Consumer and Organizational Buying Behavior

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Consumer and Organizational Buying

Chapter 4 Garde, Jed
Elumba, Micah Clear
Santos, Shierra
Gariando, Novie Ann
Gata, Rich Ann
Gayares, Angelica
Gerfon, Jericho
Garde Learning Objectives :
1. Identify the various typologies of tourist as consumer
2. Differentiate factors affecting consumer behaviour
3. Adopt the buyer decision process
4. Analyze theorganizational buying process
5. Identify participants in the organizational buying process
6. Distinguish among group business markets
7. Express the behaviourof business travel
8. Critique global trends in consumer behaviourin the industry.
Customer use their senses to see, hear, smell,
touch,and sometimes taste to decipher messages
from businessl, deciding on a product or service
based on their perception of the facts rather than at
a times of actual facts. A number of factors have
been shown to impact the choices both consumer and
business market.
- According to Stanley Plog from his tourist motivation model,tourist are
into three categories:
1. Allocentric ( The Wanderes) - A tourist whoseek new experiences and
adventure in a wide range of activities.This person is out going and self -
confident in behaviour. Allocentrics enjoy meeting people from foreign or
different cultures. They prefer good hotels and food,but not necessarily
modern or chain type hotels.
- Even with a bad economy, some people still need or want to
- Airlines offers online specials for discount flights and last
minute trips, and companies such as Kayak exist solely to
gather the best travel deals on the internet into one place,so
shoppers can compare prices.
- Travelers no longer need to rely on the standard price for
transportation or accommodations.They may now make their
travel choices based solely price.
The Buyer Decision Process
- In 1968, Kollat, Blackwell, and Engel released the first
edition of a book called Consumer Behaviour where they
identified a distinct 5 step patterns for consumer decision-
1. Need Recognition
- For this process to start the needs to be a stimulus. At
this stage, the marketers need to identify the factors and
situations to initiate consumer problem recognition.
2. Information Search
- The customer begins to consult different sources
of information personal (marketer dominated) and
intra-personal (non- marketer) factors will likely be
Consumers can get information from several sources :

1. Personal sources - are the family, friends, neighbours, and

2. Commercial Sources - include advertising,salespeople, dealer,
packaging, and displays.
3. Public Sources- These are restaurants reviews and editorials in travel
4.Internet - composes the website of the company,travel blogs, reviewsl,
and comments from previous guests.
3.. Pre Purchase Evaluation
- After researching the choices, the customers starts to
evaluate options using both objective criteria,such as price
and location and subjective criteria,such as the percieved
status of the product or services. 4.Purchase
- The customers intends to buy the product or services that
best matches to the criteri. Obviously,he buy his most
preferred brand.The experience would turn to be a good or
bad once the purchase is completed..
5. Post Purchase Evaluation
- Afteruse,the customers evaluates the purchase against
theexpectation.If these two did not match,the custumer will be
either dissatisfied (expectations did not meet) or impressed
(expectation exceeded).

Consumer Problem Solving Process

- These are various situations that influence the customer
buying process. Based on the nature of the purchase,
consumers may show some levels of commitment.
Howard and Sheth were able to identify three levels of
Consumer Problem Solving Process:
1. Habitual Problem Solving- with this tourist have
experienced good experienceof the destination or brand name
of the tourim of thehospitality offering. With such
satisfactoryexperienced,tourist have already set the criteria
for which they are likely to evaluate the brand they are
considerin.Consumers have too identified availableoptions
ready since it just a repeat buy of a tried and tested
2. Limited Problem Solving- is another type of problem-
solving process that travelers use when they purchase tourism
or hospitality offering occasionally. Travelers may have
knowledge or experienced already,but still inadequate about
similar destinations.
3. Extended Problem Solving- in this situation,the travelers
have no proven or set criteria for evaluating a particular
destination. He neede to have a lot ofinformation
throughdetailed search and make a far-reaching comparison of
the option. A first time tourist visiting a destination that he only
sees on theadvertisement is an exampleof this case.

- In comparison to consumer purchase,an organization

purchase normally involves more buyers or a buying team
and in a more professional manner, hence moreformalized.
1. Problem Recognition - happens due to internal and
external stimuli,a new offering may entail seriesof
training for the sales force. The sales manager may
request for his team for weekend meeting for planning
and training.Externally sales representative of hotels or
of destinations may offer reasonably- priced corporate
programs for future booking.
2. General Need Description- after recognizing the need, the buyer
determines the requirements for offering. For the training meeting of
salespeople above, the requirements could be food and beverage, a
function room for the training itself, the audio visual equipment, coffee
break and sleeping room to stay. The buyer meets together to discuss
about the price, function room, sleeping room, food and beverage and a
lot more.
3. Product Specifications- once the overall requirement have been
discussed, specific needs comes after. Hotel marketers need to be
ready to answer's buyers question, concerning the capalities of the
hotel to complete all the specification.
4. Supplier Search- in this phase, the buyer looks for the most
suitable hotels. The buyer may look into the trade directories, do
search on the internet or call by a phone those familiar hotels. He
may also conduct ocular inspection once it come up of the short
list of the hotels.
5. Proposal Solicitation- once a short list of a hotels is
complete, those supplier would be requested to submit their
proposal. Hotel marketers need to be proficient in
research,writing and presenting proposals.
6. Supplier Selection - in this stage, the buyer performs evaluation
of the hotels, physical facilities,ability to deliver service,and
professionalism of the hotel staff. The buyer of buying team may ask
for the visual tour of the hotels,to narrow down the selection.In
addition, the buyer may already negotiate with the preferred
hotels,for better prices and terms before making a final decision.
7. Order-routine Specifications - the buyer now writes the final
order listing the order routine specifications. The hotels response
would be a formal contract. This contract specifies the dateof the
training, the spaces to be rented, the minimum guarantee for food
functions,the price and related detail.
8. Performance Review - at this phase, the buyer
determines if the specification are satisfied so that the
company may do business with the hotel again in the
future. The buyer and the hotel representative must
meet daily during the course of the training to correct
the things that are not doing well.
Participants in the Organizational Buying Process:
1. Users- these peoples are the one who require it,for smooth
functioning of thier operations.They are the one who initiate the buying
proposal and assist to identify the products speculation. Usually these
people are those who make use of the product or service
2. Influencers- those people do not make a final decision to buy.However
they could directly influence the buying decision,because they recognize
the need of a particular product or requiremen.
3. Deciders- those people are responsible of selecting
product/ service requirements and supplie. Or theyhave
the authority to decide wheter to buy a certain product or
4. Approvers- they are given the responsibility to
approve the proposed actions.Contacts should be submitted
to the approving authorit.
5. Buyers- these people have the authority to select
suppliers anf arrangethe terms of purchas. They may also
given the role of creating product specifications vendor's
selection and negotiatin.

6.Gatekeepers- these people may prevent sellers or

information from reaching members of the team in charge of
buying.Usually an event planner passess through the secretary
before going into the decision-making.
Group Business Markets
The Business market requires sophistication and need more technical
information compared to consumer market. Group business is a very
important segment in the hotel business. Often, group markets need a
year or more advance
booking. There are four main categories of group business namely:
Big hotels have the potential to attract conventions.
Conventions are a specialty market that involves having
extensive meeting facilities. A Convention is a big source
of income for the sponsoring organization. Remarkable
banquets, extraordinary receptions and matchless coffee
breaks are some factors of differentiation for hotels
offering conventions.
In the Philippines, hotels such as Manila Hotel, Diamond
Hotel and Manila Peninsula are some of the hotels offering
facilities for conventions
In selecting a destination for conventions, some of the
important factors are:
1. Accessibility of hotels and facilities
2. Easiness of transportation and the costs
3. Distance from the attendees
4. Climate
5. Recreation sites and cultural activities
Association Meetings
Associations normally sponsor various kinds of meetings such
as regional, special-interest, educational and board
meetings.Big associations usually schedule a number of
meetings held during the year in several places. The most
important attributes of a destination for association meetings
include accessibility of hotels and facilities, easiness of
transportation and the costs and distance from the attendees.
In the choice of'a hotel, food quality, rates, meeting rooms and
billing procedures are very vital considerations.
Corporate Meetings
A corporate meeting is a must for to attend without choice for every
member of the organization. A short lead time is often required to
organize a corporate meeting. Corporate meetings include training,
management, planning and incentive. In the choice of destination, the
factors required are the same with conventions and association
meetings.The hotel should see to it that meetings would turn to be
productive and the company gains good value for the money it spends.
Small groups may occupy less than fifty rooms in one booking.
Small hotels have created special packages which are often
discounted by big hotels. Bookings of small meetings are usually
done on short notice. Meetings of small groups make use of WIFI
connections, built-in projector and landline videoconferencing
which should be made available by the hotels.
Incentive travel, on the other hand is a performance reward in
the form entertaining trips paid by employers. The participants
gain such incentive accomplishing a particular goal which could
be given to a group or an individual.The incentive travel is
predominantly used with the basic aim of increase sales. The
incentive travel is focused on fun, food and other activities
rather than education and work.
SMERF (Social, Military, Educational, Religious and Fraternal
Many religious and other spiritual groups enjoy a weekend getaway host
events them to practice their faith in a neutral environment. Military
groups events hosts when service people return home to help them and
their family adjust to the changes that have taken place. Fraternities or
sororities of colleges and universities often times reunite and look for a
great place to go for groups looking for scrapbookers, writers and artists
among other creative types are always venues that give them space to
work outside of their daily routine.
The Behavior of Business Traveller

Business travelers are the most technologically savvy, socially driven,

shared economy smart travelers in the world nowadays. They can visit
anyplace in the world using apps and smartphones. They are no longer
restricted to places they have been before or languages they know
For ages, there are changes in business travel behavior
and a rapid change has occurred within the last two
decades.There are advancements that took place in the
world for corporate travelers.Modern business travelers
span all age ranges. However, the Millennial is one of the
biggest segments of corporate travelers. The Millennial
who turn into adults during the Internet era are well-
versed in online travel agencies, self-booking tools, and
smartphones. Hence, the concept of business travel of
this group has helped to shape the future of travel
Technology has changed corporate travel
behavior. Technology is really universal which
can be applied beneficially at every stage of
travel. As an example, booking a flight and a hotel
can be done using the phone.Every business
traveler of these years makes an amazing use of
the shared economy.
This concept ot the shared economy has becoming
more and well-loved by millennial corporate
travelers, thus
changing the tourism and hospitality industry. Such
kind of economy allows for grander convenience and
now considered one of the greatest driving forces
behind all business travel behavior.
Global Trends in Consumer Behavior
With the highly competitive environment and the dynamic consumer
behavior in the tourism and hospitality industry, it needs to keep
track of the emerging trends in order to grab the present new
opportunities. Players in this industry should learn, and respond to
these emerging trends to offer great experiences and deliver what
guests expect.
In this trend, the customer's individual tastes and preferences have the
highest control. These days, customers wanted something personalized based
on the brands that they want. New technologies such as brainwave readers,
facial recognition and biometric sensors allow brands to create more
personalized experiences. Such personalized guesť's experiences are based
on a deeper, more realistic and subconscious motivations of guests.
Often, customers are astounded with a host of choices
they face, but this means even more options. Majority of
consumers now are willing to share their data for the
sake of making good decisions. Hence, businesses in
the tourism and hospitality industry have a big chance
to realize unfulfilled needs of customers. With the use of
technology, the industry can help customers make
decisions as well as unearth their unknown
Purpose-Driven Travel

A lot of travelers these days are making mindful decisions on where

and how they travel. Often purpose-driven travelers select destinations
where their visit will make a signincant influence on the community.
Therefore, this type of travelers
picks the brands that are aligning with their own personal values.
The Business-Leisure Blur
Bleisure means the continuing combination of professional and
personal activities that has transformed the lives of many
travelers. More and more people are blurring the line between
business and leisure when they travel. In the rise of this trend,
hotels and destinations are expected to make it easier to work
comfortably while a traveler is on the road. The tourism and
hospitality industry needs to look for new startups that will enable
customers to travel the world while working distanty for a
prolonged period of time.
The trend of traveling for wellness was fueled by health-
conscious consumers. Interest in travel as a form of self-care is
at an all times high.Both baby boomers and the millennial groups
are health-conscious travelers.Because of there health concerns
they spend money to the gym and travelers looks for a healthy
foods. Hence hotels and restaurants need to respond to the
demand for healthier foods.
Travel brands can exploit on this interest in increasing wellness
concepts for all budget options, from a budget hotel rolling out
healthy menu options and hiking maps to completely new luxury hotel
and cruise brands concentrated on wellness as a lifestyle.
In the coming years, the tourism and hospitality industry may very
well deal with the first real space tourists. This is a milestone that
has increased interest in celestial event tourism. The movie Star
Wars and the Disney World, will put space- themed trips on many
travelers' vacation inspiration in the years to come.
Learning and Travel
This trend explores on the desire of a tourist to learn from his travel
experiences. The form of learning could be on arts, history or
architecture of a destination. New skill and activity could also be part of
the learning experience. The experiences of travelers today provide them
with a greater insight, understanding and personal connection to the
people and places that they visit. These days, educational packaged tours
are popular to all segments especlaiuy among the younger generations.
Geographic Segmentation

• is done based on location in order to better tailor the marketing efforts of businesses.
• these factors are important as the tourist belonging to different places are brought up
with different cultures and show different traits of behavior.
• the market can be segmented by geographical area such as city, country state, region,
country or international region.
• another alternative is to divide the market into rural, suburban, and urban areas.
• the market could be segmented geographically by climate or the total population in its
geographical area.
2. Life Stage
- Life stage is similar to age. It is an alternative to age based segmentation. Being on
different life stages has quite different preferences.
• Backpackers and solo travelers
• - backpackers and solo travelers usually want to spend more time traveling around
the city than spending time at the hotel.
• Couples
• -romantic partners search for quite premises dimly lit restaurants and high quality
• Families
• - families have very definite needs. They need a kid-friendly and low priced
restaurants onsite play areas entertainment and preferably discounts for extra
rooms in which their kids can stay.
1. AGE
• -The most common types of segmentation.
• -Young travelers in addition always avail of room
sharing services such as airbnb compared to other
• -Baby boomer or the older generation is not much
interested in escorted tours this mature segments
wants to travel and find their own experiences
particularly in historical places.
-at one time, middle age males rule the business
travel market. Conversely lately the advertising and
promotion of airlines services have gradually
targeted female travelers.
-individual's income greatly dictates the ability to
travel for leisure purposes. Often sometimes when
there is financial difficulty everyone gives up leisure
travel because of being luxurious
Psychographic segmentation

The marketing people do this segmentation

by taking into account the psyche of the
tourists. They gather information about the
tourists social class, lifestyle or
personality characteristics.
Social class has a strong influence on the tastes and preferences of
customers for cars, clothes, home furnishings, reading habits and even
recreational activities. The Manila Hotel, the oldest premiere hotel in the
Philippines built in 1909 caters to the upper-middle and upper-classes. Manila
hotel has always been everything a hotel should be, that is comfortable and
gracious but certainly for a premium price. In fact, Café Ilang-Ilang, inside
manila hotel offers breakfast for a net price of Php 1,550.00 per person.
Eurotel Hotel on the contrary, provides comfort and convenience in
combination and affordability for couples, tourist and travellers.
Certainly , value for money is also a major consideration for these
people who patronizes Eurotel Kabayan Hotel, on the other hand is for
an OFW who just landed or a province-based traveller looking for a
place to rest with limited budget.

Lifestyle segmentation is unique way of segmenting

the market as it studies the lifestyle of customers
such as how they live, what they do for living and
what they like. Lifestyle is the way people live and
consists of the pattern of attitudes, interests and
opinions (AIO).
1. Activities focus on someone’s daily routine. They consists of
works, hobbies, social event, vacation, social event of consumers.
Such activities inform marketers about what they do, where they
are engaged and how they entertained themselves.
2. Peoples interests reveal concepts and ideals that drive their
passion. Interests include family, home, job community, fashion,
food, and recreation of consumer. For instance, some tourist
travel to places with the interest of health of their mind. They
travel to avail some special medical treatment, operation,
surgery, medication, or low-priced aesthetic surgeries obtainable
in different country such as Philippines.
3. Opinions involve social issues, political, business
or economic, education, product and themselves.
Opinion is important because it informs marketers
about different issues and people. For example, a
particular consumer is attracted to social which does
not fall under promotional campaign of a hotel then the
interest of that costumer cannot be fulfilled.

Marketers in tourism and hospitality industry make use of personality

as a variable for segmenting its market. When something by
personality, beliefs, moral, motivations, and overall outlook o life are
factors that must be considered. According to Joseph Chris Partners,
the following are the subcategories in personality segmentation:
1. Belongers- these individuals always want to go well with their
families, friends, and community. They constantly seek to fit with a
group of people, not wanting to stand out in crowd, do not like to
feel isolated, place emphasis on loyalty and do not like to experience
change. Individuals who travel frequently with their families are
good example of tourist that fall under this category.
2.Achievers- people in this category are very ambitious, always
busy, need to constantly be productive, and dislike anything they
feel is a waste of time. They tend to be materialistic. They purchase
luxury items because these symbolize as a “trophy” for a job well
3. Emulators- these people want to be achievers, but they are
missing either the skillset or work ethic to get there. These folks
often have low levels of self-esteem and are actively seeking out
relationships. Instead, they make big purchase they cannot pay
for and buy imitation products to appear succesfull.
4. Saviors- saviors intend to achieve greatness for the world as
a whole, instead of just for them. They are socially-conscious
people who go out of their way to help others and the world
around them, and rarely ask for anything in return.
5. Doomsdayers- these people see nothing but disaster and destruction for
the human race. They want to protect their families from the disaster, so they
move toward rural areas, live lives that are socially conscious, and try to be
as self-sufficient as possible. This personality type tends to have a strong
opinion about almost anything.
6.Integrators- integrators are combination of achievers and saviors. They
strive to earn as much money as possible, but then spend it on philanthrophic
efforts, rather themselves.
7. Survivalists- these individuals struggle to earn a living wage, working
paycheck to paycheck, either through their own choices or because they were
brought up in a poverty-stricken environment. They do not plan purchases,
but they do not spend money haphazardly either, because they are constantly
afraid for everything.

Consumers are divided into groups

according to common behaviors they
share. Typically, these behaviors link to
their knowledge of attitude toward, use of,
or response to a product.
This approach tries to determine the reason or occasion for purchasing a
product and how it will be used. For example, airlines typically segment
customers based on the reason for a passenger's trip which could be
business versus personal travel. Someone traveling for business generally
has different needs and wants from someone traveling for pleasure. A
business traveler tends to be less sensitive about price and more focused on
timing, location, and convenience
In the hotel industry the most common customer
segmentation is purchase occasion, simply the reason
behind why the guest is traveling

1. Business travelers - Business people travel for a

range of reasons which could be to join sales meetings
give presentations, form events and meet with other
members of the company in several places.
2. Groups of travelers - These groups consist of
leisure travelers as well as those traveling for business
for example a conference, convention or company
3. Leisure travelers - Leisure travelers need a safe
and secure hotel. Families with children are fascinated
to hotels with extraordinary programs.These program
may include kids staying free in the same room as the
parents, dine free in the hotel's restaurant or get a
special feature pa
4. Hotel packages and specials - Through offering
packages and specials to those outside the
traditional niche or at times when the hotel is not
busy, the hotel is able to expand its customer niche.
The hotel may offer romantic weekend packages for
couples or a golf package for sports enthusiasts.
Also for students and teachers in terms of
educational packages.
This approach places consumers in loyalty categories
based on their purchase patterns of particular
brands. A key category is the brand loyal consumer.
Companies have assumed that if they can identify
individuals who are brand loyal to their brand, and
then delineate other characteristics these people
have in common, they will locate the ideal target
market. There is still a great deal of uncertainty
about the most reliable way of measuring brand
Segmenting by usage helps brands understand why certain
types of customers become heavy or light users. It enables
them to test different marketing initiatives to increase usage
from lower usage customers, and potentially attract new
heavy usage customers

1. Heady users
This is the most avid and engaged customers
that spend the most time using the company’s product
or service, and buy most often. These are tourists and
travelers who frequent particular places and even
2. Medium users- These are customers that semi-
regularly, but not very frequently, use or purchase the
products of the company . These constitute tourists and
travelers who visit places and find accommodations not
very exclusive.
3.Light users - These are customers that use or
purchase much less than other customers, sometimes
even only once. These people are those who are not much
fond of travel but they do because of necessity or just to
experience even just once in their lifetime going a place
they have dreamed of.
A target market is a market segment selected by a travel and
hospitality for marketing attention. There are various ways in
which a segment can be targeted. The basic ranges of targeting
strategies are:
1. Undifferentiated
When an organization serves an entire marketplace with a
single marketing mix, then it is called undifferentiated. Such
kind of targeting reflects the sub-segments of the market as
the same. The focus is on the commonality of the consumers'
needs. Having an undifferentiated target provides cost
economics in areas of production, inventory and
transportation Cafeterias fall under this type of targeting.
4. Customized
Customized targeting is tailoring the marketing mix of a
tourism and hospitality company to the individual's
specific needs. Some markets lend themselves more
naturally to a customized approach, especially those
that are in service sectors involving a high degree of
human interface.
Positioning is the consumer’s image of an offering relation to other
competitors in the marketplace. Price and the quality of service provided are
the two of the strongest elements that need special consideration during the
process of product positioning.
The perception that tourist develops or adopts about specific destination
depends on the variety of attributes, benefits, past experience, location and
the image that the product shows. Such perceptions are not simply
transformed. It requires special positioning to disregard unsupported
perceptions amongst tourist.
Whatever position is decided upon; it must satisfy some basic tests if its
likely effectiveness. Jobber in 2004 identifies a set of four such test,
1. Clarity – This is the basis of the position that must be clear and
straightforward to understand.
2. Credibility – This refers to the positioning that must be justified and
authenticated by the proof presented.
3. Consistency – This is the core of the position communicated
constantly over time in all elements of the marketing mix.
4. Competitiveness – Here the positioning should result in benefits of
the costumers that are obviously better to those delivered by its
Bennet, Jooste and Strydom identified six positioning
strategies as mentioned below.
1. Positioning on a specific feature – It is not enough that travelers shall relax and
unwind. Certainly, affordability and accessibility should be considered. Sogo Hotel
and Kabayan Hotel are examples of low-budget price as their specific feature.
Marina Bay Sands in Singapore is able to promote the attribute of height as its best
feature having its swimming pool and Skybar as part of guests’ ultimate experience.
2. Positioning on benefits, needs and problem solution – The Philippines is home
to some of the best hospitals and stand-alone specialty clinics in the world, offering
world-class expertise, state-of-the-art facilities. Topped with the distinct warmth
of the famous Filipino hospitality. Hotels near some of the world’s best spa retreats
resorts and tour destinations in this part of the earth could be good examples.
3. Positioning for specific usage occasions – Manila Marriott
Hotel in Pasay city accommodates guests in their dynamic meeting
rooms with cutting-edge audiovisual technology during company
convention. It is a 5-star luxury hotel having the largest hotel
convention facility in the Philippines.
4. Positioning for user categories – Hotels and restaurants are
differentiated through the types of guest who they accommodate such
as tour groups., businessmen or families. Casa Bacobo Hotel, Diamond
Hotel and New World Manila Bay Hotel are some of the hotels that are
frequently treasured by guests who travel with their families. Their
rooms have big spaces and have comfortable atmosphere that are
really family friendly.
5.. Positioning against competitors – Often, organization in tourism and
hospitality industry do not really have a choice but to beat each other for
profitability and sustainability. Although Jollibee Foods Corporation has
achieved dominance in the country in its burgers and chicken, pizzas, and
Chinese Food, still it has to out beat its competitors which are McDonald’s
and Pizza Hut.
6. Positioning away from competitors – often in order to stay away from
much competition, some organizations in the tourism and hospitality
industry, position themselves differently compared to competitors. Cebu
Pacific for instance has become popular as a budget airline or low-cost
carrier (LCC). While Philippine Airlines though a rival of Cebu Pacific has long
been categorized as the flag carrier of the Philippines.
Destination as a product

Destination milieu is nothing but the physical, cultural , or social

environment in which the people live, or which influences people. The
milieu includes one’s family, friends, the place of residence, and the
surrounding culture. In the domain of tourism, the milieus are broadly
divided into two different categories which are:
1. Geographical Milieus
- Are the locales divided based on their topographies.
2. Cultural Milieus
- The word “milieu” is a French word which means “middle”. Said is
used to refer to a site and cultural surroundings. So, to remember a
place a person may think of himself in the “middle” of a specific
cultural milieu.
Cultural milieus are usually visited by many tourist because of the
importance heritage, historical, archeological, educational, or
adventure involved to them. In addition to these reasons, some of
these places are popular in their sports or entertainment activities.
Geographical Milieus

- are the locals divided based on their topographies.

1. Rural Area - it is the countryside area or area outside the boundaries of a

city. This area is characterized by less number of settlements, low density of
population, and less pollution in the rural area. This pacing of life here is
somewhat slower. Beautiful landscape, vegetation and plantation of particular
crops, vineyards, farmhouse visits, roadside flea markets and water bodies and
allied sports are some attractions of rural areas that makes nature just nearby.
2. Urban Areas - these places cover cities and highly-
developed towns. The urban areas have high concentration of
population and big number of houses, condominiums,
townhouses and apartments. Air and noise pollutions affect the
cities. The pacing of life is very fast in urban areas. Modern
infrastructure and technology highlights the life and living in
the urban areas. There are a lot of home to man-made
attractions being found in these urban areas such as theme
parks, museums and big malls. Gourmet food and local culinary
experiences are the attractions for tourists in these areas.
3. Coasts and Beaches - these are areas offer extraordinary
beauty with vegetation, and water together such as Panglao in
Bohol, Samal in Davao, Anawangin Cove in Zambales, Banul Beach in
Coron and Lambug Beach in Cebu to name a few. Besides the
mentioned features, they are favorite tourist destinations due to
the exotic food, various forms of sea and artistic sand sculptures,
and water sports they are offering. Seeing marine life either in
their natural habitat or in the marine museum is the opportunity
provided by the coastal areas. These beaches are appealing
destinations during holidays for relaxation and recreation.
4. Islands - islands such as El Nido in Palawan, Boracay in
Aklan, Palaui Island in Cagayan Valley, Bantayan Island in Cebu,
Caramoan in Camarines Sur and Siargao Islands in Surigao del
Norte have developed booming tourism over the last several
years. These places entice tourists due to their spectacular
beauty of land encircled by water, revitalizing breezes and
calmness. They provide an extensive choice of water sports
for instance speed-boating, canoeing, snorkeling, and diving
activities that are highly frequented by tourists.
5. Mountainous Region - Undeniably, mountains are attractive
to all types of tourists. Tourists love to stay in mountains
because of the adventure of remoteness, difficult access,
unbeaten mountain trails, and wilderness they can experience.
Mountain climbing, hiking, skiing, mountain biking and bungee
jumping are some of the adventure sports that tourists love to
do in these areas. Besides these sports activities, tourists are
curious to see the beautiful wild flora and fauna, feel the fresh
unpolluted air and experience their unique local cultures.
6. Desert Region - desert region is popular with tourists for its
sand dunes, calmness, fresh air, flora and fauna, and
breathtaking sight of night sky. Quad biking, air balloon rides,
camel trekking and camping are some desert sports being
offered in this type of area. Engagement with unique local
cultures is also another attraction. The pacing and lifestyle of
locales are very different in the desert. In the Philippines, the
famous La Paz Sand Dunes in Ilocos Norte is an example of this
place. It is popular location for shooting local and foreign films.
The Philippine movies Himala and Panday had been filmed here.
Cultural Milieus
The word "milieu” is a french word which means "middle”. Said word is used
to refer to a site and cultural surroundings. So, to remember a place a
person may think of himself in the "middle” of a specific cultural milieu.
Cultural Milieu are usually visited by many tourists because of the important
heritage, historical, archeological, educational, or adventure involved to
them. In addition to these reasons, some of these places are popular in their
sports or entertainment activities.
1. Historical - These places have some historical importance attached to it.
These could be locations of earliest wars, ancient civilizations, monuments,
castles, prehistoric spots of religious rites and relics of figures exposing
cultures of various period. Mostly individuals learning, interested or curious
about history, evolution of mankind, documents, arts and cultures frequent
said sites. They find these milieus so striking. Certainly, historical milieus are
secured and protected by certain laws of a country where they are situated.
In the case of the Philippines, it is the Historic Preservation Division (HPD)
under the National Historic Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) that is
tasked to uphold Filipino heritage through the protection, safeguard and
improvement of historic places and edifices and the preservation of material
2. Archeological - Archeology is the science that explores the
relics of previous cultures and civilizations through examining and
studying the things societies leave behind. Hence, archeological
milieus are places that hold those remains of historic and ancient
activity using the discipline of archeology. These sites present
remnants and ruins of old houses, pottery, weapons, engravings,
idols and even bone remains. Usually, these places are link to
historical human activities or existence of primeval animals that
live on them. Tourists that visit these places are obligated to follow
some laws and rules set by the government to protect these
archeological locations.
3. Educational-Educational- these are locations and sites being
visited by tourists for the purpose of discovery and learning such as
a school trip. Top universities around the world frequently offer
exchange student program in the area of culture and language.
There are tourists common interest who travel to join educational
trips to obtain new knowledge. In the Philippines, educational trip is
recognized activity to supplement what is learned inside the
classrooms. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Higher
Education Institutions (HEI) has the role of providing guidelines for
school field trips.
4. Adventure - these places are often visited by tourists who are
fond of exploring remote and exotic places to do some adventurous
activities like skydiving, hill climbing, scuba diving. Being in an
exciting place is popular among millennial who wanted to step
outside their comfort zone.
5. Sports - A lot of people love to travel for sports and its
adventures. This is the reason why sports tourism is one of the
fastest growing industries in Asia. Even Filipinos love sports like
basketball, volleyball, boxing and bowling. Countries like the
Philippines may host international or national sports events that
appeal to crowds of athletes and fans alike. The country had hosted
several international sports events already.

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