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Nitrous Oxide:

Claudia Praetel

Case Synopsis
Two weeks after surgery for prostate adenoma, a 69-year-old man developed ascending
paresthesia of the limbs, severe ataxia, tactile sensory loss in the limbs and trunk, and
absent tendon reflexes. After a second surgical intervention, the patient became confused.
Four months after onset, the patient demonstrated paraplegia, severe weakness of the
upper limbs, cutaneous anesthesia sparing the head, and confusion.

Lack of methionine can also result in defective myel

PROBLEM ANALYSIS nation and demyelination. Neurologic sequelae includ
paresthesias, peripheral neuropathy, and subacute combine
Definition degeneration of both the posterior and lateral columns of th
spinal cord. Subacute combined degeneration is reversible
Nitrous oxide (N2O) has been safely used for anesthesia
diagnosed and treated early with cobalamin. Psychologic
for almost 140 years, since it first became available in com-
symptoms such as memory loss, disorientation, and depre
pressed gas cylinders in 1868. However, there are increasing
sion have been described. These conditions may be observe
reports of the neurotoxic potential of N2O associated with
with or without macrocytic changes in erythrocytes.
recreational use, with chronic occupational exposure in unscav-
enged environments, and after exposure during general
anesthesia. A small subset of patients routinely seen during Risk Assessment
preoperative anesthetic assessment may indeed be at high
risk for postoperative neurologic deterioration if exposed Inhibition of methionine synthase by N2O anesthesia do
to N2O. Schilling postulated that N2O may precipitate neu- not cause a problem in healthy individuals with sufficien
rologic disease in patients with unrecognized vitamin B12 vitamin B12 stores. However, any patient with even sub
deficiency. clinical deficits of vitamin B12 is at increased risk for th
The patient described in the case synopsis was diagnosed development of myeloneuropathy because occult cobalami
with previously unrecognized pernicious anemia with sub- deficiency, combined with subsequent N2O exposure, com
acute combined degeneration of the spinal cord after exposure pounds inhibition of the methionine synthesis pathwa
to N2O anesthesia. Marié and coworkers published this case Insufficient availability of cobalamin may have the followin
report in 2000. During the past 20 years, numerous well- causes:
documented case reports have substantiated this potentially ● Inadequate intake (e.g., alcoholics, long-term stri
devastating complication. Table 18-1 highlights recent reports vegetarians, breast-fed infants of vitamin B12-deficien
of neurologic complications after N2O in both children and mothers)
adults. ● Impaired absorption (e.g., gastric atrophy, long-term use o
drugs that interfere with acid production, Crohn’s diseas
Recognition lack of intrinsic factor due to autoimmune destructio
of parietal cells or after surgery such as gastrectomy an
N2O is a potent oxidant. It irreversibly oxidizes methylcobal- gastric bypass)
amin through inhibition of the methionine synthesis path- ● Rare congenital disorders (e.g., deficiencies of transcoba
way, thereby inactivating the active form of vitamin B12. The amin II, familial selective vitamin B12 malabsorption)
latter is essential for methionine synthase, the key enzyme for
converting homocysteine to methionine (an essential amino Folate deficiency is very rare due to the dietary fort
acid) using tetrahydrofolate (the bioactive form of folate) as fication of wheat and corn grains with folic acid. Inherite
the methyl source. Therefore, insufficient availability of either defects in folate metabolism (5,10-methylenetetrahydro
cobalamin1 or folate results in a decrease of methionine, with folate reductase deficiency) are a contraindication to N2
the accumulation of homocysteine. N2O also directly inacti- exposure.
vates methionine synthase, possibly due to the production
of free radicals. Inhibition of methionine synthase activity 1
The terms cobalamin and vitamin B12 are used interchangeably as gener
has deleterious consequences for DNA synthesis, leading to terms for all the cobalamides active in human beings. Preparations of vit
megaloblastic changes in all rapidly dividing cells, macrocy- min B12 for therapeutic use contain either cyanocobalamin or hydroxo-
tosis in erythroid precursors, and ineffective erythropoiesis. cobalamin, because only these derivatives remain active following storage

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