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Site of action of NSAIDS: *

Q A. phospholipase A2

@ 8 . cyclooxygenase

Q C. lipooxygenase

Q D. thromboxane A2
The reaction that initiates amino acid
catabolism: *

Q A. transamination

@ B. oxidative deamination

Q C. non oxidative deamination

Q D. carboxylation

Identify the amphibolic intermediate/s

from which heme is synthesized: *

Q A. Succinyl coA

Q B. Glycine

Q C. Delta aminolevulinate (ALA)

Q D. A. and B

@ E. Band C

There is continuous degradation and
synthesis (turnover) of cellular
proteins. Each day humans turn over
1% to 2% of their total body protein,
principally from the: *

0 A. Bl ood cells

0 B. Muscle cell s

0 C. Skin

0 D. A and B

@ E. A, Band C

Glycogen synthesis is activated when:


A.g lycogen pho sphorylase is

0 ph osphory lat ed

B. glycogen synthase is

0 C. cAMP concentrati on inc reases

0 D. glucago n t o in sulin rati o is elevat ed

What is the energy of hydrolysis of
ATP? *

@ A. - 7.3 Kcal/ mol

0 B. - 6.6 Kca l/ m ol

0 C. -16.7 Kca l/ mo l

0 D. + 4 Kca l/ m ol

The following are stages in urea

biosynthesis, Except: *

0 A. transam inati on

Q B. oxidat ive deaminati on of glutamate

Q C. urea transport

@ D. transaminidat ion
Manifestation that strongly rules out
Abetalipoproteinemia: *

A. Consistent diarrhea and

0 malabsorpti on

B. Presence of fl attened intestin al villi

0 w ith enterocytes devoid of lipid

C. Cent ral and periphera l neuro logic

Q defi cits, visual impairment,
acanthocytes and anemi a

'i' D. Low plasma cholesterol (LDL,

':!!I VLDL) concentration

During starvation, the muscle proteins

are mobilized as energy source. Which
of the following amino acids is the
major source of glucose? *

0 A. alanine

0 leuci ne

0 C. aspartate

® D. glutamate

Which of the following does not
describe Group 2 hormones? *

a. They bind to cell surface receptors

to elicit a response

b. They are hydrophilic and usually do

0 not require transport proteins

c. They mediate their effect through

0 cAMP, cGMP

d. Thyroid hormones, androgens and

0 retinoids are an example

Which of the following hormones are

lipohilic and require transport proteins?

0 a. Growth hormone

0 b. Insulin

@ c. Thyoxine

0 d. Epinephrine
Which of the following hormones have
cholesterol as its precursor or parent
compound? *

0 a. Growth hormone

0 b. Insulin

0 c. Vitamin D

® d. Aldosterone

Transamination of pyruvate forms?

@ A. & ketoglutarate

0 8 . Alanine

0 C. Glutamine

0 D. Lysine
To decrease cholesterol synthesis,
Simvastatin inhibits which of the
following enzymes? *

Q A. HMG coA synthase

@ B. H MG coA reductase

Q C. squalane oxidocyclase

Q D. mevalonate kinase

The following statements are correct

regarding Ubiquitination of protein for
degradation, EXCEPT:

A. Ubiquitin tags a protein for

0 degradation by attachment to the£-
amino groups of Lys residues

B. Presence of amino terminal Met or

0 Ser residues retard protein

C. Presence of amino terminal Asp or

@ Arg inhibits protein ubiquitination

D. Degradation of ubiquitin-tagged
0 proteins takes place in the
protea some
What is the most common cause of
gout? *

0 A. High purine diet

B. Inability of kidneys to excrete uric


0 C. Genetic metabolic disorder

0 D. high blood glucose

Final acceptor of electrons in the

Respiratory chain: *

Q A. cytochrome oxida se

Q B. coenzyme Q

Q C. iron sulfur centers

@ D. oxygen
Accumulation of gangliosides occur in
Tay Sach's disease due to deficiency
of: *

Q A. glucocerebrosidase

Q B. sp hingomyel inase

@ C. hexosaminida se

Q D. id uronat e sulfat ase

Inherent absence of this enzyme

prevents muscle glycogenolysis to
maintain blood glucose homeostasis: *

Q A.glycogen phosphorylase

Q B. glucose 1 phosphatase

@ C. glucose 6 phosphatase

Q D. UD P glu cose py rop hosphory lase

Jaund ice due to failure of hepa tic
conju gatio n of bilirub in becau se of
defec ts in bilirub in UDP- gluco ronos yl
transf erase , EXCEPT: *

0 A. Cri gler Najjar Syndro me I

0 B. Du bin Johns ons

0 C. Gilbert's syndro me

D. Physio logi c jaundi ce of the

newbo rn


The hyperbilirubinemia in Dubin -

Johns on syndrome is cause d by
mutati ons in the gene encod ing the
protein involved in the secretion of
conjug ated bilirubin into bile.
Catalyzes the comm itted step in
Glycolysis: *

Q A. hexo kin ase

Q B. pyruvat e kinase

@ C. phosp hofruc tokina se

Q D. g luco kina se

Jaun dice due to failure of hepa tic

conju gatio n of bilirubin because of
defec ts in bilirubin UDP- glucoronosyl
transferase, EXCEPT: *

0 A. Crigle r Najjar Syndr ome I

0 B. Dubin Johnsons

0 C. Gilber t's syndr ome

D. Physi ologic jaund ice of the

newbo rn


The hyperbilirubinemia in Dubin -

Johnson syndrome is caused by
mutation§ 1il iiii4 dt!IIIS ISli
Best describes salvage pathways of
purine biosynthesis: *

A. utilizes the sa me enzymes as the

0 de novo bi osynthesis

B. ATP is used as the donor in

phosphoribosylation reaction

C. the 1st purin e nucleotid e f orm ed is


D. utili zes less en ergy th an de novo

0 pathway

The buffering effect of hemoglobin is

due to this amino acid: *

® A. histidine

0 B. lysin e

0 C. va line

0 D. glutamic ac id
An intermediate of HMP shunt that
directly connects the pathway to
nucleotide biosynthesis *

0 A. Ribose 5 P04

® B. Ribulose 5 P04

0 C. Glyceraldehyde 3 Po4

0 D. Fructose 6 P04

The major pathway of glucose

metabolism that occurs in all cells: *

Q A. gluconeogenesis

Q B. glycolysis

Q C. pentose phosphate pathway

@ D. Kreb's cycle
Require receptors that are located in
the plasma membrane and the
generation of intracellular signals to
elicit a response *

0 a. Thyro id ho rmones

0 b. Corti sol

® c. Androgens

0 d. Growth horm one

Contributes to the development of

cancer cachexia, except: *

A. Increased body m et abolism to

Q support f ast growing population of
ca ncer cells

B. Oxygen debt of hypermetabolism

activates anaerobic glycolysis

C. High energy expenditure f or

0 inc reased rate of gluconeogenesis

D. Increased synthes is of acetyl coA

0 f or fatty acid synthesis
What happens to protein kinase A
(PKA) following the binding of cAMP? *

a. regulatory subunits dissociat e,

Q t hereby act ivating t he cat alyti c

b. catalytic subunits then bind the

@ regulatory subunits activating the
catalytic subunits

c. dissociation of t he inhibitory
Q regulat ory subunits from th e catalyti c
subunits inactivat es the enzym e.

d. stimul at ory regulatory subunits

Q dissociat e fro m th e cat alyti c subunits,
inhibiting the enzym e.

VLDLs are synthesized in the liver for

the transport of which of the following
fats to the peripheral tissues? *

0 A. c holest erol

@ B. triacylglycerol

0 C. Apo B -100

D. Apo B-48
Several enzy mes in chole stero l
synthesis requires this coen zyme : *

0 A. biotin


0 C. TPP

0 D. FADH2

Block in the react ion catalyzed by this

enzy me of the urea cycle can cause
seco ndary orotic aciduria: *

0 A. Argina se

0 B. CPS 1

® C. OTC

0 D. NAGs
The initial step in TCA is catalyzed by: *

@ A. citrate synthase

Q B. malat e dehydrogenase

Q C. succinate thi okinase

Q D. pyruvat e dehyd rogenase

Catalyze the formation of fatty acyl

carnitine in the outer mitochondrial
membrane *

0 A. CPT I

@ B. fatty acyl synthase

0 C. translocase

Which of the following statements
characterizes ATP? *

0 A. an adenine deoxyribonucleotide

B. has three high energy

0 phosphoanhydride bonds

C. formed mainly by substrate level of

0 phosphorylation

D. used to drive thermodynamically

unfavorable reactions

What is the role of oxygen in cellular

respiration? *

Q A. provides electrons for the ETC

@ B. final acceptor of electron in the ETC

Q C. transports electron in the ETC

Q D. activates ATP synthase

HMP shunt is metabolically significant
to nucleotide metabolism because: *

0 A. provides NADPH

® B. stabilizes nucleic acid structures

C. alternate pathway of glucose

0 metabolism

0 D. provides pentose phosphates

Which of the following is an incorrect

statement regarding plasma transport
proteins? *

a. it provides a circulating reservoir for

0 hormones

b. it circumvents the solubility

0 problem of some hormones

c. class/group II hormones usually

require transport proteins

0 d. it prolongs the half life of hormones

The committed step in de novo purine
biosynthesis: *

0 A. carbamoyl phosphate synthase I

0 B. aspartate transcarbamoylase

C. phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate
0 synthase

D. amido phosphoribosyl transferase

The allosteric co factor of carbamoyl

phosphate synthase I in urea cycle: *

@ A. n-acetyl glutamate

0 B. citrulline

0 C. arginine

0 D. ornithine

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