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Section 1 : Read the texts below and think of the word

which best fits each space. Use only one word for each space
To my mind, Stephen Hawking’s legacy is (1) ________
he was born a brilliant scientist who came up with some of
the most revolutionary ideas of our time and a great
communicator who managed to (2)__________ the world
with him on a remarkable scientific journey. He got people
across the world talking and (3)__________ about complex
Some of his early work was linked to Einstein’s theory of
general relativity, which takes (4)__________ and time and
squashes them together to make what we (5)__________,
including black holes. Before Stephen’s work it was thought
that nothing could escape a black hole, but his theoretical
work led to the theory of Hawking radiation, which allows
some radiation to leak (6)__________ a black hole, enabling
them to slowly decay and eventually evaporate.
Stephen also worked on what has been called the Grand
Theory of Everything - a single theory that would explain
everything in the universe on a small and large (7)_______.
In Physics, we’ve made great inroads in our understanding
our universe. On the very small scale we have quantum
mechanics to explain how things work, and (8)________ the
grand cosmological scale we have general relativity to
explain how things operate. But Stephen, with others, was
trying to go (9)__________ to find a theory that linked both
these domains. It was a grand challenge, and I cannot think
of a better person to (10)__________ it on.
Section 2 :
Peter Benchley, the author who wrote the novel Jaws,
thinks it may be partly his faults that people don’t like
sharks. The movie, based on his book, involved a terrifying
monster fish (1)____________ main purpose was to attack
anyone and everyone in the ocean.
In (2)____________, sharks kill approximately 12 people
a year. In (3)__________, people kill millions of sharks
every year and up to 90 percent of great white sharks have
been (4)___________ out. Peter Benchley admits, ‘I created
something that doesn’t exist.’ He hopes to set (5)_________
record straight with a new documentary film he has made.
The film focuses on some of the more attractive aspects of
great white sharks. For example, one extremely brave diver
demonstrates that when you touch a shark on the nose, (6)
__________ goes very still.
Benchley grew up in Massachusetts in the US and (7)
___________ the large part of his childhood swimming in
the ocean. He got the idea of Jaws (8)__________ a
newspaper article about a man who caught a shark which
(9)___________ about 2000 kilos. When the movie was
made, Benchley had the opportunity to appear
(20)__________ an actor, playing the reporter on the beach
just before the shark attacks for the first time.
Answer key
Section 1: Section 2:
1. Twofold 1. Whose
2. Carry 2. Fact
3. Thinking 3. Contrast
4. Space 4. Wiped
5. Phenomena 5. The
6. From 6. It
7. Scale 7. Spent
8. On 8. From
9. Further 9. Weighed
10. Take 10. As

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