Santa Fuck

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Holly’s Hot For Santa Sex

HOLLY Tanner couldn’t contain her excitement. The busty 21-year-old blonde

was writhing with anticipation on her bed. It was nearly midnight. Santa was

coming – and she hoped he would be coming all over her big tits.

Gorgeous Holly, with her hot, curvaceous figure; her long, golden tresses;

her bright, blue eyes and her dirty, young mind had a thing for old men – very

old men; very fat old men with white beards.

And her ideal fat old man with a white beard was Santa Claus.

She was getting hot just thinking about his big, flabby belly and his wrinkly,

creased, sweaty body all over her stunning, hot-babe figure; his white beard

tickling her inner thighs; his heavy old-man ball bag slapping against her tight,

young ass; and his elderly erection skating in an out of her sopping, wet cunt, or

sliding between her 38DDs.

For three years, since her 18th birthday – which fell on Christmas Eve – she

had been waiting for Santa to come. But she always missed out on a seeing to

from St. Nick. Her 18th, obviously, was a special occasion and her parents

arranged a big party for her. The past two years her boyfriend at the time – a

banker twenty years her senior – whisked her off to New York for Christmas.

But this year she was determined to drop her knickers for Santa sex. She

knew she was officially too old to be visited by legendary gift-giver. But she was

convinced she could tempt the old fellow down her chimney. She wrote him a

very alluring letter and included a photo of herself looking exceedingly sexy in a

tiny, red silk nightie and red high heels.

“Dear Santa,” she wrote, “on Christmas Eve I will be celebrating my 21st

birthday in my bedroom wearing this little outfit. I would be delighted if you

could join me. I know I am a bit too old for a visit from Santa. But I’m sure you

will be fed up with kids by the end of the night, so why don’t you come over to

see a big girl? I’ll suck your old balls dry and let you ride me hard. I’m sure you’ll
want a hot, young body by the end of your shift – and I’m that body, Santa baby. I

want you in my knickers, please. Yours hotly, Holly.”

After sending the letter, she had to ensure there were no obstacles. Her new

boyfriend, a footballer, had arranged a City break to Paris. But two days before

they were due to leave, Holly told him she was ill. She played her part very well,

acting the flu victim to perfection. She told everyone she would retire to bed, and

for them to enjoy Christmas without her, although perhaps she would join them

on Christmas Day.

As midnight approached, her heart thundered. Her boobs burned, eager for

Santa’s hands and tongue. Her snatch was juicy with cock-lust. A breathless Holly

fanned her face with her hand as she glanced at the clock on her bedside table.

Soon her little bed would be creaking as Santa pounded her pussy.

She quickly glanced at herself in the mirror on the wall – sexy and alluring,

she thought as she whipped her golden tresses back and forth and pouted saucily; sexy, alluring, and
available to any fat, old Santa who wanted to slide up inside

her chimney.

She heard the jingle of bells outside the window.

Her heart thundered. She rushed to the window and looked down into the

street. Snow covered everything. It was a perfect Christmas night. And there, just

pulling up on his reindeer-drawn sled was Santa Claus.

Holly nearly fainted with excitement. She did give a little squeal. Santa

glanced up. He was very fat and elderly, with a thick white beard and ruddy

cheeks. He had gold-rimmed glasses and a nose nearly as red as his reindeers’.

His eyes gaped when he caught a glimpse of Holly.

She opened the window and seductively leaned out so that her ample bosom

swayed deliciously in the lacy cups of her silky nightie.

Santa’s jaw dropped.

“Hi, Santa,” she purred. “You came.”

“Well, not yet, my dear,” he said in a friendly voice.

Holly giggled.

“Are you all alone, my dear?” asked Santa, glancing up and down the road.

“Yes I am,” she confirmed. She was so excited. Her belly fluttered and her

nipples were erect. She imagined what Santa’s fat, old cock would feel like in her

tight, young quim. She pressed her inner thighs together and gave a little pant of

desire. “The front door’s open,” she said. “Just lock it after you come in so we

won’t be disturbed.”

Santa chortled excitedly and rubbed his hands together as he waddled up the

garden path.

Holly shut the window and hurriedly positioned herself on the bed – breasts

pushed up, head slung back, her legs crossed.

The front door opened and closed, and very soon Santa’s heavy feet clumped

up the stairs.

Holly was squeaking with anticipation.

There was a quick knock on her bedroom door before it opened.

Santa came in, his cheeks red as he huffed and puffed. He was very fat and

elderly. His beard was huge and wiry.

“Oh God, you’re actually here,” squealed Holly.

“Yes I am. How could I turn down such a tempting offer?”

The old man in the red suit looked her up and down, rubbing his hands with


“My, my, you are a tasty young thing, aren’t you, Holly.”

She gave her shoulders a little shake, just so her boobs quivered.

Santa shuddered, staring at her cleavage.

“Do you realize, Holly, that on Christmas Eve, after I’ve delivered all my

presents, I get my annual fuck?” he said.

“And am I going to be your fuck, Santa?”

“Oh yes, you busty little tease,” he chuckled.

“Come on, then.”

He waddled over eagerly and sat next to her on the bed. It creaked under his

weight. He whipped off his hat. He was bald, but his hair was quite long down

the sides of his head. His head was shiny with sweat.

“Ho-Ho-Ho,” he said and jiggled Holly’s big boobs.

She giggled excitedly, a tremor racing through her.

“Shall I sit on your lap, Santa?”

“I’d prefer a lap dance, my dear.”

He pulled down the cups of her nightie. She shook her shoulders so that her breasts wobbled for him.
He gawped with delight and had another grope. “What a pair of tits you have,” he said. He
bent his head and slurped on her nipples roughly. Holly moaned. Her body trembled. She
ran her hand through Santa’s wiry, greasy hair. She felt so horny – her fat, old fantasy man
was sucking her tits. She writhed with desire as the legendary senior citizen ran his
chubby hands all over her hot, young body. “Where’s that dance?” he said lustily. Holly
wanted to please her old Santa. She cupped her tits and began to lap dance for him, wiggling
her ass in his face. “Oh, you lovely young thing,” he groaned, grabbing her tight
bottom. Holly sat back in his lap and began to grind sexily. She gasped when she felt his
erection. God, he was big – big for a fat, old man. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Santa
tear off his red coat. He was in a hurry. Beneath it he wore a strong vest, which he also
whipped off. His chest sagged, but his belly was huge. His torso was covered in coarse, white
hair. Holly sat back, feeling his rough, wrinkly body pressed against her soft, shapely back.
Santa licked her neck and groped her breasts. She writhed, rubbing her ass on his prick,
which she wanted so badly, now. “I want you cock, Santa,” she breathed. “It’s yours… my
dear… fucking well… take it… my God… take it… you hottie!” There was excitement in his
voice, and when Holly knelt to tear off his boots and yank down his trousers, the old man
panted wildly, his eyes wide with lust. He was making very strange grunting noises. She had
to push back the folds of his belly to reveal his cock, but when she did she gasped. It was
very big. At least 10-inches, and so thick. It was red and had a slight upward curve to it.
Veins pulsed along the shaft, and the purple glans 
peeked out from behind the foreskin. And then there were his balls – they hung heavily
between his thighs. “Oh, Santa, what a cock and balls you have,” she said. “Oh yes, yes, yes,
suck it for me, doll,” he grunted. Holly did not need a second invitation. She peeled back the
foreskin and flicked her tongue teasingly over the little slit at the tip of Santa’s cock.
The meatus oozed fluid. Santa groaned. Holly tried to push the tip of her tongue into the
eye. It made the fat, old man squirm on the bed. Holly kissed the tip before pushing it
between her pursed lips, which obtained from Santa a long, desperate moan. She was so
excited having Santa’s cock in her mouth. The bulbous head filled her cheeks. She ran one
hand up and down the shaft, while with the other she played with Santa’s Christmas
baubles. Holly sucked on the cock, bobbing her head back and forth on the elderly erection.
She kept an eye on Santa all the while. He was lying back, enjoying every moment. His head
whipped from side to side, and he continually moaned. Holly took him deep into her throat.
She held him there, the tip of his dick touching her tonsils. She was gagging. Santa
shuddered violently. “Oh you little slut, deep throating Santa,” he said. She pulled his cock
out of her mouth and spat on it, taking it again between her lips to suck some more on it.
She was slurping. Her jaw ached. But Santa was being pleasured, and that was the most
important thing. “Suck my jingle bells, babe,” he said. Holly was delighted to comply.
Holding the cock up, she dipped her head between Santa’s legs and firstly licked his heavy,
old ball bag. “Yes, nice,” he groaned.
Holly took his testicles in her mouth and swirled them around her tongue, while
simultaneously rubbing Santa’s cock against her forehead. It sent him wild. But then she
went even further. She was just desperate to please the old man. She would do anything;
wanted to do anything. “Pull your legs up,” she said. Although fat, Santa managed to hook
his hands behind his knees and draw his legs up. It left his cock and balls dangling over the
edge of the bed. It also left his backside on show. Santa knew what she was up to. “Go on,
you little tart,” he urged. “Do it for me, please do it, oh yes.” Holly licked her lips. He
smelled musty and dirty. But she was going to do it. She pried his saggy butt cheeks apart
and bent her head. His balls flopped against her face as she started to lick Santa’s anus. The
fat man shrieked with delight. Holly licked the puckered hole with delight. The taste was
odd, and the smell very strong; but she was being dirty – very, very dirty – and that was the
most important thing. “Jesus, lick my bumhole, you whore,” he cried. Holly did just that.
She licked it hungrily, even pushing her tongue into his rectum. Santa was close to bursting.
He just had to put his legs down. But his whole body was quivering with lust. She had made
him incredibly horny. “Are you ready to fuck me, Santa?” she said. He merely dribbled and
nodded, and he grabbed her and pulled down her knickers. Holly giggled as the old fellow
tossed her on the bed. He had a crazy 
look in his eyes. His belly wobbled. She threw open her legs, as wide as she could, to
accommodate the fat Santa. “Fuck me, Santa!” she cried. Santa pressed his cock into her. It
slid into her wet cunt easily. She arched her back and moaned, knowing, now, that Santa’s
dick was deep inside her, feeling it inside her body. He growled and started to thrust. The
feeling was sensational. His belly flopped and rolled over Holly’s flat, toned tummy, and his
dick slid in and out of her willing quim. Her body jerked, and she screamed. The bed
creaked beneath them. Holly’s tits jiggled. She was going crazy. She felt dizzy with lust. Her
loins ached, and a fire sizzled between her legs. “Oh fuck me with your Santa cock!” she
begged madly. Santa obliged, pumping Holly’s hot, young body. “I’m going to cum,” he
croaked. “Cum on my tits, Santa!” “Yes, yes, I want to cum on your tits!” “Come on, fuck
them, fuck my tits!” Santa pulled his cock out of Holly’s wet snatch with a slurp and he
straddled her chest. She felt vulnerable for a moment, a very fat man perching above her
– he could have easily squished her. But that made everything more exciting. She pillowed
her tits and Santa slid his cock between her cleavage. The cock was wet from her cunt. It slid
easily between her big breasts. Holly moaned. Santa reached back and finger-fucked her
pussy. She wriggled and bucked. Santa’s huge frame wobbled above her. His cock thrust
back and forth. His face was creased with lust, and he gritted his teeth. “Yes, yes, yes!” he
cried. “Oh fuck, shit, yes!”
“Oh cumming cumming,” yelled Holly as her climax hit. “Gaaaaaargh!” shrieked Santa, jerking
violently. A jet of semen shot from the tip of his cock and sprayed Holly’s face and neck. She
squealed with delight. Santa pulled his cock from between her breasts and jerked it, shooting thick
ropes of sperm all across Holly boobs. She rubbed her tits together, moaning as the semen drenched
them. It was hot and slimy on her skin. She licked it off her hands and off her boobs as she came
violently on Santa’s finger. The fat man fell back on the bed, gasping. Coated in his discharge, Holly
smiled victoriously. Her cunt tingled. Her body was hot. She took Santa’s shrinking dick in her
mouth and sucked on it, wanting to imbibe every last drop of semen from his balls. He groaned as
the sexy girl slurped on his sensitive penis. After she was done, they lay for a while so that Santa
could get his breath back. Holly cleaned herself up at the dressing table, wiping cum from her tits
and licking it off her fingers. “My dear girl,” said Santa. Holly turned and looked and the naked old
fat man on her bad, his cock now a tiny mushroom, lost in the vastness of his flesh. “My dear girl, do
you know that I can offer you a great opportunity in Lapland with me.” “Really?” said
Holly. “Indeed.” “A job with Santa?” “That’s right, my dear: a job with Santa.” “What kind of job?” 

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