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SI * P.10 YOGODA SAT-SaNGA FORINIGHTLY InszTaUCi£ons BY “ PARAMBANSA YOGANANDA TOL OKOL of of of of of of of of of of of of of cL of OX OX of ok oXOK OX} of of IN HE LAND OF DREAMS i Bach night, as my spirit roans In spheres of slumber vast, I become a hermit and renounce hy title, body~form, posscssions, creeds....... Breaking the self-erected prison walls Of flesh and earthly limitations; I aman all-pervading Son of God, No longer caged in brittle, dingy cloa, Nor tied by tangible cords of birth, or ran-mde smallness, social standing And duty-shadows of earth. There in Sleepland's ether eternal, I have no country, no honeland dear; Nor Occidmtal no> orimtal, ' Race-bound b the bars of inheritance, ! Im Dreamland's linitless acres, | My Spirit revels in freedom... Its only religion frecdow.... - } Gypsying gaily there, \ pilfering Joy from everywhere. i There, no lordling god otershadows ne, \ For there is none but MYSELF to rule nyself. Behold, the slave-god mth becaue the God! i The sleeping mortal, the awakened, deathless 4 Lora! i 1 of of of ofa} of o} of of of Oo} of of of of of of of o} of of of of of ol of ooo’ PRAYER TO PRECEDE 4 4 STUDY ° * “*Comé Thou to my aid, Divine F » avd usher me on the hard path of my life. The fire of ambit! been waxing strong, fed by the fuel of my rainbow-dreams. As often as old dreams faded, fresh die-hard hopes burst into new, thirsty flames, that svullowed up many a sturdy tree of my fresh powers," BREA THE PHENOMENA OF DREAMS The greatest lesson of .reamlond is that we must not t: earthly oxperience too seriously, for it is nothing tut a seri vast droam movies shown to us to aitertain us, The jicavenly Father meant to entertain us, His inmortal diildren, with a variety of earthly novica, Wo mst behold comedies, tragedies, and news reels of life movies, with an entertaining joyous attitude. In the dreamland we forget our names, bodies, nationalities, -possessions, and all our frailties. God give the Soul and mind the power to materialize thoughts in the dreatlend and create a miniature Cosmos, even as He docs, —_ alin. - » . — ° our or The phenonena of dreams shows to us that the mind can reproduce an exact copy of our worldly experience and material life. God shows that we, being His children, can create even us He does. God froze His © thoughta into substance and we percoive the dream of the Cosmos with its various sensations. In the dreamland the Soul becores free to create a Cosmos after its own fancy; it can move ina new body, new world, enjoy ice cream or hot tea, move in the hot desert of Sahara, or in the bleak regiom of Alasia, or the Himalayas. Hore in dreamland the Soul can be @ poor man or a king; here it oan satisfy all its unfulfilled earthly desires by materializing them into dream expericnees, Here the Soul can create, i¢ it will, a perfect world, free from poverty, sickness, wickedness, and ignorance.’ Here It can be a part of anything it thinks it cannot be in ite earthly life. Hore the Soul can perceive the birth of a baby or the death of a man; here it can cry or smile, hear songs, smell flowers, touch, feel, think, reason, meditate, and perform every activity, even as it'doos in its earthly lire. We must prove ourselves to be God's inmortal children, vho ean learn and be entertained by the Cosmic movies, We must prove ourselves to be true sons of God by appreciating the lessons of the Cosmic movies without losing the unchangeable joyous poise of our Inner Being--tho true refleotions of inmiortal unchangeable God. SIGNIFICANCE OF DREAMS All dreams have sone significance, Even meaningless dreams are the outcome of a disordered, purposeless life, But all dreams are not true, Yet all dreams signify the state of your consciousness, The superecnscious individual always bcolds true dreams whenever ie wants to behold them. The worldly man has worldly dreams, the active man has dreans of activity. The evil mn has droans of evil, po not, try, to, explain the mesning of every dream - just remember tmé above classification of dreams, and put your dreams umer the classification which you think proper. Imaginative people have fanciful dreams. Matter-of-fact people have common worldly dreams. . Worried fearful dreams show that you attract wrry and fear. They warn you not to wrry leat you attract the objects of worry or fear, not only throvgh the conscious mind, but a consciously rein- foreed mboonscious mind. Dreams of wealth, industries, activity, and b battles, sienify material emccess, Drears of ocean, boats, great fins, and floods, all signify much Spiritual development. Dreams of sex signi fy that you mst make conscious efforts to dislodge the omscious and subeonselous mind of acquired conscious and subconscious sex impulses, All dreams have some significance according to the following classifications: (a) mingless weird dreams, and comedy and tragedy drears . Meaningless weird dreams are born due to the chaotic memory of the sub- conscious mind, ‘Subconscious optimism brings forth comedy dreams. Subconscious pessimism turns out tragedy dream films. (b) Superconseiovs dreams, The all-seeing superconsciousness, or intuition, films some future evants and drops the superconscious film into the subconscious mind, This superconscious film becomes pro- jected into a true dream, People who meditate, who live mostly in sup- erconseiousness, often have superconscious dreams. (ec) Superconscious, subconscious, and conscious syrbolical drears, Dreams always tell the state of your mind, henoc, adjust your life and actions according to the kind of dreams, not that you have, “Page Two- but that you should have, It is better not to dream at all, but to be able to produce true dreams in vision at will, which will be taught in a future lesson. While you are resting, you don't want to be osed vpon by dreams, You don't want to keep your movie house of dreams fully working when you want rest. If dreams come too often, you must meditate and calm yourself, then this condition will disappear. The more calm you become, the less you will dream. You should be able to dream true dreams at will, or be able to produce visions of distant events by the all-secirg power of the superconsciousness within you. THE LAP OF IMMORTALITY If you have assurance with the Infinite, you will know whether or not Nature shatters your body and you are still on the lap of Inmor- tality, still on the lap of that Infinite assurance, Resurrect your- self from the consciousness of human habits and the huran thoughts thereof. Live every second in that consciousness ~ it is the lost thing, that which alone will live forever. This is not to frighten you, but to quicken your understanding, quicken your efforts, so that you will not keep your Soul buried under folse satisfaction, We have no existence but in the universal, The body you see is nothing but mterialized electricity, How could electricity be sick? + 1s a delusion, but simply saying that it is delusion is not enough. Th if 2 GScam you ooo a wall am you see your body wirike the watt? you will have a broken skull in dream, Self-Realization Fellowship teaches that it is only by coming in contact with God that one sees that God is the universe ani that the body is nothing but condensed electricity. science has said that electricity is nothing but energy or frozen Cosmic Consciousness, We gust not call it Mind. Mind 1s dirfer- ent. fo say that everything Is Mind is wag. It is Cosmic Conse ious- ness which makes us feel different things; conselousness of Watter and consciousness of Spirit. Resurrect your Soul from thedreams of frailties. Resurrect your Soul in eterral wisdom. What is the method? ‘ne answer is: Relazation, self-control, right dict, right fortitude; undaunted atti- tude of mind. Don't acknowledge defeat. To acknowloige defeat is greater defeat. You have unlirited porer; you must cultivate that power, Meditation is tle greatest way of resurrecting your Goul from the bondage of body and all your trials. Meditate at the fect of the Infinite. Learn to saturate yourself with Him, Your trials may be heavy, may be great, but the greatest enemy of yourself is yourself. You are immortal; your trials are mortal; they are changeable; you are unchangeable; you can unleash the eternal powers and siatter your trials. Resurrect yourself from weakness, disease, ignorance, consciousness of disease, and, above,all, from frailties of habits that beset your life, That forced silence on the last day will be a mystery sleep, inwhich your nigutmare and your beautiful dreams of earthly life will bid farewell, at least for a time, Then, maybe, after a short rest on the downy bed of blissful oblivion we shell wake up in another dream of ancther life, ono new star, or a new onrthly sctting, Then, maybo, we shall be deluded into thinking tiat we are awake while we are still dreaming. Will this sleeping and acluaod waking in dreams continue un- til we know that we can really awaken in God? As in dreaming, we divide our minds into thoughts of many things, guoh as minds, mountains, Souls, sky, ard stars, and take every reality out of the tissue of fancy, so has transformed His dreaming mind intoa star-chequered savanna of the blue with the indwelling planetary family, earth, and us = sorrowing, laughing, coming, ard dy! May God make us fearless by letting us know that we are waking and dreaming in Hin, ard that we are His all-protected, evcr-happy Self, Paro. Tiree Let us unite our evading life with His Imperishable Life, Let us biet our flickering, stale heppiness into His enduring ever-new Blesscdness. THE APOLOGUE (For the Entire Family) THE MAN WHO BECuE A BUFFALO By the side of a mountain overlooking a beautiful flower-deoked valley in India, ws a cozy hermitage. This hermitage was a cave, carved into the rocky ledge of the mountain. Here dwelt a great Master th devgted ciple, When the dawn wiped away the darimess from Mite nee ene Mile, ine hill sides anited brightly with many colored blossoms. The Waster and the disciple sang hymns together with the rising sun, which reminded them of the awakening of wisdom after a long sleep of ignorance. They stiled when Nature smiled after her silence of the night. While dawn still lingered o'er the valley, the Master would ask the dieciple to sit upright in the perfect meditating posture, and listen to his sermons with absorting attention. Thus, cvery day the disciple eagerly devoured the lessons falling from the tips of his Master. One day, however, tho biaster noticed tlat his youhg disciple was absent-minded and restless, so ho gently inquired: “son, today your mind is not on my sermon, and it seems to be wandering o'er tho hills elsewhere. Pray tell m, what is the reason for your absent-mindedness?” The disciple respectfully replicd: “Honored Waster, I cannot concentrate on your lessons today, for ny mind is helplessly thinking about the newly acquized, tame buffalo which is grazing on the green verdure of the valley." The waster, instead of scolding the Alsciple, calmly asked hin to retire into the silence chamber, lock his door, and think of nothing but the buffalo. One dey passed, and the next morning the Master looked through the little window in the silence chamber. The disciple was still meditating upon the buffalo, so the Master asked: "son, what aro you doing?” The disciple answered: "Sir, I am grazing with the buffalo in the field. Shall I come?" ‘The Master replied: "No, Son, not yet; gp on grazing with your buffalo.” Another day passed and, on the third morning, the Master asked through the window of the Chamber of Silence: "Beloved Ch:1a, what are you doing?” To which the disciple, in the state of ecstasy, replied: "weavenly Master, I behold the buffalo in my room, and I am feeding it. Shall I come to you with my tuffalo?" the Master replica: "Not yct, my Son. Go on with the vision of the buffalo, and of feeding it.” Another two days passed in the meditation and visualization of the buffalo and, on the fifth day, the master spoke through the window of the Silence Chamber where the disciple was alone in complete ecstag "son, pray tell me, what you are doing now." The disciple bellowed, imitating the buffalo's voice: "What do you mean? JI am the buffalow. I am not your Son.” To this, the Master replied: “All right, Mr. Buffalo, you had better come out of the Silence Chamber," The disei- ple bellowed; ‘How can I get out through the narrow door? My horns are so big, ara my body is so large." Thon the Master went into the Silence Chamber and brought his disciple out of his trance. The disot- ple smiled to find himself walking on all fours, trying to imitate the buffalo of his vision, Then the disciple, after a light repast, went to listen t sermon of his Master, Tho Master asked the disciple many deep, § tual questions, all of which he answerod correctly, as never The Master refarked: "Now, your concentration has reached the perfect state, when you and your mind can be one with the object of study.” Likewise, resember, when you think of a great business tan and eee the S-I « P.1o his ability, or when you think about God, think deeply; concentrate deeply, until you feel you have become that business ar, or gome One with Goa. A LOVELY SKIN While a lovely skin depends primarily upon good health, and the essentials of its acquisition and nainterance start with purification from within, there are muierous aids to the eon~ plexion which we shall give in the Praecepta from tine to tim. Pimples mean clogged pores; unsightly growths indicate excess carbohydrates in the dict (starches and sweets); wrinkles are Neture's hunger-cries for food iodine and ofl, A dry skin wrinkles faster than that wich is well lubricated. 011, particularly olive oil, as an aid to skin beauty, has been used throughout the Ages. It is chronicled that chief anong Cleopatra's seorets of beauty and rejuvenation was the generous use of oil of the olive. Secure a good brand of yellow olive oil, Use with, strained lemor juicc, half of cach. ‘he lemon prevents unseemly hair growth and assists the oil in penetrating. Another excellent facial skin builder and a good base for powder is of] of almonds, n den of ny dr w mony ari ms. The, rarest Benes ee eee sastndy"nspe8 audaciously spread their petals of fulfillment, ght of my dreams, In the dim glow 1 spied the specters of beloved, forgotten faces, sprites of dear, dead feelings, long buried beneath the il of mind, which all rose in their siining robes, I behold the resurrection of all experiences, at the trumpet-oall of ny Gream-ancols. ws 0 King of my dreats and of countless dream-worlds, in the ear- don of Thy dream-galaxies let ne bea tiny star, or let me twinkle by Thy Thy loved dream-star in the clamber’ot Thy Cosule Dreanse Or, if T be not held by the string of Thy Love as ny star~bead of life in the eurland of Thy Dreams, then give re the humblest place in the Reart of Thy Dreams. In the chamber of Thy yeart I shall behold the making of the noblest Dreams of Life. 0 master-Weaver of Dreams, teach me to make @ mny-hued carpet of Dreans for «ll lovers of Thy Pattern of Dreams to walk over as they travel to tt« Tomple of Eternal Dreams. And 1 will join the worshippire angele of livire visions, that T nay offer on Thy alter a boquet of ny new-born dreams of Thee, "uy areams of perfection are the briiges that carry me ints the realm of pure ideas. EACE! DREAMS! " -Page Five-

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