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Gabriela Adeleda Novita Leiwakabessy


Your Turn Now 3

1. James is not like football at all.
2. Do you have a bath or a shower?
3. My brother studies medicine.
4. We learn French and German at school.
5. Mary speaks English well.
6. I don’t understand the exercise.
7. Does your father walk to the office?
8. Sarah never does her homework.
9. Our teachers give us lots of homework.
10. My grandma wears glasses.

Complete the Sentences

1. John played football at the moment.
2. We often write tests at our school.
3. I am listening to my teacher now.
4. Look! Mandy and Susan are watching a film on TV.
5. Olivia visits her uncle every weekend.
6. Now the sun is shining.
7. They sometimes read poem in the lessons.
8. Listen! The band are testing the new guitar.
9. First I washed, then I dress.
10. Every morning my mother gets up at 6 o’clock.

Simple Present Tense

1. I study English every day.
2. We teach English.
3. He pays me well.
4. Danielle flies to Paris once a year.
5. She never does her homework.
6. This girl always pushes somebody.
7. They want to do something special tonight.
8. David never mixes eggs and vinegar together.
9. The room is on fire.
10. I usually help my mother cook.
11. You still believe in Santa Claus.
12. My neighbor has a new car.
13. My sister speaks Spanish.
14. Frank goes to work everyday.
15. Martha and Paul swim twice a week.
16. John never leaves the country.
17. Summer is hot.
18. He misses her a lot.
19. I like you.
20. Stella sings “Let it go”.

Present Simple Tense

Click in the correct option.
1. Bob always drinks tea in the morning.
2. What does she like?
3. My sister doesn’t play tennis.
4. They often visit their grandparents at weekends.
5. We sometimes go to the ice rink.
6. Where do your parents come from?
7. Do you want to go home?
8. I don’t watch television after school.

Complete. Use the Present Simple.

1. Who are Sally visit in Spain?
She visits her aunt and uncle.
2. Does Tom go to school by bus?
No he doesn’t. He goes to school on foot.
3. What does she watch on TV?
She watches the news but she doesn’t watch soap operas.
4. Do they like swimming?
Yes, they do, but they don’t like running.
5. When do you go to a football match?
I go to a football match on Sundays.
Simple Present Writing Task

1. Jacob gets up in the morning at 6 am. He has breakfast between 7-8 am. At 9 am
he starts to work. He attends his patients and make exams until 12 pm. Then he
has lunch and pick up his kids from school at 3 pm at evening. He listens to
music, reads, and relaxs at 4 pm. At 5 pm, he studies dance lessons and at 6 pm
he prepares his reports. Between 9-11 pm he watches TV before he goes to sleep
at night.
2. Karina drinks coffee at 6 am and at 7 am she drives to work. At 10 am she has
meetings and writes reports. At 12 pm, she has lunch and at 2 pm she read
documents. At 3 pm in the evening, she visits her customers and then make
interviews. At 5 pm she drive home. At 6 pm she makes housework. Between 8-9
pm she has dinner and hang out with her friends.
3. Samuel gets up from his sleep at 6 am and at 7 am he has breakfast. At 9 am he
goes to the gym. At 12 pm he has lunch with friends and at 2 pm he checks his
email. At 3 pm he practices baseball. At 7 pm at night, he studies English lessons
then visits his family. At 9 pm he watchs tv or play video games before he sleeps
at 11 pm.
4. Maria brings kids to school at 6 am and does housework at 7 am in the morning.
At 11 am she prepares lunch and chats on facebook. At 12 pm she picks her
children from school and have lunch. At 3 pm, she watches tv. At 5 pm she makes
homework with kids. At 6 pm she washes clothing and then read a novel.

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