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Health-and Fitness Related Guidance Self-Test

I. Direction: Mark check (√) if you agree with the statement.


1. Are you interested to become more aware of the value of healthy living? √

2. Will you promote the importance of exercise and healthy diet? √

3. Do you organize events like team and individual sports, routine exercises, √
as well as recreational activities?

4. Are you willing to facilitate patients’ recovery from physical impairments √

5. Are you a sports aficionado or enthusiast? √

6. Does the sound of taking part in competitions thrill you and make instruction

of the sports discipline, health and lifestyle training, and advice?

7. Will you develop individual or group activities like strength training,

cardiovascular exercises, and stretching?

8. Do you want to play a big role in keeping people healthy and fit? √

9. Will you plan a well-rounded physical fitness program for an individual

requires information regarding living habits?

10. Are you goal oriented and realistic when initiating an exercise program? √

Score Interpretation (base on the number of YES answers from the table above)
8-10 CONGRATULATIONS, you are 100 % sure that you can pursue a Health-and
Fitness Career
5-7 You are 80%-90 % sure of your potential that it is ideal to pursue a Health-and
Fitness Career
2-4 You are uncertain of your potential if you will a pursue a Health-and Fitness
however, there is still an interest of pursuing this career
0-1 Maybe you can have another career ahead

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