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❖ Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning.

❖ Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.

For Example:

Sl. Word Synonyms Antonyms

1. Happy joyful, cheerful sad, unhappy
2. Kind considerate, thoughtful cruel, inconsiderate
3. Pretty lovely, beautiful unattractive, ugly

A. Some important points for studying synonyms and Antonyms:

Prefix:A prefix is a group of letters placed before the root of a word. For example, the word
“unhappy” consists of the prefix “un-” [which means “not”] combined with the root (or stem)
word “happy”; the word “unhappy” means “not happy.”
Suffix:A suffix is a group of letters placed after the root of a word. For example, the word
flavorless consists of the root word “flavor” combined with the suffix “-less” [which means
“without”]; the word “flavorless” means “having no flavor.”
Denotation:The denotation of a word or phrase is its explicit or direct meaning.
Connotation:The connotation of a word or phrase is the associated or secondary meaning; it
can be something suggested or implied by a word or thing, rather than being explicitly named
or described.

The connotation of a word depends on cultural context and personal associations, but the denotation of a word
is its standardized meaning within the English language.

➢ For example, the words home and house have similar denotations or primary
meanings: a home is “a shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or
household,” and a house is “a building in which people live.” However, for many, these
terms carry different associations or secondary meanings, also known as connotations.

B. Structure of Antonym using Prefix

Sl. Prefix Words

1. a- amoral, atheist, atypical, apolitical, etc.
2. anti- antibody, antipathy, antihero, antidote, antivirus, anti-climax, etc.
3. il- illegal, illegible, illogical, illegitimate, illaudable, etc.
4. ir- irrational, irreligious, irrelevant, irresponsible, irresistible, etc.
5. mal- malcontent, malfunction, malnutrition, maltreatment, maladjustment, etc.
6. de- deactivate, demerit, demean, devalue, debase, defame, deform, etc.
7. dis- disability, disadvantage, discomfort, dislike, disobey, disloyal, dissimilar, etc.
8. im- immaterial, immature, immobile, imperfect, impersonal, impure, etc.
9. in- inability, inactive, inanimate, incapable, incorrect, inapt, etc.
10. mis- misunderstand, misconception, mismatch, misdeed, misconduct , etc.
11. non- non-fiction, nonsense, nonstop, nonviolent, non-scientific, non-profit, etc.
12. un- unable, unconscious, unclear, unarmed, unafraid, unborn, etc.

C. Structure of Antonym using Suffix

Sl. Suffix Words

1. -less careless, senseless, useless, worthless, colourless, dreamless, thankless, etc.
Read the following passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as
directed below.
1.Modern education is somewhat different from that of the past. In method, it seeks to draw out and
improve the mind, to make it eager and curious. It depends more on observation than mere bookish
knowledge. A mind that is intellectually alert, will learn from books. It develops the latent talent of any
individual. Teachers play a vital role in teaching the students. They aren’t just instructors. Rather, they
support and guide students so that the students can succeed in their way of life.

(a) different (synonym); (b) seek (synonym); (c) eager (antonym); (d) observation (synonym); (e) mere
(antonym); (f) alert (synonym); (g) latent (antonym); (h) instructor (synonym);(i) guide (antonym); (j)
way (synonym).

2.Children are our best assets. They always like to listen to fascinating stories. But if the stories are
uninteresting, they lose interest. There should not be anything immoral in the stories for children.
Again, stories should not be so long that they can make children impatient. Stories should not even
contain anything illogical or anything that can make children indifferent to their studies. The stories
should be instructive leading the children to be perfect morally and ethically. Parents and teachers can
play a vital role here in guiding the children what to choose and what not.

(a) fascinating (antonym); (b) interest (synonym); (c) impatient (antonym); (d) immoral(synonym);
(e) contain (synonym); (f) illogical (antonym); (g) indifferent (synonym); (h) perfect (antonym);
(i) instructive (synonym); (j) ethical (antonym).

3.Rima is a good-looking young woman. Her large, dark eyes are beautiful. Her complexion is flawless,
and she has got a lovely big smile. Her long, black hair is full and shiny. She is tall and slender, and her
movement is graceful. And she always dresses stylishly. Everybody appreciates her beauty. But Rima
worries that people do not notice her talents and hard work. She wants people to know that a woman
can have beauty, ambition, and a bit of intelligence too.

(a) good-looking (synonym); (b) dark (synonym); (c) flawless (synonym); (d) shiny (antonym); (e)
slender (antonym); (f) graceful (synonym); (g) stylishly (antonym); (h) appreciate (antonym); (i) notice
(antonym); (j) ambition (synonym).

4.In Bangladesh, students require to read English for about ten years. But the level of proficiency they
reach is very low. No wonder that most of them fail in their English tests. People taking the Civil Service
Examination are also tested on their knowledge of English, but the results are equally disappointing
although almost all the candidates have presumably master degree in various disciplines. Even those
who pass or qualify are hardly able to write a free composition in acceptable English. Obviously there is
something seriously wrong with the teaching and learning of English in Bangladesh.

(a) require (synonym); (b) proficiency (antonym); (c) wonder (synonym); (d) tested (synonym); (e)
equally (antonym); (f) disappointing (synonym); (g) presumably (antonym); (h) qualify (antonym); (i)
obviously (antonym); (j) wrong (synonym).

5. An ideal teacher knows the art of teaching. He is the master of his subject. He makes his lessons
interesting. His method of teaching is convincing and inspiring. An ideal teacher treats his students like
his own children. He praises the good work done by them. If a student does some mistakes, he is never
harsh to him. He tactfully makes his student realize his mistake. An ideal teacher is never angry with his
students. He believes in simple living and high thinking. He never sets a wrong example before his
students. He has high moral values.

(a) ideal (synonym); (b) master (synonym); (c) make (antonym); (d) method (synonym); (e) convincing
(antonym); (f) praise (antonym); (g) mistake (synonym); (h) angry (antonym); (i) simple (antonym); (j)
moral (synonym).
6.Human life is dynamic. Everyone, therefore, must have a plan to do something or to be something in
life. And that is one’s aim in life. A man without an aim has no direction and can never go ahead as
expected. So, everyone should choose a profession which suits him most. The choice of profession
depends on one’s taste, interest, aptitude and ability. These vary from person to person. Teaching is a
noble profession. The teachers are nation-builders. They educate the children and train them to
become good and useful citizen in future.

(a) dynamic (antonym); (b) plan (antonym); (c) aim (synonym); (d) direction (synonym); (e) profession
(synonym); (f) suit (antonym); (g) aptitude (antonym); (h) vary (synonym); (i) educate (synonym); (j)
citizen (antonym).

7.Books are men’s best friends in life. You may have many good friends but you do not find them when
you need them. They may not always come to you with sympathy. Some may prove true or some may
prove false and do you much harm. But books are always ready to be your side. Some books will make
you laugh, some others will give you much pleasure. Again, some books will bring new knowledge and
ideas. They are ever friends throughout your life.

(a) friend (antonym); (b) need (antonym); (c) sympathy (synonym); (d) prove (synonym); (e) false
(antonym); (f) harm (antonym); (g) laugh (antonym); (h) pleasure (synonym); (i) bring (synonym); (j)
idea (synonym).

8.Books are the unique medium through which we contact mighty minds of ages. Books tell us about
their feelings what they said and what they did. Books are one of the greatest friends to us. They
introduce us the best humanity. They are reliable records of the history. A book is a valuable living
voice. We can know about the thoughts and rituals of past men through books. We should read good
books and avoid worthless ones. A good book is a friend of loneliness and a nurse in ailment. We can
find real happiness by reading good books.

(a) unique (antonym); (b) mighty (antonym); (c) humanity (synonym); (d) reliable (antonym); (e)
valuable (antonym); (f) ritual (synonym); (g) worthless (synonym); (h) loneliness (synonym); (i)
ailment (synonym); (j) happiness (antonym).

9.Sincerity is the root of success of all work. One can go a long way if one does a job with sincerity. The
great men are sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow
the rules of sincerity can never go a long way. Sincerity is the secret of victory. If any work is not done
with sincerity, one will never receive desirable output from it. So, we should be sincere in every walk of

(a) success (antonym); (b) job (synonym); (c) great (antonym); (d) because (synonym); (e) know
(synonym); (f) follow (antonym); (g) rule (synonym); (h) never (antonym); (i) victory (synonym); (j)
desirable (antonym).

10.Bangladesh is an agro-based country. The soil of Bengal is purer than gold. Most of her land is
fertile. The farmers of this country are industrious. They work ceaselessly from dawn to dusk. They are
not lazy. They love their motherland. They have a strong attachment to their motherland. Their
diligence and perseverance keep the wheel of economy moving. We must respect them. Weare grateful
to them. We must follow their devotion to duty and country.

(a) fertile (synonym); (b) industrious (antonym); (c) ceaselessly (synonym); (d) lazy (synonym); (e) love
(antonym); (f) strong (synonym); (g) moving (antonym); (h) respect (synonym); (i) grateful (antonym);
(j) devotion (synonym).

11.Spring is certainly the best season of the year. Most of the people are fond of this season. It is the
favourite season of poets too. It is called the queen of seasons. Spring comes after the winter season. It
begins from the middle of February and last till the middle of April. As the spring season sets in, the
earth looks lovely and charming. The trees put forth new leaves. Nature looks charming. Many kinds of
beautiful flowers bloom during this season.

(a) certainly (antonym); (b) season (synonym); (c) favourite (synonym); (d) come (antonym); (e) begin
(synonym); (f) lasts (synonym); (g) lovely (antonym); (h) new (antonym); (i) look (synonym); (j)
beautiful (antonym).
12. Shahan is an affluent man now. Through hard work and devotion, he has managed to turn
the wheels of fortune. He was an unemployed youth of an impoverished family. Through
new knowledge, hard work and perseverance, he has brought prosperity to his family. Shahan
first received training in vegetable cultivation. Then he got a lease of land in his village and applied his
new and improved knowledge to cultivating vegetables. He earned taka 25,000 as profit that year. In
the same way he bought some land and used it entirely to cultivate cauliflowers. He has also been
raising hybrid cows for milk as well as to produce manure. Shahan’s lot has changed radically. He is
now very happy to be a self-sufficient man.

(a) affluent (antonym); (b) manage (antonym); (c) turn (synonym); (d) fortune (synonym);
(e)impoverish (antonym); (f) cultivate (synonym); (g) sufficient (synonym); (h) raise (synonym);
(i)radically (antonym); (j) improve (antonym).

13. Mrs.Alim loves to gossip. She lives in an apartment block. There are five more families in
the building. She has an experienced cook, so she does not have to do any cooking. Almost everyday
around eleven o’clock she goes to visit one of her neighbors in the other apartments mostly to gossip.
Most of the housewives she visits do not have much house-help and they use this time to cook, clean or
do other households. But Mrs.Alim does not seem to be bothered. She does not mind discussing the
personal matters of one family with other.

(a) love (antonym); (b) live (synonym); (c) experienced (synonym); (d) visit (synonym); (e) gossip
(synonym); (f) use (antonym); (g) clean (antonym); (h) households (synonym); (i) bothered
(synonym); (j) personal (antonym).

14. A library serves as the best source of knowledge both for the students and the teachers. It is a large
collection of books. Among these there are books on courses that are taught in different classes. There
are books on extracurricular subjects also. In the library newspapers and periodicals are also found. The
library caters to the tastes of different people. Books are arranged in shelves in a definite order. There
are library assistants who are also helpful for the readers. One head librarian looks after the library. So
the readers do not have any problem in taking out the right book. There is also a reading room where
silence prevails. One can also take books from the library for reading at home by submitting one’s
library card to the librarian.

(a) source (synonym) (b) collection (synonym) (c) extracurricular ) (antonym) (d) arrange(synonym) (e)
definite (synonym (f) assistant (antonym) (g) problem (synonym) (synonym) (h) right (antonym) (i)
silence(synonym) (j) submit (antonym)

15. It is very natural that man loves his life most of all things and he wants to live or survive a
bit longer at any cost. However, every year thousands of people commit suicide in Bangladesh. It
is seen that most of the people committing suicide are those married women who depend on
their husbands for their living. But why do they commit suicide when people love their lives most? Most
probably, they decide to kill themselves because they feel entirely helpless and meaningless to live. The
bitterness and sufferings of life become totally unbearable. However, the incident of suicide among the
self-reliant women is very rare.

(a) natural (synonym); (b) love (antonym); (c) survive (synonym); (d) commit (synonym); (e)
woman (synonym); (f) depend (synonym); (g) living (synonym); (h) entirely (synonym); (i)
meaningless (antonym); (j) rare (antonym).
16.The National Memorial is a symbol of the nation’s respect for the martyrs of the War of Liberation.
It is located at Savar, Dhaka. Its foundation was laid on the first anniversary of the Victory Day in 1972.
The entire complex covers an area of 126 acres. It will include a mosque, a library and a museum. The
museum will preserve the relics of the Liberation War. There is a series of 7 towers that rise by stages
to a height of 150 feet. These seven towers represent the seven heroes who made supreme sacrifice in
the Liberation War. The height of the towers stands for the high sacrifice of every martyr. There are
several graves of the martyrs close to the tower. Standing before the graves we bow down our heads in
respect of their sacrifice.

(a) liberation (synonym); (b) foundation (synonym); (c) entire (antonym); (d) cover (antonym);
(e) include (antonym); (f) rise (antonym); (g) represent (synonym); (h) supreme (synonym); (i)
before (antonym); (j) respect (antonym)

17. Einstein was very simple in his ways of life. He was indifferent to his fame. Once the queen
of Belgium invited him to Brussels. When he got down from the train, he could not think that there
were actually many gorgeously dressed officials to receive him at the station. The officials also
expected somebody who would appear to be rich and aristocratic to them. They never imagined that
this shabby man would be Einstein.

(a) simple (synonym); (b) indifferent (synonym); (c) fame (antonym); (d) actually (synonym); (e)
gorgeously (synonym); (f) receive (synonym); (g) expected (antonym); (h) rich (synonym); (i)aristocratic
(synonym); (j) shabby (synonym).

18. The effects of greenhouse effect are too many to be described. Its effect is very devastating and
destructive. It effect is a dangerous threat to human existence and to animal and plant
lives. Climatologists predict that by midway through this century temperature may have risen by as
much as 4C. This could seriously reduce mankind’s ability to grow food, destroy or severely damage
wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland. Bangladesh is
very much vulnerable to frequent natural disasters. Annual visitations of cyclones and floods are
routine but nonetheless sudden and fatal in their wild rage. The yearly damages they leave behind are
enormous. However, our people are accustomed to cyclones and floods. But another creeping disaster
is gather in fury is the greenhouse effect for which the people are not prepared at all and the state
appears to be taking no notice. It is the danger of rising sea level from the greenhouse effect.

(a) described (synonym); (b) destructive (antonym); (c) dangerous (antonym); (d) reduce (antonym);
(e) vulnerable (antonym); (f) disasters (antonym); (g) damages (synonym); (h) enormous (synonym); (i)
accustomed (synonym); (j) appear (antonym).

19. ZahirRaihan was one of the most talented film makers in Bangladesh. He was born on 19 August
1935 in the village Majupur, in Feni district. He was an active worker of the Language Movement. He
was one of the ten students to go out in a procession on 21 February 1952 despite a ban on such
activities. As a result, he and many other were arrested and taken to prison. Zahir was also present at
the historical meeting of Amtala on February 21, 1953. He also took pat in the mass movement in
1969. In 1971, he joined the Liberation War. All through his life, Zahir dreamt for a democratic society
that will ensure freedom of speech and will. He had many dreams about our film industry too. He made
a legendary film JibonThekeNeya based on the Language Movement of 1952. It was a revolt against
the then autocratic government.

(a) active (antonym); (b) many (antonym); (c) present (antonym); (d) mass (synonym); (e)
join (antonym); (f) liberation (synonym); (g) democratic (antonym); (h) speech (antonym); (i)
against (antonym); (j) autocratic (antonym).
20. Globalisaion is now dependent on technology. The electronic transformation of information
has quickened banking and financial activities. Some products like software and TV programmes are
also amenable to digital or electronic transmission. Today we can buy and sell goods through the
electronic screen. Last of all, computer has brought about a revolutionary change.

(a)dependent (antonym); (b) information(synonym); (c) quicker (synonym); (d)product(synonym); (e)

amenable (synonym); (f) buy (antonym); (g) sell(antonym); (h) goods(synonym); (i)screen(synonym);
(j) revolutionary (synonym);

21. Ismail Hossain is an affluent man now. Through hard work and devotion, he has managed to turn
the wheels of fortune. He was an unemployed youth of an impoverished family from Ekdala village in
NatoreSadarthana. Through new knowledge, hard work and perseverance, he has brought prosperity
to his family. Ismail Hossain studies up to class eight. Poverty then forces him to look for work. He
receives the training programme of the Natore Horticulture Center. He seems to be an enthusiastic
youth. Ismail cultivated many flowers. He earns a lot of money by selling flowers in the local market.
Thus Ismail Hossain was able to change life and became happy.

(a) affluent (synonym); (b) fortune (antonym); (c) unemployed (antonym); (d) knowledge (synonym);
(e) look for (synonym); (f) receive (synonym); (g) enthusiastic (synonym); (h) earn (synonym); (i) able
(synonym); (j) happy (antonym).

22. An earthquake is a catastrophe. Every year it kills innumerable people in many countries.
In Bangladesh a major earthquake may occur at any moment. So our experts are alarmed by
the repetition of the minor earthquakes. The our country lies in the active earthquake zone is known to

(a) catastrophe (synonym); (b) kill (antonym); (c) innumerable (synonym); (d) major (antonym); (e)
occur (synonym); (f) expert (synonym); (g) alarm (antonym); (h) repetition (synonym); (i)
active (antonym); (j) known (antonym).

23. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.(a)Located (syn) on the Buriganga river in the heart of
the Bengal Delta. Dhaka has an (b)estimated(syn) population of (c)more(ant) than 15 million people. It
is the (d) largest (syn) city in Bangladesh and one of the (e) biggest(ant) cities of the world. Dhaka is
one of the (f) major(ant) cities of South Asia. It is (g) known(syn) as the city of Mosques. The city is also
(h)described(syn) as the rickshaw capital of the world. Dhaka is also one of the world’s most densely
populated cities. The (i)old(ant) city of Dhaka was the Mughal capital of Bengal in the 17th century. It
was named in (j)honour(ant) of emperor Shajahan.

24. Facebook is a very popular social networking site of all time. The popularity of facebook
has increased drastically. Within 6 years of its launch, facebook reached one billion users milestone.
Nowadays it has become a very important part of life. Actually, it is a social networking website that
was originally designed for college students, but is now open to anyone with 13 years of age or older.
Facebook users can create and customize their own profiles with photos, videos and other information
about themselves. Facebook is an effective way of finding old friends and connecting to new ones.

(a) popular (antonym), (b) drastically (antonym), (c) launch (synonym), (d) very (synonym), (e) social
(synonym), (f) originally (synonym), (g) open (antonym), (h) create (antonym), (i) customize (synonym),
(j) effective (antonym).

25. Napoleon, the king of France, was a great hero. He won many battles and conquered
many countries of Europe. One day he was walking along the seashore. Suddenly he noticed
a wonderful thing. An English boy was making a small boat. They boy was immediately brought before
him. The king asked him why he was making such a tiny boat. The boy said confidently, “I shall cross
the sea. My country is on the other side of the sea. I shall go to my country by this boat. I didn’t see my
mother for a good long time.” The king was charmed by the words of the small boy. He made all
arrangements to send him to his country.

(a) hero (synonym); (b) battle (synonym); (c) many (antonym); (d) sea (synonym); (e) shore (synonym);
(f) wonderful (antonym); (g) tiny (antonym); (h) confidently (antonym); (i) arrangements (synonym); (j)
country (synonym)
26. Beauty is easy to appreciate but difficult to define. As we look around, we discover beauty
in pleasurable objects and sights in nature, in the laughter of children, in the kindness of strangers. But
asked to define, we run into difficulties. Does beauty have an independent objective identity? Is it
universal, or is it dependent on our sense perceptions? Does it lie in the eye of the beholder? —— we
ask ourselves. A further difficulty arises when beauty manifests itself not only by its presence, but by its
absence as well, as when we are repulsed by ugliness and desire beauty. But then ugliness has as much
a place in our lives as beauty, or may be more as when there is widespread hunger and injustice in a
society. Philosophers have told us that beauty is an important part of life, but isn’t ugliness a part of life

(a) beauty (antonym); (b) appreciate (antonym); (c) discover (synonym); (d) pleasure (synonym); (e)
stranger (antonym); (f) universal (antonym); (g) perception (synonym); (h) beholder (synonym); (i)
manifest (antonym); (j) repulse (synonym).

27. “It will be better than for me to try to send him things. I could so easily duplicate-skates,
for instance.” She blinked her honest spinster’s eyes. “There’s not much use for skates here,” she said.
Her stupidity annoyed me. “What I mean,” I said. “Is that I don’t want to duplicate the things his
mother sends him. I might have chosen skates if I didn’t know she had already given them to him.” She
stared at me. “I don’t understand,” she said. He has no mother. He has no skates.”

(a) try (synonym); (b) duplicate (synonym); (c) instance (synonym); (d) blinked (synonym); (e) stupidity
(antonym); (f) annoyed (antonym); (g) mean (synonym); (h) send (synonym); (i)understand (synonym);
(j) stare (antonym).

28. A country mouse lived in a field of barley. He made a nest and hung it, upon two stalks of barley.
The nest was very small and very light. The country mouse ate barley and the roots of other plants. A
mouse from the town came to see the country mouse. The town mouse was very quick and clever. His
home was in a big house in the town. The country mouse gave the town mouse dinner in the barley
field. He brought out the very best barley and roots for the meal. But the town mouse did not enjoy his
dinner. “My poor friend,” he said, “in town we have much nicer food than this. You must come to see
where I live. I shall give you all sorts of good things to eat.” The town mouse returned to his home
taking the country mouse with him. They went to a big house.

(a) lived (synonym); (b) made (antonym); (c) small (synonym); (d) light (antonym); (e) see (synonym);
(f) clever (antonym); (g) town (synonym); (h) enjoy (antonym); (i) returned (synonym); (j) taking

29. Morality is the best virtue of mankind at any individual, social and global level. Heavenly qualities
like love, affection, respect etc. are developed from morality. Human activities with a sense of morality
are always free from social ills and vices. But, nowadays, severe moral degradation is destroying the
peaceful and meaningful existence of human beings. For the lack of morality, we can never have a
truthful, honest and durable democratic, socio-economic, administrative and judicial institution.
Creating awareness is the easiest way to develop the moral sense among people. Motivation and
encouragement always bring positive results.Therefore, arranging seminars, symposia at different
levels of society will help moral uplifting. So, we must try to create awareness at family and social
levels to develop our moral sense.

(a) morality (antonym); (b) heavenly (antonym); (c) developed (synonym); (d) vice (antonym);
(e) peaceful (antonym); (f) existence (synonym); (g) durable (antonym); (h) encouragement (synonym);
(i) uplifting (synonym); (j) awareness (synonym).
30. Over the past several decades, technology has become a fixture in many homes around the world,
and its influence has permeated into all facets of our lives, including educational settings. This
phenomenon has been hailed by many as the wave of the future in which language instruction will be
driven by new advances in computers, the Internet, and mobile technologies. However, how we go
about integrating technology into our classrooms can have a huge impact on whether a
technologically-driven classroom succeeds or fails. So, where lies the praise or blame for the success or
failure of technology? Will a Utopian view of pedagogically-sound teaching prevail in our classrooms,
or will teachers soon abandon high-tech gadgets and return more to traditional materials? Because the
use of the Internet has become so widespread, this article will focus attention on that medium,
starting with some historical perspective on computers and then suggest a few practical ideas
to improving successful integration of the Internet and language teaching.

(a)several(synonym); (b)influence(antonym);(c) permeated (synonym); (d)instruction(synonym); (e)

integrate (antonym); (f)huge(synonym); (g) praise (antonym); (h) abandon (synonym); (i) perspective
(synonym); (j)practical(antonym).
Q.1 (a) different (synonym) > discrete/distinct Q.7 (a) friend (antonym) > enemy
(b) seek (synonym) > hunt/quest (b) need (antonym) > nonessential
(c) eager (antonym) > aching/ uninterested (c) sympathy (synonym) > condolence
(d) observation (synonym) > monitoring (d) prove (synonym) > result
(e) mere (antonym) > adulterated (e) false (antonym) > accurate
(f) alert (synonym) > aware (f) harm (antonym) > favour
(g) latent (antonym) > active (g) laugh (antonym) > cry
(h) instructor (synonym) > trainer (h) pleasure (synonym) > satisfaction
(i) guide (antonym) > follow (i) bring (synonym) > conduct
(j) way (synonym) > conflict (j) idea (synonym) > concept
Q.2 (a) fascinating (antonym) > boring Q.8 (a) unique (antonym) > common
(b) interest (synonym) > attract/ profit (b) mighty (antonym) > weak
(c) impatient (antonym) > reluctant (c) humanity (synonym) > mankind
(d) immoral(synonym) > unethical (d) reliable (antonym) > disadvantageous
(e) contain (synonym) > restrain (e) valuable (antonym) > cheap
(f) illogical (antonym) > logical (f) ritual (synonym) > practice
(g) indifferent (synonym) > common (g) worthless (synonym) > unproductive
(h) perfect (antonym) > imperfect/ inferior (h) loneliness (synonym) > isolation
(i) instructive (synonym) > informative (i) ailment (synonym) > illness
(j) ethical (antonym) > unethical (j) happiness (antonym) > depression
Q.3 (a) good-looking (synonym) > attractive Q.9 (a) success (antonym) > failure
(b) dark (synonym) > inky/ unlit (b) job (synonym) > work
(c) flawless (synonym) > perfect (c) great (antonym) > minor
(d) shiny (antonym) > matt (d) because (synonym) > for
(e) slender (antonym) > fat (e) know (synonym) > learn
(f) graceful (synonym) > sophisticated (f) follow (antonym) > precede
(g) stylishly (antonym) > unfashionable (g) rule (synonym) > lead
(h) appreciate (antonym) > depreciate (h) never (antonym) > always
(i) notice (antonym) > overlook (i) victory (synonym) > win
(j) ambition (synonym) > goal/ aim (j) desirable (antonym) > unattractive
Q.4 (a) require (synonym) > need/ essential Q.10 (a) fertile (synonym) > productive
(b) proficiency (antonym) > incompetence (b) industrious (antonym) > inactive
(c) wonder (synonym) > fascination (c) ceaselessly (synonym) > forever
(d) tested (synonym) > trial (d) lazy (synonym) > inactive
(e) equally (antonym) > unequally (e) love (antonym) > hate
(f) disappointing (synonym) > disheartening (f) strong (synonym) > tough
(g) presumably (antonym) > doubtfully (g) moving (antonym) > motionless
(h) qualify (antonym) > disqualify (h) respect (synonym) > dignity
(i) obviously (antonym) > perhaps (i) grateful (antonym) > mean
(j) wrong (synonym) > incorrect (j) devotion (synonym) > loyalty
Q.5 (a) ideal (synonym) > epitome Q.11 (a) certainly (antonym) > doubtfully
(b) master (synonym) > expert/ sovereign (b) season (synonym) > flavour
(c) make (antonym) > destroy (c) favourite (synonym) > beloved
(d) method (synonym) > procedure (d) come (antonym) > leave
(e) convincing (antonym) > unconvincing (e) begin (synonym) > launch
(f) praise (antonym) > criticize (f) lasts (synonym) > finish
(g) mistake (synonym) > blunder (g) lovely (antonym) > awful
(h) angry (antonym) > calm (h) new (antonym) > old
(i) simple (antonym) > complex (i) look (synonym) > consider
(j) moral (synonym) > virtuous (j) beautiful (antonym) > ugly
Q.6 (a) dynamic (antonym) > lethargic Q.12 (a) affluent (antonym) > poor
(b) plan (antonym) > disorganize (b) manage (antonym) > mismanage
(c) aim (synonym) > ambition (c) turn (synonym) > bend
(d) direction (synonym) > supervision (d) fortune (synonym) > fortune
(e) profession (synonym) > occupation (e) impoverish (antonym) > enrich
(f) suit (antonym) > misfit (f) cultivate (synonym) > plant
(g) aptitude (antonym) > stupidity (g) sufficient (synonym) > plentiful
(h) vary (synonym) > differ (h) raise (synonym) > boost
(i) educate (synonym) > uplift/ teach (i) radically (antonym) > moderate
(j) citizen (antonym) > foreigner/ native (j) improve (antonym) > deteriorate
Q.13 (a) love (antonym) > hate Q.19 (a) active (antonym) > inactive
(b) live (synonym) >reside (b) many (antonym) > few
(c) experienced (synonym) >skilled (c) present (antonym) > absent
(d) visit (synonym) >look up (d) mass (synonym) > collection
(e) gossip(synonym) >stories (e) join (antonym) > separate
(f) use (antonym) > discard (f) liberation (synonym) > freedom
(g) clean (antonym)>dirty (g) democratic (antonym) > autocratic
(h) households (synonym)> family (h) speech (antonym) > written
(i) bothered(synonym) > cared (i) against (antonym) > for
(j) personal (antonym) > general (j) autocratic (antonym) > democratic
Q.14 (a) source (synonym) > origin Q.20 (a)dependent (antonym) > independent
(b) collection (synonym) > compilation (b) information(synonym) > data
(c) extracurricular (antonym) > pure (c) quicker (synonym) > slower
(d) arrange(synonym) > organize (d) product(synonym) > good
(e) definite (synonym > explicit (e) amenable (synonym) > agreeable
(f) assistant (antonym) > associate (f) buy (antonym) > sell
(g) problem (synonym) > complication (g) sell (antonym) > buy
(h) right (antonym) > wrong (h) goods(synonym) > products
(i) silence (synonym)> calm (i) screen(synonym) > display
(j) submit (antonym)> refuse (j) revolutionary (synonym) > radical
Q.15 (a) natural (synonym) > common Q.21 (a) affluent (synonym) > wealthy
(b) love (antonym) > hatred (b) fortune (antonym) > misfortune
(c) survive (synonym) > exist (c) unemployed (antonym) > employed
(d) commit (synonym) > act (d) knowledge (synonym) > skill
(e)woman (synonym) > girl (e) look for (synonym) > seek
(f) depend (synonym) > lean (f) receive (synonym) > accept
(g) living (synonym) > existent (g) enthusiastic (synonym) > eager
(h) entirely (synonym) > absolutely (h) earn (synonym) > income
(i)meaningless (antonym) > meaningful (i) able (synonym) > capable
(j) rare (antonym) > available (j) happy (antonym) > sad
Q.16 (a) liberation (synonym) > abolition Q.22 (a) catastrophe (synonym) > disaster
(b) foundation (synonym) > base (b) kill (antonym) > revive
(c) entire (antonym) > part (c) innumerable (synonym) > countless
(d) cover (antonym) > open (d) major (antonym) > minor
(e) include (antonym) > abandon (e) occur (synonym) > happen
(f) rise (antonym) > fall (f) expert (synonym) > skilled
(g) represent (synonym) > exhibit (g) alarm (antonym) > calm
(h) supreme (synonym) > absolute (h) repetition (synonym) > recurrence
(i) before (antonym) > after (i) active (antonym) > inactive
(j) respect (antonym) > disrespect (j) known (antonym) > unknown
Q.17 (a) simple (synonym) > plain Q.23 (a)Located (synonym) > situated
(b) indifferent (synonym) > aloof (b)estimated (synonym) > approximated
(c) fame (antonym) > dishonour (c)more (antonym) > few
(d) actually (synonym) > absolutely (d) largest (synonym) > biggest
(e)gorgeously (synonym) > magnificently (e) biggest(antonym) > smallest
(f) receive (synonym) > accept (f) major(antonym) > minor
(g) expected (antonym) > unexpected (g) known(synonym) > recognized
(h) rich (synonym) > wealthy (h)described (synonym) > explained
(i)aristocratic (synonym) > dignified (i)old (antonym) > young
(j) shabby (synonym) > crummy (j) honour(antonym) > dishonour
Q.18 a) described (synonym) > define Q.24 (a) popular (antonym) > unpopular
(b) destructive (antonym) > creative (b) drastically (antonym) > slightly
(c) dangerous (antonym) > harmless (c) launch (synonym) > end
(d) reduce (antonym) > increase (d) very (synonym) > extremely
(e) vulnerable (antonym) > invincible (e) social (synonym) > community
(f) disasters (antonym) > successes (f) originally (synonym) > formerly
(g) damages (synonym) > compensations (g) open (antonym) > close
(h) enormous (synonym) > huge (h) create (antonym) > destroy
(i) accustomed (synonym) > familiar (i) customize (synonym) > modify
(j) appear (antonym) > disappear (j) effective (antonym) > effectual
Q.25 (a) hero (synonym) > conqueror Q.28 (a) lived (synonym) > existed
(b) battle (synonym) > fight (b) made (antonym) > destroyed
(c) many (antonym) >few (c) small (synonym) > tiny
(d) sea (synonym) > ocean (d) light (antonym) > heavy
(e) shore (synonym) > beach (e) see (synonym) > look
(f) wonderful (antonym) > awful (f) clever (antonym) > fool
(g) tiny (antonym) > huge (g) town (synonym) > city
(h) confidently (antonym) > diffidently (h) enjoy (antonym) > dislike
(i) arrangements (synonym) > actions (i) returned (synonym) > comeback
(j) country (synonym) > state (j) taking (antonym) > getting
Q.26 (a) beauty (antonym) > ugly Q.29 (a) morality (antonym) > wickedness
(b) appreciate (antonym) > depreciate (b) heavenly (antonym) > dreadful
(c) discover (synonym) > determine (c) developed (synonym) > advanced
(d) pleasure (synonym) > joy (d) vice (antonym) > virtue
(e) stranger (antonym) > known (e) peaceful (antonym) > disordered
(f) universal (antonym) > narrow (f) existence (synonym) > life
(g) perception (synonym) > insight (g) durable (antonym) > flimsy
(h) beholder (synonym) > viewer (h) encouragement (synonym) > support
(i) manifest (antonym) > obscure (i) uplifting (synonym) > inspiring
(j) repulse (synonym) > repel (j) awareness (synonym) > consciousness
Q.27 (a) try (synonym) > attempt Q.30 (a)several(synonym) > some/ quite a few
(b) duplicate (synonym) > copy (b) influence (antonym) > powerlessness
(c) instance (synonym) > example (c) permeated (synonym) > infused
(d) blinked (synonym) > winked (d) instruction(synonym) > command
(e) stupidity (antonym) > witty (e) integrate (antonym) > incorporate
(f) annoyed (antonym) > pleased (f) huge (synonym) > gigantic/ enormous
(g) mean (synonym) > denote (g) praise (antonym) > criticize
(h) send (synonym) > transmit (h) abandon (synonym) > dump
(i)understand (synonym) > realize (i) perspective (synonym) > standpoint
(j) stare (antonym) > glance (j) practical(antonym) > impractical

Department of English

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