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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Number: 6044/BC-BNV Hanoi, December 20th , 2016

In performing the task of the Government's permanent administrative reform agency, the
Ministry of Home Affairs shall monitor and urge ministries, branches and localities to implement
Resolution No. 30c / NQ-CP dated November 8. 2011 by the Government. Issue the State
Administration Reform Master Program. period 2011 - 2020 (hereinafter referred to as
Resolution No. 30c / NQ-CP), Decision No. 225 / QD-TTg dated February 4, 2016 of the Prime
Minister promulgating the State Administration Reform Plan. period 2016. - In 2020 (hereinafter
referred to as Decision No. 225 / QD-TTg) and quarterly, every 6 months, and annually report to
the Government on the implementation progress and results of administrative reform. nationwide
range. As of December 19, 2016, the Ministry of Home Affairs received reports on the
implementation of administrative reform in 2016 from 25/30 ministries, ministerial-level
agencies, Governmental agencies and 60/63 provinces..., centrally-affiliated city (details in
Appendix 1). On the basis of synthesizing reports of ministries, branches and localities, the
Ministry of Home Affairs reports on the implementation of administrative reform in 2016 and
main directions and tasks of administrative reform in 2017 as follows:
1. The direction, propagation and examination
In 2016, the Government and the Prime Minister made many changes in direction and
administration to strongly innovation; resolutely remove bottlenecks hindering production and
business activities; improve the satisfaction of people and organizations for the service of state
administrative agencies, contribute to the completion of the socio-economic development targets
in 2016, step by step build the Government to act, integrity, creating and developing, building
and completing the institution for an important breakthrough of the administrative reform, which
is paid special attention and discussed by the Government in regular Government meetings. with
the motto of resolutely eliminating group interests in the institutional building process. Besides,
the Government has issued many important decisions1 to continue improving the investment and
business environment; business support, and development; improve national competitiveness.
The Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Ministers have directed and thoroughly implemented
the key administrative reform tasks through national conferences or working sessions with each
ministry or branch. local. New and creative points in the direction and administration activities of

Decree No. 19-2016 / NQ-CP dated April 28, 2016 on the main tasks and solutions to improve the business environment and enhance
national competitiveness for the two years 2016 - 2017, with a vision to the year 2020; Resolution No. 35 / NQ-CP dated May 16, 2016 on
business support and development until 2020; Resolution No. 41 / NQ-CP dated May 26, 2016 on hiring incentives to promote the
development and application of information technology in Vietnam.

the Prime Minister in 2016 are: The Prime Minister has set up a Working Team 2to advise and
assist the Prime Minister to monitor and urge at agencies. local authorities and local perform the
tasks, make conclusions and directives of the Government, and the Prime Minister. The
government is assigned to ensure schedule, quality, and efficiency. The working results of the
Working Team initially had a positive impact on ministries, branches, and locality in the process
of implementing the tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister; promptly detect
and propose specific measures to settle difficulties and problems in the course of performing
tasks, and implement conclusions and directions of the Government and the Prime Minister.
In implementing the 2016 Action Plan 3, the Government's PAR Steering Committee
(hereinafter referred to as the Steering Committee) has assigned specific responsibilities for
each member of the Steering Committee to implement the planned tasks. . . . . year plan; at the
same time, issued many documents guiding and directing 4 ministries, branches and localities to
carry out the administrative reform work under the Government's administrative reform
programs and plans. The Steering Committee has organized many delegations to inspect the
PAR implementation in the ministries and provinces according to the 2016 inspection plan 5.
Accordingly, the Head of the Steering Committee and the Deputy Heads of the Committee
have inspected the Ministry. : Finance, Planning, and Investment. , Construction, Information,
and Communication; localities: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Quang Ninh, Quang Ngai, Son La,
Lai Chau, Lang Son, Bac Giang, Bac Ninh. Members of the Steering Committee in several
ministries and ministerial-level agencies have actively checked the progress, quality, and results
of the implementation of administrative reform tasks in their respective sectors and fields.
Typically, the ministries, ministerial-level agencies: Education and Training; Science and
technology; Medical; Planning and Investment; Cop; Agriculture and Rural Development;
Bank of Vietnam.
In the past year, the Ministry of Home Affairs performed well the role as a standing agency
for administrative reform of the Government; regularly monitor, urge and guide ministries,
branches and localities to strictly implement the administrative reform tasks according to the
provisions of Resolution No. 30c / NQ-CP and Decision No. 225 / QD- TTg; received and
responded to the proposals of 05 provincial and municipal Department of Home Affairs 6 on
issues related to administrative reform; already wrote the proposal text7 to implementing the
one-door, one-stop shop mechanism for administrative procedures on enterprise registration to
the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Justice and the Government Office 8.

Decision No. 1642 / QD-TTg dated August 19, 2016 of the Prime Minister on the establishment of the Working Group of the Prime Minister
to inspect the implementation of the tasks, the implementation of the Government's declaration and direction, Prime Minister.
Decision No. 41 / QD-BCĐCCHC dated 23/3/2016 of the PAR Steering Committee of the Government.
Such as: Official Letter No. 06 / BCĐCCHC dated August 9, 2016 of the Government Steering Committee on PAR. Strengthen the
implementation of the Water Administration Reform Plan for the 2016-2020 period; Official Dispatch No. 11 / BCĐCCHC. On September 7,
2016 on the implementation of the Prime Minister's Conclusion at the Online Conference on preliminary major improvements in the period
Decision No. 42 / QD-BCĐCCHC dated 24/3/2016 of the Steering Committee on the administrative setting of the Government.
Including: Da Nang, Lao Cai, Dong Nai, Dong Thap, Ninh Thuan.
Official Letter No. 2568 / BNV-CCHC dated June 13, 2016 of the Ministry of Home Affairs
According to the provisions of Decision No. 1294 / QD-BNV dated December 3, 2016 of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Besides, the Ministry of Home Affairs has issued a plan and closely coordinated with relevant
ministries and agencies to publicize the 2015 PAR Index of ministries, ministerial-level
agencies and people of provinces and cities directly under China. nursing. The results of the
index were announced by the Ministry of Home Affairs on August 17, 2016, ensuring
objectivity, accuracy and publicity. Also, the Ministry of Home Affairs has coordinated with
the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the Vietnam Veterans Association to survey and determine
the Citizen Satisfaction Index, and organize the implementation of administrative services. The
2015 State Ranking (referred to as the Administrative Service Satisfaction Index) of 10
provinces and cities for 06 public administrative services9 and announcing the results on April
26, 2016.
The direction and administration for the implementation of the administrative reform task
have been increasingly concerned by leaders of ministries, branches, and localities. According to
initial statistics of the Ministry of Home Affairs, in 2016, about 30 localities issued guidance
documents10 to promote administrative reformation, which focusing on thoroughly affiliated
agencies and units in implementing effectively the annual administrative reform plan, decisions
of the Government on reforming administrative procedures, improving the business environment,
ensuring to fulfill the set schedule; strengthening administrative discipline; enhancing the
responsibility of the leader in the implementation of administrative reform tasks; comply with
regulations on work. Citizen apologies for cases of late payment of administrative processing
results. Many places held preliminary conferences, regular briefings on administrative reform,
analyzing the results of the PAR Index 2015, thereby assessing the positive and serious aspects,
review and clarify the shortcomings, limitations, and responsibilities of relevant individuals and
organizations, at the same time, propose specific solutions and measures to overcome to improve
the efficiency of administrative reform. Typical ministries: Agriculture and Rural Development,
Natural Resources and Environment ...; Provinces: Long An, Vinh Long, Dak Lak, Lai Chau,
Nghe An, Gia Lai, Dong Nai, Phu Yen, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Ha Giang, Bac Lieu, Vinh Long.
According to the report, up to now, 04 ministries, branches, and 53 localities have effectively
used the Public Administration Reform Index to monitor and evaluate the results of
administrative reform tasks of affiliated agencies and units. ; There are about 30 localities that
have implemented the measurement of the satisfaction of people and organizations with the
service of state administrative agencies in the area, considering this as an important measure in
assessing the performance. state agencies; Some localities have collected feedback and direct
assessment of people and businesses on the service of civil servants in settling
3 administrative
procedures through electronic devices equipped at the Ministry. Department of receiving and
returning results of departments, such as provinces/cities: Da Nang, Dong Thap, Long An, Lao
Cai, Ho Chi Minh City ...
The communication and propaganda about the administrative reform in 2016 was deployed by
ministries, branches, and localities with many various, practical, and suitable content, and
Collection service: Certificate of land use rights; Accuracy; issue a birth certificate; marriage registration certificate; Securing house
construction permits; identity card issue.
Office of People's Committee, Provincial People's Council such as: Resolution, Town, Program / Action Plan, Official Letter.
promptly conveyed the contents. The Government's administrative reform orientation for the
2016-2020 period; At the same time, to step up the propagation and dissemination of results as
well as shortcomings and weaknesses, it is necessary to draw experience in the process of
implementing administrative reform tasks of ministries, branches, and localities. According to
the report, all 63 provinces and cities directly under the Central Government and the majority of
central ministries and agencies have issued plans11 to carry out propaganda activities,
disseminating contents and implementing reforms. The main unit, the locality itself. To provide
information and share initiatives and experiences in implementing administrative reform
nationwide, the Office of the Government Reform Steering Committee has developed an e-
Newsletter on reform. administrative. Issue and periodically issue 04 numbers/month for 5,000
email boxes of leaders of ministries, provinces, and centrally-run cities and public servants in
charge of administrative reform. Implementing Decision No. 225 / QD-TTg, to guide ministries,
agencies, and localities to focus and focus on propaganda under the Government's renewal
roadmap in the coming time, the Ministry of Home Affairs has approved approving the project to
strengthen the work of administrative reform information and propaganda. for the period 2016 -
Propaganda for reformation has been diversified by ministries, branches, and localities,
ensuring continuous and multidimensional information to people, businesses, and society. Radio
- Television in many provinces, Deputy Offices continue to maintain weekly PAR column;
implementing dialogue programs between provincial leaders with people and businesses to
answer and remove problems related to investment, production and business activities as well as
regimes and policies. In 2016, a number of localities made great efforts to report, post, and report
on administrative reform in many languages to serve the needs of ethnic minorities, typically:
Tuyen Quang (PAR propaganda in 5 languages: Vietnamese, Tay, Dao, Cao Lan, Mong); Dak
Nong (propaganda in 2 Vietnamese languages, M’Nong). The administrative reform information
and propaganda work on the Portal/website of the ministries, branches and localities continue to
be maintained, providing diversified and timely information. In addition to the above propaganda
methods, some places have organized training courses, organized contests to learn about
administrative reform to raise the awareness and responsibility of officials, public servants and
public employees. Performing administrative reform tasks, serving the people, such as the
Ministries of the Interior, Justice, Culture, Sports and Tourism; Province / City: Dak Lak, Can
Tho, Hung Yen, Son La, Thai Binh, Kon Tum, Go Cong Dong District, Tien Giang Province ...
The inspection of administrative reform has been seriously and regularly implemented by
ministries, branches, and localities; focus on examining and evaluating the progress, quality, and
results of PAR implementation according to the plan set out in the year; results of the
implementation of Government resolutions, directives of the Prime Minister and documents of
the Central Government related to administrative procedure reform, staff streamlining, e-
Government development and 'provisioning' public service'. Initial statistics show that, in 2016,

Separate or integrated plans.
Decision No. 3490 / QD-BNV dated 10/10/2016 of the Minister of Home Affairs.
13/22 ministries, branches, and 63/63 provinces and cities issued a plan to inspect the
administrative reform work for affiliated agencies and units. Through inspection, many places
have discovered and promptly removed difficulties and problems, creating favorable conditions
for agencies and units to perform all assigned administrative reform tasks; at the same time
handle strictly according to regulations in cases of cadres and civil servants violating
administrative discipline, discipline, embezzlement of people and enterprises.
During the year, the Ministry of Health has unexpectedly checked the medical quality and
treatment situation at the Central Obstetrics Hospital and Hospital K; Through examination, it
has been recorded a number of cases where patients reflect on the quality of service provision at
the two above hospitals such as: Waiting time for medical examination is long because of
unnecessary procedures; There is still a problem of medical staff making it difficult, family thief.
The Ministry of Health has asked the leaders of the 02 hospitals to urgently overcome the
shortcomings and limitations that patients have reported, and strictly handle violations of
medical staff according to the provisions of law. The Ministry of Home Affairs organized
administrative reform inspection teams in Gia Lai, Binh Dinh, and Dak Nong provinces;
Thereby, the localities are requested to promptly rectify and handle some errors at the district and
commune level receiving and returning the results, such as The situation of not wearing the civil
servant card when handling administrative procedures. mainly people and businesses, in some
areas of administrative procedures, there are no civil servants to directly receive dossiers; the
time to return results is not reasonable, causing frustration for people; the listing and
publicization of administrative procedures are incomplete and convenient ... Phu Yen province
has checked the observance of administrative discipline and discipline at 12 agencies and units in
the area, thereby discovering and handle 01 violating individual, organization. Some other units
have performed well the inspection in 2016 such as the Ministries of Justice, Finance,
Defense, ...; Province / City: Hanoi, Vinh Long, Nghe An, Dong Thap, Quang Ninh, Ha Nam,
Thua Thien Hue, Son La, Vinh Phuc, Khanh Hoa ...

2. Results achieved
a) Institutional reform:
Institutional construction and completion in 2016 have achieved some remarkable positive
results. The Government has submitted to the National Assembly for approval 08 laws and
ordinances governing socio-economic relations; Ministries have prepared and submitted to the
Government draft documents detailing the implementation of the above laws and ordinances,
ensuring consistency with the assigned documents or terms, clauses, and points. detail. Thanks to
the drastic direction of the Prime Minister together with the great efforts of ministries and
branches, the 2016 document backlog has basically been overcome. According to the statistics of
the Ministry of Justice, as of the first half of December 2016, ministries and agencies have
submitted to the Government and the Prime Minister for promulgation or to promulgate
according to their competence 144 documents detailing the implementation of the law, Order.
(61 decrees, 03 decisions, 72 circulars, 8 joint circulars) currently owe only 6 documents 13,
contributing to improving the institution and improving the efficiency of law enforcement. In
addition, the ministries have submitted to the Government to issue 50 decrees regulating business
investment conditions, meeting the requirements of the implementation of the Investment Law
and the Enterprise Law, helping to reduce many types of sub-licenses, contribute to improving
business investment situation. Environment. , start-up support. Up to now, localities have issued
according to their competence 3,310 legal documents at the provincial level (an increase of 69
documents compared to 2015); 6,345 district legal normative documents (an increase of 365
documents compared to 2015).
In 2016, ministries, branches, and localities have seriously and effectively implemented the
monitoring of law enforcement, focusing on a number of areas and areas with many difficulties,
problems and shortcomings in practice. see off. farewell. To do this, on the basis of closely
following the tasks of branches and localities such as: Law on social housing, housing for people
with meritorious services, areas frequently hit by natural disasters. The Ministry of Justice has
examined the law enforcement situation in 03 ministries, branches, 14and 08 localities15; from
then on to promptly direct and remove problems in law enforcement monitoring. The provinces
and cities directly under the Central Government have carried out 14,155 inspections and 2,067
inspections on the law enforcement situation; implemented 548 surveys and surveys on law
enforcement monitoring.
Law dissemination and education work continue to be focused on by ministries, branches, and
localities. In 2016, the country carried out more than 1 million propaganda, distributed more than
83 million dissemination materials and free legal education 16. Some units well performed the
tasks of law dissemination and education in 2016 such as the Ministry of Planning and
Investment; the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Provinces/cities: Thai Binh,
Lao Cai, Ha Tinh, Lai Chau, Binh Duong ... The review and systematization of legal documents
are regularly carried out by ministries, branches, and localities. regulations; through reviewing,
discovering, and handling or recommending the handling of expired documents, the provisions
of the law are inconsistent, overlapping, or no longer consistent with newly issued documents.
Some examples in the review of legal documents, such as the Ministries of Justice, Finance,
Transport, Education and Training, ...; Provinces/cities: Hanoi, Bac Lieu, Ha Nam, Ho Chi Minh
City ...
During the year, ministries, branches, and localities have effectively implemented the inspection
and handling of legal documents. Accordingly, ministries, branches, and localities have checked
35,136 legal documents17 according to their competence; Initially detected 580 signs of contrary

Data as of the first half of December 2016.
Including: Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Science and Technology and State Bank of Vietnam.
Including: Lang Son, Bac Giang, Can Tho, Hau Giang, Da Nang, Binh Duong, Dong Nai, Hanoi.
According to statistics in the 2016 summary report of the Ministry of Justice
Reduced 7,221 documents compared to 2015.
authority18. Besides, many ministries and branches have done well in the inspection and word
By specialization or by location, such as The Ministry of Home Affairs has checked over 500
documents issued by the People's Councils and the People's Committees of 16 provinces and
cities in the field of interior affairs. The Ministry of Justice checked 2,638 documents 19, an
increase of 247 documents compared to 2015; Initially discovered 114 illegal documents in
terms of content20, promulgating authority and 587 documents with errors in presentation
methods and techniques. The Ministry announced and proposed to handle the above 110
documents. Up to now, 39 documents have been processed, the remaining documents are being
monitored, urged this agency to issue and resolve in accordance with the law. the law. The
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism have checked more than 500 documents in the scope
and field of management, thereby, discovered 10 documents with signs of illegal.
b, Completion of tasks and organizational apparatus of state administrative agencies:
Implementing the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Local Government
Organization, the Government has issued a number of important decrees to continue to improve
the organizational structure of government authorities, Government mandate for the new term.
On September 1, 2016, the Government issued Decree No. 123/2016 / ND-CP defining the
functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of ministries and ministerial-level agencies
(Decree No. 123 / 2016 / ND-CP), accordingly, has stipulated many new and strongly reformed
contents, such as: More clearly defining the position and functions of the ministry 21; additional
regulations on organizational

Reduced 601 compared to 2015.
Including: 680 documents of ministries, branches, central and 1,958 documents of local areas.
Including: 35 documents of ministries, branches, 79 documents of the locality.
Sspecified that a ministry can "perform the function of state management in one or several sectors, fields ...", which is different from the
previous regulation in Decree No. 36/2012 / ND-CP
principles and activities of the ministry22; accountability for the leader; clearly stated "no room
organization in the Department"23. Based on this Decree, the ministries and ministerial-level
agencies are urgently reviewing legal documents defining their functions, tasks, powers and
organizational structure and their organizations and units. to be attached to themselves or
propose competent agencies to promptly amend and supplement accordingly, ensuring that
functions and tasks are not left blank. Up to the beginning of December 2016, the Ministry of
Home Affairs coordinated with the ministries, construction and appraisal agencies to submit to
the Government a decree defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of 05
ministries, agencies, including: Government Office (The Government issued Decree No.
150/2016 / ND-CP dated 11/11/2016); Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs; Ministry
of Home Affairs; Ethnic Committee; The bank of Viet Nam. The Government has also issued
Decree No. 138/2016 / ND-CP dated October 1, 2016 on the working regulations of the
Government to ensure the consistency and uniformity of the legal system and ensure its
effectiveness. , efficiency in the direction and administration of the Government. Also, the
Government has issued Decree No. 10/2016 / ND-CP dated February 1, 2016, providing for
government agencies, creating a legal foundation and foundation for strengthening functions,
tasks, powers and organizational structure of government agencies in the coming time.
Continuing to renovate and improve the organizational structure and operation of the local
government under the current legal documents, the Government has issued Decree No. 48/2016 /
ND-CP dated 27/27 5/2016 stipulates the functions, tasks, powers, organization and payroll of
the Office of the People's Council of the province or city directly under the Central Government;
Decree No. 08/2016 / ND-CP dated 25/01/2016 regulating the number of Vice Chairmen of the
People's Committee and procedures for electing, resigning, dismissing, dismissing, transferring
and dismissing Committee members people. Along with that, the Ministry of Home Affairs is
urgently coordinating with ministries and agencies to submit to the Government for
promulgation decrees regulating the organization of specialized agencies under the People's
Committees of provinces and districts (replacing Decree No. 24/2014 / ND). -CP and Decree No.
37/2014 / ND-CP).
According to the current regulations, ministries, branches and localities are continuing to
review, arrange and consolidate the focal points of organizational apparatus in a streamlined,
unified and rational direction, contributing to step by step elimination. . . Functions and duties
are contradictory, overlapping, ensuring one thing is chaired by only one agency, with main
responsibility. Up to now, the Prime Minister has approved the policy of establishing the
Department of Tourism in 13 provinces / cities 24 to meet the state management in the tourism
Adding 01 new Article to stipulate 04 principles of organization and operation of the Ministry (Article 5).
Particularly in cases where the Department has many fields of work and a large workload, the Ministry shall submit to the Government for
decision the number of departments in the Department in the Decree defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the
Including: Quang Ninh, Hai Phong, Ninh Binh, Nghe An, Quang Binh, Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa, Ba Ria -
Vung Tau, Kien Giang, Hanoi, City. Ho Chi Minh.
sector and promote development and maximize benefits. tourism potential in these localities.
Several units performed well the arrangement and consolidation of the organizational apparatus
of agencies and subordinate units in 2016 such as: Ministry of Finance25, Ministry of Information
and Communications, Hanoi City26, Binh Thuan Province. . Advantages. Thuan, Khanh province
State management decentralization between central and local levels continues to be paid
attention and promoted. The Government issued Resolution No. 21 / NQ-CP dated March 21,
2016 on the decentralization of state management between the Government and the People's
Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities. In implementing this Resolution, the Ministry
of Home Affairs has issued a written request27 to ministries, branches and localities to develop a
plan for the implementation of the decentralized state management contents for their assigned
sectors and fields. Currently, synchronous solutions have been approved by the Government.
Along with that, ministries, branches and localities actively inspect the organization and
operation of their affiliated agencies and units through their inspection plans or coordinate with
interdisciplinary inspections, helping to detect and promptly handle violators.
c, Administrative procedure reform and the implementation of the inter-agency OSS
In 2016, the administrative procedure reform has always been identified as a key task of
ministries, branches, and localities; focusing all efforts on strengthening the review and
simplification to improve the quality of administrative procedures; directs timely, public, and
transparent disclosure of the process of implementing administrative procedures on the basis of
serious and effective implementation of tasks and solutions specified in Resolution No. 19-2016 /
NQ-CP , Resolution No. 35 / NQ-CP of the Government, Decision No. 09/2015 / QD-TTg of the
Prime Minister28 and other relevant documents, providing maximum convenience for individuals
and organizations in the process to resolve administrative procedures.
The assessment of impacts and comments on the provisions of administrative procedures in
draft legal documents have been seriously and effectively implemented by ministries and
branches. In 2016, the Ministry of Justice consulted about 594 administrative procedures out of
102 draft legal documents, thereby proposing not to regulate 111 unnecessary procedures,
amending 364 procedures. meaningless. In addition, the Ministry also conducted an appraisal for
783 administrative procedures, according to which, the proposal did not stipulate 141
unnecessary procedures, and amended 537 unreasonable procedures. Some other agencies
perform well this work such as Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Planning and Investment,
In 2016, the Ministry of Finance issued 08 decisions to arrange and consolidate the focal points under the General Department of
Customs in order to prevent overlap, creating unity in management from central to local levels. improve the performance of the comedy
After being reorganized and merged, Hanoi City has reduced 46 departments (equivalent to 22.5%) of offices and branches; decrease 121
public non-business units (equivalent to 30.2%)
Official Dispatch No. 3552 / BNV-CCHC dated July 26, 2016 of the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding the implementation of Resolution
No. 21 / NQ-CP.
Decision No. 09/2015 / QD-TTg dated March 25, 2015 of the Prime Minister promulgating the Regulation on the implementation of the
OSS mechanism, One-stop mechanism at the local state administrative agencies.

the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
During the year, a number of ministries and agencies completed the implementation of the
plan to simplify administrative procedures passed in the thematic resolutions of the Government,
bringing the total number of administrative procedures to be simplified. 4,527 / 4,723 procedures
(reaching the rate of 95.85%). The ministries and branches have standardized 3,589 / 4,008
administrative procedures according to regulations (reaching 89.5%); the number of promptly
announced administrative procedures after standardization was 3,495 / 3,589 (reaching 87.3%);
the number of timely public administrative procedures on the National Database after publication
is 3,176 / 3,589 (reaching 88.5%).
The Ministry of Justice has submitted to the Prime Minister to issue Decision No. 45/2016 /
QD-TTg dated October 19, 2016, on receiving dossiers and returning results of administrative
procedures settlement via public postal services contribute to reducing costs for people and
organizations, especially in remote and isolated provinces; At the same time, it contributes to
minimizing negative and harassment of people and businesses in the process of handling
administrative procedures.
The receipt and processing of letters from people and organizations related to administrative
procedures have been implemented effectively in a number of ministries, branches, and
localities. The Ministry of Health has established and effectively maintained a hotline to receive
complaints and recommendations related to issues such as medical examination and treatment
procedures; physical foundations of the medical examination and treatment establishments;
attitude and responsibility of the medical team, doctors towards the patient ... Through
complaints and recommendations of the people, the Department of Health of Thanh Hoa
province checked and issued disciplinary decisions for 11 stations. medical staff, heads of
medical stations in 03 districts in the city or province due to improperly issued health certificates,
causing frustration among the people. In addition, many localities have directed agencies and
units to deal with administrative procedures to seriously apologize to people and businesses for
cases of delayed payment of administrative procedure settlement results such as Gia Lai, Binh
Phuoc, Ho Chi Minh City ...
In 2016, localities continue to direct and thoroughly manage affiliated agencies and units to
strictly implement the one-door mechanism and the inter-connected one-door mechanism
according to the provisions of Decision No. 09/2015 / QD-TTg . Many places have paid
attention, increased investment in equipment and software for the application of information
technology to improve the performance of the Division of receiving and returning results at all
levels, thereby helping the process of solving financial skills. Administrative procedures for
people and businesses took place quickly, conveniently, increasing openness and transparency;
step by step improve the satisfaction of people and organizations with the service of state
administrative agencies. Up to now, 12 localities 29 have researched and piloted a number of
Including: Quang Ninh, Thai Binh, Da Nang, Ha Giang, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Dak Nong, Binh Duong, Dong Thap, Long An, Bac Giang,
models of public administrative centers, provincial centralized results receiving and receiving
departments. During the year, the Ministry of Home Affairs held talks with a number of
localities to exchange and evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the above models
and will report to the Prime Minister in December 2016. In addition, implementing the national
OSS mechanism, which has been actively implemented by ministries and branches; Up to now, it
has officially connected 10/14 sets30. In 2016, there were about 204 administrative procedures of
8,200 enterprises resolved through the national OSS mechanism, initially bringing practical
effects to businesses.
Some localities have had new solutions to improve the methods of organizing the settlement
and return the results of administrative procedures for people and businesses, initially bringing
positive results. Typically: The Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Ninh Thuan
Province has established a Support Team for the implementation of administrative procedures at
Phan Rang - Thap Cham City Branch of Land Registration Office, which is expected to receive
Expanding to other districts in the coming time, in order to help people and organize the
implementation of administrative transactions in the field of land. From September 1, 2016, Da
Nang city has implemented a pilot project to issue birth certificates, health insurance cards, and
household registration books in children's families with permanent registration in the area. The
city has also deployed a messaging system to schedule administrative transactions by calling or
texting, helping individuals and organizations actively arrange a time and work to deal with
administrative procedures.
Efforts and determination to accelerate the reform of administrative procedures of the
Government, ministries, branches and localities in recent years have had a positive impact on the
settlement of administrative procedures for people and enterprises. in some areas in 2016 such
as: Health, insurance, tax, customs, industry and trade 31; has contributed to improving the
investment and business environment. According to the World Bank, Vietnam's business
environment ranking index in 2016 has increased by 9 places compared to 2015 (reaching 63.83 /
100 points, ranking 82/190 economy). In the world). Besides, in the year, more than 100 new
enterprises were established, a new record in recent years.
d, Building and improving the quality of the contingent of cadres and civil servants:
- Completion of the management institution for cadres and civil servants:

Ca Mau, Quang Nam.

Including Ministries: Industry and Trade; Science and technology; Transport; Agriculture and Rural Development; Finance (General
Department of Comedy); Natural Resources and Environment; Information and communication; Culture, Sports and Tourism; Medical;
Naitional defense.
The General Department of Taxation has directed the provincial tax departments to strengthen coordination with commercial banks in the
area to develop electronic home rental payment services; In the area of harmonization, the implementation of electronic customs procedures
has reduced the average clearance time from 21 days to 14 days for exports and 13 days for imported goods; The insurance industry
withdraws 49 hours from the date of completing the registration procedure for compulsory insurance participation; The Ministry of Industry
and Trade has reviewed and simplified administrative procedures in the field of heavy industry, competition management, business licensing,
wine production ...; The Ministry of Health reviews and simplifies administrative procedures related to the certification of traditional herbal
remedies and allows for the removal and transplantation of human tissues and organs ...

Continuing to promote reform of civil service regimes and civil servants in order to gradually
resolve limitations and shortcomings in the management of cadres, civil servants, and public
employees to meet practical needs, the Ministry of Home Affairs took the initiative to build,
finalize and submit to the Government. Considered and issued: Decree amending and
supplementing Decree No. 56/2015 / ND-CP dated June 9, 2015, on assessment and
classification of cadres and civil servants. officials and employees (in Document No. 4608 /
BNV-CCVC dated 30/9/2016), Decree replacing Decree No. 18/2010 / ND-CP dated March 5,
2010, on training and retraining cadres, civil servants and public employees (in Report No. 546 /
TTr-BNV dated November 21, 2016). Currently, the Ministry of Home Affairs has submitted to
the Prime Minister a project on office culture and is urgently collecting comments of ministries,
agencies, and localities to finalize the draft: The Decree prescribes standards for leadership titles,
management in state administrative agencies, Decree on the application of senior specialist titles,
Decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of the 03 Decrees related to
recruitment, use, and public management officials and employees32.
The promulgation of a system of standards for civil servants and public employee titles and
titles has basically been completed. Today, the Ministry of Home Affairs has coordinated with
ministries managing civil servants and specialized employees to issue 86 civil servant category
standards, 133 professional title standards for public employees.
- About locate employment and rank structure of servants:
The Ministry of Home Affairs has completed the approval of the list of job positions in state
administrative agencies of the ministries, branches, provinces, and centrally-run cities. On that
basis, ministries, agencies, and localities are actively completing job descriptions and capacity
frameworks of each job position, creating a basis for recruiting, using, and managing civil
servants and public employees. Some units have actively implemented this work such as the
Ministries: Justice, Finance; in the localities: Quang Ninh, Dong Thap, Binh Duong, Da Nang ...
In order to soon overcome the shortcomings and shortcomings in determining job positions
and the structure of professional titles for public employees, the Ministry of Home Affairs is
urgently reviewing and proposing a plan to amend and supplement the Decree. No. 41/2012 /
ND-CP dated May 8, 2012, of the Government regulating the job position in public non-business
units, ensuring the suitability with the characteristics and nature of the industry and non-business
fields. There are diversified public services 33, which facilitate determining34 job positions,
developing job descriptions for each position, and defining staff structure. Public non-business
positions are given the autonomy to decide the job position, payroll structure, and the number of
03 Decrees include: Decree No. 68/2000 / ND-CP dated November 17, 2000 of the Government on the implementation of the one-book
assignment regime in state administrative agencies and public non-business units; Decree No. 24/2010 / ND-CP dated 15/3/2010 of the
Government providing for the recruitment, use and management of public servants; Decree SO 29/2012 / ND-CP dated 12/4/2012 of the
Government providing for the recruitment, use and management of public employees.
Provisions in the Government's Resolution No. 89 / NQ-CP dated 10/10/2016 on the regular Government meeting in September 2016.
Including: non-business units that ensure recurrent expenditures, investment expenditures and non-business units that ensure recurrent
people working in accordance with their assigned functions and duties on the basis of ensuring
employment and stable income... For public non-business units that have not yet assigned
autonomy35, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached
agencies, and presidents of provincial-level People's Committees shall decide on employment
positions, payroll structure, and the number of people working in the total number of employees
assigned by the competent authority.
- Regarding the exam for rank promotion and training and fostering:
The organization of public servant rank promotion exam; Career title examinations and
promotion consideration have been strictly implemented by ministries, branches, and localities.
In 2016, the organization of civil servant rank promotion examinations has seen positive
changes. Accordingly, there was a combination of the form of concentrated examination
organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs and authorized to organize examinations to increase
the rank to the main specialist for 17 localities 36. In addition, the Ministry of Home Affairs has
piloted the transfer of servers and software and organized training courses on the use of
management software for cadres, civil servants, and public employees for 18 provinces and
cities. The ministries, branches, and localities effectively implement the professional training and
fostering for the contingent of cadres, civil servants, and public employees according to the
approved 2016 plan.
- Regarding the implementation of the staff streamlining policy:
Ministries, branches, and localities continue to implement the downsizing policy according to
the provisions of the Politburo's Resolution 37 No. 39-NQ / TW and the Government's Decree 38
No. 108/2014 / ND-CP. The Ministry of Home Affairs has examined the object of streamlining
staff on the basis of the proposals of the ministries, branches, and localities to comply with
regulations. In 2016 (as of December 1, 2016), 19 ministries, branches, and 62 local visits
requested verification of the subject of downsizing, with the number of subjects being subject to
downsizing the payroll in the year. is 11,899 people. In which, there are 10,371 people enjoying
the policy of early retirement; 1,498 people enjoy the policy of immediate resignation; 14 people
are entitled to the resignation policy after going to school; The 16 policy beneficiaries turned to
non-salary organizations from the state budget.
- Salary reform policy:
The Government promulgates the Decree No. 117/2016 / ND-CP dated July 21, 2016,
amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government's Decree No. 204/2004 /
ND-CP dated December 14, 2004. Salary regimes for cadres, civil servants, public employees,
These include: fireflies, wholly or in part, the regular expenditure of the State.
Quang Ninh, Dak Nong, Soc Trang, Dong Thap, Dak Lak, Tra Vinh, Phu Tho, Quang Binh, Thai Nguyen, Lam Dong, Tuyen Quang, Hai
Phong, An Giang, Da Nang, Thai Binh, Thua Thien Hue, Laos Cai.
Resolution No. 39-NQ / TW dated April 17, 2015 of the Politburo on streamlining payrolls and restructuring the contingent of cadres, civil
servants and public employees.
Decree No. 108/2014 / ND-CP dated 20/11/2014 of the Government on policy of downsizing staffing.

and armed forces, thereby overcoming a number of shortcomings in the salary scale system of
cadres, civil servants, and public employees. MESSAGES of the Ministry of Home Affairs The
Ministry of Finance has developed and is collecting suggestions from ministries, agencies, and
localities on the draft Decree of the Government on base salary for cadres and civil servants. ,
officers and armed forces; It is expected that the base salary will increase from VND 1,210,000
to VND 1,300,000, applied from July 1, 2017. Some provinces and cities directly under the
Central Government have also reviewed dikes, issued or amending and supplementing
regulations on allowances for the contingent of officials. civil servants working in the Division
of Receiving and returning results at all levels, accordingly. with the actual situation and
conditions of each locality such as Nghe An, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Gia Lai, Ho Chi Minh City ...
- On strengthening the discipline and administrative discipline:
- In order to strengthen administrative discipline and discipline, create a clear
improvement, improve service quality and reputation of the Government and authorities at all
levels towards the people, organizations, and businesses, ensure the Law exam and strengthening
people's confidence, on September 5, 2016, the Prime Minister issued Directive No. 26 / CT-TTg
on strengthening administrative discipline and discipline in state agencies. levels. In this
Directive, the Prime Minister has requested ministries, branches, and localities to focus on
reviewing, amending, and supplementing working regulations and procedures of agencies and
units; concretize the responsibilities of each individual and unit in performing the assigned tasks;
resolutely streamlining weak and irresponsible civil servants and public employees; strengthen
inspection and supervision of the implementation of administrative discipline and discipline;
strictly prohibiting all acts of abusing positions and powers to harass, cause troubles or self-
interest when handling and handling affairs related to people and enterprises. On the basis of this
Directive, the ministries, branches, and localities have issued documents to thoroughly grasp all
cadres, civil servants, and public employees within their management scope to comply with the
Prime Minister's instructions.
- Regarding policies for ethnic minorities:
The Ministry of Home Affairs submitted to the Prime Minister Decision No. 402 / QD-TTg
dated March 14, 2016 approving the Project on developing the contingent of ethnic minority
cadres, civil servants and employees in the new period. . , with the goal of building a contingent
of cadres, civil servants and public employees who are ethnic minorities with strong political
bravery; qualified, qualified and ethical; ensure a reasonable rate in state administrative agencies,
public non-business units, meeting state management requirements.
e, Public finance reform:
During the year, public finance reform focused on strengthening the transfer of organizational,
staffing, and financial autonomy to ministries, branches, and localities, contributing to improving
budget efficiency. reorganize the apparatus organization in the direction of streamlining, a
rational arrangement of staff. Ministries and branches have made great efforts in advising and
submitting to the Government for promulgation decrees regulating autonomy mechanisms for
non-business units under the management ministries and branches to implement. performances.
Currently, there is Decree No. 16/2015 / ND-CP dated February 14, 2015, of the Government
regulating the autonomy mechanism of public non-business units (hereinafter referred to as
Decree No. 16/2015 / ND-CP). Out of a total of 07 decrees issued, as of December 10, 2016, 02
decrees were issued39; Submitted to the Government for consideration and promulgation of 04
decrees40; 01 decrees is collecting comments of ministries, branches, and localities for the second
Ministries and branches have actively studied and built to submit to the Prime Minister for
promulgation a list of public non-business services funded by the state budget under the state
management scope of each ministry. In 2016, the Prime Minister issued 03 decisions approving
the list of public non-business services using the state budget under the state management scope
of the Ministry of Transport42, the Ministry of Health43, and the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and
Social44; Seven ministries have completed and submitted to the Prime Minister draft decisions 45
on promulgating the Master Plan on the network of public non-business units, as of December
10, 2016, five ministries have submitted them to the Prime Minister for approval. issued a
decision approving the network of non-business units under the state management of the
Ministry, including 02 decisions issued in 201646; 04 ministries submitted to the Prime Minister
for consideration and promulgation47; The four ministries have developed a draft decision of the
Prime Minister and are synthesizing comments from ministries, branches, and localities 48. The
Ministry of Home Affairs is urgently coordinating with ministries and sectors to research and
develop a project on renewing the management mechanism and financial mechanism and
reorganizing the system of public non-business units to submit to competent authorities.
The provinces and cities directly under the Central Government have issued plans and
developed legal documents as assigned to effectively implement Decree No. 16/2015 / ND-CP,
typically province Tien Giang has completed issuing a list of public non-business units. services

The Ministry of Science and Technology has submitted to the Government for promulgation of Decree No. 54/2016 / ND-CP dated June
14, 2016 defining the autonomy mechanism of science and technology public organizations; Decree No. 141/2016 / ND-CP dated 10/10/2016
regulating the autonomy mechanism of public non-business units in the field of economic and other careers.
Including: The Decree regulates the autonomy mechanism of public non-business units in the health sector; culture, sports and tourism;
Job education; Information Communication
The Decree prescribes the autonomy mechanism of public non-business units in the field of education and training.
In Decision No. 1896 / QD-TTg dated October 4, 2016.
In Decision No. 1387 / QD-TTg dated July 13, 2016
In Decision No. 1508 / QD-TTg dated July 27, 2016.
Including ministries: Education and Training; Culture, Sports and Tourism; Science and Technology, Information and Communication;
Natural Resources and Environment; Industry and Trade; Build.
Including: Decision No. 171 / QD-TTg dated January 27, 2016 approving the planning of science and technology public organization
network up to 2020, with an orientation to 2030; Decision 208/2016 / ỌĐ-TTg dated February 3, 2016 approving the plan of the network of
public non-business units of the Ministry of Transport to 2020 with a vision to 2030.
Ministries: Health; Natural Resources and Environment; Industry and Trade; Build.
Ministries: Education and Training; Information and communication; Agriculture and Rural Development; Culture, Sports and Tourism.

using the local state budget. 05 localities have issued the network planning of public non-
business units under their management, including Hau Giang (in the fields of culture, sports,
tourism; employment services); Quang Binh (publish, print and distribute); Lang Son (natural
resources, environment, transportation); Quang Ninh (health, education, and training); Khanh
Hoa (health, education, and training). Also, Quang Binh province has issued the economic -
technical norms applicable to the local public non-business service sectors.
f, Administrative modernization:
- During the year, the application of information technology in administrative agencies and
public service delivery underwent strong changes, achieving many positive results on the basis of
effective implementation of the Decree. 36a / NQ-CP of the Government Decision 49No. 1819 /
QD-TTg of the Prime Minister50, thus, index "electronic government" of Vietnam has increased
10-fold compared to 2015, ranked No. 83 / 193 countries51.
- Regarding the results of investment in upgrading technical infrastructure:
Up to now, about 95% of cadres and civil servants at central ministries and branches and 90%
of local cadres and civil servants are equipped with computers to serve their work; Many places
have equipped computers for 100% of cadres and civil servants to use them, contributing to
creating a widespread electronic working environment, increasing productivity and efficiency.
Typically the ministries: Natural Resources and Environment, Planning and Investment,
Education and Training, Transport, Justice; Province / City: An Giang, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Bac
Giang, Bac Ninh, Binh Thuan, Da Nang, Hau Giang, Nghe An, Quang Ngai, Thai Binh, Thua
Thien Hue, Tra Vinh, Tay Ninh.
According to the report of the Ministry of Information and Communications, up to now, 19/21
ministries and branches have deployed wide area network (WAN) connecting to 84% of
affiliated units; 51/63 provinces / cities have deployed WAN networks connecting to 79% of
agencies and units under their authority. On the basis of the Vietnam E-Government Architecture
Framework issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications, ministries, branches and
localities are urgently studying and building the E-Government Architecture at ministerial and
provincial levels. send to the Ministry of Information and Communications before issuing.
- Regarding the results of information technology application within state agencies:
The linkage of document management software from ministries, branches, and localities to the
Government Office has been actively and effectively implemented, helping to form a unified and
smooth electronic document management system from the Central. to locally, allowing
automatic recognition of word processing status between agencies; contribute significantly to
reduce costs and time to send and receive documents and documents. In Ho Chi Minh City, after
Resolution No. 36a / NQ-CP dated October 14, 2015 of the Government on e-Government.
Decision No. 1819 / QD-TTg dated October 26, 2015 of the Prime Minister approving the National Program on Information Technology
Application in State Agencies in the 2016-2020 Period.
As reported by the United Nations in 2016.
only about 2 months of sending meeting invitations, documents via email and the document
management software system, nearly 200 million VND was saved, in which the cost of
submitting the application for the postponement was reduced by 90 million VND. Many
localities have used digital signatures integrated into the email system, document management
system and administration, to facilitate the use and exchange of electronic documents between
state agencies. Typically: Ba Ria - Yung Tau, Da Nang, Dong Nai, An Giang, Hanoi, Nghe An,
Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, Quang Ngai ...
- On results of information technology application in direct public service provision:
Up to now, 100% of public services under the jurisdiction of ministries, branches, and
localities have been provided online at level 1,2; 18/21 ministries, branches52, and 60/63
localities53 have deployed online public services at level 3 or higher54. The application of
information technology in the provision of public services is increasingly high, helping to reduce
time and save administrative costs of state agencies; At the same time, reducing travel time and
document and paper costs for people and businesses, thereby gradually improving the
satisfaction of people and organizations and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of state
management. Some online public services have large numbers of online users and payers in areas
such as tax, customs, and business registration 55. However, there are also many high-level online
public services with limited efficiency (a few users, the number of records sent/received online is
not high).
Applying the quality management system according to TCVN 9001: 2008 standard in state
management activities, multidisciplinary, localities have strictly implemented the regulations in
the promulgation process. implementing the quality management system implementation plan;
regularly inspect the development, application, maintenance, and improvement of the Quality
Management System at agencies and organizations.
3. Reviews, general evaluation
a, Pros
- The administrative reform management and administration from the central to local levels
have been renewed, renewed and drastically followed the policy of building an integrity, tectonic
and serving Government. Thereby, making an important contribution to PAR results achieved by
ministries, agencies and localities in 2016.
- Institutional reform has changed markedly, basically solving the problem of outstanding
Ministries and agencies that have not yet implemented the provision of level 3 and 4 public services are: Government Office, Committee for
Ethnic Minorities, Ministry of Defense, Government Inspectorate.
Three reports have not yet implemented the provision of online public services at level 3, including: Hai Duong, Bac Ninh, Dak Lak.
In which, the total number of public services provided online by ministries and branches at level 3 is 253, with 226 services at level 4; of
localities at level 3 is 6579 services, level 4 is 935 services (contractual data is from ministries, branches and localities and has not been
verified for accuracy).
564,488 / 566,504 operating enterprises have participated in using online rental services, reaching the rate of 99.64%; 96.7% of active
enterprises have registered electronic tax payment services with tax authorities; 93.69% of enterprises have registered for on-site services with

documents under the promulgating competence of the Government and the Prime Minister.
- Administrative procedure reform in some focus areas continued to have positive
changes, the business investment environment index was significantly improved.
-The promotion of information technology by ministries, branches and localities has brought
about many positive results, creating a premise to strongly promote the progress of building e-
Government and e-government, step by step improving quality of public service delivery and
improve the satisfaction rate of people and organizations with the service of state administrative
b, Cons
- Quality of developing legal documents has not met the requirements; the responsibility for
coordinating and contributing comments on draft legal documents is not high; regulations on
management of cadres and civil servants still have many limitations and shortcomings.
- The status of outstanding debts issued by ministries is still quite common, as of the end of
November 2018, there are still 21 circulars of ministries that have not been issued according to
the approved plan.56
- A number of ministries, branches and localities have not properly implemented the
regulations on publicity of administrative procedures at the Department of Receiving and
Returning the results and on the National Database recently; There is still a situation that cadres
and civil servants do not wear tags, are not serious in the process of handling administrative
procedures for people and organizations; The rate of return of administrative procedures dossiers
is slow in some areas, such as land; Justice - civil status; labor - invalids and society; finance
(lending procedure).
- Some localities are confused and unprofessional in organizing the implementation of
Decision No. 45/2016 / QD-TTg dated October 19, 2016 of the Prime Minister on receiving
dossiers and returning results. the set. decide on administrative procedures through the public
postal service; The results of solving administrative procedures received many errors57.
- The construction of E-Government Architecture at ministerial and provincial levels is still
slow; the construction and application of information technology software to State agencies'
activities in some places is not really synchronous and synchronous; efficiency, the frequency of
people and businesses using direct public services is not high.
1. Ministries, branches, and localities continue to promote the synchronous implementation of
the administrative reform contents according to the provisions of Resolution No. 30c / NQ-CP
and Decision No. 225 / QD-TTg; strictly implement the conclusions and directions of the Prime
Information from the year-end meeting of the Government PAR Steering Committee on December 7, 2016.
General information about the monitoring and inspection process of the Ministry of Home Affairs in some localities.
Minister on promoting administrative reform, raising accountability of the person in charge,
strengthening administrative discipline and discipline; strengthen supervision and inspection of
the implementation of administrative reform direction and administration documents.
2. The PAR Steering Committee of the Government has strongly renewed working
methods and improved efficiency of operation; develop a work plan for 2017 and an inspection
plan, assign specific tasks to each member of the dyke steering committee to effectively
implement the plans.
3. The Ministry of Home Affairs shall help the Government continue to urge and guide
ministries, branches, and localities to implement the State Administration Reform Plan for the
2016-2020 period; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the ministries and
agencies in, determining and announcing the 2016 PAR Index of the ministries, ministerial-level
agencies, the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities; increase the
implementation of measuring the satisfaction of people and organizations with the service of
state administrative agencies.
4. Continue to promote institutional reform, focusing on improving the institution on the
management of civil servants and public employees; overcome the backlog in the promulgation
of circulars by ministries; improve the quality of legal document formulation, ensure the legality,
consistency, and consistency.
5. Continue to promote and improve the efficiency of administrative procedure reform,
focusing on reviewing and abolishing cumbersome and complicated administrative procedures;
promptly announce and publicize administrative procedures according to regulations; Increased
continuity in the resolution of proceedings/proceedings. primarily; increase the number of
administrative procedures handled at the Results Reception and Return Departments at all levels;
reducing the previous rate of results of administrative procedures; Enhance training for cadres
and civil servants, at the same time promoting propaganda - effectively receiving dossiers,
returning results of handling administrative procedures via public postal services by regulations.
6. Ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall speed up the review, finalization, and
submission to the Government for the promulgation of the Decree defining the functions, tasks,
powers, and organizational structure of their respective units; localities continue to review and
consolidate the organizational apparatus of specialized agencies under the provincial and district
People's Committees in a streamlined and effective manner; promote the implementation of the
border streamlining policy as prescribed in Resolution No. 39-NQ / TW, Decree No. 108/2014 /
7. Ministries, branches, and localities shall expeditiously elaborate and complete job
descriptions and capacity frameworks of each job position in the agency or organization.
state management according to the approved list, serving as a basis for the recruitment,

employment, and management of public servants; speed up the determination of job positions,
the structure of public employees, the number of people working in affiliated public non-
business units according to their competence; strengthen discipline and discipline in the process
of implementing duties and public duties of the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public
8. Continuing to strongly reform public finance, increasing the openness and transparency in
the management of administrative funding; promote socialization, well implement the autonomy
mechanism in public non-business units to improve efficiency in the use of state budget, increase
the autonomy and operational efficiency of public non-business units. .
9. To expeditiously elaborate and promulgate a ministerial and provincial e-Government
Architecture according to regulations; promote the development and use of shared software,
ensuring compatibility, synchronization, and smoothness to improve the efficiency of direction
and administration of heads of state agencies at all levels in the process. Work; increasing the
rate of using electronic documents among state agencies; improve the efficiency of the provision
of online public services at levels 3 and 4.
10. The ministries, branches and localities have strengthened the inspection and examination
of administrative reform with the following focus: The formulation and promulgation of legal
documents; recruitment, appointment and use of cadres, civil servants and public employees; the
observance of discipline and administrative discipline; the situation of organizing and settling
administrative procedures for people and enterprises.
This is the report on the implementation of state administrative reform in 2016. The Ministry of
Home Affairs shall submit to the Government and the Prime Minister for consideration and
- Prime Minister (b/c);
- Deputy Prime Ministers (b/c);
- Minister (b/c);
- Deputy Ministers;
- Ministry of Home Affairs Information Center page (to be posted on the
Ministry website); Nguyễn Trọng Thừa

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