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Admas university and TEVT college Department of Accounting Individual Assignment Section: A 20 Name Mihiret Fikire Id umber : 37675/11 1. What are the difference between ms word, ms access and ms excel, ~ A spreadsheet to perform calculation and to represente data visually while access. a database management system that is used to store and management data easily. excel and aecess are two Mierosoft application. both of them belong to Microsoft office suit. - Ms word is a word processing software is used for typing writing letter, making document ~ Ms aceess is adapt at handing lists of interrelated data and can store many tables and databases. ~ Ms access is desktop data management system, ~ Ms excel is a spreadsheet program. ‘What are the main difference between ms office 2007 and 2010 - word 2007 represented a huge change to the user interference and file structure, and minor change to functionality, word 2010 cons the gtahic excesses af word 2007, fixed lots of bugs and introduced a few feature if you have word 2007, | recommend moving to word 20110, office 2010 and la idated those change, the worst of restores those menu items fo the fie ribbon where people expect them to be. office 2007 came with new file formats 47 Reasons to upgrade from Microsoft word 2007 to 2010 beens 6 1, 3. What does it mean the word "formattit - Customizing the ribbon . Expanding and contracting custom group Editing images Navigationpane Protected view Word Undo der ms word. - Document formatting refers to the way a document is laid out on the page - the way it looks and it visually organized and it address things like font and presentation like bold or italies, spacing, margins, alignment, columns,indentation and list, 4, What are the difference between formatting and editing. ~ Editing refers to making quick modification to a document using editing tools such as find and replaced spelling and grammar checkers.copy and paste or undo redo features. - Formatting refers to changing the appearance of text in a document such as text. Formatting or page formatting or paragraph formatting. +# Type of formatting 1 Paragraph formatting ~ Text alignment ~Line spacing ~ Tabs ndents ~ Borders and shading 5. Why ms word is the common word proc - Itenables you to write text ing application software. store it electronically display it on a screen, modi itenter commands and characters the keyboard, and print it, of all computer application, word processing is the most common. 6, What are the main purposes of "Table of content "in any document, = The tabele of content is roadmap to each portion of your writing. Whether you're writing, writing a larger essay or a potential bestseller, the teble of contents will allow readers to located specific information or revisist their favorite parts with in the text. 7. How to protect your document from any type of viruses and unauthorized users. - Have a firewall turned on you easily stop potential threats in the form ofa malware or virus, # Taking steps to prevent unauthorized computer access is important for a wide ‘number of reason, include preventing others from installation spyware and deleting ‘your important files, or even creating viruscs, enbles password protection on your computer on your computer if it is not already sct up. change your password often, at least every 2 months. 8. Can you assign a password for your ms word document? if your answer will be yes why? ~ Ifyou have senestive content in an office document, you can use to remove the password of an office document, So.make sure that the password you give is one that stay in memory. Click enerypted with password, Enter the password again to comfirm itand click ok.

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