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Reflection Padlet
It has been 4th day, I have stopped speaking and let you read. I guess you are doing well. And true salvation
is found, not on other's radical teaching but when the who listens to thyself. What is your opinion on
having such classes( I am truly ignoring your mischiefs if you have any). ?

dunno why others are being soo nice 🤬 Classes :) aren’t like classes but still are like classes 

seriously speking this class isn't like class

and ik that y'all kwim
In my opinion these classes being held 
See have given us time to study for our exams and that is good but I
feel if this could be more interactive then I would not feel lazy
Hope all of us get a* and would not be distracted. I feel sleepy.

joelpimentel te amoooo
Thank you! i just keep on practising some programming questions, and i
don't feel like i'm in class(not in a good way) my mon just now
Thank you! called me and asked is your class over already caues she didn't
hear teacher's sound and ngl i get distracted very easily in the
class yk online classes. that's it dhanyabaad

I need petrol how can i contact you ― ANONYMOUS

The Tribal Chief
My opinion on having such classes is just satisfactory. That is a
tpwk classes are going well but not as per great idea by you that we can read and learn ourseleves but the
the expectation. the actual thing i did in main feature of a class is to have a teacher who teaches us. It
doesn't seem to be like normal class which leads us to
class was stare at the book and stare at the
passiveness in studying and mind goes in various direction.
screen and i loved doing that lol.-leh Therefore, my opinion is that interactive classes are classes.

yess tpwk yall ― ANONYMOUS

shatapppp ― ANONYMOUS Tommo the Tease

I am neutral on these classes. People are allowed to read
hey tommo ― ANONYMOUS
according to preparation but it doesn't feel like a class. I wish it
to be more interactive as well as allow me to read on basis of
larrryyyyyyyy ― ANONYMOUS
how i know it. Thus,my opinion on the class is for it to be a little
interactive, not too much just a little.

Armin ik who you are haha ― ANONYMOUS

i love Cerberus 
and i know who you are ― ANONYMOUS


SomSheennDai lln ― ANONYMOUS

hahahaa we gonna take over this 🤬? ― ANONYMOUS


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