Altrad Support For Children's Refuge in Nepal

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Altrad support for Children’s Refuge in Nepal 20190808 | 11350 ‘As parc othe ara drive in recognition for is Corporate Socal Responses, we are delighted co announce support for Childers refuge in athmandu, Nepal The refuge was setup in 2005 and intercepted and rescued 10 young girs aged beeen 5 and 7 years of age fram people rackes who would have Fikely sold them int futures with unspeakable consequences, The center, aperatig on a shoestring budge, has even them security, a home / amily environment educacion and utiately futures, Regional MO Steve Connolly commented "The Centre has done a remarkable ob wth very limited Support, and having sited and met wit these young people twas gully recognised thet we could do some real good with some drat support, these cieren have gone from having the most horrific futures, to now being Werder young, ope wit) Soli educations and careers in nursing, teaching and tering 358 ate res ofthe good people who ncervened, Ks uly humolng tesperience to letan to the tris ofthe refuge founcer and of each af the gl ans th journey hey nave been on” “The Nepalese commun an important an igniant par othe Aral amly, and we ate delighted to suppor the cenerin such a vny in what we hope wil be a longstaning eatonshi For security /safety reasons we cannot cisdose the name ofthe Refuge

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