There Is A Need For Improvement of Business Ethics For Aside That It Is A Common Concern of Everybody

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There is a need for improvement of business ethics for aside that it is a common concern of
everybody, in all types and forms of business it is a need to adapt improvement. Also unethical
practices are continuously practiced even nowadays thus, improvement from it and into another
forms of improvement and innovation should be brought forward for success and growth of
business ethics standards as well as the affected entity.
2. Integrity Initiative campaign is a multisectoral campaign that seeks to institutionalize integrity
standards among various sectors of society which is led by a private sector which initiates to
diminish if not fully eradicate, cycles of corruption in the Philippines. It aims to build trust in
government with a more equitable society and fair market conditions. Delving people to be
employed in dynamic Philippine economy to alleviate of poverty should become constant.
3. Which a code of conduct is a formal expression of the organization’s values and ethics this must
be guide directors and senior executives for it maintains an organizations integrity reflected to
its staff as complementary version. Promote Responsibility and accountability of individuals for
reporting and investigating reports of unethical practices and ensure compliance with legal and
other obligations to legitimate stakeholders.
4. A two fold purpose aims to address by Unified Code of Conduct for Business. First is that it
harmonizes existing ethical standards among business operating in the Philippines of ensuring
different market players adhere to same rules of the game to create fair market conditions and
promote transparency in doing business. Second the code communicates the signatory’s
commitment to upholding high standards of ethics in all business transactions that it ensures
profit secured and at the expense of integrity is an unacceptable and unsuitable way of
conducting business.
- All business is essentially an expression of human relationships, not only to those who work to
the enterprise but also to its suppliers and external factors that as the code of ethics preamble
hopes for success.
- Competition and incentives are essential for the maintenance and continuing improvement
of the quality of goods and service for growth and for technological progress.
- That every man has a dignity and must be respected whether of its role and all aspects of
resources has been created for growth and development

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