Praeceptum - 14 Paramahansa Yogananda - Paramhansa Yogananda Praecepta Lesson

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S-I¥ P14 YOGODA SAT-SANGA FORINIGH LY INSTRUCTIONS BY ‘ PARAMHAN SA YO! GANANDA ‘To Be Confidentially Roscrved FOR MEMBER'S USE ONLY) THE CANDLE OF PEAOE Taxe the bowl of my mind and fill it th Thy Understanding Take my bottle of eaotionte ana fill it With Thy Merey. Take the gupty basket of my Soul and fill it With Thy Fragrant Wisdom. Use my life's vessel to dip cupfuls of Thy Love And puvr them into the éesire-parohed Throats of others, Break the walls of my love and flood mo With Thy Ommipresence, 'Tis the streak of love's dawn pocping through Tae little opening fissure of my heart, Which pospoaks of the sunlight of Thy Love Spreading over the dark dungeon of my Indifforaec, The darcness of my love is lit by the gentle Luminosity of Thy Love. Tho mye hall of my Soul is fllumined by the Light of Thy Spirit. Thou art the Life behind my body, ‘the Intelligmoc behind my mina, ‘te Love behina my fecling, ‘The wisdom behind my ignorance, With the little taper of my love I my rend Ty Golden Book, which lay age-long Hidden in me. Thy Love has beat the invisible Candle of Peace Dispelling my darkness, And showing me Thy Scerct Messages “eitten on the pnges of all nares eoeeerdsc0seasceaenaseacsacccesonedouneAnauaTIsoNNENAGIeD PRAEGER TUM PRAYER "Oo Father, a little prayers are ail aroused in reverence, waiting for Theo, My little joys are dancing in tune with the tem- ple-bells of harmony, The muffled drum of my craving beats dcop for ‘Thee. My passion, my ignorance, tromblingly wait to be sacrificed boforg Thy altar, I smll say my prayers with mystic bends made of my crystal tear-drops and polished with my love for Thee, 1 shall cleanse the altar of my heart with my repentance. Come! I pray for nee!" yes’ OB a BUMBLENESS VERSUS BGOTISM Find out on what throne of consciousness your Ego is occu- pied. Find out what kind of consciousness is predominant in your mind, Are you egotistical? If so, remomber that egotism drives wise men anf Truth cwey trom you: Try to be humble, ingtea@ of ego- tistical, and throvgh the menctiom of humbloness attract the pro- tecting presence of frionds, Saints, and gods. SeI * P.1q Page ‘Tro- Hymblenoss is a fertile valloy of conscioumess where the rain of God's wisdom falls fmuitfully, As on a mountain peak no rain en gather, so also, ona high Ego no waters of knowledge oan remain, Egotism shuts the door of recipimcy throvgh which knowledge enters, Humbleness opens the portals wide and bids a11 wisdom to come within, Egotism is obvious ugliness written on tho face of the egotist, and repels people, whereas humbleness is the fragrance which makes the dearer very attractive to all, Egotism is born of a superiority com pees whereas humbleness is born, not of an inferiority complex, + of wisdom, Egotism refuses to investigate Truth, whereas humbleness is always ready to learn, Egotiem slaps wisdom in the face, humbleness entreats the lotus feet of Truth to onter the innermost sanctum of the Soul. Egotism reveals its smallness by ineffectually trying to mike others fecl small, Humbleness oozes out greatness of heart and sots an example of greatness for others to follow, BEgotism is tho brittle imitation-armour of Souls, Humbloness is the inner costume of Saints and gods. Egotism repels friends and Truth, Humbleness attracts fricnds and understanding, ‘Tho egotist, like an empty ves- sol, makes much noise, whereas the humble man is like a cask filled with the preolous wine of wisdom, Bgotism reveals a limitation of knowledge, whereas God, who is all wisdom, is humble and never egotistical, because He knows everything, Humblencss is magnotism and is distributor of happiness and invites the all-protecting wisdom of frinnds and God. ‘he cgor tist shuts God out, daring to think much of himself in the Omnipres~ mee of God. The humble person knows that there can be nothin great- er than God, and therefore he draws God to himself through the frag= rance of his humbleness. — The ogotistical mn has plenty of time to speak to othors of his greatness because he is not busy performing great decds, but the great man is humble becausche is so busy doing big things that he has no time to speak of his greatness, ‘The egotistical mn watches some of his qualities so gloatingly that he forgets to acquire more good qualities, ‘The egotistical man trics to be satisfied with hig small acquirements by making them look big to himself, Conse- quently he does not progress. Humbleness belongs to the great who gannot stand apart and greodily watch over their greatness. Saints say that the lenst, or the most humble one, is the greatest in tho Kingdom of God, YOU_WILL REAP VHAT YOU SOW. If you want to be loved, start loving others who need your love, If you expeot others to be honest with you, then start being honest yoursel, If you do not want others to be wicked, then you must cease to be evil yourself, If you want others to sympathise with you, start showing sympathy to those around you, If you want to be respected, you must learn to be respectful to everyone, both young and old, If you want a display of peace from others, you must bo peaceful yourself, If you want others to be religious, start being Spiritual yourself, Remember, whatever you want others to be, first be that yourself, then you will find others responding 4n like mnner to you. If you ean find your ovm faults without developins an infe« riority complex, and can keep busy correcting yourself, then you will be using your time more profitably than if you spent it in just wishing others to be better, Your good example will do more change to others than your wishing, your holy wrath, or your words, Only the little rich mn, the inefficient business man, and the man with a little knowledge are offensively and dangerously ego- tistical, Such egotism not only offends the really rich, the real NN ee S-I # P14 -Page Three- business mn, and the real wise mn, but it leada the egotism him- self to his doom because of short-siehtedness and consequent entan~ gloment in @irficulties and failures, The Law of Service, The law of service to others 4s secondary to, and born out of the law of self-interest nnd aclf-preservation and selfishness. Man never in his sane mind docs anything without o ronson. No ac- thon 1s performed without reference to a direct or indirect thought of selfishness, Giving scrvico is indispensable to receiving ser- vice, To serve others by financial, mental, or moral help is to find self-satisfaction, Besides, if any one knew boyond doubt that by sergice to others, his om Soul would be lost, would he serve? If Jesus know that by sacrificing his life on the altar of ignormee, Re would displease God or lose His favour, would He have acted as he did? No, ho know that, although he had to lose the body, he was gaining his Fathor's favour and his own Soul, Such immortal Sons of God and all the martyrs and Saints, make a good investment ~ they spend the little mortal boay to gain Immortal Life, Resurreot Your Consciousness. All we have to do 4s to resurrect our consciousness from the environment of ignoraace. Environmental troubles, which we cons~ Lovely or unconsciously have been creating in the past somewhere, somé time, we must blame ourselves for. ‘There must not be an infor- iorlty complex any more than a superiority complex. What are you afraid of? You arc not_a man or a womm. You are not what you think you are; youare Immortal, Not immortality identified with human habits befmse habits are your deadliest enemies, At the time of porseeution Lord Chaitanya, the Love Incarnate, could forgive and ombrace his cnemies in the loving name of God and as a result the domon-1ike peracoutors turned great loving devotees of the All~ Merciful God, In crucifixion Jesus could keep His love ond say? “Fathor, forgive them, for they know not what they do." So forgive your trinls and say: "My Soul 1s resurrected; my power is greater than all my trinis because I am the chila of God." Resurreet your Sovl from the @ronms of frailties, Rosurrect your Soul in oternal wisdom, What is the method? Relaxation; self- control; right diet; right fortitude; undaunted attitude of the mind, Refuse to be defeated, Don't acknowBedge defent, ‘To acknow- ledge defont is greater defeat. You have unlimited power; you must oultivate that powor, that is all, Meditation 1s the greatest way of resurreeting your Soul from the bondage of body and all your trials, Meditation! Mcditate nt the fect of the Infinite, Learn to saturate yourself with Him, Your trinls may be heavy, may be great, but the ereatest eneny of yourself Is yourself. You are Immortal; your triads are mortal; they are changeable; you are un~ ghamgenbie, You can unleash the eternal powers and shatter your rials, All those who receive God develop their mental powers by ser- fous application, Your mental powers will expand, your cup of real- ization will be big onough to hold the ocean of knowledge. ‘Then you have resurrected yourself, Mastery of Exo Man's attachment to matter keeps the Soul confined to the body prison and prevents it from finding froodom with God in the realm of Eternal Bliss. ‘he Ego attempts to satisfy the Soul's constant, insatiable longing for God throvgh material channels, Far from accomplishing its objective, it incresses man's misery, Te Soul's hunger can never be appeased by indulgence of the sconses. When man renlizes this and masters his Ego, that is, when he achioves SI * P.14 eee Faw eglfcontTol, life becomes glorified by Blies while he 3s still in the flesh. ‘het, instead of being the slave of material desires and appetites, his attention is transferred to the heart of Omni- presence, resting there for ever ith the hidden Joy in everything, STP ID THE APOLOGUE (For the Entire Family) ‘THE MAN OF INDIA WHO WAS ‘TNE WORLD'S MOST HUMBLE MAN Ages ago, Saint Bhrigu of India had a great desire to find the world's most humble mn. Hoe wandered all over tho Himalayan Mountains and the holy places in search of the man after his own heart. He met mny Saints, whom he auestioned as to where he could find the world's most humble mn, After a strenuous search, he fount that all tho Saints that he met gave him the names of the same three then-existing prophets, Brahma, Shiva, an@ Krishna, and assured him that one of them was the world's most humble man, Saint Bhrigu heard that Prophet Brahia could create anything, Prophet Shiva could absorb anythinc, and Krishna could preserve any~ thing from annihilntion, ‘These three Prophets, in other words, were so Spiritually developed that they could control the creative, des- tructive, and perservative principles active in all Grention, Bewildered as to who was the humblost and grentest Prophot of the three, he conceived of a queer plan to test them out, ‘Wristl- ing, ho wonded his way to the Crontive Prophot, Brahm, and without muoh ceremony of introduction, ina very disrespcotful manner and loud voice he began to criticise the Prophet, “Hey, Brahma, what is fie matter with you? Why don't you stand up and greet me wnon T come?" Brahm inwardly was astonished nt the audacity of this mortal man and retorted: "Do you know with whom you are talking?” "Yes Sir," Said Bhrigu, "Of course, I know that I am talking with that @espioable Prophet who is the erentor of vormin, plagues, mosquitoes, @iscases, criminals, and all ugliy things in Création, Why don't you reform yourself and ereate only good things?” Prophet Brahm was neside himself with wrath and threnteningly replicd: "Got out Bofors I convert you into a stone with the gorgon gaze of my will.” Saint Bhrigu loushed at him and left snying: "0, no, you can not hate me or make me into a stone, for God and I are One, Prophet Brehm sddcnly awoke from his error nnd apologized, ‘Then Bhrigu said: "I forgive you, Brahma, but I am disappointed not to have found in you what I wanted to see.” Then Bhrigu repaired to Shiva, who was scon getting rendy to meditate, As soon as Shiva's fom met the gaze of Saint Bhrigu, the Saint shouted savagely: "Hey, Shiva, you Grand Cosmic Killer, why don't you stop shattering worlds, murdering innocent babies, and in- venting ingenious denth-dealing devices? Why don't you cense des~ troying the beautiful and useful things ana Beings of the earth and get busy annihilating the wicked things of this very hot place?” Shiva could not believe his cars, that a mortal mnn like “gadnt Bhrigu could de so audacious and free with his speech, Shiva shouted: "Stop your savage voloe, or I will reduce you to ashes with the burning magnetism of my Spiritual Eye." Saint Bhrigu deri~ sively retorted: "Fine use you will make of your Spiritual Bye, Go ahead, I dare you to bum up the God in me, you Grand Killer.” Shiva romnined paralyzed with anger and specehless nt the avakenins words - of Saint Bhrigu, who soon molted away from his sight, saying: "Oh, what a disappointment you are.” B-1* P.14 +Poge Five- At last, almost despairing bocavse he could not find the world's most humble mn, he sceptically resorted to the third Prophet Krishna, who controlled’ the preserving principle of the Cosmos, Saint ° ‘. Bhrigu found Prophet Krishna sound asleep on his wonderful bed. He stood there watching the halo of peace radiating from the prophetic face of Krishm. Then, unable to think of any way to test him, in a fit of emotion Saint Bhrigu kioked Prophet Ktishna on the chost, shouting: "You sloeping fool, wake up, sce who 1s here." Krishna awakened with the swectest, most undismayod, loving voice, and quick- ly picked up the kicking foot of Saint Bhrigu, and whilo massaging 4t, ho sald? “An, my Lord Bhrigu, is your foot hurt?” Saint Bhrigu, beside himself with simlteneous visitations of remorse and joy, oried out: "I have found Him: 1 heve found Bim. 0, Prophet Krishna, Thou art the world's most humble Being, evon as God is, Thou art, 0 Krishna, the grentest, the moat numble superman of this earth, I accept you as tho greatest GuriwMastor, YALL you accept me?" Krishna accepted him as his aise iplo. Now, dear friends, you realize that if you want to know the greatest cf nll Boings, the wisost in the Cosmos, our God, you mat bo humble, for the humble man mkes a charming altar for God in him pelt, and establishes His altar of humility in every heart that ho noots. ORI HEALTH QULTURE OURATIVB FOODS = And God said: Beholdj I have,givon you cvory herb 2, which aie the face of all the nts the PRiit of a tree yielding seedy varth, and overytroe, in whi yo you it shail be for moat. Ana to every beast of the carth, and to every fowl of the air gnd to every thing that oreepeth upon the carth, wherein there is fe, I have givon overy green horb for moat; and it was 50, ALFALFA My student, and porsonal friond, the lnte Luther Burbank, famous plant wizard, onld that alfalfa contained somo of the most inportant nutrition substances known, and would become the juwure food of Man, The ancient Arabic name for it is "Alfalfa" or, ‘mather of all foods." It is recorded that hundreds of years before pirist the Persians invaded Greece with the help of horses which Jad been foraged on alfalfa. Apparently, the extent of its healing and nourishing valua gen be accounted for by the fact that it ins the longest roots of any plant known, sanctimes attaining a growth length of 50 feet. Therefore, 4t may be readily secon that a root whion plows ttat depth into the bowels of the earth is bound to absorb powerful magnotio qualities, probably extracting mincrals of more concentrated and in~ Sonsified strength than those nearer the earth's surface, Until recontiy, in Amerioa, it was used only to feed and fate ten pigs, andwas found to produce such fine specimen of bone struc~ ture,and growth in goncral, as woll as olimination of the usual hog diseases, that some enterprising pioneer figured that what was good for the baby pigs might have the same effect upon human babies, since which time it has carned a reputation as a miraculous healer and boilder for mankind. ALFALFA TWA For cach oupful of tea desired, use 1 tablespeonful of alfalfa, Put it into cold wator and slowly bring to a boil. Simmer; steep; strain, Honoymay be added to taste. Orange Juice squeezed into it gives a delightful arom ond tasic. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aera See S-I * P.14 “Page Six~ GUARD AGAINST AN INFLATED BGO An inferiority complox is born of oontaot with woak-minded people and the weak innate subconscious mind, A svperiority complex results from false pride and an inflated Ego. Both inferiority and superiority complexes are destructive to sclf-devolopment, Both are fostered by imagination, ignoring facts, while neither belongs to the true, all-powerful nature of tho Soul. Found your self-confidence upon actual achievements, and you will be free from all inferiority nd superiority complexes, Conquer pride by humility, wrath by love, exoitement by onlmess, selfishness by unselfishness, eveil by good, Amorance by Imowledge, and restlessness by the ineffable peace ac= . quirod in the stillness of complete silence, Take pride in being humblo, ; Hotaime.apae FORTNIGHTLY AFKIRMAZTION "In the stiitnons of my Soul I humbly dow before Thy Omnipresence, knowing that Thou are over leading me onward and upward on the path of Self-Realization." HORII I AIA AOR AIOE NOTES OF VAIUR L.-Torassure=safey regular receipt ofall mil, please keep the Headquarters informed of your change of address, or of your for- warding address, a week or two in advance, 2, Bea devoted, faithful Crusader of Truth and Self Reali~ zation, Send in the name of any friend or person whom you think to be sincerely interested in his solf-betterment. 3, Review the Preface to the Fortnightly Pracceptum, in order to firmly establish the method of study in your mini ond to make it of practioal use. 4, Resolve to regularly and consistently study your Prae~ cepta, for therein lies the Key to your own Self Realization, If you are unavoidably "behind" on your studies, resolutely deciie today to “catoh up" by devoting a little more time and attention to these invalvable teachings. 5, Conscientiously follow the Dict Laws and Principles in order to more harmoniously and more perfectly develop yourself in every respect. 6. But more valuable and more onjoyable ana more enlighten- ing than all to you will be the priceless time that you devote So your daily Meditation, Solomnly resolve to bathe your every thovght and action in that Ever-New, Ever-Conscious, Ever-Fresont Bliss and Toy of Moditation, (‘The clomentary technique of Meditation was presented in Pracocptum No.1 - The Tunnel to Eternity). aeoe0 e

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