Viết lại câu trắc nghiệm

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Câu trực tiếp, gián tiếp

Một số lưu ý khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp:
• Lùi thì động từ
• Chuyển đổi S, O, trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn, trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian, …

Eg: “I’m going to visit my grandfather next week.” said Lan.

=> Lan said that she was going to visit her grandmother the following week.

Câu hỏi trong câu trực tiếp, gián tiếp:

Eg: Tom ask me, “what’s her name”
=> Tom ask me what her name was.

She said: “are you hungry, Tom?”

=> She asked Tom if he was hungry.

• “WHY DON’T YOU + V..?”

(gợi ý ai làm gì?)
“Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, John?” Jane said.
 Jane suggested that John (should) put a better lock on the door.

Các cấu trúc vơi & To-V

1. S+ V+ sb + (not) to V.inf
Các động từ thường được sử dụng trong dạng này là:
invite, ask, tell, urge
warn, order, beg, ….

“Would you like to go out with me?” said the man.
=> The man invited me to go out with him.



Don’t stay up late!

=> She reminded me not to stay up late.

2. S+ V+ sb+ prep+

Các động từ thường được sử dụng trong dạng này là:
• Accused sb of
Eg: You’ve stolen my bicycle!
=> He accused me of having stolen his bicycle.

• Prevent sb from
Eg: I can’t let you use the phone.
=> My mother prevented me from using the phone.

• Blame sb for (doing) sth: đổ lỗi cho ai chuyện gì

• Blame sth on sb: đổ lỗi chuyện gì cho ai
Eg: “It was your fault. You didn’t tell the truth”, she said.
=> She blamed for me for not telling the truth.

• Congratulate sb on sth: chúc mừng ai về chuyện

“I’m happy to know that you win the game. Congratulation!”, Jim said to Mary.
=> Jim congratulated Mary on winning the game.

• Warn sb against sth: cảnh báo ai về việc gì

Eg: “It’s better not neglect the deadline”, the teacher said.
=> The teacher warned me against neglecting/ not to neglect the deadline.

• Criticize sb for st: chỉ trích ai về cái gì

Eg: “You shouldn’t have made that mistake”, the boss said to me.
=> The boss criticized me for having made that mistake.

3. S + V+ VING
Các động từ thường được sử dụng trong dạng này là:
advise, suggest, admit, deny, ……

• Suggest:
1. “Shall we go for a swim now?”
=> She suggested going for a swim then.



2. “What about playing tennis?”

=> He suggested playing tennis.

• admit:
Eg: 1. “I know I’m wrong” => He admitted being wrong.
2. “I’ve broken the mirror” => He admitted breaking the mirror.

• apologize for:
(Lưu ý: apologize to sth for doing sth)
Eg: 1. “Sorry! I’ve hurt you” => He apologized for hurting me.
2. “Sorry! I’m late” => She apologized for being late.

4. S + V + to inf:
Các động từ thường được sử dụng trong dạng này là:
promise, agree, threaten, propose, offer, refuse, …

Eg: He said, “I’ll kill you if you don’t do that”

=> He threaten to kill me if I did not do that.

We’ll visit you.

=> She promised to visit us.

Let me give you a hand.

=> He offered to give me a hand.

Vận dụng
Ex 1: “Would you like something to drink?” he asked.
A. He asked me would like something to drink.
B. He invited me something to drink.
C. He asked me if I wanted something to drink
D. Both B and C are correct.

Ex 2: “What language do you find the most difficult to learn of all?” Nhung asked Ha.
A. Nhung asked Ha what language Ha found the most difficult to learn of all.
B. Nhung wanted to know what language they founded the most difficult to learn of all.
C. Nhung asked Ha what language did you find the most difficult to learn of all.
D. Nhung asked Ha what language you found the most difficult to learn of all.



3. “No, I won’t go to work at the weekend,” said Sally.

A. Sally refused to go to work at the weekend.
B. Sally promised to go to work at the weekend.
C. Sally apologized for not going to work at the weekend.
D. Sally regretted not going to work at the weekend.

4. “We will not leave until we see the manager,” said the customers.
A. The customers promised to leave before they saw the manager.
B. The customers refused to leave until they saw the manager.
C. The customers agreed to leave before they saw the manager.
D. The customers decided to leave because they did not see the manager.

5. “Why don’t we go camping at the weekend?” he said.

A. He denied going camping at the weekend.
B. He suggested going camping at the weekend.
C. He objected to going camping at the weekend.
D. He apologized for going camping at the weekend.

6. “I didn’t give John the money”, said Mary.

A. Mary denied giving John the money.
B. Mary admitted giving John the money.
C. Mary suggested giving John the money.
D. Mary remembered giving John the money.

7. “If I were you, I wouldn’t read the job advertisement and position description carelessly.”
Helen said.
A. Helen advised me on reading the job advertisement and position description carelessly.
B. Helen recommended that I take no notice of the job advertisement and position
C. I was blamed for not reading the job advertisement and position description carefully by
D. Helen advised me against reading the job advertisement and position description

8. “Don’t forget to lock all the doors when you go out, John!” said his mother.
A. John’s mother suggested him to lock all the doors when he went out.



B. John’s mother reminded him to lock all the doors when he went out.
C. John’s mother recommended him to lock all the doors when he went out.
D. John’s mother remembered him to lock all the doors when he went out.

9. “Are you waiting for your exam result?” She said.

A. She asked me if I was waiting for m exam result.
B. She asked me was I waiting for my exam result.
C. She asked me whether was I waiting for the exam result.
D. She asked me whether I was waiting for your exam.

10. “You’ve just got a promotion. Congratulation!” Peter said to his friend.
A. Peter congratulated his friend of getting a promotion.
B. Peter congratulated his friend that he got a promotion.
C. Peter congratulated his friend to get a promotion.
D. Peter congratulated his friend on getting a promotion.

Biến đổi câu dựa theo nghĩa

Ex 1: He talked about nothing except the weather.
A. He talked about everything including the weather.
B. His sole topic of conversation was the weather.
C. He had nothing to say about the weather.
D. He said he had no interest in the weather.

Ex 2: I can’t stand his talking foolishly when everybody talks about something in a serious
A. I don’t mind his talking foolishly when everybody talks seriously.
B. I hate him talking foolishly when people talk seriously.
C. Everybody talks seriously when he talks foolishly.
D. I can’t understand what he talks when people talk foolishly.

Ex 3: Their chances of success are small.

A. It’s very likely that they will succeed.
B. They will definitely be successful.
C. It’s not very likely that they will succeed.
D. They won’t have any chances of being successful.



Ex 4: Public education is so good in European countries that there is almost no demand for
private schools.
A. Even the excellence of public education in Europe does not stop people from sending their
children to private schools.
B. Hardly does anyone send their children to private schools in Europe because state school
are excellent.
C. People still send their children to private schools in Europe although the public education
system is excellent.
D. In Europe, there is no reason for parents to send their children to private schools because
state schools are so good.

Ex 5: I got the impression that the boys were not enjoying themselves.
A. The boys impressed me that they were not enjoying themselves.
B. The boys didn’t seem to be enjoying themselves.
C. The boys seemed not to enjoying themselves.
D. It seemed to me the boys were not enjoying themselves.

Ex 6: The boy became so confused and worried that he left home.

A. The boy became too confused and worried to leave home.
B. So confused and worried that the boy left home.
C. So confused and worried, they boy left home.
D. The boy was not confused and worried enough to leave home.

Ex 7: She raised her hand high so that she could attract the teacher’s attention.
A. Because her teacher attracted her, she raised her hand again.
B. Though she raised her hand high, she couldn’t attract her teacher’s attention.
C. To attract her teacher’s attention, she raised her hand high.
D. She had such a high raising of hand that she failed to attract her teacher’s attention.

Ex8: Anyone who misses more than fifty percent of the classes deserves to fail.
A. Those who are absent more than half the time should fail.
B. Fifty percent of classes have failed the exams.
C. More than fifty percent is too much for one class.
D. People who fail must make up fifty percent of the classwork.



Ex 9: Only Mary scored high enough to pass this test.

A. Only on this test was Mary’s score high enough.
B. Mary was the only person to pass this test.
C. Mary only passed this test because she scored higher than the others.
D. Mary’s score was barely enough to pass.

Ex 10: Lucy always reminds me of my youngest sister.

A. My youngest sister’s name is Lucy.
B. I always think of Lucy, my youngest sister.
C. Whenever I see Lucy, I think of my youngest sister.
D. It is Lucy who is my youngest sister.

Ex 11: It’s no use reading that book.

A. You should read that book.
B. That book has not been used.
C. That book is not worth reading.
D. I have used the book for a long time.

Ex 12: The challenges facing the new committee leader are numerous.
A. To succeed, the new committee leader had to face numerous challenges.
B. The new committee leader was ready to take numerous challenges.
C. There are numerous challenges facing the new committee leader.
D. Numerous challenges are going to face with the new committee leader.

Ex 13: I whispered as I didn’t want anybody to hear our conversation.

A. So as not to hear our conversation I whispered
B. Since nobody wanted to hear our conversation I whispered.
C. Because I whispered, nobody heard our conversation.
D. I lowered my voice in order that our conversation couldn’t be heard.

Ex 14: Apart from Bill, all the students said they would come to the party.
A. All the students said that they would come to the party with Bill.
B. All the students said that they would come to the party without Bill.
C. Every student said they would come to Bill’s party.
D. Bill was the only student who wouldn’t come to the party.



Ex 15: I am not certain, but there may be about twenty applicants for the job.
A. I am not sure if there are about twenty applicants for the job.
B. At a guess, there are about twenty applicants for the job.
C. I guess that there are twenty applicants for the job.
D. Twenty people are guessed to have applied for the job.

Ex 16: At the factory, he likes people to let him save his own way
A. At the factory, he doesn’t like it when people do not let him do what he wants to do
B. At the factory, he often needs the help of other people in his work
C. At the factory, he doesn’t accept help from people he dislikes
D. At the factory, he likes people to think all good ideas are his own

Ex 17: My parents taught me to respect hard work

A. I learned from my parents about respecting hard work.
B. I worked very hard and respected my parents.
C. My parents worked hard and taught me to respect them.
D. I learned how to work hard from my parents.

Ex 18: I can’t help feeling worried about David.

A. I find it impossible not to worry about David.
B. I don’t worry about David.
C. I can do nothing to help David.
D. I cannot help David stop worrying.

Ex 19: Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.

A. The new cinema was more expensive than we expected.
B. The new cinema impressed us because it was rather expensive.
C. We were very impressed by the new cinema, but we found it rather expensive.
D. We were not impressed by the new cinema at all because it looked rather expensive.

Ex 20: When he asked which one I wanted, I said I didn’t mind

A. He said I could choose between them, but I said it didn’t matter to me
B. It was up to me to choose between them, but I really didn’t want to
C. I would have done the choosing if they had asked me to
D. He wanted me to choose for him and I agreed to do so


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