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Deadline: December 16, 2020 @12noon


Read the cases and below and answer the questions that follow.

1. A co-teacher complains to you about two of her 3 rd grade students diagnosed with ADHD. In a regular
class of 35 students, these two boys have become too difficult to handle. They often disrupt the class
with side comments or questions that are tangential to the topic. They also often move around during
class discussion and work through written tasks quickly resulting in haphazard answers. The only time
they are engaged is when there are hands-on activities for them to do. So, the teacher decided to sit
them together in class to make it easier for her to manage them. Knowing about the learning profiles of
children with ADHD, what practical advice can you give your co-teacher? Begin by listing the students’
areas of strength and difficulties. Then list and explain your action plan for the boy’s and the whole class.

A. Areas of Strength and Needs


The only time they are engaged They often disrupt the class
is when there are hands-on with side comments or
activities for them to do questions that are tangential to
the topic. They also often move
around during class discussion
and work through written tasks
quickly resulting in haphazard

B. Recommendation and Accommodations

Type of Accommodation Description


Others (UDL, Behavior, etch)

2. Eight-year-old Jessy has been diagnosed with a language disorder. He currently goes to speech therapy
and is attending a regular school. His teacher notice that he has difficulty following verbal instruction
and is also beginning to show delays in reading and writing. He also shows a tendency to be inattentive
during lectures and class discussion, but he is active in hands-on and experiential activities especially in
science. If you were Jessy’s teacher, what will you do to help manage, accommodate, and maximize
Jessy’s abilities and potential? Enumerate and explain the steps based on the characteristics, strengths
and need of children with language disorder, possible reading difficulties and attention issues.
A. Areas of Strengths and Needs


but he is active in hands-on and . His teacher notice that he has
experiential activities especially difficulty following verbal
in science instruction and is also
beginning to show delays in
reading and writing. He also
shows a tendency to be
inattentive during lectures and
class discussion

B. Recommendation and Accommodations

Type of Accommodation Description

Others (UDL, Behavior, etch)

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