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Introduction and it’s background

The COVID 19 pandemic has greatly affected not only the living of the people but also the

flow of economy.It led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents on unprecented

challenge to public health, food system and world of word. The economic and social discruption

caused by the pandemic is devastating! Many global workforce are at risk of losing their

livelihood.without the means to earn an income during lockdowns,many people are unable to

feed themselves and their familes.

The current Covid 19 is a rapidly evolving global challenge and like any pandemic,it weakens

health system,costs lives,and also posess great risks to the global economy and

security.According to the data from World Health Organization (WHO)and Johns Hopkins

University,as end-of June 2020,there have been ten million cases around the world,causing

nearly 500,000 deaths in around 215 countries.

Household falinancial decision makers also fended to rate their personal financial situation as

weak.More concrete makers of financial health remains fenuous.Household financial decisions

makers across the globe continue to report decreases in income and savings ranging from 30

percent to 80 percent.And in most countries,between 20 percent to 60 percent of decisions

makers say that they fear for their jobs.(Mckinsey 2020)

Consequenty the perception of households in the evaluation of economy’s situation in view of

Covid 19 pandemic will be determined.Therefore,this study aims to aims to know how Covid 19

affected the economy’s situation in regards household perception.


The researchers want to determine household perceptions on the evaluation of economy’s

situation in view of COVID 19 pandemic.Specially,this study sought to answer the following


1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

a. Gender e. Occupation

b. Age f. Source of income

c. Purok g. Class

d. No. of siblings

2. What is the perception of the respondent on the economy’s situation in view of COVID

19 pandemic?

a. Financial

b. Income Status

3. What is the expectation of household to the economy over the next 12 months?

4. Is there a significant relationship between household perception and economy’s situation

in view of COVID 19?

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted at Wigan, Cordon, Isabela. Only to households with the

total of ____ respondents. The target respondents of this research are both male and female at the

said place. This study will determine if there is a significant relationship between household

perception and economy’s situation in view of COVID 19 pandemic.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to determine the household perception if there is an impact of COVID

19 to the evaluation of economy’s situation. This study will be significant to:

Household- Finding this research will help households to know the effect of COVID 19

pandemic to the economy and also for them to cooperate with the measures of the government.

Firms- Additionally, this can help firms in finding solutions in order to continue and normalize

the flow of economy despite the pandemic.

Future Researchers- Lastly,findings of this research can benefit future researchers be acquiring

new ideas that can help them in their research. This can be their basis in doing their research


Objectives of the study

The purpose of this research are:

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Gender d. Occupation

b. Age e. Source of Income

c. No. of siblings f. Class

2. To know the perception of household on the economy’s situation in view o COVID 19

pandemic in terms of:

a. Financial

b. Income status

3. To know the household expectation to the economy over the next 12 months.

4. To dermine I there is a significant relationship between household perception and

economy’s situation in view of COVID 19.

Definition of terms

Economy- large set of inter related production and consumption activities that aid in

determining how scare resources are allocated.

Household- A set of people labitually sharing the same dwelling and who have a joint budget.

COVID 19- A highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. It is

thought to spread from person to person through droplets released when an infected person

coughs, sneezes or talk.


Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between household perception and

economy’s situation in view of COVID 19 pandemic.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between household perception and

economy’s situation in view of COVID 19 pandemic.

Michelle Mataag

Kate Yagyag

Claire Dulnuan

Hannah Grace Liangna

Joram Lopnao

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