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Diputado, Ericka Elaine

STEM 12 – Lysithea
19 April 2020

An Academic Text Evaluation: T.E.R.R.A. (The Economical Response to Reduce Air

Pollution): A New Device for Facilitating the Sequestration and Mineralization of

Engineering uses science to find creative and practical innovations that drive the
growth of our resilient world. Researchers have engineered a gadget that minimizes carbon
emissions from vehicles. The study “T.E.R.R.A. (The Economical Response to Reduce Air
Pollution): A New Device for Facilitating the Sequestration and Mineralization of (CO2)”, by
Luke Kenneth Gurrea, Fern Rose Peregrino, Joachim Regalado, and Erika Eunice Salvador,
introduces Nickel Nanoparticles (NiNPs) as means to catalyze mineral carbonation in a
Calcium Hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) solution that is applied into a device which aims to lessen the
carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. T.E.R.R.A was tested and it was found that 82.5%
of bubbled through CO2 was sequestered by the device, concluding it as a feasible device in
mitigating carbon emissions. This paper focused on presenting scientific evidence,
particularly in the chemistry branch, that supports the significance of the innovation, thus
giving an impression of the paper being reliable.

In this study, the scientific process and results were presented logically that was
backed up with valid evidence, which made it easy to comprehend especially with the
scientific terms used, such that the common names were introduced first, followed by its
scientific name (e.g., oxygen (O2)). Starting with the abstract, evidence was stated firstly
which was transitioning to introduce the gist of the researchers’ study. Furthermore, the
introduction of the paper was arranged coherently, with the aid of conjunctions; it was timely
and relevant, where the cited references concentrate on the key variables involved in creating
the T.E.R.R.A. Additionally, all references were correct and were cited through in-text
citations, in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) format.
Overall, the structure of the paper was formal and cohesive.

On the other hand, the structure of the study’s methodology was established
theoretically through engineering concepts and was directed by a mechanical engineer. The
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theories involved, which mostly were in the aspect of chemistry, were clearly discussed and
supported by evidence of past researches. Moreover, the instruments used were clearly
defined and the step-by-step process of creating the T.E.R.R.A. was precisely structured
where each step was given a heading that was categorized chronologically and was italicized.
Also, the construction of the device was explained to be considering the principles of
physical science. With all that said, this evidently made the methodology easy to understand
and read through which is also in a formal approach. Moving on, the results were grounded
on the methodology, where they were classified according to how each component was of
effect to the device. Each classification was straight to the point and was clearly expounded
with figures and guides, stated in parentheses, that is in supplement to verify the results.

Along with the results, the discussion and analysis were expounded concisely,
concentrating on points that make T.E.R.R.A a feasible device in minimizing CO2, also the
weak points were stated but were given scientific justification as to why it happened. The
results were structured categorically, starting from the manipulated variable, the design of the
prototype, onto the interpretation of results and findings; each of the categories were
summarized to a logical approach, with all the data as proof. Subsequently, there was no
doubt that the researchers have concluded that T.E.R.R.A was an effective device based on
the results gathered, for the process of their experimentation was verified through scientific
concepts or theories, and a professional in the field of science. Lastly, the results
corresponded to the study’s goal, and the conclusion was stated clearly and straightforwardly
without giving out unnecessary details.

Wrapping up the overall analysis of this paper, one can say that it is a comprehensible
and thesis-driven paper, filled with essential evidence, from the abstract until the conclusion.
There were no big holes that would make the study unreliable, for everything were backed up
with proofs. Also, all research questions raised in the study were answered through the
methodology and the data gathered. Overall, the tone of the paper is formal with a logical
structure. As a reader who would read this academic text for the first time, one would find it
coherent and reliable, for the reason that the flow of information was simply well-organized
and transparent, where it would give a clean impression. T.E.R.R.A. is a study relevant to the
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world’s current status and its future, leading a solution in minimizing carbon emissions made
by humans, and raising the quality of living a better world ahead.

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