2017 - Total Factor Productivity Analysis in Food Sector - Melati Kusumawati

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ISSN: 2278-3369

International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics

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Total Factor Productivity Analysis in Food Sector

Halim Tatli1*, Riza Bayrak2
1Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics ,Bingol University.
2 Turkish Armed Forces General Staff.
*Corresponding Author: Halim Tatli


In this study we to try to analyze the total factor productivity of 22 firms listed in Borsa Istanbul (BIST)
in terms of economics perspective with the 2011-2015 years data. Equity, raw material cost and
personnel cost were used as input variables; total sales and total export values also as output variables
in accordance with the data acquired from BIST. Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index was applied
to data with input oriented models. According to research findings; all firms seems to have decreasing
values only in technical efficiency; but on the contrary increasing values in technological efficiency, pure
efficiency, scale efficiency and total factor productivity. The most improvements was observed to be
approximately 4.5% in total factor productivity. A.V.O.D, Tarım and Dardanel were seen to be firms
improving their values in all efficiency forms for five years; whereas Kent, Oylum and Pınar Et were
observed to have decreasing values in all efficiency forms for five years.

Keywords: Borsa Istanbul, Food Industry, Efficiency, Malmquist Total Factor, Productivity.
Moving by the fact that food is of great beverage sector in Turkish manufacturing
importance for the continuation of human industry is % 12,4 (Social Securitiy
lives, it can be said that first and foremost Institution). Apart from that, these firms
phase of social prosperity is to maintain the producing in the food and beverage sector
need of food and drinks sufficently and provide significant added value to Turkish
healthily. In other words, the truth of food economy. While the total added value
being the most basic need of human lives created by the sector was 13,9 billion TL in
allows this sector to be more important and 2013; this amount increased with the rate of
strategic than the other sectors of economy. %41 and became 23,5 billion TL in 2014
(Turkish Statistical Institution).
Food and beverage sector; with its nearly
290 billion liras in gross domestic product, According to the “World Population
over 42000 producing firms and over Prospects: 2015 Revision” report prepared
480000 employers, is at the position of the by United Nations, 7.3 billion of world’s
largest production industry in Turkish population in 2015 is estimated to reach 8.5
economy. Turkish food sector also increased billion in 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050
its percentage of exports by 3,5 times and (United Nations, Department of
became the 15th largest food and beverage Economicand Social Affairs). Due to the rise
sector all over the world with its %7 in the population, global warming,
additional percentage on exports as of 2014 environmental pollution, scarce of resources
(Ministry of Sciens, Industry and and unconscious consumption signals that
Technology). Moreover, since the sector is a maintenance of food and beverages is going
part of manufacturing industry and is labor- to be provided harder and harder for human
intensive, it is of quite substantial beings. In this context, it can be stated that
importance in terms of employment. The the strategic importance of food sector will
percentage of employees of food and rise for nations.

Halim Tatli et. al.| July.-August. 2017| Vol.6| Issue 4|25-34 25

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Additionally, because of the rapid changes manufacturing industries and other sectors
on information and communication with these methos. In this section, the
technology and globalization, competition studies conducted to measure efficiency and
between the firms gets tougher. Therefore, productivity of food and beverages were
the only way to survive in this highly examined respectively.
competitive environment can be managed
with efficient production. In other words, Percin and Ustasuleyman [2] used the
the sustainability of these firms can be method of Malmquist Total Factor
related to the terms of efficiency and Productiivity and Data Envelopment
productivity. Analysis to measurea and evaluate the food
and textile firms of Istanbul Stock
Generally, efficiency can be handled with Exchange between 2000 and 2002. Inputs of
two approaches in the literature. First one the study were number of employers of the
is economical efficiency approach and the firms, total assets and equity capital.
other is firm sided approach. Economical Outputs were sales, profits, market value,
efficiency approach mostly consists of the and profits per share and amounts per
terms of Pareto optimum, and it expresses share. Analysis revealed that decrease of
production and distribution efficiency. In the efficiency of the food firms were less
firm approach, efficiency is defined as the than that of textile firms, and the most
accurate production of the firm by means of important cause of the decrease of efficiency
inputs and oputputs (Yükçü and Atağan, was observed to be the negativities on
2009:2). At this point, it this possible to technical efficiency changes between 2000
describe efficiency to be ratio of actual and 2002.
output to the potential output [1].
Dizkirici [3] used the method of Data
With these thoughts it is highly possible to Envelopment Analysis to measure financial
say that the determination of productivity efficiencies of the food and beverages firms
and efficiency of the firms is of great listed in BIST for the term between 2000
importance. With this purpose, firms of the and 2002. Output of the study was
Istanbul Stock Exchange were selected. profitabilty ratio. Inputs were liquidity,
Because these firms have valid financial, activity ratio and financial structure ratios.
executive and legal norms for productivity At the end of the study, each firm’s
and efficiency analysis. As the decision productivity rate was compared with the
making unit in our study, food and beverage values achived with MTFI for related term.
producing firms within manufacturing As a result of the evaluations, Ulker was
industry were chosen. found the only firm both to be productive
and have increasing productivity values.
Firstly, the studies conducted in the
literature concerning this subject until this Cikar and Percin [4] used efficiency analysis
time were examined. Analysis method was to analyse efficiencies of these firms with
introduced afterwards. In the third part of the data of 2009. After that, they used
the study, variables and related data were Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index
explained. In the part of findings and to measure the change of productivity of 25
discussion, findings of the analysis were sugar factories with 2002-2009 data. At the
discussed. In the last part, conlusion part, end of the study, under the assumption of
findings of the study were summarized and constant returns to scale, 12 factories and
some future implication was developed for under the assumption of variable return to
the next studies. the scale, 16 factories were found to be
productive. After the MTFP analysis, % 0,6
Summary of the Literature
increase on TFP was observed in mentioned
Examining the literature, it can be seen firms for the period of 2002-2009.
that the number of studies, using Data
Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Total Sevim [5] made a research on agricultural
Factor Productivity analysis that measured productivity of EU members and candidates
the efficieny of food and beverage sector, are of 28 EU countries by using 1993-2002 data.
limited. However, there are many studies Malmquist TFP used was as a analysis
taht measured efficiency and productivity of
Halim Tatli et. al.| July.-August. 2017| Vol.6| Issue 4|25-34 26
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method. A decrease of %0,9 on TFP was steel industry of China; Oh et al. (2014) the
found in this study. efficiency of manufacturing industry of
Korea with this method.
Different methods were observed in
literature about the studies of efficiency and Main feature of this study is that it uses
productivity of food sector. The more data for a larger period than
prominent was Birlik et al. [6] s study. In aforementioned studies and it differentiate
this study, Stochastic Frontier Analysis was by the choice of variables. Data used in that
used to predict the technical unproductivity study are basically related the cost
levels of firms of Turkish food sector in the variables, poduction process and market
short and long run. In the study, surveys of share values. Therefore it can be claimed
structured job statistics of Turkish that these variable may represent the
Statistical Institute were used and production process better than financial
stochastic frontier function was estimated ones.
for the term 2003-2011. According to the
results, technical unproductivity on food
sector is persistent and the productivity Malmquist TFP index, which considers
level of the firms did not converge in the taking time dimension Yalçıner [16] time
long run. dependent effects of variables Grifell and
Lovell [17] into account while measuring
Chang and Robin [7] using the data from the efficiencies of the decision making units
the term 1997-2003, examined the influence (DMUs), was first developed by Caves et al.
of innovation on productivity in Taiwan [18]. After that, the name of Malmquist was
over 48794 firms from 23 industries. Output given to it, who proposed the idea of
of the study was total sales; inputs were establishing an index with distance
capital, workforce and intermediate goods of functions Grosskopf [19], Cingi and Tarım
energy and production. Analysis revealed [20]. This index is described as the ratio of
the fact that the innovative character of input and output distance functions in order
firms had significant negative effect on TFP to measure the change in TFP of a firm
both before and after 1990 at all sectors. between the time periods of “s” and “t”
Coelli et al [21].
Examining the empirical studies of the
literatüre, it is seen that Malmquist TFP Distance function for the output is defined
were used to measure efficiency changes in as d(x, y) = min {δ: (y/ δ) ∈ S} and if the
various sectors. For example Georganta [8] values of d(x, y) are on the “S” boundaries
measured the corn industry of the Greece; (production frontier) of vector Y, then it is
Deliktas [9] examined the private equal 1.0 (=1.0). If vector y is defining a
manufacturing industry of Turkey; Lorcu technivally ineffcient point on “S”, it is
[10] examinde automotive industry in bigger than 1.0 (>1.0); and if vector y is
Turkey; Yaylaci [11] examined the defining a point outside of the “S” than the
automotive industry of 26 developing value is smaller than 1.0 (<1.0) Cingi and
country; Madden and Savage [12] studied Tarım, [22].
telecomunication sector; Managi et al. [13] Malmquist TFP index is defined for output
worked petroleum and gas industry in oriented models as equation (1) Färe [23]
Mexican Gulf; Chen [14] automotive 66-80.
industry in USA, Europa, Japan and North
Korea; Shen and Shong [15] examined the

= (1)

If M0> 1; than it can be accepted that TFP finally if M0= 1, it would be acknowledged no
increased from “t” term to “t+1” term. If M0< change in TFP from “t” term to “t+1” term . It
1, than it would be said that TFP decreased is possible to convert equation (1) to equation
from “t” term to “t+1” term and (2) Grosskopf, [19].
Halim Tatli et. al.| July.-August. 2017| Vol.6| Issue 4|25-34 27
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= x (2)

Equation (3) describes the change in decision making units (DMUs) to the efficient
technical efficiency and defines the frontier. This can be expressed to be catching
approaching process (catching-up effect) of of production frontier Rezitis, [24].

TED= (3)
shift). Meaning, it can be accepted as the
Equation (4) describes technological shift of production possibilities curve
changes and defines the shift of efficient Mahadevan [25].
frontier in time (frontier shift or boundary

TD = (4)

Therefore, changes occured in technical shown in equation (5) (Kök and Şimşek, [26]
efficiency and technological effiviciency are 5; Herrero and Pascoe [27]. This allows us to
part of changes in TFP and their observe the impact of both factors on TFP.
multiplication gives the index of TFP as

= TED x TD (5)
changes in TFP defines the sum of both
Changes in technical efficiency explains the technical and technological change Akhisar
situation of getting closer to the production ve Tezergil, [28].
frontier under the assumption of constant
return to the scale; while changes in
technological efficiency express the changes In this section, it can be found the
of technologies utilized or the shift of explanations regarding the data used in this
production possibilities curve Mahadevan, study. 5 variables were used totally: equity
[25]. capital, personnel cost, raw material cost as
input variables; total sales and total export
Change in the pure efficiency express value as output variables. Information
technical changes under constant return to about these variables is stated on Table 1.
the scale; change in the scale efficiency
defines the degree of approaching to the
most effective scale/optimal scale and

Table1: Variables and Definition

Variable Definition Source
EQ Equity
Input PC Personnel Cost
Borsa Istanbul (BIST)*
RC Raw Material Cost
TS Total Sales
TE Total Export
Reference: (*) Obtained from https://www.kap.org.tr
Accessed Date: 01.01.2016-01.03.2016

be removed from analysis Norman and

Results and Discussion Stoker [29]. In this context, correlation
Variables that do not contribute to analysis was applied before the analysis to
production and have multicolinearity should examine correlation between the variables.

Halim Tatli et. al.| July.-August. 2017| Vol.6| Issue 4|25-34 28

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This analysis revealed that correlation efficiency happened in the last term.
between variables was too low. Banvit, Coca Cola and Penguen are ther
firms that gained efficiency in every term
In this analysis; technical efficiency, within this 5 year period.
technological efficiency, pure technical
efficiency, scale efficiency and TFP changes Evaluating the pure technical efficiency
of 22 firms for four terms in five years were level, which implies the technical efficiency
examined. Additionally, change of change under the assumption of variable
efficiency averages were studied for these return to the scale, it may be expressed that
terms. Also, by analyzing the five year the only term in which firms experienced
production process of the firms as a whole, efficiency loss at about 8% was 2013-2014.
values obtained were compared with each
other and interpreted. In other terms, they seemed to have
efficiency increases. While no changes were
Values bigger than 1 (>1) shows the observed in the efficiency level of Banvit,
increase of the efficiency and values less Kerevitaş Gıda, Merko, Selçuk Gıda and
than 1 (<1) shows decrease of efficiency for Tat Gıda; other firms seemed to have a
the related term. But, values equal 1 (=1) fluctuating trend at efficiency levels.
means no change of efficiency in the related Considering the relation of changes in pure
term. efficiency with managerial
efficiencies/abilities Lorcu, [10] 283, it is
Examining technical efficiency levels, possible to put forward that none of them
describing the approach to efficient frontier, experienced a continuous increases in
out of these four terms, only efficiency loss managerial capabilities.
(15 %) were observed in 2013-2014 term,
whereas there was an increase of efficiency When examining the scale efficiency
in other terms. In this five years period, it acquisitons of the firms, which implies the
could be said that firm efficiency levels were optimal production scale, firms were
observed to be fluctuating up and down observed to have efficiency decreases (about
rather than purely a constant increase or 8%) in only 2013-2014 term, while
decrease. experiencing efficieny increases in other
terms. Of the 22 firms, the only firm was
The only firm was Merko Gida to preserve Merko Gida to preserve its conditions, while
its technical efficiency as a stable in this others seemed to have fluctuated up and
five years period. down.

Examining the technological efficiency In sum, it is possible to declare that none of

change, which describes the shift of the firms experienced steady improvements
production possibilities frontier in time; it in the optimal production scale for all
was observed that firms had efficiency terms.
decreases at about 14% reagrding averages
fort he period of 2011-2012. But in the other If an evaluation based on changes of TFP
terms, they seemed to inrease their levels covering the efficiency changes both
efficiencies, while to have a small efficiency in technical and technological efficiencies, is
loss only in the last term. made it could be said that firms experienced
efficiency decreases only in the 2011-2012
Banvit, Coca Cola, Penguen Gida seemed to term regarding averages, but efficiency
be only three firms to increase their increases in the next terms. It is possible to
efficiency values for all terms. On average a assosciate that efficiency loss with that of
loss of %14 on technological efficiency which technological loss at the same period.
can be described as gained by the firms with
technological changes and signals to the Moreover, A.V.O.D. Gida, Tarım Inc., Pınar
shift of producttion opportunities curve was Süt and Pınar Su seemed to experience
observed for 2011-2012 term and an steady improvement in efficiency levels for
increase of efficiency occured for the these five years.
following two terms then a little decrease if

Halim Tatli et. al.| July.-August. 2017| Vol.6| Issue 4|25-34 29

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Table 2: Results of Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Analysis (2011-2015)\

DMUs 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 20 20 20 20
2011- 2- 3- 4- 2011- 2012- 2013- 2014- 1- 2- 3- 4- 1- 2- 3- 4- 11- 12- 13- 14-
2012 201 201 201 2012 2013 2014 2015 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 20 20 20 20
3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 12 13 14 15
0,7 0,8 1,1 0,7 0,6 0,9 1,0 0,9 1,0 0,9 1,0 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,4
1 ğ Kom. 0,746 0,340 1,171 1,037 1,110
00 80 77 54 96 37 35 90 06 39 70 54 20 12 16
1,1 1,1 0,9 1,3 1,3 1,0 0,9 1,0 0,9 1,1 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,1
2 Gıda ve 1,390 0,878 0,658 1,277 1,215
83 67 36 45 79 00 54 33 42 67 00 20 59 57 30
1,0 0,6 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,3 1,0 0,6 1,0 0,9 1,5 1,4 1,3
3 Banvit 1,362 1,002 1,544 1,356 1,394
00 96 17 00 00 00 00 62 00 96 17 16 44 66 27
Coca 0,6 0,6 1,1 1,0 1,0 0,6 1,0 0,9 0,6 0,9 1,2 0,9 0,8 0,9 1,0
4 0,934 1,002 1,259 1,581 1,394
Cola 47 93 07 00 00 09 00 34 47 75 82 35 15 38 23
Dardan 1,3 0,6 0,7 1,1 1,3 0,5 1,0 1,4 1,0 0,9 0,7 1,2 1,0 0,7 1,3
5 1,495 1,339 0,762 0,759 1,114
el 76 54 65 76 72 55 67 41 01 99 17 69 94 65 82
Ersu 1,4 0,9 1,2 1,4 1,5 0,9 1,0 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,1 1,0 1,0 0,9 0,8
6 1,383 0,739 1,252 1,037 0,715
Gıda 62 18 05 21 78 90 10 74 51 27 93 22 56 52 61
1,1 0,8 0,6 1,0 1,1 1,0 0,7 1,0 1,0 0,8 0,6 1,0 0,9 1,2 1,3
7 Pak 1,066 1,010 0,789 1,666 1,413
90 48 87 56 09 00 74 09 73 48 67 76 39 75 44
0,6 0,7 1,0 1,0 0,5 0,7 1,4 1,1 1,3 0,6 1,0 0,7 0,8 0,8 1,1
8 an Su 1,188 0,363 1,271 1,026 0,728
92 30 19 00 11 03 53 88 53 57 97 07 79 36 98
Kent 1,3 1,0 1,3 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,7 0,4 1,3 1,0 0,7 1,1 1,1 1,2 0,7
9 0,617 0,664 0,667 1,216 1,029
Gıda 98 00 46 00 00 00 65 17 98 00 36 10 21 16 02
Kerevit 1,0 0,6 1,2 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,3 1,0 0,7 1,2 0,9 1,2 1,3 0,8
10 1,356 0,538 1,250 0,686 0667
aş Gıda 00 54 02 00 00 00 00 56 00 54 01 56 50 64 21
Konfrut 0,6 1,1 0,8 1,1 0,6 1,1 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 0,9 1,0 0,7 1,1 0,7
11 0,986 1,113 1,169 1,018 0,875
Gıda 56 36 38 05 02 34 55 92 89 01 80 97 67 56 33
Kristal 0,6 0,6 1,3 1,3 0,9 0,6 1,3 1,3 0,7 0,9 1,3 1,1 1,5 0,9 1,2
12 1,120 0,785 1,311 1,465 0,722
Kola 57 47 04 47 22 73 17 98 13 61 19 73 18 48 03
Merko 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,3 0,6 1,4 0,7
13 1,000 1,396 0,613 1,642 0,742
Gıda 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 96 13 62 42
Mert 0,6 0,8 1,3 1,3 0,7 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,5 0,6 1,3 1,2 0,6 1,4 1,4
14 1,120 1,139 1,118 1,337 0,659
Gıda 66 66 89 58 83 78 00 25 65 78 89 76 47 17 04
Oylum 0,7 0,6 0,6 1,5 0,7 0,7 1,3 1,5 0,8 1,0 0,6 1,2 0,7 0,6 0,6
15 1,429 1,446 0,673 1,552 0,611
Sınai 76 16 33 21 11 10 11 51 10 15 33 95 72 45 63
Pengue 1,4 0,7 0,6 0,7 1,2 0,7 0,6 1,0 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,8 1,2 1,0 0,9
16 0,769 1,065 0,647 1,407 1,741
n Gıda 83 54 64 61 35 60 05 10 77 93 98 19 54 61 96
Pınar 0,9 0,9 1,3 1,0 0,9 1,0 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,4 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,1
17 0,956 1,091 1,047 1,162 0,820
Süt 58 59 53 00 75 25 60 56 82 35 10 43 03 14 09
Selçuk 1,4 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,6 1,4 1,0 1,0 0,5 1,5 1,3 0,7
18 0,647 0,504 1,493 1,379 0,708
Gıda 85 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 93 00 00 26 57 79 08
Tat 1,5 0,7 1,3 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,6 1,4 0,7 1,3 0,7 1,5 0,6 1,4
19 0,653 0,479 1,428 0,829 1,388
Gıda 35 33 65 00 00 00 00 53 35 33 65 13 09 45 94
Vanet 0,7 0,9 1,2 0,5 1,6 0,8 1,2 1,1 1,4 1,1 0,6 0,6 0,9 1,0 1,0
20 0,543 0,520 1,229 1,069 0,848
Gıda 45 64 07 55 78 45 90 94 85 41 67 22 16 31 23
Pınar 1,4 1,0 0,7 0,6 1,2 1,2 0,9 0,6 1,3 0,9 0,7 1,1 1,4 1,1 0,7
21 0,655 0,866 1,403 0,667 1,283
Et 23 42 08 55 55 46 60 60 74 09 34 96 20 59 89
Pınar 0,9 0,7 1,3 1,1 0,8 0,7 1,4 0,8 1,1 0,8 1,1 1,1 1,0 1,1 1,3
22 1,435 0,823 1,131 1,028 0,755
Su 37 65 33 20 21 50 32 75 41 69 64 66 59 46 77
0,6 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,4 056 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6
Minimum 0,417 0,34 0,613 0,667 0,611
47 16 33 55 11 55 05 17 5 57 33 26 13 45 63
1,5 1,1 1,3 1,4 1,6 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,4 1,1 1,4 1,3 1,5 1,4 1,4
Maksimum 1,495 1,446 1,544 1,666 1,441
35 67 89 21 78 78 53 51 93 67 10 96 57 66 94
1,0 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,9 1,0 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,0
Average 1,030 0,868 1,086 1,191 0,983
44 51 57 57 29 19 36 15 70 18 25 22 87 07 66
Standart 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,2
0,328 0,326 0,304 0,302 0,298
Deviation 27 67 53 44 97 94 12 91 64 40 51 42 01 58 79
Source: Obtained by authors with Win4DEAP 1.1.2. programme.

Table 3: Efficiency Values of Four Terms

2011-2012 1,030 0,868 1,057 1,015 0,922
2012-2013 1,044 1,086 1,029 1,070 1,087
2013-2014 0,851 1,191 0,919 0,918 1,107
2014-2015 1,057 0,983 1,036 1,025 1,066
Minimum 0,851 0,868 0,919 0,918 0,922
Maksimum 1,057 1,191 1,057 1,070 1,087
Average 0,995 1,032 1,010 1,007 1,045
Standart Deviation 0,096 0,138 0,061 0,063 0,084
Source: Obtained by authors with Win4DEAP 1.1.2. programme.
Halim Tatli et. al.| July.-August. 2017| Vol.6| Issue 4|25-34 30
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Making an evaluation covering all of the efficiency improvements was 4,5% in TFP
firms and examining improvements for all level.Moving by the periodic averages,
efficiency kinds; firms seemed to experience changes achieved in technical efficiency,
efficiency losses only in technical efficiency technological efficiency and TFP are
averages, but to have efficiency presented in Table 1 below.
improvements in all other kinds. The most

1.2 5


1.1 5


1.0 5

0.9 5


0.8 5

20 11 -2 012 20 12 -2 013 20 13 -2 014 20 14 -2 015


Figure 1: Trend of technical efficiency, technological efficiency and total

factor productivity change

As seen in Table 1; technical efficiency, with an average 5.6%, while the most
technological efficiency and TFP values Terms
were efficiency decreases were seen in
rising until 2012-2013 term. While technical technological efficiency level with an average
efficiency hit the bottom on 2013-2014 term, 2% for these five years. Moreover firms
the others were still rising. Technological seemed to have efficiency improvement at
efficiency value peaked in 2013-2014 term. about 3.7% in TFP. A.V.O.D. Gida and
Technical efficiency were seen to have Tarim, Dardanel were seen to have steady
increased, while the others to have decreased improvements in all kinds of efficiencies fo
towards to last term. these five years. But on the contrary, Kent
Gida, Oylum Industry, Pınar Et were
Examining the changes of all efficiency levels observed to have experienced decreases in all
of the firms as a whole in Table 4; it is kind of efficiencies. Dardanel was in the first
possible to express that the most efficiency rank with the improvement of 66%, whereas
increases experienced by all firms were seen Kent Gıda was in the last place with 43% loss
in pure technical efficiency level in TFP.

Table 4: Efficiency averages of the firms between 2009-2013

1 Altınyağ Kom. A.Ş. 1,000 0,823 1,000 1,000 0,823
2 A.V.O.D Gıda ve Tarım 1,480 1,027 1,443 1,026 1,521
3 Banvit 1,080 1,485 1,000 1,080 1,604
4 Coca Cola 0,932 0,992 1,000 0,932 0,925
5 Dardanel 1,334 1,246 1,323 1,008 1,662
6 Ersu Gıda 1,259 0,910 1,252 1,006 1,146
7 Frigo Pak Gıda 0,847 1,355 0,976 0,868 1,147
8 Karasusan Su Ü. 1,013 0,744 0,917 1,104 0,754
9 Kent Gıda 0,767 0,743 0,828 0,926 0,570
10 Kerevitaş Gıda 1,154 0,981 1,000 1,154 1,132
11 Konfrut Gıda 0,886 1,037 0,896 0,988 0,919
12 Kristal Kola 1,417 0,842 1,291 1,098 1,194
13 Merko Gıda 1,000 0,975 1,000 1,000 0,975
14 Mert Gıda 0,640 0,930 1,080 0,607 0,609
15 Oylum Sınai 0,712 0,898 0,955 0,752 0,790
16 Penguen Gıda 0,926 1,277 0,933 0,992 1,182
17 Pınar Süt 1,044 1,021 0,990 1,055 1,066
18 Selçuk Gıda 1,065 0,832 1,018 1,045 0,886
19 Tat Gıda 1,403 0,846 1,000 1,403 1,187
20 Vanet Gıda 0,828 0,822 1,026 0,808 0,681
21 Pınar Et 0,842 0,962 0,990 0,851 0,810

Halim Tatli et. al.| July.-August. 2017| Vol.6| Issue 4|25-34 31

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22 Pınar Su 1,324 0,802 1,321 1,002 1,222

Minimum 0,640 0,743 0,828 0,607 0,570
Maksimum 1,480 1,485 1,443 1,403 1,662
Average 1,043 0,980 1,056 0,987 1,037
Standart Deviation 0,240 0,199 0,161 0,157 0,301
Source: Obtained by authors with Win4DEAP 1.1.2. Programme.
years were presented in Table 5 in terms of
Changes experienced by the firms on the direction and numbers.
basis of all efficiency kinds for these five

Table 5: Variation of Efficiencies of Firms (2011-2015)

Increased (>1) Decreased (<1)
TEC 11 (%50) 2 (%9) 9 (%41)
TC 7 (%32) - 15 (%68)
PEC 8 (%36) 6 (%28) 8 (%36)
SEC 11 (%50) 2 (%9) 9 (%41)
TFPC 11 (%50) - 11 (%50)
Source: Obtained by authors with Win4DEAP 1.1.2. Programme.

It may be said that 11 firms in technical improvements achieved in all kind

efficiency, 7 firms in technological efficiency efficiencies, it is observed that firms had
8 firms in pure efficiency, 8 firms in scale some losses only in the technical efficieny
efficiency and 11 firms in TFP achieved level, while they got improvements in other
improvements for this five years period. types of efficiencies.
Comparing numerically, it possible to say
that half of the firms made improvements The highest improvement is at TFP with %
especially on technical efficiency, scale 4,5. A.V.O.D. Gida and Tarim and Dardanel
efficiency and TFP levels [28-37]. were the only firms to have improvements
in all kinds of efficiencies; while Kent,
Oylum and Pinar Et were the only firms to
Food sector exists ar present in the have efficiency losses in all efficiency types.
manufacturing industry to be supplier of Ranking firms on the basis of improvement
the basic and primary needs of human in TFP, while Dardanel is first firm with
beings. This sector is one of the strategical %66 improvement, Kent Gida is last one
sector of Turkish economy because of its with the % 43 loss.
share in GDP and high level of added value
and the employment it creates. Main restrictions of this study were
Malmquist TFP analysis, data set belonging
It is possible to say that efficiency and to the period of 2011-2015and Win4DEAP
productivity analysisis can help develop 1.1.2. programme. Additionally the types
suggestions for source efficiency and other and numbers of input and output variables
policies implemented by policy makers. In can be considered other restrictions. Thus,
that frame, this study analyzed TFP and it can be specified that the validity of the
production efficiency of 22 firms of food findings of this study can be enhanced with
industry listed in BIST with data belonging changing of analysis method, analysis
the years of 2011-2015. programme, data set and the number and
type of variables.
As a result of the analysis, considering the
term 2009-2013 as whole and evaluating

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