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Group Report – Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash

Course Code: MKT 337

Section: 05

Submitted to:
Mr. Rafsan Elahi (Rfe) Sir
Full Time Faculty
Senior Lecturer
North South University

Date of Submission:
24th January, 2021

Members of Group No. 7:

Full Name NSU ID
A B M Sheril Sarwar 1812762630
Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi 1811875630
MD. Akib Hossain Nehal 1712885630
Anika Ashrafee Mahmud 1813468630
Noshin Atiya 1620085030
Sharika Jaman Mim 1621068030


We would like to thank our honorable faculty Mr. Rafsan Elahi (Rfe) Sir for his utmost
guidance and helpful instructions. It wouldn’t have been possible for us to complete this Group
Report without his help and support.

We would also like to thank Sir for teaching us various concepts of the MKT 337 Promotional
Management course. His lessons did not just help us complete this report, but we’re sure that it
will also help us in our future work lives.

Group Member Contribution Table

Full Name NSU ID Contribution

A B M Sheril Sarwar 1812762630 Executive Summary, Campaign Theme and
Tagline, Marketing Strategies and Promotional
Materials, Compiling and Editing the Report
Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi 1811875630 Situational Analysis, Overall Objectives
MD. Akib Hossain Nehal 1712885630 Financials, Challenges and Mitigation
Anika Ashrafee Mahmud 1813468630 Company Overview, Competitor Analysis
Noshin Atiya 1620085030 Target Market Segmentation
Sharika Jaman Mim 1621068030 Conclusion

Executive Summary
During the starting days of the coronavirus pandemic period in 2020, “Dabur Sanitize Liquid
Handwash” entered the liquid handwash market of Bangladesh. This highly effective hygiene
and germ-killing product is a product extension of the brand category – Dabur Sanitize, and is
from the company Dabur India Limited. Dabur provides a wide range of product categories such
as Skincare, health care, hair care, oral care, home care, food and personal care items. In
Bangladesh, ACI does all kinds of promotional activities to market the Dabur products. Proven
clinically to kill 99.99% of germs, Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash is made from natural
ingredients and is enriched in Coconut milk. The challenge for Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash
is that they are operating in a highly competitive liquid handwash market. Some notable
competitors in this market are Dettol, Lifebuoy, Savlon, Sepnil etc. In order to create a unique
brand identity in such a saturated market, we are identifying our target group as price conscious
consumers who want value for money, and hygiene conscious consumers who want supreme
Our objectives for the next six months is to increase the brand awareness of Dabur Sanitize
Liquid Handwash through effective marketing strategies and promotional activities, and to boost
sales figures of the product. Our campaign theme for the next six months is “Celebrate Health
and Hygiene” and our tagline is “প্রাকৃতিক উপায়ে সয্াচ্চ
ব সুরক্ষা”. This campaign theme and
tagline will help us to communicate to the customers that we are providing a complete Liquid
Handwash Solution, which is not only affordable but also ensures germ-killing in a natural way.
Our marketing strategies and promotional materials include mass-market activities such as
television commercials, print media and small digitalized billboards. We have also created
sample creatives to better promote our product. We are also including a digital sales strategy to
boost e-commerce sales of our product, and we have included some digital media aspects such as
Facebook, YouTube etc. Last but not the least, we are incorporating some effective B2B and
B2C sales promotional strategies to increase brand awareness.
It should be noted that our six month’s campaign will require an estimated budget of BDT 7,
85,220 and will generate estima6ed revenue figures of BDT 11, 12,708. We might be facing
some challenges such as retaining loyal customers or targeting competitor’s customers, but we
have provided some mitigation strategies to tackle these challenges. All in all, we strongly
believe that Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash will be a strong market competitor in the future.

Table of Contents

Company Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Situation Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4

Competitor Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------------5

Target Market Segmentation -----------------------------------------------------------7

Overall Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Campaign Theme and Tagline ----------------------------------------------------------8

Marketing Strategies and Promotional Materials ----------------------------------9

Financials -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

Challenges and Mitigation -------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

References ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------17

Company Overview
Dabur India Ltd. is a fast-moving consumer goods company. Dabur claims itself as one of the
world’s leading Ayurveda companies, and the brand has a legacy of working with Ayurveda
products for 135 years. The company was established in 1884 by SK Burman in Ghaziabad,
Uttar Pradesh, India. Later, Asian Consumer Care Ltd. (ACI) has started its joint venture with
Dabur India Ltd (Asian Consumer Care (Pvt.) Ltd., 2015). Dabur started its journey operating as
Asian Consumer Care Ltd. in 2006. The Slogan or tagline of the brand is, Enjoy Life. Dabur
provides a wide range of product categories such as Skincare, health care, hair care, oral care,
home care, food, and personal care items (Dabur India SWOT Analysis, Competitors,
Segmentation, Target Market, Positioning & USP, 2020). In Bangladesh, ACI does all kinds of
promotional activities to market the Dabur products and create brand awareness. The products
from Dabur have become very popular nowadays. The brand is operating in Bangladesh
successfully and has acquired a position in the consumers' minds. Dabur claims themselves as
one of the world’s leading Ayurveda companies.

Situation Analysis
Demand for liquid hand wash soap during Covid 19 Pandemic has multiplied in the Bangladeshi
market like other countries. Dabur Bangladesh has taken advantage of this opportunity to launch
this new product segment. In addition to regular germ killers, they have come up with a brand
new proposal, the Coconut Milk Enriched Liquid Hand Wash soap. If we present their entire
market situation through SWOT analysis, that will be-

01. Strengths:

 Proved clinically to kill germs

 Ayurveda fragrance with skincare moisture
 Affordable and nonstinging (Our product’s price is just 45 Tk)
 Horizontal brand extension

 Strong distribution channel

02. Weaknesses:

 Lack of promotional activities

 A new segment in the product line

03. Opportunities:

 Increase in awareness of Ayurveda products

 Being an already renowned brand
 Link-ups with hospitals, garments, sports club
 Promote hygiene products useful for the global pandemic

04. Threats:

 Intense competition in the liquid hand wash market

 A completely new entrant in this field
 Chances of having cheaper substitute products from competitors (Dabur India SWOT
Analysis, Competitors, Segmentation, Target Market, Positioning & USP, 2020).

Competitor Analysis
Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash from Dabur Bangladesh has some existing and potential
competitors in the market. To earn a better position in the market, the product will have to fight
with its competitors in the market.

As a market leader, we can mention the name of Dettol. They have conquered
a strong position against germ-killing in the consumers' minds. A significant
portion of Bangladeshi people chooses Dettol as their first preferable liquid
hand wash. A packet of 170 ml liquid handwash soap costs 60 TK (Dettol
Original Liquid Hand Wash Refill, 2021).

Another potential market competitor of Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash is

Lifebuoy. They have strong brand awareness in the market. Lifebuoy
handwash is available in different regions of Bangladesh. So consumers can
easily buy the product. A packet of 170 ml Lifebuoy handwash costs 60 Tk
(Lifebuoy Handwash Lemon Fresh Refill 170ml, 2021).

As a market challenger, we can mention the name Savlon. Typical

consumers of Bangladesh have an excellent impression of Savlon liquid
hand wash. They have positioned it right after the position of Dettol liquid
hand wash. Along with it, Savlon has occupied a trustable position in
consumers' minds. 200 ml Savlon liquid hand wash soap refill packet costs
almost 60 Tk (Savlon Handwash Refill Pack, Active, 200ml, 2021).

Some potential competitors are participating in the market as market deviators, such as
antibacterial soaps and different hand wash and hand sanitizers of versatile brands, for example
Sepnil. Consumers use them from the viewpoint of getting the significant value of money. Some
other consumers generally move for these brands who want to find reasonable options.

Target Market Segmentation

The consumers of Bangladesh’s hygiene market have become very conscious nowadays,
especially during the coronavirus pandemic period. Due to some mishaps in the market,
Consumers now find it difficult to trust certain hygiene products. Consumers are in the dilemma
of finding a trustable brand in the market that offers authenticity in their product features.
Considering the above context, Dabur Bangladesh has come up with its brand new liquid handwash
enriched with a natural ingredient like Coconut Milk and clinically proven for germ protection.
After analyzing the market-place, we have identified two factors or objectives for our hygiene
product's consumer market.

1) One prefers economically available products. (Our product’s price is just 45 Tk)
2) Another prefers products with a superior value, like the brand's credibility.

According to these factors or objectives, we believe our product needs to be available with the
choice of variance in the market-place. Thus, we represent two types of target markets for our
segmentation below:

Target Market 1:
Here, our objective will be to introduce the target market to this new hygiene product. This target
market prefers value for money and products that are economically available to them like bar soap
etc. So, our purpose is to make our product accessible to them.
Demographic: The age range will be 24 to 65, including male and female. The consumers of this
target market will be the lower middle class, as earlier mentioned that they prefer economically
valued products.

Psychographic: Consciousness about health safety, those who are aware of hygiene-products
considering the utilization of economy. Also, they require to go outside frequently on a daily basis.
Geographic: Consumer who belongs to Sub-Urban and Urban area since the product needs to be
introduced initially within a versatile range of customer.
Behavioral: Those consumers who prefer the proper utilization of financially valued products.
Thus, Dabur is aimed to offer its product at an affordable value with an organic quality.

Target Market 2:
In this case, our objective will be to retain our existing users as well as to target the users of other
liquid handwash brands in Bangladesh. This target market prefers to have the product brand's
credibility, such as product enriched with high superior value and quality. Dabur Sanitize Liquid
Hand Wash contains those values for this target market enriched with an organic ingredient like
Coconut Milk and clinically proven.
Demographic: Here, the age range will be 24 to 65 too, including male and female. This target
market's consumers will be the middle class who prefer to prioritize quality.
Psychographic: They are very much aware of hygiene products considering safety concerns to
health. Besides, they prefer authenticity and goodness of natural attributes in their products—
moreover, consumers who tend to go outside frequently on a regular basis.

Geographic: The consumers of this group will be Sub-Urban and Urban too. The purpose is to
attract the non-users of this product brand as well as fulfilling the demands of their existing loyal

Behavioral: In this case, the consumers are more concerned about the excellence of the product.
Also, how efficiently the product offering value other than financial consideration for which
Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash is promising with the best organic quality, including certified
clinical product to the consumers.

Overall Objectives
Below stated our objectives for the next 6 months:

 Ensuring appropriate sales and increasing profit margins in the B2C market.
 Figuring out the appropriate campaign theme and unique tagline, and incorporating the
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). This will increase brand visibility.
 Develop a feasible and unique marketing strategy that can make a difference in the minds
of customers.
 Occupying a strong position in the Liquid Handwash market.
 Increase customer engagement through the various marketing strategies.

Campaign Theme and Tagline

Before coming up with the campaign theme for the next 6 months, we need to list down the
criteria we’re considering. These criteria will help Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash create a
unique brand identity in the mature liquid handwash market of Bangladesh. The criteria are:

1. Our campaign theme should be aligned with a cost-effective approach – which means
that we’re telling our customers that Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash is providing value
for money.
2. Our campaign theme should not only target those consumers who are conscious about
spending money, but also those consumers who are hygiene conscious and prefer
absolute germ-killing products.
3. Lastly, our campaign theme should also be targeted towards consumers who prefer
hygiene products made from natural ingredients.

Keeping these points in mind, we have decided that our campaign theme will be:

“Celebrate Health and Hygiene”
Rationale: This campaign theme will allow us to communicate to the audience that we are
providing a complete Liquid Handwash Solution, which is not only affordable but also ensures
germ-killing in a natural way.
Dabur Bangladesh’s vision is – Dedicated to the health and well-being of every household.
Keeping this strong vision in mind, we are also listing the tagline for promoting Dabur Sanitize
Liquid Handwash in the market. The tagline is:

প্রাকৃতিক উপায়ে সয্াচ্চ

ব সুরক্ষা
Rationale: This tagline will help us to strongly communicate that Dabur Sanitize Liquid
Handwash is providing natural and effective solutions, and taking care of the health and hygiene
of customers.

Marketing Strategies and Promotional Materials

For the 6 months whole campaign, we have drafted some effective marketing strategies and
promotional materials to capture customers’ attention. First, let us take a look at some of the
ATL (above the line) promotional materials. We are selecting some ATL marketing tactics
because it will help us reach wider target audience.
1. Television Commercial: In order to reach mass portions of our TG. Advertisements will
be aired during prime times for maximum effectiveness. The TV Channels we’re
targeting are Shomoy TV, NTV and Bangla Vision. We’re also going to target popular
TV shows/News Broadcasts around 9-10 pm.

2. Print Media: In popular newspapers and magazines, our advertisements will attract
sufficient TG. We can target newspapers such as The Daily Star and Prothom Alo. The
justification is that we are making our senior target group aware of the product and its

3. Small Digitalized Billboards: Smart and captivating outdoor

marketing advertisements will attract adequate amount of people, and
a big portion of our target group are getting out of their homes in a
daily basis.

We have also created some sample creative designs, highlighting Dabur Sanitize Liquid
Handwash and its benefits. Let’s take a look at few sample creatives below:

Communication: We are letting

our customers know that our
product is natural and provides
Coconut Milk benefits, unlike
other brands.

Communication: Letting customers know that our
product is providing benefits and germ killing options via
45 BDT only. Customers will know that this price is most
affordable with the highest efficiency.

Communication: We want
to clearly let our consumers
know the difference between
our product and ordinary
liquid handwashes. We are
also drawing a clear
understanding on our
consumer’s mind about the
effectiveness of our product.

Digital Sales
(Continued on
the next page)

Affiliating with popular E-commerce platforms such as Chaldal and Daraz, and leading on-
demand digital platform Pathao will make sure that substantial amount of sales are generated
online. Due to the current quarantine period, a lot of middle-class customers have shifted online
for shopping (Shawki, 2020). Daraz, Chaldal and Pathao will also show Dabur Sanitize Liquid
Handwash advertisements in their website/apps, which will further boost sales from potential

Digital Media
1. Facebook: We will strategically release the contents (static, animated) on
Facebook. We will also boost and place sponsored in-stream videos. This will
lead to higher reach, engagement and views.

2. YouTube: We will market non-skipable 6-seconds Bumper ads on YouTube

along with Trueview Campaigns.

3. Instagram: We will strategically release the contents on Instagram. Also

boosting and placing sponsored in-stream videos.

4. Banner Ads: We will release Banner ads using GNR, Google Display
Network, Eskimi DSP on popular websites and mobile apps
incorporating size-15 adaptation. More link-clicks will lead to more sales

Last but not the least, we will also incorporate some B2C and B2B Sales promotional

B2C Sales Promotions

1. Family Bundle Pack: Price sensitive consumers who will
purchase a bundle pack of Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash
refill packets will get 10% discount. This will be popular for
value-for-money preference target group.

2. Dabur Economic Pack: Every Dabur combo pack will
consist of major daily necessary products of Dabur.
Basically, consumer will be able to purchase this combo
pack at a lower price during this pandemic. This will boost
the sales of Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash along with
other products.

B2B Sales Promotions

1. Trade Deals: For every 24 unit purchases of Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash packets,
retailers will get one packet free.
2. Cross selling approach: If retailers purchase Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash, they will
get discount on other Dabur products.
3. Incentivizing retailers and commissions: We will give monetary incentives to retailers
to “push” our product to customers. Furthermore, if high performing retailers achieve
sales targets, we will give them some percentage monetary commissions.

4. LED Shop Sign Board

5. Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash

shelves in super stores



ACCOUNT NAME Quantity Rate Amount (BDT)
Digital Marketing
Post Boost 20 400 8,000
Digital AV 1 25,000 25,000
Social 1 50,000 50,000
Digital 2 Videos 10,000 per boost 120,000
MarketPlace and every month
Leaflets 150,000 1 75,000
Banners 2,000 12 24,000
Print Media
Newspaper 1 14,000 168,000
Television Channel
TVC 9 35,000 315,000
Total Costs 7,85,220 BDT


Account name Digital Adverts Store Leaflets Activation Print Media TVC
Total Population 35,508,000 1,058,000 20 12,300,000 26,588,000

Prospects 62.00% 8 250 60.00% 62.00%


Prospects 22,014,960 8,464,000 5000 7,380,000 16,484,560
Reach 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 10.00%
Reach 1,100,748 423,200 369,000 1,648,456
Conversion 1.50% 10.00% 10.00% 5.00% 1.50%
Conversion 16,511 42,320 500 18,450 24,727
Price 45 45 45 45 45
Total Revenue 7,43,005 1,904,400 22,500 830,250 1,112,708

Financial Analysis
The budget we need for operating the promotional strategies through various media is around
BDT 7, 85,220. This cost includes different promotional media such as- Digital Marketing, In-
store promotion, print media, and television advertising. For Digital marketing promotional
materials, we have calculated a cost of BDT 203,000. The cost includes post boosting that will
cost BDT 400 for each post. The social experiment video will cost BDT 50,000 as there are
different costs involved in making such videos. We also planned to boost two videos every
month for
We calculated that BDT 99,000 would be enough for the in-store promotional cost to give away
leaflets to the customers and place banners in different retail stores, super shops, etc.
As we wanted to promote our promotional materials also in print media, the cost of advertising
on the front page will be BDT 14,000 each for the next six months. There will be two
advertisements in a month that sums up to 12 times promotional advertisements.
Our advertisements will run on TV channels that will cost us BDT 3, 15,000.

Operating Income: We have calculated the assumed total population that the campaign may
cover. From that number of people, how much will be the percentage of reach for each
promotional media. Here, we have calculated an estimated total revenue of BDT 11, 12,708.

Challenges and Mitigation
There are some challenges that Dabur may face during the campaign. Firstly, it may face
difficulty in distributing the products across the grown Bangladeshi market, specifically in those
places where the competitors' products dominate. Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash may become
a dominant product in such a market under the dominance of the competitors. The mentioned
challenge can be mitigated by focusing on top-of-mind awareness that will pull customers
towards our product. We can provide incentives to the retailers, and this incentive will encourage
them to sell and prioritize our products to the customers. This will also build a sustainable
relationship with the retailers.

The second challenge is that our brand's competitors have spent excessive expenditure on
Marketing, Advertising, and Promotions. In order to mitigate this challenge, we will need to
focus on data-driven marketing to ensure an effective conversion rate for a smaller marketing
budget. We will also focus on forming sustainable relationships with our customers.

Finally, there is another challenge of difficulty in retaining customers and establishing loyalty
among them. To mitigate this issue, we can show our competitive edge to the customers that we
are providing the highest efficiency and some added benefits at the most affordable rate. We will
also need to ensure sufficient accessibility of our product.

Recommendations and Conclusion

It is the ideal time for Dabur to create a position in the market through Dabur Sanitize Liquid
Handwash. Although they have many strong competitors in Bangladesh, they still have the
chance to capture the market because the demand of liquid handwash soap is growing rapidly.
Since Dabur Sanitize Liquid Handwash kills 99.9% germs, and is also effective against
coronavirus, it is highly recommended in everyday use.

This product entered the market in 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic started. However, it has
still not been able to create a strong position in the market. This is largely due to the highly
competitive and mature soap market of Bangladesh. However, we strongly believe that using our
aforementioned marketing strategies and promotional materials, Dabur Sanitize Liquid
Handwash will be able to create a unique brand identity in the market. Although the process of
capturing market shares will be a bit slow in the start, we think that Dabur Sanitize Liquid
Handwash will one day become a strong competitor in the market.


Asian Consumer Care (Pvt.) Ltd. (2015). Retrieved from ACI Limited: https://www.aci-

Dabur India SWOT Analysis, Competitors, Segmentation, Target Market, Positioning & USP. (2020,

April 20). Retrieved from MBA Skool:


Dettol Original Liquid Hand Wash Refill. (2021). Retrieved from Chaldal:


Lifebuoy Handwash Lemon Fresh Refill 170ml. (2021). Retrieved from PriyoShop:

Savlon Handwash Refill Pack, Active, 200ml. (2021). Retrieved from Sindabad:

Shawki, A. (2020, April 23). Shift in consumer behaviour silver lining for e-commerce firms. Retrieved

from The Business Standard:



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