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2021 March 1 - CGT
Sede: Arequipa (2:30 A 5:00 PM)
Carreras:  Todas 
Profesor Titular del Curso:   MARIA GIOVANNA SALAS OBRIEN
Duración de la exposición:  4.5 minutos 
Fecha del examen: …Sábado/domingo , 15 mayo de 2021 
Aula/Laboratorio:  Clase en Vivo
Hora programada:  
Modelo de examen:  Indicaciones y Rúbrica



CÓDIGO UTP: ____21229772_____         NRO. DE CELULAR: _______916774522______

CODIGO DE LA CLASE: ___5244___

CORREO ELECTRÓNICO PERSONAL: __Cjulinho504@gmail.com__ 

 Debe identificarse con su fotocheck o DNI, de lo contrario no podrá rendir el examen. 
 Deberá contar con cámara para hacer su presentación.  Vestimenta formal.
 No está permitido el uso de apuntes, materiales de clase o separatas.  
 No está permitido el uso de celulares; apáguelo y guárdelo.  

My full name is Julinho Cruz Ppacco, I´m twenty-seven years old, my birthday is the first of June, and I

´am single. I have a small family, they are: My mom and her name is Dionicia, she is forty-seven years

old, and she is a housewife, my father's name is Yon, he is forty-eight years old, and he is a driver, they

are married. My sister is Faviola, she is twenty-five years old, and she is an accountant, my brother is

Thiago, he is seven years old.

My best friend's name is luis, and he's twenty-five years old, his favorite sport is soccer, his favorite

food is chaufa, he also likes lomo saltado but he doesn't like ceviche, his favorite music is electro also

rock, but he doesn´t like reggaetón, he´s very funny, It's very funny, he's always smiling, he doesn´t

like to be late for work, always arrives early, he loves all his family and is a good person.

I usually get up at 6 o'clock, I get ready in fifteen minutes then I go to work, I usually arrive early, I

usually eat breakfast at work, and I always have lunch and dinner at my house, I usually get home at

six o'clock at night and sleep at eleven o'clock. My friend's routine is the following; He usually comes

to work at seven in the morning, always has breakfast and lunch at work, and usually has dinner at


In this pandemic I learned many things; I learned to cook now I can cook lomo saltado but I can't cook

ceviche I can also dance reggaeton but I can't dance tango, I can drive a car, I can play volleyball but I

can't play basketball, I learn quickly and I can work very well as a team, I can work under pressure. I

learn fast and I can work very well in a team, I can work under pressure. I am very responsible and

committed to work.

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