Mendoza, Cedrick C. ACTCY32S1

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Mendoza, Cedrick C.


“Innovate, Reinvent, Impact”

On May 15, 2021, the College of Business Education TIP – Manila conducted an event that will
inspire and teach the students to embrace and adapt to changes and lead effectively. There were three
speakers that were given a time to share their experiences and stories in order to inspire us and to know
how to lead in this world where there is a continuous change. I thought and expected that this conference
will only teach us about business but it also teaches us the mindset and grit that we can apply in our lives.
Our first speaker is Mr. Mark Anthony, a certified associate treasury. He discussed about stocks
and stocks market. During my time in senior high school, a professor of mine encourages us to buy stocks
and continue to invest in companies as early as possible. I have always wanted to but I cannot start
because I do not know where to begin and I also do not have the luxury of time. Fortunately, our first
speaker gave us a detailed insight by sharing his experience to us. Due to his discussion, I finally have an
idea on how stocks really work. My father and I am planning to buy stocks from companies and I hope I
can apply everything that Mr. Mark Anthony have shared with us.
Our second speaker is Ms. Dimples Romana, an actress, endorser, digital influencer, author, and
an entrepreneur. She gave an emphasis on the word ‘reinvent’ which basically means being adaptable to
change by creating something new. She also gave us insights why personal branding is important and how
it works. She also gave us encouraging words which I think really helped me a lot especially now that the
qualifying exam is getting closer each day. I was inspired to do better. Even if things does not seem to be
aligned in your way, it is important to decide on something that you will not regret so I decided that I will
do my best in this upcoming exam and even if I end up failing, I will not have any regrets.
Our last speaker is Ms. Deirdre Remida Conde, founder and CEO of LIYAB. She addresses the
potential and value of Gen. Z people. She said that people who were born in Generation Z are very
authentic even in this time that technology reigns. Even if some older people are belittling our generation,
it does not remove the fact that our potential is much wider and could be able to inventions and also
innovations that may benefit the social welfare. Generation Z is very well versed in technology and it is
already an advantage because most of the companies are looking for someone who are proficient in using
computers and also companies use it as well as they are operating.

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