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20 — lETHBMDGE HURALD — Thursday, June 4, 195S-

Ontario Tenor Making Good Lamb Has Two Bodies STORE HOURS» »:i* a.m. U I:M p.n. Saturday t:N KJM. « 1 1 pjn. Wednesday t:M a j. U 1 p.m. Infomattea FhoiM ITCT
_ M^_JJ^^^^Maa^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Mi^^^^M^^^MiBfliil^M^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^H

In Risky Field of Opera

' By MURIEL NARRAWAY It was his first appearance In
(Canadian Press Staff Writer) costume on any stage and, Edy
' LONDQN —(CO— Three years admits frankly, "I wa» scared
it_U.»J. m«4« T^trtHnn f"»«f
•ftsy -AW*>V* V *•>*•,? »- —•—.««.",
*An. stiff."
ijiJl.., . .

or, gave up a promising career In thinks He survived The ordeal and he

•business to enter the risky field of Thomas his appearance with Sir
will weigh heavily in fut-
operatic singing. Now the move Is ure doings. ,
paying off. His Canadian choir experience
The 34-year-old Canadian with also
the sandy-red hair needed some of a made
possible an opportunity
persuasion before he took the Canadians lifetime. He was one of nine
plunge. Since he changed careers, minster Abbey singing with the West-
choir at the Corona ; Back of the "British Commonwealth of Nations stands centuries
he's had a chance to do BOHIC of tion. of'manufaeturlijg and the Importing and 'exporting of a -wide
:the things he has hankered after To rehearse for the 18 anthems variety of products. Throughout the remainder'of this
since choir days in Canada. the cholf sang in the abbey week, Eaton's will display merchandise; of .Great:
Tor instance, he recently made Edy turned down a chance to ap- Britain, Canada and other British Common-
a one-week appearance In the first pear with the Glyndebourne Opera
'stage; performance of "Irmelin," Company. However, he still has a wealth countries featured, in the various'
'the- long-neglected opera by Brit- busy schedule. He has several con- departments. Come see the ."wide
ish- composer Frederick Dellus. In cert recitals on tap, plus a tour-.o: diversity of merchandise dls
• doing so, Edy sang with the Royal operatic centres • to . continenta played.
Philharmonic Orchestra conducted Europe, before he returns to take
by Sir Thomas Beecham — in itself up a Canadian engagement, Oct
honor. The premiere was at 5. This has been arranged' by ...the
the New Theatre, Oxford. Women's Music Club of London,
Ont. .'•'"• '•' '.'-'•• , 'i •:.' .
Edy had*little more;than Cana
dian choir training when first en
'" —Staff Photo; Herald Engraving.
A perfect speciment of a tw»-bodied lamb, believed to hmre been
the first of Its kind born in Southern Alberta, Is now on display at
Gurney's Museum in Gait Gardens. Thelamb, which has two per-
on Slips EATON'S

couraged to take* up music seri -- Only because they are a manufacturer'* All wool dress socks in regular
fectly-formed bodies, one Inverted, was bom on the farm of John T. lengths . . . finished in a colourful,
ously. The tip came from Dr., Har Carlson of Owendale. . • clearance are we able to offer these lovely
vey -Robb, choir director- of First fancy pattern in the popular "Clock" design. Tops
St. Andrew's Church, London, Ont slips at such a low, low pricing 1 Tricot knit are ribbed," heels and toes reinforced with nylon.
Knit ^in {.England.'Colours:' Wine, Grey, Brown,
and principal of the Music Teach-
ers' CoUege, University of Western
Crown Queen at Coronation 'nylon with lace trim at the top'and bottom Green and Navy. Sizes 10% to 12. Eaton's Own
Brand. Pair—
edge. The slight flaws should not mar their
At the'time Edy waajleaving one
job for another, with Canadian bis- Ball Ceremonies at Raymond appearance or wearing qualities. Colour:
cuit manufacturer Garfield Weston
The new assignment took him on RAYMOND —(HNS)— Celebrat- nations of the world, he said, and
a tour of South African beauty ing the coronation of Queen Eliza- that the events that were witnessed
spots with the Westons and seven beth n, the Canadian Legion No. 107 today in England, and heard by all
White. Sizes 32 to 38. Friday, Special, Each—
of their family, followed by a post Raymond branch, sponsored a grand people over the world, would go
in London, England. ball on' Tuesday evening and. in down in history as marking an epic
In South Africa, Arnold Foulton keeping with the national event, in history.
fellow of Britain's Royal Academy crowned a "Queen of the- Ball",
of Music, offered the Canadian a chosen by popular vote of the town
two-year scholarship to study in citizens from a choice of six ladies, CIGARS FOR
Women's Wear — EATON'S. Second Floor Men's GLENEATON
Hosier}-—EATON'S, Main Floor

Britain. He turned it down, but in each sponsored by a civic club or

February, 1950.' the lure of the organization.
operatic world proved too strong. , Winning candidate was Rose
He started studying in London un- Melchin sponsored by the Legion.
der Dino Borgioli, former principal Other participants were Margaret
FROM WINNIE Special! Women's Linen
Snug Fitting1, Comfortable and Moderately Priced !
tenor at La Scala Opera, Milan.. Taylor, Rotary candidate, Eliza- Knit from botany wool yarn
Six months later he quit the busi- beth King, Lions Club; Rita Bas-
ness world for a year's training at mussen, Chamber of Commerce;
the Trinity CoUege of Music and Kay Gravabac by the Catholic or-
LONDON —OP)— Prime Min-
ister Churchill had to think of
an appropriate little gift for Casuals 'In both sleeveless and long./
sleeve;style . . . the kind of,'
•sweaters a man will welcome.
he has never looked back. . ganization and Eva Wilde of the the officers and' non-commis-
Wear one under your jacket,
Edy is married and has a six- Curling club. sioned officers of the Queen's
Own Hussars, who escorted him
tor Quick for sports and casual, everyday,
year-old son, Donald. BOOST 1IBRARY FUND In the Coronation procession. Clearance I occasions. Finished in a fine
Results of the -voting posted the , Apparently he speculated knit in a rib stitch with "V"
leading candidate daily throughout what he would like to get from Coolj comfortable linen casuals .neck, cuff and waist band.
Inheritance of the past week, and votes were sold a prime minister if he were a In Red, Brown, Brown Beige and
Black at a pricing you'll appreci- .
Colours: Wine, Sand, Blue and
at the rate of one cent a vote. Pro- young serviceman, something to • Grey.'Sizes 36 to 44.' Eaton's
520,000 Willed ceeds of the event were donated to touch the heart. ate. Open toes, plat-
form soles and semi-
iOwn Brand. Sleeveless style.
the public library fund in aid of the So every Hussar who went to Each
To Young Parrot new building, now under construc- 10 Downing street Wednesday wedge heels. ;Closed

tion. Proceeds totalled $107. to be photographed got from
Ray Attwood, on behalf of the him a very large, imperial-look-
•heels. Sizes 5 to 8 col- .
lectively. Friday, Spe-
cial, Pair—
Jerry, a four-year-old parrot, is LegiOH pledged the continued loyal- ing cigar. Long Sleeve
set for life today thanks to a ty and support to Queen Elizabeth Style. Each 9.50
$20,000 inheritance. Mayor Frank R. Taylor gave a
Luther A. Sawyer, 82, of Arling- brief address, and mentioned the
ton, who died recently, left the love and devotion of the people of
Gold-Dollar Shoes — EATON'S, Second Floor MEN'S CASUAL
money to hia pet in a will filed in Canada and the town to the Queen,
Middlesex Probate .Court. who was a symbol of unity, loyalty, Reserves Climb SLACKS
For Sport*, Travel or
Under' terms of the will, the goodwill and freedom, among the LONDON —m— The gold-dollar
Casual Wear!
parrot .will be cared for by Saw-
yer's sister, TVlrs. Vera Barnes, 73. reserves of the sterling area climb-
ed-by $48,000.000 to $2321,000,000
REMNANTS ' Smartly tailored rayon and
If you hove a sor« throat,
"SIFTO" Salt and water
Mrs. Barnes said she is "not at
all pleased" with the will, but will Defiant Irishman during May, the treasury announ-
Here's value for the thrifty seamstress ... a group of
remnants priced 'way low to clear quickly . . . the selection
wool pic-n-pic. slacks with a.
window pane, check .... trous-
•Hikes on «ff«ctive and
•canonical gargl*.
not contest
"It is too
bad he could not Reverently Lowers
have The'•• gain continued an upward
trend which'"has gone on all this
includes printed or plain cottons, woollens and rayons up to
two yards in length. Friday, Piecfr— ' . .
ers that command a place in
your summer wardrobe. Fin-
left the money for research for
His Union Jack year but the rate of increase has Dished with pleated front, zip-
cancer or polio, something to aid
suffering humanity," she declared. declined. The March Increase wfc
TORONTO.— <CB —Robert Mar- $63,000,000 while the April increase
tin, a defiant Irishman who gave was $107,000,000.
Toronto hydro officials a jolt by TJ.S. defence aid of »13,000,000
Yard Goods — EATON'S, Second Floor
per fly, four pockets and drop
belt loops. Colours: Blue, Grey
and Sand. Sizes 29 to 38. Fair

ianging .a' Coronation Day flag on helped .produce the May surplus
a line between his home, and hydro which was also boosted by a $21,-
12.95 Men's Wear — EATON'S,
Main Floor
»le, lowered it reverently at sun- CBtyOOO settlement received from
down Tuesday, night.
He never did need .a gun to keep
the European Payments Union. Eaton's Big Mid-Season Sale of
the tTnibn Jack flying.
Martin was ordered by the", city Maj.-Gen. Thacker TaHored-to Measure Suits Continues Friday!
lydro. on Monday -to remove the Only two more days left to which: to-share In the saving offered In Eaton's mid-season, sale of tailored-to-measure suits. You saws
dollars on a made-to-measure suit bought in this important mid-season selling1. "
flag from the hydro line. The 78-
year-old native of Belfast said it Dies in Victoria 2-Piece Suit. Eaton's Vests. Eaton's
was going to stay up where it -was VICTORIA — (CtO — MaJ.-Gen. Special Price Extra Trousers. Eaton's Special Price, each
until the Coro'nation was over. He Herbert
aid he would back his Intentions nadian chief
with a rifle if necessary.
C. Thacker, 82, former Ca-
of general staff, died
Budget Plan Terms Available Special • Price, pair 15.50 Made-to-Measnre—EATON'S, Main Floor
" Catholics have a genuine love and "I was born under the British here Tuesday.
respect for the Bible. It could not lag and Til die under it," he added. Gen. Thacker joined the Royal
TVntQ Women's Twin Sets
be otherwise, for the Catholic There's not enough of this sort of Canadian Army before the First I W I I V%9 Attention vacationers . . . here's the lug-
hing these days." World War and retired as chief
Church is the Mother of the Bible. Martin said today: of staff in 1929. He moved to the gage you've been wanting! Priced low for
"It came down at sundown. I West Coast after his retirement.
Specially Priced for Friday thrifty Friday shoppers . . . the set consists
But we do not agree with the Born in Poona, India, he was ed- Shoppers ! of 21-inch wardrobe case with hangers ana
even heard from Education Min-
modern theory that the Bible is ster Dunlop about it. He's in favor ucated at Upper Canada College, We were fortunate in making a special • clothing fold, and overnight case. Made with
' the one and only source of religi- into their present form. And it was if keeping the old flag flying—but Toronto, and at Royal Military Col- purchase of these excellent deluxe tourist plywood frames covered with attractive tweed,
not necessarily from a hydro pole." lege, Kingston. tents for thrifty Friday shoppers. Excellent plastic coated. Interior finished with lustrous
ous truth. 1400 years before printing was in- for campers or tourists . . -. easily set up, rayon celanese lining. 4* Q. f \ f \
The Gospel of St. John, for ex- vented and the mass distribution yet sturdily made to withstand, wind and .Friday, Special, Set ^O*77
ample, says: "...there are many of the Scriptures became possible. ALEX TIRE SHOP rain. Made from 10-ounce -water repellent
cotton Duck In dark green. Base measures 2.90 Do** *"4 10 Monthly
Payments of-2.82
. other things which Jesus did which If Christ had intended the Bible
are not written in this book" And to be the sole guide to' His teach-
Invites youto- 9'x9' with sewn-in floor, back window and
door has screen and storm cover. Complete
St. Paul said: "Stand fast; and hold ing, would He have allowed this with poles and pegs. Friday,
Special, Each
Men's Gladstone Bags
the traditions which you have delay—permitting millions of peo- Black leather Gladstone hags
4.00 Down and 10 Monthly wants . . . finished with two cross straps.
learned, -whether by -word, or by ple to die in ignorance of the Payments of 3.90 Smart in appearance, yet well made for
our epistle" (U Thess. 2:15). printed Word? - years of dependable use. Inside complete with
Christianity began with the The answer is, of course, that
Colemnari Camp Stove suit hangers, shirt fold .and miscellaneous
A two-burner camp stove with handy pocket
coming of Christ—not -with the Christ established His Church to carrying case, folding legs, wind guard and' Friday.Each
•writing of the Bible. And Christ carry on His mission and spread fuel tank. An item every fisherman or camper
can use. 3.50 Down and 1O Monthly
had established His Church... His teaching. And while the Bible
•which St. Paul called "the pillar is the inspired Word of God, there Each 17.95
Eaton's Bndgel Plan Terms,
Payments of 3.41
Sporting Goods — EATON'S,
and mainstay of the truth". _ long Lower Floor
are certain truths taught and ex- Down Payment
before any of the books of the
emplified by Christ which it does
New Testament bad been -written.
The Savior did riot command us
not record... which will be found
in the life, practice and teaching
! Congoleum Rugs
to read anything, but He did com-
mand us to hear His Church. of Christ's Church—traditions dat- "Seconds" _
A limited quantity of lovely congoleum rugs clearing .. . tray one lor year
ing back to the days of the Apostles verandah or summer cottage. A heavyweight rag in patterns and colours suitable
This does not mean, of course,
that the Bible is not extremely valu- and ante-dating the printing of lor living, dining or bedrooms and kitchens. Friday, Special—
the Bible
able. It docs mean, though, that Fat*
the Bible is not...and was not Each 5.29 -" 8.99
intended to be... die sole source 7%'xS1 Feet
of Christian teaching and belief.
The Church had existed 1600
Each 6.69 2TT. 11.99
years, in fact, before the theory
vas advanced that the Bible should
U yon har
Icn-c f or the Bible,you
Each 7.99 S T 1 3 . 2 9
should learn all yon
be dje sole guide to Christian
about it and how it JBBH t* cndet-
rrood in relation tp tJw teadijnpj of the
Early cranny Christians never Church. These and many other inter-
»w tbc complete Bible. It was 400 tsung facts arc discuwd in * jwnpHet
We// Made . . . Ready to Stain or Paint
*Wth we trill wnd free upon yocr JT- -n_ 4v
For _ ~. children
tie spare, _vnj.~.<.s or
~. cottage
«4 _ £>esfc chests...
^t^ g^^ ^ threej^^
drawers, turn down
years after Christ died before the <^>e«. 'Wiitc to<i»7 — adc for Pamphlet ho:es. s}7/e

boob of the Bible -were assembled No. KC-32. rooms! Well made and sanded to paint- aioat, 26x17x36 tacaes high Friday,
tag or staining. Special,
SUPREME COUNCIL Four drawer chest... about 26xl7s38
Each 29.95
Inches hiEli. Friday, 4%^F ^%B Five-drawer chests
cnesw ...
..„ sooni «i x n x«
Special, each 2/«y5 tartra high. Friday, QJ -Q
REUGI.OUS INFORMATION BUREAU IVjubls dressers, 6 roomy Bnilfrt Wan Terms available
drawers. Size about ^^^ ^^ ^^
*I2 S H E t S O U X N t ST. ^^ TORONTO i, OW, CANADA


332-4lh Street S. Phone 6606
ST.^....39.50^T. EATON C°
FarnlUire — EATOVS,
Third Flow
• C A N A D A

Inserted by Alberta State Oancil, Knights of Coltrailras

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