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HIST 105/DIVST 118

Quiz 1 study guide

Covers chapters 11 and 12 in the textbook

I. President Lincoln and Reconstruction
a. What were his aims as President once the Civil War began?
b. What was his plan for Reconstruction?
c. Who became President after Lincoln’s assassination, and what were his
views/actions on Reconstruction?
II. What were “black codes”?
III. Radical Reconstruction
a. Who were the Radical Republicans?
b. Were they from the same political party as Lincoln?
c. Why were they opposed to Lincoln’s plan?
d. Specifics of their plan
e. Opposition by Lincoln and Andrew Johnson?
IV. Who were Blanche Bruce and Hiram Revels?
V. The Freedmen’s Bureau
a. What year created?
b. What were its goals and mission?
c. Successes and failures?
VI. Primary issues facing freed slaves after the war (access to land, health care,
housing, education, and jobs)
VII. What was sharecropping?
VIII. Reasons for the end of Reconstruction
a. Anti-Reconstruction groups (such as the KKK)
b. The election of 1876
c. Supreme Court decisions (Cruikshank, Reese)
IX. Methods used to suppress/eliminate the “black vote”
X. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
a. Specifics of the case
b. What did the Court rule?
XI. Examples of violence in the “New South”

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