Strength, Weaknesses, Opportuniities and Threaths

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I have enough knowledge to deal with my learners

I know how to get along those parents who have negative feedback with thieer child.

I have the capacity to provide any materials needed to inhance the learning in terms for their welfare


I want to improve my schedule for visiting my prospect learners whom to visit.

To lessen my temper to those learners who cannot get what I want for the activity schedule

To understand those parents who cannot attend to their child especially in answering their las and in
guiding them in reading due to the nature of their work as tier reason why they cannot do their


If I could overcome my weaknesses I am sure that I can produce good quality learners and proud that
even if they step another milestone of their life. I could proud and satisfy that am one of the instrument
to open mind and also this opportunitieswill serve as my goal or stepping stone as a great teacher.


Teacher is at risk taken like food, armed conflict,transfer of reseddince, child labor prents who cannot
teach their childbeause of being uneducated

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