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QUESTION NO #1 It is possible to design a study , collect and

analyze data, and write a report without conducting a literature

review? What are the dangers and drawbacks of conducting
your research without doing a literature review? In your
judgment, do the drawbacks outweigh the advantages? Why,
or why not?
QUESTION NO#2 Explain why a company should use all
potential sources of secondary data before initiating primary
data collection procedures.
a company should use all potential secondary data sources
before starting collecting primary data because secondary data
can be sufficient to solve the problem or help the researcher
better understand the problem. collection of secondary data is
also cheaper and quicker than the primary data gathering
process. therefore, the collection of secondary data should
precede any primary research activity.

Researchers aim to solve a problem in question in the shortest

time possible, at the least cost possible and with the highest
accuracy. normally, the secondary data collection process has
these features. on the other hand, gathering primary data can
be time-consuming and costly, but it can be more accurate than
gathering secondary data. researchers should begin with
secondary, then proceed to gather primary data if necessary.
QUESTION NO#3 list the six fundamental principles used
to assess the validity of secondary data.
This paper is going to discuss the six principles used to
determine the validity of secondary data. Secondary data is
information that had been previously collected by another
individual and at present, it is being used by the investigator for
another function. Such information has a reference whereby
the researcher can quote for future purposes. Examples of
secondary data include; business reports and newspaper

 principles used to assess the validity of secondary data

1.     purpose: secondary data should be in a position to relate
and satisfy the objective of the research.
2.     Accuracy: secondary data should measure data accurately
that will enable marketers to make the correct decision from
the data.
3.     Consistency: from the various sources of information, they
should give precise and consistent information.
4.     Credibility: the sources of information should be correct
that will lead to correct interpretation and judgment.
5.     Methodology: the method used to analyze and interpret
the information should bring out valid results.
6.     Bias: the sources of information should be neutral and
should not be under any influence as the information will not
be accurate.
QUESTION NO #6 A researcher develops hypotheses that
suggest consumers like ads better when they (1) are truthful,
(2) creative, and (3) present relevant information. Picture the
conceptual model that would show these relationships. Which
the variables?
This paper is going to use the information in the case study to
develop relationships between the variables and establish
independent variables in the hypothesis

A variable is an idea under the study or investigation of a

researcher and variables in research include; dependent and
independent variables. An independent variable usually cannot
be changed due to the fact that it stands alone while on the
other hand, a dependent variable cannot stand alone but
depends on the independent variable and it can be altered by
variables under study. In reference to the above case study, the
independent variables are; creativity, truthfulness, and
creativity. In a conceptual map, these variables would be in
boxes and arrows in those boxes would point to the dependent
variables boxes that are appeal, and likeness to the
advertisement and this will highlight a positive relationship
between the variables.

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