Guest of Honor

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Good morning, Fr dr Joseph Marianus Kujur, S.J.//Good morning, Fr. Pradeep Kerketta, S.

J // Good Morning Teachers and Everyone present here.

I vishal Mehta from program of marketing management extend a warm welcome to all at the 30th Cultural Fest of our College.

I find immense pleasure in introducing our honorable chief guest Mr. Raghuram Nayak, who had been working as a social worker, had himself served as a

Lawyer for more than 15 years and is running a private animal clinic of his own where he, along with his wife, takes care of several domestic and wild animals.

We are really thankful to him for taking the time out of his busy schedule to attend the function. He is also an alumni of our college which is one of the main

reasons why he cancelled all his work and was really ecstatic to be here. His love for kids was another An inspiration to many, Mr. Nayak also runs an old age

home and is always ready to render a helping hand to the poor and the needy.

The presence of such a personality in our college fest is a blessing. We hope that the students are able to seek a little guidance and imbibe something from

his thoughts.

Now I would like to call upon Mr. Raghuram Nayak to the stage and bless his wisdom .

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