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TIME: 09:00 HRS - 12:00 HRS

Candidate’s Examination Number: ……………………………………………………………………

Examination Centre…………………………………………………………………………………..….

1. Time allowed is THREE hours,
2. Write your Examination Number in the spaces provide,
3. Read the questions very carefully before attempting to answer,
4. There are FOUR (4) sections in this paper, A, B, C and D
5. Answer section A using the separate provided answer sheet
6. Read instructions on each section carefully,



SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: (Answer ALL questions by circling the correct answer
for each. All questions carry 1 mark: Total = 40 marks)

1. Presence of cysts under the sow’s tongue in a village with poor sanitation maybe indicative of:
A. Cysticercus cellulosae
B. Cyticercosis bovis
C. Echinococcosis
D. Lungworm

2. Test and slaughter of infected animals in the best control method for:
A. Tuberculosis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Actinobacillosis
D. Traumatic Reticulopericarditis

3. Which of the following is causative agent of blackleg

A. Clostridium septicum
B. Clostridium chauvoei
C. Clostridium novyi
D. Clostridium sordelli

4. Mycobacterium bovis can cause extra-pulmonary TB in

A. Buffaloes
B. Humans
C. Cattle
D. All of the above

5. Swollen, crepitating darkened area on thigh region with difficulties in gait can be indicative of
A. Brucellosis
B. Blackleg
C. Botulism
D. Calf Diptheria

6. Abortion in late gestation, retained placenta, orchitis and hygromas are common findings:
A. Bovine TB
B. Babesiosis
C. Brucellosis
D. Paratuberculosis

7. Generalized enlargement of all palpable lymph nodes, punctured abomasum with remarkable presence of
ticks on hides and head tentatively points to:
A. Snake bite
B. Rinderpest
C. East Coast Fever
D. Trypanosomiasis

8. Whole carcass condemnation may not occur in:

A. Emergence slaughter due pelvic fractures
B. Miliary bovine tuberculosis
C. Blackleg with septic fever
D. Sudden death due to snake bite

9. “Sit fast” skin lesions are common in:

A. Lumpy skin disease
B. Dermatophilosis
C. Dermatophytosis
D. Mange

10. Wooden tongue is a synonym for:

A. Actinobacillosis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Dermatophilosis
D. Vesicular stomatitis

11. Which organ is mainly affected by Mycobacterium avium sp paratuberculosis

A. Ileum
B. Caecum
C. Colon
D. Rectum

12. Toxoplasmosis can be acquired through

A. Carnivorism
B. Ingestion of food contaminated faeces
C. Congenitally
D. All of the above

13. PM finding of pulmonary edema, thickening of interstitial septa, lobar consolidation and AM signs
involving grunting on breathing, extended neck and sometimes sudden death can tentatively be:
A. Haemorrhagic Septicaemia
B. Tuberculosis
C. Lungworm
D. Dermatophilosis

14. Which of the following chronic bacterial infections is likely to present with no fever?
A. Blackleg
B. Bovine Paratuberculosis
C. Lumpy jaw
D. All of the above

15. Sub-mandibular edema in cattle maybe associated with:

A. Rumination
B. Actinomycosis
C. Paratuberculosis

D. Bluetongue

16. Which of the following is not a bacterial infection?

A. Theileriosis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Anthrax
D. Actinobacillosis

17. High fever, recumbency, erythema, cyanotic skin blotching, bloody diarrhea, abortions and death in pigs
are common findings associated with:
A. Salmonellosis
B. African Swine Fever
C. Taeniosis
D. Hog Cholera

18. In which disease are the following AM signs found; cyanosis of the tongue and mucous membranes,
erosion and sloughing of the oral mucosa, mucopurulent to bloody nasal discharge
A. Bluetongue
B. Rabies
C. Stomatitis
D. Glossitis

19. Haemorrhage of intestines, accumulation of fluid in body cavities, darkening of muscles with little gas are
PM findings in:
A. Botulism
B. Malignant Edema
C. Anthrax
D. Blackleg

20. Which of the following is a Disease of National Economic Importance (DNEI):

D. All of the above

21. Which disease in cattle are you likely to observe in cattle in areas with poor hygiene, inadequate meat
inspection and there is tendency to consume undercooked beef
A. Cysticercus bovis
B. Fascioliasis
C. Lungworm
D. Ascariasis

22. Sudden death can be due to:

A. Lightening
B. Anthrax
C. Poisoning
D. All of the above

23. Classical PM lesions are not present in:

A. FMD with ketosis
B. Tetanus
C. Mastitis
D. Blackleg

24. The routes of infection of Brucella abortus is:

A. Ingestion of contaminated milk
B. Fluid from infected cattle
C. Direct skin contact with aborted materials
D. All of the above

25. Which of the following diseases can be largely controlled by basically treating human carriers?
A. Toxoplasmosis
B. Anthrax
C. Taeniosis
D. Anaplasmosis

26. The following disease causes osteomyelitis of the mandible:

A. Bovine TB
B. Actinobacillosis
C. Actinomycosis
D. Brucellosis

27. One of the following conditions is associated with haemoglobinuria

A. Babesiosis
B. Theileriosis
C. Anaplasmosis
D. Cowdriosis

28. Gas gangrene is mainly associated with:

A. Anthrax
B. Blackquarter
C. Tuberculosis
D. Cellulitis

29. Choose the correct statement

A. Any condition associated with fever and emaciation warrants total condemnation
B. Carcasses from CBPP affected areas are totally condemned
C. Clostridial infections require organ condemnation only
D. Naturally dead animals can be approved for human consumption

30. Poorness is mainly associated with following except

A. High producing animals like dairy cows to diseases of production

B. Animals on low proteins
C. Muscles that are darker than normal
D. In highly infectious fatal diseases

31. A zoonotic parasite responsible for major economic losses as result of liver condemnation in cattle arising
from floodplains is:
A. Taenia solium
B. Fasciola hepatica
C. Echinococcus granulosus
D. Trichinella spiralis

32. The continued ban of live transportation of pigs from Eastern Province is due:
A. Heat stroke
B. African Swine Fever
C. Erysipelas
D. Vulvular Endocarditis

33. “Lungers” are associated with


34. Thick tufts of matted hair and crusts that can be plucked off leaving a thick, yellow-green pus on the
haired skin affecting cattle in Zambia is associated with
A. Brucellosis
B. Dermatophytosis
C. Lumpy Skin diseases
D. Dermatophylosis

35. Which of the following zoonotic disease is common in Zambia’s floodplains with little clinical suspicion
in humans?
A. Foot and Mouth Disease
B. Rinderpest
C. Fascioliasis
D. Actinobacillosis

36. The following is a parasitic infection which causes lobar consolidation and sometimes parasites can be
recovered from the trachea:
A. Dictyocaulosis
C. Theileriosis
D. Trypanosomiasis

37. All are notifiable diseases in cattle except:

A. Actinobacillosis

B. Anthrax
C. Brucellosis

38. Which of the following diseases can be associated with high outbreaks in man following poor handling
and ingestion of not well cooked meat in rural Zambia
A. Diamond skin diseases
B. Anthrax
C. Brucellosis
D. Blackquarter

39. Progressive muscular paralysis in cattle from the hindquarters to the forequarters can be indicative of:
A. Botulism
B. Malignant Edema
C. Lockjaw
D. Tetanus

40. The disease with profound effect on hides is:

A. Trypanosomiasis
B. Lumpy Skin Disease
C. Salmonellosis
D. Avian influenza

SECTION B: TRUE OR FALSE SECTION (Answer ALL questions from this section. All questions carry
1 mark. Total = 10marks)

1. Both Rabies and Heartwater are characterized by walking in circles

A. True
B. False

2. Trichinellosis presents no classical clinical signs in infected animals

A. True
B. False

3. Punctured or abomasal ulcers is one of the “classical” sign of theileriosis

A. True
B. False

4. Natural passages within the body (e.g. swallowing sputum) can lead to extra-pulmonary Bovine TB in
A. True
B. False

5. The thickened and corrugated intestinal mucous membrane are indicative of paratuberculosis
A. True
B. False

6. Bovine cysticercosis is due to infection of cattle by larvae of Taenia solium

A. True
B. False

7. Endocarditis is one of the common pathological lesions of diamond skin diseases in pigs
A. True
B. False

8. Humans are the only definitive hosts of Taenia saginata

A. True
B. False

9. Ingestion of Fasciola egg species by both cattle and humans can be infective
A. True
B. False

10. Both trypanosomiasis and Trypanosomosis occur in domestic animals only

A. True
B. False

SECTION C: SHORT ANSWER SECTION: Answer ALL questions in this section. Each question carries
5 marks. Total marks = 30 Marks)

1. State how would generally prevent the zoonotic transmission of parasitic infections from pigs to humans
in Katete district (5 Marks)

2. Describe the major PM lesions associated with generalized Bovine Tuberculosis (5 Marks)

3. Describe the AM signs associated with Rabies in an ox (5 Marks)

4. Demonstrate how would manage a suspected case of Anthrax at named abattoir (5 Marks)

5. Describe the PM lesions associated of East Coast Fever (5 Marks)

6. State the significant AM lesions of Foot and Mouth Disease (5 Marks)

SECTION D: LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS: Answer ANY TWO questions from this section. Each
question carries 10 marks. Total marks = 20 marks)

1. During your routine general AM inspection at slaughter slab in Senanga District of Southern Province,
the abattoir manager explains to you that there is sudden increase in the number of farmers supplying
animals. He further explains that two animals were reported dead during the night in the lairage. Owing to
this clue, you decide to perform a thorough general Ante-mortem inspection. You notice many emaciated
animals have extended necks facing the direction of the wind and are reluctant to move. Fever (40 o C) is
an additional finding.

A. What is your tentative (suspected) diagnosis? (1 Marks)

B. What other ante-mortem signs are you likely to observe? (3 Marks)
C. Detail the expected PM picture (3 Marks)
D. Discuss the possible judgment you would pass on such a carcass? (1 Marks)
E. What are the trade implications and economic importance of the disease (2 Marks)

2. Following your deployment as an EHT to a rural clinic in Namwala district, the community organizes a
meeting to welcome you considering the long absentia of an EHT. Your colleague, Pamela Wayi a long
time serving nurse tips you on some topics to drive to the community members in order to smoothen your
operations owing to the past incidences she witnessed. Kindly elaborate on the following tips from
Pamela Wayi.
A. Define the term zoonoses (1 Mark)
B. State the importance of meat inspection to the community (4 Marks)
C. List zoonotic infections that are spread by physical handling of meat (1 Mark)
D. List any two zoonotic infections transmitted through milk (1 Mark)
E. Name zoonotic infections in which an intermediate host is required (1 Mark)
F. State the measures the community should undertake to prevent any risk of transmission of
zoonotic infections (2 Marks)

3. At a named abattoir during you’re your routine AM inspection, an old farmer narrates to you that his cow
has in the last consecutive two years been aborting late in gestation and so it is now. This poor
reproductive performance drove the farmer’s decision to sacrifice her. With zeal, you start your AM
inspection and notably is there is a placenta hanging from the vulva.
A. What is your tentative (suspected) diagnosis? (2 Marks)
B. What other ante-mortem signs are you likely to observe? (2 Marks)
C. Detail the expected PM picture (1 Mark)
D. State how the disease is transmitted to both animals and humans (2 Mark)
E. Discuss the possible judgment you would pass on such a carcass? (1 Mark)
F. +What are the trade implications of this disease (1 Mark)
G. How can the disease be prevented from spreading to humans? (1 Mark)

INSTRUCTION: Cross the correct answer with an X
Candidate’s ID number: …….......................................................................

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