Gabriela Lopez Munoz

EDU 202
May 9, 2021
Effective Model Instruction

1. Standards: 8th Grade History - Develop a greater awareness of diverse cultures through the
examination of multiple perspectives and their contributions throughout history
2. Observable objectives: SWBAT to review the Civil Rights Movement and learn about the
main activists in the movement
SWBAT list, recognize and discover an activist in the Civil Rights Movement by researching
different people who made an impact on changing the laws or even an event.
3. Instruction-learning process:
Materials: YouTube video, Chromebook, Websites
I will be using the Flipped Instruction Model
Do First: “Hello class, today we will be talking about an important topic in class”
1. Start lesson on a PowerPoint and then transition to a video
2. I will start by showing a YouTube video to the class so they can get an overview of
what it is. (
3. Then after that there will be a discussion in what they thought about and will pair up
into 4 groups. They will discuss why this topic is important to learn and will need to
have 4 facts of the video to tell the whole class and their personal view of the
situation that happened in America.
4. After that progress students will then go back to their seats, and then I will write a
question in the board- What events that has happened now in this age relate to this
movement?- I will wait until students gather their ideas and then I wait until they
raise their hand
5. Answers can be either about BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement, Trump’s lack of
regulations against police, ignorance of the president, or any sort of protest they have
seen in the news.
6. Now that activity is finished, they will have a FINAL project that consists of
explaining a Civil Rights Movement event or Activist on Microsoft PowerPoint
7. Students can only use these two websites:
- Students will get extra credit points if they use 2 credible sources
❖ Links will be provided on google classroom.
❖ Throughout lesson or week students will be taught how to use google slides
❖ Students will be able to learn how to not plagiarize and use important concrete resources.

• Exit slip: Students will open a google doc and answer these two questions,
- Why were voting rights important to the Civil Rights Movement?
- Critical Thinking Question: How does the Civil Rights Movement compare to 2020-
2021? Can you explain any detailed event or rebel that could be similar to the Civil
Rights Movement?
4. Resources:
Civil rights activists. (2021, January 28). Retrieved May 10, 2021, from

Events. (n.d.). Retrieved May 10, 2021, from

5. Reflection: The reason why I choose the Flipped instruction model is because it gives a
chance for students to work independent and get ready through their educational journey in high
school. They will be able to learn hands on and be creative with their presentation skills. I really
like this method of instruction because it allows students to think critically, and problem solve
their presentation since they are doing it on their own. It allows them to think outside the box and
find information online to help them with their project. The instructional model is to help
students learn new concepts during the process of making their final project and prepare them to
finish it. The grade level is Freshmans in high school who are in history. One of the strengths of
this assignment is that students will have critical thinking skills and provide them to be open with
the instructor in case they are having trouble with the assignment. This will also prepare them to
their future journey in high school when teachers require them to do a presentation then they will
have an idea how to. The weaknesses of this are that students might not pay attention and then be
confused or will not like the idea of a final project.

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