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1. Colours

Paint colours will be selected by the Consultant Architects and P.R. form approved manufacturer’s
full colour range, including light and dark tones. Consultant Architect and P.R. will furnish Schedule
showing where the various colours, gross value and sheen of the finishes occur. The Consultant
Architect and P.R. shall have complete freedom in choice of colours in compiling Colour Schedule
and will not necessarily select colours from standard colour charts of approved manufacturer whose
products have been approved for use.

2. Samples

Submit samples of various finishes to the Consultant Architects and P.R. at least thirty (30) days
before materials are required. Submit samples in triplicate on 300mm x 300m material of the same
type as that on which the coating is to be applied, where possible. Identify each sample as to job,
finish, colour name, number, sheen and gloss values, date and name of contractor.

3. List of Materials

Submit name of paint manufacturer proposed for the work and complete list of materials intended
for use on work prepared by paint manufacturer to the Consultant Architect and P.R. at least sixty
(60) day before materials area required. Indicate approved manufacturer’s official certification that
materials listed thereon is the top quality made by the company. Materials delivered to the work
shall conform to the accepted list.


1. Delivery material to site in sealed original containers with labels intact and store in space as
directed. Keep stored materials covered at all times. The presence of any unauthorized
materials or containers for such on the site shall be sufficient cause of rejection of all paint
materials on the site at the time.
2. Exercise extreme caution in the storage of materials to prevent fire or create fire hazards.
Thinners and solvents shall be stored in approved metal safety containers in accordance
with governing fire and safety regulations.
3. In areas of storage, protect floor and wall surfaces from paint drips and splatters. Protect
floors with sheets of clean plywood or metal panels where mixing and strictly enforce this
requirement. Provide and maintain CO fire extinguishers of minimum 9kg capacity accessible
in storage mixing areas.
4. Leave storage areas clean and free from evidence of occupancy when these are required for
intended use.
5. Keep waste rags in metal drums containing water and remove from building at end of each
working shift.


1. All areas shall be clean and dust free before painting is commenced.
2. Use sufficient clean drop cloths and protective covering s for full protection of floors,
furnishings and work not being painted. Protect mechanical, electrical and special
equipment and all other soiling during painting process. Mask adjoining work adjacent to
work being painted or carefully cut-in-Without overlaps. Clean surfaces soiled by spillage of
paint and paint spatters. If cleaning operations damages the surface, repair or replace
damage work without cost to the Employer.
3. On exterior work, do not paint during or immediately following rain.
4. Be responsible for damage to the work of this section until the building is complete and
accepted by the Employer. In cases of damage, surfaces shall be cleaned and repainted to
Architect’s satisfaction.
5. Leave areas clean and free from evidence of occupancy upon completion of painting.
6. Do not paint surfaces exposed to direct sun or where condensation has or will form due to
the presence of high humidity and lack of proper ventilation.


1. Paint and Finishing Materials: Undiluted, highest grade, first line quality of the approved
manufacturer, correctly labelled, bearing the brand and maker’s name, type of paint, colour
and code number.
2. Undercoated, Sealer and Primer: Made for the purpose by the approved manufacturer of
finishing materials being used.
3. Primer: Drying time 4 hours maximum, high hiding pigments; sealer low odour, alkyd or latex
to suit substrate.
4. Paint: Alkyd and vinyl Tape, low odour, quick drying, high hiding and low solvent content.
5. Shellac shall be pure white gum dissolved in pure grain alcohol.
6. Flame spread ratings of interior finishes shall conform to the Malaysian Building Code.
7. Brushes, Rollers and Application Equipment: The best of their respective kinds, clean and
suitable for the work.


1. Ensure that paint has not settled, caked or thickened in the container, is readily dispersed
with a paddle to a smooth consistency and has excellent application properties.
2. Use all reducing and tinting materials as recommended by the approved manufacturer for
the particular material reduced or tinted.
3. Mix materials thoroughly before application.

1. Examination: Examine the work upon which the work of this Section depends prior to the
application. If surfaces cannot be put in proper condition by customary cleaning, sanding
and puttying, report such defects in writing.
2. Acceptance: Failure to report defects will constitute acceptance or surfaces. Refinish the
faulty work at no expense to the Employer.
3. Moisture Content: Do not paint surface while moisture content as tested by moisture meter
exceeds the following: 
a. Wood surface 15%
b. Masonry and concrete surfaces 10%
c. Interior plaster and gypsum board 12%
d. Concrete Floors 10%
4. Lighting Level: Do not apply finishes or undertake surface preparation unless illumination
characteristics are acceptable for production of first class job.


1. Dust: Clean floors, adjacent surfaces and surfaces to be painted before work is commenced.
2. Defects: Ensure that surfaces to be finished are clean, free from machine, tool or standing
marks, dust, grease, soil or other extraneous matter and all defects or sanding marks which
could be detrimental to an acceptable finish.
3. Alkaline Surface: Neutralize highly alkaline surfaces with a neutralizing wash of 4% solution
of Zinc Sulphate. Substitute 4% solutions of Tetra potassium Pyrophosphate for surfaces to
receive latex paints. Brush off residue before painting.
4. Mildew: Scrub mildewed surfaces with a solution of Trisodium Phosphate, bleach with a
solution of 1 part Sodium Hypochlorite to 3 parts water and rinse with clear water.
5. Mask and cover surrounding surfaces, coordinate and remove ironmongery, electric plates
and accessories as required to keep paint from adjacent surfaces. Mask labels and
specification plates occurring on equipment to be painted. Properly mask all sprinkler heads
and fire detectors wherever they occur in surfaces to be painted. Remove tape when paint is
dry and clean. Do not clean hardware with solvent that will remove permanent lacquer
finish. Reinstall after completion.


1. Approved Manufacturer’s Instructions: Apply materials in accordance with the directions

and instructions of the approved manufacturer of the materials. DO not use adulterants.
2. Workmanship: Execute the work in accordance with the recognized highest standards of
workmanship of the industry and to meet requirements of the specification. Work shall be
executed by approved workers specially trained and having a provincial tradesman
qualification certificate of proficiency. Have an approved full time senior qualified
representative at the site to direct the work.
3. Painting shall be four-coat work throughout. Priming coat shall be colour toned lighter than
undercoat, undercoat lighter than the first finish coat: final coat shall be approved colour.
Apply on additional finish coat to surfaces scheduled to receive deep, dark or accent colours
called for on the Schedules and for graphics.
a. Each coat shall be inspected by the Consultant Architect and P.R. Recoating occurs
without Consultant Architect and P.R. inspection, it shall be considered as not having
been done and shall be re-coated.
4. Paint shall be applied by means of brushes, except for wall and ceiling surfaces on which the
paint shall be applied by lamb’s wood rollers. Varnish shall be brushed.
1. Spray painting will not be permitted unless specifically approved for certain areas. If
approval is granted for spraying, the equipment shall be airless type. Consultant Architect
and P.R. may at any time prohibit use of spray painting for such reasons during application
as carelessness, poor masking or protective measures, drifting paint fog, disturbance to
other trades or failure to obtain a dense, even, opaque finish. All motors, fans, and
mechanical ventilation system equipment shall be shut off during spray painting.
2. Appearance: Apply materials evenly, uniform in thickness, colour, texture and gloss under
adequate illumination.
a. Finishes shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship affecting appearance
and performance visible from a distance of 2m defects shall include, but not be
limited to improper cleaning and preparation of surfaces, entrapped dust and dirt,
ligaturing, blisters, peeling, drips, runs, uneven coverage, misses, poor cutting in,
improper use of application of materials. Apply coats of the proper consistency as
received from the container.
3. Sand: Semi-gloss, medium and high gloss shall be sanded lightly between coats.
4. Dryness: Each coat applied shall be thoroughly dry before the next coat is applied. Follow
approved manufacturer’s directions for drying time.
5. Doors:
a. DO NOT paint stainless steel or bronze door butts.
b. Paint steel door butts in the following manner: Paint the trim half of each butt 2
coats to match the colour of the door trim: and paint the door half of each butt 2
coats to match the colour of the finish of the door. Paint the pivot portion to match
the trim.
c. Exterior doors shall have tops, bottoms and side edges finished the same as the
exterior faces of these doors.
d. 4. Do not paint over label on steel doors and frames, and other identification labels.
6. Ledges: Finish projecting ledges, both above and below sight lines as specified for
surrounding surfaces.
7. Mechanical and Electrical Items
a. Removable grilles, gratings, louvers and access panels for convectors and ventilating
system and perimeter heating enclosures shall be removed and painted separately,
if not factory finished. Reinstall when dry.
b. Where the back of the unit, wall or insulation are visible through grilles or louvers,
paint such surfaces. Visible portions of ducts behind grilles shall be painted matte
c. Paint access doors and frames to match the surface in, which they occur.
d. In Compartment Room, walls shall be painted, floor sealed with concrete sealer, all
thermally insulated pipes shall be painted. Equipment will not be painted: Mask and
cover equipment and floor. Equipment will not be painted. All gas piping will be
e. Use heat resistant epoxy paint on pipes and surfaces where operating surface
temperature exceeds 65 degrees C.
f. Coordinate the painting of pipes, ducts and covering with Mechanical Contractor to
ensure that he does not install pipe colour banding, flow arrows and pipe
identification until the painting of the pipes, coverings and ducts has been done.
g.  Remove and reinstall electrical outlet covers.

8. Metal
a. Paint all interior and exterior exposed metal work, including those in areas which are
shown as unfinished on the room Finish Schedules, with two coats of paint over the
prime coat. Include, without being limited to, all structural steel, mechanical and
electrical equipment, ductwork and piping.
b. The exceptions to paragraph shall be stainless steel and aluminium.
c. Ferrous Metals: Remove all rust and mili scale using power wire brushing. Remove
weld flux and wash with water to remove alkali contaminants.
d. Shop Coated Steel or Iron: Remove oil or grease contaminants by solvent washing.
Touch up abraded areas with rust inhibiting primer similar to that used for shop
e. Galvanized Steel: Wash thoroughly with mineral spirits and wipe entirely clean using
sufficient number of clean cloths. Touch up damage areas with organic zinc rich
9. Wood
a. Mounting Boards: Paint both sides and edges of plywood mounting for electrical and
telephone equipment with fire regardant paint before installation.
10. Concrete and Masonry
a. Ensure that surfaces are clean, free from contamination. Scrap of mortar nibs of
cement spatter. Remove from oil by washing with xylol or Trisodium Phosphate
Solution. Remove efflorescence by dry brushing or washing with a diluted solution of
Muriatic Acid – 1 part commercial Muriatic acid to 20 parts water by volume –
followed by complete rinsing with clean water. Remove mildew by the application of
1 part Sodium Hypochlorite to 3 part water. If dirt is also in evidence, add ¼ kg
Trisodium Phosphate to 4L of the above solutions.
11. Concrete and Masonry
a. Inspect to ensure properly filled and finished surface. Fill small nicks or holes with
patching compound and sand smooth.
b. Cut out scratches, cracks and abrasions in wall surface as required and fill with non-
shrink patching compound and sand smooth.
12. Doors, Frame and Walls to Water Storage
a. Prepare surface and apply primer in accordance with approved manufacturer’s
b. Apply finish by airless or conventional spray.
13. Patching
a. Do all retouching to ensure that the work is handed over to the Owner in perfect
condition, free of runs, spatter, rust, watermarks, scratches, blemishes or other
b. After fully decorating retouching and finishing a room or area, notify the Consultant
Architect and P.R. After inspection and acceptance, post sign “DECORATING
c. Repaint the entire plane of areas showing defects of incomplete coverage. Patching
will not be permitted.


1. Arrange a site meeting between the Consultant Architect and P.R. with the approved paint
manufacturer’s representative prior to the commencement of the painting operations to
discuss the painting and finishing procedures to be used and to analyse the surface
conditions in order that alternative recommendations may be made to the Employer and
P.R. should adverse conditions exist. Discuss the following items.
a. Environmental conditions for each area
b. Maximum moisture readings or surfaces and type of reading meter to be used.
c. Remedy of defects in surfaces
d. Paint thickness measurements and acceptable tolerances
2. Arrange with the approved paint manufacturers to visit the site at weekly intervals or more
often if requested, during the surface preparation and painting operations to ensure that the
proper surface preparation has been completed, the specified paint products are being
used, the proper number of coats are being applied and the agreed finishing procedures are
being used. Arrange for the approved paint manufacturer to regularly submit written reports
to Consultant Architect and P.R.
3. An area located in the building will be designated for site tests.
a. Apply samples of finishes in the testing area. Apply the samples with the correct
material, number of coat, color, texture, and degree of gloss required. Refinish it if
required, until acceptance of the Consultant Architect and P.R. is obtained.
b. Leave test areas undisturbed until completion of the work. Approved work in the
test area shall serve as a standard for similar work throughout the project.
c. Work, which does not match the approved sample finishes, shall be corrected and
refinished at no expense to the Employer.


1. Steel: 1 coat exterior metal alkyd primer, 1 coat alkyd undercoat, 2 coats exterior alkyd
enamel gloss


1. Concrete: 4 coat interior latex primer-sealer alkali resistant (walls and ceiling) coat tinted
alkyd undercoat (column and beams). 2 coats interior alkyd semi-gloss or eggshell enamel
2. Concrete Block: 1 coat interior latex primer-sealer alkali resistant, 1 coat tinted alkyd
undercoat, 2 coats interior alkyd semi-gloss or eggshell
3. Steel-Primer: Touch up damage areas of primer coat with primer, 1 coat alkyd enamel
undercoat, 2 coats interior alkyd enamel semi-gloss or eggshell.
4. Concrete Floor (Refer to Room Finish Schedule for Locations): 2 coats polyurethane floor
5. Gypsum Board: 1 coat acrylic primer, 1 coat tinted alkyd undercoat, 2 coats interior alkyd
enamel of selected gloss.
6. Surface visible through Grilles, Registers, etc: 2 coats alkyd enamel flat back
7. Wood-Paint Finish (Mounting Boards): 1 coat fire retardant undercoated, 2 coats fire
retardant, paint both sides before installation.
8. Water-Storage (Door Frames and Walls): 1 coat primer, coatings, 2 coats finish-Amercoat
Coatings or approved equal.
9. Wood Carvings: 3 coats of polyurethane lacquer.

1. Submit a written executed by the contractor agreeing to provide finishes free of defects in
material and workmanship affecting appearance and performance (as per paragraph 1.3
Work Included). Within the specified warranty period which is five (5) years from the date of
substantial completion.

1. Promptly as the work proceeds and on completion of work, remove all paint spilled,
splashed or spattered. During the progress of the work, keep the premises free from any
unnecessary accumulation of tools, equipment, surplus materials and debris. At the
conclusion of the work, leave the premise neat and clean to the satisfaction of the
Consultant Architect and P.R.

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