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FROM THE SESSION- 2014- 2015


Unit-I Old English Period & Middle English Period

Unit-II Elizabethan Age & Jacobean Period

Unit- III Thomas Wyatt- I Find No Peace OR Renouncing of Love

Philip Sidney- Loving In Truth
Edmund Spenser- One Day I Wrote Her Name

Unit- IV William Shakespeare- Sonnet No .18

Sonnet No. 73
Sonnet No. 130

Unit- V Masculinity of English Language & Scandinavian & French influence on English
Language .

Books Recommended:
History of English Literature- Edward Albert
Concise Cambridge History of English Literature- George Sampson
Short Oxford History of English Literature- Andrew Sanders
Pelican Guide to English Literature (Ed)- Boris Ford
Growth & Structure of the English Language- Otto Jespersen
The English Language- C.L.Wrenn
The Elizabethan Love Sonnet- J.W. Lever
An Anthology of Elizabethan Sonnet- Sukanta Chowdhuri

1 Essay type question out of 4 from Unit-I & II 1×10=10

1 Essay type question out of 4 from Unit-III & IV 1×10=10
2 Short answer types questions out of 5 from Unit- III& IV 2 x 5= 10
1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit –V 1×10=10


Unit I Restoration Period & Augustan Age

Unit-II Pope- The Rape of the Lock (Canto-I&II)

Dryden- Mac Flecknoe

Unit –III Milton- Paradise Lost (Book I)

Unit- IV Donne - The Sunne Rising

- Batter My Heart

Herbert- The Collar

Marvell- To His Coy Mistress
Vaughan- The Retreat
Books Recommended:
Restoration Drama - J.E. Cunnigham
The Augustan Satire - Ian Jack
The Eighteenth Century Background- Basil Willey
On The Poetry of Pope - G. Tillotson
Dryden - D. Nichol Smith
Milton – W.R. Parker
Milton’s Paradise Lost - B.A. Wright
A Preface to Paradise Lost - C.S. Lewis
Andrew Marvell – Cambridge University Press
Five Metaphysical Poets- Joan Bennett
Metaphysical Poets- Helen Gardner

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit-I 1×10=10

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit –II & III 1×10=10
1 Essay type question out of 3 from Unit –IV 1×10=10
2 Short answer type questions out of 8 from Unit- I, II, III &IV 2×5=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks


Unit- I Pre- Romantics & Major Romantics

Unit-II Thomas Gray – Elegy Written In a Country Churchyard

Unit-III William Blake - London

Robert Burns - A Red, Red Rose

Unit –IV Wordsworth - Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
Coleridge - Christabel Part-I

Unit- V: Rhetoric

Books Recommended:
History of English Literature- William J. Long
The Poetry of Thomas Gray- David Cecil
Thomas Gray-M. Golden
The Romantic Imagination- C.M. Bowra
The Romantic Poets- Graham Hough
The English Romantic Poets- M.H. Abrams
William Blake- J.M. Murry
Symbol an Image in William Blake- G.W. Digby
Rhetoric & Prosody- Bose & Sterling

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit-I 1×10=10

1 Essay type question out of 3 from Unit-II, III &IV 1×10=10
2 Short answer type questions out of 5 from Units- II,III & IV 2×5=10
Rhetoric (Unit-V) 10 marks
Internal Assessment 10 marks


Unit -I Younger Romantics & Major Victorians

Unit-II Shelley - To a Skylark

- Ode To the West Wind

John Keats - Ode on a Grecian Urn

-Ode to a Nightingale

Lord Byron - Prisoner of Chillon

Unit-III Lord Tennyson - Ulysses

-Lady of Shallot

Robert Browning - My Last Duchess

- Porphyria’s Lover

Unit-IV Mathew Arnold - Dover Beach

Thomas Hardy - The Darkling Thrush
Hopkins - Pied Beauty

Books Recommended:
The Victorian Era- Hugh Walker
The Victorians- C. Petrie
A History of English Poetry- Douglas Bush
Cambridge Companion to Romantic Literature
Cambridge Companion to Victorian Literature

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit-I 1×10=10

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit-II 1×10=10
1 Essay type question out of 3 from Unit- III & IV 1×10=10
2 Short answer type questions out of 5 from Unit- II, III, & IV 5×2=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks


Unit- I Modern & Post- Modern Age

Unit-II W.B. Yeats - The Second Coming

- The Wild Swans at Coole

T.S. Eliot - Preludes

-The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Unit- III Dylan Thomas-Poem in October

Philip Larkin- At Grass
Ted Hughes- Hawk Roosting

Unit- IV Latin, Greek & American Influence on English Language

English as a world language
The Influence of the Bible on English Language
Shakespeare & English Language
Unit- V Philological Terms & Philological Notes
Philological Terms: Malapropism, Johnsonese, Monosyllabism, Back Formation, Hybridism,
S-ending, Word-clipping
Philological Notes -Advice, Bread, Bible, Bicycle, Law, Clergy, Court, Dream, Debt, Doubt, Egg, Earl, Elder, Gift,
Golgotha, Husband, Helpmate, Island, Master, Nephew, Prodigal, Picture, Scapegoat, Sport, Trusteeship.

Unit- VI Prosody
Books Recommended:
The Modern Age- W.W. Robson
Modern Poetry & the Tradition- Cleanth Brooks
A History of English Language- A.C. Baugh
T.S. Eliot- Grover Smith
T.S. Eliot’s Poetry and Plays: A Study in their Source and Meaning.

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit- I 1×10=10

1 Essay type question out of 3 from Unit- II & III 1×10=10
1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit- IV 1×10=10
1 philological Term out of 3 from Unit- V
Or 4 Marks
2 Philological Notes out of 6 from Unit- V
Prosody 1×6=6
Internal Assessment 10 marks

(British Drama)

Unit- I Wiiliam Shakespeare – Macbeth*

- As You Like It* Or Twelfth Night

Unit- II Christopher Marlowe - Edward II * Or Thomas Kyd- The Spanish Tragedy

Unit-III Richard Sheridan - The Rivals Or William Goldsmith -She Stoops To Conquer*

Unit-IV John Milton- Samson Agonistes* Or Ben Jonson- The Alchemist

Books Recommended:
British Drama- A. Nicoll
Shakespearean Tragedy- A.C. Bradley
Shakespearean Comedy- H.B. Charlton
Christopher Marlowe- F.S. Boas
Milton- W.R. Parker
The Alchemist – Peacock Books

1 Essay type questions out of 2 from Unit- I 1×10=10

1 Essay type questions out of 2 from Unit- II 1×10=10
1 Essay type questions out of 4 from Unit- III & IV 1×10=10
2 short answer type questions out of 5 from Unit-I, II, III, & IV 5×2=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks

(British Novel)

Unit-I Jane Austen- Pride & Prejudice

Unit- II Charles Dickens - David Copperfield * Or George Eliot- Adam Bede

Unit- III Thomas Hardy - Far From the Madding Crowd

Unit- IV Unseen Prose

Books Recommended:
A History of English Novel- E.A. Baker
British Novel- Elizabeth Drew
Jane Austen & Her Art- M.Lascelles
Hardy, the novelist - David Cecil
Tess of D’ urbervilles – Peacock Books(Atlantic Publishers)

2 Essay type questions out of 4 from Unit- I, II & III 2×10=20

2 short type answer questions out of 6 from Unit- I, II & III 2x5=10
One Unseen Prose Passage (Substance with Critical Comment) 1×10=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks


Unit- I Bacon - Of Studies

-Of Friendship

Unit-II Joseph Addison- Sir Roger At Home

Unit-III Charles Lamb - The Praise of Chimney Sweepers

-The Superannuated Man

Unit- IV G B Shaw- Freedom

Unit- V Aldous Huxley- Pleasure

Unit- VI George Orwell- Shooting an Elephant

Books Recommended:
Modern Prose- Michael Thorpe(Ed)
Eight Essayists- A.S. Cairncross(Ed)

3 Essay type questions out of 6 from Unit- I, II, III, IV, V & VI 3×10=30
2 Short answer type questions out of 5 from Unit- I, II, III, IV, V & VI 5×2=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks


Unit- I G B Shaw - Arms and The Man* Or Pygmalion

Unit-II J M Synge - Riders to the Sea

Unit-III John Osborne - Look Back in Anger

Unit- IV William Beckett - Waiting For Godot

Books Recommended:
George Bernard Shaw- A.C. Ward
Riders to the Sea- Robin Skelton
The Plays of John Osborne- S.Trussler
The Theatre of the Absurd- Martin Esslin
A Reader’s Guide to Samuel Beckett- H.Kenner

3 Essay type questions out of 6 from Unit- I, II, III 3×10=30

2 Short answer type questions out of 5 from Unit- I, II, III &IV 2x5=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks


Unit-I Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness

Unit- II William Golding - Lord of the Flies

Unit-III Graham Greene - The Power and the Glory

Books Recommended:
A Reader’s Guide to British Novels- Elizabeth Drew
Lord of the Flies- Casebook Series

3 Essay type questions out of 6 from Unit-I, II & III 3×10=30

2 short answer type questions out of 5 from Unit- I, II & III 5×2=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks


Unit –I Katherine Mansfield - The Fly

Unit-II J E Bates - The Ox

Unit-III James Joyce - Araby

Unit –IV Joseph Conrad - The Lagoon

Unit- V Somerset Maugham - The Lotus Eater

Book Recommended:
Modern Prose- Michael Thorpe

3 Essay type questions out of 5 from Unit- I, II, III, IV & V 3×10=30
2 Short type questions out of 5 from Unit- I, II, III, IV & V 5×2=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks
3rd YEAR

Poetry- American & New Literature

Unit- I Robert Frost - Road Not Taken

- Mending Wall

Unit-II Walt Whitman - When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed

Unit- III Derek Walcott - A Far Cry From Africa

A.D.Hope - Australia

Unit- IV Derozio - The Harp of India

Toru Dutt - Our Casuarina Tree
Sarojini Naidu- Summer Wood
Ezekiel - Night of the Scorpion

Unit- V Unseen Poem

Books Recommended:
Indian English Poetry- M.K.Naik
Indian English Poetry- Makrand Paranjape
Modern Indian English Poetry- Bruce King
Golden Treasury of Indian English Poetry (Sahitya Akademi)- V.K.Gokak
Ten Twentieth Century Poets- R. Parthasarathy
Kamala Das: A Critical Spectrum(Ed)
Reading of A.K. Ramanujan’s Poems(Ed)

1 essay type question out of 3 from Unit- I, II & III 1x10=10

1 essay type question out of 2 from Unit- IV 1×10=10
2 Short answer type questions out of 5 from Unit I, II, III & IV 5×2=10
One Unseen Poem (Substance with Critical Comment) 1×10=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks
3rd YEAR

Novel and Short Story - Indian and American

Unit- I Anita Desai - Clear Light of Day

Unit-II Earnest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea

Unit- III Raja Rao - The Cow of the Barricades

Mulk Raj Anand - Old Bapu
Jhumpa Lahiri - Interpreter of Maladies

Books Recommended:
Indian Writing in English – Srinibas Iyenger
A History of Indian English Literature- M.K. Naik

1 Essay type question out of 2 from each Unit- (I, II, & III) 3×10=30
2 Short answer type questions out of 5 from Unit I, II, & III 2×5=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks
3rd YEAR


Unit- I Sophocles- King Oedipus

Unit- II Arthur Miller- All My Sons

Unit- III Mahesh Dattani- Bravely Fought the Queen

Books Recommended:
Greek Tragedy - H.D.F. Kitto
All My Sons - Nissim Ezekiel

1 Essay type question out of 2 from each Unit-( I, II,& III) 3×10=30
2 Short answer type questions out of 5 from Unit- I, II & III 2×5=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks
3rd YEAR

Literary Types

Unit- I Tragedy and Comedy

Unit- II Novel, Epic and Lyric

Unit- III Literary Terms

Unit- IV Basic Phonetics

1. The Speech Mechanism
2. Classification of Consonants
3. Classification of Vowels
4. Phoneme- Allophone
5. Phonetic Symbols

Books Recommended:
English Literature for Foreign Students- R. Rees
Glossary of Literary Terms- M.H. Abrams
An Introduction to English Literature- William Henry Hudson
English Pronouncing Dictionary- Daniel Jones
A Text book of English Phonetics- T. Balasubramaniam
Better English Pronunciation- O’ Connor

2 Essay type questions out of 4 from Unit- I & II 2×10=20

2 short notes on literary terms out of 6 from Unit- III 2×5=10
2 Short answer type questions out of 5 from Unit- IV 2×5=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks
3rd YEAR


Unit- I Literary Essay

Unit-II Literary Theory- Terms and Concepts

Mimesis, Canon, Reader Response theory, Aestheticism, Ethnicity, Androtext and
Gynotext, Power, Empire, Negative Capability, Willing Suspension of Disbelief, Fancy
and Imagination, Magic Realism, Structure, Plot, Genre, Surrealism, Rasa and Dhawni,
Sphota, Intertextuality

Unit- III Creative Writing/ Project Work/ Seminar

Books Recommended:
Quintessence of Literary Essays - Goodman
A Dictionary of Literary Modern Critical Terms(Ed) - Roger Fowler
Dictionary of Literary Terms - Cuddon
A Glossary of Contemporary Literary Theory- Jeremy Hawthorn
Key Concepts in Postcolonial Literature - Bill Ashcroft
A Handbook to Literature: Thrall & Hibbard
Literary Criticism: A Reading - Das & Mohanty

1 Literary essay out of 5 from Unit- I 1×20=20

2 Short type questions on literary terms out of 5 from Unit- II 2×5=10
Creative Writing/ Project Work/ Seminar (Internal Assessment) 10 marks
English General
1st Year
1st Semester


Unit I William Shakespeare - Julius Caesar

Unit II William Shakespeare -

- Since Brass, Nor Stone (Sonnet No. 65)
- Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds (Sonnet No. 116)

John Milton - On His Blindness

Unit III Wordsworth -

- The World Is Too Much With Us
-Upon West minster Bridge

Shelley - To A Skylark
Keats - Ode to autumn

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit- I 1×10=10

2 Essay type questions out of 6 from Unit- II & III 2×10=20
5 short questions out of 8 from Unit II & III 5×2=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks

Books Recommended:
Golden Treasury- (Ed.) Palgrave
English General
1st Year
2nd Semester


Unit-I Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist

Unit II Lord Tennyson - Tithonus

Robert Browning - The Last Ride Together

Wilfred Owen - Futility

W B Yeats - An Acre of Grass

Unit III Rhetoric

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit I 1×10=10

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit III 1×10=10
5 Figures of speech out of 8 from Unit III 2×5=10
2 Short questions out of 4 selecting at least 1 from Unit I & II 2×5=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks

Books Recommended:
Rhetoric and Prosody- Bose & Sterling
The Cambridge Guide to The Poetry of The First World War –Cambridge University press
Oliver Twist – Peacock books
English General
2nd Year
3rd Semester


Unit I Vijay Tendulkar - Silence! The Court is in Session

Unit II Charles Lamb - Dream Children

Nehru - Discovery of India
Nicholson - The Art of Living
S. C. Bose - Bose- Roland Interview

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit I 1×10=10

2 Essay type questions out of 4 from Unit II 2×10=20
2 explanations for comment out of 4 from Unit I
Or 2×5=10
2 Short questions out of 4 from Unit II
Internal Assessment 10 marks

Books Recommended:
Essays & Stories: (Ed.) Burdwan University
English General
2nd Year
3rd Semester


Unit I Thomas Hardy - The Mayor of Casterbridge

Unit II Literary Terms - Allegory, Ballad, Burlesque, Comedy, Dramatic Monologue, Elegy, Image,
Metaphor, Myth, Ode, Round and Flat Character, Soliloquy Stream of Consciousness Novel,
Symbol, Tragedy

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit I 1×10=10

2 short type questions out of 4 from Unit I 2×5=10
4 Literary terms out of 8 from Unit II 4×5=20
Internal Assessment 10 marks

Books Recommended:
Dictionary of Literary terms: M.H. Abrams
English General
2nd Year
4 Semester


Unit I Somerset Maugham - The Lotus Eater

James Joyce - Araby
Katherine Mansfield - The Fly
H.E. Bates - The Ox
O Henry - After Twenty Years

Unit II Punctuation

2 Essay type questions out of 4 from Unit I 2×10=20

5 short type questions out of 10 from Unit I 2×5=10
1 Passage for punctuation 1×10=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks

Book Recommended:
Modern Prose: (Ed.) Michael Thorpe
English General
2nd Year
4 Semester


Unit I Unseen Essay

Unit II Précis Writing

Unit III Comprehension

Unit IV Substance writing

1 unseen essay out of 5 from Unit I 1×10=10

1 passage for précis writing from Unit II 1×10=10
1 passage for comprehension from Unit III 1×10=10
1 substance writing of a Poem 1×10=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks
English (Elective)
5th Semester
3rd Year

Unit I Donne- Death Be Not Proud

Arnold- Shakespeare
Hardy- The Darkling Thrush
W. B. Yeats- The Second Coming

Unit II Kamala Das - Summer In Calcutta

Parthasarathy.R - Delhi
A.K.Ramanujan -The River
Jayanta Mahapatra - Dawn At Puri

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit I 1×15=15

1 Essay type question out of 2 from Unit II 1×15=15
2 Short answer type question out of 6 from Unit I & II 2×5=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks
English (Elective)
5th Semester
3rd Year

Unit I: (Application oriented topics)

i) Exchange of Greeting
ii) In The Post Office
iii) Buying Dresses
iv) At The Bank
v) At The Travel Agency
vi) At an International Airport etc.

Unit II: (Writing Reports on)

i) Local Fairs
ii) Important Meetings
iii) Holding of Seminars
iv) Film Reviews etc.

Unit III: (Letters)

i) Personal/ Official/ Business Related Letters

1 Essay type question out of 4 from Unit I 1×15=15

1 question out of 2 from Unit II 1×15=15
1 question out of 2 from Unit III 1×10=10
Internal Assessment 10 marks
Communicative English (COMENG)
(Compulsory Credit Course)

Full Marks: 50
Time: 2 Hours

Unit I Fundamental of Phonetics

Vowels, Consonants, Phonetic Transcription
Unit II
Grammar in Use:
i) One word substitution
ii) Preposition
iii) Common Errors
iv) Antonyms & Synonyms
Unit III
i) Dialogue writing
ii) Describing a scene or Incident
iii) Paragraph Writing

2 short type questions out of 5 from Unit I 2×5=10

Unit II 20 marks
2 writing tasks out of 3 from Unit III 2×10=20

Books recommended:
Strengthen Your Writing: V. R. Narayanswami
Better English Pronunciation: J. B. O’ Connor
Written Communication in English: Sarah Freeman
Spoken English for You: C. I. E. F.L., Hydrabad
Compulsory English (ENGC)
Total Marks: 50
Group A
Unseen (25 marks)

Unit I Formal Letter & Writing Curriculum Vitae

Report Writing
Paragraph Writing

Unit II Common Errors

Article, Verb Agreement, Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Modal Auxiliaries
Unit III English in Situations:
Starting a Conversation, Introducing Oneself, Describing Past Events, places,
People & Objects

1 question out of 3 from Unit I 1×12=12

5 Common errors out of 6 from Unit II 1×5=5
1 question from Unit out of 3 alternatives 1×8=8

Group B
Text (25 marks)
Unit I William Shakespeare - Seven Ages of Man
William Wordsworth - The Education of Nature
John Keats - On Fame
A.K. Ramaujan - The Last of the Princess

Unit II E. V. Lucas - The Town Week

B. Russell - Knowledge and Wisdom
R. K. Narayan - Father’s Help

1 essay type question out of 2 from Unit I 1×10=10

1 essay type question out of 2 from Unit II 1×10 =10
1 short question out of 6 from Unit I & II 1×5=5

Book Recommended:
Selections from English prose and Poetry for Colleges (MacMillan)

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