CJR Psiko Edu

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Score :

Name : Ardi Patchouli Manurung

NIM : 4203111143

Supporting Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Sri Milfayetty, MS.Kons., S.Psi.

Course : Psychology of Education






First of all, I want to express my thanks to God because of his bless I can

finish this paper assignment properly, correctly and on time. Also thanks to my

Psychology of Education Lecture, for all the guidance to complete it and as my

role model too.

This is not only about reviewing a journal but this is about how I can treat

myself, try to strengthen my skill for making a good journal at the end of the day.

This is about what I can tell to public about this journal in order to sharing

knowledge too. All of the good impact should be given by this paper as well as I

try to write this correctly too.

Hopefully this paper could give us the new knowledge or give us some

new experiences. This paper isn’t perfect. All of the criticism and suggestion are

still needed to make this paper better.

Medan, 3RD of March 2021

Ardi Patchouli Manurung


CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1
A. The Importance of CJR............................................................................................1
B. The Purpose of CJR..................................................................................................1
C. The Benefits of CJR...................................................................................................1
D. Article’s and Journal’s Identity..............................................................................1
CHAPTER II : ARTICLE SUMMARY..............................................................................2
CHAPTER III : DISCUSSION............................................................................................5
A. Journal Content.........................................................................................................5
B. Advantages and Disadvantages of The Journal’s Article...................................5
CHAPTER IV : CLOSING..................................................................................................6
A. Conclusion.................................................................................................................6
B. Recommendation......................................................................................................6


A. The Importance of CJR

Critical Journal Review (CJR) is very important for educational circles,
especially students because by criticizing a journal, students as criticizer
can compare or analyze journals. After that, hopefully the students can
make a journal because from this assignment they can know the value of a
good kind of journal.

B. The Purpose of CJR

1. To finishing the CJR assignment in General Physics subject.
2. To improve skills in analyzing journal.
3. To strengthen the disciplines acquired after criticizing.

C. The Benefits of CJR

1. Improving the ability to summarize the journal.
2. Improving the ability in comparing or analyzing journal.
3. Trained ourselves to think depth in find the information about what the
journal try to explain.
4. Can knowing how is the good journal look like and then make a good

D. Article’s and Journal’s Identity

Main Article


2. Journal’s Name : Social, Humanities, and Education Studies (SHEs):
Conference Series
3. Edition :
4. Editor : Ahmad Syawaludin, Sri Marmoah
5. Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret
6. Published Place :
7. Published Year : 2018
8. ISSN : 2620-9284
9. Sites Address : -


A. Introduction

Rewards and punishments have a big role to play in behavior change

strategies. Research that has been conducted shows that rewards and punishments
imposed on elementary school students can contribute to increasing student
motivation and academic achievement. However, alternative research findings
suggest that students can show temporary adherence to external stimuli cannot
develop intrinsic motivation to perform well academically over a long period of time
(Matera, 2009). Thus, reward and punishment are still considered problematic in
controlling student behavior at school.

  Based on the description above, it is necessary to discuss reward and

punishment in the perspective of behaviorism learning theory. In addition, it is
necessary to know how to implement rewards and punishments in learning in SD.
This article can be used as a source of information for teachers and prospective
teachers (students) about giving rewards and punishments in the world of
education, especially in elementary schools. 

B. Descriptions


This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. This study

describes reward and punishment in the perspective of behaviorism learning theory
and its implementation in elementary schools in Surakarta. The subjects in this
research consisted of: first grade teachers (as representatives of lower classes); fifth
grade teacher (as a representative of the higher class); and the principal. Data in the
form of interviews and related reference sources such as books and journals. The
data collection techniques used were literature study and in-depth interviews. The
data obtained were then analyzed using interactive analysis techniques from Miles
and Huberman.


Reward and Punishment in the Perspective of Behaviorism Learning Theory 

The emphasis of behaviorism theory is the change in behavior after the learning
process occurs in students. Learning is an event forming associations between events called
stimulus (S) with the response (R) given to the stimulus. Thorndike as one of the adherents of
behaviorism proposes the notion of learning by conducting a puzzle box experiment
(Walgito, 2010). The cat that is starved is put in the box and the food is placed outside the
box. Because the cat is hungry, the cat will try to get the food. He will scratch, jump, until at
one time his behavior hits a rope that can open the box door. With the door open, the cat can
come out to eat. The experiment was carried out repeatedly and it turned out that the more
times it was tried, the faster the cat would get out of the box.
Based on the experiment, Thorndike proposed three primary laws in learning, namely:
the law of readiness, the law of exercise, and the law of effect. Regarding the law of effect,
Thorndike argues that strengthening or weakening the relationship between stimulus and
response depends on how the response proceeds. If a stimulus gives satisfactory results, the
relationship between stimulus and response will be even stronger. In other words, if a
stimulus causes a response that brings reward, the relationship between stimulus and response
becomes strong. This opinion was reinforced by Skinner that reward or reinforcement is
something that increases the probability of a response (Walgito, 2010). 
According to Skinner, there are two types of reinforcement, namely: (1) positive
reinforcement and (2) negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement, that is, if it is obtained,
will increase the probability of response, while negative reinforcement, which is something if
it is removed in a situation, will increase the probability of response. Rewards are the basis
for motivation, learning, cognition, and organizational behavior (Dreher and Tremblay,
2009). Giving rewards can have a large enough influence on the psyche of students to take
positive actions and be progressive. In addition, reward can be an impetus for other students
to follow students who have received praise from their teachers; both in behavior, courtesy or
enthusiasm and motivation to do better.

Implementation of Reward and Punishment in Low Classes 

Based on the results of interviews with lower class teachers, it was found that rewards
and punishments have an important role to control student behavior, especially in lower
classes. This is because through the application of rewards in accordance with the principles
will have a positive impact on student motivation. Students from each other will compete
with each other to be the best in the class. Likewise with the application of punishment
Giving rewards by low grade teachers is done in various ways, such as by giving
verbal praise, giving thumbs up, affirming answers, giving applause, and the form of gifts
(material) in the form of writing books. Rewards are carried out objectively, by assessing the
behavior, not the subject. So that the recipient of this award (reward) can change according to
the attitudes and learning outcomes of each student. However, the application of rewards as a
tool for education should not be a wage, considering that wages are something that has value
as compensation for a job or a service that has been done by someone. If the gift has changed
its nature to become a wage, the gift will no longer be of educational value because the child
will be willing to work hard and behave well because he expects a reward.

As for the punishment (consequence), for low-grade teachers it is considered very
effective in controlling the learning process. The implementation of this punishment or
consequence is considered effective because it can reduce student behaviors that hinder the
learning process, both in class and outside the classroom. Giving punishment is not
interpreted as physical punishment, but rather in the form of reprimand and advice. 

Implementation of Reward and Punishment in High Classes

The results of interviews with upper class teachers show that rewards and
punishments still exist in use in the learning process in elementary schools, including high
class. Award is a form of response from educators to actions or attitudes that appear to
students that are positively charged. This is very effective in motivating students to always
try to move forward and be better.

Giving awards in the high class is not much different from the lower class, which has
material and non-material forms. The material can be in the form of stationery, but the
intensity is less than the awarding of non-material forms, such as praise, applause, pleasant
words and so on. Giving awards must be done fairly and not subjective in view of who the
students are and their backgrounds.

As for the punishment or punishment, hereinafter referred to as the consequence, has

good effectiveness in regulating the actions of students who violate. The consequences for the
high class are not physical either. Punishments can be in the form of reprimands, warnings, to
home visits for students who do not want to go to school within a few days.

Implementation of Reward and Punishment as Reinforcement in Elementary Schools

Interviews conducted with the Principal showed that the implementation of reward
and punishment in elementary schools in Surakarta City still exists and is considered
effective in motivating and controlling the attitudes of teachers and students.The results of
this study are in accordance with Caffyn's research which states that use of rewards and
punishments in school can improve the educational experiences of both pupils and teachers.
Giving rewards to teachers, namely giving rewards in the form of material and non-material
for teachers who have a high role for the school, such as helping to complete school
administration, completing BOS affairs, and making efforts to advance the school.

Students who get the top 5 in each class will get prizes in the form of stationery. The
class that is the most rapid and orderly during the ceremony will get a star. Periodically, the
teacher will reward the class that is cleanest, neatest, and orderly. Thus, giving rewards has a
very good role in shaping competitive students.

As for the provision of punishment is still carried out, especially in the learning
process and student behavior outside the classroom. The giving of these consequences is not
in the physical form, but in the form of words and admonitions. Of course, giving this
punishment must be in the right ways and forms. Even so, giving awards is much better and
must be done more often than giving punishment.

A. Journal Content
This article describes reward and punishment in the perspective of the
theory of learning behaviorism which this article looks at how students
behave when the trials are conducted. This is similarly done by the article
AND PROMOTION where the author conducts research on consumer
buying patterns so as to get a new marketing strategy that is more
effectiveand also In the article Understanding the Generation Z Behavior on
DLearning: A Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) Approach.Researchers conducted research on Generation Z
habits using digital learning

B. Advantages and Disadvantages of The Book

1. In The Aspect of Article’s Scope : This journal only limited to the teacher
in Indonesia because of course the athmosphere of learning process in
abroad is different. But personally I think this can be taken as the basis
research and still can be developing by doing research in the wider problem
and wider situation too.
2. In The Aspect of Language Feature : This journal is a kind of scientific
journal, using a formal words that makes the reader can clearly understand
what the article try to explain about.


A. Conclusion

From the explanation above, I got the conclusion that this journal I’ve reviewed is
good enough to being a learning references. The useful content, the good word
used. But we can’t ignore the weakness. I thing the weakness can be solved by
some way. This journal is helpful for everyone remembered that the chosen
problem is commonly happened nowadays.

B. Recommendation

So far as I can see, journal has a purpose of research, in the result of this journal
the purpose of the research is achieved. I recommend this journal to be a reference
for doing a research or as the example to doing a research in the same topic



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