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God of all creation, we offer you grateful praise for the gift of life on
behalf of the birthday celebrator, Malyn. Hear the heart desires of the
celebrator and answer her exceedingly and abundantly. We recall today the
day of Malyn’s birth and we rejoice together with her in the gifts of life
and love, family and friends. Father God, bless Malyn with your presence
and surround her with your love, that she may enjoy many more happy
years, all of them pleasing to you.
God our times are in your hands; look with favor as we pray for the
celebrator, as she may continue to grow in wisdom and grace, and
strengthen her trust in your goodness all the days of her life. Lord, you
made a world full of goodness, filled with beauty, love and nourishment.
As we sit here today preparing to eat this food before us, help us to
remember your provision and goodness with thankful hearts. Father bless
this food and grant that all who eat it may be strong in body and spirit and
may the celebrator continue to grow in your love, goodness and favor.
Thank you for bringing us together for this meal and celebration. May we
continue to live in friendship and in harmony with one another. This we
pray in the precious and mighty name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

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