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For Sally

Part 1
The stabilisers say to the bike:

I am not so sure
that you know
how much
I can’t cope
that you
don’t need me
He pressed a button on
the small speaker he was carrying.
He took her hand,
she jumped up,
and they started dancing.

In the middle
of the evening
For Sally,

Inclosed is some love you’ll never do anything about.

From Sandra
I like
inane occupations.
If all the honey bees
become extinct,
you could just get
a dead one,
cut it open
and put
in it.
Sprawling oil tanks, Big Oil Tanks drip drip.
and now golden hour is ending
and there are toilets on this train which is nice
though I haven’t used them.

I will walk here,

She’s scared of the sea
So I will walk to the sea.
You know it’s bad
when you’re googling
whilst applying for
an administration job.
to make
and I
buy a
leave by 4.15
How do you feel?
Precarious, sort of
like holding a ladder
with an old lady
standing on it,
trying to tie
the television
aerial back
The pasta is
warm in
the plastic bag.
It feels like a
and very uncomfortable.
I told her
I gave someone
a rock too,
and she said
are you trying
to make me
or what.
Even if I tried to spit it out,
it would still be there,
because my tongue’s
attached you see.
I can hear hysterical crying
coming from inside the bush.
Maybe the leaves don’t want
to fall off.
The wallpaper
has serious
issues with
He blames it
on the wall.
Poor Sally realises her mistakes too late.

He doesn’t
make me excited
like she does.
Part 2
I didn’t know what to do with myself,
I mean I wasn’t good at typing
so I learnt
how to fly.
She talked all the way through it.
One of the many reasons
I’m not so sure about her.
She packed
Frozen Fried Eggs
into boxes,
probably made of plastic.
She only did it for
four days though.
Aren’t they quite brittle?!
Things Mark Said:

Clare (Joe’s girlfriend) is quite

high maintenance for him.
She asked him to move
in with her but he’s being sensible
and said no.
I mean,
all girls want you to move
in with them.

Celia could look devastating

she put a nice dress on,
cleaned her fingernails
and cut her hair!
He saw him on beaches
in his dreams
for years and years,
she left messages
on his phone
until they cut it off.
She twists her hair
whilst she thinks
about the person
she no longer
knows anything about.
She writes letters
to her
but to a Made
Up address.
So she obviously
receives no reply.
She doesn’t even
remember the
name she used to call her
I mean it doesn’t
matter anymore anyway.
The Perfect Shape

She’s very limited though

because she hasn’t got any eyebrows.
There are these new things
eyebrow wigs?
and they’re eyebrows that you stick on and they’re like
the Perfect Shape.
This is Johan.
He has a scar on his face
from where he was in
a car accident once.
What does Johan represent?
Well, he represents
everything I will never be

You’re writing in your diary

you’ve got Trouble in your eyes.
Referral or
but what are
you referring to?
The train seats are
Autumn, like she said
Autumn is a good time
for new school shoes.
We are now approaching
another orange male day
orange men
scrunched up on their seats.
Not the Orange Alternative,
far from it,
the Orange Normality.
The trees are spinning
over the moon so that
it looks like a golden
orange and bronze coin
flickering in and out of
a flash of its own reflection
on a bit of water
went past too,
too quick to see properly.
The mist hung inbetween
the mountains,
saggy mesh bags of mist.
But not pressure pushing
them down,
just fresh sagging
unaware of what it is doing
to the air.
She may have borrowed all the memories
and made them hers,
but her memories weren’t
believed by the mountains
really all that means

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