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The science

of living
219 reasons to rethink
your daily routine

Foreword ................................................................ 8
Project Editor Francesco Piscitelli
Project Designer Simon Murrell
Senior Editor Rona Skene MORNING 10
Project Art Editor Louise Brigenshaw
Illustrators Mik Gates, Mark Clifton
Designer Natalie Clay Why is waking up so hard? .............................. 12
Editorial Assistant Kiron Gill Why do I feel low on winter mornings? ....... 14
Jacket Designer Saffron Stocker
I had a lie in, so why do I still feel sleepy? .. 15
Pre-production Producer David Almond
Senior Producer Luca Bazzoli Should I hit the snooze button? ...................... 16
Creative Technical Support Tom Morse Is it OK to check my phone as soon
Managing Editor Dawn Henderson
Managing Art Editor Marianne Markham as I wake? ......................................................... 17
Art Director Maxine Pedliham Why don’t I remember my dreams?.............. 18
Publishing Director Mary-Clare Jerram When should I drink my first coffee? ............ 20
First published in Great Britain in 2020 by Can I make myself more of a
Dorling Kindersley Limited
DK, One Embassy Gardens, 8 Viaduct Gardens,
morning person? ............................................ 22
London, SW11 7BW Why are teenagers so lazy in
Copyright © 2020 Dorling Kindersley Limited the mornings?.................................................. 24
A Penguin Random House Company When’s the best time to shower or bathe? .. 26
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
001–314748–Dec/2020 Why do I poo at the same time
All rights reserved. every morning? ............................................... 28
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored Why do I have bad breath when I
in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted,
in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, wake up? ........................................................... 29
photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the
prior written permission of the copyright owner.
What’s the best toothpaste for
healthy teeth? .................................................. 30
DISCLAIMER see page 256 Is an electric toothbrush the best
way to brush? .................................................. 32
A CIP catalogue record for this book Should I brush my teeth before or
is available from the British Library.
ISBN: 978-0-2413-8737-5 after breakfast?................................................ 33
Printed and bound in China
Is breakfast the most important meal
of the day? ........................................................ 34
For the curious Will skipping breakfast make me fat? ........... 35 What’s the best thing to eat
for breakfast? ................................................... 36
What’s the healthiest breakfast cereal? ........ 38
Is juicing a good way to get one of my How often should I take a break? .................. 70
five a day? ....................................................... 39 Why am I so easily distracted? ....................... 71
Should I take vitamins with my breakfast?... 40 Why do I get the best ideas when
It’s cold! Should I wear a thick jumper I’m not trying?................................................. 72
or layers? .......................................................... 42 How can I maximize my creativity? .............. 73
It’s hot! What should I wear to keep cool? ... 43 Is my workplace making me sick? ................. 74
Do we burn more calories when Why can’t I get a word in edgeways
it’s colder? ........................................................ 44 in meetings? ..................................................... 76
Is central heating bad for our health? ........... 46 Are male and female brains wired
Is air conditioning unhealthy, too? ................. 47 differently? ........................................................ 78
Do women really feel the cold more Why do I feel hungry so soon after
than men? ......................................................... 48 breakfast? ......................................................... 80
Will wearing a coat indoors mean Is grazing the healthiest way to eat?.............. 81
I’m colder when I go out? ........................... 50 Do I need to drink eight glasses of water
Do I lose most of my body heat from a day?................................................................. 82
my head? .......................................................... 51 Should I drink until my pee is clear? ............. 84
Is commuting harming my health? ................ 52
Why does my morning commute AFTERNOON 86
seem longer? ................................................... 54
Why are people in cities so rude?.................. 56 What makes a good lunch?.............................. 88
Is life really faster-paced in the city? ............. 58 Is it OK to work while having lunch? ............ 90
Why is everyone so much worse at Is it really better to eat slowly? ....................... 91
driving than me? ............................................. 59 I want to eat healthily, so why do I eat
Why do I get road rage, when I’m junk food? ......................................................... 92
normally calm? ............................................... 60 Why is sugar so irresistible?............................. 94
How can I shake off a bad mood? ................. 62 How can I avoid a sugar crash?...................... 96
How can I get the most from my How much sugar can I have, then? ............... 97
working day? ................................................... 64 Can I train myself not to have a
What’s the best workspace for sweet tooth? .................................................... 98
productivity? .................................................... 66 Is sitting down “the new smoking”? ............100
Can I learn to be better at multitasking?...... 68 How can I avoid the post-lunch slump? ....102
Will listening to music improve my How long is the ideal power nap? ...............104
concentration? ................................................ 69 Should I trust my gut instinct? ......................106
Are we all really getting more stressed? ....108 Can I raise my IQ?............................................138
Is there a quick way to calm my nerves? ...110 How can I avoid buying things I
How can I manage worrying thoughts? .....111 don’t need?.....................................................140
How can I deal with constant stress? .........112 Why can I never find the best bargains? ....141
Can stress ever be good for me? ..................114 How can I shop most effectively?................142
Why am I always ill when I Is it cheaper to shop online? .........................144
stop working? ................................................115
How much time should I spend in EVENING 146
the sun? ...........................................................116
Why can’t I think straight on a hot day? ....117 Why is it hard to motivate myself
Why has my teenager turned into to exercise? ....................................................148
an alien? ..........................................................118 When should I exercise?.................................150
Why did I take more risks when I What and when should I eat
was younger? .................................................120 before exercise? ............................................152
Why do I feel younger than my real age? ..121 When should I eat after exercise? ................153
Why do long-past events seem so Does stretching prevent injury? ....................154
recent to me?.................................................122 How can I avoid getting a stitch? .................155
Why are my childhood memories What’s the best exercise for a
so hazy? ..........................................................123 healthy heart? ................................................156
Why do I remember events differently Does exercise make my brain fitter? ...........157
to others? ........................................................124 What’s the best exercise to burn
What is déja vu, and should I worry? ..........126 calories? ..........................................................158
What is that “it’s on the tip of my How do I trade my belly fat for a
tongue!” feeling? ...........................................127 six pack? .........................................................160
Why do I sometimes forget why I What’s the best way to build up muscle? ...162
came into the room? ...................................128 How do I avoid “hitting the wall”? ...............164
Why can I remember faces better Is socializing good for me?.............................166
than names?...................................................129 Why am I unluckier than my friends? .........168
Why can I still remember skills, even How can I be a better judge
years later? .....................................................130 of character? ..................................................169
How can I improve my memory? ................132 Why are some people so stubborn in
Should I always believe what I see? ............134 their views? ....................................................170
Is it true we only use 10% of our brains?...136 Is hugging good for us? ...................................171
Why am I so nervous around someone NIGHT 214
I fancy? ............................................................172
Why do I fancy certain people? ...................174 Is my phone ruining my sex life? ..................216
Is being in love good for my health? ...........176 Is there a best time to have sex? ..................218
What’s most attractive in a long-term Why do we yawn, and why are
partner? ...........................................................178 yawns contagious?..........................................220
Why do I get PMS and period pains? .........180 Do sleeping pills help or hinder? ..................222
Why do my periods sync up Will a nightcap help me sleep better?.........223
with others’? ..................................................182 Will digital devices keep me awake? ..........224
How can I manage menopause? ..................183 What’s the best way to fall –
Is there such a thing as a mid-life crisis?....184 and stay – asleep? ........................................226
Can I blame my bad mood on hunger? ......186 Is sleep really that important? ......................228
Is eating a large meal in the evening How do I know how much sleep I need? ....230
bad for me? ....................................................187 Can I make up for lost sleep at
Why is everyone getting fatter? ....................188 the weekend?.................................................231
Should I use BMI to aim for my ideal What can I do if I can’t avoid
body weight?..................................................190 sleep deprivation? ........................................232
I eat well, so why can’t I manage How can I deal with jet lag? ..........................234
my weight? .....................................................192 Why do I get sleep jerks? ...............................236
Are fats good or bad for me now? ...............194 Why do I talk in my sleep? ............................237
Is my weight genetically programmed?......196 Why do I snore and how can I stop? ..........238
Can gut microbes help me manage Why do I get night terrors or
my weight? .....................................................198 sleep paralysis? .............................................240
Which is the best weight-loss diet? .............200 Does dreaming make me more creative?....242
What’s so good about the Do my dreams mean anything? ....................244
Mediterranean diet? ....................................202
Will being vegan make me healthier? .........204
Why is nutrition advice always changing? .206 Glossary...............................................................246
Why do I get scared by music Index.....................................................................250
or sounds in films? .......................................208 Data credits ........................................................255
Why is social media so addictive? ...............210 About the author/Acknowledgments .........256
How can I swap my bad habits for
better ones? ...................................................212

“Science”. If the word brings to mind Every day brings with it countless
dreary lessons, mumbo-jumbo jargon, questions. Not just the philosophical
and bookish bores who are no fun at ones, but also momentary wonderings
a party, then this book is for you. All – should I drink a coffee first thing in
too often we think that science means the morning or wait a while? Why are
distilling our world into dry numbers there so many bad drivers on the road?
and equations. In reality, science gives Why do I feel so sluggish after lunch?
richness, meaning, and depth to our Newspaper columns and clickbait
daily lives. In my seven years in websites are filled with pithy answers
medicine, I not only learnt the intricacies to such questions. Many of these
of the human body and the diseases that explanations leave us wanting. They
afflict it, I was moulded into the role of a may sound reasonable, but sometimes
doctor and taught to skilfully hide behind they’re misleading or just plain wrong.
a cloak of jargon and science-speak. It Dozens of specialists and experts
was only after stepping back from the from around the world have helped me
profession that I discovered how truly craft this book, which represents the
alienated we academic types can make most up-to-date science and research
others feel. Much of this highbrow that answers these questions. Rather
babble does nothing but separate us than serve you up feel-good self-help
from others. This book seeks to set the fluff with every answer, I hope to
record straight and show that you do explain the science in a way that
not need letters after your name to everybody will understand and so be
understand life’s little mysteries. empowered to make better decisions.
I take you through a typical day we realize that our existence is but a
– morning, afternoon, evening, and grain of sand in the infinity of time, that
night – answering those “I wonder we learn to truly relish every day we
why?” questions when they are most have on planet Earth. The COVID-19
likely to crop up. Of course, not pandemic has brought this uncomfortable
everything fits neatly into a timeslot, truth into sharp focus to all of us.
and you may do things at different During the writing of this book I have
times; for example, some prefer to endured surgery, radiotherapy, and
exercise at the crack of dawn, others in chemotherapy for what has now become
the evening. I hope this helps you to an aggressive brain cancer. It is with the
navigate through your day. I have also steadfast love and support of family and
tried to make the book relevant, friends that I have learnt to love life.
regardless of your age, gender, race, Writing this book has helped me live life
creed, and culture. to its fullest. I hope that in reading it, it
Above all, this book is a celebration helps you live yours to the fullest, too.
of life. It is the most precious thing we
have. Life deserves to be filled with
laughter, love, kindness, and passion.
Yet it is desperately fragile. I think that
we only really appreciate just how
wonderful life is when we go face-to-
face with the reality that ours will one Stuart Farrimond
day come to an end. It is only when
Nature really has no sense of manners. Starting before
sunrise, birds tweet and warble at a volume loud
enough to unsettle even the heaviest sleeper. Just like
our feathered neighbours, we have a body clock that
wakes us in the morning. At its command, our internal
systems flutter into life and our brain steadily becomes
primed to focus on the day’s business. You may not
have the sparkle of a sparrow, but the same energizing
hormones flood through your blood, enabling you to
fly headlong into the new day.

Why is waking
up so hard?
Many body systems, from the digestive tract to the thinking
regions of your brain, rest as you sleep. Getting the motors
running again can be like starting a car on a frosty morning.

When you sleep, your body cycles

repeatedly through a natural rhythm
of sleep stages. If you are lucky
70 % of
people experience
enough to wake during a good dream sleep inertia for
(during an REM stage), expect to wake the first hour or
energized. However, if you wake from two of their day
deep, dreamless sleep (during a non-
REM stage), you will likely feel groggy,
starting the day with the mental vigour (see page 15), the frontal thinking parts
of a slug. of your brain aren’t ready to spark into
When you wake suddenly from life; instead they are straining to shift
deep sleep, rather than rising naturally into normal thinking activities. This
brain lag is called sleep inertia and
has several effects: your reaction
Feeling groggy this morning? times are terrible, thinking and
reasoning are muddy, and memory
1 is at its worst. You will also suffer
Get out into daylight to kickstart your body
clock and boost levels of “wake up” hormones
worse sleep inertia if you’re sleep
(see pages 22–23). deprived – and spritely morning larks
2 aren’t immune to its effects, either.
Try stretching, yoga, and gentle exercise, Sleep inertia is common, but
such as a brisk walk or cycle ride – these all increase your thankfully it’s temporary, and only
heart rate, improve blood flow to the parts of your brain
that are still “asleep”, and boost your mood.
lasts for the first hour or two of the
day. There are techniques (see left)
that you can try to ease its effects.
don’t make big decisions because you
won’t make the best choices, even if you think
you’re clear-headed.








slow start
People who are abruptly awoken and
experience sleep inertia have lowered
reaction times and decision-making abilities.
In several studies, most cognitive functions
were impaired immediately after waking.


Why do I feel low on

winter mornings?
If a miserable mood seems to go hand-in-glove with short,
chilly winter days, then you aren’t alone: many people are
more sleepy and have less energy during winter time.

Some scientists think that during ones, and keeps you cooped up
darker, winter days, a lack of sunlight indoors like a hibernating bear, then
hitting the eyes tricks your body clock your mental wellbeing will almost
into generating an excess of its natural certainly take a hit.
sleep hormone melatonin, vaporizing If you suffer winter blues, light
your regular happy sparkle. However, therapy – a daily dose of artificial light
other studies have cast doubt on this – has been shown to be effective. And
theory, by showing that people living in perhaps if we take a lead from the
polar regions who face dark days for Scandinavians, who see cold seasons
half the year don’t tend to suffer from as a chance to see more of friends and
persistent low mood. This may be family, we may feel less gloomy
because they make a conscious effort at the onset of winter.
to socialize and maintain their regular
activities: if harsh weather stops you
exercising, or seeing loved


30% Research shows that, for most people
diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder
(SAD), light therapy is most beneficial if taken
for 30 minutes immediately after waking.

Wake too Wake at 7am: cortisol surges
early at 4am: fully to boost body systems let cortisol help
low cortisol The graph shows how

Wake too late at 11am: your cortisol peaks

predawn cortisol has passed, differently, according
only small rise on waking to when in your sleep
cycle you wake up.
If you get up at your
natural waking time
(green line), you’ll
feel its full benefit.

12AM 6AM 12PM 6PM 12AM

I had a lie in, so why do I

still feel sleepy?
When you wake after a longer-than-usual night’s sleep,
you expect to feel refreshed, so it’s baffling when instead
you feel even worse than on a normal morning.

Your body has a fixed sleep-wake you sleep through your early-morning
rhythm (see pages 22–23), and it starts cortisol buzz, the normally-invigorating
to rev up your biological engines way hormone ebbs away uselessly, and you
in advance of the ordeal of waking. don’t have its energizing benefits when
Long before your natural waking time, you do wake. This is why a weekend lie
the powerful energizing hormone in can actually leave you feeling worse
cortisol is released into your blood in than an early start on a working day.
increasing amounts. Cortisol boosts It is possible to catch up on some
energy and motivation, and increases lost sleep at the weekend, but you
the level of blood sugar in order to fuel can only expect to reclaim half of the
the brain and muscles and get you deficit (see page 231). It’s best to go
moving. The moment you wake up, to bed and wake up at the same time
cortisol surges even further, helping to every day, so that your body clock can
hurl you into the land of the living. If naturally take you through the morning.


Should I hit the

snooze button?
The most effective alarms are noisy and harsh. They
are foolproof because they trigger a primal bodily fear
response. In short, they give you a touch of morning terror.

That loud morning buzzer triggers

if you must
instinctive survival responses in an area
deep in the brain called the amygdala. snooze,
Your heart rate soars as cortisol (see allow at least
page 15) and the fight-or-flight hormone 45 minutes
adrenaline stream through the body – between alerts
just in case you need to run for your life.
Clearly there is no wild beast about to
pounce and when your conscious mind insult to injury. An extra 10–15 minutes
realizes this, the adrenaline surge fades simply is not long enough for you to be
and you may doze off again. But hit the able to sink back into a refreshing sleep.
snooze button and you are about to add When the alarm shocks you awake, you
suffer the same biological torment all
over again. Repeated surges of fear-
want to beat the alarm? fuelled adrenaline may well force you
out of bed, but over time can put your
mood on a downer and affect your
leave the curtains open overnight to allow
daylight into your bedroom as early as possible; sensors physical health: years of stressful
in the back of the eye detect the dawn through your wakenings actually contribute to the
eyelids, priming the body clock for morning.
clogging of blood vessels, which can in
2 turn increase the risk of heart problems.
set the central heating to come on at least half
It’s best to set the alarm for your
an hour before you wake, to mimic the temperature
change as the sun rises. desired waking time, then get up right
3 away. If you really want that extra
rig a time switch to your bedside lamp and fit snooze, at least allow yourself 45
a “daylight” bulb; set it for half an hour before the alarm minutes to reap some benefit. Or see
to jumpstart the cortisol surge. left for tricks and tips to help reduce
your reliance on the dreaded alarm.

of people browse
their emails
log in to
social media

Wake app!
According to a US
survey, these are the
play a game
apps that people
most frequently check
while still in bed.

look at the news
check other apps,
such as banking,
photos, or music

Is it OK to check my phone
as soon as I wake?
It’s no wonder we can’t resist: with news, emails, games, and
social media, our smartphones are a mental Aladdin’s cave.
But is swiping and tapping really the best start to the day?

You’re vulnerable when you first Your focus then quickly becomes
wake up – the logical, thinking parts blinkered, further muddying your shaky
of your brain take a while to become morning judgement and potentially
fully awake, and you’re less able to pushing up your already-surging cortisol
make good decisions, handle new to unhealthy peaks.
information, and solve problems. Open If you’re a first-thing phone-checker,
apps such as emails and to-do lists in consider moving troubling apps away
the first hour and you risk getting out from your home screen. Fill these
of bed on the wrong side, as research prime spots instead with apps that
shows that these can trigger anxiety. offer relaxing or uplifting content.


Why don’t I remember

my dreams?
Your dreams have more excitement, emotion, and terror
than any Hollywood blockbuster, but unfortunately your
brain’s memory reel isn’t running.

Everyone dreams – even the 5% who events that are worth remembering
say they never do. Almost all of your in your waking life. However, people
dreams happen when in a stage (including young children) who might
of sleep called REM (also known as attach significance to their dreams
Rapid Eye Movement). During this are more likely to remember them.
stage, much of your brain is very active, If you wake up during REM sleep,
almost exactly as if you were awake. then you will probably be able to
Come sunrise, though, usually most describe what was happening in your
memories of your dreams will have dream at that very moment. Your
mysteriously vaporized. memory circuitry will still be sluggish
at that time, so to help embed dreams

in your longer-term memory, record
them on a notepad or phone straight
away before they fade. Studies show
– the proportion that the act of recording your dream
of a total night’s helps you recall visual details.
Dreams that we You can also increase your chances
are able to recall
of recalling dreams by timing your
alarm to go off in the REM stage
When you dream, your memory and make it more likely that you’ll
storage capabilities, centred around a wake up mid-dream.
brain region called the hippocampus, If you can’t remember your dreams,
are dialled right back – so most of your there’s no cause for worry – it just
bizarre night-time experiences are as shows your brain is giving your
fleeting as a shooting star. It seems to memory a much-needed rest.
be that the hippocampus opts not to
store most dreams because it deems
them irrelevant compared to the real

If woken from the REM If woken from any of the nREM
stage, more than 90% of stages, only 5–10% of us will
us will be able to recall remember what we have been
some of our dream dreaming about

When you fall asleep, you

don’t experience REM Brief wakenings are
and instead go straight when you’re most
into nREM sleep likely to remember
to your dreams






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Brainwaves dip in
stage 3: the deepest
stage of sleep

surfing the brainwaves

When you sleep, brainwaves dip in and out of four
different stages. Most of your sleep (75–80%) is
spent in the calm, restorative non-REM stages, while
the rest you spend in REM, where most of your
dreams occur. You’re much more likely to remember
your dreams if you wake from REM sleep.


When should I drink

my first coffee?
If you reach for a cup of coffee first thing in the morning,
then count yourself as one of the millions who use caffeine
to kickstart their day. But does it help or hinder you?

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant: it adenosine is at its lowest. A strong

speeds up thinking, boosts motivation, coffee or tea on top of all that cortisol
and lifts mood, but it does so by doesn’t make you more alert – it simply
temporarily blocking one of the body’s throws a few matches onto an already
naturally calming brain hormones – raging bonfire, increasing your chances
adenosine. Within 10 minutes of of anxiety and jitteriness. Your espresso
slurping your early-morning beverage, is worse than pointless.
caffeine is coursing through your blood You’re much better off waiting a
and sets to work on your brain by few hours until cortisol has waned
blocking adenosine. But the problem and adenosine has started to rise, and
is that, at this time, the energizing then you can reap the full benefit of
hormone cortisol is at its peak, while caffeine’s boost.

Levels of calming caffeine fix

Cortisol peaks in the OPTIMUM hormone adenosine The best time to
hour after waking TIME FOR rise every waking hour reap the energizing
CAFFEINE rewards of caffeine
SLEEP AWAKE is in the 2–4 hour
window after waking,
when cortisol falls
away and adenosine
starts to rise.


Sleep urge decreases KEY

as caffeine counteracts
effect of adenosine Cortisol
Sleep urge climbs
as caffeine wears off Sleep urge

If you drink a
strong coffee in the
first hour of waking,
you are pouring
much of its potency
down the sink.

Can I make myself more

of a morning person?
Studies show that the most successful people are early
risers. CEOs and high-flyers swear by waking up before 5am,
but for many, getting up at that hour is simply torture.

Some of us bounce out of bed in the (“night owls”). The rest fly somewhere
morning; others recoil at the blinding down the middle. Unfortunately for
morning sun. The idea that there are owls, studies show that larks generally
“morning” or “evening” people is more do better than them at school, live
than an urban myth. Everyone has a longer, and earn on average 5% more.
body clock timetable (chronotype) that However, forcing yourself to be
controls when they naturally wake, eat, an early riser isn’t a good idea – night
work, play, and owls’ shorter life expectancy may be
sleep, but for due to the biological strain of trying

21% of adults
are night owls and
each individual,
the exact
timings are
to live by a strict 9–5 work culture.
Thankfully, the option of flexible
work times is becoming more widely
about 14% are larks different. available to workers, and the owl-lark
A small income divide is narrowing.
proportion of us are primed to fire on Although you can’t change your
all cylinders as soon as the sun rises chronotype, you can work with it to get
(“morning larks”). Nearly a quarter of more out of your day. If you are a night
us are energized around sundown owl, try to shift your routine to fit your
natural energy levels. If you have no
option but to get up early, try daytime
WHAT IS THE BODY CLOCK? napping – even 20 minutes during the
post-lunch slump can be restorative.
Your body clock is a tiny bundle of nerves
Consider also that some lifestyles and
called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
careers are actually better suited to
about the size of a pinhead, buried in the
underside of your brain. Signals from night owls: for example, those working
specialized daylight-sensing cells in the in hospitality or entertainment, or
eyes alert the SCN to release hormones evening shift workers, will all be more
that send messages to all body systems. successful if they are natural late-risers.
12 Melatonin, the
sleep hormone,
MIDNIGHT peaks in the
Alertness drops early hours
in the evening

9 PM 3 AM Cortisol,
rises in the
morning to
wake you up


6 PM 6 AM

3 PM 9 AM
Alertness dips in
the afternoon

hormones in charge
The body clock is the conductor of your internal
systems. The release of different amounts of KEY
hormones melatonin and cortisol at various Cortisol
times affects your mental and physical alertness
throughout the day. This clock shows the hormone Melatonin
level of somebody who’s neither a lark nor an owl. Alertness


Why are teenagers so lazy

in the mornings?
You can blame them for a messy bedroom, but you can’t
scold teens for their reluctance to get out of bed in the
morning – their body clocks are changing.

During the tumultuous teen years, changes happen after puberty in other
hormones are surging and the body animals, including monkeys and mice.
is changing dramatically. Meanwhile, When a teenager lives in a world
large swathes of the brain are rewiring of 8:30am starts, they will become
(see pages 118–119). progressively more sleep deprived
One of the side-effects of this – going to sleep late yet still being
biological turmoil is that a teenager’s forced to get up at “adult time”. When
body clock moves forward. As a result, the weekend comes, it’s normal for
they become more inclined to go to teenagers to have marathon sleep-ins
sleep later and also wake up later. They to try to compensate.
aren’t just being lazy – their body really A teenager’s brain tends to be foggier
is in a different time zone! For a typical during the morning, so some schools
16-year-old, 10pm feels like your 8pm have experimented with later start
and a 7am alarm carries the pain of an times and moving the most mentally
adult’s 5am disturbance. taxing subjects to later in the day.
No one knows exactly why the This has generally proved successful,
adolescent’s body clock makes this with attendance rates, sickness, and
two-hour shift, but it’s an inescapable academic performance all improving.
result of the child brain maturing into So go easy on teens – for a number
an adult one. Interestingly, similar of years, they will be going through
a perpetual jetlag of sorts. The body
clock is at its latest when you get to
Studies show that starting the school 20, and thereafter it slides back
day an hour later improves teens’ with each passing year.
achievement by 10%

With each passing
year, an adult’s sleep
pattern moves
gradually earlier

At 65+, your
chrontype is

9 PM 65
+ Y
30 YE AR-O
3 AM similar to
when you
were ten
At 20, your body S
clock starts to 20
shift back, YE
marking the end
of adolescence R-OLDS




6 PM 6 AM

A young child’s
body clock
is geared to
sleep early
and wake
near sunrise

3 PM 9 AM

Newborns need about 17 NOON
hours of sleep a day
(including naps)

shifting sleep times

As you age, your body clock shifts back and
forth. For most of your life, you tend to go to
sleep between 9–11pm and wake at sunrise.
However, throughout the teen years, the body
clock temporarily changes to run much later.


When’s the best

time to shower or bathe?
Most of us wash every day, and we have our preferred
methods, but how and when you do should really depend
on whether you’re revving up or winding down.

For a morning wake-up call, a cold If a good night’s sleep is your goal,
shower is usually best – a splash of then a warm shower or bath about 90
chilly water over the body makes levels minutes before bed is highly effective in
of cortisol and adrenaline surge briefly, helping the body and brain wind down:
giving as much punch as a caffeine-hit. this lowers blood pressure, stimulates
If stepping into an icy-cold shower first the release of the positive, happiness
thing is just unbearable, try ending a hormone serotonin, lowers anxiety
warm shower with a 30-second blast levels, and can make cortisol levels
of cold water: this will deliver an plunge by a third. A cold shower has
invigorating boost and – according to the opposite effect, so is best avoided
one large study – it will even make it late in the evenings.
less likely that you’ll take time off Of course, you might think that
sick from work. you can cash in on all the benefits
with a morning shower and an evening
bath. Rinse that thought: dermatologists
stay clean and fresh say that twice-a-day bathing is
probably too much. Your skin and hair
1 are coated in a barely visible sheen of
Take a cold shower in the morning to give
both body and mind a wake-up boost.
an oily substance called sebum. This is
your body’s natural waterproof gloss,
and it’s constantly replenished via
Take a hot shower or bath in the
evening to calm your mind so that you prepare microscopic pores in your skin.
for sleep. Washing twice a day scrubs away the
3 skin’s sebum, and without it your skin
BATHE OR SHOWER no more than once will dry out and become sore, chapped,
a day so that you don’t wash away your or infected. Bath-lovers, beware – long,
skin and hair’s natural oils.
hot soaks in a tub of bubbles feels
luxurious, but it’s best to shower or

bathe for only about 5–10 minutes in SINGING IN THE
lukewarm water every two or three SHOWER IS GOOD
days to give time for sebum to FOR YOU!
replenish itself.
In our overly washed and manicured As the bathroom windows steam
up, an audience of silent yellow
world, skin and hair can become so
rubber ducks stare in awe at your
depleted of their natural oils that we
rendition of Fly Me To The Moon.
think we need moisturizing creams
Frank Sinatra never sounded this
and lotions to restore their lustre. good – at least to your own ears!
Much of what you might slather over Emotions and music are knotted
yourself is, however, nothing more than in your brain tighter than the mess
nice-smelling grease. Moisturizers don’t of cables behind your television.
actually “moisturize” – they simply You really do “feel” music because
replace the oily protective coat that the emotional areas of your brain
(called the limbic system) become
active when you sing cheery songs.
Also, you genuinely sound better
Stress hormone in your bathroom: the tiled surfaces
cortisol plunges by a echo vocal pitches back and forth,
third when you’re reverberating each crooning note
immersed in hot water to last slightly longer, smoothing
out a wobbly voice and masking
any off-notes. You’re also louder,
you wash down the plughole with which no doubt helps to boost your
your soap or shampoo. Added “skin mood even further. Some artists
nourishing” ingredients emblazoned have even made commercial
on the packaging are mostly marketing recordings in their bathroom
froth that have little added effect. because the acoustics are so good.
Similarly, hair conditioners are merely Your soapy serenade will also
a replacement for the natural oils that be deeper and throatier in the
morning. While you haven’t been
the body freely makes. If you shower
speaking overnight, your vocal
or bathe every two or three days, you
cords relax themselves, much like a
likely won’t need skin moisturizers or
guitarist might release the tension
hair conditioners. from their guitar’s string.
It’s such a pity the duckies are the
only ones to realize just how great a
singer you truly are...


Why do I poo at the same

time every morning?
Just like the rest of your body, the digestive system obeys
the tick-tock of your internal clock. As you become active
during the first few hours after waking, so does your gut.

Most of us have our main bowel eating 30g of

movement in the morning because
fibre per day
the digestive system “sleeps” at
night and reawakens according to keeps your gut
our body clock (see pages 22–23). regular and healthy
Strong muscular contractions (called
the migrating motor complex) ripple
through the intestines to push out is off-kilter with your body clock (such
waste, making space for the coming as working night shifts) may mean that
day’s food intake. Similar contractions this major morning emptying doesn’t
may happen throughout the day. happen, is less regular, or just happens
Your gut’s unique routine is shaped at a different time of day.
by your body clock, lifestyle, and diet. Regular bowel movements go hand-
“Regular” for you can be anything in-hand with a healthy gut, and this is
between three times a day and three important for overall health. Hormones
times a week. Having a lifestyle that from the gut affect your emotions, your
immune system, your energy levels,
and blood sugar control.
Help your gut Fibre, carbohydrates, fats, protein,
and fluids all play their part in keeping
digesting food moving easily, and any
Eat foods with fibre to add bulk that
the intestines can push against, and drink plenty diet that focuses on, or cuts out, one
of water to lubricate your gut. of these groups is a good recipe for
2 clogged piping. See the panel to the
going for a walk or any light exercise left for some tips to show your gut
will stimulate blood flow to the intestines some love and stay regular.
and help the gut run smoothly.

Isovaleric acid
and putrescine

Smells like faeces

Smells like dead animals

Smells like sweaty feet

Noxious mix
MICROBES IN As microbes digest food
THE MOUTH particles, they produce
various foul-smelling

Why do I have bad breath

when I wake up?
Come daybreak, even lovingly flossed pearly whites may
end up feeling “furry” and your breath smells funky. The
culprits are the mob of microbes that live in your mouth.

During the day, glands in the cheeks that cause malodorous morning breath.
and mouth produce an astonishing one Sleeping with an open mouth makes
litre of saliva, which contains an armada the problem even worse, so your breath
of microbe-killing molecules alongside will smell if your nose is blocked by a
tooth-protecting chemicals that clump cold or hay fever.
nasty microbes into harmless flotsam. Brushing your teeth helps (minty
When you’re asleep, this flow reduces toothpastes mask the smell) and having
to a tiny trickle and your mouth runs breakfast early stimulates saliva
dry, allowing microbes to proliferate production. Ironically, testosterone
and latch onto your teeth – creating a peaks in the morning, making you
fuzzy film called plaque. As they feast amorous just when getting up close is
on traces of food and sugar left from least appealing: nature truly does have
the day, they emit foul-smelling gases a mischievous sense of humour!


What’s the best toothpaste

for healthy teeth?
Everyone knows that brushing twice a day is the cornerstone
of good dental health, so why exactly do you need
toothpaste – and what’s the best one to use?

Most of us firmly believe that regular The main driver for tooth decay
brushing with toothpaste is essential to is not plaque, but what you eat. Long
prevent plaque build-up on our teeth before toothpaste, and before humans
and to keep tooth decay at bay. Dental started milling flour to make bread,
experts have told us this for over a cakes, and noodles, tooth decay was
century, so there’s no reason to doubt as rare as hen’s teeth. Today, a typical
it, right? Not so. diet is high in refined carbohydrates
The truth is that neither toothpaste in and sugars, which supercharge
itself nor the act of brushing are what microbes in your mouth to spew
primarily prevents tooth decay – it’s out acids that will erode enamel.
the magic ingredient, fluoride, that Fluoride definitely prevents decay,
achieves this by soaking through the but so-called “whitening” toothpastes
gums and strengthening tooth enamel. won’t make your teeth gleam – they
may get rid of some yellowish staining,
but just don’t expect a movie star
sparkle. Some contain questionably-
If your toothpaste has effective abrasive ingredients that
no flouride in it, you’re
at risk of cavities
break down or soak up stains; others
employ chemicals that provide only
Low fluoride
0P levels offer some
1 0 0 0 –1 2 protection
1 4 5 0 –1 5 PP
Ideal level
of fluoride to fluoride flaws
provide good Fluoride is the most important
protection ingredient in toothpastes because
it prevents tooth decay. The fluoride
content in a toothpaste is measured
in PPM (parts per million).

a temporary whitening effect. No THE GRIMY
matter how much you scrub, you’ll TOOTHPASTE CON
never restore your gnashers to the
colour of a baby’s teeth, though: enamel The idea that toothpaste can strip
slowly and inevitably thins as we get away plaque didn’t come from a
older, revealing more of the yellowish scientist, but from an American
layer called dentin underneath. businessman: Claude Hopkins,
who worked for the US toothpaste
company Pepsodent in the early
1900s. Until then, toothpaste was
toothpastes with
sold as a cosmetic product for
added fluoride keeping teeth looking whiter
prevent 25% of for longer, although it wasn’t
cavities that would even very good at doing that.
otherwise form Without any scientific evidence,
the marketing maestro crafted an
advertising campaign around the
Some toothpastes aimed at those with catchy but inaccurate idea that
sensitive teeth do actually work – they Pepsodent could remove a “film”
temporarily clog up microscopic holes on the teeth that caused dullness
within dentin that cause pain when and gum disease. The toothpaste
was claimed to contain a decay-
eating ice cream or drinking cold drinks.
fighting ingredient called “irium”
– an impressively scientific-
sounding name that is now known
toothpaste tips to be merely Hopkins’ alternative
name for the frothing agent sodium
1 lauryl sulphate. Even though
USE FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE and experts lambasted the campaign as
let the fluoride absorb fully in the mouth quackery, the public was won over,
by spitting, not rinsing, the toothpaste
and the product became a runaway
after brushing.
success worldwide.
2 The lofty claims had no substance
BRUSH REGULARLY in a gentle – Pepsodent was just as ineffective
motion, to clean gums without
damaging them. at preventing tooth decay as any
of its rivals. In fact, it wasn’t until
fluoride was added to toothpaste,
don’t use mouthwash within 30
decades later, that it did anything
minutes of brushing as it will wash away
toothpaste, reducing fluroide. other than make a nice froth and
leave a minty taste.


Is an electric toothbrush
the best way to brush?
Electric toothbrushes are a common fixture in our
bathrooms – are they really a better bet than old-fashioned
arm power, or just a gadget-lover’s fad?

21% Less
Adverts often proclaim that “most
dental hygienists recommend an
electric toothbrush”. However, much plaque remained after
of this research has been done by those brushing with an
with skin in the game – namely the electric toothbrush
toothbrush manufacturers themselves compared to using a
– so should not be swallowed whole. regular toothbrush
An unbiased look at the science proves
that some electric toothbrushes do
indeed give a more thorough clean as the companies that sell these
when used correctly, although the extra products would have you believe.
plaque-scrubbing power is not as vast Devices with heads that spin one
way and then the other (“rotation-
oscillation”) are the best of the bunch.
effective brushing Claims made for other “ultrasonic”
heads that vibrate at extremely high
Use a small brush head as you will
speeds are on much shakier ground
be able to brush the more hard-to-reach and are likely to be more spin than
areas of the mouth. substance. If you do use an electric
2 toothbrush, remember that you don’t
use a plaque-disclosing tablet have to scrub. The spinning head is
so that you will be able to see any bits of
putting in the elbow grease and
plaque you’re missing.
brushing for you, so the bristles just
need to be moved over and in between
Brush to music because few people
brush for long enough. Three minutes all the tooth surfaces. Pressing down
continuous brushing is ideal – about the too hard actually risks scraping off
length of a pop song. some of the tooth’s enamel.

Avoid strong Acids

Tooth enamel is harder than steel

2 but will literally fizzle away when
soaked in acid. Some drinks are
3 much more acidic, and therefore
erosive to your teeth, than others.

Drinks with a pH of less


than 5.5 can cause tooth

enamel to demineralize
Water’s pH is a neutral 7
– neither acid or alkaline

Should I brush my teeth

before or after breakfast?
Brushing after eating sweeps away food remnants from
breakfast, whereas brushing before gets rid of morning
breath, but is one option better than the other?

Brushing your teeth after eating is fine, bacteria can breed). Brushing before
but there are drawbacks, depending on eating creates its own, albeit less
what you had for breakfast. Acids in serious, issue: toothpaste’s foaming
certain food and drinks temporarily agent – sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS)
soften enamel, the tooth’s shiny outer – wreaks havoc on your tastebuds,
coating. Substances in our saliva blocking the tongue’s ability to taste
neutralize these acids, although sweetness and leaving an unpleasant,
this can take up to an hour. bitter taste that is especially pronounced
If you brush during this vulnerable when you drink citrus juice.
window, you risk scrubbing off enamel.
Over time, this erosion puts you at risk
of developing cavities (crevices where


Is breakfast the most

important meal of the day?
You might think of this mantra as one handed down through
the generations, but in reality, it’s a modern invention that’s
based more on sales than in science.

Breakfast wasn’t always the institution the energy needed to digest food – but
it is today. The ancient Romans, for it is no more marked at breakfast than
instance, would eat just one substantial at any other meal.
meal in the Your body clock (see pages 22–23)
middle of the will determine whether you need or
After 8 hours day, snacking want breakfast. Given that the ebb
without food, lightly at dawn and flow of everyone’s clock is a little
most of the and dusk. different, morning larks may want to
energy stored In more recent eat breakfast as their energy levels
in the liver has history, US climb in the morning, whereas night
been used up breakfast cereal owls might prefer to eat later. An
manufacturers emerging field of science called
initially promoted their wares as a “chrononutrition” looks at how best
healthy alternative for a population to eat according to your chronotype,
who ate badly. Their advertising but research is still at an early stage.
campaigns reinforced the importance There’s no evidence that eating
of breakfast – and catchy slogans such breakfast will make you healthier, and
as “eat breakfast like a king” by Adelle the significance of breakfast is usually
Davis, a US celebrity nutritionist whose down to an individual’s preference,
advice is now considered spurious, lifestyle, and body clock. However,
sealed the deal. The veneration of children, the unwell, those with
breakfast is still felt in the zeitgeist diabetes, and people who do heavy
today – especially in Western countries. manual work should make breakfast a
Modern studies show that eating priority, to provide ready-access fuel
breakfast doesn’t “kickstart” your for the body and brain, and to avoid
body’s metabolism (the rate at which burning fat.
you burn calories). There is a small rise
in metabolic rate after any meal due to

Will skipping breakfast
make me fat?
The good news for breakfast dodgers is that piling on
pounds isn’t inevitable – as long as you control those
high-calorie cravings and stay active.

Research shows that although avoiding in one study, dieters who

breakfast will make you hungrier and skipped breakfast
you might make up for that with a over 12 weeks

bigger lunch, this won’t necessarily
lost an
make you “fatter” – on average, those
average of kg
who skip breakfast don’t eat more
across the whole day than if they didn’t
skip it. Some researchers have found
that you may even eat fewer calories breakfast-skippers are likely to exercise
overall, and end up using your body’s less. This may be because they have
fat reserves for energy, which can lower energy levels – after eight hours
actually help you lose weight. or so without food, the body will have
However, weight isn’t the only used up most of its stores of easy-to-
consideration: studies show that access energy during sleep. Morning
fasters are also more likely to have
unhealthy, but appetite-suppressing
if you do habits, such as smoking or drinking
skip breakfast... a lot of coffee.
If you want to ensure that you eat
• Don’t overcompensate with a huge
lunch, otherwise you’ll suffer a a regular, nourishing breakfast, try
post-lunch slump (see pages preparing it the night before – don’t
leave it until the morning, when your
• Make sure you eat something before
you exercise, or you risk “hitting the
brain struggles to make good decisions
wall” (see page 164). (see pages 12–13).
• Don’t make up for lack of energy
with coffee – it can suppress your
appetite and make you jittery.


What’s the best thing

to eat for breakfast?
Breakfast isn’t the magical meal it’s billed to be. But, it’s
your first opportunity to refill the fuel stores after your
body’s overnight fast, so choose energizing foods.

Most people around the world eat brown bread or rice, wholegrains, and
in the morning before they set out for vegetables, all of which contain starch.
their day. How much we eat varies by This is no coincidence. Starch is the
culture and cuisine – a cup of instant best energy source for your ravenously-
noodles is a popular grab-and-go food hungry brain and the optimum fuel for
with East Asian commuters, while a replenishing the body’s stores of
croissant or pastry with a cup of coffee glycogen that have been depleted
is the morning sustenance enjoyed in overnight. Starches are gradually
many European countries. digested in the intestines and converted
There are no golden rules for a into brain-friendly sugars. Fibre in the
perfect breakfast: but across cultures, same food slows the digestion process
most breakfasts are made up mainly even further, ensuring a longer-term
of unrefined carbohydrates, such as energy supply.

This graph shows how 100 With rye porridge, you are
different foods affect more full initially, and fullness
how much and for lavel stays higher all morning
how long you feel full:

unrefined rye will

keep you fuller for 60
longer than cornflakes,
made from highly
refined maize. 40

Breakfast eaten

Rye porridge 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180

Be wary – convenient breakfasts often chicken Congee (about 270 calories)
come at a cost. For instance, instant Carbohydrate 45g
porridge and wholegrain porridge Fibre 1.4g
may look similar and have identical
ingredients, but the body handles them
quite differently. The rolled oats in
instant porridge are sliced small and Fat 6.4g

steamed before packing so that they

cook faster, but their starches are
part-cooked and the fibre is damaged, Protein
meaning they release energy much 11.4g
faster and they won’t keep you as full
as slower-cooked rolled oats. In one
study, teens were given instant or
wholegrain oats for breakfast; those Sugar 2.4g
who ate the quick-cook variety
became hungrier much sooner and
masala dosa (about 250 calories)
ended up eating 53 per cent more
calories at lunch. Carbohydrate 40g
Refined starches, such as those
Fibre 3g
found in white bread and rice, not
only release their sugars faster than
unrefined counterparts, but much of Fat 6g
their fibre, nutrients, and minerals are
also lost when they are processed.
To add to your starch-based, ideally
non-processed breakfast, you can Protein
eat fresh fruit or vegetables for extra 6.5g

vitamins and fibre, protein to fill you

up, and fat to help repair nerves and
absorb vitamins. Limit sugary foods, Sugar 2.5g
as sugar supplies only short-term
energy and is a powerful driver
comparing breakfasts
for tooth decay. Breakfasts vary considerably across the world, and no
nation has the “perfect” breakfast. Two typical breakfasts
from China and India (respectively) are shown here.
Congee is a rice porridge that is particularly energy-rich.
Masala dosas are spicy vegan pancakes made with ground
rice and lentils.


What’s the healthiest

breakfast cereal?
Don’t be deceived by the images on your cereal box of
alpine vistas, ripe fruits, and shiny nuts – what’s inside may
turn out to be far from wholesome.

The packaging on breakfast cereal of sugar.

brands can be deceiving: words such Avoid highly processed products
as “granola” and such as flakes and hoops. The body
“natural” are not absorbs these too quickly because
so-called “healthy” guarantees that the starches are partly broken down
cereals can contain
the contents will during processing.
up to

be health- Aim instead for minimally-processed
enhancing. grains, such as porridge, oatmeal, or
Instead, look low-sugar mueslis – these provide a
sugar at the ingredients longer-lasting supply of fuel throughout
and nutritional information, usually the morning.
given in a table. Most modern-day Most ready-to-eat breakfast cereals
breakfast cereals contain high amounts contain a range of added vitamins,
minerals, and fibre, which offer a
nutritional safety net for picky eaters.
A CEREAL CONSPIRACY This “fortification” is not necessarily an
indicator of better or healthier cereals
Breakfast cereals were once tasteless
though – many of these nutrients were
affairs, quite unlike the heavily sweet
in the cereals in the first place but were
ones we are used to today. When the
entrepreneurial brother of corn flakes’ stripped away during the products’
inventor JH Kellogg decided to add heavy processing. Some synthetic
sugar to their product, pre-made cereals nutrients, such as iron, may not
became the go-to morning ready-meal even be absorbed by the body as
for the masses. Since the early 1920s, well as they would have been from
breakfast cereal makers have gradually the whole food. Try making your own
increased levels of salt, sugar, and cereals using fruits, seeds, and nuts.
flavourings to tantalize consumers’
taste buds.
Is juicing a good way to
get one of my five a day?
Breakfast juice is a much-loved tradition that’s supposedly
healthy and vitamin-packed. Juice does count as one of
your five a day, but you’re not getting the most out of it.

Ideas that a glass or three of fruit fruit. Juices can be very sugary and
or vegetable juice will cure cancer, acidic, and are corrosive to teeth
wash out “toxins”, or even prevent (see page 33).
the common cold need squashing for Smoothies, made from the whole,
good – all these claims have been pulverized fruit, are better because they
comprehensively disproven. Juices can retain the gut-friendly fibre. But drink
be a convenient way to get a daily dose them immediately – many vitamins
of vitamins and minerals, but are nearly and antioxidants begin disintegrating
always second best to eating the whole from the moment the fruit is sliced.

Whole foods contain

100% of all antioxidants,
fibre, and vitamins

90% of the fibre, The juice retains

80% of the 90% of vitamins,
antioxidants, and but only 20% of
10% of vitamins end antioxidants and
up as pulp 10% of fibre

What a waste!
When you juice, much of the fruit’s
goodness goes straight to the pulp bin.


Should I take vitamins

with my breakfast?
Logic tells us that if vitamins are good, then a lot more
vitamins must be even better – but the science turns out
to be a bit more complex than that.

Worried that our food may not be
enough to keep us fully healthy, many
of us like the convenience of nature’s of Americans
goodness condensed into a tablet. In say they regularly
general, supplements are harmless, but take a multivitamin
often unnecessary. Research shows supplement
that people who take supplements are
on average more health-conscious and
already eat a balanced diet. take them with the right foods, your
Also, some vitamins can’t easily be good intentions (and money) will be
absorbed on their own – if you don’t flushed down the loo.
In certain cases, supplements have
saved millions of lives and improved the
THE SPREAD OF wellbeing of countless more. Across the
“VITAMINMANIA” globe, iron tablets are used to reverse
anaemia, folic acid (vitamin B9)
The modern-day vitamin craze can be
prevents spinal deformities developing
traced back to the scientist Linus
in newborns, and vitamin A helps
Pauling, who, having already won two
prevent blindness and life-threatening
Nobel Prizes, was aiming for a third. In
the 1970s, he claimed that taking huge immune system deficiencies.
doses of vitamin C – found in citrus fruits Some vitamins are also antioxidants
and many vegetables – would eradicate because they neutralize free radicals—
the common cold, fight cancer, and toxic waste substances that are
avert heart disease. The outspoken continuously created within your body
researcher’s impossible claims started as part of normal daily wear and tear.
“vitaminmania” – and even though his Logic would suggest that taking even
research has been thoroughly more antioxidants would give you a
debunked, we have never looked back. helping hand. Surprisingly, the
OIL-SOLUBLE Water-soluble
VITAMINS vitamins
Taken as multivitamin These vitamins can’t be
supplements, these vitamins stored in the body. If you
will still be absorbed by the take a supplement when
body, but won’t be absorbed you already have enough,
as optimally as if they were the body simply flushes it
eaten with or in certain foods. away in your urine.

Vitamin A: essential for healthy

vision, and helps growth. Found
A C Vitamin C: antioxidant and
helps tissues to repair. Found
in leafy greens, liver, and fish oil in many fruits and vegetables

Vitamin D: helps the body
absorb calcium; found in oily fish D Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): helps
the body release energy from
and created in skin with sunlight food; important for growth.
Found in meat, milk, and rice

Vitamin E: antioxidant, boosts

the immune system. Found in Vitamin B9 (folic acid): helps
avocados, nuts, and olive oil produce new cells. Essential in
pregnancy. Found in chickpeas,
broccoli, and bananas
Vitamin K: allows blood

to clot well, helping wounds


to heal. Found in leafy Vitamin B12: used to make

greens and cereal blood cells and helps nerves
TABLETS function properly. Found
in meat and eggs

opposite is sometimes true. Free antioxidants can even accelerate

radicals are also generated after the spread of some cancers. This is
exercise, and they alert your body to because malignant cells also release
repair and rebuild. Experiments have free radicals, and if these are swept
shown that excessive levels of the away before the body’s defences are
antioxidant vitamins C and E mop up alerted, it’s then easier for cancer cells
these free radicals too quickly for your to multiply under the cloak of seemingly
body to detect, which means that the protective antioxidants.
repair process is impaired. Just as you Most of us, unless we have a medical
need exercise to keep everything need, can get all the vitamins and
running smoothly, it seems that the minerals we require from a balanced,
body’s defence systems need a varied diet. Taking supplements almost
molecular workout to stay fighting fit. certainly won’t give you a long life –
Studies have also shown that too many but eating well just might.


It’s cold! Should I wear a

thick jumper or layers?
When it’s cold, the trick to staying warm is to pick clothes
with different thicknesses that will create a cosy bubble of
insulating, warm air around your body.

The clothes that keep us toasty do around your body that won’t be blown
so because they trap a cushion of air away by the wind. This is why baggy
around us that is warmed up by the T-shirts and flowing pullovers are no
body. It’s the air, rather than the fabric good, even if you wear lots of them.
itself that keeps us warm, so think
twice before splashing out on high-
Outer layer repels elements,
tech clothing. As strange as it sounds, keeps out cold, and retains
stagnant air is better than almost heat in inner layers

anything else at retaining heat – that’s

why there is a gap between the panes
of double-glazed windows.
It’s not the number of layers or the WATERPROOF COAT – THICK LAYER

thickness of the material that is most

important: the key is to create the
biggest, most stable, blanket of air all

bracing yourself for

the chilly outdoors?

Wear wool or synthetic fur because they
trap lots of air between their fibres, which forms another
layer of insulation around your body. Trapped warm air

Layer up with a well-fitting thin layer close to your
layering up
skin to lock in air, covered by one or two looser, The best way to keep out extreme cold
thicker layers. is to wear a thin layer next to the skin,
followed by two progressively thicker
layers, to trap maximum air.

It’s hot! What should I
wear to keep cool?
Sweating is the body’s go-to climate control and is the key
to avoiding overheating. It’s important to wear clothes that
allow sweat to evaporate easily.

When it’s hot enough to fry an egg Some specialist a new plastic-based
on the pavement, the stream of salty clothing is made fabric can
sweat that drips from your skin is
your life-saving lotion – by evaporating
off your skin, sweat removes heat from
from fabrics that keep skin
can wick (pull) around
sweat away from cooler than
your body, cooling you down. The the skin through cotton
more skin that is exposed to air, the microscopic
faster sweat can turn to vapour. gaps between
Loose clothing or bare skin lets fibres, to help the body better regulate
your body heat radiate out directly – its temperature. Some advanced fabrics
avoid thick, clinging clothing on a are made of materials or beads that
hot day, which will stop your sweat swell when moistened by sweat,
from evaporating and keep your skin absorbing heat as they expand.
damp and hot. It’s important to wear
sunscreen to protect completely
exposed skin, but beware that some
Want to stay cool
creams can slow sweat production,
on a hot day?
making you hotter.
Dark colours absorb heat, so aren’t 1
good for hot weather. Oddly though, Wear loose cotton or linen clothing so that
the desert-dwelling Bedouin people air can flow over your skin, speeding up sweat evaporation.
famously wear black robes. Research 2
has revealed that although the outside Wear light colours to minimize the heat your
of their garments becomes ferociously clothes absorb.

hot, the fabric is so thick and loose- 3

fitting that the heat doesn’t make it Wear clothes made of wicking fibres such as
nylon, polyester, or polypropylene if exercising or sweating.
through and the shielded skin stays
relatively cool.


Do we burn more calories

when it’s colder?
By turning down the thermostat, some people say that you
can shed the pounds. Surprisingly, science agrees that it
should work, but just don’t expect fast results.

When the temperature dives, patches year would, in theory, net you nearly
of brown fat scattered around your body 5 kg (11 pounds) in lost weight! There
(see page 46) burn like miniature aren’t any long-term studies that prove
furnaces, cranking up your internal or disprove the idea, but it is a promising
temperature and burning calories in the theory. However, the bad news is that
process. You’ll burn an extra 80–100 when it’s cold, your primal instincts tell
calories if you turn the thermostat you to eat more to lay down layers of
down from a comfy 22ºC to a cool insulating fat: most people eat more
18ºC over the course of a morning. than enough to offset any weight-loss
Persisting with this every morning for a effects of cooler temperatures.

Christmas is the In Japan, the major KEY

main trigger for festival – and most Japan
weight gain in weight gain –

many countries comes in spring USA


In the US, weight
40 gain spikes after




calorific celebrations
This 2016 study shows that, where winter
coincides with major festivities, it’s actually
the season of weight gain, not loss.

Shivering not only
spurs your active
muscle tissue to
generate heat, it also
releases a hormone
that triggers brown
fat cells into action.

Is central heating
bad for our health?
Unless you’re used to braving colder climates, the way your
body regulates its own temperature has become sluggish,
and central heating may be to blame.

Centrally-heated homes and a room- Central heating

temperature world has led us to lose reduces brown fat,
a natural type of heat-generating fat which plays
called brown fat – you emerge from the a key role in
womb with plenty of it, but as you age preventing obesity
and you don’t use it, this brown fat
withers away. When you’re cold, brown
fat (controlled by nerves connected to It’s possible to reverse this loss by
the brain) heats the body rapidly by braving the cold once more. Research
sucking energy out of the shows that regular doses of cold
normal white fat that clings weather or dips in icy cold water –
unhealthily to your organs especially when combined with
and under your skin. This exercise – stimulate brown fat
process also burns lots of patches to regrow, making you
calories, boosting your better at handling the cold. So try
metabolism. By turning down the thermostat once
rendering brown in a while, because with more of
fat unnecessary, these small fat-burning furnaces
central heating, in dotted around the body, you might
the long run, can be able to lose those love handles
be unhealthy. a little faster.

KEY personal furnaces

White fat We have less brown fat than
Brown fat
white fat, although women have
more than men. Brown fat is
mostly found in small patches
on the upper body.

Clean air
Very high-energy UV
lamps can be used
In one study, alongside AC units to
disinfection of AC purify the air, killing
led to a fall of over microbes and fungi
80% of harmful before they are
dispersed round a room.

Studies show UV-light cleaning

removes up to 75% of fungus

Is air conditioning
unhealthy, too?
Air con is essential in many industries, such as computer
hardware and textiles, but are we exchanging commodities
and comfort for our health?

Air con has a lot going for it: AC units fact, higher in workplaces with AC.
filter out air and particle pollution, AC strips moisture from the air, and
which is partly why you are less likely so can dry out the air and exacerbate
to die from a heart attack if your home existing conditions such as eczema.
or workplace is air-conditioned. It’s Neglected units can accumulate mould,
also great for productivity: quality dust, and microbes, potentially spreading
of work improves in comfortable invisible nasties and illnesses such as
temperatures, allergies are often less Legionnaires’ Disease, so it’s important
bothersome, and the risk of heat to keep AC systems clean and serviced.
stroke is reduced in hot countries. Stopping short of cleaning the office
However, many people are worried AC yourself, you can moisturize to keep
that the humming box could be making your skin healthy, and take regular walks
them sick – and sickness rates are, in outside to limit time spent with the AC.


Do women really feel the

cold more than men?
The war over the home and office thermostat will never end.
Everyone has their own preferred temperature, but can the
battle lines really be drawn between the sexes?

Women really do hate the cold more. to deal with cold than women, owing
Not because men are especially to their larger size and more heat-
miserly about heating costs or that producing muscle bulk. Women appear
females are weaker or have a lower to be programmed to feel the cold:
threshold for discomfort. Rather, in an identically proportioned and
biology is at play in this quarrel. muscled man and woman, the woman
Men are generally better equipped would have slightly colder fingers and
room Temperature in °C
toes. This is partly because women
have higher levels of oestrogen – a
27 hormone that thickens their blood,
26 reducing warming blood flow to
25 the outer parts of the body.
24 Women have a range of biological
Women are
comfortable in 23 tics, too: cold-sensing nerves in their
temperatures that men OPTIMUM
skin detect a temperature drop faster
would find too hot
SUIT ALL than men, their skin pales quicker
as blood is diverted away to reduce
heat loss, and they shiver sooner at
higher temperatures than men do.
Men can tolerate a wider 18
range of temperatures We don’t know exactly why these
than women differences exist, but some scientists
think that women are better evolved to
hold on to their body heat, diverting it
In studies, females 14
consistently show a
from the skin inwards, to where a
preference for a higher growing child may be.
range of temperatures
in the workplace than
their male colleagues, who
prefer a lower range.

tolerance is a sex
divide that’s not
imagined – in shared
spaces, compromise
is the only way to
keep the peace.

Will wearing a coat

indoors mean I’m colder
when I go out?
We’re told that wrapping up before going outside means
“you won’t feel the full benefit”, but this apparent wisdom
leaves scientists cold.

Wearing a coat indoors for several As you get older and your skin
minutes before stepping outside will becomes wrinkled, the temperature
mean you may not “feel” the benefit in sensors in the skin wither away, and
the form of an instant hit of relief from you don’t feel the cold as strongly –
the cold, but you will definitely be this is why the elderly are at a higher
getting it. Day and night, your body risk of hypothermia, so layering
relentlessly up before you begin to feel cold is
churns out heat, particularly important for older people.
The heat that
so wearing a Also, if you’re unwell or have heart
your body
pumps out is sturdy outdoor problems, layer up before you go out
equivalent to a coat before to minimize any strain on the heart and

stepping outside circulatory system from the sudden
is a good start plunge in temperature.
because it traps That said, if your coat is making you
tungsten light bulb
this heat around too warm, then that’s not a good thing.
your body. When you go outside with You certainly don’t want to have a
your coat on, you may not feel the flushed face and damp skin when you
sudden change of temperature around step outside. Sweating will make your
your chest, because you’ll have already exposed skin considerably colder than
surrounded yourself in a comfy bubble it would have been.
of body-warmed air (see page 42) – but
you’re definitely still reaping the benefit.

10% of body 50% of body 70% of body KEY
heat lost from heat lost from heat lost from
the head the head
Heat lost from head
the head
Heat lost from body

Head heat loss

The colder it gets, the more
you need a hat. At -15°C, you
would lose up to a bone-
chilling 70% of your body heat
00C -40C -150C
from your uncovered head.

Do I lose most of my body

heat from my head?
Covering your head on a cold day is a no-brainer – but if
you had to choose between wearing a hat or trousers, it’s
clear that this scientific-sounding saying is off the mark.

This health titbit taught by parents heat made by the body radiates from
everywhere seems to have originally the head – far more is lost from the
come from the 1957 edition of the US larger surfaces of the torso, arms, and
Army Survival Guide. The military legs. Only if the temperature is very
manual said that “40 to 45 per cent of low, and you are wearing thick
body heat” escapes through the head, insulated gear everywhere else, would
although the original meaning has been the Army Manual apply – it described
taken out of context. soldiers who were without hat or ear
On a cold day, your head radiates muffs, but otherwise well wrapped up.
heat out like a lantern, but this So, mum was right – but only if it’s
escaping warmth doesn’t add up colder than -4ºC and you are already
to “40 to 45 percent” of your body’s wrapped up in good cold-weather
heat loss – let alone most of it. When clothing but foolish enough to not
you’re naked, only about 10 per cent of be wearing a hat.


Is commuting
harming my health?
About 4 billion of us travel between home and work, school,
or college. Is our daily commute just something we love to
hate, or a major health hazard?

Some form of commuting has been a spend the bulk of our day. However,
part of our lives since the Neolithic age, there are limits. We view our commute
and although we love to complain as part of our job, and if the journey
about our journeys, research shows makes us unhappy, we’re more likely
that we wouldn’t want it any other way. to quit – so much so that an extra 20
We’re generally happiest when we have minutes’ commuting time can reduce
at least some distance between where job satisfaction by the same amount
we sleep and relax, and where we as a 20 per cent pay cut.
Length of journey is the major factor
in commuting: in the morning, your
Want to Improve body clock is winding up the brain and
your commute? body – alertness and attention increases
with each passing minute, and if you’re
stuck in traffic or a broken-down train
Walk, jog, or cycle – moving under your
own power releases mood-lifting hormones and during this precious primetime, then
increases blood flow to the brain, making you the most productive part of your day
happier and more productive.
could be lost in transit. A morning
2 journey of 45 minutes or more seems
simplify journeys that involve more than one stop; to be the tipping point at which the
for example taking children to school on the way to
work. Multiple-stage trips are the most stressful. journey length starts to take a toll on
physical and mental health. Workers
who travel over 90 minutes each day
Plan your day and spend the time mentally
adjusting to work mode on the way in, and are less fit, weigh more, and have higher
winding down on the journey home. blood pressure, compared to those with
4 a shorter travel time. Longer commutes
find a new job if your commute is more than are also linked to health issues such as
90 minutes long – your health is probably suffering!
sleep problems, exhaustion, aches and
pains, and overeating. Moreover,

unpredictable and stressful delays, the
chances of which increase the longer
your commute, make the biggest
15 minutes
is the optimum length
negative impact on your health. of time for a commute
The method of travel also plays a
part in how healthy your commute is.
Driving takes the cake as the most give us time to draw a psychological
stressful and unhealthiest way to line between homelife and work – but
commute. Public transport always not so long that it makes us anxious,
comes out better, but simply using your bored, or tired. Even if you work from
legs to get to work – be it by walking, home, you can benefit from a “virtual”
cycling, or jogging – beats both. commute by going for a short walk,
Scientists have shown that a “good” run, or cycle to mark the start and
commute is one that is long enough to end of your working day.

Highest job Strain on the body exacerbated

satisfaction reported by longer journey times
by those with a
15-minute commute

Mental health
improves again for
2-hour commuters,
possibly as these tend
Poorest mental health is to be high earners
reported by those with a
1-hour commute

Job satisfaction Job satisfaction rises

falls as commute as long commutes
gets longer allow workers to
work on the go

0 MIN 15 MINS 1 HR 2 HRS


Effects of commuting
Job satisfaction
Studies show that our mental and physical health,
and job satisfaction, are closely connected with the Mental health
length of our daily commute. Physical strain


Why does my morning

commute seem longer?
When travelling or commuting – be it by car, train, or bike
– we go through a strange time warp with the journey there
feeling longer than the journey back.

Our brains are unreliable stopwatches, However, your expectations of the

unconsciously piecing together clues journey and unexpected stress play a
to “guesstimate” the passage of time. part in this time warp too. When you’re
Familiar sights and sounds are deemed late for work and fighting for a space
unworthy of wasting precious brain on the train, your brain is awash with
power over, so humdrum routes such adrenaline and other fight-or-flight
as daily commutes generally get chemicals. This sudden anxiety and
squashed in our memory banks and stress, coupled with the natural
feel shorter than they really are. morning flood of energizing cortisol
On the other hand, the very first (see page 15), puts the brakes on time
trip to somewhere new will feel much by making the brain fire faster – so your
longer than the same journey taken morning commute will always seem
at a later time, simply because new longer than your evening one. Also,
experiences are remembered better your memory circuitry soaks up these
– which is why children often complain stressful experiences like a sponge.
(“Are we there yet?”) when stuck in the Once you do make it into work and
back seat of a long car journey, but find yourself retelling the stressful
rarely say a peep on the way back. experience, this will only embed
the ordeal into long-term memory,
adding to the journey’s significance
Our morning trip to work and perceived length.
feels as though it’s around This evolved instinct to ruminate
20% longer than it over events that have threatened us in
actually is the past has helped humankind learn
how to avoid hungry predators and,
these days, dodge the badly-driven bus.
You can’t escape this time warp, even
when it comes to uneventful journeys

– anything that brings the passing of checking the minute-hand by listening
time to the forefront of our awareness to an interesting podcast or uplifting
will make your travel time feel longer. music. This will occupy your mind and
Clock-watching is also a sure-fire way make memories of the travelling hazier.
to make a slow morning commute Who knows, it might even make your
drag. Try distracting yourself from endless morning commute fun!

let’s do the time warp KEY

This study shows just how bad we are at Reported journey time longer than
estimating how long our journeys take: the actual journey time
shorter the journey, the more likely we are to
Reported journey time shorter than
overestimate its duration. actual journey time

You’ll almost always

overestimate the length of
short journeys under 4 minutes
You’re as likely to
100 underestimate as
overestimate journeys that
take 40 minutes or more









0–4 5–10 11–15 16–20 21–25 26–30 31–35 36–40 40+


Why are people in

cities so rude?
If you need help in a city, the more people there are around,
the less likely it is that anyone will come to your aid. Are city
dwellers callous or is there something else going on?

Lack of helpfulness in the city is a shrubs and signposts, a city can be made
real phenomenon: nearly everyone more compassionate. On featureless
would help someone in need if they streets, lined by drab concrete, metal
were alone, while few would come walls, or large panes of glass, pedestrians
forward if in a large group of strangers. walk quickly and look straight ahead.
It’s a perverse part of human nature: However, studies show that on roads
when we’re in a large crowd, a herd with plants, coloured walls, and uneven
instinct kicks in and we naturally surfaces (termed an “active edge”),
assume that the average pace of walkers is slower:
someone else people tend to glance around more and
5% of a crowd will step in – feel less anxious. Incredibly enough, just
can control the a phenomenon a small drop in walking speed has been
movements of the rest known as linked to increasing the chances that
“diffusion of someone will start up conversation
responsibility”. and help out a stranger in need.
A positive step If you like city life but find yourself
can be infectious, though – tin-rattling disheartened by all the unfriendliness,
charity collectors are ignored until consider living in neighbourhoods full
someone is seen to donate, after which of colours and greenery. You could
other would-be givers imitate and even get involved in your local area
come forward. Try being brave: make or community and spruce up your
a positive gesture and you may neighbourhood by planting more trees
influence others to do the same. or decorating with artwork and other
Town planners also share some colourful features.
of the blame for the briskness of city
dwellers. By simply adding a few more

Alone or in a group of
two, the vast majority of

85% us would help the person

injured in the street
Person lying
in the street

62% In a group of three,

the likelihood of
them helping falls
SOMEONE significantly

31% In a group of six, the

OF THE TIME, chances of help
SOMEONE dwindles more – and
WOULD continues to drop,
HELP the larger the group

The bystander effect

Our apparent callousness towards a person in need is
termed the “bystander effect”. When someone is
unconscious in the street, most passers-by won’t trust
their instincts to help, but look to how others react.
If everyone else looks calm, we think there is no
emergency. No one helps because no one is helping.


Is life really faster-

paced in the city?
Amidst constant traffic and an army of commuters, it can
seem as if city life hurtles at breakneck speed. You aren’t
imagining it, it really is fast-paced – and it’s getting faster.

Since the 1970s, watchful researchers A simpler and more credible reason
have charted the speed of pedestrians surfaced when researchers looked at
in towns and cities across the globe. who actually lives in cities. It seems
Their findings confirm their hunch that that the faster pace is simply because
the bigger and richer the metropolis, there are more young people in the
the faster everyone dashes around. centres of the largest, richest cities,
But why are city dwellers in such a Sky-high property prices and tall
rush, anyway? One theory is that larger, apartment blocks aren’t attractive to
wealthier cities have higher rates of the elderly and differently abled.
pay, meaning there is more worker Crowds of competitive youngsters’ legs
competition and greater motive to get move quickly, making the rest of us feel
to work early. The “time is money” like we’re living in the slow lane.
philosophy makes the stakes of a
missed appointment that much higher. PU c.



city slickers KPH

The larger the city, the faster people tend to walk. PU
On average, urbanites in the city-state Singapore PO c


walk around 30% faster than the residents of Ottawa, .6


which has only one-quarter of Singapore’s population.

9.1 KPH


safest drivers
Drivers under 20 are around Drivers aged 35–75
four times more likely to be are generally safe One of the most
involved in a crash on the road reliable predictors
of safe driving is not
self-assessment but
age, with the worst
drivers at either end
of the age spectrum.

Middle-aged The over-80s account for

females are the greatest number of
the safest fatal crashes
drivers of all

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Why is everyone so much

worse at driving than me?
You’re almost certainly not as good a driver as you think.
When asked, most drivers rate themselves as “above
average” – a mathematical impossibility!

We are all inclined to think there are The poorer our abilities, the more
so many substandard drivers hogging blissfully ignorant we are of the fact.
the streets because we suffer the Conversely, research shows that it’s
human curse of exaggerating our own only the top experts who judge
abilities – this is the Dunning-Kruger themselves too harshly.
effect. It’s a mental quirk that clouds No one is immune to the Dunning-
almost every area of our lives, although Kruger effect, and the only way to gain
it was probably useful for emboldening a realistic insight into your skills is to
our ancestors to be brave instead of be independently assessed. Why not
cowering in a cave. take an advanced driving course and
In tests, most people think they have find out whether the other drivers
performed better than they really did. really are as inept as you think?


Why do I get road rage,

when I’m normally calm?
The unique nature of driving – being isolated in a metal
shell – alters our mindset and makes us prone to make
unfair assumptions, rash judgements, and worse.

On your morning commute, a taxi cuts them if they mumble an apology,

in without warning, or a learner driver so you’re more likely to make unfair
stalls at the traffic lights. There’s a good assumptions (“They’re such a bad
chance that, along with most other driver!”). A crooked thinking process
drivers, these motoring mishaps called “fundamental attribution error”
would have you honking your horn, means that we excuse our own
shaking your fist, or turning the air blue blunders as being beyond our control,
with profanities. but we judge others’ actions much
So what causes you to get so more harshly; for example, you might
uncharacteristically furious? Walled off assume a driver is simply incompetent
from everyone else, you can’t see other and inconsiderate rather than possibly
drivers’ body language properly or hear being distracted by a screaming child in
the back seat.
To top it off, the anonymous sound-
How can I calm proofed world inside your car means
the beast within? that there are fewer constraints to
keep a lid on spiralling anger. You
can behave in ways that would be
Leave in plenty of time to allow for delays;
it’s when plans are thwarted that you’re more unimaginable had the same offending
likely to lose the plot. person bumped into you in the street.
2 In addition to these psychological
Play relaxing music to counteract the effect responses, a biological reaction occurs,
of fight-or-flight responses. However, loud, fast music
too – anything that impedes our
will ramp up feelings of rage.
haste to get from A to B will fire up
a primitive fight-or-flight response.
Keep photos of loved ones visible – this
activates the frontal, thinking parts of the brain, helping Adrenaline seeps into the blood: heart
you retain a sense of empathy. rate accelerates, blood pressure climbs,
muscles get tense, and your thinking

becomes narrowed and focused. The
prefrontal cortex in your brain usually
sends powerful calming signals that
80 % of
halt impulsive behaviour, but when admit to getting
blood is awash with fight-or-flight angry behind the wheel
hormones, these soothing messages
are dialled down. Much of the sensible
frontal lobe circuitry that houses your over-reaction when trying to navigate
calm personality and good nature through busy traffic.
becomes disengaged, causing us to If driving brings out the uglier side of
become blind to everything other than you, take heart: you’re not a passenger
the threat before us. While it’s a useful when it comes to your emotions and
biological response for protecting you can regain control of yourself (see
yourself from a predator, it’s a total pages 62–63).




Excuses, Excuses
Drivers who experience road rage cite a number of reasons for
blowing their lid. These percentages represent the proportion of
people polled who gave that cause as a reason for their rage.


How can I shake

off a bad mood?
We trust our emotions, believing that they tell us something
true about the world, but they are actually a creation of our
mind, over which we have a surprising amount of control.

On your way into work on a packed sensations within your body in

train, somebody shoves you and you response to what you think is
drop your phone, and they don’t happening around you, and also by
apologize – how rude! You’re a little your past experiences.
peeved, and may have a short fuse for This little-known sense, called
the rest of the morning. “interoception”, is your mind’s sense
However, emotions aren’t something of what is happening in your body.
that happen to you because of forces Like an inward-looking eye, your brain
out of your control, rolling in like continually surveys the landscape of
weather from the sea. Rather, the rich your internal organs and tissues.
palette of your emotional life is crafted To build a picture, the brain files
in your mind, directed by the these countless sensations – only



what happens
in the body
DELAYS As part of the fight-or-flight INTERPRETED
response, the hormones
adrenaline and cortisol are MOOD/
released, causing heart rate to EMOTION
increase and muscles to tense.


some of which we are consciously
aware of – into degrees of four primal how to shake off
states of pleasantness, unpleasantness, that dark cloud
calmness, and stimulation. From these
states, a blurry image is formed, from
Go for a power walk because a short burst of
which mood and emotion are birthed exercise can give you a feel-good hit from endorphin
as the brain tries to make sense of pulses (see page 157).
what’s going on. Studies have shown 2
that when people are injected with Talk to somebody – it’s a dopamine-fuelled tonic to
a drug that makes the heart race a downbeat spirit. Note that texting does not give you
the same emotional nourishment!
and blood pressure climb, they
spontaneously start to feel threatened 3
Make something with your hands. This lifts your
and angry. The brain simply picks up
mood by boosting feel-good hormones dopamine
on bodily sensations to form the basis and serotonin to a far greater degree than any
of our emotions. digital pastimes.
When it comes to being shoved on
the train, your body will unconsciously
and instantly react with a fight-or-flight you turn that into anger. Emotions are
response and release testosterone into a two-way street: you have it in your
the bloodstream – you can’t avoid that power to consciously affect and even
– but you can choose whether or not change your mood.



what happens
in the body
BEING SOCIAL The feel-good hormones
serotonin and dopamine are
released in the brain and also
in the gut. They stabilize heart
rate, which helps induce calm.



How can I get the most

from my working day?
If you start the day by checking emails, you’re doing it all
wrong, and risk wasting the brain’s golden hours. You’re
better off tackling challenging tasks in the morning.

For most of us, the morning is when thinking power, so if you can, shift
our brains are optimized to solve those commitments away from these
problems, ignore distractions, and focus premium hours. However, if you’re a
on the task at hand: it’s unwise to fritter night owl, bear in mind this mental
away this primetime by painstakingly peak will come in the afternoon.
deleting spam, writing lengthy email For most, the morning is the
replies, or getting embroiled in a vortex best time for the jobs that need your
of social media updates. Your boss isn’t focused concentration, such as working
calling the shots – your body clock is. on a project’s budget, planning a
Lengthy meetings in the morning multiple-month schedule, or writing a
squander most people’s top-speed detailed report, or for activities that

The mind is geared up and ready

to go – now’s the time to take on
that challenging task you’ve been
putting off for weeks


Your body clock determines
when you wake, when you’re
alert, when you’re ready for
exercise, and when you’re The “thinking” regions of your
sleepy. Whatever your line brain are still waking up this early
of work, you’ll be more in the morning, so don’t jump
productive if you work in straight into challenging tasks
harmony with your natural
internal rhythm.

require your full attention and quick By the time lunchtime looms, the
reactions, such as operating industrial end credits on top productivity are
machinery. Try to optimize your starting to roll and you can’t rewind
workspace (see pages 66–67), and be this concentration-high with coffee
aware that distractions, such as pop-up or food. Mundane paperwork, routine
meetings, conference calls, and beanbag

breaks for bouncing new ideas around
with colleagues are best saved for the
For % later parts of the working day when
of adults, the brain is in “free-thought” mode
the first 2–3 hours (see page 70), and the mind is less
of the working day are focused and more relaxed.
the brain’s primetime Your physical prowess runs a
little behind your brain – your heart,
lungs, and muscles work best in the
notifications and unexpected phone afternoon, so it’s better to save your
calls, are a leech on productivity. If you most physically demanding tasks
can fit in some light exercise before until then (see page 150).
work, this typically enhances your
motivation, concentration, and even
academic performance.

As the brain winds down, networks

between different regions are
more likely to light up, creating
“light-bulb” moments even when
you’re not thinking of work!

2:30PM 7:30PM 10:00PM

Unless you’re a late riser, your Adenosine levels in the

muscles have built up steam brain are high, making you
and your body is primed for feel mentally fatigued,
physical work and your thinking slow
and sluggish


What’s the best workspace

for productivity?
The ideal workspace will encourage both concentration and
creative sharing of ideas, and there are plenty of things
you can do to achieve these goals.

Whether you work in an office, at home, you more likely to take measured,
or in any other environment, your sensible decisions, and even make
personal workspace is key. Chaos is healthier choices: in one study,
uncomfortable, but sterile, impersonal, people who worked in a disorganized
super-neat spaces are actually worse workspace (as opposed to a tidy one)
– research shows they stifle creativity, were three times more likely to pick
productivity, increase anxiety, and up a chocolate bar over an apple when
the risk of Sick Building Syndrome offered a snack.
symptoms (see page 74). People perform Now think about what’s nearby. Noisy
much better in an environment they can workplaces are hard to concentrate in,
customize and make more personal. but complete silence can stifle thought
However, a degree of tidiness is for many. In fact, some background
beneficial. Some studies have shown noise, be it the tick of a clock, distant
that a neat and ordered desk aligns chatter, or musical murmurings from
your mind to think logically, making the radio seem to activate the

You’ll want a blend of
concentration-meets- A relaxing “third space”
comfort: somewhere provides an unpressured
to put your head down area to unwind and
and crack on, but also reflect on ideas
somewhere to put your
feet up. Personalized is
always better – you’ll be
more at ease around
familiar items. Ample natural light will
boost mood and
increase positivity

“watching” brain network and help us your attention being disrupted, like
to stay focused. Around 50 decibels, a private (preferably personalized!)
the sound of rainfall, seems to be the cubby and get
sweet spot for most of us. Extroverted to work in the
people tend to thrive in noisier places, morning (see
Productivity increases
whereas more reflective types may pages 64–65).
founder in such an environment. Need to think by 30%
Noise-cancelling headphones can be out of the box when people
and collaborate
are able to
useful – although the downside is you
may lose out on valuable interaction with others? Try
their workspace
with colleagues. In a shared workspace, gathering in
decisions about noise and tidiness pleasant gardens or comfy sofas near
levels invariably require compromise. a smoothie bar in the afternoon.
If you have the freedom of choosing These informal meeting spots are
where and when to work, place dubbed the “third space” by architects,
yourself somewhere that will help you and are designed to give workers
achieve your specific aim. Need to unpressured space to unwind,
crack on with that report? Open-plan reflect, and chat through ideas.
workspaces are bad for concentration
because of distractions, so choose
somewhere that minimizes the risk of

File loose Use headphones Set your

documents; or a radio to set Personalize your thermostat for
Plants can boost a tidy layout will background noise desk with photos about 22ºC: the
productivity promote logical at a level that helps to maximize ideal temperature
by 15% thought processes you concentrate productivity for sedentary work

Can I learn to be better

at multitasking?
It’s time to nail this myth once and for all – the scientific fact
is that your brain is simply not wired for multitasking.

We make the mistake of thinking that new things. By continually switching

our grey matter is like a computer – but focus – and maybe buzzing on stress-
try as we may, our conscious thinking induced adrenaline – we can be blind
powers cannot be split along separate to how unproductive we’re being. Here’s
paths in the way that a computer can the kicker: those who think they’re
run multiple programs simultaneously. experts at multitasking are actually
It takes between a few milliseconds the worst at it, thanks to the Dunning-
to several minutes for the brain to fully Kruger effect (see page 59).
orientate to a new task, depending on To work with, not against, your brain,
the task’s complexity. When we dart prioritize tasks so you know what
like a butterfly between tasks, the vast needs to get done first, cut those email
majority of us end up not doing any of notifications, and avoid starting a job
them well: we make more mistakes, until you’ve prepared what you need
and become less able to remember to complete it.

juggling tasks SK
Over the course of a TA
day, people who tackle 2
tasks one by one are
more than a third more
productive than



By flitting

between jobs,


are 40% less

productive than

serial taskers

0% 50% 100%

SUPERTASKERS Will listening
A plucky 2.5% of us take multitasking
to the next level: these supertaskers
to music
are able to be in charge of a hospital
Accident & Emergency department,
improve my
and not be fazed by a ward full of
patients in pain, a crowd of relatives concentration?
clamouring for attention, and another
ambulance due to arrive in the next
Listening to music nudges your
five minutes. brain during tedious work, but
Somehow, the decision-making it’s a myth that classical music
cabling in the supertasker’s brain is makes you smarter.
able to fire with great efficiency –
doing more work with less effort.
Supertaskers can filter out unwanted
distractions, remember details easily,
First coined in 1991, the “Mozart Effect” became
and stay as cool as a cucumber when
under pressure. a craze among parents and students after a series
You might wish that you were one of short experiments showed that some students
of this elite breed, but it seems to be performed slightly better in certain types of tests
impossible to learn these skills – being when taken shortly after a music lesson or
a supertasker may simply be down to listening to classical music. Newspapers loved
your genetic “dice” rolling a double the story, whipping up these findings into
six, rather than snake eyes! “listening to Mozart makes you smarter” –
which was a bold stretch of the imagination.
Since then, further research has shown that
while background music does give a slight boost
to spatial reasoning (the ability to imagine and
answer questions about 2D and 3D objects), it
doesn’t improve your score in IQ or academic
tests. Even then, the improvement doesn’t last
long, and the music doesn’t even need to be
classical – any pleasant background sound helps
you stay focused, and lively pop and rock tunes
tend to come out best of all. So if you are
undertaking spatial reasoning tasks such as
repairing a gadget, map-reading, or video
gaming, put on your favourite upbeat track.

How often should

I take a break?
Dawn-to-dusk workaholics are not as productive as they
boast. Like a muscle, the thinking brain needs recovery time,
and it’s important to appreciate its limits.

Whatever you are doing, your brain is can be maintained for a maximum
whirring in one of three gears: each one of about 80 minutes before brain
has a unique firing pattern that puts networks start to get sluggish.
different demands on its circuitry. When we disengage fully from work,
When something catches our the mind freewheels to a wandering
attention, the watching system known state, controlled by a group of brain
as the “salience” network kicks in, firing cells called the “default mode” network.
in short pulses and readying us to take Only in this relaxed state can the
action. This intense state of alertness brain’s other systems start to rebuild
can be maintained for only a short time their reserves.
before reaction times nosedive. If you can’t take a proper break, do
When we concentrate, the “central a task that calls for a different kind of
executive” network takes over – the thinking – although not as beneficial as
brain’s bulky frontal regions crackling switching off entirely, this will buy you a
like lightning as we analyse and solve little more time before your weary brain
problems. Continuous concentration cells give up the ghost.

3 MINS 80 MINS 2–3 HRS down time

This graphic shows how
long you can perform
different types of work
before performance drops.
A “mixed” task, such as
cooking, which uses all
three brain networks at
different times, can be
sustained for longest.


Why am I so easily
It’s in our nature to be easily distracted: any sudden
movement or sound triggers an automatic reflex to look at
it. This is a survival reflex called the “orienting response”.

Our ancestors needed the “orienting However, sometimes distractions are

response” reflex to instantly turn their useful. Monotonous, repetitive work,
attention to potential predators in the such as production line work or data
undergrowth. It’s still useful to avoid entry, can lull the brain into its inward-
everyday dangers such as reckless looking “wandering” state (default
drivers – but not so much when mode network). A little stimulation,
working on constantly-changing such as music or drawing a doodle at
screens. There’s no turning this life- your desk, is often enough to reactivate
saving reflex off, so that’s why you the other networks and prevent the
need to mute pop-up notifications. mind from wandering too far, so we
Some of our workspaces don’t do don’t miss something important.
us any favours, either – open-plan
workspaces are full of visual and
sound distractions that constantly
activate your brain’s “watching”
Resist urge!
(salience) network, causing your Ignore and SUDDEN
“concentrating” (executive control) back to work
network to stop-and-start. Seclude
yourself in a side office or private
cubicle to minimize distractions.
25 minutes Oops! if you give
to fully in, you’ll to be
readjust distracted for
30 seconds ORIENTING
When you are fully concentrating, if you allow WATCHING
a sudden distraction to switch on the other NETWORK
brain networks, it can take up to 25 minutes
for you to regain your concentration.


Why do I get the best

ideas when I’m not trying?
You’re strolling in the park when suddenly the solution to
a knotty problem comes to you. When your guard is down,
your unfettered brain is free to form insights.

When you’re not thinking about anything Einstein unravelled his theory of
in particular, your brain is far from idle relativity after getting lost in his thoughts
– a sprawling web of cells called the while doing routine work as a clerk.
default mode network (see page 70) Anxiety and stress are the enemy
is shuttling impulses across the many of aimless thought. Feeling under
different brain regions. No longer threat restrains the brain’s “wandering”
tethered to narrow thinking processes, default mode network and instead
you can ponder the past and the future, nudges the brain towards its vigilant
fully empathize with others, and build salience network. Writer’s block is a
new connections and associations. mental trap brought on by becoming
Such lightbulb moments have been anxious about a lack of creativity. This
behind many of humankind’s greatest becomes a vicious circle that makes it
discoveries; for example, Albert even more difficult to think creatively,
upping the anxiety further.
Medial prefrontal Posterior cingulate If you’re feeling blocked, take a break
cortex: thinking, cortex: memories
analyzing, and and emotions hub,
and relax so your brain switches back
making decisions planning for the future to its wandering network. Monotonous
tasks, like washing up or driving, can
calm the mind enough to bring on an
epiphany, which is why cruising along
the motorway can ignite our best ideas.

the daydreaming brain

When your mind drifts, your grey matter is
sparking with activity and forming ideas.
ACTIVE AREAS OF BRAIN IN The prefrontal cortex lights up as you
DEFAULT MODE NETWORK daydream, and the posterior cortex might
be generating strong emotions.

How can I maximize
my creativity?
There are many ways you can encourage creativity,
depending on the time of day, the space you work in,
and how you take care of yourself.

Contrary to what you might expect, you to be creative, without trying to

you are often at your creative best just force it. Take regular breaks to prompt
when you think you are at your worst. your brain to think outside the box. Get
This is because creativity and lateral enough rest and sleep, as anxiety-
thought flourish when your mind is in inducing pressure will choke creativity.
its wandering, default mode network,
which is more likely when your
concentrating, executive control
network is running at low ebb. For
night owls, creativity is maximal in the
morning; for morning larks, the best WANDERING
ideas tend to come in the evening. NETWORK Generates
The three brain networks – wandering,
watching, and concentrating – work
together to develop your creativity.
Learning new skills helps your brain
form new pathways, encouraging these
three networks to collaborate more WATCHING
effectively. Allow time for creativity
Sifts ideas
and work in a space that encourages


Creative ideas and lateral thought NETWORK
follow a direction of travel through Evaluates
different brain networks, beginning ideas
with the crucial wandering network.


Is my workplace
making me sick?
An office might seem a safe haven compared to a coal mine
or building site, but poor air quality can cause nasty, health-
threatening symptoms. The answer? Get a plant or two.

Poorly ventilated offices are at risk Australian researchers tested different

of causing “sick building syndrome” plants’ abilities to remove airborne
in which people suffer symptoms chemicals in offices. They found that
that worsen during the working day, three or more large plants per person
including rashes, headaches, sneezing, in an office can indeed improve air
coughs, and fatigue. Chemicals known quality by removing half of all VOCs,
as volatile organic compounds, as well as stripping out nearly all
released into the air from furniture, carbon monoxide from the air.
carpets, machinery, and cleaning
fluids, can build up to toxic
levels. Adding to this best purifying plants
noxious mix are dust,
mould, and bacteria. • Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana)
• Devil’s ivy (Epipremnum aureum)
• Peace lily (Spathiphyllum)
As well as absorbing • Umbrella tree (Schefflera)
toxic substances, the
leaves suck up
carbon dioxide

Used in cleaning
agents, varnish, TOLUENE Found in
paint remover paint thinner

Found in plastics,
CLEAR THE AIR cleaning fluid,
BENZENE synthetic fibres
Plants and soil microbes
absorb many potentially harmful
compounds; some of them are N-HEXANE Found in textiles
listed on the pot shown here.

Just 3 minutes of
looking, touching,
smelling, or caring
for a desk plant has
been shown to reduce
stress levels in
office workers.

Why can’t I get a word in

edgeways in meetings?
That punch-in-the-gut feeling of being cut off or ignored
is something we’ve all experienced – and women suffer
it more than men.

Research across cultures shows that is too “feminine” – punctuated with

men dominate conversations, interrupt phrases that are termed “softeners”,
more, and have their suggestions taken such as “sort of”, “just wanted to…”,
more seriously by others – even by and “I’m sorry but…” They say these
women. Assertiveness by a woman in make the speaker sound hesitant and
a male-dominated workplace is more indecisive to others. Objective research
likely to be viewed as “bossy” and shows, however, that this theory is
“abrasive”; conversely, men who mostly hot air. Men use this kind of
act identically are more likely to be speech just as much as women.
termed “decisive” and “assertive”. So why are men such verbal
Many self-help and business gurus bulldozers in the workplace? Male
have said that women’s views are dominance at work has less to do with
unfairly sidelined because their speech language and biological authority, and

In a mixed-sex
discussion group,
women tend to get
equal airtime only
when the group has
a ratio of at least
four women for every
man in the group.

more to do with entrenched, global PSYCHOLOGY OF
views of men having authority and THE GENDER DIVIDE
taking command, while women are
seen as more passive and family- Unconscious prejudices are slow
focused. This work divide started to uproot in societies. Humans are
around 10,000 years ago, when humans tribal; our unspoken social rules
began farming in settlements, and have been key in knitting together
fragile communities over tens of
whether we like it or not, these roles
thousands of years. Everyone
have seeped into the world’s psyche:
conforms, and everyone is
patients feel more assured when their
expected to conform. If we humans
surgeon is a man and air passengers
had not developed social norms
then we would have co-operated
only haphazardly and not been able
Women are not to form such stable societies.
chattier than men: Even though the world has
both speak around

been inching towards a more
gender-balanced society, primal
psychology still remains powerfully

words per day at play. Anyone who bucks the

trend by acting differently to what
has gone before risks a social
backlash for defying the
say they are more relaxed when the
expectations of others.
pilot’s voice they hear has a baritone
We also suffer “confirmation
rather than a soprano pitch. bias” (see page 170), valuing those
Despite this, research shows that the men and women who conform to
most effective teams are mixed, and that stereotypes, and dismissing those
strong female role models (especially who don’t as being unusual.
in positions of leadership) help to Even when our collective ideals
shatter stereotypes. We all have our shift, there is still a time lag before
part to play by being aware of this it affects how individuals actually
traditional norm and by striving to live and work. Nevertheless, the
find and work with others who see choices we make today will have an
impact on the accepted rules in our
the world differently to us.
tribe. Each can be one small step in
moving towards the world we want
to live in tomorrow.


Are male and female

brains wired differently?
We all love to point out where we differ, but when it
comes to our brains, research shows that there are far
more similarities than differences.

We are told that men and women are into common wisdom, such as the idea
so different, it’s as if they came from that women listen with both sides of
separate planets. Martian men are their brain, whereas men use only one
stereotypically target-focused, assertive, side; or that men and women navigate
and good at navigating; women born using “entirely different” brain regions.
on Venus are more empathetic, caring, Some even claim that there is a “male
and expert multitaskers. We are all brain” and a “female brain”.
fascinated by what makes the other sex These ideas often have their roots
tick, but back on Earth, when it comes in scientific research, but much of it
to brains, much of what’s been written is based on early experiments that
about the sex divide is more science picked out differences in our brains
fiction than science fact. which were either found later to be
Websites and news outlets have insignificant, or their results were
seeped scientific-sounding theories misinterpreted or misreported.

Most people have similar-sized

amygdalas – the same pattern holds
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE true for most brain regions
These graphs are two
of many that show the
perceived chasm separating

male and female brains is

not so huge after all. When
scientists compared regions
of the brains in the sexes,
scans showed that
most brain regions
are a similar size.


Scientists are suckers for wanting to tell SO, IS IT NATURE
a story that will be the talk of the town OR NURTURE?
– and the media are willing accomplices.
Less headline-grabbing experiments Recent research points to the
that show little or no difference can historic sex divide actually being
get stuffed in the drawer, never to see down to society, not science. When
the light of day. the magnifying glass of science
reveals the workings of the brain,
So what does the science really say?
the accepted male and female
From the eighth week in the womb,
stereotypes mostly vanish.
little boys’ and girls’ brains do start to
Some scientists now think that
develop slightly differently. Throughout
what differences there are between
our lives, the sex hormones testosterone, male and female brains – such as,
oestrogen, and progesterone mould say, in map-reading – are the result
our individual physical and emotional not of biology, but of thousands of
development. Hormone level differences years of brain-training. The good
tweak the dial on characteristics such news, however, is the brain is
as aggression, pain threshold, stress brilliant at learning new things –
response, and parent-child bonding, you can adapt and learn many new
but each person is so unique that there skills within a lifetime.
is often more variation within each So it is logical that, if given the
opportunity, men and women can
sex than there is between them.
learn skills stereotypical of the
Male and female brains don’t differ
other sex very easily. For example,
significantly in size, either. Men’s brains
children who are given Lego to play
are slightly larger as a consequence with are likely to mature and have
of their larger bodies, and thanks to brains which have larger spatial
detailed scanning we know that some cortexes, regardless of whether
brain parts differ in proportion between they are male or female.
the sexes (see diagram, left), but the
differences are too small to claim that
there is such a thing as a “male brain”
or a “female brain”.
Most areas of mental functioning,
behaviour, and personality are the
same in both sexes. What differences
there are, such as in aggression levels,
are usually driven by the differences in
sex hormones such as testosterone
after puberty.


Why do I feel hungry so

soon after breakfast?
You may think hunger is your body’s way of telling you it
needs more fuel – but it’s more often than not just driven by
your stomach’s never-ending desire to be filled.

In evolutionary history, our ancestors more ghrelin sticks, your hunger levels
survived and weathered potential will steadily rise. Long-term stress and
famines by eating food whenever it was lack of good sleep can also trigger
available, and our biology still reflects ghrelin release, dialling up appetite.
our food-craving past. There are ways you can keep greedy
From the moment the stomach ghrelin from wrecking your good
starts to empty its contents into the intentions. Quick-digesting breakfasts
intestines, the urge to eat again begins. will leave the stomach promptly and
When your stomach deflates, its cause ghrelin to be released quickly,
slippery walls release the food-craving so cravings end up plaguing your
hormone ghrelin which sticks like morning. Instead, try to eat foods
syrup to the tiny appetite-controlling full of unrefined carbohydrates and
region of the brain. This triggers the fibre to ensure digestion is slower
primal need to eat, and as more and (see pages 36–37).

Stomach Brain tells Stomach Brain tells you

releases lots you to eat releases less to stop eating
of ghrelin ghrelin

After eating, the stomach
deflates and releases
copius amounts of ghrelin,
the hunger hormone, Stomach is
which tells your brain that deflated
you’re hungry. When your
stomach expands after Stomach full
a meal, less ghrelin
is released, dialling
down your appetite. BEFORE A MEAL AFTER A MEAL

Hunger climbs Snack attack
as the brain
This graph shows that

anticipates Snack
the snack eaten
grazers feel hungry
more often, because
their bodies expect
food at the times
they usually snack. By
contrast, non-grazers
usually don’t feel
hungry until lunchtime.

Hunger builds
gradually Snacker
8:00AM 9:00AM 10:00AM 11:00AM 12:00PM

Is grazing the healthiest

way to eat?
Eating every three hours is seen by many as the best way to
keep the brain ticking and the legs pumping. But is eating
little and often really the key to good health?

Health advice often swings between Snacking in itself neither helps weight
pro- and anti-snacking, and currently loss nor causes weight gain. Allowing
snacking is the trend. For example, ourselves to get very hungry, however,
advertisements for cereal bars suggest when there are lots of high-calorie
they boost performance and that treats at hand is a temptation to our
hungry means unhealthy, but it’s survival-seeking primal instincts. The
a myth that we will “crash” if we signals that are released by the most
don’t eat every three or four hours ancient, animal-like parts of our brain
(see page 96). in the hypothalamus when we are very
Some recent research suggests that hungry subvert our rational thinking,
continual grazing through the day is so that we grab whatever is going to
linked to an overly active immune provide maximum fuel – such as the
system, although whether this is packet of crisps and chocolate bar
harmful to health isn’t yet clear. lurking in the desk drawer.


Do I need to drink eight

glasses of water a day?
Carrying around a bottle of water is a badge of healthy
living and we’re told to drink at least 8 glasses a day –
however, this advice has more holes than a leaky bucket.

“Experts” urge us to drink water to the idea stuck, and the bottled water
flush out toxins and combat ageing, industry pours great efforts into
but like so many health myths, the continuing to persuade us to drink
8 glasses-a-day (or 2.5 litres) advice 2.5 litres a day.
seems to have sprung from a On a day-to-day basis, forcing
misunderstanding. The US Food and yourself to drink that much water is
Nutrition Board published advice in unnecessary and doesn’t give credit
1945 that a “suitable allowance of for the body’s highly attuned ability to
water for adults is 2.5 litres daily”. Had keep you on an even keel. Your brain’s
thirsty health-seekers not gulped down thirst centre continuously samples the
this snippet straight away, blood to make you feel
they would have read the thirsty before you become
2.5 LTR
next sentence, which stated dehydrated. Although
that most of this will come over-drinking is rarely
from food. Healthy adults, dangerous in normal
they advised correctly, had circumstances, drinking
no need to drink beyond large amounts of water
their thirst. Nevertheless, during endurance sports
may dilute body salts to
perilously low levels, and
can even be fatal.
Average plate of Studies show there’s no
pasta and
tomato sauce health benefit to drinking
more than the amount we
Cauliflower cheese
HIDDEN SOURCES need to satisfy our thirst
You can easily receive a (except perhaps the extra
good proportion of your
daily requirement of water exercise from more trips
Cucumbers and
from the food you eat. hummus portion to the toilet!).

This shows how the water we
take in compares with the water
that exits the body in different
ways, such as breathing,
sweating, and urinating.

60% of water comes 60% of the water you

from drinks lose is from urine

25% is lost as
30% comes water vapour as
from food you breathe out

8% is lost through
10% comes from sweating
cells as a byproduct
of making energy
4% is lost in your faeces

3% is lost through saliva,

WATER WATER tears, mucus, and blood

Doctors recommend that adults weather, or if unwell with a fever,

living in a temperate climate and diarrhoea, or vomiting. The elderly
leading a sedentary lifestyle should may need encouragement to drink,
drink 1.5 litres of water-based drinks because the thirst centres in their
to make up for water lost through brains become sluggish in old age;
sweating, urination, and even the water similarly, young children are less
vapour in their breath – the rest of the aware of their thirst drive, and need
water you need will be obtained by to have scheduled drink breaks
eating a balanced diet. through the day.
You need to up your water intake if
you’re sweating from exercise, hot


Should I drink until

my pee is clear?
You may be familiar with the idea that the colour of your pee
can tell you if you are drinking enough. But don’t make the
mistake of thinking that clearer is always better.

We may not know its name, but many of dehydration, especially in the elderly,
us are familiar with Armstrong charts infirm, or very young. But it’s a big
from gym changing rooms or doctors’ mistake to think that paler is always
surgeries. Named after their scientist better, and that you should drink until
creator, they are designed to tell you urine runs completely clear. By doing
whether or not you are dehydrated by this, there’s a very good chance that
comparing the colour of your urine with you’re putting yourself well on your
yellowy-brown coloured stripes. way to fluid overload. If your urine is
The chart suggests that you should completely clear, it’s an ominous sign
drink more if your urine matches the that your kidneys are having to work
darker stripes and stop when your pee overtime to remove excess water from
matches the palest colours. The chart your system.
is very useful as an early warning of

Colour matching
It’s healthiest for your pee to match the
colours of the second or third colours on
an Armstrong chart.

Kidneys are offloading Kidneys are trying to

excess water. Stop retain water. Drink as
drinking soon as possible



Clear urine is a signal
that your body is
trying to get rid of
excess fluid.
As the sun passes overhead, so the whirring
chemical cogs of our inner timepiece start to apply
the brakes. In the savanna, big cats lounge and fall
into their dozy siesta. We are not above nature’s
rhythm: as we glide into lunchtime for a refuel, our
body and brain undergo a brief lull in activity.
Afterwards, we are replenished to start the
next leg of our journey through the day.

What makes
a good lunch?
Lunch is a good opportunity to up your plant-based food
intake and get your fill of important nutrients. A varied
lunch is good for the body and boosts mood, too.

77% of
The only steadfast rule on what to have
for lunch is to make sure you include
a mixture of nutrient groups in your british workers
meal. Your decision-making abilities have the same lunch
are better before lunchtime than soon every day, surveys reveal
after waking, giving you more mental
ability to weigh up a healthy meal
choice. However, when you’re really of survival-based nerve pathways
hungry, the appetite control centre in reaches into every corner of your being,
your brain’s hypothalamus can scupper putting your reward system on edge, and
your good intentions: a spider’s web firing up your “fight-or-flight” response.
Don’t buy your lunch on an empty
stomach: when ravenous, you will seek
nutrient groups out high-energy foods that can be
eaten with the least effort. With this
Each of the four main nutrient groups
plays its own part in keeping you going. neurological lack of self-control, you
shouldn’t be surprised if cakes, cookies,
• Fibre is important for a healthy gut
and may even help reduce and chocolate turn up in the shopping
cholesterol. basket. You can avoid this risk by
• Carbohydrates provide your body’s pre-preparing a packed lunch.
main source of energy.
Lunch offers more pleasure than
• Protein is slow to digest, so keeps
you feeling fuller for longer. Your breakfast: your sense of taste has been
body uses the amino acids in protein improving throughout the morning,
to repair itself.
making middle-of-the-day fodder more
• Unsaturated fats are beneficial in
small amounts – like coals on a fire,
flavourful. This is also why you’re less
they give long-term energy and help likely to be happy if you eat exactly the
the “gut brain” to decrease hunger. same food every day – you’re wasting
your supercharged taste buds, and

since food and your “gut brain” are speaking, the less a food has been
linked strongly with mood, making refined, manipulated, preserved, and
lunches more varied can even make flavour-enhanced, the better: subjecting
you happier. food to an industrial process often
Nutrition science is always evolving, removes or destroys fibre and nutrients
but you won’t go far wrong if your and causes the food to be digested
lunches are full of natural, minimally- faster, making it less sustaining.
processed foods. Nutritionally

Olive and rapeseed

oils contain healthy
unsaturated fats


Many beans, pulses, NUTS AND

nuts, and soy-based Wholegrain brown bread,
foods such as tofu BEANS pasta, rice, noodles, oats,
contain protein and cereals contain
unrefined carbohydrates




Many kinds of plant sources

getting the right balance such as root vegetables
The digestive system is healthiest when it is fed a and fruit contain plenty
varied mix of food groups. The pyramid shows what of carbohydrates, fibre,
vitamins, and minerals
proportions of each group to include in your meal.
Making your lunch plant-based is a good way to
reduce meat in your overall diet.


Is it OK to work while
having lunch?
When the to-do list is endless, you might start to think you
can’t afford to take time out, but having lunch while working
isn’t sustainable in the long run.

Sadly, around half of office workers you’re more likely to be emotionally

don’t take time out for a lunch break. exhausted, suffer sleep problems, and
Not only are you adding to your total you’ll take more time off due to illness.
“sitting time” (see pages 100–101), Leave your work behind at lunchtime
but it’s a false economy because to release the brain into its most
your afternoon’s productivity will be relaxed firing patterns: memories form,
negatively affected. A hastily gobbled emotions settle, thoughts consolidate,
sandwich whilst checking your emails tense muscles relax, and stress
doesn’t count, because far more responses calm. Wherever possible,
important than refilling your abdominal taking a lunch break outdoors and
food pouch is stepping away from where around green spaces enhances its
you spent your working morning. In the restorative effects. Bosses take note:
long term, if you have a habit of working a team lunch results in improved
through lunch, then science shows us teamwork, morale, and productivity.

It might feel like you’re
getting more done by You might feel
taking lunch at your fine at first...
work station, but it’s

a short-term benefit.
Studies show that
working through lunch
negatively affects
productivity compared
to taking a break away.
... but the
ensuing slump
KEY is deep
Took lunch break
Worked through 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5

Is it really better to
eat slowly?
Your mother was right. There’s a time lag between when you
finish a meal and when you feel full, and if you go back for
more during this window, you may end up eating too much.

There are two signs that you are “full”. MINUTES KEY
Food in stomach
The immediate feeling comes from EATING
your stomach: you’ll start to feel bloated. Food in small
As it fills, nerve receptors send out
“full” signals to the brain. This is short-
5 Stomach full
lived, though, as the stomach starts to
deflate after about 5 minutes, and the
“full” signals relent.
Liquids rush almost immediately 10
through to the intestines. It’s only when
the second sign of fullness comes, as
proteins, fats, and carbohydrates 15 Food migrates from the
(including sugar) start to trickle into the stomach to the small
small intestine, that we begin to feel intestine

properly fed. Incredibly, there are taste

20 Fullness fades as the
receptors in your intestines – just like stomach starts to deflate
those on the tongue! – and the gut
brain starts to send out messages to the
First part of intestines full,
upstairs brain to dial down appetite 25
sending signals to the
when it gets this second taste. brain that you’re satiated,
even though the stomach
Because of the delay between eating won’t be empty for
and the food being tasted by the gut, 30
another 2–3 hours
gobbling food quickly makes it easy to
overeat. It’s wise to wait a while to let
your food settle before going for delayed reaction
second helpings. This timeline shows the filling of
the intestine after a meal. After
you’ve finished, try not to eat more
over the next 20–30 minutes.


I want to eat healthily, so

why do I eat junk food?
The lure of the fast food joint often proves too much – don’t
be too hard on yourself though, because junk food contains
an unholy trinity of the nutrients your body craves the most.

Your body is biologically hard-wired a supersized

to crave sugar, fat, and salt to survive fast-food burger
potential famine. Sugar is released by can exceed
the body as fast-acting energy; fat gives your daily fat
an incredibly concentrated supply of allowance by
long-lasting fuel; and salt is essential
for body-fluid balance. These were
typically quite difficult foods for our
hunter-gatherer ancestors to find and
no single naturally-occurring food contains these three enticements
together. So when you get your
hands on a fast-food burger, with its
Want to triumph sweetened bun, sugary dressing, and
over junk food? meat loaded with salt and fat, a strong,
triple-whammy biological craving rises
ensure your diet includes plenty of high-fibre
up in you.
vegetables to keep you sustained for longer Compounding this, eating sweet-
and keep the hunger homone ghrelin at bay. fatty-salty foods delivers a short but
2 powerful dose of the rewarding brain
avoid eating when stressed because the hunger hormone dopamine – the very same
hormone ghrelin surges powerfully as part of the body’s
substance that makes you feel good
stress response, which is why we are greedy for
feel-good food after an intense day. after sex, winning the lottery, or
3 watching your favourite sports team
choose a less tempting route home, because win a match. Dopamine is one of
just travelling past a fast-food outlet sign can be enough the main brain chemicals that
to trigger your brain to release anticipatory pleasure drives addictions, so it’s no wonder
hormones, long before you smell fried food!
a habit of eating junk food can be
difficult to drop.

And to make matters worse, the
hormone responsible for hunger, ghrelin,
also sticks itself to dopamine cells in the
brain, making the prospect of eating that
glistening, sugar-topped doughnut
increasingly irresistible the hungrier we
get. We long for it like a dog does a juicy
bone. Our brains begin to anticipate the
hormonal rewards, so that even before the
clock says it’s snack-time, the feel-good
flight is already accelerating down the
runway, and putting a stop on it gets
harder and harder!


Fat 38%


0% 0%

eating into your allowance

Fast food is quickly eaten and not filling, but can swallow up a surprising
proportion of your daily nutrition needs. A small bag of crisps claims more
than 10% the recommended fat amount for adults, a burger almost half
the salt, and a can of cola more than three-quarters of your sugar total.


Why is sugar so
It’s not your fault that you can’t say no to sweet treats – you
are fighting millions of years of evolution, which has
conditioned you to crave sugar’s instant rewards.

Sugar – no one needs it, but everyone digestive system slowly, yielding a
loves it. Your body regards sugar as a steady trickle of glucose over a few
true wonder food – you have taste buds hours. Pure sugar, however, inundates
devoted to sensing it and reward centres the bloodstream within minutes. For
in the brain that generate intense 99% of our history, refined sugar didn’t
pleasure when you eat it. Why? exist – unless our ancestors stumbled
Because it does away with the hard on a beehive, sugars were not part
graft of digestion. An apple delivers of their diet. In modern times,
the same energy as a large spoonful consumption has skyrocketed –
of sugar, but is disintegrated by the and our bodies aren’t cut out for a

SUGAR RUSH Level spikes with


pure glucose
Some foods
release sugar
more quickly into
Blood sugar Level rises and dips less
the bloodstream level before sharply after refined carbs
than others –

these are the
most irresistible
to the energy- Ideal
hungry brain. blood
Peaks and
Pure glucose, troughs less
sugar falls
sweets pronounced after
quickly unrefined carbs
White bread,
pasta, rice

fruit, pulses, TIME
vegetables FOOD 2 HOURS 4 HOURS

sustained sugar onslaught. With many BIG SUGAR SHIFTS
of us living sedentary lives, sugar makes THE BLAME
it easy to eat more food than we need,
resulting in a bulging waistline. But It was back in 1972, when British
more than making us fat, too much researcher John Yudkin published
sugar has been implicated in many his book Pure, White and Deadly,
serious health conditions, including that the warning was first sounded
to the world about the health risks
diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s,
of eating too much sugar.
and some cancers.
Cast out as a crackpot by the
So, given that we’re programmed
scientific world at large, Yudkin
to love sugars, are some healthier than
turned out to be on the money,
others? Moderate intake of naturally yet his voice was comprehensively
smothered by the power of the
sugar industry.

consumption Enticed by the big dollars of

big sugar, health researchers
of sugar in the us has risen

were persuaded to redirect their
since efforts away from sugar towards
1700 uncovering the “evils” of a high-
fat diet. Chief flag-waver for
the fat-is-bad brigade was the
(now much-critiqued) American
occurring sugars, such as lactose in
researcher Ancel Keys, who
milk or fructose in fresh fruit, is fine.
poured scorn on dissenting
It’s lots of added, refined sugars, such as scientists’ findings.
sucrose (table sugar), and high-fructose Convinced by the weight of the
corn syrup (HFCS), that really cause evidence that (correctly) showed
problems. Directly converted into fat how diets high in saturated fats
within the liver, HFCS leads to fatty caused arteries to fur up and led to
liver, furred arteries, and a high risk of heart disease, government bodies
diabetes, when the body can no longer worldwide shifted their guidelines.
keep high blood sugar in check. Before long, fats in general were
If you really can’t ignore those candy branded as public health enemy
number one. Sugar was sidelined
cravings, try indulging right after dinner.
as a lesser evil, while the nails were
Sugars have an instant, if short-lived,
hammered instead into the coffin
appetite-curbing effect, so a little of
of the deep-fat fryer.
something sweet can block the urge to
continue eating, allowing time for the
gut and brain to register that you are full.


How can I avoid

a sugar crash?
Many people fear that three hours without food risks
running the gauntlet of suffering low blood sugar. But for
most adults, the “sugar crash” is a fairy tale.

The “sugar crash” is a modern idea: because your body takes care of it for
in the mid-20th century, three meals you. The pancreas produces two useful
a day was considered ideal, but in hormones – glucagon and insulin – that
modern times the idea has taken hold dial down or push up sugar levels
that we need to top up regularly to according to your body’s needs. When
avoid slumps in energy. This snack they’re creeping up, insulin pushes
culture is promoted, too, by corporate- excess sugar into energy stores, first
sponsored research that suggests filling up short-term caches in our
eating (and buying) snacks will muscles and liver, then stowing the
boost performance. rest as fat. When sugar is low, glucagon
You don’t have to worry about drags sugar back out of these stores
crashing or your energy plummeting – to keep your energy lines well supplied.
unless you’re diabetic or exercising Your body is amazingly good at
hard for an hour or more, blood sugar regulating sugar and keeping
rarely falls to levels that you can feel energy levels balanced.

The sugar police

In most people, insulin and glucagon act as
buffers for your blood sugar level, reacting When sugar rises,
to your food intake and energy output to insulin kicks in to
regulate the level
keep levels within optimum limits.


When sugar dips, glucagon
acts to raise levels in the blood

Secret sugar
It can be a shock to see how much
A 100g pot of
hidden sugar there can be in processed
fruit yogurt typically
contains the equivalent
foods. Just one serving of this fruit
of four sugar cubes yogurt can push the limit of your daily
sugar allowance.

How much sugar

can I have, then?
The WHO recommends five teaspoons of sugar a day. It’s
easy to keep track of the sugar we add to our tea, but it’s
important to watch out for less obvious sources.

Sugar itself is not the demon – the devil some added sugar. Sugar can come
is in the dose. The WHO (World Health in many guises – if you see dextrose or
Organization) recommendation of 5 sucrose on the list of ingredients,
teaspoons a day refers to refined sugars they’re simply chemical names for
– not the sugars naturally contained in types of sugar.
whole fruit and dairy products. It’s unfair to liken sugar to a drug
Obvious sources of added sugar such as cocaine, as many people and
are sweets and cakes, but it’s worth even some scientists now suggest.
checking how much sugar is in Sweetness is a basic taste that gives
processed foods such as ketchup, us happiness and satisfaction via a
spreads, bread, and ready meals, hearty squirt of dopamine in the
because you’ll almost certainly find brain’s reward areas.
they contain more sugar than you You can live without refined sugar,
thought – making it all too easy to but there isn’t any evidence that ridding
accidentally go over the recommended every trace of it from your diet will
daily limit. In fact, over two thirds of make you healthier – so just enjoy
supermarket packaged goods have it in moderation.


Can I train myself not to

have a sweet tooth?
Your sweet tooth is written in the stars: your genes determine
whether you find sweet foods especially irresistible. But that
doesn’t mean you must be at the mercy of your sweet tooth.

In most people, the liver produces a

hormone called FGF21 (fibroblast
Taste receptors
in the tongue
growth factor 21) that applies the are recycled
brakes to sugar cravings. However,
some people are genetically hard-
wired to produce less of this hormone. 10 days
If that’s you, you’re more likely to have
a sweet tooth – and also get greater
pleasure from alcohol! find sweet foods very sickly or coriander
You have thousands of taste soapy is down to the roll of the genetic
receptors peppered all over your dice. You may find you gradually lose
tongue, and their sensitivity to certain your sweet tooth: taste receptors are
tastes (including sweetness) is unique recycled every 10 days. As we get older,
to you like a fingerprint. Whether you these regenerated taste buds become
progressively dulled.
The pleasure you get from any
Want to keep your sweet particular food is also knitted to your
tooth in check? emotional memory of when you last
ate it – and that’s something you have
agency over. If you enjoyed a decadent
cut down on sugar – within a week or two you get
just as much pleasure from lower sugar alternatives. chocolate dessert during a special
2 moment with a loved one, that may
find a favourite savoury snack, eat it, and well be enough to turn an occasional
savour the feeling to tie it into your emotional register, cake-eater into a cookie monster. Try
making it more likely you’ll want to eat it again.
non-sweet snacks to pair enjoyable
memories with new foods.

Those of us who have
fewer sweet-sensitive
tongue receptors
need more sweetness
in order to appreciate
the taste.

Is sitting down
“the new smoking”?
Studies show that a sedentary lifestyle can slash life
expectancy by seven years, but exactly what harm are you
doing by lounging on the sofa after work?

The shocking claim that sitting down is into old age without suffering some
as unhealthy as smoking, touted by kind of lung disease or cancer, whereas
journalists and scientists alike, makes many desk workers lead a perfectly
you sit up and think twice about your healthy life. Smoking increases your
daily routines, but you should blow risk of dying each year by an average
smoke on the comparison. It is true of 180%, whilst sitting down all day
that, just as smokers can’t repair all leads to a 25% increase.
long-term lung damage by giving up, Most people in developed countries
you won’t be able to undo all the ill now spend most of their waking hours
effects of prolonged sitting just by on their posterior, and it’s taking a toll
doing some exercise. However, smoking on our physical health. Even someone
is in an unhealthy league of its own. who exercises for 45 minutes each day
Few smokers are lucky enough to get probably spends most of their remaining

If you sit for 10

hours a day for
Chest is squeezed, many weeks,
Fluid pools in preventing lungs heart muscles
your feet from fully inflating are damaged


dangers of sitting
Your body is built to move: its 200-plus bones, connected
by 360 joints, clothed in a jacket of 700 muscles, hold you
upright and propel you forward. This timeline shows how
prolonged sitting compromises the body in different ways.

16 hours sitting. Commuting, working,
and eating are all done in a seat, and Want to limit the time
evenings are often spent unwinding in spent on your behind?
front of a screen.
The more hours you sit every day,
Try a standing desk to improve
the more harm you do to your body. blood flow, facilitate creative thinking, and
boost alertness. If you can’t do that, take
every opportunity to stand up – for
Sitting puts instance, to speak to a colleague,

make a call, or make a drink.

% 2
Go for a five-minute walk every
more hour, which will cancel out many of sitting’s
pressure on negative health effects.
spine discs 3
than standing Find more active ways to unwind
such as yoga, cooking, or DIY to balance
leisure time spent on the couch and
All this sluggishness cramps our encourage your brain to release
concentration, increases fatigue, puts mood-boosting hormones.

strain on the heart and circulation,

alters the body’s internal chemistry, and
accelerates fatty build-up in arteries.

Sugar starts to linger Fats start sludging

in the blood for longer, up the arteries,
raising the risk of increasing the risk
Type 2 diabetes of a heart attack

long-term effects
After more than two weeks of
a couch-potato lifestyle, your
bones will get thinner and
your muscles will weaken,
strain on your spine may cause
back pain, and your metabolic
rate will slump, making weight
1 DAY gain more likely.



How can I avoid the

post-lunch slump?
After a large meal, your digestive system is calling the
shots, turning you into a sleepy shadow of your morning
self. But there are ways you can bargain with biology.

Hunger makes the mind alert – this is Sleepiness

a survival necessity handed down from can last up to
our ancestors, who needed to keep 3 hours after
going while searching for food. Today, eating a big meal
this lends us a little concentration
boost leading up to lunch.
After a meal, the arteries widen so instigator of this so-called food coma
that there is a healthy blood supply (or postprandial somnolence, to give
for the gut to squeeze and extract the it its formal name) is the “gut brain”.
nutrients. Becoming a food-processing It releases sleep-inducing hormones,
machine is hard work – and this surge including cholecystokinin, so that
of blood goes hand-in-hand with the you move less and your energy
urge to put head to pillow. The resources can instead go into the
hard work of digestion.
After a big lunch, sleepiness can
Want to avoid falling come on after about 20 minutes and
asleep at your desk? last for hours, so if sharp thinking is
called for in the early afternoon, a
hearty midday meal is going to make
Keep your lunch light so you aren’t overwhelmed
by sleepy gut hormones. that more challenging. Stay off the
roads after lunch, or be cautious when
driving, because there’s a spike in
get OUTDOORS – daylight (even on cloudy days) sends
signals to your body clock to stay awake. motor vehicle accidents at this time,
3 thanks to all those drowsy drivers.
OR YOU COULD just go with nature. Studies show that Exercising after eating won’t help you
even 5 minutes of shut-eye can be good for you. stay alert – the squashing and shaking
of a food-bloated stomach will make
you feel nauseous, but no less sleepy.

The only way to lessen the slump is to THE NOT-SO
eat less for lunch. The gut will release SINFUL SIESTA
more sleep hormones when it is
overfilled with food. Providing you The 9–5 work ethic is completely
eat enough during the day, you can at odds with the body clock: you
minimize the disruptive effects of are built for two sleeps each day,
digestion and sleep hormones by not one. Sleeping every six to
eight hours is the norm in nature:
keeping lunches light (see below).
chimpanzees and dolphins do it,
Gut not
overfilled, and even insects have downtime in
few sleep the hours after midday. Coinciding
Stomach hormones
partially full released with the hottest hours when hard
graft would risk overheating and
dehydration, this rhythm is etched
into your DNA, regardless of the
climate you live in today.
Many cultures across the globe,
including those in the Middle East,
LUNCH Asia, and South America, all have
siesta culture in their history. It’s
20 minutes later western Europe and the US that
live under the shadow of the
Gut overfilled
“protestant work ethic”. Starting
full in the 12th century, strict religious
leaders preached that daytime
sleep was an unnecessary,
sinful luxury.
But by unpicking the
afternoon nap routine that has
1KG LUNCH INTESTINE been seamlessly woven into
the tapestry of many traditional
Filled with a large amount of food, the
cultures, we in the west risk
gut releases sleep-inducing hormones impairing our mental clarity and
missing out on its health benefits
(see pages 104–105).
it’s the little things
This shows the passage of a meal, first
through the stomach and on to the gut
(intestines). Sleep hormones are only
released when the gut is very full – a lighter
meal of around 350g of both food and drink
will help keep you alert in the afternoons.


How long is the

ideal power nap?
A daytime nap seems to be all the rage again. Your body
clock would approve – it is built for two sleeps a day, and
different nap lengths offer you different benefits.

In many parts of the world, napping on waking, although there isn’t a one-
or simply resting in the afternoon is a size-fits-all approach.
normal part of daily life (see page 103). If putting your feet up in the middle
Even very short amounts of shut-eye of the day is impossible, at least use the
in the daytime can have marked time for the least mentally demanding,
effects. Many experts recommend that low-risk tasks: informal meetings, train
it should be 15 minutes, with a cup journeys, tidying, or a mundane job
of coffee just before to give a boost you’ve been putting off.

4 minutes: boosts time your nap wisely

alertness slightly, helps
after a bad night’s sleep The length of your nap determines how
4 it will benefit you. It’s best to keep your
naps either short and sweet or long and
10–20 minutes: effective for luxurious so that you don’t run the risk of
improving energy, mood, waking during deep sleep.
learning, and productivity

60 minutes: insufficient time

to complete sleep cycle;
you’ll wake with sleep inertia


90 minutes: sleep cycle

complete; you wake refreshed


The best time
of day to take a
nap is between
1 and 3pm. Leaving
it any later than
4pm can affect your
night-time sleep.

Should I trust
my gut instinct?
When facing a dilemma, we sometimes feel “drawn”
a particular way. But whether or not we should heed our
intuition comes down to hard science.

Trusting your gut feelings is often seen memories – to provide you with the
as a mark of the brave, successful, and best guess on what’s about to happen,
gifted. These impulses don’t arise from based on your past experiences. This is
your gut, of course, but are pre-learnt why you should only trust your gut
responses driven by the emotion centre, instincts in areas of your life that are
the amygdala, in your brain. familiar. For example, if you head up
Emotional memories completely an estate agency, then your amygdala
bypass your analytical frontal lobes, and hippocampus will feed you “gut
which is why they seem to “come out instincts” based on your years of
of nowhere”. Your emotional amygdala experience of the local market.
constantly chatters with the nearby However, your gut is likely to mislead
hippocampus – the orchestrator of if you enter a completely different

This graph illustrates that

the more complex the

decision, the more likely it
is that your instinct will be
successful. When a
problem increases in scale
and complexity, it’s actually
better to go with your gut
because you risk over-
analysing the issue.

Conscious deliberation Buying shampoo Buying shoes Buying plane tickets Redecorating
a room

industry, such as food retail – since
your intuition is refined in an emotional
furnace of trial and error, most of these
emotional memories probably don’t
apply here. In unfamiliar territory, it’s
best to rely on the expertise of others
more experienced than you –
regardless of your age.
Weigh up all
Your hunches can also only be Is the outcome
No risks before
trusted in areas of life that are fairly deciding
predictable and repeatable: such as
flying, driving, games of chess, or video
games. If there are too many variables, Yes

confidence in your gut is a recipe for

failure: investors, for instance, are often
Do you Consult
misled by their intuition – stock have relevant No an expert or
markets do not follow patterns and are experience? seek training

notoriously skittish and unpredictable.

In some instances, it might be
worth sidelining your gut. Quiz show Yes

contestants often experience a

psychological phenomenon called the
Have you
“first instinct fallacy”: that you should got all the No
Do some more
trust your first hunch when presented information?

with multiple choices. When faced with

a set of options, you’re better off
weighing up the answers rather than Yes

picking the first one that appeals.

Professional intuition can be honed
over time. An experienced chef knows Go with
your gut
when to take the frying pan off the heat
whilst doing three other tasks at the
same time because their emotional
memories are fine-tuned to remember want to follow your gut?
that stressful time when they did burn Even the finest-tuned instinct can benefit from
the onions. The gut instincts of novice a bit of science. You can use the flow chart to
help you decide whether or not going with
chefs will be a bit wobbly at first – but your gut is a good idea by interrogating the
they’ll get there. factors surrounding each decision.


Are we all really getting

more stressed?
Modern life’s pressures can feel like they are increasing, but
science reveals that it’s the nature of the stress we suffer
today, rather than the amount, that has changed.

Before the 1940s, the only people who same: being punched in the gut triggers
talked about “stress” were engineers a different biological response to the
describing whether the struts of a turmoil of a feud with a neighbour or
bridge would the worry over a delayed pay cheque.

hold up. Today, Each demand (or “stressor”) placed on
“stress” is a you has its own survival response.
% vague catchall Different kinds of stressors cause the
of the uk term for all body’s defensive systems to react in
said they were of the many different ways; for example, a brief
“too stressed challenges you stress response triggers helpful infection-
to cope” in 2018 might face in fighting chemicals, whereas longer
life: you may term trauma can cause virus-attacking
have stress at home, be stressed out by white blood cells to stop multiplying.
work, and the anxiety you feel around Your responses also vary with age, past
hospitals or before exams can be experiences, general health, and any
“stressful”. If you believe the headlines, past or existing medical conditions.
the world is the most stressed out it’s You only undergo the most drastic
ever been – and we are fretting our fight-or-flight responses if you’re
way into an early grave. threatened or physically injured.
Pick up any stress-management book “Stress” has become such a fuzzy
or tap into a healthy-living website and term, it’s no wonder we think there’s
you will encounter the classic stress more of it in the world. While it can
story that we all undergo the “fight-or- be a useful way to understand our
flight” survival response and its responses to mental and physical
accompanying deluge of hormones challenges, labelling every negative
when stressed. However, the body is experience as “stress” risks
far more sophisticated than we give it impoverishing our experience of the
credit for. No two “stresses” are the richness of what it is to be human.


ACUTE TIME- The sudden pressure

LIMITED of public speaking Pressure peaks and
STRESSOR or being put on dips very quickly
the spot.

A foreseen demand,
such as sitting an
NATURALISTIC Pressure builds
exam or meeting a
STRESSOR work deadline. slowly, then
diminishes quickly

Bereavement or
experiencing a major
natural disaster.

Pressure recedes gradually

after the event

CHRONIC A draining job,

STRESSOR messy divorce, or
responsibility, such
as caring for a
loved one.
Pressure rises, falls
slightly, then rises again

The recurring trauma

of past events, such Trigger
STRESSOR Original Pressure recurs
as being abused as a when original
child or witnessing event is recalled
the death of a fellow Trigger
soldier during war.

the many faces of stress

This chart sets out the different types of
stress, characterized in terms of how they
affect us and how long they last.


Is there a quick way to

calm my nerves?
When you need to dial down your body’s fight-or-flight
response and still those trembling muscles, reassure your
brain with some simple deep breathing.

The starter engine for your inner BRAIN

emergency alarm is an almond-shaped
brain region called the amygdala, which
screens what you see, hear, smell, feel,
and think for potential threats to life
and limb. The alarmed amygdala
triggers a surge of adrenaline then a
rush of blood sugar, readying the
Brain sends calming
muscles for action. Your muscles may signals to slow
be so primed for action that they can breathing further

start to judder – useful for our

ancestors to make a quick getaway
Calming signals sent
when hunted by predators, not so to the amygdala via
useful when you’re trying to steer the vagus nerve
smoothly during a driving test!
It’s possible to stop the shakes by
training the brain pathways to realize
that the threat is not dangerous. One of
the simplest ways is to breathe deeply
– inhale for four seconds, hold for four
seconds, then exhale for four seconds. LUNGS
Unlike heart rate and blood pressure,
which are out of your conscious control,
calming cycle
breathing obeys your will. By forcing When you consciously slow your
your lungs to expand and contract breathing, you set up a cycle – the
slowly, reassuring messages are relayed brain receives a message, it sends
out calming sigals and dials down
to the amygdala, calming you down. stress hormones, and your
breathing slows even more.

How can I manage
worrying thoughts?
Even with the best laid plans, sometimes exams or
impending deadlines can consume your mind. You can
persuade your brain to feel less anxious, though.

Consistent, worrying thoughts about entrenched, can be achieved by forcing

an impending event ramp up your the rational, executive networks to fire
amygdala’s sensitivity, setting you up up. Combined with slow, deep breathing
for a cycle of fretful ruminations that (see opposite page) and following a
play out on repeat. When the amygdala mind-calming bedtime routine for good
is on high alert, the brain’s greatest sleep (see pages 226–227), plenty of
asset – the rational “executive” thinking practice can cut the fear off at its source.
networks – go silent, making us blind to Science shows us a few tricks listed
the madness of our repeated irrational below with which you can do this.
fears, leaving us to fret over impossible
catastrophes or imagined arguments.
Also, perpetual wonderings about Want to quell
the past and what could have been your inner worrywart?
– mistakes made, opportunities missed
– slide your emotional limbic system 1
towards a depressed state. Neurons that rehearse calm patterns of
thinking long before the amygdala
fire together, wire together: each time anticipates a threat so that you carve out
any thought – good or bad – is repeated, a familiar, peaceful pathway that is well
that crackling channel of electricity away from anxiety alley.

strengthens as they move and mould 2

themselves around this route. do something – science shows that
simple problem-solving can fire up the
Over time, repeated thinking patterns logical thinking networks.
become trodden out like a clear footpath
through a field of wheat, at which point
focus on something tangible outside
they become so familiar that they are yourself, such as counting the leaves on
second nature to us. a plant, to help you fall into a calmer
pattern of thinking.
Breaking out of a mental tornado of
emotional destruction, even when well


How can I deal with

constant stress?
You might be managing the drip-drip demands of constant
deadlines, crying children, and rocky relationships for now,
but beware – you’re risking long-term damage.

Recurrent, relentless demands and are critical for quelling an overactive

uncertainties really can harm your fight-or-flight response, offering you
health. The body’s fight-or-flight essential time to relax and reflect.
response is a primal sledgehammer They might include making to-do
reaction that was a lists, exercise, yoga, meditation,
lifesaver for fending breathing exercises, or even just “me

off predators, but time” – but they’re all just an ice pack
is now utterly out for soothing the fever and are rarely
of people cite of proportion for the cure. The best solution to never-
anger as a cracking the small ending pressures is to uproot the
symptom of nuts of modern source and reframe how you think
constant life’s trials. With about the underlying problem.
stress your emergency If relentless pressure is putting your
systems primed body on high-alert then you won’t be
for a catastrophe your body’s internal able to see beyond the immediate
chemistry is stretched to its limits. crisis. By seeking advice from a
When fight-or-flight and stress trusted friend or family member, fresh
hormones surge repeatedly over many perspectives and solutions often appear.
days and weeks, it can cause damage There is also measureable evidence
to your internal organs, circulatory that working through problems with
system, and brain (see opposite). a professional counsellor will let you
Coping strategies are often the go-to unpick destructive thoughts and habits,
technique for dealing with repeated or as well as make practical steps
long-term stress, and many of these to alleviate near-constant stress.

Brain is stuck in its vigilant heart rate, blood pressure,
“watching” network leading to and breathing are consistently
persistently low mood, anxiety, elevated, risking health problems
and destructive thought patterns such as a heart attack or stroke

immune system is
tipped off-balance,
causing bone marrow BLOOD DIVERTED
to pump out white from digestive system
blood cell types that towards muscles causes
fur up arteries and appetite loss and
worsen allergies indigestion

wheel of
Experiencing constant stress
can feel like being caught in a
never-ending loop of miserable
symptoms, each feeding into
the other. This constant state
of high alert takes its toll all
over the body.

cortisol no longer constant flow

surges in the morning of energizing
(see page 15), leaving hormone adrenaline
you “burnt out” slows digestion and
causes symptoms of
irritable bowel
syndrome and other
digestive problems

body clock rhythms (see pages 22–23) Fuel stores have surplus energy,
become muted over time, leading to which gradually accumulates around
disrupted sleeping patterns internal organs as fat


Can stress ever be

good for me?
If you have ever felt the motivational push of stress, you’ll
know it can have its benefits. There’s a fine balance to be
kept between “good” and “bad” stress, however.

The natural “stress” hormones your High energy

body produces, and their effects on the levels and Manageable
wellbeing demands
body, are vital in providing you with the
energy, strength, and single-mindedness
to overcome physical and mental
challenges. If your body can’t produce Periodic stress
enough cortisol to sustain you, then response

you’ll be weak and fatigued. Without

cortisol, your blood pressure and blood
sugar will drop, you will be thirsty, and DEMANDS AND CAPACITY TO
a sudden injury, infection, or bout of
strenuous exercise could even lead to
sudden death. Reduced Repeated,
Not only is a stress response key health intense demands

to keeping you alive, but moderate

pressure in daily life can do you
good: regular pulses of adrenaline
and cortisol when you’re excited, stress response
motivated, or exercising improve
concentration and provide small
boosts in your mood.
However, constant and extreme TO FULFIL THEM
demands will always be harmful
(see pages 112–113), and if you’re balanced demands
always falling ill when away from the When life is manageable, the stress
stressor (see right), then that response is invigorating and sustaining.
But when your demands seem to exceed
stress is doing you no good at all. your capacity, the stress response is
ever-present and damaging.

Why am I always ill
when I stop working?
The freight train of coughs and aches you’re hit with when
you stop working is “leisure sickness”. The plaster your
body had put on invisible wounds has been ripped off.

When the phone won’t stop pinging, a and getting well), withdraw from
deadline is looming, and the children everyone else (so you don’t spread
are screaming, invigorating stress infection) and you feel more pain (so
hormones and the fight-or-flight buzz that you are attentive to your injuries).
give the body’s immune system a Although few medical researchers
metaphorical shot in the arm. But have given leisure sickness the time
take away the chemical stimulation, of day, it seems that around one in 30
and suddenly the body is left open people suffer from it. Suffering every
for an infection to strike. time you take a holiday may be your
Adrenaline and a hyped-up fight-or- body’s way of
flight state can also mask existing pain warning you
and ailments – not unlike the way that, that your Perfectionists
if you fall and break your leg, you won’t lifestyle is are 28% more
feel the pain until minutes or hours beyond what likely to suffer
later. In the hecticness of life, it’s can be leisure sickness
possible that you have unknowingly sustained
been in the throes of fighting an indefinitely. Ploughing on may risk
infection or suffering an illness. Only everything tumbling down
when you take the foot off the pedal in the form of a serious physical or
are the floodgates to muted aches mental health condition, which could
and pains opened. include depression, burnout, or a
“Sickness behaviour” is a well- long-term pain syndrome. Locate the
evolved survival strategy: when the stressor and consider a lifestyle change,
coast is clear and the body needs such as a new job or new daily routine.
to fight an illness, you hunker down
somewhere safe (away from sharp-
toothed predators), do nothing (to use
all your energy for fighting an infection


How much time should

I spend in the sun?
Like plants, humans need sunlight to grow – but
we need to balance this with protecting our skin
from the sun’s fearsome strength.

Like a stretchy covering of solar panels, melanin, a substance that acts like a
your outermost layer of skin harnesses biological bullet-proof vest to shield
the sun’s ultra-violet (UV) rays to create our skin’s precious DNA by absorbing
the life-essential vitamin D. slugs of UV light and dissipating its
Unfortunately, this type of UV ray powerful punch as harmless warmth.
called UVB has the same skin-burning The darker your skin, the more
frequency that causes skin cancer, UV-blocking melanin you have, so
wrinkles, and eye damage. Sunscreen you need more sunlight than a fairer-
offers some protection, but it also skinned person to produce enough
blunts vitamin D production. Like any vitamin D. Darker-skinned people
medicine, some sunlight is good – but living in latitudes where the sun is
not too much, especially if you’re weaker should consider taking vitamin
fair-skinned. Our skin tone comes from D supplements, especially in winter.

melanin shield
There is a sweet spot of
safe sun exposure – too
little and you risk vitamin D
deficiency; too much and
Not enough Too much you risk skin damage. Those

exposure will exposure will with darker skin – and more

mean vitamin mean skin melanin – can spend longer
D deficiency damage in the sun, but melanin can’t
People with
darker skin protect you indefinitely.
tones can
spend longer KEY
in the sun
Fair skin tones
Medium skin tones
Dark skin tones
SUN EXPOSURE Safety zone

Why can’t I think
straight on a hot day?
Constantly active and churning out heat, the brain
is already fighting to stay cool – so on a really warm
day, it can easily crash and burn.

The brain is a demanding organ: its and sweating, which For every 1ºC
90 billion electrically-active brain cells cools you down by above 25ºC,
are fussy about temperature, and they drawing heat from our mental
start to misfire and suffer damage if the body as the ability will
body temperature rises by just 2–3ºC.
Your prefrontal cortex, or “thinking”
region near the front of your brain, is
sweat evaporates.
It’s not just our
brains that dislike
drop by
about 2%
particularly vulnerable – that’s why the heat, our
heat stroke causes wooziness, muddled muscles perform more poorly too – it’s
thinking, and confusion. On a hot day, better to leave hard, physical work for
your reaction times won’t drop much when the temperature is 20°C or below.
and you’ll be able to remember simple
things such as a phone number, but
anything more complicated than that
– like paying close attention, driving, how to keep your
or solving a tricky problem – becomes
head on a hot day
progressively more difficult as your
prefrontal cortex buckles in the heat.
Drink lots of fluids – you can lose up to
Symptoms of heat exhaustion can 2 litres of water per hour through sweating.
involve dizziness, fainting, vomiting, 2
and even seizures. Young children’s slow down – exercising and physical labour
brains are extra heat-sensitive. put extra stress on the body, and push body
temperature up even higher.
If you live in warmer climes, then
your body will usually be better adapted 3
to get rid of excess heat. The body’s seek some breeze – moving air, from a fan or
an open window, will help sweat evaporate,
go-to climate control methods are accelerating its cooling effect.
flushing the skin, where the blood
rushes to the surface to release heat;


Why has my teenager

turned into an alien?
Your child may have suddenly become a moody mutant, but
science lifts the lid on the dramatic brain transformations
during this most misunderstood part of our lives.

Many parent-child misunderstandings grey matter on the brain’s rippled

arise because a teen’s body and brain surface (where the computing happens)
don’t grow in harmony. Adolescence – inflated in size, sprouting millions of
the total period of mental transition interconnected microscopic branches.
from childhood However, by the ages of 12–14, that
to adulthood – grey matter needs trimming back for
like a bandwidth takes longer efficient adult thought to bloom.
upgrade, new than puberty, Grey matter shrinks at first as unused
Myelin tissue in its physical brain pathways are cut, in much the
the teen brain equivalent. In same way that pruning a rose bush
fact, the brain is allows larger, stronger branches to
in adolescence develop. During this time of profound

from the age brain changes, your teenager can be
of 9 to the prone to misjudgements and
-fold mid-20s. The impulsive behaviour.
law may say that Sex hormones often get the blame
they’re adults at 18, but their heads are for a teen’s erratic moods – but they’re
only half-cooked! The adolescent brain only part of the story. The brains of
is a work in progress. It’s not an adolescents develop in a back-to-front
overgrown child brain, nor is it an order: the inner, emotional circuitry
underdeveloped adult brain – MRI becomes adult-like long before the
scans have revealed it is unique in its self-controlled, thinking regions in the
flexibility and capacity to learn. brain’s frontal lobes do. With the swirl
Changing in shape, structure, and of emotion-conveying tissue deep
internal chemistry, your teenager’s within the brain firing on all cylinders,
maturing brain is an easily excitable, teens’ emotions have an adult intensity,
socially sensitive machine that drinks but without the measured restraint of a
in life experiences. In early childhood, fully formed frontal lobe. A teen will

suddenly know what they want (“I JUDGING YOUTH
want to stay over at Billy’s house!”) but IS NOTHING NEW
they’re not yet able to reason it out in
an adult way (“Why? You saw him Writings reveal that the Ancient
yesterday.”…“Because I do!”). Greeks saw young people as
The still-changing frontal lobes also having “bad manners, contempt
explain why adolescents are rarely for authority, disrespect to elders,
and a love for chatter in place of
paragons of subtlety. Teens are still
exercise”. The philosopher
learning to see the world from another
Aristotle said of the “insolent”
person’s perspective, and they lack
youth that they “think they know
the expertise to read other people’s
everything and are quite sure of it”.
expressions. As a result, teens may And if you think that modern
be tactless, blurt out something media are to blame for corrupting
inappropriate, or miss the nuances youth, then you join a long line of
of speech. The rhetorical reprimand anxious adults. Enos Hitchcock,
of a teacher: “Are you sure you want a Christian chaplain during the
to do that?”, may be met with an American Revolutionary War, said:
obnoxious-sounding, “Yes, I am!” “the free access which many young
Research shows that it is much more people have to romances, novels,
effective for teachers and parents to be and plays has poisoned the mind
and corrupted the morals of many
unambiguous: “Please stop doing that.”
a promising youth.” And if you
believe an 1858 report in Scientific
American, modern gaming may
well be harmless compared to
want to get on better
the “pernicious excitement” that
with your teen alien?
comes from playing chess.
Some things just never change:
perhaps it’s best for us all to relax
understand they can’t help it – risk-taking
and thrill-seeking are driven by their brain’s because, after all, your parents’
over-active reward centre. generation said all those things
2 about you, and you turned out
use straightforward language and avoid just fine, didn’t you?
rhetorical or sarcastic retorts, which developing teenage
brains can be poor at interpreting.

allow thinking time – while neuro-circuitry is being
forged and refined, teens are fast to feel emotions, and
slower to make reasoned decisions.


Why did I take more risks

when I was younger?
If your bungee-jumping kit is gathering dust these days, you
might wonder why leaping from a great height no longer
appeals to you. The blame lies with your sensible brain.

Ask yourself, when were the best, rash. Without the brakes of a fully-
most memorable days of your life? operational frontal lobe, there is a
According to research, your most tendency to “act first and think later”.
meaningful and vivid memories come As adults, we are less emotionally-
from your adolescence, when your driven and dopamine-motivated
brain was drinking in life’s experiences. because the analytical and planning
In the more adventurous adolescent parts of our brains have fully
years, a reward-seeking part of the developed, allowing us to assess risks
brain called the nucleus accumbens is and make smarter choices accordingly.
super-sensitive. Humans are driven by Of course, many adults still take up
here-and-now rewards in their teen thrill-seeking hobbies. They may have
years more than at any other time in a gene that weakens the dopamine-
their lives. Dopamine-motivated desires throttling controls in the brain, meaning
are so powerful and the forward- they get a bigger gush of feel-good
thinking mind so immature that we are dopamine when they drive fast,
much more likely to be impulsive and skydive, or snowboard the slopes.

Forming plans
and strategy
thoughts work in progress
The so-called “responsible
adult” part of your brain is
Ability to balance called the prefrontal cortex,
rewards and risk marked red in this image.
This is where you assess
thoughts and emotions, and
Impulse balance your desires and
control impulses against risk.
During adolescence,
this area rewires itself
BRAIN (see pages 118–119).

PERCEIVED AGE 21 25 28 31 34 38 40 43 46 50 53 58


ACTUAL AGE 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 75

As this graph shows, our “felt” age seems
to gravitate towards the ages of 30–32:
up to that age – seen as “ideal” in most Young-at-heart pensioners
cultures, we tend to feel older than we are, will feel much younger
and after it, we see ourselves as younger, than they really are
drifting ever further from reality as we age.

Why do I feel younger

than my real age?
Almost all of us feel younger than we are in
reality – yet more evidence of how poor we
humans are at keeping track of time.

Research shows that we rarely feel the nowadays, thanks to a global rise in
actual age we are (see above). This quality of life – with fewer people
mismatch also explains why others smoking, improving healthcare, and
seem to be getting younger: If we better nutrition, people today are
“feel” 40, but are actually much older, biologically about a year younger than
then a 25-year-old police officer looks an identically-aged person two decades
positively school age to us! earlier. And even more incredibly, how
Some researchers think that we old we feel seems to affect our health
unconsciously shift our mindset and how long we will live – with those
towards the age we want to be based who feel youngest on the inside likely
on negative ideas about being “too old” to have fewer illnesses, better mental
or “too young”. Incredibly, the rate at health, lower chances of dementia,
which our bodies undergo biological and have healthy bodies that will last
wear and tear appears to be slower well into old age.


Why do long-past events

seem so recent to me?
“But it feels like it was only yesterday!” When we can’t
believe how much time has passed since an event, we
can blame a time-keeping glitch in our brains.

Think of a dramatic news event from a to how your long-term memory

while ago and quickly guesstimate how organizes key events, or whether it’s
long ago it happened. The chances are a feature of how the brain ages, but
that you will underestimate just how telescoping has the effect of making
many years have passed. recent events feel distant, and distant
Whether it’s films you’ve seen, books events seem more recent.
you’ve read, family celebrations, or The revelation that it has been ten
political upheavals, your memories of years since a famous celebrity died
events that took place before a certain may make you feel suddenly old, but
cutoff point will feel like they happened it can also trip you into thinking that
more recently due to a weird mental everything from birthdays to natural
shortcut called the “telescoping effect”. disasters happen more often than
No one is sure whether this quirk is due they really do.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


“was it really that long ago?”

A quirk of the long-term memory, called the “telescoping effect”,
means that we perceive the three most recent years of our lives as
lasting longer. The years before that seem to “bunch up”; events that
took place a long time ago jump forwards in our perception of time.

Why are my childhood
memories so hazy?
At different stages of life, the brain has different priorities
– some functions, such as storing memories, have to take
a back seat in favour of more urgent jobs.

You almost certainly have no memories memory connections to and from the
of your life before the age of three, and cerebellum and “habit hub” form first,
memories up to around age seven are enabling us to learn to talk, walk, and
probably patchy and vague. Throughout feed ourselves, before forming long-
our earliest years, the hippocampus’ term memory stores. These are critical
cells are growing and in constant flux, periods in early brain development
making it difficult for strong memory devoted to procedural memory,
pathways to establish. Early infant emotions, and language; research
memories do form temporarily, but are shows that the human brain is far more
wiped at around age six, when memory able to learn at this time than at any
circuits mature. The best efforts of other point in our lives.
memory-recovery “experts” can’t So, if you don’t remember much from
reverse this childhood amnesia. your childhood, take heart – it just
The early years are a critical time for means that your brain put all its energy
how the brain develops. The procedural into setting you up for the future.

Sensory neural Areas devoted to Mental ability childish brain


pathways start language then improves more

to grow first develop gradually
When you were a
young child, your
brain’s priority in the
Hippocampus hits
full size by age 4.
first year was learning
Long-term memories how to speak, walk,
Pathways start and take in the world
can now be made
to develop around you. The
and stored
before birth
memory region, the
hippocampus, isn’t
fully developed until
the ages of 3–5.

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 12


Why do I remember events

differently to others?
After a disagreement, both parties can be adamant that
their version of events is true. In reality, memory is fallible,
and we are left grasping at straws.

The brain is simply not large enough to and reconstructed, much like an
store the entire tsunami of experiences inspired-by-true-events documentary.
hitting us at every waking moment. The brain hates an incomplete story,
When events so it can’t help itself but to complete
– big or small – a fragmented memory by using its

66% of false
happen, they
aren’t taped
onto a movie
memory stores to bring sense to the
uncertain haze.
If you’re absolutely convinced by
are based on reel in your yourself or someone else that
eyewitness head. Rather, something happened in your past, then
testimony your brain is your memory circuitry may construct a
more like the “real” memory to fit this reality. In
photographer at a film premiere – experiments where people were shown
quickly snapping those moments of a photograph of themselves as a child
the event that it deems worthy of in a hot-air balloon, about half said
saving. When you retell the event, they could remember something of the
these moments are pieced together trip. Only later was it revealed to them

Your brain rarely stores a
pristine, perfect snapshot of
any event. It will fill in
the blanks for you with
a personalized touch,
resulting in slightly different
memories for everyone who WHAT YOUR
witnessed a certain event. YOU EVENT MEMORY CAUGHT

that the photo was a fake, doctored to SHOULD I TRUST
have their face superimposed. MY MEMORY?
Memories can be frustratingly
incomplete and vague, but they The shifting sands of our memories
nevertheless shape and mould your can cause problems, and even lead
identity and unique personal story. to personal tragedy.
Since highly emotional experiences In 2015, US journalist and
television presenter Brian Williams
are more likely to be remembered
became a high-profile victim of the
(see pages 132–133), these will
wobbly nature of the remembering
influence how you might fill in certain
mind, losing his job for falsely
gaps later. Your “documentary” will
recounting a personal story. He had
always have a highly personal slant. openly spoken about a terrifying
If you’re looking for something to experience during the 2003 Iraq
back up a memory or claim, rely on War of being inside a military
hard evidence, such as texts or an helicopter while it was shot at by
unedited photo. But when it comes to rockets, and forced to crash land.
who said what during a bust-up, it Williams did indeed travel in a
might be best to concede that because military helicopter but, rather than
our memories are unreliable witnesses, being under fire himself, he had
the truth will always be somewhere in been told at the time of another
aircraft ahead of them that had
the middle.
been forced into an emergency
landing. Over the years, and
possibly by melding his
experiences with other news
reports, his account morphed until
& EMOTION eventually, he became a passenger
STORE in the stricken helicopter. Williams
had most likely unwittingly inserted
false details into an actual event
through its repeated retelling.

Brain helps fill

in the blanks


What is déjà vu,

and should I worry?
Neither a glitch in the Matrix nor a warning sign of failing
memory, déjà vu is the result of your frontal lobe’s obsessive
tendency to connect dots that aren’t there.

Most of us know the feeling: you arrive an average

at a new place and have the distinct
impression that it is a repeat visit, or
perhaps you are talking to a stranger and
25 -year-old
dÉjà vu around
have the sense that you have already had once a month
the very same conversation. This is déjà
vu, from the French “already seen”, and is
defined as a feeling of familiarity without in the real world, but rather is a simple
an actual memory to anchor it to. brain glitch, which occurs when neural
Your brain is continually screening pathways in the temporal lobes near the
your every sensation and thought, hippocampus spontaneously misfire.
checking for familiar experiences, so This is sometimes accompanied by
that it can anticipate what’s going to the uncanny sense that you “knew”
happen next. When a sight, sound, what was going to happen (although
or sensation is flagged as familiar, the the science shows us that this belief
hippocampus rifles through its store of is imagined).
long-term memories, like a librarian, to Some scientists think this type of
pull out a past similar experience. If the déjà vu occurs when an experience
hippocampus draws a blank and the accidentally bypasses short-term
connection between the familiar feeling memory storage and is filed directly
and a past memory cannot be made, into long-term memory stores, thus
then we are left with an uprooted creating the sudden sensation that
feeling of familiarity – déjà vu. recent experience happened long ago.
This experience is most often linked Déjà vu is absolutely normal, and
to new places, so if you are a frequent most common in early adulthood,
traveller, you’re likely to experience when the brain is at its busiest:
déjà vu more often. Sometimes, however, children and the elderly experience
it seems that déjà vu has no foundation far fewer episodes.

Loose neural
the missing link
Begins with “a”...
Your brain is a matted
spider’s web of neural
connections, some of
them much stronger
...“Alpaca!” than others. Connections
are weaker between
distantly related topics
– the link is there, it just
Strong neural
connections needs some nudging
to reignite it.

What is that “it’s on the

tip of my tongue!” feeling?
You’re trying to remember a quiz answer, but it’s as if your
tyres are spinning in snow. This frustrating memory hiccup is
due to weak brain connections about unfamiliar topics.

“What’s the name of the animal that’s the same feeling next time. The
related to the llama and begins with ‘A’?” tortuous re-remembering journey
You know what it’s called, but because is likely to be repeated each time
it’s been ages since you visited a farm, you try to remember the name, unless
the neural connection between the you can form new, fresh associations
name and the clue is weak. Names, to your existing pool of knowledge.
places, numbers, and facts are called It’s at these times when a relaxed
semantic memories, and are far weaker mind can unlock these stuck facts.
than our memories of stories and real New connections are both formed and
experiences. Your brain is trying to find found more freely when the mind is in
the route back to this key fact, but the its wandering “default mode network”.
trail of breadcrumbs has become messy. The chances are you’ll be lying in bed
When you have had a “tip-of-the- one evening, and the penny-dropping
tongue” moment for a name once, moment comes: “I’ve got it – alpaca!”
you’re actually more likely to have


Why do I sometimes forget

why I came into the room?
When you enter a room for a reason but then can’t for the
life of you remember why, you’re experiencing an eerie
feature of the mind’s energy-saving economy.

The “doorway effect” is the term used longer relevant, so it’s safe to discard
for when parts of your short-term them to make room for new things. It’s
memory get wiped clean whenever a healthy way for the brain to make the
you enter a new location – even if most efficient use of your limited
it’s a virtual one. temporary memory.
Your “working memory” is the part of The doorway effect happens just as
your short-term memory circuitry that often in the young and old, so needn’t
holds information for the here-and- cause you to fret that your memory is
now. It can only hold between three failing. Return to the original room or
and seven different things at a time. retrace your steps mentally, and you
Entering a new location tells the brain will often recall or work out the thought
the situation has changed, and that process that led you here.
those chunks of information are no

“What was I
One of your errands might be collateral about to do
damage from “the doorway effect” again?!”


Entering a new room often
tells the brain to start afresh TASK 2
to free up space for new
information. The more tasks
you are trying to remember,
the more likely it is that you
will be at the mercy of the TASK 4
doorway effect.

Passing through a doorway

tells the brain to clear
space for new information

i see faces
The pre-programmed preference
for recognizing faces means we end
up seeing them in the strangest of
places, such as inanimate objects.

Why can I remember

faces better than names?
That person looks so familiar, but you just can’t think of their
name. Don’t be embarrassed – your brain’s got an unfair
advantage at remembering faces over names.

A large part of the visual brain is distinguish potential rivals. Our visual
devoted to seeing faces. Picking out processing centres, towards the back
a face amid an out-of-focus haze is of the brain, have a sophisticated “facial
a matter of survival: soon after birth vocabulary”, capable of storing around
we must find our mother’s face – the 10,000 faces. You are far less likely to
source of nourishment and our first recall a name, however, because your
protector. Research shows that just a brain stores them separately as semantic
few hours after birth a baby can spot memories with no obvious link to
facial features even if there is no actual what they look like.
face – just a curved line with two Memories are more likely to be stored
dots above it. long-term if they also carry an emotional
This pre-programmed preference attachment: unless you had a meaningful
for spotting possible faces is carried exchange with someone, you’re likely to
throughout our lives. Our social have long forgotten their name but still
ancestors needed it to recognize remember their face if you spot them
friends, cooperate for survival, and on the bus a few months later.


Why can I still remember

skills, even years later?
When it comes to learned skills, especially those involving
repeated movements, your brain’s most primal regions are
like a memory-foam mattress.

Ten, twenty, thirty, or more years may region tucked under the back of the
have passed since you last mounted brain, the cerebellum is under the
your childhood BMX (complete with orchestration of a curved tadpole-
tassels) but you haven’t forgotten how shaped structure in the middle of
to ride. Like writing, swimming, driving, the brain called the basal ganglia.
or typing on a keyboard, the ability With each attempt at a skill, slowly
stays with you, long after the hours but surely, a path of neural connections
of learning are forgotten. Sometimes forms in the brain. Through repetition
called “muscle memory” (correctly and practice, these abilities build a
termed procedural memory), muscles well-trodden walkway deep inside your
themselves have little to do with it. brain’s circuitry. The weeds of time are
Rather, these skills are stored in the slow to obscure this path, so you will
cerebellum, far from your conscious be able to retrace your steps and get
memories of events. A large wrinkled back into the saddle well into your old

sharp focus
The brain undergoes three different stages when
learning a new skill, such as playing the piano. Neural
Neural pathways grow in number with time, and Strong pathways
the pathways remain fairly strong over many years. neural retain most of
pathways their strength

Weak neural

pathways for

age, even if you’re a bit rusty. It takes THE UNFORGETTABLE
an estimated 20 hours of deliberate, BRAIN OF MOLAISON
focused practice to gain basic skills in
a new hobby. Expert craftspeople and In 1953, pioneering neurosurgeon
athletes take somewhere in the region of Dr William Scoville performed
10,000 hours firming up brain pathways neurosurgery on Henry Molaison.
before they reach the top of their game. Henry was alert as his skull was
opened and portions of his brain
It’s not only the highly skilled who
removed, but anaesthetized. At
rely on procedural memory: most of
the time no one knew what the
what you do every day is executed on
hippocampus did, but Dr Scoville
“autopilot”, such as brushing your teeth
had a misguided hunch that this
or getting dressed. These tasks require structure was the reason for the
epilepsy that had plagued Henry.
Sadly, the operation left the
it takes around

27-year-old unable to ever make
a new conscious memory.
Henry’s epilepsy mercifully
hours of practice for settled, and his personality and
a classical musician intellect were unaffected, but he
to reach the peak would forget events after a few
of their skills minutes. Incredibly though, his
“habit hub” (basal ganglia) and
procedural memory circuitry were
very little conscious thought because
intact. He was able to learn new
they are run via the basal ganglia skills even though he instantly
rather than being under the direct forgot how he had learned them.
control of the frontal, decision-making Through studying Henry’s brain,
brain regions, which are free to focus scientists found that our regular
on other things. If we didn’t have these memory and our “muscle” memory
programs, we would have to concentrate are stored in separate areas. From
every time we tie our shoelaces. what we’ve learnt from his brain,
These “unthinking” skills become patients suffering memory loss can
so well established that they actually be rehabilitated faster by teaching
them new techniques and skills.
outperform our conscious brain’s
ability for that task. When we try to
think too much about something we’re
good at, we can “choke”, which has
been many an athlete’s undoing on
the day of the big event.


How can I improve

my memory?
Some people are gifted with an elephant-like memory,
others with a Dory-like recall. The key to a better memory is
to repeat, repeat, repeat, with a touch of emotion.

The photographer of the “documentary” of what makes it in, and what gets left
that is your life story is an inch-long, on the cutting-room floor. You won’t
slug-shaped region in the brain called remember what you ate for breakfast
the hippocampus, nestled within the last Wednesday because it wasn’t
head of the coiling snake of the exciting, but if your lover got down
emotional limbic circuit. Your emotions on one knee to propose to you that
– good and bad – are the gatekeeper morning, the fact you were eating a bowl
of oatmeal at the time will be forever
remembered, as clear as day.
Want a super-memory? That’s why dry lectures, dreary news
bulletins, and boring books leave your
1 head almost as soon as they are over.
Keep a diary to record memories as soon as possible
after the event, before they are contaminated by
You’ll forget an arbitrary fact – such
emotions or misty recollections. as 1769 being the year French ruler
2 Napoleon Bonaparte was born – by the
Tell stories, because repeating anecdotes to others time you turn the page because it has
will help form very strong memories by tying positive no significance to you. However, if
emotions to them, making the memory more likely
to stick in your long-term stores.
you’re a lover of all things locomotive,
then you may have noted to yourself
that this was the same year that the
Create mind maps to make visual connections
between pieces of information that you want to learn. steam engine was invented, making
The more connections you make within a topic, the Napoleon’s birthday easier to
more likely you’ll retain information.
remember. The frontal lobe pathways
4 for new memories and information will
Try rhymes to create associations between letters sprout from your established memory
or numbers and physical objects. (One = bread bun,
Two = leather shoe, Three = oak tree, etc). patterns, much like a new branch
budding from an old grape vine.
Crucially, memories are only packaged

into long-term storage once you have WHEN MEMORIES
brought them back to mind at least GO WRONG
once. Everyone loves stories – they are
the linchpin of our understanding of In extreme events – such as a
the world, and we often entertain violent assault, abuse, or life-
friends with fond memories that begin threatening accident – memories
with “remember the time when…” and can be kept in such harsh focus
that they bubble to the surface
reminisce with family over tales from
and haunt us for years. They
childhood. Each time you recall the
become part of post-traumatic
memory, its neural pathways become
stress disorder (PTSD), the
strengthened and thickened, and more
hallmarks of which are vivid and
likely to weather the passage of time. distressing flashbacks, nightmares,
and bouts of anxiety.
For many years, “debriefing”
After six months, around was routinely offered to people

25 % of details
of an event
may be replaced
involved in a traumatic event, but
this process of forced reliving of
the ordeal soon after the event
with fabricated causes the emotional intensity of
details the memory to be magnified,
worsening symptoms.
Today, PTSD is treated with
trauma-tailored cognitive-
Your memory is at its worst when
behavioural therapy to understand
your body clock is slumping; for most the triggers and effectively process
of us, this will be the late afternoon and what happened, so that the
early evening, however for night owls memories are less intense and
this is the morning. less likely to resurface.
Even though memories are famously
fallible (see pages 124–125), you can
look to the panel to the left for tips and
tricks on how to improve your everyday
recall. The tips might even help you to
revise for an exam or remember key
information at work.


Should I always
believe what I see?
When we look around us, the world appears as a crisp,
full-colour, widescreen video. But in fact most of what
you see is just a figment of your imagination.

In 2015, a photo of a dress shared on lining the path on both sides. In fact,
social media famously split the world nearly all of the vibrant leafy vista is
in two: half of us saw a white and gold a black-and-white blur that your brain
dress, with the other half convinced it has conjured into clear, verdant colour,
was blue and black. How could that be based on what it received when you
possible? The answer lies in the last looked directly at the view.
limitations of what we’re capable of Turning the two, incomplete blurry
seeing. Our brains fill in the gaps for us. images received from each eye into a
Clear colour vision comes from a convincing three-dimensional world
tiny 0.3mm patch on the back of the calls for a lot of brain cells to do a lot
eye, called the fovea, where light from of hard work. Electrical impulses from
the centre of your gaze is focused. the back of your eyes hurtle through
Everything outside of this is fuzzy and the brain to the visual cortex, which
colourless. Suppose you are jogging, systematically analyses what we see
wind in your hair, down a wooded for shapes, colours, and familiar
track, enjoying the lush green trees features, such as figures or faces.


If you’re holding this book at arm’s
length away from you, your brain
interprets everything to be in clear
focus. But in fact, the only thing that
your eyes can really focus on is the
fingernail-sized shape in the middle of
your vision – represented by an in-focus
green block here. Everything else gets
more blurry and colourless the further 0-25% 25–32%
away from the green block you get.

At each staging post on the image’s
journey, assumptions and shortcuts
need to be made by the brain, and
we all have these “cheat sheets”. seconds – the
Back to the great dress controversy:
time it takes
for the brain
subsequent studies showed that the
to process
divided opinions were down to the
what we see
assumptions our brains made when
we first saw the image. If your brain
assumes the image was lit by a camera
flash from the front, then the dress Like your unreliable memory
appears to be blue and black; whereas (see pages 124–125), be aware that
if your split-second judgement decides your vision can be just as untrustworthy.
it was lit by a window behind the dress, The mind is a finely tuned guessing-
it’s unmistakably white and gold to you. machine, built on a lifetime of
If the controversy passed you by, search experiences. However, when it comes
online for “the dress” to make your own down to giving an eye-witness account,
mind up. Your initial assumptions will keep in mind that your best guess is
stick: it’s almost impossible to see the often inaccurate if you didn’t get a
dress how the other 50 per cent do. good, straight-on view.

Only this part of the page,

about the size of a fingernail Either side of the green
held at arm's length, is seen block gets progressively
at 100% sharpness more blurry and colourless
the further away it is

45% 75% 100% 75% 45% 32–25% 25–0%



Is it true we only use

10% of our brains?
The notion that there are vast, untapped regions of our brains
waiting to be unlocked is persistent – and utter nonsense.
We use every single brain cell.

The idea that we only use a fraction of It would take

our brain power was first put forward one million
by psychologists in the late 1800s. It’s interconnected
been disproved countless times, but we processors to mimic
hold on to this myth because it speaks just 1% of the scale
to our longing to be better, smarter of the human brain
people: harness this hidden promise,
and maybe we would even be able to
outwit Einstein. with new connections forming every
Weighing in at just 1.4kg, the brain second. It offers us unimaginable
contains around one hundred billion potential to change and learn. No
neurons, each relaying electrically- urban myths required.
powered impulses and communicating
via chemical signals with up to 1,000
of its neighbours. Like minute cogs in a
vast machine, each cell has a job to do. busy brain
However, the brain is more than a Brain scans show that no part of the brain
lies unused. Parts of our brains are used at
warehouse-sized supercomputer. Unlike
different times, depending on what
digital machines, it is constantly in flux, we’re doing (see page 70).



The brain’s
processing power
is estimated as a
staggering 1 exaflop
– that’s one quintillion
(1 followed by 18
zeros) calculations
per second.

Can I raise my IQ?

We revere intelligence and award “smart” people with a
high IQ score, but are we really born with our intelligence,
and can we actually learn to be smarter?

The IQ (Intelligence Quotient) score Another issue is that IQ tests have

is an internationally-accepted measure historically been created by (mostly)
of total brain power, calculated via a men in Europe and North America –
series of tests. These tests usually and are skewed in favour of people
involve maths, spotting patterns, and from Western culture. Someone from
logic – so if your forte lies in practical a community that values storytelling,
problem solving, negotiating with others, for example, may have great verbal
or creativity, the chances are you won’t reasoning and memory, yet their
excel at an IQ test. overall IQ score might be low because
Intelligence has no clear definition. they flopped on the number puzzles.
Like beauty or personality, it’s relatively So, although scientists have worked
subjective, and this is one reason why hard to make tests reliable and relevant
IQ scores are problematic. across cultures, IQ tests have a limited





Arranging pictures
into categories
Arranging words
into categories

0 20 30 40 50 60 70
Studies show arithmetic
brainy seniors abilities peak in middle age
Your brain will mature as you get older, and you will reach
your peak at certain skills later in your life. For example, you
might struggle with mental arithmetic when you’re 25 – then KEY
by the time you’re 50, sums become a breeze. Peak activity

use. For mentally taxing jobs such as IQ’S FASCIST
programming, a test is an effective HISTORY
barometer for picking the best recruit.
However, if we were patients given the The first intelligence tests were
choice between a 22-year-old novice devised by French psychologist
surgeon with a genius IQ and a Alfred Binet in the early 1900s as
55-year-old expert with countless a benevolent way to find the least
able children who needed special
successful operations under their belt,
schooling. A strong believer in the
we all know who we would rather cut
idea that intellectual prowess was
us open.
not set in stone and could be
Experience, knowledge, social skills,
improved with teaching, practice,
drive, and conscientiousness – all and discipline, Binet insisted that
of which could all be considered intelligence tests should never
intelligence – are not accounted for be used “for ranking [people]
in the conventional IQ test. Even according to mental worth”.
though young adults tend to get the Soon after his death in 1911
best overall IQ scores, just like a fine however, Binet’s test, later named
wine, many of our abilities continue “IQ” tests, were seized by scientists
to improve with age. in the eugenics movement who
Good IQ score or not, everyone reformulated it for adults, labelling
those who scored poorly as
can improve their cognitive powers,
“feeble-minded” or “degenerate”.
regardless of their age, schooling,
In the early 1900s, 30 US states
and past experience. Don’t be sold on
passed laws that meant low-
quick fixes: brain training games and scoring people could be forcibly
programs will help you get better at sterilized. By the middle of the
those games and tasks, but rarely 20th century, around 60,000
translate into any practical thinking people had been sterilized
powers. To get really good at against their will.
something – be it memorizing place Adolf Hitler also espoused
names, coding software, or crafting the IQ test and created his own
musical compositions – you’ll need stylized version. Hundreds of
to practise that particular skill for thousands of low-scoring people
were duly sterilized or executed
many hours (see pages 130–131).
in Nazi Germany.


How can I avoid buying

things I don’t need?
If your lunchtime shopping errand turns into a spree, it may
be down to smart retailers exploiting your emotions. Most of
your shopping decisions aren’t based on rational thought.

You probably think you’re a smart

shopper, but when you buy something
new, you’re first satisfying your
of shopping
unthinking, emotional mind. Only decisions
afterwards, perhaps on your way are based on
home, do you employ logical thinking emotions, not logic
to justify why you made the best,
most reasonable choice.
Shop policies such as try-before-you- product. Termed the “endowment
buy seem to appeal to our common effect”, you won’t want to give the
sense: they offer us the chance to product back because your mind sees
make sure we are spending money on it as belonging to you. Most powerful
something that fits our requirements. with physical objects, the effect also
This is a half-truth: the ploy is to make applies to online subscriptions and
us feel a sense of ownership over the digital purchases. Another aspect of the
endowment effect is that we invariably
put an inflated price tag on items we
Want to give your bank own – for instance, you will think that
account a break? a beautiful lamp that cost you £10 is
worth double that amount to a stranger
1 who wants to buy it from you.
Avoid free trials, because when you start
to feel like the product is yours, the endowment
This train of thought can push
effect may take hold. you into making foolish decisions:
2 for instance, stock market investors
remember that it’s statistically unlikely typically hold on to their shares for
you will return a high value item, such as too long after their value has slumped,
a car, bed, or smartphone.
refusing to believe that they aren’t
worth keeping.


dodgy decoys
Which tub of popcorn
would you choose?
£5 £6.50 £7
Compared to the
medium tub, the large
tub seems like a like a
bargain – you might
end up buying it even if
SMALL MEDIUM LARGE you’re not that hungry!

Why can I never find

the best bargains?
Free samples and reduced prices don’t always mean saving
money – they can be part of a strategy to make you feel
good enough to spend, spend, spend.

If you want to hack a person’s good monkeys groom each other; birds
sense, just try offering them something guard their neighbours’ nests out of
for nothing. Like moths to a flame, an ancient public spirit. Reciprocity
shoppers swarm for free gifts, as if can be used for long-term gain, too:
they had left their brains at the door. restaurant owners who give patrons
We tend to feel indebted to anyone a complementary starter or free drink
who gives us a gift. It’s a psychological at the end of the meal, do so knowing
law of the jungle known as it’s likely they will be rewarded with a
“reciprocity”. Someone offers you five-star review and a loyal customer.
something and you’ll be inclined to give Our love of a bargain can also be
something in return (for example, by exploited by placing vastly overpriced
actually paying for the product you’ve “decoy” items among more normal-
just tasted or been given a sample of ). priced ones. By comparison, the item
This tit-for-tat reciprocity is the social with a “normal” price looks like a true
glue that keeps communities together: bargain, so we eagerly snap it up.


How can I shop

most effectively?
There are many psychological tricks that shops and
supermarkets employ to get you to spend money. Know
how to spot them so that you can hold on to your cash.

Shops have long been priming us with Some shops employ maze-like
the subliminal message that more is layouts – customers are obliged to
always better. Take shopping baskets browse, as it’s practically impossible to
– these were once small enough to dash in just to pick up a specific item.
tuck under one arm, but have grown The path leads through numerous
larger and larger. Today’s wheeled, showrooms, all displaying tempting
“small” baskets with extendable handles low-cost items. Each different area we
are about the same size as the largest enter resets our short-term memory
shopping carts available in the 1930s. because of the doorway effect, helping

Colours influence shopping The most expensive, branded

habits: products with bright products are placed just
yellow or red price tags sell more below eye level

The cheapest products are usually

furthest from the entrance, forcing
you to walk past other products

The hidden bargains can

often be found by hunting on
the lowest or highest shelves

Shops are set up to maximize profit,
which means taking every opportunity
to get customers to buy more.
us to forget what we were originally
looking for (see page 128). The winding Want to be a savvy shopper?
layout also encourages us to pick up
products on impulse, as we worry we 1
Write a shopping list as a countermeasure to the
might not be able to find them again! doorway effect. Trying to remember what you came for
Another trick on similar lines is to makes you vulnerable to distraction and impulse buying.
constantly change the layout of the 2
shop, so customers have to look for USE A hand BASKET if you can – you won’t be
their favourite items, passing other tempted to fill a large trolley, you’ll be limited by what
you can physically carry, and so only buy what you need.
tempting products on the way.
Don’t rush – when we are under pressure of time,
we take mental shortcuts that make rash decisions
people buy more likely.

20% more
retailers double
Listen to music or a podcast on headphones
to blot out the shop’s musical attempts to alter
the size of their trolleys your mood or your shopping pace.

Shelves may be part-filled, to make On a price tag, the digit we notice most is
a product seem sought after (the the first one – this “left digit bias” means we
“scarcity effect”) assess £49.99 as much cheaper than £50

Slow music makes shoppers

linger; upbeat music makes
£49.99 you move and choose faster

Sweets are
placed at
the eye level
of a child

Larger trolleys tempt

customers to fill them

Is it cheaper
to shop online?
You might think you can avoid retailers’ tricks by
surfing the net and bagging the best deals, but the
online marketplace has its pitfalls, too.

For most of human history, we have

haggled in the marketplace over the
price of almost everything, from camels
71% of shoppers
think they get
to corsets. The final price depended on a better deal
largely the relationship between seller online than in
and shopper. a physical shop
Fixed prices didn’t come until much
later, and were introduced in an effort
to make shopping fairer for all. Now, online shopping, with its artificial
intelligence and algorithms, has brought
variable pricing back to the mainstream
Want to win at – although this time round, shoppers
online shopping? are kept in the dark. Algorithms are
used to predict demand, and retailers
adjust their prices accordingly. Some
take “price reductions” with a pinch of
salt – the old prices may have been conjured cold-drink vending machines, for
out of thin air. There are few laws that stop example, are now programmed to
online retailers doing this. charge more on hot days, because
2 you’ll be willing to cough up more
Sign up to automatic alerts from cash when you’re parched.
websites or apps that track the prices of flights,
food, and books and update you when
The return to fluctuating prices
rates take a plunge. doesn’t have to be bad news for
3 consumers, however; you just need
Beware of “only two left!” notifications to be wise to the invisible market
– fear of missing out (the “scarcity effect”) forces to bag the bargains.
might prompt you to rush to the checkout, but
often the claims are not true.

Algorithms cause
prices to fluctuate
according to your
shopping habits – the
season, time, and
even the weather –
to achieve the
maximum price.
Throwing off the weighty shackles of the afternoon
fug, evening brings a second dawn to our body.
Our internal machinery explodes into life once
again and buzzing brain networks rediscover their
morning clarity and efficiency. Under the starter’s
orders of the body clock, limbs are loosened and
creative juices flow. Socializing becomes smoother
and it’s time to savour all that is good in life...

Why is it hard to motivate

myself to exercise?
Regular exercise keeps brain and body well-oiled, yet for
many of us, the promise of a healthier, happier life isn’t
enough to free us from the pull of the couch.

Running on a treadmill, going nowhere, simply, you’ll get less of an “exercise

endlessly pounding and staring at the buzz” than others do.
same wall – it can seem like cruel You might find yourself avoiding
torture, and that’s because it originally workouts because the first few minutes
was. Long before gyms, in the 1800s, of exercise feels like wading through
treadmills started out as a punishment quicksand, even for elite athletes. It
for troublesome prison inmates. takes a while for your lungs and
Criminal or not, muscles to respond fully to the sudden
if you consider demands made on them. Until then,
your genes yourself an every step is a mountain, so go easy on
influence how exercise sluggard, yourself and don’t give up.
much you enjoy then it may be Your arms and legs might also feel
by up to 37% in part due to
your genes.
tingly at first – this is because tiny blood
vessels under your skin, which were
We think we are squashed flat while you were lounging
masters of our about on the sofa, are suddenly blasted
own destiny, yet around half of your open by a flood of warm blood. Nerve
personality and temperament – receptors send signals to your brain,
including whether you enjoy or fear which temporarily misinterprets the
the treadmill – is inherited from your gush as an uncomfortable tingle.
parents through DNA. Your reluctance To help you get motivated, it may
to exercise may be partly due to a also be useful to know your chronotype
series of “laziness genes” – strips of (see pages 22–23) so that you can plan
DNA code that control the release of exercise for when your energy levels
endorphins into the brain. These are are highest. Also, if you eat the right
the chemicals responsible for natural food before a workout (see page 152),
“highs” people experience during you can ensure that you’re off to the
exercise (see page 157). To put it best start possible.

30 1:30
When you start exercising, It takes another minute or so before your
your newly flexing muscles rely muscles are suffused with enough oxygen-
on immediate stores of sugar carrying blood for strong, steady contractions
(glycogen) for fuel. They’re
starved of the oxygen they
need to keep going, so they
quickly become clogged
with acidic waste. They 3:00
feel sluggish – it’s hard MINUTES
to keep moving
Your lungs are beginning to fully expand, to give them
maximum oxygen-sucking powers. Your body now relies
on fuel stores from the liver (see pages 164–165)

Your body is now “primed”, in
sports-science terms, and will
stay exercise-ready for up to 45
minutes, even if you take a break
between warm-up and workout

Fully primed, your lungs

can deliver up to
8 times more oxygen
to the heart


climbing the mountain

For the first five or so minutes of exercise, your body is
demanding energy more quickly than your lungs can provide
oxygen to make it. Once your body is primed after about five
minutes, it flips the biological switch to “aerobic” mode – now
you’re efficiently converting oxygen into fuel for your muscles,
enabling you to train for endurance exercise effectively.


When should I exercise?

Your body is like a huge locomotive that takes an
age to reach top speed. Leaving exercise until your body
is ready means a better workout and fewer injuries.

Morning workouts are unquestionably Between 4pm


good for you, your mood, and your and 8pm, your
concentration, and even help improve performance
academic performance. However, this may be boosted by
is the time for gentle exercise: if you
push muscles beyond their capacity, 25% compared to
the morning
they are liable to damage, resulting in
tiny rips that cause soreness and injury.
Save serious workouts for the afternoon start with, but you will tire much more
when your body is at its peak. Also, quickly. On average, you’ll probably do
avoid exercising too late in the evening best at 18–20°C (65–68°F). Prolonged,
– workouts raise your temperature, vigorous physical exertion is best left for
counteracting the natural lowering of much cooler days – between 5–10°C
your body temperature, which readies (41–50°F) – and this may be why
you for sleep. running on the treadmill in an air-
Physical performance worsens during conditioned gym can feel easier than
hot spells: exercise may feel easier to pounding the pavement in summer.

Most people hit their Morning larks
physical prime about nine should exercise Optimum time Avoid exercise
hours after they naturally around this time for night owls after 8pm
wake; morning larks may
take less time because
they wake earlier, while
night owls can take a bit
longer since they usually
wake later. 7AM 10AM 1PM 4PM 7PM 10PM

Optimum time for people

with average body clock

As the day
progresses and
your slowly digesting
breakfast replenishes
the body’s easy-access
fuel stores, so your
physical abilities
will improve.

What and when should

I eat before exercise?
Exercise conflicts with the smooth running of the digestive
system, so manage your nutrition and portion sizes the
closer you get to treadmill time.

Good nutrition and a varied diet is

undeniably important for building What should I eat?
fitness and strength: food gives your
body the fuel and building blocks to • Wholegrain bread, rice, or potatoes
contain carbohydrates to top up your
repair and restore after a workout. muscle and liver energy stores.
Digestion is slowed when exercising, • Meat, fish, eggs, and pulses have
so time meals carefully (see below). protein that supplies amino acids for
repairing and building muscles and
Any food eaten within an hour of other tissues damaged during exercise.
setting off should ideally be an easily- • Oily fish and nuts contain fats that
digested carbohydrate snack or drink, give even longer-lasting energy than
which can give a final top up of fuel. carbohydrates. Fats slam the brakes
on digestion, though, so avoid them
immediately before vigorous exercise.
• Minimally processed foods tend to
be high in vitamins, minerals, and
nutrients, which help your body
repair itself after exercise.



L ME AL S plan ahead
BANANA Ideally, leave at least three
ALMOND YOGHURT hours between a full meal
and your workout –
ALL ME AL S otherwise you risk cramps,
SNA KS indigestion, or heartburn.
C As you get nearer to
the starting blocks,
nourishment should
get simpler, smaller,
3 HOURS 2 HOURS 1 HOUR WORKOUT and easier to digest.

When should I eat
after exercise?
Is there really a 30-minute “window of opportunity”
after exercise when your body sucks up nutrients
like a dry sponge?

Many gym-goers worry that if they miss bloodstream and reach muscle fibres.
the “golden window” after exercise, So relax, there’s plenty of time for
they lose the chance to reap the full protein. However, a smaller window
rewards of their workout. In reality, applies to carbs: easy-access glycogen
there is a six-hour period during which stores in the muscles are restored twice
fatigued muscle fibres need protein to as quickly after exercise compared to
help them repair after exercise. It also two hours later. This may be useful if
takes an hour and a half for most of the you’re about to do more exercise, but if
protein you have swallowed to break not, then eating a proper meal later in
down into amino acids, enter the the day will fully replenish muscles.

Drinking shake Protein mostly absorbed by body


Drinking shake Protein mostly absorbed by body


0 90 180
take your time
So when should you drink your
protein shake? The truth is, it takes
around 90 minutes for most of the
protein to be absorbed, so you can
slurp the shake before or after
your workout and still get the
full nutritional benefit.


Does stretching
prevent injury?
For weekend warriors and elite athletes alike, stretching
is seen as a workout essential. The science behind it,
however, turns out to be rather shaky.

Research says stretching before

exercise doesn’t prevent soreness, Other post-exercise
reduce injury, or improve performance. Recovery rituals
Furthermore, static stretching – where
you hold a fixed pose for a few seconds 1
– will inflict microscopic tears in your Do some light exercise to ease
symptoms of muscle soreness,
muscles, making you weaker and especially after running or cycling.
setting you up for injury. On the other
hand, dynamic stretching – where you schedule in rest days where you
move your limbs and body around – do no exercise at all so that your body
doesn’t harm your muscles. can repair muscles and recover fully.

Stretching after exercise can be

useful, however. If you’re looking for
the flexibility to touch your toes, do gas slowly at the end of a workout.
the splits, or bend like a ballerina, then Gently spinning your legs on the bike
regular post-exercise stretching can after spin class or slowly jogging after a
lengthen muscles and tendons, making long run are the order of the day: this
your body more supple. However, some will reduce next-day soreness better
muscles simply can’t be lengthened – than simply stretching would. If the
attempting to force these muscles workout has been particularly brutal,
beyond their limited range can cause then a professional sports massage
painful, long-term damage. Post-exercise will help. Long seen by scientists as
static stretching can help relax muscles feeling nice but pointless, research now
and knock the edge off aches the next shows that massages, if conducted by a
day – although on average it only lowers professional, can speed muscle recovery,
soreness by a measly 1 to 4 per cent. reduce injury, and ease stiffness.
Even though stretching isn’t all it’s
cracked up to be, it pays to ease off the

How can I avoid
getting a stitch?
Scientists call a stitch Event-related Transient Abdominal
Pain (ETAP). Although there are some clues to go on, the
jury is still out on what causes that strange, jabbing pain.

Often, a stitch – that agonizing pain During a marathon,

just beneath the ribs – happens during one in five
bouncing activities, such as jogging entrants will
and horse riding. This has led some suffer a stitch
scientists to theorize that stitches are at some point
caused by ligaments attached to your
internal organs being strained from
repeated jolts. bottom of the chest which tugs down
Another theory is that the up-down to inflate your lungs when you breathe
internal rollercoaster may be stemming in), causing it to cramp.
the blood supply to your diaphragm You’re also more likely to get a stitch
(the tough sheet of muscle at the when exercising straight after eating
a meal or slurping a sugary drink –
leading to yet another theory that
Want to avoid those the pain stems from cramping of the
pesky stitches? intestines or lack of blood to the guts.
Although elite athletes are not
immune from side stitches, generally
Start exercise slowly and pace
yourself. A stitch is more likely to speaking the fitter you are, the less
happen if you suddenly exert yourself. likely it is that you’ll suffer them. It’s
2 not easy to avoid them – but there are
Avoid eating and drinking very some steps you can take to keep them
sugary drinks just before exercise
at bay. And if a stitch does hit, ease up
(sports drinks are usually fine).
and wait until it passes.
Keep an upright posture so
that you don’t cramp your diaphragm
or intestines.


What’s the best exercise

for a healthy heart?
Pounding away for hours on the treadmill is good for you
but it doesn’t give your heart a thorough workout – quick,
high intensity sessions do that best.

Exercise is good for us because it puts Instead, what’s best for your heart is
a strain on the body, prompting it to short bursts of very vigorous, gasping-
toughen up for the next punishment. with-all-you’ve-got exercise, such as
A violinist knows that the skin on their High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).
fingertips gets thicker and tougher after Putting your heart and lungs under
several weeks’ practice, and so it is blasts of intense strain, as if you were a
with exercise: the heart beats harder, cheetah suddenly chasing a gazelle after
lungs inflate more, and blood flows a day lounging in the sun, heightens the
more smoothly around the body. body’s repairing and strengthening
Cardio (cardiovascular) exercise responses. These exercises will lower
specifically targets these body systems. levels of artery-clogging cholesterol,
What you might think of as cardio protect you against diabetes, and you’ll
exercises – running or swimming – receive a particularly huge splurge of
certainly get your heart pounding and the feel-good, mind-enhancing protein
lungs working, but this kind of activity BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic
is actually better at strengthening your Factor) to boot.
endurance muscles so they can work
for longer.
Heart rate rises
higher when
turn up the intensity sprinting
Your heart will work really hard for short periods
of time when sprinting (yellow), compared to at

a steady level for a long period of time when

jogging (orange). The lasting benefits for your
heart are better after short bursts of exercise.

Bursts of sprinting
Steady jogging TIME

Does exercise make
my brain fitter?
Exercise increases blood flow, delivering extra fuel
to the brain. But getting your blood pumping delivers
a host of other brain benefits, too.

Exercising to put your body under solution for the agony is endorphins:
strain also makes the brain perform the body’s homegrown morphine.
better. Today, we may run for the buzz, Endorphins first reduce pain, then
but for our ancestors, running was deliver a rebound “high” as they
usually to escape imminent danger. continue to squirt through the blood
Exertion drains the blood of glucose: after the pain subsides.
deprived of its preferred fuel, the brain
enters survival mode and prepares for
the worst, suspecting mortal injury. one hour of hiit
Firstly, brain cells generate a protective training produces more
protein called BDNF (Brain-Derived endorphins
Neurotrophic Factor). This softens than an hour
the connections between brain cells, of aerobic
improving your ability to think, learn, exercise
and remember – which is essential
when fleeing from danger.
New brain cells can even grow under It doesn’t stop there, though: regular
the influence of BDNF – particularly in aerobic exercise, such as jogging or
the memory-hub of the hypothalamus swimming, brings harmony to the
– something that was thought impossible brain’s chemistry, and the resulting
a few years ago. mood lift can be equivalent to taking
Exercise makes the brain happy, too. antidepressant medication. Brain cells
Straining to squeeze that last ounce of produce more of the messenger
power out of your legs when cycling chemicals (neurotransmitters) GABA
up a steep hill isn’t pleasant. With and glutamate – both of which are in
insufficient oxygen-filled blood flow short supply in people with severe
to meet the maximum push, muscles depression, and which play a major
become acidic and painful. Your brain’s role in regulating mood.


What’s the best exercise

to burn calories?
Losing weight simply means burning more calories than you
eat. The sums seem simple, but reality isn’t always easy,
especially when it comes to our efficient bodies.

The number of calories we burn 5–7 per cent fewer calories than
varies according to our size, weight, novice runners for the same distance
gender, fitness, and muscle mass, and pace, because novice runners
so it can be very tricky to calculate have yet to develop a smooth,
exactly how many calories a person efficient technique.
is using up during exercise. Calorie You may have heard that low-to-
counts on fitness trackers and gym medium intensity exercise, such
machines don’t take these individual as jogging or brisk walking, is the best
differences into account. They’re all way to burn calories as you are
based on averages and are notoriously working out in your “fat-burning zone”
inaccurate, so should be taken with a in which your body “chooses” to burn
pinch of salt. Experienced distance fat because that way, it doesn’t need to
runners, for example, typically burn plunder the fast-acting glycogen stores

If you walk two miles in an
hour, you’ll burn about 200

calories, with roughly 140 of 400

them fuelled by fat. Cycle
moderately for that period 300
and you’ll burn about 500
calories, with about 250 of
them from fat. 200


Total calories burnt About 140 of total
Calories burnt from fat calories are burnt from fat

in the muscles. It’s a nice idea, but WE’RE ALL
sadly it’s not true: the proportion of ENDURANCE RUNNERS
calories burnt off as fat remains
roughly the same for most types We are the best long-distance
of exercise. runners on the planet, a fact that
has helped us conquer the world.
A deer will leave you in the dust if

calorie counters you chased after it, spear in hand,

but there is a good chance you
on fitness
could outrun the sprightly hoofed
trackers are
animal in an ultra marathon.
inaccurate by

Called persistence hunting, our
up hunter-gatherer ancestors were
to able to catch and kill faster and
stronger animals simply by chasing
them doggedly all day until their
quarry collapsed with exhaustion,
Things go a little better for fat- at which point they would close in
burning when you exercise at full tilt – to kill their prey. We’ve evolved to
then you will be burning more calories be the most efficient traveller of
overall, so more of those calories will any other land animal. Your hips,
shoulders, and limbs are perfectly
be coming from your fat stores.
balanced to swing effortlessly,
propelling you forward with barely
any effort. This economy of
movement uses as little as possible
of our stores of precious energy
– and is precisely what makes
losing weight by exercise alone
such a long slog.






About 250 of total calories

are burnt from fat


How do I trade my belly

fat for a six pack?
The belief that you can target particular areas of the body
to get rid of unwanted fat is an enduring myth that serves
only to keep ab-blast gym classes in business.

The principle of “spot training” or “spot To remove all doubt, a study at the
reduction” is, unfortunately, nonsense University of Massachusetts saw a team
– belly fat (or indeed any areas of of volunteers go through a 27-day
unwanted fat) training programme of sit-ups, whereby
can’t be banished each person crunched over 5,000 times
one of the best
by repeated squats a day. Thanks to the extra exercise,
exercises to build
or abdominal their fat tissue reduced – each droplet
ab muscles are
crunches. Fat of oil in the adipose cells shrinking
crunches cannot turn into slightly – but the shrinkage was equal
on an exercise
muscle: they are right across their bodies.
two very different, Spot reduction exercise, if it is
independent intensive enough, might seem to work
tissues. Fat is a at first because fat is lost in the target
bumpy, yellow area, but you’ll notice that fat is also
tissue, made up of millions of cells lost all over the body.
called adipose cells, each containing So to return to your bothersome
a tiny droplet of fat. Muscles are long, belly fat: if you undergo weeks of
protein-filled, electrified red fibres that sweaty ab crunches, your abdominal
shorten and thicken when they contract. muscles will indeed be more visible
When you exercise, your body uses – but you might have got there even
up fat reserves from all over the body quicker with a different fitness regime.
– not necessarily from the area that’s
doing the labour.

What most people
call “toning” is really
building muscle
while getting
thinner by using
up fat stores.

What’s the best way

to build up muscle?
You might think you’re building muscle as you exercise,
but the body doesn’t start bulking those biceps until
after you’ve put the weights away.

Almost all the muscles in the body overwhelmed by the acid and
are made up of two main types of fibre: chemical leftovers from the body’s
the bulky, heavy-lifting type, known as fuel-burning process.
“fast-twitch” fibres for their bullet-like If you want to build your brawn,
contraction speed; and the slender, push your muscles to their limit quickly
super-efficient, “slow-twitch” by lifting weights and straining the
endurance fibres. muscles’ fast-twitch fibres. Lifting
Fast-twitch fibres in your leg and weights inflicts dozens of microscopic
arm muscles are the gas-guzzling tears in these fibres: these cause the
supercars of the muscle world. Capable aches and pains you feel afterwards
of immense strength and speed, they – the scientific jargon for that is DOMS
have limited staying power, due to their (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). This
small fuel tank and feeble blood supply. soreness serves an important function
They burn fuel faster than oxygen can – it’s your body’s way of persuading
get to them, so can become quickly you to stop using your muscles until

Muscle tear

When you rest after a
workout, your muscle
fibres absorb new cells
and grow larger. Every
time you train and rest, MUSCLE FIBRE MUSCLE FIBRE
the process repeats itself. BEFORE EXERCISE AFTER EXERCISE

they are fully recovered. When you tears than concentric, so you’ll get
rest, your body starts to repair the stronger quicker if you lower weights
tears in the muscles. An army of baby slower than you lifted them.
muscle cells (called satellite cells) glide Gone are the

in to help repair the tears. The new days when a water
cells are then fused into your muscles, bottle and towel – The total
making the repaired muscle a little were the only gym number of
bigger and stronger than before. essentials: today, muscles in
Repairing and rebuilding can only a protein flask has your body
happen properly when the muscle is become a workout
left to rest, and that’s why your muscle- must-have.
building regime must always include However, most
rest days between workouts. people get ample
There’s a spike of muscle-growth protein from a balanced diet. For all
hormones in the afternoon, so it’s except top athletes and bodybuilders,
best to plan your workouts for then to consuming extra protein is usually
maximize the amount of muscle you unnecessary. It won’t give your muscles
build. Lowering your weights gracefully a magical boost, and if you take in
is more important than how you heave more than you need, that pricey
them up. Concentric muscle contraction protein simply disappears down the
occurs when you lift a dumbbell; toilet bowl as urine. Unused protein is
whereas eccentric muscle contraction also converted into calories – around
occurs when you slowly lower a 130 calories for one scoop of a typical
dumbbell back down. Eccentric muscle protein powder – so it can be an easy,
contraction causes more microscopic but unwelcome way to put on weight.

Satellite cells mature into muscle

cells, fusing to the muscle to add
Satellite cell bulk and strength
helps repair and
rebuild muscle




How do I avoid
“hitting the wall”?
Exercise should be one of life’s great pleasures. Finding
a balance between challenging your body to perform
better and pushing too hard can be tricky.

Every one of your body’s tissues and The blood of a

organs gets the energy it needs by 70kg person
burning glucose flowing in the blood. carries just 4g
This supply is continuously topped – one teaspoon –
up by energy stores in the liver and of sugar
muscles, made up of another form a
sugar, a starch called glycogen. You
wouldn’t go on a long car journey legs suddenly go wobbly, you feel
without a full tank and so neither lightheaded, weak, confused, and you
should you embark on a long race might collapse. You’re scraping the
without topped-up fuel reserves. bottom of the barrel of your body’s
If you’re exercising on empty then you glycogen reserves. Body and brain
can expect to “hit the wall” quickly: grind to a halt as the fuel tank runs dry

When there is no longer

enough in muscle and liver 500g
stores to top up blood sugar, (2000
it quickly drops to a calories)
dangerous level 4g


When you are well fed, calories)
you have around 100g
of sugar (as glycogen) in
the the liver and 500g Level after Level after
in the muscles. This is 4 hours’ 4 hours’
enough to fuel around exercise exercise
four hours of steady
exercise before blood
sugar can no longer
be topped up and LIVER BLOOD MUSCLE

and blood sugar suddenly plunges. BURNING UP
“Hitting the wall” is potentially very EXERCISE MYTHS
dangerous, so it’s important as soon as
you feel any symptoms to stop, refuel, When you’re gasping for breath
and rest. If you’re going to be exercising on your spin bike, you may hear
for more than an hour and a half, take the gym instructor yell: “Take it to
some easy-to-digest carbohydrate fuel the burn!” to encourage you to
burn fat faster. This burn, we are
with you – such as sugar-containing
told, is a build up of “lactic acid”,
gels, drinks, or sweet snacks such as
and a sign that muscles are working
small blocks of chocolate or sweets
at their limits. Not true. Lactic acid
– and eat something every 45 to 60
does not cause the pain, it’s your
minutes. The snacks will provide a friend – a product of the body’s
top-up so that you don’t come close desperate attempt to calm the
to hitting the wall. chemical inferno raging inside the
As long as you’re well nourished muscles. The “burn” is actually
when you set out, you won’t need to caused by waste chemicals
eat anything during the first 60–90 clogging up muscles being pushed
minutes of exercise. to their limits, and it’s perfectly
normal to feel it when you exercise.
It shows your muscles are doing
their job to clear out the junk.
Also, when that instructor tells
you to take deeper breaths in order
Want to avoid the wall?
to take in more oxygen, it’s not
true – you’ll take in the same
amount of oxygen as on a regular
superload your muscles and lessen your intake
of carbohydrates in the week leading up to a big race so breath. The real reason you take
that your muscles are “craving” to be filled. deeper breaths is to get rid of all
2 that carbon dioxide. However, the
Eat lots of carbohydrates the day before spinning class instructor yelling at
the event to ensure your body’s fuel tanks are you to “breathe harder to blow off
topped up. Science shows that just one day of this your exhaust!” doesn’t quite have
“carb-loading” is enough to maximize the amount
the same motivating ring to it.
of starch your body will store.

go for isotonic drinks – they have a similar sugar
level to blood, and so are absorbed quickly, keeping
“the wall” at bay for longer. Make sure you still drink
plenty of plain water though.


Is socializing good for me?

It’s natural to want to spend time with others – when
socializing, the brain releases hormones that build bonds,
and its neural networks are relaxed but spritely.

Navigating the social norms of a large which helped us form bonds with
gathering requires a large, fast-working one another, and build successful,
brain. We started to develop our socially-cooperative communities.
oversized, socially aware brains about The brain pathways that ignite when
2 million years ago, when we lost our we socialize are almost identical to the
fur and used the protein in our diet to brain’s “wandering mode” network. As
build grey matter instead. This the room hums with conversation, a
delivered an added bonus: our faces crowd of areas across the brain co-
were more visible, revealing subtle operate so as to immerse us in the lives
facial movements and blushing. We of others. “Listening” and “watching”
could then more easily broadcast the regions are at work, as well as hard-
richness of our emotions to the world, thinking sections, without which we



Your brain buzzes with activity in Amygdala
company: the amygdala sparks emotional Mentalizing network
awareness; the empathy network and
Empathy network
mirror neurons (see right) help you identify
with others; and the mentalizing network Mirror neuron network
helps you understand social interaction.

would blurt out the first thing on our ARE YOU COPYING ME?
minds. Also alight are the reward areas
that make talking feel good. Our social- Spend a day with someone who
thinking pathways crackle as they has a strong regional accent and by
anticipate others’ thoughts, feelings, the evening, you may find yourself
speaking with a similar twang. We
and actions, just like how we predict
intuitively copy those around us,
the path of a thrown ball.
not to mock or out of a deep-
This hubbub of grey-matter activity
seated insecurity, but because
can make our health flourish. Meeting
the brain is predisposed to make
people and sharing good times releases you mimic others.
a dual dose of the feel-good hormone If you see someone banging a
drum, the same brain pathways fire
as if you were actually doing the
people who don’t socialize hitting. When you see someone in
have up to 60% pain, the areas in your brain that
increased risk register pain give you a mirror
of developing image of what you believe they

prediabetes are experiencing.

This is due to a pathway of brain
cells called “mirror neurons”. These
seem to run alongside your normal
dopamine as well as the attachment
pathways, and reflect what you see
hormone oxytocin, helping you form in others. They’re the source of
bonds with your friends. Regular volleys your mimicry: you can learn to play
of feel-good brain chemicals are often the guitar by watching someone
an antidote to anxiety, lowering stress else; you’ll automatically smile
hormone levels. Research shows that when others smile at you; and
those who regularly interact with a you’ll unconsciously start to speak
circle of friends and family are happier and act like those around you. This,
and have better physical and mental of course, helps you blend in and
health. Exercising empathy and caring, become part of the group.

it seems, brings balance to emotions.

Conversely, a life of solitude can be
unpleasant and even hurtful; the
symptoms of rejection and isolation are
so similar to physical pain that they can
even be relieved with painkillers.


Why am I unluckier
than my friends?
There is no Lady Luck, only your outlook on life’s uncertainty.
“Lucky” people tend to see events as opportunities rather
than obstacles, and it seems that can make a big difference.

In one study, 400 volunteers were asked through the paper stating: “Stop
whether they considered themselves counting, tell the experimenter you
lucky or unlucky, and then they were have seen this and win $250.” The
given a truly tedious task: counting the research concluded that those who
number of photos in a newspaper. considered themselves lucky people
Self-confessed unlucky people took have a positive outlook and watch
several minutes to count the 43 images, out for new possibilities.
while the lucky cohort folded up the A positive mindset is no cure-all;
paper within just a few seconds. and neither is cynicism the bedfellow of
Researchers had inserted an advert a happy life. However, if you are open
on the second page of the paper: “Stop to chance opportunities, avoid fretting
counting – there are 43 photographs in about a fixed goal, and have positive
this newspaper.” Lucky people tended expectations, you are much more likely
to spot the advert, whereas the luckless to be able to transform “bad luck” into a
didn’t register it. They also didn’t spot string of lucky wins.
the second large message halfway

Narrow focus
Wide focus; more likely means missed
to spot opportunities opportunities

“Lucky” people are
more likely to be
optimistic and open to
new ideas; those who
are “unlucky” tend to be
more anxious, narrowing
their mental focus and
blinkering themselves to
potential opportunities.

How can I be a better
judge of character?
More often than not, your instinct when meeting someone
new will be to trust first and doubt second. Our innately
trusting natures make spotting a liar difficult.

From the moment you emerge from the

womb, you’re wired to trust your parent.
Trust is the cornerstone of civilization,
Be under no
illusion: you 95%
can’t spot a liar. of students in
and without it, society would never have “Experts” may a survey thought
advanced. Our innately trusting natures claim that they their ability to spot
mean we can love, build friendships, can spot when dishonesty was
and offer and receive care. Alas, they someone’s lying better than average
also make us rich pickings for con by looking for a
artists to take us for a ride. “tell”, such as a
touch of the nose or a facial twitch.
However, decades of research show
that even professional interrogators can’t
Want to be better at
spotting lies? tell whether someone is telling the truth
any better than those relying on chance
1 alone. Lie detectors (known as
close your eyes and listen just to a polygraphs) are similarly hopeless
person’s voice. Your brain can judge because they detect fluctuations in heart
someone better when not processing
facial expressions.
rate, so are only able to detect when
someone is anxious – and people can
be perfectly calm and still able to lie.
look out for short sentences
and avoidance of words such as “I”, Interestingly, the more we pay
“myself”, or “personally” – both of attention to visual cues, the less able
which are common signs of lying.
we are to gauge what is being said.
3 Dishonest politicians can find that
listen carefully to what you’re their untruths are more likely to be
being told, be alert for inconsistencies,
and weigh up the logic of the story. picked up in a radio interview rather
than on TV.


Why are some people so

stubborn in their views?
No matter what you say, some people can’t or won’t soften
their stance on an issue. We all have a tendency to be pig-
headed, and our brain’s energy-saving circuitry is to blame.

We’ve all been exasperated by someone happened on a full moon, and in turn
who wholeheartedly believes something forget the full-moon days that were
idiotic and seems unable to see the error crime-free. Detectives can easily be
of their ways. Weighing up information caught in this trap, forming a hasty
about a topic, event, or person to form a opinion on the perpetrator of a crime
reasoned, logical opinion isn’t easy – it and then looking only for evidence that
calls on sprawling points towards that suspect.
networks of brain These thought processes are called
researchers found cells to do some “confirmation bias” – and all your
that up to intense neural beliefs and opinions are coloured by

69% of
medical studies
work. Your brain
loves energy-
saving shortcuts,
it. This is why you tend to give more
weight to people who agree with you,
and easily cast aside contrary opinions.
are affected so it’s far more Take a conscious step back and
by confirmation bias efficient to understand that psychology is working
strengthen an against both parties – science shows that
existing thought pathway – such as being aware of confirmation bias and
the idea that people drive worse on putting yourself in each other’s shoes
Sundays – than it is to put the effort can help debaters see sense. Weigh up
into softening the existing opinion the logic of what each party is saying
and forming a new one. and compare hard facts. Interestingly,
We all, therefore, unwittingly cherry- the most effective technique for
pick events and remember whatever overcoming fixed thinking is to try
bolsters our existing belief. If, for to argue from the other person’s
example, you believe (wrongly) that perspective. Perhaps then that dinner-
violent crime increases when there’s a table political debate can truly be put
full moon, you’ll selectively remember to rest – but don’t bank on it.
all the news reports of crimes that

Is hugging good for us?
Science shows that human beings are born to cuddle.
Everybody needs physical touch to boost both
physiological and mental wellbeing.

Practically every land-based mammal indicating fertility and sexual

goes in for embracing its own kind – it’s compatibility.
a behaviour that has been passed down Infants who receive regular tactile
through evolution. Not only does it stimulation (for example, physical play
have the physical benefit of keeping and hugs) form stronger bonds with
youngsters warm and safe from their carers and tend to have better
predators, it’s also an expression sleep patterns than little ones who
of trust and intimacy. rarely cuddle. Research indicates that
Studies show that touching helps people who often embrace others have
to keep the body’s internal chemistry a more robust immune system, lower
balanced. Seconds after an embrace blood pressure, and more resilient
begins, the pituitary gland in your brain mental health than those who don’t.
releases a surge of the cuddle hormone,
oxytocin, into your blood. Spreading
rapidly through the body and brain,
this hormone reduces activity in the
analytical parts of your frontal lobes and
instead heightens empathy, trust, and become a healthy hugger
generosity. It also lowers cortisol in the
blood, which reduces any feelings of fear
make it regular – people who hug more are happier
and anxiety, as well as numbing pain. and healthier. Across cultures, hugs tend to last three
Also, hugging and physical intimacy seconds. Some research says that embraces that last 20
offers the opportunity for people to seconds give a particularly nourishing dose of oxytocin.

breathe in each other’s pheromones, 2

potentially amplifying sexual attraction pets count! Amazingly, research shows that similar
health benefits can be enjoyed from stroking a pet.
(see pages 174–175). In the wider
animal kingdom, pheromones speak 3
of alarm and aggression, lay down go easy on strangers – all the benefits of hugging
are reversed when we hug someone we don’t know.
territorial boundaries, accelerate
parent-child bonding, as well as


Why am I so nervous
around someone I fancy?
When your heart is pierced by Cupid’s arrow, you’re
rocked by an inner whirlwind, causing a flood of hormones
to rush into your body and brain.

Countless poems and songs have tried mode. The brain enters a heightened
to capture the giddy, almost sickening “watching” mode and you might find
thrill of romantic love. It usually starts you’re unable to think clearly. Your
with a meeting of eyes. The heart once-smooth demeanour disappears,
thumps wildly as pulses of the fight-or- leaving you stammering clumsy, ill-
flight hormone, adrenaline, pound judged sweet nothings to your crush.
through the blood. Pupils enlarge, hairs Quelling this tsunami of stress
stand on end, cheeks flush, and palms responses and regaining the power
become sweaty. You get “butterflies in of coherent speech is not easy: try
your stomach” (see page 199). a deep, slow breathing routine to
Changes also happen to your brain: persuade your brain there’s no
the mind becomes locked in emergency imminent danger (see page 110).

prefrontal cortex
Pupils dilate analyses their
dating potential

Your sense of smell will be

Your cheeks will
heightened, and you may detect
flush, making your
the other person’s pheromones
attraction clear to
your crush

THE SIGNS OF Increased

ATTRACTION heart rate

When you are attracted to

someone, your brain leaps
into action at once, lighting
up a telltale constellation of
bodily changes.

The sensation
of attraction is so
similar to fear that
watching a scary
movie can be a good
first date – the fear
brought on by the
film will amplify
your feelings.

Why do I fancy
certain people?
The science of attraction is a biological game. There
are patterns to what most people find attractive, but
ultimately, it really is all about sexual chemistry.

Across cultures, the masculine and a similar position in the league table –
feminine physical traits that most beautiful people tend to get together
people find most attractive are with beautiful people, and so on. This
remarkably similar. Desirable hierarchy sounds simplistic, but real-life
masculine qualities include broad romance really does generally follow
shoulders and a muscular, V-shaped these rules. However, see pages
upper body; feminine attributes are a 178–179 for some overriding factors.
curvaceous figure, full lips, and soft Hormones are key players in
facial features. In a primitive and attraction. When you’re physically
unconscious way, these features give intimate with someone, you breathe in
us clues about their pheromones – odourless, airborne
who will make messaging chemicals emitted from

15 minutes
of breathing the
a good mate
and parent of
future children.
their sweat glands, breath, saliva,
and other bodily fluids – and your
hormones respond. Although it is
male pheromone It’s hard to difficult to pin down precise human
androstadienone deny that some pheromone chemicals, their effects
made heterosexual people hit the are powerful: for example, if someone
women more aroused
genetic jackpot, inhales vapours from a partner’s tears,
and happier
and these their testosterone level drops, blunting
good-looking types top the dating sex drive and making them more able
“league table”. A psychological theory to offer care and comfort.
called “the matching hypothesis” Primal chemistry has an important
explains how all of us are placed in part to play in attraction, and smell is
a desirability pecking order, with the crucial: you’ll find some people’s scent
most biologically attractive people at more aromatic and heady than others.
the top. Research shows that people If you’re turned on by somebody’s smell,
find their match with someone who has you’re detecting pheromones that hint

your DNA is compatible because you In some cases, it’s wise to be wary
have different immune systems. This of trusting the first whiff. For example,
means that, were you to have children, science shows us that women taking
they would likely have strong immune the oral contraceptive pill have a
systems. Your unique immune profile flipped pheromone love sensor and
is contained in a collection of proteins tend to be drawn to less genetically
called the major histocompatibility compatible mates. Also, scientists have
complex (MHC). If a potential lover’s yet to pin down specific pheromones,
smell is a bit of a turn-off, it probably so be suspicious of companies selling
means your immune systems are too pheromone-instilled aftershave or
similar (and perhaps you are related). perfume: you’re likely buying a placebo,
Curiously, MHC molecules also rather than guaranteeing yourself a
influence same-sex attraction. good first date!

Brain’s limbic system primal pheromones

controls a host of emotional
responses when you’re
Scientists have identified a tiny organ
attracted to someone the size of a sesame seed called the
vomeronasal organ (VNO). It detects
pheromones, and it’s connected to
parts of the brain, such as the
amygdala and limbic system.

Amygdala in the
brain controls

Vomeronasal organ
is a bundle of tiny
nerves nestled in
the nasal cavity


Is being in love good

for my health?
Falling in love brings waves of hormones into play,
each with their own powerfully uplifting, but sometimes
compromising, effects.

Scientists aren’t known for being gooey- (so that you stay together in the
hearted, but the ones who have trained long term).
their critical eyes on romantic matters Lust first appears when you see
have deduced that there are three someone you fancy, and is also stoked
strings to Cupid’s harp: lust (the sexual by strong feelings of attachment. Sex
urges that you feel), attraction (so that organs in both men and women release
you find a good mate), and attachment testosterone, revving up your sex drive.
Once you’ve established mutual
attraction, your brain’s reward centres
want to manage your become awash with a euphoric wave of
lovestruck symptoms? dopamine. This hormone is associated
with addiction (see page 210), and it
Cut yourself some slack – the heady cocktail of
motivates you to pursue the object of
hormones will give you single-minded focus on your your desire, like a bee to a pollen-laden
love. Other parts of your life, such as your job, may take flower. The restless dopamine drive goes
a back seat.
hand-in-hand with the “love chemical”
2 phenylethylamine (or simply PEA). This
Take some time out and make sure you spend time
is the brain’s home-made amphetamine
with other people. The dopamine drive can lead to
unhealthy focus; men are at highest risk (a chemical similar to the narcotic
of becoming obsessive. “speed”), and it intensifies your
3 excitement. Also, the energizing
look after your health because lack of sleep hormone cortisol creeps up, putting
and an off-kilter appetite can take a toll. an extra spring in your step.
4 Contrary to what you might expect,
be realistic – the initial rush of emotions is levels of the positive hormone serotonin
intoxicating, but this “madly in love” phase inevitably
passes, no matter how strong the relationship.
actually take a dip, which seems to
help provide the single-minded focus to
pursue your Romeo or Juliet. Loss of

“aphrodisiac” foods being newly in love can feel so
disconcerting, even threatening.
have zero impact Generally speaking, the chemical
on libido – all have
boost you get from this assortment
been shown to be
of hormones is good for you in that
equally ineffective in
it lifts your mood and improves your
men and women motivation in other facets of your life,
too. Falling in love can be overwhelming
at first but luckily, the hormonal storm
appetite and disrupted sleep are does subside – peace will return.
common, the culprits being all that
dopamine and another energizing
hormone called noradrenaline.
What emerges from lust and
attraction is attachment. This is when a
couple’s internal chemistries knot them First, the sex hormone
testosterone and the
together and calm the blazing fire. The LUST
energizing hormone
cuddle hormone oxytocin – which is adrenaline are released
also released powerfully after sex
– builds affection and bonding,
reinforcing the loving feelings we have
for our partner. Together with another
hormone called vasopressin, it brings Positive hormones
a sense of calm out of the brew of ATTRACTION dopamine and PEA
are released in ever-
passion. Lust and attraction remain increasing amounts
active within the relationship, but are
tempered by these calming agents.
Perhaps alarmingly, the electro-
chemical soup in the mind of someone
smitten by love has similarities to the
brain of a person with obsessive- ATTACHMENT
Attachment hormones
compulsive disorder (OCD). So oxytocin and
although it’s normal for a lover to be vasopressin are released

very preoccupied with their partner,

it’s worth noting that, when it comes
to your brain, a romantic crush is only the initial cocktail of love
Each aspect of being in love drives its own
a stone’s throw away from an out-of- unique cocktail of hormones with a range
control obsession – and this is why of powerful effects on the body and mind.


What’s most attractive in

a long-term partner?
The things we look for when we’re choosing a life partner,
whether consciously or unconsciously, often depend on
our own status, sex, and sexuality.

A lasting romantic relationship has hypothesis system (see pages 174–175)

many strands, and sexual attraction by gaining wealth, status, and power
is generally the first to show up. may zoom up the league table.
Science tells us that almost-symmetrical Overweight, older tycoons might end
faces are what sets our hearts aflutter. up marrying someone much younger
Our biological urges may regard this and beautiful. In terms of physical
symmetry as a very crude marker of attractiveness alone, these match-ups
good health and genes. make little sense: none of the obvious
Biological beauty is important, but evolutionary qualities mark out the
a degree of social currency is also tycoon as a healthy partner-in-the-
very attractive to some. People who making. Instead, security and influence
seemingly “cheat” the matching compensate for any biological

Look for a understand

partner with the matching
similar interests and hypothesis – it’s natural
attitudes to social issues, to be attracted to
money, politics, and other someone higher up the
important facets league table but it’s not
of life. a guaranteed

intimacy because
loving, sexual contact
NURTURE YOUR LOVE early on is a feature of
Every partnership has its trials and happy long-term
tribulations, but surveys tell us there are relationships.
a few key components that will make
the relationship stand the test of time.

“weaknesses”. It appears that, when it
comes to status, love can truly be blind.
Sexuality plays a part in attachment.
man’s status. Gay
women, on the
other hand,
43% of women
% of men and

Heterosexual women look for men tend not to be

in one study
with markers of high testosterone: influenced by listed their
mainly physical brawn (giving him the either, and spouse as their
ability to intimidate others and protect instead seek best friend
the family), but also high cheekbones, out honesty over
a chiselled jawline, and a strong brow. all other traits.
For heterosexual men, part of a woman’s Every union needs compatibility in
allure is her ability to bear children: wide order to go the distance – lust isn’t
hips, large breasts, and soft features enough to last. Rom-com fans might
mean lots of oestrogen. The pitter- think that opposites attract, but this
patter of tiny feet may be years away belongs firmly in fiction. Psychological
from a first date, but the heterosexual research, online dating, and social
sex drive has been honed to see the media data prove that birds of a feather
bigger picture. flock together: your friends and partners
Studies show that both straight and are likely to share your attitudes on
gay men place a higher premium on politics, religion, and morality.
looks than social standing when seeking
a long-term partner, whereas straight
women tend to be influenced by a

nurture it’s a
your friendship choice: make a
by spending time conscious decision to
together and pursuing commit to carry on loving
shared interests to keep another person, even
the attachment secure. when the initial
thrill passes.

keep sex often
talking, because – one study showed
lovers who frequently that having sex weekly
share their feelings and rather than monthly led
worries, without fear of to a happiness jump
judgement, are more equivalent to earning
likely to stick an extra £40,000
together. a year.


Why do I get PMS and

period pains?
The short – and rather shameful – answer is that scientists
don’t know enough about a process that half the people on
the planet experience every month for half their lives.

Medical research has historically Human females are unusual: most other
focused primarily on men, and most animals, apart from apes, don’t have
scientists (also mainly men) have periods. Nobody knows quite why we
simply ignored the “complication” of a are different – as with other animals,
woman’s monthly cycle. This ignorance periods may be a way to wash out the
is universal: surveys show that globally, womb and ward off infection, or it may
more than half of all people say they be that the pregnancy-ready human
aren’t properly taught why periods womb lining is simply too thick to be
happen and what goes on in the body reabsorbed into the body.
when they do. A yo-yoing mood, abdominal
pain, acne, and tiredness in the week
or so before a period is known as
Want to ease monthly misery? premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The
syndrome is the butt of many a joke
1 and women are often reluctant to talk
Get plenty of exercise and eat a varied diet openly about symptoms. At this time,
to lift your mood and buffer against irritability.
levels of sex hormones progesterone
2 and oestrogen plunge, causing a slump
Take vitamin B6 and calcium supplements, both
in mood, while simultaneously wreaking
of which help the body counteract the worst symptoms.
havoc on the balance of fluids in the
body, causing bloating and fatigue.
Take a hot shower or bath to stimulate blood
flow to the uterus, helping cramping muscles to relax. During a period, abdominal pain is
common. The muscles lining the uterus
ask your GP about new treatments: for
contract powerfully to expel the
example, research shows that Viagra, used to treat male contents. This constricts tiny arteries
erectile dysfunction, may help ease period pain. to stem blood flow, but also inflames
nerves, causing cramping and pain.

Unbelievably, serious
scientists have
publicly insisted that
PMS is “all in the
mind” of the 75% of
women who say they
experience monthly
mood swings.

Why do my periods sync

up with others’?
The idea that women who live together have periods
together is older than history books, but science has shown
there is no invisible force that unites women in this way.

In the early 1970s, scientists believed 29 days, although there is huge variation
that pheromones – odourless vapours between women, and cycles can range
that send messages between animals from 15 to 45 days. Intervals between
– were the reason why women’s periods also vary month-on-month, so
menstrual cycles aligned over time. two or more women will invariably have
However, research has now made it some months when they are in sync and
clear that, contrary to popular belief, others where they’re not. It’s the times
period syncing simply does not happen when your periods fall on the same days
any more often than by chance alone. that tend to stick in your memory – it’s
The average menstrual cycle lasts as simple and unmystical as that.

Periods of women 1, 2, and The next month, periods

3 occur at the same time fall out of sync again





1 10 20 31 10 20 28 10 20 31 10 20 30

just coincidence
The calendar shows how the monthly cycles of four
women vary from month to month, and naturally
fall in and out of sync over a four-month period.

How can I
manage menopause?
Bearing children in old age is risky, so flicking the fertility
switch to “off” is for your and society’s benefit. The key
might be not to manage menopause, but to celebrate it.

Female humans are among the very multiplied. In Japan, most women
few animals whose biological fertility don’t report hot flushes, but instead a
clock expires long before they do. “chilliness”. And in cultures where older
Around the age of 50, a woman’s females are respected, symptoms seem
periods become irregular and gradually to cause much less mental anguish.
stop. This is the menopause, and as our It’s far too simplistic to conclude
hormones effect this change, so can that menopause symptoms are down
some uncomfortable symptoms start. to the prevailing attitudes of society –
Hot flushes are the most well-known your body is undergoing its greatest
symptom: when the supply of female upheaval since puberty. But resisting
sex hormones drops after the last good shame and positively embracing the
egg has been released, the body’s Change can boost your chances of a
thermostat suddenly becomes very flush-free menopause.
temperamental. Normal temperatures
can feel uncomfortably warm and a
slight increase in ambient temperature want a mellow menopause?
can set off a bout of feverish sweating.
Other symptoms include headaches, 1
avoid overheating – at night, keep the bedroom
anxiety, sadness, dry skin and hair, cool and wear loose clothing (see page 43).
and a loss of sexual desire.
Interestingly, studies show that
take care of yourself by eating healthily,
women who welcome menopause as a exercising regularly, and getting some sunlight. Try
new phase in their life are significantly relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness meditation.
less likely to report severe symptoms. 3
Symptoms also vary in different see your doctor – some women undergo HRT
societies: in cultures where a woman’s (hormone replacement therapy) to replenish the lost
supply; it can significantly relieve severe symptoms.
youthful looks and fertility are prized,
physical side effects seem to be


Is there such a thing

as a mid-life crisis?
There’s no age limit on making rash decisions – we can lose
the plot at any point. But middle age, when the pressures of
life peak, is often a time to take stock and reflect.

When you think about a mid-life crisis, undeniable that middle age can be a
chances are you are thinking of a 40- challenging time, when life satisfaction
something man who has splashed wads reaches a gloomy low. Perhaps the
of cash on a flashy car or motorbike slump is because this is often a time
that can be heard half a mile away. of maximum stress and responsibility
In Western countries, about a quarter of in careers and family life. Most
40+ adults claim in surveys that they psychologists agree that our 40s and
have had a mid-life crisis. 50s are a time for taking stock of life,
The idea originally came from a when we realize that we may not
psychologist’s theory that geniuses accomplish all our hopes and dreams.
such as Mozart suffered a creative It may simply be that a bit of reflective
block in their mid-30s. American pop gloominess is in our biology, because
culture later attached the concept to scientists have noticed that other
impulsive middle-aged men. primates go through a similar phase
In reality, there is no spike in in their mid years.
irresponsible behaviour in the 40s and Take heart though – in older age,
50s. We make good and bad decisions when responsibilities may be fewer, our
throughout life. That said, it is contentment grows again steadily.

Happiness reaches a lifetime

peak in your early 70s

it gets better
Surveys show that in
Western countries, life
satisfaction reaches a
low between the ages
of 44–46, rising steadily
16–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75+ again until you reach
AGE old age.

Even chimpanzees
– our closest primate
relatives – and other
apes seem to
experience a period
of mid-life sadness.

Can I blame my bad

mood on hunger?
If you get tetchy before dinner, science offers you a get-
out for your tantrums. You really can blame your body
chemistry for making you “hangry”.

In evolutionary terms, being “hangry”

makes sense. An animal that gets
The word “hangry”
was officially added
aggressive when hungry will be a better to the Oxford English
hunter. But in today’s world, it’s less Dictionary
helpful when you’re stuck in traffic
and late for dinner. This reaction is the
in 2018
same one that tempts you to skip lunch
and power through the post-lunch
slump on adrenaline only. blood sugar drops. And to cap it all,
When the stomach is empty, the body hunger hormones from the stomach
produces the substance neuropeptide Y. power down the self-control circuits in
The happy hormone serotonin dips our frontal lobes, making us impulsive.
under the influence of this messaging They say “Never go to bed on an
chemical, making us single-minded, argument”: it would be similarly wise
focused, and irritable. In addition, the to not make big decisions or settle a
brain’s limbic system, our centre of row on an empty stomach – being
emotions, becomes volatile when hangry really is a thing.

Hungry people rated short fuse

much higher negative A study revealed that
SATIATED emotions after looking ratings of negative
at a face with a neutral emotions, such as anger
and disgust, were higher
in hungry people than by
those who had just eaten.

0.5 1.0


Is eating a large meal in
the evening bad for me?
The science isn’t as shouty as some evangelical nutrition
gurus would have you believe, but nonetheless, eating large
and late won’t enhance your health.

It is often claimed that eating late dark hours, your body clock is winding
will make you put on weight. Strictly down all systems into standby mode
speaking, this isn’t true – it’s the calories – including your intestines. Eating very
you eat and burn over the entire day late can disturb the body clock, leading
that determine weight management. to disrupted sleep. This in turn pushes
That said, late eaters are more likely up blood pressure, and ultimately, can
to be overweight than those who eat damage your blood vessels and heart.
earlier, but this is because they also tend However, a small meal or snack late
to lead less active lives and choose more at night is not harmful and may actually
fatty, high-calorie foods more often. be helpful for elderly people, those
The later it gets, the weaker your recovering from injuries, or athletes
self-control and the more impulsive looking to improve their strength and
you are. This can mean evening meals general fitness.
are larger than they need to be, or that
your impatience leads you to opt for a
high-calorie “quick fix”.
Try planning dinners ahead of time to planning the ideal dinner?
help avoid making impromptu, hunger-
driven decisions. We’re creatures of habit 1
– especially where food is involved – so eat at least three hours before bed, so that you
give your body time to digest your food before systems
look out for patterns of evening over- start to shut down.
indulgence (such as eating and drinking 2
alcohol while cooking). Alcohol not avoid high-calorie, low-nutrition choices by
only contains calories, but also makes shopping for food in advance, when you’re not hungry.
us hungrier by dialing up the brain’s 3
appetite centres. Regularly eating large if peckish later, keep nighttime snacks light
meals at night-time does not seem to – studies show that up to about 150 calories isn’t harmful.
be good for overall health. During the


Why is everyone
getting fatter?
Every year, levels of obesity are rising globally. It’s not
fair to say we’ve devolved into greedy monsters with no
self-control – it’s the foods sold to us that are the problem.

Since 1975, the obesity rate has tripled of whether we need the food or
globally; in children, it has increased not – but we’re all biologically
seven-fold. If we carry on as we are, programmed to throw rational thought
by 2030 one-third of the world will be out the window when we eat foods
overweight. If you’re an adult living high in the unholy trinity of sugar, fat,
in the USA, UK, Mexico, Canada, or and salt (see pages 92–93). Our bodies
Hungary, and you aren’t overweight, seek out this type of food and we love
then you’re in the minority. So why it in the short term, but pay for it with
are we all our health in the long run. Biologically
getting bigger? speaking, we’re getting a raw deal.
If you’re obese, your life It’s not After stopping smoking, shedding
expectancy may because of a some pounds if you are overweight
be reduced by famine in mental is the single best thing you can do

12 years fortitude and

We humans are
for your health. Being obese not only
shrinks your life span, but reduces the
number of healthy years you’ll enjoy.
food-driven animals who have found Staying active is critical for good
ourselves in a world where tasty, all-round health, but exercise can
fat-filled, sugary food is available on only claw back some of your lost
every street corner, supermarket aisle, years if excess body fat isn’t lost.
and menu. Plus, this kind of food is Sadly for many, weight loss is easier
sold to us at a price that makes it a to pontificate about than it is to
compelling choice for those of us who achieve. Only fairly recently has
are short of both time and money. science turned to the issue of just
Compounding this, our bodies don’t why so many of us find it nigh-on
make it easy for us: not only do our impossible to shift excess weight.
stomachs release hungry hormones One thing is sure – answers are
whenever they’re empty – regardless urgently needed to reverse the crisis.

6.7 OZ
can i have some more?
Fast food outlets and food
manufacturers in the US have
progressively increased portion 2.4 OZ
sizes over the past 70 years. The
average fast-food meal offering
now contains up to four times more CHIPS
calories than its 1950s precursor.

Portion sizes in 1950 12 OZ
Portion sizes in 2020

3.9 OZ


42 OZ

7 OZ



Should I use BMI to aim

for my ideal body weight?
BMI is a reasonable guide to a healthy weight, but to get
a more accurate and personal picture of the ideal weight
for you, you’ll need to dig deeper.

We know that fat tissue is an essential too much fat or is undernourished.

part of our body make-up, and serves While you can use BMI to roughly
several important roles, but how do calculate whether you are over- or
you know when you’ve got too much? underweight, beware – when it comes
Ask a health professional or personal to using your score to work out how
trainer and they will likely point you to much of the excess weight you are
BMI (body mass index) – a number carrying is fat, BMI is decidedly flaky.
score that measures your weight while It doesn’t take account of muscle,
taking into account your height. which is heavier than fat, and neither
Your BMI will tell you whether does it adjust for height properly: if
you are significantly overweight or you’re tall, your BMI will be over-
underweight. It’s also a useful marker inflated; if you’re shorter than average,
for governments to “guesstimate” how your BMI will be unduly low. You can
much of their population is carrying easily have a BMI outside the


5- 2 4 .9 2 5 -2
9 .9
1 8.
BMI is calculated as your
weight in kilograms divided

by the square of your

18. W


height in metres. Doctors




usually say that for an


average adult, a BMI


between 18.5 and 24.9

indicates a healthy
proportion of body fat.

recommended range (see below) and BMI IS BELGIAN
be in peak fitness. – WHO KNEW?
The best way to find out how much
fat you’re carrying under your skin and Like a hallowed scripture, few
wrapped around your organs (the latter people question the BMI scale
being the most harmful to health and its weight categories.
because it disrupts the body’s insulin However, in reality the formula
is a 200-year-old maths hack,
control) is to have a body scan.
originally based on the sizes
However, since few will be able to
and weights of sedentary Belgians
access a scanner, “smart scales” are
– and badly in need of an update.
a relatively inexpensive alternative,
In the 1800s, a statistics-loving
Belgian astronomer, Adolphe
Quetelet, wanted a neat way to
A six-foot work out how many Belgian people
Olympic athlete were obese – and it turned into
who weighs 96KG a bit of an obsession for him. In
will have a BMI an era without calculators or
of 28, making him computers, he devised a simple
“overweight” formula to find what he was after:
a rough and ready “fatness” score
that accounted for people’s height.
Life insurance companies soon
which give reasonably reliable results.
cottoned onto the idea that they
When you place your hands and feet
could turn the data into tables
on the panels, the scales use small showing the “average weight”
electrical currents to estimate the – and charge higher premiums for
proportions of fat, water, and muscle anyone who was “overweight” or
in your body. “obese”. A hundred years later,
A newer, more accurate formula Quetelet’s formula was rebranded
to calculate body fat than BMI is as “body mass index” by Ancel
relative fat mass (RFM), which is a Keys – the famous American
ratio taken from your height and waist nutrition scientist.
measurements. It’s easy to do – all you
need is a tape measure – and there are
plenty of online calculators to crunch
the numbers for you.


I eat well, so why can’t I

manage my weight?
We’re notoriously poor at judging how much
(or how little) we are eating. The chances are that
your estimation of “normal” is off the mark.

Everybody knows someone who eats metabolism, greater willpower, or just

bowls of ice cream and seemingly be born with skinny genes (letting them
never puts on an ounce. Quite why fit into their skinny jeans)?
many of us seem to gain weight just by It seems much of it is down to human
nibbling the odd chocolate pick-me-up error. We’re terrible at judging how
has long been a mystery. Might the much we’ve eaten, most of us
slender-framed among us have a faster significantly underestimating the
number of calories we eat in a given
day – even when we keep a food diary.
Want to shed the pounds? Sugary drinks, milky coffees, that
mid-morning biscuit, and the evening
glass of wine are easily (and
EAT SMALLER PORTIONS – by simply putting less on
your plate, you have less chance of overeating. conveniently) forgotten, but they all
add up. (Interestingly, studies show that
REGULAR EXERCISE is critical for good all-round health
people living with anorexia consistently
and short bursts of high-intensity workouts are typically overestimate the calories in their food.)
the most efficient for burning surplus fat. Neither are we given bodies that put
3 us on a level playing field. You have
KEEP A FOOD DIARY and don’t let anything slip under your own unique basal metabolic rate
the radar. Studies have found that keeping a
photographic record of food eaten delivers better
– the amount of energy your body
weight-loss results than a conventional diary. burns just to keep you alive. Generally,
4 the younger and more muscular you
moderate alcohol intake – not only are alcoholic are, the more calories you burn. Two
drinks high in calories and low in nutrition, but they also identically proportioned people will
impair judgement, making your already-dodgy internal
have different metabolic rates, although
calorie counter even more of a liability.
it rarely varies by more than about 200
calories per day (equal to a glass of
full-fat milk). Nevertheless, this may be

enough to explain why your slim friend and sex drive. Hair, nails, and bones
can get away with eating an extra stop growing. In extreme cases of
dessert each day. malnutrition, your body may even
Achieving this balance between food resort to digesting its own organs, such
intake and your personal metabolic rate as the liver,
can be a constant challenge. On average, simply to stay
everyone gains about 0.5kg every year, functioning people who keep a food
but we can’t blame a falling metabolism: – effectively diary typically
our weight creeps up mostly because we burning the underestimate
exercise less as we get older. house’s their food
furniture just to intake by

We know that obesity is too much of
that good thing called fat: but too little keep warm.
body fat can be just as harmful. When Body fat in
body fat drops below 5 per cent of itself is not the enemy: quite
your total weight (around 25 per cent the contrary. Fat keeps you
is average), your tank is running warm (see page 46), stores lots of
desperately low: the body will turn vitamins, and provides a truly vast
down its central heating and save stockpile of fuel to keep you going
energy by switching off your fertility come rain or shine.

Estimate: Actual:
2,065 calories 3,119 calories

Estimate: Actual:
1,570 calories 2,393 calories

0 1000 2000 3000



In a study, people’s reports of their daily calorie Self-reported consumption
intake was compared to what they actually ate. Actual consumption
Almost everyone underestimated – and men Recommended daily amount
were slightly more inaccurate than women. of calories (RDA)


Are fats good or

bad for me now?
In the last century, no foods have suffered more fluctuating
fortunes than fat. Recent science points to evidence that
most fats are more sinned-against than sinful.

Since the mid-1950s, fats have been 1 gram of fat

blamed for obesity and many other contains 9 calories;
health woes. Much of this fat-blaming 1 gram of sugar
20 has turned out to be baseless, and contains just
motivated by marketing, not science 4 calories
(see page 95). Low-fat diets in one
form or another dip in and out of
fashion. They can be effective in the at room temperature – think cheese, or
short term, although they may throw the rind on a pork chop. They come
up other health issues (see below). mainly from animals, but are also found

There are two main different types in coconut and palm oils. Eating too
of food fats, and many fats and oils much can lead to high levels of harmful
contain both. Saturated fats are cholesterol. Floating through the blood
easy to spot because they’re solid stream, cholesterol soaks into the walls

Regular version
Low-fat version

low fat, high sugar

If you compare the sugar content of
some processed foods with low-fat
0 versions, the result can be a shock.
Vinaigrette Thai red Digestive Natural Reduced fat means less taste, so
dressing curry meal biscuits yogurt many manufacturers compensate
(per 100ml) (per serving) (per biscuit) (per 100g) by adding sugar – and plenty of it.

good fat sources BECAME A VILLAIN
• Plant oils, such as olive, sunflower,
The heart attack is a disease of
or rapeseed oil
modern times. Once an obscure
• Some nuts, particularly almonds,
Brazil nuts, and peanuts medical emergency, by 1960, one
• Avocado in three American men were dying
• Seeds, such as sesame and sunflower of heart disease, and everybody
• Oily fish, such as salmon, trout, and blamed saturated fats.
sardines The hunt was on for a heart-
healthy alternative to butter, so
scientists set to work. This led to
the creation of an ingredient that
of arteries, eventually clogging them – could rightly be considered a
much like pouring too much bacon fat poison – partially hydrogenated
down the sink will block your drain. oils, also called trans fats. Creative
Conversely, unsaturated fats, which are chemists devised a way to turn
usually liquid oils at room temperature liquid vegetable oils into semi-
and are found mainly in fish and plant- solid, spreadable fats, which
based foods, do not cause a build-up in looked like butter (after yellow
the same way – they may even help to colourings were added). This
alchemy was accomplished by
keep arteries clear and are linked to
bubbling hydrogen gas through
good heart health.
vats of heated vegetable oil
Like coals on a fire, fats provide
mixed with nickel.
long-term energy and also cause the However, in the 1990s, studies
“gut brain” to quickly lower hunger proved these trans fats to be
levels. Fats are also essential to provide deadly: fat-processing machinery
the building blocks for nerve sheaths in the liver mutates them into bad
and a range of hormones, as well as the cholesterol, accelerating the build-
outer coating of every cell in the body. up of fatty deposits in arteries
Strictly speaking, fats don’t even faster than any slab of butter.
make you fat! They do, however, make Most manufacturers now don’t
food taste great, so it’s tempting to eat use them, but it’s always worth
double-checking labels for these
more than you need. Low-fat versions
Frankenstein fats – and avoiding
of common foods can be a bad choice,
them at all costs.
because the extra sugar and salt added
to offset the blandness can cause
weight gain.


Is my weight genetically
Most of us are born with the chips stacked against us having
a super-lean physique – our genetic code makes us adept at
converting excess food energy into fat.

Your genes decide whether you will be non-carriers. You are not powerless
tall or short, a born marathon runner though – research shows that regular
or predisposed to high blood pressure exercise can negate the effects of a
and heart attacks. And at least 50 of belly-building, faulty FTO.
your genes determine how good you Where you store the extra weight,
are at accumulating a padding of fat. however, is largely out of your control.
For example, if We are each genetically programmed
you have an to stow our rainy-day blubber in
abnormal version different ways. Those who store fat
of a gene called subcutaneously (under the skin) are

MMP2, your body described as pear-shaped – their fat

About can create body

fat quicker than
sits mainly on the hips, thighs, and
arms. Apple-shaped people accumulate
of us have genes that
make the body better most. Around a fat round their abdominal organs
at converting excess third of women (known as visceral fat), giving them a
fuel into fat have this fat- round belly. Belly fat stifles the organs’
building gene. ability to keep sugar levels balanced
Such people are blessed when faced and blood-vessel pipework running
with famine but cursed in our world cleanly, meaning that “apples” are
of cheap, fast food. more at risk than “pears” of type-2
Another gene, FTO, sets the gauge diabetes and heart disease.
on how much pleasure you get from There’s no quick fix for this:
eating by determining how much of the liposuction and surgery can’t target
hormone dopamine is released when visceral fat. The good news, though, is
you eat. People who carry a particular that better sleep, reduced stress, and
version of this gene are 20–30% more regular aerobic exercise are all very
likely to be obese, and will be on effective in freeing organs from their
average about 1.5kg heavier than fatty coverings.

In countries with
the highest obesity
rates, most of the
population carries
a gene that delivers
extra pleasure from
eating food.

Can gut microbes help me

manage my weight?
Microbes in the gut feed on the food we eat, and as
well as providing a host of health-boosting services,
they can help prevent obesity, too.

Microbes live all over your body, and how quickly you gain weight. They
trillions of them live in your gut. found that people who are obese or who
Although they are responsible for the eat lots of highly processed food carry
malodorous gas we all love to hate, gut more kinds of superpowered, food-
microbes are to be encouraged – they digesting bacteria. These microbes seem
help the body extract nutrients from to help the body suck more energy than
food, produce essential vitamins, calm normal from each slice of cake, making
an overactive immune system, reduce it easier for you to gain weight.
inflammation, and even bolster your Whether these fat-promoting bugs
defences against less helpful, disease- cause obesity, or they proliferate as a
causing organisms. result of being overweight or eating
Researchers have recently discovered refined foods is an unanswered
that gut microbes also play a big part in question; it is likely that both are partly

Prevotella Blautia obeum
Phascolarctobacterium Lachnospiraceae dorea
Akkermansiamuciniphila Ruminococcus


Research has shown that a diet of
highly processed foods is associated
with gut microbes that make you KEY
prone to gain weight. Eating mainly
unrefined, plant-based foods means Healthy weight
fewer obesity-associated bacteria. Overweight

true. What we do know though, is that by BRAINS IN
feeding your gut more vegetables, fruit, YOUR BELLY?
nuts and seeds, these obesity-associated
bugs will dwindle, helping your weight The entirety of the gut – from gullet
management efforts. to anus – is coated with a brain-like
Keeping your gut microbes happy mesh of nerves that functions much
boosts your general health and makes like the grey matter in our skull.
This second “brain” orchestrates
weight management easier. Eating plenty
the digestive process and
of fibre is especially important – it’s the
incredibly, it could do the job even
microbes’ favourite food. When bacteria in
if it were completely detached from
the colon ferment fibre to extract energy,
our brain. Your belly really does
a byproduct of the process helps you have a mind of its own.
absorb beneficial minerals, including The gut brain also responds to
calcium and iron. The bugs also secrete our emotions, becoming upset
vitamin K, which helps the blood clot. when we are distressed. Terror –
Probiotic foods, which contain live such as we might feel just before
“helpful” bacteria, can add to a depleted an exam, an interview or public
microbe army, if the dosage is high speaking – can trigger an
enough. However, if you are well, emergency bowel evacuation. This
probiotics are of little use – taking them is is the gut’s effort to offload excess
weight before we have to flee.
like trying to grow corn in a rainforest!
Hormones and nervous impulses
Take antibiotics only when you have to;
that are released when we are
they don’t discriminate between friendly
anxious, stressed or depressed
or enemy bacteria, so may wipe out the instruct the gut brain to slow down
dutiful denizens of your gut. or stop completely. It’s no surprise
then that mental illness often goes
hand-in-glove with a range of
abdominal and digestive problems,
probiotic pros and there is well-established link
between a stress-filled life and
• Lactobacillus rhamnosus may reduce irritable bowel syndrome.
allergies and helps weight loss.
• Lactococcus lactis may help protect
against and treat diarrhoea.
• Lactobacillus plantarum may reduce
symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
• Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus
acidophilus may help lower cholesterol.


Which is the best

weight-loss diet?
There is no perfect way to shed excess fat, although there
are plenty of very bad ways. The trick is to sort the good
science from the bad – and to be patient.

The equation is simple – if you put less

fuel into your body than it needs, it will
burn its excess fat. But the reality is
% of the weight
lose on a
that many of us find this incredibly
difficult – and there are a number of crash diet
methods and theories telling you how is muscle, not fat
best to do it. Many diets are based on
restricting certain food groups: For
instance, gram-for-gram, fat carries filling than starchy foods – consider
more energy than protein, so a low-fat how much easier it is to scoff a
diet will reduce how many calories you medium portion of carb-rich chips than
take in. But precisely because fats are it is to polish off two chicken breast
so calorie-dense, they can keep you full fillets (a high protein food with almost
for longer, helping with weight loss. no carbohydrate), even though both
Cutting out carbohydrates works contain the same amount of energy.
because foods high in protein are more Rapid weight-loss programmes are
problematic: mental health often takes
a hit, and risks of obsessive thinking
beware of “diet-speak” are high. Also, quick weight loss means
that muscle, as well as fat, is lost. Also
• “Clean/raw food”: Something that harks back to
a “purer” past might sound appealing, but if you ate people tend to regain weight just as
only raw foods you’d struggle to stay fully nourished. quickly, leading to a vicious cycle of
• “Natural”: Chemicals or additives are not all bad – yo-yo dieting. As boring as it sounds,
everything that we eat is technically a “chemical”, and
additives can help keep food fresh.
research proves that the best and most
• “Science”: Diets such as the “detox” or “acid-alkali” lasting results are achieved when
diet may claim to be backed up by science, but are weight is lost gradually through
pure make-believe. progressive lifestyle changes (reducing
food intake and moving more).

diet the details the science does it work?

calorie Staying within a set daily limit If the body takes in fewer Yes, although studies show
counting of calories – no food groups calories than it expends, it that most dieters regain some
specifically restricted. burns stored fat. or all weight.

INtermittent Very limited or zero calories Reduces calorie intake Yes, although some studies
fasting on some days; eating dramatically without shocking show mixed results. We don’t
normally on others. your body, possibly yet fully understand the
accelerating the positive or negative effects
burning of fat. of this diet.

ketogenic Low-carb, high in fat and Starving the body of its Yes, although side-effects
protein. favourite energy (glucose) include low energy, dizziness,
forces it to break down fats headaches, vitamin
and protein instead. deficiencies, and gallstones.

paleo Lots of meat, fruit, vegetables Based on the false idea that Yes, although high fat levels
and “fruit oils”. No dairy or our hunter-gatherer ancestors can cause arteries to fur up
processed foods. ate a healthy diet. In truth, and lack of variety may cause
limited diets meant they were vitamin and mineral
diseased and malnourished. deficiencies.

atkins Minimizes the intake of Cutting out carbohydrates Yes, although diet is hard to
carbohydrates, particularly was thought to force the stick to. Also, high-fat
refined flours and sugars. body to burn more fat. meat-heavy diet is not ideal
Theory has been disproved. for overall health.

very Drastically slashes food intake Often marketed by Yes, although it causes rapid
low-calorie by replacing meals with celebrities, these diets will destruction of fat and muscle
liquids such as celery water or leave you dangerously short alike, putting your body into a
cabbage soup. of vital nutrients. dangerous “starvation” mode.

detox Focuses on juices and The kidneys and liver are No. You may lose weight if
superfoods to cleanse toxins highly capable of eliminating you are eating less overall,
that accumulate in the body. harmful substances, so these but your body isn’t being
“cleanses” do nothing. “detoxed”.

acid-alkali Choosing foods that offset The acidity of your fluids is No.
the body’s natural acid-alkali tightly controlled by your
balance. body so this is unnecessary.

what’s on the menu?

Many “branded” diets do deliver weight loss, but
at a cost of a range of side-effects – some of them
potentially serious. It’s always wise to consult a medical
professional before embarking on a weight-loss
regime, because they can offer support and advice.


What’s so good about the

Mediterranean diet?
Scientists agree it’s closest thing to the best diet, although
to get the full benefit you don’t just have to eat like the
Italians and Greeks – you have to live like them, too!

A healthy mind, body, and long life is

wedded to a good, balanced diet, and Want to live like
the two cannot be easily teased apart. a mediterranean?
When medical professionals distill
nutritional science, research points 1
EAT a wide variety of fruit and
towards what is loosely termed the
vegetables, with moderate amounts
“Mediterranean” diet as one of the of protein, mainly fish.
healthiest of the bunch. 2
However, “Mediterranean” in this Consume plenty of nuts, seeds,
context doesn’t mean a banquet of and legumes such as beans and lentils.
French cheeses, creamy carbonaras, 3
and chocolate fondants, all washed Use good-quality olive oil as
down with copious bottles of red. the main culinary fat; eat only limited
amounts of milk and animal fat.
This food regime is actually based
on traditional Greek and Italian cuisine, 4
Avoid PROCESSED FOODS and limit
harking back to a time when food was
sweets and sugary desserts
fresh, seasonal, and simply prepared to occasional treats.
and cooked – and the modern 5
processed food industry wasn’t be physically active, outdoors if
even a twinkle in humanity’s eye. possible, as part of your daily routine.

get ample, undisturbed sleep,
aim to eat two portions topped up with an afternoon siesta.

of fish per week, one of which

should be oily,
such as salmon
or sardine

It’s not just about
food: it’s the
complete package
of the Mediterranean
lifestyle that scientists

Will being vegan make

me healthier?
Given that meat-eating helped humans survive the rat race
of evolution, is plant-only living healthy? The answer is yes,
but you need to understand what you are eating.

Vegans were once seen as oddballs in to save the planet – it’s the promise of
the developed world, but a triple threat better health that gives us the nudge.
of ethical, environmental, and health Generally speaking, the fewer
concerns have led to a mushrooming animals and the more plants we eat,
of no-meat diets. In some countries the happier our internal biology is.
where meat-eating was the norm, there Plant-based diets have been linked
has been a five- or six-fold growth in to lower rates of obesity and longer,
veganism in just a few years. healthier lives. The more meat we eat –
Even though it’s clear that eating particularly red and processed meat –
meat significantly contributes to the higher our chances of heart
the storm cloud of climate change, disease, bowel cancer, and type-2
research shows that for most of us, the diabetes. However, simply cutting out
main reason to make the switch is not meat, fish, and dairy without swapping

Vitamin B12 is vital to Iron is used by blood

NUTRIENT repair DNA and enable cells to absorb oxygen
cells to burn energy. from the air in the lungs.

If you’re moving to
meat-free living, it’s
important to know where
to get these nutrients
from. In some instances,
such as for vitamin B12,
you might need to take a Found very rarely Found in nuts and
supplement, or choose PLANT- in dried shiitake pulses, leafy greens, and
BASED mushrooms, some algae wholemeal bread.
fortified foods (those that
SOURCES and seaweeds, as well as
have had the nutrient nutritional yeast.
safely added).

them for sensible alternatives is a
recipe for miserable malnourishment.
Millions of people abstain from
Many life-essential nutrients are easy
animal products for cultural and
to come by in an omnivorous diet, but religious reasons, and have done so
all too easy to miss when living solely for millennia. In the West, modern
off flora. To enjoy a healthy transition veganism began with a 13-year-old
to meat-free living, you’ll need to keep English boy called Donald Watson.
a handle on crucial nutrients you could In 1923, while staying at his uncle’s
be missing out on. farm, he was so horrified at seeing
Your body struggles to absorb some a pig being slaughtered that he
nutrients, such as iron or calcium, from vowed never to eat meat or fish
plants because they are tightly again. Later, he expanded this to
include dairy products, and then
wrapped in molecular parcels that
the wearing of leather, wool, or silk.
even your powerful gut can’t digest.
He even used a fork rather than a
Eating foods rich in vitamin C helps
spade when gardening, so that
release iron from its leafy shackles, but he wouldn’t accidentally slice any
in general, vegans need to be aware earthworms in two. In the 1940s,
of their intake of iron and the other he founded the Vegan Society to
nutrients below – especially pregnant campaign for his beliefs. Today, the
women and children, and those who society claims that there are 600,000
are ill or recuperating. Taking vitamin vegans in the UK alone.
supplements can be a good option for
some – see pages 40–41.

Calcium promotes strong Iodine is essential for Omega-3 fatty acids

teeth and bones, keeps the production of thyroid keep arteries clear,
nerves firing and the heart hormones, which regulate reducing the risk
beating. your metabolism. of heart disease.

Can be obtained from Plentiful in seaweed, as Found in flaxseed and

calcium-set tofu, fortified soya, well as in iodized salt (salt rapeseed oils, soy-based
rice, oat drinks, dried fruit, with added iodine). foods, and walnuts.
and leafy vegetables such
as broccoli and cabbage.


Why is nutrition advice

always changing?
When it comes to nutrition, scientific advice has a habit
of flip-flopping – not only because of food-industry dollars,
but because the science itself is so slippery.

Given how much is written and said help us live longer. Health advice is
about healthy eating – the countless always flip-flopping because nutritional
magazines, podcasts, books, websites, science is so imprecise.
TV shows, and even university degrees In an ideal world, researchers would
– you’d think that scientists know a lot collect a huge group of volunteers and
about what a healthy diet looks like. randomly split them into smaller groups,
You would be wrong. and then give each group a diet to
Most of the healthy-eating advice follow. They would keep tabs on
spooned out by the multi-billion-dollar everybody for many decades, recording
healthy-eating industry is about as any notable differences in health
stable as a half-baked soufflé. Even between the sets of people. Simple
dedicated scientists admit that we have though it sounds in principle, such
only morsels of truly solid scientific research would be impossible, and
fact when it comes to what food will prohibitively expensive. It’s hard enough

is it 5 a day, or 10?
UK There has never been a study
USA that shows that eating a set
amount of fruit or vegetables
AUSTRALIA each day makes you live
DENMARK longer. Each country looks
at the available research
GREECE on healthy intakes and
GERMANY advises accordingly.
JAPAN Vegetables
FRANCE Fruit or vegetables

1970s: French people 2019: Drinking red wine
drink a lot of red wine 2006: Compounds in wine is again linked with a
and are less likely to called procyanidins may help lower risk of coronary
have heart disease keep blood vessels healthy heart disease



1970 2000 2020

red wine ups and downs 2006: Analysis of 54 2016: UK scientists

studies finds no link dismiss supposed
The benefits or otherwise of red wine between wine and lower health benefits of
is a popular research topic – resulting risk of heart disease red wine
in a timeline of fluctuating fortunes as
conflicting studies are published.

for one person to stick with a diet for six with sensible habits – which could
months – only 50% of dieters manage it account for their better heart health.
– let alone for a group of hundreds to What we know for certain about
stay with a dietary regime for the ten healthy eating is that we should
or twenty or more years needed to eat enough food so as not to be
spot concrete health differences. Just malnourished; but not too much,
imagine being told you had to eat a or else the excesses are turned into
boiled egg every day for the next fat and we become overweight.
twenty years if you don’t like eggs! It has also been proven beyond all
Most nutrition science, therefore, doubt that there are certain nutrients
is based on surveys or food diaries, we must eat to stay healthy: these are
the results of which can be sliced and essential substances that the body
diced in many different ways. This can needs but cannot generate itself –
account for the seemingly yo-yoing vitamins, minerals, some fats, as well as
advice. For years, studies seemed to certain proteins that contain amino-acid
prove that a glass of red wine or two building blocks needed for the body to
every day was a healthy virtue (see repair and grow. Lack any one of these,
above), leading to fewer heart attacks. and your body will over time start to
However, more research showed such sputter and break. But after that basic
moderate drinkers are also likely to be nutritional knowhow, almost everything
wealthier, healthier, and lead a life filled else is just educated guesswork.


Why do I get scared by

music or sounds in films?
Whether it’s the roar of a T-rex or the low, two-note tune
of a shark on the hunt, smart fim makers know that some
sounds will always activate our inbuilt danger systems.

A creaking door, a howling wind – then the back of the head). We share these
suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream and shock and fear reactions with most
discordant crash of piano keys of the animal kingdom.
reverberate through the building. It isn’t Screams of panic or terror have a
just you – everyone else in the cinema primal panic-inducing power. They
has just jumped out of their seat as are remarkably similar in all animals,
well. Some things are plain scary, tending to be loud and shrill, with a
whether the danger is real or not. high pitch (or frequency) that wobbles
Being jumpy at spooky sounds is in up and down. We find some other
our DNA. Outside our control, the sounds scary or shocking because
ever-alert amygdala hears something they mimic a scream, such as the
it interprets as dangerous and puts screeching of car brakes, the wailing
the emotional system on edge. Our of an emergency siren – or the jarring,
adrenaline-fuelled fight-or-flight reflex staccato violin chords in a horror film.
makes our heart race, blood pressure It’s not just loud noises that set
climb, hairs stand on end, and pupils us off. Edge-of-your-seat creaky
dilate. (We know floorboards are similarly frightening
that if a person’s because they seem to unlock the
we are hard-wired to
amygdala is intuition of our fretful forebears: if
jump at a sudden noise
damaged or we weren’t vigilant to the quiet crack
of 80 decibels removed, they of a twig indicating an approaching
or louder predator, we would have become
do not feel fear.)
– such as an
When we are tiger-food. Similarly, a howling wind
alarm clock
tense, a sudden puts us on edge because it masks these
noise makes us subtle noises, making us deaf to an
jump. We involuntarily blink (to protect approaching beast. (This is why many
our eyes) and our shoulder and neck animals in the wild stop moving when
muscles rapidly contract (to protect a strong wind is blowing.)

Film composers have perfected the low frequency “infrasound” notes (less
art of playing on all our scared-animal than 20 hertz) that are imperceptible to
predispositions. We tend to be afraid of us, yet may still accelerate our fight-or-
loud, low frequency roars and booms flight response.
because in the natural world, there’s a Many of us enjoy horror films
good chance it was made by something because in the safety of the cinema,
big and dangerous. Slow, low-pitched that primal rush of adrenaline is felt
tones evoke tension and worry so a low, as excitement, rather than terror. We
throbbing baseline sound played over a allow ourselves to enjoy the highly
tense scene amplifies the sense of energizing effects of the fear response,
unease. Some movies even play ultra- while keeping a sense of control.

Consistent, medium-frequency
SCARY chatter at low volume doesn’t
AMPLITUDES evoke fear


SCARY Loud, high frequency

AMPLITUDES Loud, low frequency sounds trigger a
noises will heighten sudden fight-or-flight
anxiety levels response


freaky frequencies KEY

In common with most animals, humans tend to Human scream
be afraid of sudden and loud noises at either
extreme of the audible frequency range, such Normal conversation
as the roar of a wild animal or a human cry. Lion’s roar


Why is social media

so addictive?
Social media notifications cash in on the chemical currency
of pleasure: dopamine. When you’re looking for “likes”,
you’re single-mindedly focused on the next hormone hit.

Slot machines are said to be the “crack offer you an ego-boosting dopamine
cocaine” of gambling – the emotional lift. Like the random payouts of the
reward when you finally get a win after slots, there’s no way of predicting when
many tries is someone out there will reward you with
often far greater their approval, so you’ll impulsively

4 in 10
adults in
than the financial
one. The same
keep checking in, hoping to see those
likes stack up. Perhaps one day, you
think, you might even win the
compulsion is dopamine jackpot – a thumbs-up from
the us say they
suffer from disrupted behind why a celebrity or social media “influencer”!
sleep because of social some people
media addiction obsess over
social media Want to curb
updates, can’t stop checking emails, or
that addiction?
are forever playing video games. These
compulsions are all driven by that use A SCREEN-TIME CHECKER that
familiar brain chemical, dopamine. tells you how long you spend on
Dopamine, released by the nucleus apps – the shock can be a powerful
motivator to cut down.
accumbens in the brain, is the “well
done” of the sports coach that makes 2
remove any app that you check
you glow with pride, and the motivation
impulsively. Try living without it for 30
for us to take action. In fact, animals days and see if you really want it back.
that have have no dopamine in their 3
bodies don’t even have the impetus GET A NON-DIGITAL HOBBY
to get up and eat. – studies show that more creative
Social media “likes” or “follows” hobbies deliver more dopamine
pleasure than digital ones.
may not be food, sex, or money, but
someone else’s admiration can still

The brain’s pleasure
hotspot, the nucleus
accumbens, rewards
you when you get the
good things in life,
whether it’s food,
money, sex – or “likes”.

How can I swap my bad

habits for better ones?
Our habits are formed away from the control of the brain’s
conscious, decision-making frontal lobes – and their deep
neural connections can’t be severed overnight.

Deep in the brain, habits form in the particularly powerful dopamine boost
“habit hub” in the basal ganglia – the has the potential to become your main
same place that muscle memory forms source of pleasure. Drugs such as
(pages 130–131). Each time you perform alcohol or nicotine ensnare people so
a certain action, your brain releases the well because they chemically deliver
“well done” hormone dopamine. Over an unnaturally large dopamine release
months or years of repetition, the – up to 10 times the amount a “natural”
neural connections between the habit reward does. The reward system is
hub and the reward centres strengthen, quickly hijacked, replacing the natural
and for better or worse, the habit sticks. flow of dopamine so that we soon
A habit becomes a problem – or an need the drug just to feel “normal”
addiction, if you will – when it causes levels of pleasure..
us harm, or we feel that we no longer The genes that determine our
have control over it, or we need to do dopamine circuitry play a large part in
it in increasing amounts just to feel how quickly we can become hooked
normal. Anything that delivers a on a habit, but our environment may



All habits have a basic
flow: you feel an urge to
do something, you do it,
it feels good, so you get
the urge to do it again. If
you have a snack most
afternoons, soon a glance
at the clock will trigger
(or cue) your cravings.

be equally important. We know that WHY IS SMOKING
good connections with others and a SO ADDICTIVE?
sense of purpose and belonging makes
dependency far less likely. Nicotine – the highly addictive
You may have heard that it takes 21 drug in tobacco – exerts powerful
days to break a habit – alas, this is a dopamine-pumping powers. Within
piece of armchair-pyschology seven seconds of you inhaling
tobacco smoke, nicotine has bound
nonsense from the 1960s. For daily
to microscopic “nicotinic”
habits such as drinking a glass of water
receptors on brain cells, making the
after breakfast to doing 15 minutes of
reward pathway fire feel-good
exercise a day, it takes an average of 66
pulses of dopamine. Although the
days to stick – but others can take as taste is horrible, a few smokes over
few as 18 or as many as 254 days. How several days makes the brain
much the habit breaks your norm, your produce even more nicotine
motivation to change, the satisfaction receptors. We then must inhale
you feel, the complexity of the habit, ever-more nicotine to get the same
as well as your individual personality, pick-me-up effect – and cravings
all have a bearing.. start when we try to starve these
extra nicotine receptors. Smoking
doesn’t ease anxiety but merely
quells the uncomfortable
withdrawal symptoms generated by
Want to learn
those needy receptors.
healthier habits?
Around a third of people seem to
1 produce more nicotinic receptors
than others, making it extra hard for
avoid negative triggers, such as walking past a
favourite bar. Instead, facilitate new triggers: for instance, them to kick the habit. A lucky one
put running shoes in plain view, to prompt you to put in five people have a version of a
them on and do some pleasurable exercise. pleasure-sensing “mu-opioid”
2 brain receptor that seems to make
Break or make the behaviour by simply doing makes ditching the cancer sticks a
the new habit as much as you can. Each time you do, relative breeze for them.
you’re strengthening the new neural connections in your
brain, embedding the new routine.

Nurture the reward – if you take time to savour
and appreciate the mood-lifting buzz of a new habit such
as exercise, this can help a new fitness routine stick.

As the sun kisses the horizon goodnight, so we hunker
down for darkness. Twilight soothes the body after the
day’s demands, opening the door to calm. In this time
for storytelling around the campfire, emotions are felt
and shared effortlessly, and intimacy becomes easy.
Eventually slumber welcomes us with open arms and
as we drift off, body and brain drink in the pure
refreshment that only sleep can bring.

Is my phone ruining
my sex life?
Everyone seems to agree that sex isn’t as popular as it used
to be. Are we too busy, too tired – or just too much in thrall
to our smartphones to make time for intimacy?

Survey after survey confirms we are

having less sex than ever before.

Since the 1990s, couples have been
increasingly finding the bedroom an
intimacy-parched zone. Rates of In one survey,
teenage pregnancy have plummeted of people admitted
they had answered
across developed nations in line with
their phone during sex
this apparent lack of libido: the fraction
of people making love at least once a
week fell from 45% in 2000 to 36% in
2016 in the US – and this “sex drought” unanswered. As if someone really were
has many people worried. knocking on the door, fight-or-flight
Smart devices are a prime suspect as responses are tickled, instantly flicking
a cause, as their popularity has soared your brain into its highly vigilant
while romance’s has sunk. Given that “watching” brain network (see page 70).
every new technology gets blamed for This mindset is the antithesis of love
social ills, it may be a coincidence. But and openness because it narrows your
although there’s no rock-solid scientific focus. Studies have shown that even the
evidence that logging on is turning us presence of a phone, regardless of
off, evidence does point to those digital whether it is used, can make people less
distractions subduing your sex life. empathetic towards those they are with.
Intimacy is a bubble that’s easily A smart device, even in airplane
burst. Like a dog that learns to bark at mode, can similarly sabotage the state
the sound of the doorbell, so your brain of mind needed for love – and lust –
quickly learns that a digital “ping” is to blossom. When you’re planning a
your virtual doorway to the outside romantic evening, it may be prudent
world. The sound is tethered in your to leave the phone in the fridge when
memories to friends unseen and emails you go to take out the wine.

When a phone – even
if it is turned off – is
on a table near us,
our face-to-face
become less caring
and lack empathy
and intimacy.

Is there a best time

to have sex?
Hormones take the reins of our sex drive, but culture,
habits, and the routines of life mean that we can’t always
heed their clarion call – we have sex when we can.

In the natural world, few species numbers and their swimming abilities
appear to have sex for pleasure – we are at their daily peak. If you need to be
are in an exclusive club that includes sparky first thing, then beware: an
dolphins and other primates. almighty surge of the sleep-inducing
Testosterone is a chemical cattle prolactin after sex – particularly in men
prod for sexual desire in both sexes, – means the urge to roll over and start
although it’s significantly lower in snoring can be irresistible.
women; for them, oestrogen plays Your personal biological clock also
a bigger role in sexual desire. has a say. Night owls are better primed
Testosterone surges for everyone in for late-night loving, while morning
the mornings, priming the body for sex. types favour morning amour. Research
After orgasm, a cocktail of hormones shows that the couples who are
imbue a relaxed, loved-up state, so sex happiest with their relationship often
in the morning could be a stress-busting, have body clocks that are synchronized
blood pressure-lowering start to the day. to each other’s sexual urges. Hormones
Also, the chances of conception are are, of course, only one facet of sex
highest before 7:30am, when sperm drive – real life superimposes itself on


The lusty hormone

testosterone peaks in the
early morning for both males
and females; the peak is much
higher for men than women.

Males 9AM 12PM 3PM 6PM 9PM

Males reach their sexual lifetime libido
HIGH peak at around 20 years
On average, the male libido peaks
at an earlier age than the female
libido, and reaches a higher level.

Male and female desire is roughly

equal in their 30s, and again in
their mid to late 40s.

Females reach

their peak more KEY

10 20 30 40 50 Females

this chemical impulse. Couples tend to rhythm of sexual desire. For example,
have sex when opportunity strikes: after seven days of abstinence, sex-
intercourse rates are highest at night, seeking testosterone surges, before
when both parties are conveniently returning to a steady level.
lying in bed together. Science shows that even seasons
affect procreative sex: sperm are
healthiest and fittest in the springtime,
11:30pm is the time and most feeble in summer.
when couples New parents often find they’re at
are most likely the mercy of libido-blunting chemical
to have sex changes. Sex hormones dip in new
mothers, and testosterone similarly
slumps by 26 to 34 per cent for new
As well as the daily hormones, the fathers – even their testicles shrink!
rollercoaster of sex hormones over Research shows that this temporary
months and years holds huge sway halt on testosterone helps men be
over your libido. For women, sexual better, more attentive fathers.
desire rises and falls broadly in line Remarkably, the brains of new parents
with fertility. It rises in the first half of rewire, retuning the dopamine-driven
the monthly cycle, which is the prime reward system to be more motivated
time for baby-making – even if sperm towards childcare rather than sex.
arrive before an egg is launched, they There’s no “best time” to have sex
can happily tread water for five or so – but for a male/female couple in their
days. After egg release, the passion- 20–30s, on a spring morning in the first
killer hormone progesterone dampens half of her cycle, a week after they last
lust in the second half of the cycle. had sex, the odds are that having sex
Men also have their own, simpler will be at the top of their “to-do” list.


Why do we yawn, and why

are yawns contagious?
The curiously contagious yawn and its function are mysteries
that have had researchers stumped. There are clues that
yawning might be a leftover habit from our earliest times.

Yawning reveals more about you than it’s your body’s way of keeping you
you might think. Tiredness and sparky when your mind is drifting, but
boredom are the obvious triggers for science has shown that this isn’t the
an arms-outstretched, wide-mouthed case: we’re no more energized after
yawn, but yawning, and the electrical firing in
nervousness and the brain remains unchanged.
in one
study, 82%
of under 25-year-
worry are also
causes – and
Perhaps there’s a more primal
reason. For much of the animal
why you might kingdom, showing off your gnashers
olds contagiously
see an athlete signals a “back off” message or
yawned, compared to
only 41% of over-50s yawning just warning. So although our teeth are
before a big puny, it’s possible that yawning is a
race. Even sexual arousal can set off legacy from our animal ancestors, and
yawns – so don’t be offended in a a way of showing the weapons we’re
moment of intimacy! packing when we’re at our most
So what does yawning do for us? This vulnerable – tired or foggy-headed.
is a puzzle that researchers never tire of Why, then, are yawns contagious?
trying to solve. Some myths have been We are empathic by nature: the areas of
dispelled: low oxygen levels don’t trigger the brain that light up when you “catch”
a yawn, and yawning doesn’t increase a yawn are the same ones that come
oxygen in the blood. Neither is it a way alive when you care for and connect
of cooling the brain when it’s hot: in fact, with others. Family members catch
breathing through the nose cools us yawns more than strangers do – even
more efficiently than a mouth breath. dogs can catch yawns from their
What we do know is that we yawn owners! Interestingly, children don’t
most when we’re feeling dopey – at tend to catch them until the age of five
night, early in the morning, or when – presumably because they haven’t yet
we’re bored. A neat idea might be that developed mature empathy circuitry.

Studies show that
yawning helps close-
knit groups of social
animals, such as
the chimpanzee, to
synchronize their
body clocks.

Do sleeping pills
help or hinder?
Your body clock releases a range of sleep-inducing
chemicals that helps you put head to pillow. Medication
tinkers with this process, so comes at a cost.

Any medicine or substance that hastens
sleep – be it sleeping tablets or alcohol About
– actually hampers good sleep. Sleeping of american
aids make you drowsy either by adults have
chemically tickling the sleep-inducing tried a sleep
part of the brain called the VLPO or drug or
muffling the stay-awake impulses from supplement
the brain’s RAS region. Drugs (and
alcohol, see right) do send you to sleep,
but medicated slumber is not the same fallacy: melatonin isn’t the hormone
as the natural kind. In fact, any chemical that makes you sleepy – it’s actually
that makes you sleepier or more awake adenosine that’s responsible for the
(including caffeine) cripples the normal creeping tiredness that makes you
rhythm of sleep. want to drop off.
Like alcohol, sleeping pills tend to As the body clock senses the fading
pull the plug on REM sleep, while also light, your body releases melatonin in
railroading you into medium-depth the hours running up to bedtime. This
sleep, and bouncing you out of the most signals winding-down time, rather like
restorative deep sleep, thus starving the ringing of an end-of-the-day school
you of sleep’s full healing potential. bell. Taking melatonin right before bed
Medications are, however, useful in isn’t useful at all – it’s like sounding that
the short term. When combined with bell in the middle of the day – all the
good sleep hygiene, they can help students will assume it is a mistake. In
guide a broken sleep pattern back the same way, a melatonin supplement
into a healthy routine. taken when your body isn’t tired won’t
Melatonin supplements are often speed your journey into slumberland –
trumpeted as a “natural” remedy for your body will know it’s a false alarm
sleep issues, but this is based on a and ignore it.

You fall into slow-wave Complete cycle of Brief, forgotten early
sleep quicker REM is missed morning wakenings

conked out
AWAKE Even small amounts
of alcohol will disrupt
the normal, healthy
pattern of sleeping
through the night.

nREM STAGE 2 Sober sleep

You spend longer Alcohol-induced

nREM STAGE 3 in slow-wave sleep sleep

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Will a nightcap help

me sleep better?
On a chilly night, a hot toddy can seem the perfect way
to glide you into the Sandman’s soothing embrace. But
however tempting, a fiery nightcap will always backfire.

Alcohol might make you fall asleep Alcohol leaves you sleep-deprived
more quickly, but your slumber will and groggy, even if you think you had
be more restless and less restorative. enough hours. If you drank enough to
Alcohol sedates the brain activity that cause a hangover, then expect it to feel
is vital for REM sleep, the most that much worse.
emotionally healing of sleep phases. Unlike sleeping pills, which are of
In fact, in regular heavy drinkers and some use, alcohol is never a good
alcoholics, REM sleep is so stifled that sleeping aid. You need that REM to
many of them dream very little, which get the full restorative benefits of sleep
leads to daytime thinking difficulties. (see pages 228–229).


Will digital devices

keep me awake?
Put the phone away if you want a good night’s sleep, goes
the modern mantra – but your body is too smart to be
duped by a tiny screen into thinking it’s daytime.

Gazing intently into the blaze of a

digital screen deep into the night has
long been identified as the enemy of
restful sleep, especially in teenagers
53% of people
in the us admit they
and young people, for whom sleep check their phone
has an especially important role. last thing at night
The theory goes that the blue-toned
light from the backlit glow of a digital
device tricks the body clock into melatonin gong and thus making it
thinking it is still daytime, pushing more difficult to drift off.
the body clock forward, delaying the The basis for this thinking is that
blueish light – similar to the blue of a
clear sky, and almost identical to the
want to dial down frequency of daylight that our aquatic
the digital damage? ancestors would have seen when
looking up through the ocean’s waves
1 – is the hue that the body clock is most
Do something non-digital before bed – an sensitive to. The theory is right, but
activity that encourages the brain’s “wandering” network science reveals that the sleep-
will allow your body clock to work unhindered.
disrupting effect of digital blue light
2 is likely overstated – your body is too
if you must use a device, avoid fast-paced apps
– they’ll trigger energizing, wakeful hormones.
clever to be “awoken” by such small
screens: they’re simply not bright
enough to make the body clock think
night-light mode with its dim, reddish light almost
certainly won’t improve your sleep, but it may be less that it’s daytime.
annoying for a partner trying to drop off. Furthermore, once you’ve nodded
off, any danger of blue-light insomnia
has largely passed. Should you wake up

in the night and glance at a digital However, this doesn’t mean that
screen, any awakening effect from the your devices are sleep-friendly. Those
light is minimal. In the middle of the energizing stress hormones produced
night, the body’s sleep cogs are already when playing a game, browsing online,
in full motion. A mobile device isn’t or trawling social media are highly
going to derail your sleep by tricking likely to override your sleep impulses
your body’s wily timekeepers into and keep you wired long after bedtime.
believing night is day.


YouTube and
8.0 Pinterest were
linked to lowest
sleep quality




Those who didn’t

check social media
had the best sleep


stimulating social media KEY

A large survey in the US compared Facebook Tumblr
people’s rating of their quality of Twitter YouTube
sleep with the social media apps they
checked just before bed. All the apps Reddit Snapchat
were associated to some extent with Pinterest Didn’t open
poorer sleep, although it seemed that any apps
there was no effect on length of Instagram
sleep. People who didn’t check any
social media reported by far the best
quality sleep.


What’s the best way

to fall – and stay – asleep?
Good sleep can be worryingly hard to come by for many
people. The three factors that most affect your chances of
sweet dreams are temperature, light, and above all, routine.

Since you’re most vulnerable to relaxed state. Counting sheep or clock-

threat when you’re asleep, humans watching just makes things worse –
are programmed to drift off only when they switch on your brain’s “watching”
the coast is clear network, which delays sleep even
– and that’s when more. Sleep will come easier if you
About we’re calm and ease your brain into its freewheeling

of people struggle to
relaxed. Anxiety,
worry, and any
kind of trigger to
“wandering” network by doing familiar,
uncomplicated tasks, such as brushing
your teeth, before bed.
fall asleep every night your fight-or-flight Temperature and light are key to
response, whether sleep. We know from studying hunter-
it’s fretting about an unpaid bill, a gatherer communities, whose lifestyle
stressful deadline, or even dreading not has changed little in thousands of
being able to sleep, feeds your body a years, that humans naturally sleep a
pulse of adrenaline, sabotaging good couple of hours after it gets dark and
sleep by hurling the brain out of its the air temperature has fallen. In line

avoid heavy meals in establish a routine

the evening: like most body – we learn by repetition, so
SLEEP HYGIENE systems, your intestines slow by finding a routine in the
The term “sleep hygiene” was down at night. Bloating the hour or so before bed and
coined by sleep scientists and stomach can lead to sticking to it, you can
simply means developing a indigestion, which will disturb become a pro sleeper. This
positive, helpful sleep routine. sleep. A large meal can also could involve brushing your
All studies show that sticking prod the body clock into teeth, dimming the lights,
to some basic, universal rules daytime, wakeful behaviour. taking a bath, or meditating.
really can purify your sleep.

with this, your body clock winds down HALF-ASLEEP DUCKS
your alertness and body temperature. AND DOLPHINS
If your bedroom is too hot, you simply
won’t be able to sleep well because Our brains need full, deep sleep,
your core temperature is too high. but that’s not the case across
Absolute darkness is supremely the whole animal kingdom.
soporific for both achieving sleep and For dolphins and other aquatic
mammals who need to surface to
staying in the land of zeds. It has taken
breathe oxygen, only half of the
Mother Nature 3.6 million years to
brain sleeps at a time. Through the
teach us how to sleep, using the
night, they keep one eye open and
daylight-temperature partnership as
one half of their brain alert, before
failsafe signals to our internal clock. swapping sides to give the other
Like a bewildered moth spiralling half a rest.
into a lantern, our brain wiring cannot Ducks use a similar strategy.
reconcile bright light with night. Get Lining up for safety, the ducks at
as much daylight as you can during each end of the row sleep with one
the day but in the hour before bed, try eye open, and half their brain alert.
turning off half the lights in your home A predator can then be spotted
to help guide your brain home. by the half-sleeping sentries.
If you go camping, you will probably Even more impressively, new-born
dolphins and orcas do not sleep
find that you fall into this natural rhythm
at all for a whole month after birth,
within a day or two. Interestingly, when
and nor do their mothers, who stay
sleeping under the stars, morning larks
fully awake to keep both eyes on
and night owls tend to find their body their offspring!
clocks come a little closer together.

keep consistent hours allow sleep don’t lie awake for hours
– go to bed and rise at the opportunity – to – you’ll train your brain to link
same times, even at have any hope of staying bed with alertness. Get up
weekends. The body clock in “wandering” brain mode, and go to another room. Dim
doesn’t understand the sleep can’t be rushed. Seven the lights and read or listen
five-day working week and hours’ sleep does not mean to music. Go back to bed
thrives on routine, which is seven hours in bed. Allow when you feel sleepy, and
closely tied with our yourself extra time – at least repeat if you still can’t sleep
safety-first instincts. half an hour – to fall asleep. after 20 minutes.


Is sleep really
that important?
Sleep is a refreshing, healing tonic that nourishes and
repairs body and mind. It’s a daily prescription more
powerful than the most expensive drugs – and it’s free.

On the face of it, sleep is a ludicrous, bottom dollar that the fateful day will
dangerous waste of time, rendering you come sooner than you think.
unproductive, and in a primal sense, Feeling ratty after a bad night? When
unable to defend or you’re sleep deprived, the emotional,
nourish yourself. But impulsive brain regions explode with
after poor sleep, make no mistake, activity, making an otherwise amiable
activity in the
sleep is no accident. person crotchety, snappy, and more
impulsive regions
Very soon after likely to hear a benign comment as a

of the
brain animal life emerged personal slight. Every mental health
rises by on planet Earth, sleep disorder and illness, bar none, has been
followed. Every linked with disordered sleep. Once, we
animal that lives longer than a week thought that psychiatric disorders led to
sleeps in some way or another. If you sleep problems. In reality, it’s a two-way
live by the go-getter motto, “I’ll sleep street, with lack of sleep contributing to
when I’m dead”, then you can bet your mental ill-health, and those mental
health issues making sleep even worse.
On average, people eat about 400
further questions calories more a day when poorly slept.
affected by sleep It’s perhaps no surprise that obesity
rates have sky-rocketed in line with
• Page 64–65: “How can I get the most
from my working day?” our worsening sleep habits: many
• Page 80: “Why do I feel hungry so researchers are now convinced the
soon after breakfast?” worldwide obesity epidemic is rooted
• Pages 132–33: “How can I improve in so many of us going skinny on sleep.
my memory?”
If you’re trying to lose weight, being
• Pages 162–63: “What’s the best way
to build up muscle?” low on sleep will hamper your efforts.
This is because in a sleep-deficient
state, your body clings on to fat,

believing lack of sleep means your life sleep enough, your joints, muscles, and
is under threat. bones will ache, your arteries are more
Lack of sleep also hits your immune likely to fur up, and even your fertility is
system. After four hours’ slumber, the lowered. Sports injury rates are four
following morning will see numbers of times higher in those who sleep six
cancer-fighting cells depleted, making hours per night, compared to those
these essential defenders less able to who enjoy nine hours.
ward off assaults. If you regularly don’t

fewer colds better weight

and coughs management
Sleep supercharges If you’re exercising or
the immune system, on a diet, good sleep
bolstering the body’s ensures your body will
ability to fight off burn off excess fat
seasonal infections. instead of muscle.

healthy brain
improved mood During slow-wave sleep, tiny decreased hunger
After a good night’s sleep, drainage canals in the brain called Leptin, a powerful
levels of positive hormone glymphatic channels wash away appetite-suppressing
serotonin rise, whilst toxic sludge and molecular hormone, is released after
anxiety-inducing hormones detritus. This nightly clean-up is a good night’s sleep,
such as cortisol and vital for brain health and may keeping cravings
adrenaline plummet. prevent degenerative in check.
brain conditions such as
Alzheimer’s disease.

fitter body better

Muscle strength is mental health
boosted by regularly Sufficient rest and an
sleeping well. The body established sleep routine
repairs and strengthens help prevent the onset of
during the deepest, mental illness and improve
slow-wave sleep. existing conditions.



How do I know how

much sleep I need?
The recommendation is at least seven hours, with about
eight hours the optimum – but some people claim they need
much less, or much more. This is what the science says.

Everyone is different, and the amount light-sleepers eventually suffer the

of sleep everyone needs can vary – but same ill health as others would from a
probably not as much as you think. lifetime’s lack of sleep is as yet unknown.
A few people cope well and perform Your body clock (see pages 22–23)
normally without the usual amount of controls when you feel like going to
sleep – waking at 5am every morning sleep and when you wake up. Listen to
without flagging. Don’t try to train your body and go to sleep when you
yourself to be like them – it would feel tired, and try to wake up naturally
be akin to trying to change your eye every day. Don’t forget that naps count
colour. People who function well on towards your daily total, and even a
four to six hours, rather than the usual 20-minute snooze can be useful if
eight, are usually born with a mutation you are flagging following a disturbed
in one of several wakefulness- night. Also, be aware that the amount
controlling genes (with catchy names of sleep you need tends to gradually
such as DEC2, ADRB1, or NPSR1, reduce as you age.
among many others). Whether such
The optimum
amount of sleep
is seven to eight

hours a night

find your balance




One study showed that not

only do people struggle
to complete simple tests
in the lab when they’ve
had too little sleep, but

also when they’ve had

too much!
2 4 6 8 10 12

Hours of sleep you’ll
never get back

unpaid debt
If you sleep six hours each night
during the week and accumulate
ten hours of sleep debt, you’ll
only be able to recoup about
four hours at the weekend.

One hour of sleep
One hour of lost sleep
MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN Sleep debt hours accrued

Can I make up for lost

sleep at the weekend?
You might look forward to sleeping in at the weekend,
especially after a busy week. However, there’s a limit to
catching up on sleep. Some hours will be lost forever.

In some ways, sleep is like food. Starve stage, so you will experience fewer
yourself of its nourishment and your exciting dreams.
body will feast on it when next given Unfortunately, the body can’t fully
the chance, refilling drained reserves. recoup lost sleep, but that’s not to say
After a night or two’s poor rest, we you shouldn’t catch up on as much as
will naturally sleep longer on you can. No matter how big the debt,
subsequent nights. We accumulate a you can only normally manage two or
“sleep debt” that we carry until we three extra hours over and above your
can get decent shut-eye. Powerfully normal nightly total, so sleeping in at
restorative to body and mind, it is the weekend can only claw back so
slow-wave sleep that your body craves much lost time. The “interest” you pay
most when you’ve been burning the on sleep debt is poor long-term health,
candle at both ends. In catch-up sleep, so it’s vital to keep your sleep hours in
more time is spent in the slow-wave the black as often as you can.


What can I do if I can’t

avoid sleep deprivation?
In these hyper-busy, time-poor days, it’s tempting to try
to get through by skimping on sleep. But be careful you
don’t sleepwalk into your own personal disaster.

Many people claim they can get by just four hours is a staggering 11 times
fine with just four or five hours of sleep, more likely to be in a car crash than
and the demands of modern life someone with eight hours’ sleep.
sometimes Planning a long drive and didn’t sleep
require us to well last night? Leave the keys at home
being awake for
be alert and and catch a train instead.
18 hours available 24/7. Sometimes, there’s no alternative to
impairs thinking However, sleep sleep deprivation – new parents and
as much as being
deprivation is junior doctors are among those who
at the drink-drive limit
dangerous, and simply have to get through it. (A study
perhaps the most sinister nature of it is showed that junior doctors who worked
that we don’t realize just how tired we 34-hour shifts made 460 per cent more
are. Termed “baseline resetting”, we get diagnostic mistakes.) Research is
so used to a fatigued existence that ongoing into the long-term effects of
we think spending life wading against sleep deprivation, but it is clear that
waves of tiredness is normal. both physical and mental health are at
Your brain starts to glitch and you’ll risk for those who don’t get sufficient
have momentary lapses – brief sleep over a sustained period.
episodes, called “microsleeps”, when If you work very long shifts, try to
you’re completely unaware of the claw back some sleep on rest days.
world. Your brain is so desperate to get If you can, plan demanding tasks for
some slow-wave sleep that it literally your first day back, when you are more
cuts the power. If you’re reading a rested. For new parents, grab sleep
book, it’s harmless – you’ll re-read the whenever your baby does – it may not
same sentence again – but if you’re be continuous, restful slumber, but
cruising down the motorway, the those snatched minutes can accrue
consequences will be catastrophic. into a surprising amount of shut-eye.
Someone who has slept for less than

With baseline
resetting, your
tiredness becomes
the norm and you no
longer notice your
low alertness and
impaired judgement.

How can I deal

with jet lag?
Jet lag can be grim. Your body clock influences all your
body systems, and the time it takes to adjust to new time
zones depends on how far you’ve travelled.

Before aircraft could speed us around zones. Jet lag happens when the body
the globe, jet lag didn’t exist – we clock is out of step with the actual
travelled slowly enough for our bodies time, causing you to be in night mode
to adjust to gradually changing time when it is daytime (and vice versa).
Flying east is usually harder than
flying west. Travelling east usually
Want to beat jet lag? means you are catching up with the sun
and so will arrive at a later hour than
1 your body clock is expecting. Going to
Avoid caffeine and alcohol on the flight
because these will make it more difficult to get into
bed before your body is ready is not
the groove of your destination time zone. easy: cortisol levels haven’t yet drooped
2 and the melatonin message that the end
Eat meals at the time of your destination of the day is nigh has not yet been sent.
during your flight, to help the body clock to harmonize Flying westwards is typically less
with the new time zone.
torturous, because you have to stay
3 up later – and that’s far easier to do,
Get into daylight as early as possible and avoid both mentally and biologically.
wearing sunglasses so that you feed loud “wake-up!”
messages to the brain. Even cloudy conditions will prod Such is the command of the body
your body clock in the right direction. clock, there is simply no way to
4 avoid jet lag. After you’ve arrived at
shut out light later in the day – by wearing a different time zone, your internal
sunglasses and closing the curtains, you will blunt your clock will slide forwards or backwards
body clock’s drive to stay awake.
by about one hour each day. So if your
5 destination country is seven hours
Slog out the rest of the day and try to stay
awake until your new time zone’s bedtime, to nudge your
out of kilter with your home country,
body clock into its new rhythm. then expect it to take a full week
before your body has fully adjusted
into the new groove.

You’re wide awake in the ...but at least your alertness
middle of the night... levels are fairly synchronized
during the day

AT 12 AM

travelling west KEY

If you’ve flown from Brisbane to London, your Body clock still in
body clock (see pages 22–23) will be nine hours Brisbane time
behind the new time zone for the first day. It’s Body clock running
easier for your body clock to delay itself. on London time

Alertness soars; you

wake very early

Alertness plummets;
you struggle in the
middle of the day

AT 12 AM

travelling east KEY

If you’ve flown from London to Brisbane, your Body clock still in
body clock will be nine hours ahead of the new London time
time zone for the first day. It’s much harder for Body clock running
your body clock to advance itself. on Brisbane time


The VLPO is a tiny

region neighbouring
the hypothalamus

The RAS is a body hiccup

network of When you’re awake the RAS rules
connections the roost, but come bedtime, when
sprouting from the VLPO is pumped up by the
the brainstem tiredness hormone adenosine,
it eventually takes control.

Why do I get sleep jerks?

The room is dark, the duvet warm, and the mattress soft...
then for no apparent reason, you are jolted wide awake as
if hit by lightning. What’s going on?

Taking place in the lightest stages of the struggling RAS lands a brief heavy
sleep, these momentary quakes are blow. One theory suggests that sleep
called “hypnagogic jerks”. Usually they jerks are a survival relic handed down
involve a falling sensation, but can also from our tree-dwelling ancestors. As
be an imagined noise, or a flash of light. your muscles relax in the early stages of
Around 70–80 per cent of people say sleep, your primate brain jolts you
they experience them, and they happen awake when it senses you are about to
because of a wrestling match between tumble out of the tree.
the drive to stay awake and the pulling They’re completely harmless –
force of sleep. Wearing the red belt in assuming that a flying arm doesn’t land
this bout is the fleet-footed reticular on a loved one. They are as common
activating system, or the RAS, fighting in the well-rested as in those with sleep
to keep you awake. It faces off against problems, and become less frequent as
the sleepy pillow-yearning region, the you get older. There is little evidence, but
ventrolateral preoptic nucleus, or the some claim that reducing caffeine intake
VLPO. Although smaller, the VLPO is and late-night exercise reduces the
destined to win, but a jerk happens when occurrence of sleep jerks.

Why do I talk
in my sleep?
If you are prone to holding conversations while fast asleep,
rest easy: your subconscious isn’t leaking your deepest
secrets, and you’re not unwell.

Surprisingly, you don’t sleeptalk during maturing of our sleep-controlling brain

vivid dreams – your jabberings actually systems. Nevertheless, sleepwalking
arise out of the tranquility of slow-wave runs in families and 2–3 per cent of
sleep. Similar to sleep jerks, adults sleepwalk from time to time.
sleeptalking (termed “somniloquy”) If you’ve been drinking alcohol or are
seems to be a break in the veil of sleep. sleep deprived, you’re more likely to
During deep sleep, the brain’s VLPO go wandering in the night. Stress and
region is at the helm, releasing two anxiety also weaken the VLPO’s grip,
powerful substances – GABA and making sleeptalking more likely. People
glycine – that paralyse you. Only a suffering from post-traumatic stress
few movements slip through the net disorder (PTSD) are predisposed to
of paralysis, such as rolling over voicing nocturnal narratives.
(which seems to be the body’s People fear that waking a sleepwalker
protection against getting bed sores). is dangerous. It may be disorientating,
Moans, laughter, or speech also quite but it’s in no way life-threatening. The
frequently burst through this paralysis. person is in deep sleep, and will likely
Similarly, sleepwalking also arises from wake with a start, just as if you shook
deep sleep – contrary to what many them awake in bed.
people think, sleepwalkers are not
acting out a dream.
These escapees from the paralysis
straitjacket are nothing to worry about.
Sleepwalking is common in young
of pEopLE talk in
children, and most people grow out their sleep – swearing is
of it by adulthood, in line with the surprisingly common!


Why do I snore and

how can I stop?
Snoring is a strange side-effect of floppy muscles during
deep sleep that is annoying to many, usually harmless,
but is sometimes dangerous.

Like bad breath, most of us don’t know hay fever, this will inflame throat
we snore until someone tells us. And tissues and narrow your airway, making
it’s common: around four in ten men snoring even worse. Generally, the
and a quarter of women do it. Snoring larger you are, the louder the snoring,
occurs in the deepest while some people are born with a
stages of sleep when nose or jaw shape that means they can
In a UK
survey, 12%
of respondents
your muscles are at
their floppiest: tissues
deliver thunderous snorts at night.
Useless anti-snoring aids abound,
holding the roof of the including rings worn on the little finger
cited snoring as
one of the reasons mouth and tongue in that claim to stimulate “acupressure
for divorcing place sag so much that sites’’ to prevent snoring. Snorers and
they dangle in front of their partners are not without hope for
the windpipe. With each breath, they more peace, though. The type of aid
flap and vibrate noisily, like a door to choose depends on whether the
banging in the breeze. If you have noise mainly comes from the nasal
swollen tonsils, a throat infection, or passageways or a constricted throat.

snore no more
If practised every
day, these exercises
strengthen the
muscles around the
airways to reduce
snoring and improve
sleep quality.

Push the tip of your Suck your tongue Force the back of your tongue
tongue against the upwards so its entire down against the floor of your
roof of your mouth top surface lies against mouth while keeping the tip of
and slide it backwards the roof of your mouth your tongue in contact with your
20 times 20 times bottom front teeth 20 times

Chin straps and mouth guards are OSA, THE NOT-SO-
designed to stop mouth-breathing or SILENT KILLER
lift the jaw to allow airflow. These can
help mouth-based snorers, although Snoring isn’t generally harmful to
may be so uncomfortable they affect the snorer’s health. However, there’s
the snorer’s ability to sleep. a chance that snoring may be your
Nasal strips and tubes can help nasal body’s distress call, signalling a
life-threatening condition called
snorers by widening the nostrils to
obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
reduce turbulence. Nasal sprays are
This is when the throat muscle
scientifically proven to expand the
tissues sag so much at night that
airways and reduce the din, although
they completely block the airway.
steroid-based sprays can affect your With a cough and a splutter you’ll
sleep quality by impairing REM sleep. awaken, then drift back to deep
In severe cases, surgery to remove sleep, at which point the muscles
tissue at the back of the throat offers a relax once again and the splutter-
solution for very problematic snoring. wake-sleep cycle continues.
However, before trying a human- OSA can be deadly. Repeated
made remedy, there are simple, cost- brief suffocations through the night
free changes you can make that are wreak havoc on body systems and
proven to deliver a quieter night. cause the memory-storing
hippocampus to shrivel. You’re also
at higher risk of obesity, type 2
diabetes, high blood pressure,
Want to call time on heart attacks, and mental illness.
Around five per cent of adults in
your snoring?
developed countries have OSA, but
85 per cent of sufferers are unaware
of it. Very effective treatment is
AVOID ALCOHOL OR sedative medication
– both will relax throat muscles more and available once a person is
worsen the problem. diagnosed – the hallmark of OSA is
2 feeling exhausted and unrefreshed
DON’T SLEEP on your back – in this position, after sleep. Other clues include
the tongue and palate vibrate against the back of the nodding off at the drop of a hat
throat. Side sleeping is the best position for snorers. in the daytime, being overweight,
3 and unusually loud snoring.
If you are overweight, shedding even a See a doctor without delay if
couple of kilograms can ease enough pressure on this sounds like you.
the airways to allow for quieter breathing.


Why do I get night terrors

or sleep paralysis?
For many, these horrifying night-time visitations are all too
real. Night terrors and sleep paralysis are both disturbing,
but they originate from different stages of the sleep cycle.

If you’ve ever woken in the night, unable parasomnia (the term used for
to move and aware of something sinister disorders in the sleep cycle) happens
nearby, then you’ve experienced sleep during light REM sleep.
paralysis – the flip of sleepwalking. In contrast, night terrors arise from
Your brain has awoken but your body the slow-wave stage of sleep. The brain
is asleep. You can’t move or speak has tried to rise from the depths of
because your sleep centres continue to deep sleep, but can’t quite surface.
immobilize your limbs, mistakenly The eyes are open but the mind is
thinking you are still in dreaming (REM) sloshing around in largely dreamless,
sleep. Your eyes are free to roam, and slow-wave sleep. For reasons no one
the reticular activating system has turned yet understands, the fear and anxiety
the lights on upstairs; but the flow of pathways get caught in a loop and you
natural muscle sedatives has not yet might scream the house down.
been stemmed. Around a fifth of adults Resolution, as for all parasomnias,
experience this horrible, but harmless, can often be found in good sleep
phenomenon. Crucially, this frightening hygiene (see pages 226–227).

When you have a In sleep

night terror, the paralysis, the
brain is fast asleep... brain is awake...

... while your ... while your sleep malfunctions

body is no body is still In sleep paralysis, the time
longer paralysed sleep- lapse between the brain
from sleep immobilized waking and your body
freeing itself from paralysis
can be a few seconds or
several minutes. Roles are
reversed when it comes to
night terrors – and they can
also last several minutes.

During sleep
paralysis, as your
thinking mind
casts around to make
sense of the body’s
immobility, terrifying
imaginings and
can take hold.

Does dreaming make me

more creative?
Dreaming is the brain’s go-to sandpit for playing around
with unusual ideas and trying out solutions that our logic-
driven conscious brain would dismiss out of hand.

Not every problem has a straightforward previously unnoticed connections

solution. Often, predicaments or and hidden solutions.
dilemmas need creative, lateral After a day or evening spent trying
thought and leaps of logic – and your to master something new – be it a
methodical frontal lobe brain regions video game, a musical instrument, or
aren’t always suited to these tasks. taking up a new sport – you’ll likely
When you dream, however, your notice that these daytime efforts leak
emotional centres play by different into your nocturnal mental wanderings.
rules. Like a police detective’s This ability is crucial to learning and
investigation board, experiences, developing new skills, and to weave
places, and faces can be “pinned up”, these new experiences into your existing
then rearranged and strung together mental meshwork, effectively lining up
in many different ways to reveal the cellular cables so that everything

Thalamus blocks Parietal cortex is

incoming sounds or inactive, disabling
feelings from body physical movement
whilst you dream

Rational prefrontal
cortex is powered down,
allowing dreams to break
Visual cortex conjures
all the laws of logic
vivid imagery,
drawing from your
Amygdala supercharges visual memory store
your dreams with emotions


Your dreams are wacky and weird Hippocampus is
because the sensible and logical active, remixing
prefrontal cortex is completely BRAIN CROSS-SECTION memories to
serve as a basis
switched off, allowing your brain
for your dreams
to creatively freestyle.

runs smoothly. This may be another
reason why babies do so much REM
sleeping – their new world is full of
new experiences, so their dreaming
Perhaps the most famous dream-
brains have to work overtime to induced eureka moment came in
assimilate them. the late 1860s. Russian chemist
When your brain is firing in its most Dmitri Mendeleev was obsessed
relaxed state (see page 70), creative with the scientific mystery of the
ideas and out-of-the-box thinking are day, which was trying to work out
more common – and these abilities a pattern to the chemical elements
are supercharged during REM sleep. – the gases, metals, and other pure
substances out of which everything
is made.

in a study, 30
of people said they
Mendeleev made himself a set of
cards, one for each of the 63 known
elements, recording their qualities
regularly solve and atomic mass. In every spare
problems in their dreams moment, he would compulsively
shuffle and lay out the cards,
hoping that he could discover
Without a doubt, dreams are a hotbed some organization to every type
of creativity out of which musical of atom. Red-eyed from failure and
motifs and artistic ideas can bubble. sleepless nights, he went to bed,
Paul McCartney’s Yesterday and and on 17 February 1869 wrote:
Let It Be are just two of the countless “I saw in a dream a table, where
examples of songs birthed in a all the elements fell into place as
required. Awakening, I immediately
dreamscape. Surrealist painter
wrote it down on a piece of paper.
Salvador Dalí used to eat sea urchins
Only in one place did a correction
in dark chocolate sauce before bed,
later seem necessary.”
hoping that it would make his dreams Mendeleev’s breakthrough – the
more bizarre, but science has yet to periodic table – was earth-
back up his logic. shattering for science. Not only did
You’ll be more likely to remember he uncover the code, but he even
your creative inspirations if you wake left gaps for undiscovered
from REM sleep (see pages 18–19). elements, predicting what these
And there’s plenty of evidence of a mystery atoms would be like with
strong link between better mental prophet-like accuracy.
abilities and getting good REM sleep,
especially in childhood.


Do my dreams
mean anything?
Dreams are “you” in your purest form, without the
distractions of the world. Why we dream is disputed, but
whatever the reason, your brain is getting a great workout.

It seems that there is something of About 65% of dreams

a “dream switch” in the brain. About are filled with sadness,
and only

90 minutes after slipping out of the
conscious world, the brain jolts awake,
making your eyes dart back and forth
as if watching a TV show projected on with happiness
the inside of the eyelids. The instant
we start dreaming, a part of the brain
known as the posterior cortical hot cent more active during dreaming than
zone “ignites”. Straddling various visual, when awake. Across culture and creed,
sensory, and emotional parts of the dreams dramatize universal human
brain, this network integrates wishes, fears, and concerns: often
information from these areas. When mutating a mundane situation into
flicked on, the “hot zone” indicates that a worst-case scenario.
you are having a conscious experience Dreams are a paradox: your surreal
and are dreaming. You are seeing and night-time imaginings are fascinating
feeling – totally immersed within and profoundly meaningful to you, but
your inner virtual reality. dull or just plain weird to others. The
Dreaming has meaning and value purpose and meaning of dreams are as
from the brain’s point of view: if you perplexing as their contents. Lurid or
are deprived of REM sleep, then the bizarre dreams are the ones that stick
following night you will dream longer in the memory, but studies show that
and more vividly as your brain claims they make up only a tiny proportion
back the missed REM sleep. of the whole – around 1–2 per cent.
In REM sleep, dreams often feel Almost all our dreams are mundane
more intense than real life. When and sound entirely unremarkable
scanned in an MRI machine, the when we attempt to describe them
emotional parts of the brain are 30 per to someone else.

Threat simulation
Your mind is working out how to deal
with obstacles that you might face when The psychoanalytic theory
awake. Fleeing from lions, battling aliens, Sigmund Freud theorized in 1900 that dreams
or escaping a burning building – such are disguised fulfilments of repressed wishes.
dreams are rehearsals for events that The detail of his ideas is considered off the
might happen in the waking world. mark from a scientific standpoint today, but this
was nevertheless a watershed in understanding
that dreams come from within us.

Fear reduction
This idea builds on the threat simulation
theory: if you face your fears in the safety
of your dream, you might worry less and Memory consolidation
extinguish that fear in your waking life. This Slow-wave sleep (nREM) has been proven
theory also explains how dreams might to strengthen memories, and this theory
“fail”, resulting in a nightmare. posits that dreaming in the REM stage of
sleep is the brain’s effort to knit together
connections between memories that
wouldn’t be made when you were awake.

Dreaming is simply a by-product of an
energetic brain and an imaginative mind.
Essentially, dreams are freewheeling
thoughts and emotions that have no
Future prediction
purpose other than to keep the brain
The ever-popular and far-fetched theory
ticking over when the lights are out.
that dreams predict the future is practically
impossible to investigate scientifically. In the
1970s, a UK newspaper invited readers to
send in their dreams and, over the next 15
years, the science editor tried to link them
to real-life events. He couldn’t.
why do we dream?
There is no shortage of theories as to precisely why we
dream, perhaps because such theories are so difficult
for sleep scientists to test and prove one way or the
other. Regardless of the reason, we do know that
dreaming is beneficial to mental and physical health.


Adenosine Body clock reduces appetite, and makes
A neurotransmitter that Also known as circadian you feel full and sleepy
promotes sleep. It is lowest in rhythm, a natural body system after meals.
the morning and increases that controls sleepiness and
with each waking hour. wakefulness over a day. Mainly Chronotype
controlled by the SCN. An individual’s body-clock
Adipose cells timing, which controls the
Your body fat is made up of Brain circuitry sleep-wake cycle.
these cells – they can be the Interlinked brain cells that
white or brown type. carry messages and trigger “Concentrating” network
body functions. See Executive control network.
Powerful hormone that boosts Brain-derived neurotrophic Confirmation bias
heart and breathing rates; factor (BDNF) Tendency to take in information
main player in the body’s Protective protein produced in a way that confirms what
fight-or-flight response. by brain cells; helps you to you already believe.
think faster and new brain
Amygdala cells to grow. Cortisol
Almond-shaped cluster of One of the stress hormones.
cells in the brain’s limbic Carbohydrates (carbs) Increases blood sugar and
system. Involved in threat Key nutrients including sugars blood pressure, and calms
detection, triggering fear and starch; important in immune system.
responses, formimg energy production.
emotional memories, and Default mode network
strengthening learning. Cerebellum Interlinked system of brain
Large, wrinkled structure on areas, active when your mind
Antioxidants the brain’s underside; important is wandering and not working
Chemicals in the body and in in smooth movement, balance, towards a particular goal. The
foodstuffs that neutralize waste and procedural memory. brain’s most relaxed state.
known as free radicals.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) Dopamine
Basal ganglia Gut hormone that is released The body’s main “reward”
Brain structure that controls when the first part of the hormone and neurotransmitter.
habitual, autopilot behaviours intestine is full of food. Makes Imbues strong feelings of
(your procedural memory). food stay in stomach for longer, satisfaction and elation.

Dunning-Kruger effect Fovea glucagon triggers the release of
Tendency in most people Tiny pit at the back of the more sugar from body’s stores.
to overestimate their own eye where our clearest
abilities and performance vision comes from. Densely Glutamate
in a particular area. packed with cone cells Mood-regulating
(colour vision sensors). neurotransmitter that
Endorphins increases brain activity
Hormones produced in the Free radicals in certain areas.
brain that numb pain and Unstable toxic substances
cause euphoria. The body’s produced in the body as part Glycogen
“natural painkillers”. of normal wear and tear. The body’s main store of
They cause damage known carbohydrate, mostly in
Executive control network as “oxidative stress”. muscles and liver. Made up of
Interlinked brain circuitry in chemical chains of glucose that
the frontal lobes. Active when FTO can be broken down quickly.
you concentrate, make Gene that regulates the amount
decisions, and solve problems. of dopamine released when Habit hub
you eat, and therefore the See Basal ganglia.
Fibre amount of pleasure you get
Nutrient found in plant-based from food. Hippocampus
foods that your body can’t Inch-long, slug-shaped
digest or absorb. Helps other GABA structure nestled by the limbic
foods to pass through the gut. Mood-regulating system. Stores, processes, and
neurotransmitter chemical retrieves memories.
Fight-or-flight response that calms brain activity.
A collection of bodily Hormones
responses that are triggered Ghrelin Signalling molecules produced
as soon as we feel threatened. The “hunger” hormone, released by glands and tissues. They
when your stomach is empty. are carried throughout the
Fluoride Triggers an increase in appetite. body by the blood, to trigger
Chemical added to and regulate body processes.
toothpastes – reduces decay Glucagon
by strengthening the enamel A “sugar-police” hormone Hypnagogic jerks
coating of the teeth. released by the pancreas. Sudden muscle spasms when
When blood sugar is low, you’re on the brink of sleep,


linked to a falling sensation; Myelin tissue Oestrogen

can be alarming. Substance made of fats and The main female sex hormone,
proteins, which encases the which prompts female sexual
Hypothalamus long “tails” of nerve cells and development. Present in males
Pea-sized area in the brain helps nerve impulses to travel in lower levels.
that regulates temperature, rapidly and efficiently.
appetite, sex drive, and Orienting response
produces many of the Neurotransmitters Survival reflex that prompts
main hormones. Messaging substances in the your attention to sudden
brain that pass information sounds or movements.
Limbic system between nerve cells. Also
Group of brain structures known as “brain hormones”. Oxytocin
that contain the amygdala, Hormone and neurotransmitter
hippocampus, and Neurons produced by the hypothalamus
hypothalamus. Deals with The main brain cells that that fosters attachment and
emotions and memories. transmit electrical impulses social bonding.
and from which brain circuits
Melanin are formed. Parietal cortex
Natural UV-blocking pigment Upper region of the brain from
responsible for your skin tone Night owls where muscles are controlled
and hair colour. People whose body clocks and bodily sensations are felt.
are biased towards waking Important in sense of space
Melatonin late and being energized in and ability to navigate.
One of the body’s “sleep” the evening. Also known as
hormones, released mainly “late chronotypes”. Pituitary gland
from the brain’s pineal gland. Pea-sized “master gland” at
Noradrenaline the base of the brain. Many of
Migrating motor complex Stress hormone and its hormones activate other
Regular pattern of contraction neurotransmitter. Increases glands and organs.
in your gut muscles between heart rate and gets you ready
meals. Clears undigested food for “fight-or-flight”. Postprandial somnolence
through your system. “Food coma” – the onset of
Nucleus accumbens sleepiness after eating.
Morning larks The brain’s “pleasure hotspot” Caused by hormones such
People whose body clocks – releases dopamine, which as cholecystokinin.
are biased towards waking can “reward” addictive
early. Also known as behaviour. Prefrontal cortex
“early chronotypes”. Area within frontal lobe that

contains the circuitry most to sudden changes and Testosterone
responsible for the brain’s prepares us for action. Male sex hormone. Increases
“executive” functions – its sex drive, aggression, and
thinking. Saturated fat muscle growth. Prompts male
Fats that are typically solid at sexual development. Present
Procedural memory room temperature. High intake in females in lower levels.
Scientific term for “muscle leads to atherosclerosis –
memory” – centred in the furring up of arteries. Trans fat
cerebellum associated with Very unhealthy type of fat,
habitual behaviours that Serotonin synthesized from unsaturated
require little conscious thought. Neurotransmitter that plays a fats and used in some
role in happiness and wellbeing. processed foods.
Key nutrient used in tissue Sleep inertia Unsaturated fat
repair, muscle growth, and Grogginess typically felt when Fats that are typically liquid at
hormone production. Most roused from deep sleep. room temperature. Found in
plentiful in meat, eggs, fish and plant oils and
soybeans, and nuts. Spatial cortex essential for good health.
See Parietal cortex.
Reticular activating system Vasopressin
(RAS) Brain network that Starch Calming hormone and
controls whether we are Carbohydrate found in plant- neurotransmitter produced
awake and alert or asleep. based foods such as potatoes, in the hypothalamus. Works
corn, and rice, which is broken alongside oxytocin to
REM and nREM sleep down into sugars. encourage people to bond.
REM is the rapid eye
movement stage of sleep, Stress response VLPO
when the brain is as active Sequence of body changes that Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus
as when awake and may be happen when put under threat. – a tiny brain area close to
dreaming. During nREM The fight-or-flight response is the hypothalamus, it releases
[non-REM] sleep, brain one part of the stress response. neurotransmitters that
activity is calmer and more encourage sleep.
organized. Temporal lobe
Large area in the brain “Wandering” network
Salience network containing the limbic system. See Default mode network.
The “watching” network of the Important in memory,
brain’s circuitry. Triggered by language, and vision. “Watching” network
distraction, it makes us vigilant See Salience network.


A blood sugar 15, 94, 96, 110, “watching” (salience) network
addictions 92, 176, 210, 114, 157, 164, 165, 186 67, 70, 71, 113, 136, 166,
212–213 BMI (body mass index) 172, 216, 226
adenosine 20, 65, 222 190–191 see also memory
adolescence 118, 120 body clock 14, 22–25, 28, 34, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic
see also teenagers 52, 64, 103, 113, 187, 222, Factor (BDNF) 156, 157
adrenaline 16, 26, 54, 60, 68, 224, 227, 230 breakfast 33, 34–41, 80
110, 113, 114, 115, 172, age and 24–25 cereals 34, 38
177, 186, 209, 226, 229 jet lag and 234–235 energizing foods 36–37
air conditioning 47 synchronization 218, 221, 338 fruit and vegetable juices 39
alcohol 187, 192, 212, 234, body temperature 117, 150 hunger after 80
237, 239 bowel movements 28, 199 skipping 34, 35
nightcaps 223 brain breathing, deep 110, 111
red wine 207 brain lag 12 “bystander effect” 57
alertness 23, 52, 70, 227 “concentrating” (executive
allergies 47, 113 control) network 70, 71, 73, C
Alzheimer’s disease 95, 229 111, 136, 242 caffeine 20, 222, 234, 236
amino acids 153, 207 creative thought process 72, calories
amygdala 16, 78, 106, 110, 73 burning 44–45, 152, 158–159
111, 166, 175, 208, 242 dreaming brain 242–245 calorie-counting diets 201
antibiotics 199 exercise, benefits of 157 daily intake, estimating 192,
antioxidants 39, 40, 41 health 229 193
anxiety 17, 20, 72, 113, 237 heat, effects of 117 cancers 41, 95, 116, 204, 229
lowering 26, 111, 167 IQ (intelligence quotient) carbohydrates 30, 36, 80, 88,
see also stress 138–139 89, 91, 152, 165, 200
Armstrong charts 84 limbic system 111, 175, 186 low-carb diets 200, 201
assertiveness 76–7 male and female brains 78–79 central heating 46
attachment 176, 177, multitasking 68–69 cerebellum 122, 130
178–179 processing power 136–137 cholecystokinin 102
see also sexual attraction reward centre 93, 94, 97, 120, cholesterol 156, 194–195
autopilot 131 167, 176, 211, 212, 213, 219 chrononutrition 34
rewiring 24, 118–119, 120, chronotype see body clock
B 219 cities
babies skills, learning 130–131 briskness of city dwellers 56
brain development 79 social-thinking pathways pace of life 58
sleeping 25, 243 166–167 clothing 42–43, 50, 51
bad breath 29 teenagers 118–119 coffee 20–21, 35
basal ganglia 131, 212 visual brain 129, 134–135 cognitive performance 12, 13,
blood pressure 114 “wandering” (default mode) 17, 24, 64–65, 88, 138–139
high 52, 63, 113, 187, 239 network 65, 70, 71, 72, 73, cold
lowering 171, 218 127, 136, 166, 224, 226, 227 calorie burning 44, 46

gender and 48–49 nightmares 245 brown fat 44, 45, 46
head heat loss 51 purpose of 245 burning 35, 158–159, 160,
keeping warm 42, 50 recalling dreams 18–19 192, 201
colour vision 134–135 driving 53 calculating 190–191
commuting 52–55 road rage 60–61 fat-building gene 196
length of journey 52–53, 54, 55 safe drivers 59 insufficient 193
method of travel 52, 53 Dunning-Kruger effect 59, 68 relative fat mass (RFM) 191
time warp effect 54–55 white fat 46
“virtual” commute 53 E fats, dietary 91, 92, 93, 152,
concentration 64–65, 67, 69, empathy 60, 166, 167, 171, 194–195, 200
70, 102 216, 217, 220 low-fat diets 194, 195, 200
confirmation bias 77, 170 endorphins 63, 157 nutritional benefits 195
cool, keeping 43, 117 energy saturated 95, 194, 195
cortisol 15, 16, 20, 23, 26, 27, boosting 15, 26 trans fats 195
54, 113, 114, 171, 176, 229, energizing foods 36–37 unsaturated 88, 89, 195
234 post-lunch slump 22, 35, 186 fear response 16, 199,
creativity 72, 73, 243 exercise 12, 28, 35, 102, 208–209
148–165 see also fight-or-flight
D aerobic 149, 157 response
decision-making 88, 106–107 brain benefits 65, 157 “felt” age 121
gut instinct 106–107 calorie burning 152, 158–159, fertility 171, 183, 219, 229
dehydration 84, 103 192 FGF21 hormone 98
déjà vu 126 for heart health 156 fibre, dietary 28, 36, 39, 80, 88,
detox 200, 201 “highs” 148, 157 89, 199
diabetes 34, 95, 96, 101, 156, HIIT (High Intensity Interval fight-or-flight response 16, 60,
196, 204, 239 Training) 156, 157 61, 62, 63, 88, 108, 110,
diets “hitting the wall” 164–165 112, 115, 172, 208, 209,
healthy diet 28, 89, 199, motivation 148–149 216, 226
202–203 muscle building 162–163 first instinct fallacy 107
nutrition science 206–207 nutrition and 152–153, 165 fluoride 30, 31
veganism 204–205 optimum time for 150–151 food
weight-loss diets 194, 200–201 power walking 63 breakfast 80
“diffusion of responsibility” 56 readiness for 149 drinking water 82–83
digestive system 28, 36, 89, 91, spot reduction 160 eating late 187, 226
94, 102, 198–199 stitches 155 eating slowly 91
dishonesty 169 stretching 154 and exercise 152–153, 165
DNA 116, 148, 175, 204 “five-a-day” recommendation
dopamine 63, 92, 93, 97, 120, F 206
167, 176, 177, 196, 210, fasting 201 grazing 81
212, 213 fat, body junk food 92–93, 188, 189
dreaming 242–245 belly fat 160, 196 lunch 88–89


nutrients, essential 38, 88, hugging 171 matching hypothesis 174, 178
204, 205, 207 hunger 80, 81, 88, 93, 102, 186, Mediterranean diet 202–203
sweet tooth 98–99 229 melanin 116
veganism 204–205 hydration 82–83, 117 melatonin 14, 23, 222
see also breakfast; diets; hypothalamus 81, 88, 157 memory 122–133
lunch; weight hypothermia 50 childhood amnesia 123
free radicals 40, 41 consolidation 245
frontal lobes 61, 119, 131, 171, I déjà vu 126
212, 242 immune system 81, 113, 115, “doorway effect” 128, 142
fruit and vegetable juices 171, 175, 198, 229 dreams, recalling 18–19
39 insulin 96 enhancement 132–133
fundamental attribution error interoception 62 facial recognition 129
60 IQ (intelligence quotient) fallibility 124–125
138–139 long-term memory 18, 54,
G iron 38, 40, 204, 205 122, 129, 133
gambling 210 irritable bowel syndrome 113, loss 131
gender stereotypes 76–79 199 procedural (muscle) memory
ghrelin 80, 92, 93 isotonic drinks 165 123, 130–131
glucagon 96 semantic memory 127, 129
glycogen 36, 149, 153, 159, J short-term memory 128, 142
164, 165 jet lag 234–235 telescoping effect 122
“gut brain” 88, 91, 102, 195, job satisfaction 52, 53 “tip-of-the-tongue” moment
199 jogging 154, 155, 156, 127
gut health 28 158–159 working memory 128
gut instinct 106–107 junk food 92–93, 188, 189 menopause 183
gut microbes 198–199 menstrual cycles 180–182,
L 183
H lactic acid 165 mental health
habits, changing 212–213 leisure sickness 115 commuting and 53
hair care 27 leptin 229 sleep quality and 228, 229
heart libido, low 183, 216, 219 metabolism 34, 46, 192–193
cardio exercise 156 lie detectors 169 basal metabolic rate 192
disease 16, 95, 177, 196, 204 life expectancy 22, 100, 188 mid-life crisis 184–185
heart attacks 47, 101, 113, life satisfaction 184 mimicry 167
195, 239 light therapy 14 mirror neurons 166, 167
rate 16, 62, 63, 113, 172 “lucky” people 168 mood
heat exhaustion 47, 117 lunch 88–90 bad mood, shaking off 62–63
high-fructose corn syrup lunch break 90 boosting 12, 20, 66, 229
(HCFS) 95 post-lunch slump 22, 35, “hangry” 186
hippocampus 18, 106, 123, 102–103, 186 low mood 14, 16, 113
126, 131, 132, 239, 242 regulation 157
hormone replacement therapy M winter blues 14
(HRT) 183 major histocompatibility morning larks 12, 22, 34, 73,
hot flushes 183 complex (MHC) 175 150, 218, 227
hot weather 43, 117 massage 154 “Mozart Effect” 69

multitasking 68–69 P sexual attraction 171, 172–177
muscles 62, 110, 117, 160 periodic table 243 falling in love 176–177
building 162–163 periods 180–182, 183 matching hypothesis 174, 178
contraction 149, 160, 163 period pains 180 shift working 28
and exercise 149, 150, 153, synchronization 182 shivering 45, 48
154, 156, 162–163, 164 phenylethylamine (PEA) 176, shopping 140–145
fast-twitch fibres 162 177 bargains 141, 142
muscle memory 123, pheromones 171, 172, 174, endowment effect 140
130–131, 212 175, 182 inducements 142–143
slow-twitch fibres 162 plaque, dental 29, 30, 31, 32 online 144–145
soreness 154, 162–163 positive mindset 168 reciprocity effect 140
tears 150, 162, 163 post-traumatic stress disorder savvy shopping 143, 144
wastage 200 (PTSD) 133, 237 showering and bathing 26–27
music prefrontal cortex 61, 72, 117, sick building syndrome 47, 66,
listening to 60, 69 120, 172, 242 74
singing in the shower 27 premenstrual syndrome (PMS) sleep 12–19, 222–245
180–181 alarm wake-up 16, 18, 24
N probiotic supplements and alcohol and 223, 237
napping 22, 102, 103–105, foods 199 animals 103, 227
230 processed foods 194, 198, 202 benefits of good sleep
power napping 104–105 progesterone 79, 180, 219 228–229
neurons 111, 136 prolactin 218 blue-light insomnia 224–225
neuropeptide Y 186 protein 88, 89, 91, 152, 153, catch-up sleep 231
nicotine 212, 213 163, 200 deprivation 12, 15, 24, 228,
night owls 22, 34, 64, 73, 150, protein shakes 153, 163 232–233, 237, 244
218, 226 dreaming 12, 18–19, 242–245
night terrors 240 R early risers 22–23
noradrenaline 177 reciprocity 141 hypnagogic jerks 236
nutrition science 206–207 reticular activating system jet lag 234–235
(RAS) 236 light sleepers 230
O road rage 60–61 microsleeps 232
oats 36, 37 napping 22, 102, 103–105,
obesity 188–189, 191, 194, S 230
196, 197, 198, 204, saliva 29, 32 night terrors 240
228–229, 239 salt 92, 93 nREM sleep (slow-wave
genetic component 196 SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) sleep) 12, 19, 229, 231, 245
sleep quality and 228–229 22 optimum amount of 230
obsessive thinking 176, 177, seasonal affective disorder 14 postprandial somnolence 22,
200 sebum 26, 27 35, 102–103, 186
obstructive sleep apnoea sedentary lifestyle 100–101 REM (Rapid Eye Movement)
(OSA) 239 serotonin 26, 63, 176, 186, 229 sleep 12, 18, 19, 222, 223,
oestrogen 48, 79, 179, 180, sex 216–219 239, 240, 243, 244
218 best time for 218–219 sleep debt 15, 231
orienting response reflex 71 frequency 216 sleep hormones 14, 23, 102,
oxytocin 167, 171, 177 low libido 183, 216, 219 103


sleep hygiene 226–227 stubbornness 170 water-soluble 41

sleep inertia 12, 13 sugar 30, 37, 38, 39, 92, 93, Volatile Organic Compounds
sleep paralysis 240, 241 94–99 74
sleep-ins 15, 24, 231 cravings 92, 94, 95, 98 vomeronasal organ 175
sleeping pills 222, 239 daily intake 97
sleepwalking 237 hidden sugar 97, 194 W
sleep–wake rhythm 15, naturally occurring sugars 95 waking up 12–13
22–23 sugar crash 96 warm, keeping 42, 50
snoring 238–239 sugar rush 94 water, drinking 82–83
somniloquy (sleeptalking) sweet tooth, retraining 98 weight
237 sun safety 43, 116 BMI (body mass index)
teenagers 24–25 sweating 43, 50, 83, 117 190–191
waking up 12–13 calorie burning 44–45, 152,
smart devices T 158–159
early morning phone- taste receptors 91, 94, 98, 99 genetic component 196–197
checking 17 teenagers weight management 35, 187,
impact on sex life 216–217 body clock 24–25 190–191, 192–193, 198–
impact on sleep 224–225 brain transformations 199, 229
smoking 35, 100, 213 118–119 see also diets; obesity
smoothies 39 teeth winter blues 14
snacking 81, 98, 187 brushing 29, 30–33 work 64–77
snoring 238–239 dental plaque 29, 30, 31, 32 assertiveness 76–77
social media tooth decay 30, 33, 37, 39 creativity 72, 73
addictive 210 tooth enamel 30–31, 32, 33 distractions 71
impact on sleep quality 225 testosterone 29, 62, 63, 79, 174, gender divide 76–77
socializing 166–167 176, 177, 179, 218, 219 lunch break 90
sound, and the fear response thrill-seeking 120 multitasking 68–69
208–209 toothpaste 30–31 plants in the workspace
spatial reasoning tasks 69 trust 169, 171 74–75
sperm 218, 219 productivity 64–65, 67
sports injuries 229 U sick building syndrome 47,
starches 36, 37 ultra-violet (UV) rays 116 66, 74
stitches 155 urination 83 taking breaks 70, 73
stress 72, 80, 92, 108–115, colour of pee 84–85 “virtual” commute 53
199, 237 workspace 66–67, 70, 74–75
beneficial 114 V writer’s block 72
chronic 109, 112–113 vasopressin 177
harmful effects of 108, 113 veganism 204–205 Y
leisure sickness 115 ventrolateral preoptic nucleus yawning 220–221
reduction 75, 110–111, 112 (VLPO) 236, 237
stress hormones 17, 23, 27, visual cortex 134, 242
54, 110, 112, 114, 115, 167, vitamins 40–41, 204, 205
225 deficiency 116
types of 109 oil soluble 41
stretching 154 supplements 40, 41, 205

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR (University of Nicosia, Cyprus) and Dr Amanda Stephens

(Monash University, Victoria, Australia) have dedicated
Dr Stuart Farrimond is a science and health writer, much of their careers to understanding road rage. They
presenter, and communicator. He is also a trained medical shared their insights with me so that we can all see a little
doctor and teacher, and his writing appears in both the less red when behind the wheel. Associate Professor
national and international press, including New Scientist, Tamara Hew-Butler (Oakland University, Michigan, USA)
The Independent, and The Washington Post. He makes kindly poured out her knowledge on what science says
regular appearances on TV, radio, and at public events, about how much we should drink when on the go. On
and he presents a weekly radio science show. His widely the exciting and baffling new science of brain networks,
publicized research spans a huge variety of topics. Associate Professor Lucina Uddin (University of Miami,
Stuart is also the author of DK’s The Science of Cooking Florida, USA) gave me an excellent heads up on her
and The Science of Spice. research. And as the summer sun pounded, Emeritus
Professor Brian Diffey (University of Newcastle, UK) shed
some light on his life’s work on the science of sun
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS exposure. Special thanks also to radio presenter and
friend Graham Seaman, who came to our rescue when
Author acknowledgments we were wanting to make scary sounds look good.
This book is dedicated to the many friends, family I thank Dawn Henderson and Mary-Clare Jerram for
members, and colleagues who have shown such welcoming me so warmly into the DK Books fold. You
unwavering love and support through our darkest days. both shared my vision for The Science of Living and stuck
The scope of this book is so outrageously broad that no by me when an angry brain tumour decided to lay waste
one person has a brain large enough to answer all the to well-made plans. My agent Jonny Pegg has similarly
questions unaided. I am therefore indebted to the been a stalwart throughout. Senior Editor Rona Skene,
international all-star cast of experts and academics who who has waded through my writing from day one, has
have freely given their time to support this project – been ever encouraging. Frankie Piscitelli is our editing
answering my questions and reading my drafts. At both super-trooper who was parachuted in for the final push.
the start and end of the book, sleep expert Dr Neil It has been an absolute joy to work with you.
Stanley has tirelessly explained the mysteries of sleep, It would be remiss of me not to give a most
magicking up research papers that put many a head- monumental thank you to my wife, Grace – the
scratching problem to bed. Although only hinted at in most fantastic wife a man could ever hope for.
the book, there exists a blazing row over the nature of
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD or ‘winter blues’), and Publisher acknowledgments
several premier league players kindly gave me their DK would like to thank John Friend for proofreading,
angle: Associate Professor Stuart Pierson (Clinical Marie Lorimer for compiling the index, and Myriam
Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK), Megharbi for her help with data permissions.
Dr Manuel Spitschan (Oxford, UK), Professor Steven
LoBello (Auburn University Montgomery, Alabama, USA)
and Professor Anna Wirz-Justice (University of Basel,
Switzerland). When it came to being clean on
toothbrushing and dental science, Professor Martin Addy Disclaimer
(University of Bristol, UK), Professor Damien Walmsley This book is not a substitute for expert medical
(University of Birmingham, UK) and Professor Philippe advice and should not be relied on for specific
Hujoel (University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, information on personal health matters. You are
USA), helped me to unpick the dirty myths. Hosts of the advised always to consult a health professional
award-winning podcast, ‘Minding the Brain’, Dr Jim and never to disregard expert medical advice or
Davies and Dr Kim Hellemans shared their thoughts on delay in seeking advice or treatment due to
the evils (or not) of smartphone use. Associate Professor information obtained from this book. The naming
Jenny Visser (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands) of any product, treatment, or organization in this
and researcher Kasiphak Kaikaew helped me clear the air book does not imply endorsement by the author,
on the science of why women and men feel the heat consultant, or publisher. The author, consultant,
differently. Professor Alfonso Abizaid (Carleton University, and publisher do not accept any legal
Ottawa, Canada) who helped check I had got everything responsibility for any personal injury or other
gut-related in order, while Professor James Betts damage or loss arising directly or indirectly from
(University of Bath, UK) repeatedly flexed his academic any use or misuse of the contents of this book.
might in the great breakfast debate, and also later in
sports nutrition research. Professor Mark Sullman


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