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International Journal of Engineering and Information S ystems (IJEAIS )

IS S N: 2643-640X
Vol. 5 Issue 3, March - 2021, Pages: 59-63

Trust In E-Government Services in Pakistan: A Conceptual

Sohail Ahmed 1 , Abdul Rahim Chandio2 , Dr. Ayaz Ahmed3 , Sobia4
Department of public administration, University of Sindh Jamshoro
Abstract: Adoption of digital system becomes an innovative revolution to replace the tradition work into scientific means.
Electronic government is the use of technology in which particular wireless based application sustains the provision of online
interconnectivity in the way to convey a speedy service delivery and materialize an easy accessibility of users via government
portal. Moreover, the vitality of e-government has been recognized in the contemporary era of science and technology across the
world. The chief aim of this study to represent a literature of an electronic government use in a conceptual means in which
proposed determinants as PEOU, PU, TIEG, SI, and ITU envisage the intention of the users’ online services of government in a
Pakistan perspective. In the existing literature all constructs of the proposed model possess an effect on the intention to use e -
government and the theoretical approach encompasses the TAM and UTAUT model to assist the technological adopti on of the
employee's use of the innovative system in an organization. However, Pakistan has been ranked low in the e-government
development index that seems the backwardness of the e-government adaptation in the country that is recognized as the dire need
to be adjusted with public sectors to sustain an effective and efficient service delivery. It seems the poor literacy rate an d financial
constraints are serious obstacles for adopting e-government technology in the working atmosphere of the diverse public sector
Keywords: Electronic government, Perceived usefulness, Obstacles, Recommendations, Intention to use


Adoption of an innovative technology to substitute the traditional work mechanism is perceived a hard task in which an
investigation of behavioral attitude concerning the e-government acceptance or information technology is the dire need to mobilize
the research to meet the intentional assessment of users . Information technology has brought a tremendous change and provided a
unique mode of interconnectivity via online in the various sectors of life such as e -learning, e-voting, e-procurement, e-commerce,
e-Fiqh, and e-government (Haider, et al., 2019; Chandio, et al., 2018). E-government is an online government used by the public
and private services which are recognized under the jurisdiction of the government’s legalized documentation based on the law of
the land (Chandio, 2020). The existing literature highlights the digital era of online system in which governments utilizes the
internet in order to deliver services and to interconnect with organizations and citizens. The degree of reliability of e -government
services in Pakistan is based on the use of technology and meets the users’ satisfaction on online government applications
(Chandio, et al., 2019; Haider, et al., 2019). Thus according to researchers Governments should construct trustworthy relatio nships
with citizens earlier than go to disclose e-channel that can succeed e-government projects (Chandio, et al., 2019; Warkentin et al.,
2002). E-government has been recognized as an instrument to provide electronic information and electronic services to citizens,
online banking and public sectors as a subs titute of the traditional channels (Haider, et al., 2019).

Electronic services (E-service) acceptance brings an organizational change and its development depends on the reliability
users and their expertise to apply the innovative system. The wireless tech nology as the online service provides a digital facilities
to organization, citizens, multinational corporations and government related different sectors (Chandio, et al., 2018). Hence ,
scholars support the use of e-government an unproblematic to public institutions and make certain the service delivery via adoption
internet (Chandio, 2020; Haider, 2019; Abu-Shanab, 2013). The present literature relates to use of electronic government and its
acceptance in the public sectors to provide an effective governan ce and administration. The public workers trust regarding the use
of technology is a significant to introduce the innovative system in the public sector which highlights the expertise of the users of
the information technology (IT). The gap between public trust and technology use remains the gulf in the modern governance that
require serious attention to campaign a research and theory (Asgarkhani , 2009; Levi and Stoker, 2000).

Adoption of electronic government trend ensures the provision of a self-sustaining change via interconnectivity by means
of technological use in the culture of organization (Chandio, et al., 2018; Dunleavy et al., 2006). The proposed construct represent
the users decision and their trust building on the innovative technology to mobilize an online services (Chandio, et al., 2019;
Haider, 2019). In the early research number of antecedents were used to discover the intention and trust building of the elec tronic
government users in which adoption of the innovative technology was assessed by the user (Haider, 2019; Beldad et al., 2012).
The proposed the constructs as perceived usefulness (PU), social influence (SI), and perceived ease of use (PEOU) were
extensively were used to interpret the users’ perception towards the acceptance of tech nology in which the use of website to be
International Journal of Engineering and Information S ystems (IJEAIS )
IS S N: 2643-640X
Vol. 5 Issue 3, March - 2021, Pages: 59-63
perceived (Haider, 2019; Abu Shanab, 2014; Alsaghier et al., 2009). There are number of theories regarding the technological
adaptation exposed the various factors that have considerable influence on trust and inten tion od employees to use the electronic
services such as technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of reasoned action (TRA) (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975; Davis,

Literature review

The existing study provides a wide literature on the employees’ percept ion to use the innovative technological system like use of
electronic government in Pakistan, and pursues the proposed constructs perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social
influence constructs, trust in e-government and intention to use (Chandio, 2020; Haider, 2019; Abu Shanab, 2014). E-government
occupies a significant position in the dissemination the wireless based services to sustain an emergence to proximity of
relationships of citizen with government and government to employees. Research strived to explore the constructs to assess the
intention of innovative technology use in an organization that would influence the verdict to adopt this technology (Chandio, 2020;
Haider, 2019). It highlights the earlier scholarly services regarding the relationship between proposed constructs in this study like
perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social influence, trust in e-government and intention to use (Chandio, 2020; Haider,
2019; Abu Shanab, 2014; Lean, et al., 2009). These extant studies help to manage the conceptual framework of present research to
produce a literature on the accumulating the researches opinion towards the intention to use e -government whereas early studies
supported the concerned notion of research.

Perceived ease of use has been defined as an effortless consciousness of users to conceive the innovative technology as an
easy to be used. Moreover, it has been defined as the degree of users perception to consider the use of technology as an effortless
and free from any troublesome (Davis, 1989). In the research within developed countries adopted the factors like PEOU, PU, and
ITU to interpret the intention of users to use the electronic government services in the public sectors across the world governments
(Haider, 2019; Abu Shanab, 2014; Phang et al., 2005). The developed model like technology acceptance model (TAM) uses the
constructs PU and PEOU in the in forecasting intention to use e-government (ITU) (Davis, 1989). In this perspective technology
acceptance model (TAM) encompasses the both constructs (PEOU and PU) to influence the users’ attitudes to adopt innovative
system (Haider, 2019; Abu Shanab, 2014; Davis, 1989). According to the TAM model the determinants as PEOU, and PU impact
the perception of an individual users towards the assessment of the innovative system and investigate the the influence of the users
behavior to adopt the new introduced system in an organization.

Number of research sustained their arguments to conn ect the variables a PEOU and PU to measure the intention of
employees to use the newly adopted technology in an organization (Chandio, 2020; Haider, 2019; Abu Shanab, 2014; Warkentin et
al 2002). In the research concerned with the adoption of e-government use materialized the challenges in the third world nations
and the research relating to e-government development and progress in the societies of developing communities remained a trial to
accomplish the appropriate the use of technology in the work environment (Chandio, et al., 2018). There are various studies to
encourage the use of the variables as PEOU, PU, and TIEG to measure the intention of electronic government technology user s
and the, majority of the research support the relationship of the constructs (Haider, 2019; Chang, et al., 2005; Warkentin, et al.,
2002). The users’ intention is to be motivated and enhanced when the perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use
(PEOU) rose at a higher degree (Chandio, 2020; Haider, 2019; Davis, 1989).

The majority of the earlier research gave hypothesis concerning the perceived usefulness (PU) as to be a reviewer to
intention to use (ITU) also second-hand perceived ease of use (PEOU) as another predictor. The citizens’ intention to use
electronic government has been affected by trust in government’s e-services, perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use
(PEOU). The research argues that perceived usefulness has been influenced by the intention of user to use electronic government
(Warkentin et al., 2002). Few researcher claims that relative benefit of the technological acceptance is pertaining to perce ived
usefulness. Likely, research argues that relative advantage of technological acceptance is related to perceived usefulness (PU)
from (TAM) technological acceptance model (Venkatesh and colleagues, 2003). Moreover, TAM model also concerns to website
use where perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use manipulate the adoption of the Internet (Gefen, and Straub 2000).
However, these numerous studies cleared to reveal the backgrounds of perceived usefulness which are precious to practitioners in
providing guidance them to devise a system that gives warranty of the high adoption (Venkatesh, et al., 2003; Gefen, and Straub

Social influence means a compact society in which social perceptions is being influenced. Social influence highlights the
social perceptions or social intensity. It is serious situation for governments, as it gives emphasis to the social waves of
perceptions concerning to services of government (Haider, 2019; Abu-Shanab 2014). Social perception occupies deep influence in
the society in order to highlight the degree of assessment of a government. Social influence in e-government adoption stands for
that it highlights the degree to which important people in users life believe that he should use e -government services. On the basis
International Journal of Engineering and Information S ystems (IJEAIS )
IS S N: 2643-640X
Vol. 5 Issue 3, March - 2021, Pages: 59-63
of the results (Malhotra, and Galletta 1999) it reveals that Kelman's three processes of social influence have direct effects on the
attitude of users and indirect belongings with the behavioral intention via attitude. Social influence is the influencers per taining
social perception of people related to e-government. Social influence reveals a close society that is to be influenced by means of
social perceptions (Abu Shanab 2014).

Social influence plays an influential role in the adaptation of the information technology and handling a significant area
for a better comprehending ‘the world of the real nature’ application of technology acceptance model (TAM). Social influence
attracts the interest in comprehending the changes, which come out concerning in the attitude of individuals inputs ext ernally, such
as communicated to them via information technology (Kelman, 1958). Social influence relates to individual social perceptions to
adopt and implement the information technology that would assist to investigate the trust in e -government services. Social
influence ensures a psychological relation of user to adopt the information technology. Social influence implies the degree of
perception of the perceiving of an individual regarding one’s trust to use new system (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Social influence is
a very significant and influential construct that have an effect on numerous aspects of the decisions of citizens (Al-Shafi and
Weerakkody, 2010; Venkatesh et al., 2003). Thus Social influence argues that use of e -government services emphasizes the social
waves of perceptions relating to trusts in e- government.

Intention to use e-government (ITU) has been defined as a designation of mind to anticipation and social perception to use
electronic services by a user. Trust the degree of the reliability of the users regarding the adoption of the innovative technology
whereas the trust in e-government is concerned with the trustworthiness of the electronic government us ers to be perceived by the
user (Chandio, 2020; Haider, et al., 2019; Abu- Shanab 2014). The proposed construct trust in e-government influence the
intention of users to sue e-government services in the organizational operations and it assists the measure the degree of the
reliability of the users to adopt the innovative technolo gical use. Trust in e-government has been carried out in the studies of many
scholars. In this perspective, the research conducted by majority scholars in the developing countries to investigate the sig nificant
of technological modernism with its relations hip between perceived usefulness , perceived ease of use and intention to use
relating to trust in e-government (Phang, et al., 2005; Chang, et al., 2006).

Proposed conceptual framework model

Perceived ease of use

Perceived usefulness

Social influence Intention to use e-government

Trust in e-government

Figure 1. Proposed conceptual model

The proposed model is based on the factors to assist the electronic government users perception in Pakistan perspective. In
Pakistan e-government faces the numerous difficulties and require effective initiative to make innovative technology adoptable
that relies on the Culturalization of information technology (IT) in society and deep attention of government to ensure the
provision of the IT based infrastructure and literacy (Chandio, et al., 2018). Pakistan ranks low in e-government perception index
that is because of financial and political constraints and crisis in the way to boost up technological adoption in the country
(Chandio, et al., 2019). It ranks Pakistan in poor position in the e-Government context among other Asian countries as united
nation survey reports Pakistan to be in the category of Middle level of the Elec tronic government development index (EGDI).

Very High EGDI 2018 High EGDI 2018 Middle EGDI 2018 Low EGDI 2018 (Less than 0.25)
(Greater than 0.75) (Between 0.50 and 0.75) (Between 0.25 to 0.50)
Australia Albania Afghanistan Central African Republic
Italy Costa Rica Democratic Republic of the Central African Republic
Congo (+)
Japan Panama (+) Pakistan

Table .2012 (xDGE) xlectronic government development index1 1
International Journal of Engineering and Information S ystems (IJEAIS )
IS S N: 2643-640X
Vol. 5 Issue 3, March - 2021, Pages: 59-63
En the majority of the developing countries, such as Pakistan’s government also encourages getting initiatives and launching
projects of e-Government in a whole country to give the appropriate e-services in a more cost-effective and suitable way to the
Pakistani citizens (Asgarkhani, 2009). Additionally, the development of information technology can play an effective role to
decrease the social issues of Pakistan. Enabling Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure will make possible
to lessen the dilemmas of the poverty in Pakistan and governments’ ineffective strategies of which produce an atmosphere for the
government stay away from depression that will make capable to create the jobs’ new and fresh market. However, the majority o f
the developing countries like Pakistan meet the number of obstacles to accomplish and g et better the system of electronic
government in more specialized and reliable way (Chandio, et al., 2018; Haider, et al., 2016). Henceforth, the position of Pakistan
in e-Government context ranks her behind the other developed and developing nations.

Aim and objectives of the study

The key aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between behavioral and technological factors with trust in e -
government. For achieving this aim following objectives have been proposed.

 To highlight the relationship between PEOU, PU, SI, TIEG and ITU.
 The key objective of this research is to find out the degree of trust in e - government that gives its coordination with the
constructs of social influence, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
 Review the literature concerning the employees’ intention to use e-Government regarding the assessing their degree of
reliability in e-services.
 It charts out the trustworthiness of public employees concerning the e-services of government.
 Long-range theoretical models have been Investigated that can be applied to examine the intention of employees to use
electronic government services.
 An appropriate conceptual model is to be proposed to investigate the employees’ role relating their intention in the way to
use the technology and adoption of e-services and proposed hypotheses.
 It highlights the contributions which can assist the governments to practice government in an effective way to promote
technological measures to adopt e-services and assure the provision of the better e-Government services through
comprehending the dimensional impacts of trust in e-Government.


Information Technology also played influential role in the way of development and progress. This article aimed to proposes to
improve the understanding of the constructs which influence the (TIEG) trust in e-government services. E-government gives a
significant e-service that meets the lives citizens and manipulates their future interactions with their governments. The chief
purpose of the existing article is to improve the understanding of the constructs which influence the (TIEG) trust in e -government
services. The proposed model contained five major constructs such as PU, PEOU, SI, ITU and TIEG that are commonly concerned
with the technology acceptance domain. Trust in e-government was envisaged by four major factors in the earlier study with a
positive significance. E-government gives a significant e-service that meets the lives of citizens and manipulates their future
interactions with their governments. Moreover, the prevailing study pertains to conceptual study but in future this model can be
tested as in empirical data as well. The existing paper analyzes the e-government prevailing situation in Pakistan perspective. The
current condition of e-government of Pakistan lags behind the other developing and developed countries of the world.


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