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Green panel allows Great Nicobar plan to advance

The Environment Appraisal Committee, which had flagged concerns, has now ‘recommended’ it ‘for grant of terms of reference’ for EIA studies
Pankaj Sekhsaria com India Private Limited. Ornithology and Natural His- AECOM’s pre-feasibility
The proposal includes an in- tory), the need for studies of report has proposed 2022-23
The Environment Appraisal ternational container trans- alternative sites for the port for the commencement of
Committee (EAC) - Infras- shipment terminal, a green- with a focus on environmen- work on the site. “How is
tructure I of the Ministry of field international airport, a tal and ecological impact, es- that possible,” asks an island
Environment, Forest and Cli- power plant and a township pecially on turtles, analysis expert, requesting anonymi-
mate Change (MoEFCC) has complex spread over 166 sq. of risk-handling capabilities, ty. “One year is simply not
flagged serious concerns km. (mainly pristine coastal a seismic and tsunami ha- enough if the government
about NITI Aayog’s ambi- systems and tropical for- zard map, a disaster manage- and project proponents fol-
tious project for Great Nico- ests), and is estimated to cost ment plan, details of labour, low the EAC’s recommenda-
bar Island (‘NITI Aayog vi- ₹75,000 crore. labour camps and their re- tions in letter and spirit. And
sion for Great Nicobar quirements, an assessment how can extensive baseline
ignores tribal, ecological Concerns on site of the cumulative impact, studies be carried out in just
concerns’, The Hindu, The committee’s concerns and a hydro-geological study three months?”
March 21, 2021). The commit- were both procedural and to assess impact on round Ecological surveys in the
tee has, however, removed substantive. A discussion on and surface water regimes. last few years have reported
the first hurdle faced by the the proposal in the March a number of new species,
project. It has “recommend- meeting was deferred be- Corporate policy many restricted to just the
ed” it “for grant of terms of cause of delayed and incom- The committee has also Galathea region. These in-
reference (TOR)” for Envi- plete submission of docu- asked for details of the cor- clude the critically endan-
ronmental Impact Assess- ments. The missing A Leatherback turtle at the Galathea Bay nesting beach, Great Nicobar Island. *
FILE PHOTO porate environment policy gered Nicobar shrew, the
ment (EIA) studies, which in information included the mi- of the implementing agency Great Nicobar crake, the Ni-
the first instance will include nutes of the meeting note, India. A point-wise response Giant Leatherback, the suitability of the proposed — whether the company has cobar frog, the Nicobar cat
baseline studies over three details of the township to be to concerns was submitted world’s largest marine turtle port site with specific focus an environment policy, a snake, a new skink (Lipinia
months. developed over 149 sq. km., by the project proponent, — borne out by surveys done on Leatherback Turtle, Nico- prescribed standard operat- sp), a new lizard (Dibamus
Documents uploaded re- a note on seismic and tsuna- the Andaman and Nicobar Is- over three decades by the is- bar Magapod (sic) and ing procedure to deal with sp,) and a snake of the Lyco-
cently on the MoEFCC’s Pari- mi hazards, freshwater re- land Integrated Develop- land’s Forest Department Dugong”. environmental and forest don sp that is yet to be
vesh portal show that the 15- quirement details (6.5 lakh ment Corporation (ANIID- and research agencies like violations, and a compliance described.
member committee headed people are envisaged to final- CO), on April 5, the very day the Andaman and Nicobar Action points management system. “None of these are even
by marine biologist and ly inhabit the island when the committee convened for Environment Team, Dakshin This, in fact, is only one of ANIIDCO, the Port Blair mentioned in AECOM’s pre-
former director, Bombay the present population is on- its next meeting. Yet, the Foundation and the Indian over a 100 specific points of project proponent, is a go- feasibility report or the
Natural History Society ly 8,500; the current total proposal was taken up for Institute of Science (IISc) action listed out by the com- vernment undertaking in- EAC’s observations,” he
(BNHS), Deepak Apte, made population of the entire is- consideration and even re- (‘Leatherback nesting sites mittee. They include, among volved in activities such as notes. “We don’t even fully
the decision following two land chain is less than 4.5 commended for grant of ToR could be overrun by Anda- others, the need for an inde- tourism, trading (iron and know what exists here, leave
meetings held on March 17 lakh), and details of the im- to go ahead. mans projects’, The Hindu, pendent assessment of ter- steel, milk, petroleum pro- alone understanding the ma-
and 18 and April 5 and 6. The pact on the Giant Leather- This, despite the fact that February 15, 2021). restrial and marine biodiver- ducts, and liquor) and infras- ny fragile inter-linkages of
EAC was responding to the back turtle. the committee raised a num- The committee noted that sity, a study on the impact of tructure development for the Great Nicobar’s complex
126 page ‘pre-feasibility’ re- The committee also noted ber of additional issues, in- the site selection for the port dredging, reclamation and tourism and fisheries. Its an- systems.”
port, ‘Holistic Development that there were no details of cluding about Galathea Bay, had been done mainly on port operations, including nual turnover for 2018-19
of Great Nicobar Island at the trees to be felled — a the site of the port and the technical and financial crite- oil spills (to be carried out by was ₹379 crore, and han- Pankaj Sekhsaria has been
Andaman and Nicobar Is- number that could run into centrepiece of the NITI ria, ignoring the environ- nationally recognised institu- dling a mega infrastructure researching issues of the Andaman
lands’, prepared for the NITI millions since 130 sq. km. of Aayog proposal. Galathea mental aspects. It has now tions such as the Wildlife In- project estimated to cost and Nicobar Islands for over two
Aayog by the Gurugram- the project area has some of Bay is an iconic nesting site asked for “an independent stitute of India, IISc or the Sa- ₹75,000 crore appears way decades. He is also the author of
based consulting agency Ae- the finest tropical forests in in India of the enigmatic study/ evaluation for the lim Ali Centre for beyond its capacity. five books on the islands

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