Syniotic Design Systems: Interview Question

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Syniotic design systems

What is lumped matter discipline? The circuit parasitic of wire are distributed in
nature along its length and are not lumped into
single position .To make analysis simple we
represent different fractions into a single circuit
element .ex : R and C are total resistance and
capacitance of a wire for length L.
Define an ideal voltage sources? A voltage sources is defined as ideal when its
internal resistance is supplies constant
voltage irrespective of the amount of current
What is power density? It is power unit area
Why can we ignore inductance of wires within Because the wire lengths are very small in the
today’s chips? order of few microns and the frequencies are
not too high Ldi/dt is negligiable .Hence the
inductance effect can be ignored
What are the various types capacitances wires 1.Area capacitance ,this is capacitance from
exhibit in chips? length and width w.r.t to substrate or ground
.CA=E W.L/H.(E=Epsilon, material property,
L is length of wire ,W is width the wire ,H is
height from substrate)
2.Side wall capacitance or fringing capacitance
,it is the capacitance from from side walls to
the substarate.CF=2.E.L T/H
3.Coupling capacitance , CC=L.T/D. Where L
is length of overlap between adjacent wires ,T
is think ness of the wire and D is distance
between the wires .Coupling capacitance also
exists between orthogonal routing layers this
CC=e .W .L/H
What is Elmore delay? Explain Elmore has proposed an approx. way of
calculating delays on networks consisting of
resistors and capacitors. When there are
resistors and capacitors connected in a
network,if you want to find out the delay from
start point to a node in the network, you move
from this node to the start point and see what
resistances are charging what all capacitances
and sum all those time constants to find out
delay from start point to that node. Following
this, we can derive the delay of wire by
dividing the wire into small segments with
out loosing much of the accuracy .For a wire
length of L ,If r is the resistances of the wire
per unit length nad c is the capacitance per
unit length ,Elmore delay =rcL’2/2.if was
lumped mode the delay would have been

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
What is velocity saturation? In short channel MOS transistors, as VDS
increase for a particular VGS, The velocity of
the majority
Carriers reaches a saturation point(due to
scattering effects etc..)even before
VDS>=VGS-VT Point .So the current stays
constant from that point onwards .This is called
velocity saturation.
What is Electro migration? The current density(current per unit area) in a
metal wire is limited due to an effect called
Electro migration. A direct current in a metal
wire that is more than the current carrying
capacity of the wire running over a substantial
time period causes transport of the metal ions.
Eventually this causes the wire to break or
short to another wire. To avoid this effect
current density of a wire is kept under limits
usually power wires will tend to be effected by
electro migration the reason is current flows
always in the same direction. Usually signal
wires will not get affected by electro migration
because they carry currents in both
directions(one direction for charging of
capacitances and the opposite direction for
discharging of capacitance)
What is static discipline? This is a specification for digital says
for valid inputs valid outputs must be
What is/are the sources of the noise within the Switching noise (x talk noise).Thermal noise
chip? ,power supply noise, noise due to inductances
effect Ltd/dt on`i/o signals and IR drops
noise .All these will impact the over all delays
in the circuit.
What is a glitch? How is it harmful? It is momentary output changes when no
output changes should occur . the response to
the glitch depends on glitch amplitude and
glitch width.
Two important properties of MOSFET that Gate terminals are isolated from the output
enable us to connect the gates one after another The current drawn by the gate terminals iss
W/o Worrying about whether the driven gate almost zero
causes any issue to the driving gate?
2’s compliment representation of a number is It is minus 32
100000. What is that number?
Define threshold voltage of a MOSFET? It is defined as the minimum gate source
voltage at which the channel is completely

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
inverted.for a N channel MOSFET number of
electron in the channel is just to the no of
How do u bult the 2 i/p NOR gate using It is connecting two PMOS transistor in series
PMOStransistor through a series resistor from drain terminal to
ground . O/P is taken from the drain terminal
of the bottom CMOS transistor.
Advantages of CMOS logic family over Negligible Static power
NMOS only or PMOS –only logic family? O/P will get Rail to Rail swing
When high it is VDD, When low it is equal to
ground hence provides more Noise margin O/P
is connected to VDD and Ground through low
impedance path

What is Dynamic Power consumption ? Power consumed during Switching of the input
What is Leakage Power consumption It is the power consumed when the input are
What is short circuit power consumption It is power consumed when the both CMOS
and NMOS are ON. This happen during input
transistor .if input transitions slowly more short
circuit Power
How do the transition time of nets/signals More transition time would cause the more
affect the short circuit power consumption short circuit power .Because of more transition
time would make Both CMOS and NMOS are
ON simultaneously there going to exist direct
low impedance paths from VDD to VSS
What are rise and fall delay of NMOS inverter, Tr= 0.69RLCL TF=0.69RonCL (This is the
RON is ON resistance of NMOS and RL is the time difference from 50% of inputs signal
load resistance of NMOS and RL is the load transistor to 50% of the Output signal transistor
resistance and driving a capacitance of CL? )

On what factor Cell delay depends on and Input transistor Time and Output Load
how? Capacitance
PVT conditions
The delay of the cell depends upon input
transition time longer the input transition more
the delay
What is the Timing Arc ? how many types of If an input change cause an output change then
arc does a 2 i/p Mux have there exists a timing Arc from the input to the
output .Every timing arc is associated with
Two delays i:e rise delay and fall delay . Mux
has A-Y,B-Y, Sel-Y rise and Fall arc total 6
timing arc it has
Can you make (worst case) rise delay and fall It is not possible to make rise and fall delays of
delay of 2-i/p NAND gate exactly equal to 2 i/p NAND gate exactly same. Because the

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
each other? If u can how? If u can’t,Why? internal capacitance of the nodes are different
when the output is rising vs O/P is falling
Why do the circuits having EX-OR gate Always the XOR Output switching probability
consume more power ? is ¼ irrespective of number of inputs

Why don’t we see 8 i/p or 10 i/p NAND or In the 8 i/p gate previous stage delay increases
NOR gates in std cell library because of more input pin capacitance Hence it
preferred to implement 8 i/p gate with 2 i/p
gate of multiple stages
Which among NMOS inverter and NMOS NMOS buffer consume more Static Power.
buffer consume more static power and why? NMOS buffer will have two Inverter inside
these two inverter will consume power one in
one cycle and the other I another cycle.
Whereas inverter will consumes power only
when the inputs is low
How static Power in CMOS logic is almost When the inputs are stable the o/p is connected
eliminated? to VDD or VSS .there will be no direct path
from VDD to VSS .Hence the Static power is
almost zero

How can u eliminate the short circuit power By having the sharp transition at input
in CMOS logic gates

In CMOS inverter ,what kind of relationship By having more vtn and vtp Vtn +vtp>VDD
between Vtn, Vtp and VDD would eliminate that makes the CMOS becomes on a later point
the short circuit power consumption? of time compared to lower value of vtn and vtp
.thus the duration of both NMOS and PMOS
ON simultaneously very less that eliminates
the short circuit power .suppose if Vtn is 4v
and vtp 4v NMOS is ON for 4 to 5v onwards
and PMOS is ON from 0 to 1v .Both PMOS
and NMOS together will be never ON hence
no short circuit power

Define propagation delay of a cell It is measured the difference between 50% of

input transition time to 50% of output
transition time
How do you define the transition time of net It is the time difference 20-80% of transition
time when rising 80 – 20% when falling of a
signal on that net
What is combinational Loop When the output of the combinational gate is
connected to its input directly or indirectly . it
is said to be a combinational loop. There are
controllable combination loop and
uncontrollable combinational loop .for
example % inverter connected back to back is a

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
uncontrolabale loop .if the output of a NAND
gate is connected to its input is .it is equivalent
to stuck at 0

What is multi-driven net ? When a net is driven from more than one
source .it is said to multi driven net
What is tri-state logic It does not have low impedance path either to
VDD or VSDS .it doesn’t have logical voltage
significant. It is logically disconnected from
driving node.

When 2 i/p CMOS NAND gate and NOR gate NOR gate Because of NOR gate TWO PMOS
transistor are sized in such a way that their rise are in series whose width are 4w and 4w. hence
and fall delay more/less match with those more internal capacitance and more delay
standard CMOS inverter which among NAND
or NOR will cause more delay to the circuit
What is static hazard It is the unwanted change on the combinational
circuit o/p . to remain logic high state
momentarily .if the output goes to zero state
then it is said to be static 1 hazard vice versa
for static hazard 0
What is overshoot and undershoot If the signal voltage level value goes above the
VDD value it is called overshoot and below
the GND level it said to be undershoot .one
reason this can happen is due to crosstalk noise
How many timing arc are present in A latch has two timing arcs D to Q and clk to
transparent latch has Q every timing arc has two delays rise cdelay
and fall delay

How do u define setup and hold time of a latch Setup time: it is the time the stable valid data
to be present at the data input of the latch
before the closing edge of the latch
Hold Timing: it is the time the valid data to be
held at the data input pin of the latch after
closing edge of the latch
How do u define setup and hold time of a edge Setup time: it is the time the stable valid data
triggered flop to be present at the data input of the latch
before the closing edge occur (clock
Hold Timing: it is the time the valid data to be
held at the data input pin of the latch after
closing edge occur (clock transistion)

What is synchronous sequential circuit ? What Fully synchronous sequential circuit:

is fully synchronous sequential circuit All the sequential elements are clocked by the

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
same clock
When the clock is generated by the same
source and their phase relationship is known is
called sequential circuit
When do u call two clocks synchronous and The clock are called synchronous when their
asynchronous circuit sources are same and phase relationship is
fixed and known as synchronous
Asynchronous clocks: if the phase relationship
cannot be established or cannot be predicated
those clock are said to be Asynchronous clocks
Define Synchronous reset and asynchronous Reset that works on the clock transition is
reset called Synchronous Reset .
Reset that does not depend on the clock
transition is called asynchronous Reset
What is recovery and Removal times? Recovery and Removal check are done for
Asynchronous set and reset signals of a
sequential elements
Recovery time : it is the minimum time
required for deasseration of asynchronous
set/Reset signals before clock edges occurs
Removal: it is the minimum time required for
deasseration of asynchronous set/Reset signals
before clock edges occurs
What is a timing path? Timing path have start point and endpoint .
start point of a timing path could be either
clock pin of a sequential element or a latch or
memory or block input port of a chip
.Endpoint of a timing path could be a non clock
input pin of sequential element or latch or
How do u define a single cycle behavior of a In a single cycle behavior dat a launched by the
sequential circuit ? launch in current clock edge should be
captured by the capture flop in next clock edge
What are the two hold mantras The data launched by the launched flop should
not captured by previous capture edge
The data launched by the launched flop should
not be captured in next clock edge
How do u define max and min path A timing path has multiple paths constitute
different delays . out of these multiple path
delays The path which exhibits highest delay is
called max
The path which exhibits least delay is called

How setup time requirement on D-pin wrt to When data transition time increases by
CK pin of the flop dependents on transition assuming clock transition time is fixed the

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
time of D and CK setup time requirement is increased
When data transition time fixed by assuming
clock transition time is increase the setup time
requirement is decreased
How Hold time requirement on D-pin wrt to When data transition time increases by
CK pin of the flop dependents on transition assuming clock transition time is fixed the
time of D and CK Hold time requirement is decreased
When data transition time fixed by assuming
clock transition time is increase the Hold time
requirement is increase
What is cycle-to-cycle jitter The variations of occurrence of clock edge is
called jitter
How does jitter will impact setup and hold PLL jitter will degrades setup timing it does
timing not affect hold timing
What is skew how does it impact the setup and It is the difference in arrival time of two
hold timing talking flops .it effects either setup or hold .it
effects setup timing when launch clock edges
arrives before the capture clock edge and on
the other way for the hold timing
Why is hold violation seen on the chip after Because the chip can’t be usable in any way
manufactured fatal otherwise there is no work around to overcome
the HOLD timing issues
How do the cell delays vary with process Delay is more for slow process low voltage and
voltage and temperature high temperature and Delay is less for fast
process and voltage is high and temperature is
low in lower technology nodes delay is
increased when temperature is low i:e
temperature inversion
What are PVT corners Slow corner : more delay low voltage high
fast corner: less delay high voltage low
Typical corner: typical delay typical voltage
typical temperature

How do setup and hold time vary with PVT Slow corner : setup worst
fast corner : Hold worst
What is temperature inversion For 65 nm and below node cells delays will
reduce with temperature hence for these nodes
slow LT is the slow corner
What is IR drop It is the voltage drop because of the current
drawn by Std cell from Power supply . it
should be within the allowable range so that
the chip function properly
What happens to the chip functionality if IR Cell delays will increase
drop exceeds the target limit Noise margins will reduce because of reduce in

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
voltage level
If IR drop exceeds the limit the chip
functionality is not guaranteed
What is logic synthesis It is process by which the RTL code is
converted to gate level for the target
technology by meeting ATP goals
What are the inputs required to perform logic RTL code
synthesis .libs
SDC constraints
What is PLE based synthesis Physical layout estimate this is called physical
synthesis for timing critical design PLE based
synthesis is used
What is zero wire load model synthesis ?how When this synthesis is started wire delays are
much margin you will shoot for this in this not known and hence optimization is not
case and why ? effective .To model wire delay PLL jitter
OCV impacts clock skew and xtalks .put
together usually we try to grt around 20%
margin .Total of 15% for wire delay and 5%
for all the impacts mentioned
What is custom wire load model synthesis The wire load derived based on design
specification are called custom wire loads
What sdc command you use to define derived Create_generate _clock command
clocks in your design
What is clock gating How it reduce dynamic Clock gating is switching off clock to those
power consumption flops where the D is input enable through a
control signal hence dynamic power
consumption is reduced (Sequential elements )
What is operand isolation how dynamic power By operand isolation dynamic power
consumption reduced consumption by combinational logic can be
reduced .By operand isolation unnecessary
switching of the signal to the logic blocks like
adders is minimized without implicit
functionality for example
Why implementing clock gating for one flop To implement clock gating an ICG cell is used
may not reduce the dynamic power ICG cell drives the clock input of flops ICG
consumption but in fact it increase cell consist of active low latch and followed by
an AND gate ICG cell has a load of 2 on clock
suppose if gating is implementing for a single
flop now overall load on the clock is
Hence it is optimum to use clock gating for 3or
more flops depending on technology
What are DRV constraints? Why do we have to Transition time capacitance and Fan-out are
meet them DRV constraints violating DRV’s transition
and capacitance he delays of the cell cannot be
trusted ,timing cannot be trusted and finally
chip functionality is affected .Because cell are

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
characterized for a range of transition times
and capacitance value
What are interpolation and extrapolation Std vendor characterize the cells for a certain
techniques that tools use for calculating the range of transition and capacitance limits
delays Beyond and below those value of transition
and capacitance value the cell delays are not
trusted so std vendor provides a lookup tables
for a range of transition and capacitance values
something like 5x5,7x7
Why are extrapolation delays are inaccurate ? extrapolation delays is done for transition and
what harm does inaccurate delays cause capacitance outside the characterized limits if
these values are beyond the characterized
limits actual cell delays will be more than the
calculated values hence is setup is optimistic
and Hold is pessimistic for the lower limit
actual values will be less than calculated values
here Hold is optimistic and setup is pessimistic
What is net list unification why we need to do Net list unification is creating the number of
before PNR Verilog modules equal to number of instance
in PNR phase during optimation happens based
on instance placements location and port
location on the boundary.
What are tie high and tie low cells why we use Tie high and tie low are used for pull up and
them pull down the inputs of the std cells because
the std input pin should not be connected
directly to the power pin because of static
discharge the gate gets damaged
What harm can floating inputs pin on cell It might pick the value of the noise margin to
cause the metastable state that can cause huge short
circuit current.
The o/p can go to metastable state.
Can output of gate can be floating? Yes it can be floating it will not cause any
harm because it is not connecting.
How are cell delays going to changes if u Cell delays would get reduced because on
increase the size of transistor resistance of the transistor get decreased on
resistance of the transistor is inversely
proportional to their widths
Why don’t we normally use low driver strength Xtalks impacts is relatively more in highly
cell in a timing critical highly utilized design s utilized design because cells are placed close to
each other
Not only that low driver strength cells get
impacted more by xtalk because they are
weekly driven. There o/p transition time is
What is utilizations Core utilizations: it is the total area including
standard cells macros memories

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
standard cells utilizations: utilization of
standard cells exclude macros and memories
generally we aim for standard cells utilizations.
How do u define gate count and placeble Gate count is defined as 3 to 5 times of
instances how these are usually related palceable instances or total area of placeable
instance /min area of 2 input Nand gate
What is area reclamations Optimizing area without affecting timing
Explain five delay optimizing techniques Upsizing Downsizing buffer inseration and
removal removing inverter pair pin swapping
Logic restricting
Explain floor plan guidelines Placing macros around the periphery of the
Macro orientation should be towards the core
Between macros space should be left for
macros pins routing
PLL should be close to the clock port
Why successive metal layer are orthogonal to To minimum the coupling capacitance
each other To increase rout ability
How do you calculate core power/gnd pads Depending upon the power consumed by the
and arrange the around the io ring chip we calculate the total current and decide
the number of pads .depending on which area
the of the chip consumes more power
What is simultanesoly switching output SSO analysis is done for finding out the I/O
analysis power requirements. From I/O power
calculation we figure out the number of pads to
be used and placed
What is ground bounce It is the ground voltage going above the zero
This happens because of IR drop in ground
Why are top layer are used for PG planning Top layer thickness is more hence resistance is
less in other words the number of stripes to be
used for limiting the IR drop is minimized
What are bond pad and bond wires Bond pad are just metal pecie to enable the
connectivity from the chip package pin and the
I/O pads Bond wires is used to connect
package pin to bond pad
What is trail Route in SOC How it is usefull Trail route is quick and dirty routing .it may
not look for 100% RC clean .it is almost close
to final routing to get an idea about congestion
What kind of trail Route congestion is green 0.2 %to 0.3% routing congestion the design is
signal for Routing routable
What value is used for set_max_transition in 70% of characterized
List atleast 10 constraints in sdc Create_clock create_generate_clock

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Syniotic design systems
set_input_delay set_output_delay
_set_max_delay set_min_delay
set_multicyclepath set_max_transition
set_max_fanout set_false_path
set_disable_timing set_clock_uncertinity
What is false path A path do not required to analyses timing
What is multicycle path A path by design take more than one clock
ccle is called multicycle path
What are Gcell Global cells entire routing area is divided into
small area called G-cell it consist of horizontal
and vertical tracks .tool will plan routing by
using the Horizontal and vertical tracks
What is manufacturing grid and what are Minimum manufacture able length of the metal
routing tracks Routing tracks are the imaginary lines that tool
would divide the whole routing area .Tools will
use this tracks as a reference for routing
How are standard cells height and width are Std cell width is integral multiple of metal to
decided pitch and height is integral multiple of metal
one pitch
What is latch up? It is distractive phenomenon which occurs
when a parasitic turns On
What are tap cells Tap cells are used to prevent the latch up there
are tapped library and tap less library .
What is clock tree synthesis what is its Clock is very high fan-out net . CTS tool will
objective buffer the clock net by meeting the CTS
Min insertion delay
Min skew
Min leaf and non-leaf net transition
Min types of CTS buffer
Min dynamic power consumption
Why do u want to minimize the clock insertion To minimize OCV
delay To minimize the dynamic power
To reduced buffer count and area
What is useful skew and triggered skew Skew would help either for setup or hold
depending on the relative arrival times of
launch and capture edges in scenario where
path is very critical if it cannot be fixed by
standard method violations is fixed by
introducing the skew
Triggered : difference betwn rise clock edge
insertion delay and fall clock edge insertion
What % of dynamic power is consumed by It is 30 to 40% by using clock gating
Clock tree how do u plan to reduce the By placing ICG near to the clock port

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
power ? By reducing clock insertion delay
By having sharper clock transition
What is an ICG cell It is an integrated clock gater cell .it is used to
gate the clock signal where ever possible
.gating the clock gating using icg cell prevents
clipped and spurious clocks own the gate
What is ideal placement for ICG cell in layout Power point of view closer to the clock port
in power and timing point of view and timing point of view closer to the logic
What is cell padding For the cell that having more number of pins
to enable connections some room is to be
provided near those cells
What are the guide lines you follow to reduce Routing congestion can be reduced by
congestion following floor plan guidelines
What do u understand by global and detail Global means planning and detail means real
routing routing without any DRC’s
What is SMART routing Signal integrity and manufacture aware timing
driven routing
What are double cut vias y do u insert them A via that is manufactured with two cuts is
called double cut via by using this
manufacturing yield will increase
What are non-default rules where do u use A file that creates with no default rules like
them width of the wire more that min width and
spacing btw the wire more than min spacing.
This file is usually used for clock routing
State at least two important uses of macro To create useful skew
What kind of transition time you target ton It depends upon the technology node and the
achieve on non-leaf and leaf clock nets clock frequency usually it is around 5 to 10%
of clock period
Explain through pin and leaf pin concepts Through pin : defining default leaf pin as non-
leaf pin
Leaf pin : defining as non-leaf pin as leaf pin
Exclude pin and preserve pin concepts Exclude pin is used to exclude some part from
CTS.if timing is not required to analyse from
the flop to processor and vise versa exclude pin
option for the processor clock pin can be used
Preserve pin would automatically compute the
clock path delay from that pin onwards
What is scan chain reordering Usually scan chain stiched before PNR
steps .while inserting scain chain the function
timming is not considered .in PNR it is time
drivern placement that means talking flops is
paced together .while doing it so necessary
scain chain connectivity optimize to reduce
routing length on scan chains

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Syniotic design systems
How do u take care bogus in-to-reg and reg-to- By editing input output delays
out timing slack after clocktree synthesis Use set clock latency to clock inseration delay
and constrains all the input and output ports
wrt clock latency
What are cap tables what do they contain Cap tables contains resistance and capacitance
of nets .there are two types of cap table normal
and advanced cap tables just captable contains
resistance and capacitance wrt width and
length and advanced cap table contains 3
dimensional capacitance and resistance
What are tech.lef and stdcell.lef ? what do they Tech.lef: it contains metal layer information
contain min space min width pitch information routing
direction via information and dimensions
thickness of metal information
Std cell.lef: Height and width of a cell, pin
coordinates obstruction information etc.
What do timing library contains Cell footprints power numbers (leakage and
ststic power )cell delays transition and
capacitance values and cell functionality.
What are qrc tech files It is the file used to extrct sign off quality spef
form cadence QRC tool .it is used for final
extraction becuasse it is more accurate and
takes more time for extraction .they contain the
resistance and capacitance per unit dimensions
for each metal layer .they also contains inter-
meta-dielectric thickness information
What is cock uncertainity state it uses Diff in clock edge arrival timing btw the
talking flops is tremed as skew usually for pre
layout design we use set_clock uncertainity in
sdc to model the effect of clokskew jitter xtalk
and ocv and wire delay effects
Why do u want to close hold timing with Hold violation are fatal in if we see any hold
certain margin violation after chip manufacturing simply chip
should be thrown out .hence to be on safer side
we close the hold with more margin
What is crosstalk It is unwanted change occur on a particular net
because of switching the adjacent net . this
impact of xtalk is delay of the net that can be
effected by xtalk can be increased or decreased
momentarily input can be change the
functionality of the circuit
How does the cross talk tool filter non- It uses cdb files .it filters non harmful glitches
harmfull glitches from cell delays and static discipline values
that cdb file contains
What are aggressor and victim nets define When a net is switching it can impact the
virtual attacker adjacent nets electrical characteristic this is

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
called aggressor net and the impacted net is
called victim when multiple nets switching like
data nets individual nets xtalk impact is very
small but cumulative effect by combining the
effect of all nets could be considerable .
combining the xtalk effect of small attackers in
to a single net is called virtual attacker
What is incremental sdf Sdf file generated from xtalk analysis tool .it
contains rise delay increased fall delay
decreased and rise delay decreased and fall
delay decreased values
What are cdf file what does it contains Cdb files are used by crosstalk analysis .this
contains static displine information and noise
What is follow pin A follow connects VDD and VSS pins of aall
standard cells to power mesh
What do u understand by filliped row what is Standard cell are palced in rows the orientation
the advantages of the standard cell is flipped across the rows
to share VDD and GND follow pin of adjacent
rows to Save area
What are parasitic corners Cworst Cbest RCworst RCbest
What is OCV why do we need to consider it Ocv is vartion in operation condition across the
cells when the chip is in operation OCV will
What is the typical OCV derating used for 5%for setup and 10% hold
65nm for setup and hold
What do I/O pads normally contains Level shifter
ESD protection mechanism
signal buffer
What is multi VDD design The chip contains multiple voltage segments to
reduce the power consumption usually timing
critical part is operated at high voltages
compared to non timing critical part of the
What is multi-VT flow how does it helps to Multi is used in the design to reduce the
reduce leakage power leakage power std vendor will provide multiple
vt flavors of cells rvt lvt hvt . rvt and lvt has
less delay compared to hvt . hvt cells leakage
power is less
What is substrate biasing technique what By substrate biasing technique the substrate is
benefit does it provides tried to some voltages not to gnd for an nmos
and vdd to pmos .this reduces channel sub
threshold leakages
What are RC scaling factors how they are To correlate the delays bwt PNR tools and sign
useful off tools we use scaling factors by using
scaling factors correlation difference are

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Syniotic design systems
included in advanced in PNR tools so that in
sign off tools the timing and RC values almost
match with final sign off quality
What is a synchronizer circuit When asignal cross clock domain and the clock
are asynchronous a synchronizer circuit is
used to clean the signal that passes through
metastable state
What is metastability When input of the flop changes in the setup
/hold window of a flop can go through meta
stable state .when the flop is in meta stable
state the output cannot be predicted
What factor MTBF depends Gain of the feedback loop of the flop
Setup and hold time requirements of the flops
Frequency of operation
Frequency of occurrence of source signal
What do u understand by logically exclusive Clocks that never gets enabled simultaneously
In d flip-flops implementation as a master- Master latch
slave structure the setup /hold time
requirements of the flops setup/hold time
requirement of which latches
Can upsizing of the cell Eli mates max cap No because max capacitance values
explain characterized in the library mostly same for all
the cells to fix max cap violations a buffer
should be inserted which drivers high cap
What are spare cells Extra cells placed in the chip and these cells
are used to fix functional bugs after chip is
fabricated .these fix are done by metal only
tape out without touching the base
What is metal density ? what are dummy metal To have uniform impact on metal because of
fills CMP polishing foundry rules suggest
minimum and maximum metal density per unit
What are dishing and erosion While doing the cmp the reduction in thickness
is called dishing and erosion .Dishing is
reduction at the centre and erosion reduction of
thicknes at the sides
What is process atenna affect ? tecniques to The charge accumulated on the metal wire
elimate discharges through gate oxide while doing
CMP process is called antenna affect
Layer hopping and inserting antenna diode
What is antenna ratio It is ratio of area of metal to area of the gate
What is ESD It is static charge that get discharged when the
human body touch chip pin hence in every I/O
signal Pad ESD protection mechanism is

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
What are pad limiting and core limiting I/O pads dedicates the DIE dimensions
designs Core limited designs core logic dedicates Die
What kind of impact does the dummy metal Setup timing degrades because of increase in
have on timing net capacitance and hold timing improves
What are manufacturing DRC ‘s Min width min spacing via encoluser min area
of metal antenna latch up metal density rules
How do u run block level LVS Dump transistor level gatelevel netlist extrct
transistor level physical data base feed the
transistor level netlist and GDS along with
LVS extraction
What is via array what is stack via One or more via used to connect the wider
metal is called via array.
Stack via : the via which is used to connect
from the top layer to the bottom layer
What do u understand by metal only tapeout Without touching the base and respininng the
metal if changes need
What are all the cell/instance whose status is Flops ICG clock buffers and inverters
fixed in cts stage
What is the main usage of PLL on the chip High frequency should be generated from the
PLL on chip this prevent the clk disturbances
from external noise
What are the audits that u perform before PNR Check design : it verifies multidriven inputs
floating inputs and output ports constant driven
flops tri-state buses assign statements unloaded
flops combinational loops
Check timing : it verifies timing loops input
delays output delays missing clock definition
What is bus hold cell Tri state logic share more number of o/p to
common bus and enable one o/p at a time
suppose the bus is not driven by any of the o/p
bus would be logically floating and equivalent
to a floating node to address this issues tri state
bus are driven by bus hold keeper cell .it drive
the bus with last driven logical value
What is pin swapping optimization technique The delay of the cell is not same from different
input to output cell delay is less from the input
that connected to NMOS transistor that is close
to its output PNR tool will interchange the
timing critical signal from more delay inputs to
less delay inputs
What is formal verification It is a logic equivalency check it make sure that
logic value will not change during optimization
.this is done during synthesis formality check is
verified with input net list and output net list.

Interview question
Syniotic design systems
What is the diff btw clock inverter and buffer For clock inverter and buffers the rise and fall
compared with normal inverter and buffers are almost same. These helps in retaining
original inputs clock duty cycle
Does duty cycle distortion on clock caused by Duty cycle distortion doen’t affect timing as
clock tree affect timing in a design long as both talking flops use same clock edges
What are set don’t touch and set don’t use Set_dont touch by this constraints optimization
commands shouldn’t happen to the logic or block that
constraints is applied
Set_dont _use :usually we use this to not use
few cells In the design while optimization
What are the sign –off check to be performed DRC LVS Timing IR drop usually following
before tape out things are reviewed manually before tape out .
net list version SDC constraints formalities
results all log files lib and lef version

Interview question

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