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Lecturer: Sabani, S.Pd, M.Si

Compiled By:

Groups 5

1. Ardi (42031111143)
2. Chelsea Maythree (4163312003)
3. Fadillah Halim (4203111087)
4. Michael Felix Hutabarat (4203112144)


This idea engineering was created to provide an overview of the solutions to the problems
discussed, namely regarding the fuse and multimeter. its general purpose is to educate the reader and
specifically provide solutions if there are problems discussed in this paper in everyday life. Not only
discussing problem solving, this paper also contains the background of the occurrence of these
problems so that in the future it is hoped that readers can avoid the causes of problems in optics.

Praise our gratitude for the presence of God Almighty, who has given His grace and guidance
to all of us, so that the speakers can complete Idea Engineering regarding physics: optic, eye glass lup

During the writing of this paper, many presenters received assistance from various parties.
The presenter realizes that without moral or material assistance from various parties, this paper will
not be written perfectly. Therefore, on this occasion the speakers would like to say thank you. And do
not forget to also thank our parents who always prayed for us in studying. And do not forget also we
thank you sincerely and the highest appreciation to the lecturers. Our supervisor is Mr sabani S.pd,
M.pd., PhD. He has patiently put his time, thought and energy into providing valuable guidance,
direction, suggestions and motivation to the speakers. And do not forget to also thank the friends who
have helped and gave us advice in making this paper.

Finally, we hope that our can provide benefits as well as increase the knowledge and insight
of readers. Therefore, the speakers are looking forward to suggestions and constructive criticism from
readers to complete this task. Finally, we hope that engineering these ideas can be useful for readers
and for us in particular.

We thank you for your attention.

Medan, December 2020

Group 5
ABSTRACT ................................................. .................................................. ........ 1
PREFACE ................................................. .................................................. ........... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................... ......................................... 3
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .............................................. ...... ....................... 4
1.1 Rationalization of Problem in Idea Engineering Task ....................................... 4
1.2 Purpose of Idea Engineering Task ............................................ ......................... 4
1.3 Benefits of Idea Engineering Task .............................................. ....................... 4
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION .................................................. .... 5
CHAPTER III. SOLUTION AND DISSCUSION .................................................. .7
3.1 PROBLEM SOLUTIONS 1 ……………………………………………… ....... 7
3.2 PROBLEM SOLUTION 2 …………………..…………………………… ....... 9
3.3 PROBLEM SOLUTION 3 ……………………………………………………. 11
CHAPTER IV ................................................ ................................................... ..... 10
4.1 Conclusion ................................................ .................................................. .... 10
4.2 Reccomendation ................................................ ............................................... 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................. ................................................. 11


1.1 Rationalization of Problems / Issues Discussed in the Technical Idea Task

The essence of physics learning consists of three components, namely process, product,
and attitude (Himah, et al., 2015). Physics as a process, because it is a structured and systematic
series of activities carried out to discover concepts, principles, and laws about natural
phenomena. Physics as a product, because it consists of a collection of knowledge in the form of
facts, concepts, principles, and laws about natural phenomena. Meanwhile, physics is an attitude,
because it is expected to be able to develop students' character. Knowledge of the nature of
physics has an important meaning in planning physics learning. According to Rahayu (2015), in
order for students to acquire knowledge and concepts of physics as a whole, students must be
directed to be actively involved in the learning process. Concept is a design or idea that
represents each object,
Initial knowledge of concepts plays an important role in achieving a learning goal,
especially in learning physics. Learning physics does not only emphasize knowing facts,
memorizing formulas but needs to be provided with an understanding of basic concepts. As
a result, there is a need for an independent discovery process so that the knowledge gained is
stored as more meaningful knowledge (Ulya, et al., 2013). Each concept in learning physics does
not stand alone, but every concept is related to other concepts. All concepts together form a kind
of network of knowledge in the human mind (Iriyanti, et al., 2012). Physics is a branch of
science. Physics is an interesting subject, but several studies by Syuhendri (2014), Anderson, et
al., (2005) and Junglas (2006) state that students still experience difficulties in understanding
physics concepts which can result in low quality of education.
Optics is a branch of physics that describes the behavior and properties of light and the
interactions of light with matter. Optics are described and characterized by optical phenomena.
The word comes from Latin optical ὀπτική, which means display. The optical field usually
describes the properties of visible light, infrared and ultraviolet light, but as light is an
electromagnetic wave, the same phenomenon also occurs in the form of X-rays, microwaves,
radio waves and others electromagnetic radiation and similar symptoms as well as in the particle
charge beam (charged beam). Optics in general can be considered part of electromagnetism.
Some optical phenomena depend on the quantum properties of light associated with several
fields of quantum optics to mechanics. In practice,
1.2 Objectives of the Idea Engineering Task
The purpose of this idea technique is to provide arguments or opinions that can be used as
solutions in solving problems that arise about students' understanding of physics concepts
1.3 Benefits of Engineering Idea Engineering Tasks

This idea is expected to train writers in issuing ideas or opinions about problem solutions so that
they can provide information about understanding the concepts of physics


The rate of refractive error and blindness in Indonesia continues to increase with a
prevalence of 1.5% and is the highest compared to the blindness rate in Southeast Asian
regional countries such as Bangladesh at 1%, India at 0.7%, and Thailand by 0.3%. Refractive
disorders (0.14%) are the third leading cause of blindness after cataracts (0.78%) and coma
(0.20%). In North Sumatra, there were 17,161 blind people with low vision 0.9% and 120,963
Low Vision people. This research was conducted to determine the behavior of the community
towards the use of glasses and contact lenses that are not standardized for health who
experience eye refractive disorders. This research was conducted in the district. Medan Johor
City Medan District.
This research was conducted using a descriptive survey with a qualitative approach. The
research informants were five glasses and contact lens users who did not have a health standard.
The sampling technique was carried out using purposive sampling technique where the
information obtained through in-depth interviews (indepth interview) until the information
needed was felt to represent the object under study. Data collected through in-depth interviews
with selected informants will then be analyzed data.
The results showed that the informants who used non-standard glasses and contact
lenses had minimal knowledge about optical refractionist services in optics, so that people did
not do eye examinations before wearing glasses and contact lenses, even though someone knew
that that optics is one of the health services for the community but it has not yet been
maximized in the use of glasses and contact lenses.
As we know today, there are a lot of people who experience eye problems (nearsightedness) both
near, far and dusk, so they require them to wear glasses or contact lenses, but many people often
wear glasses and contact lenses that are not standard, causing eye refraction, and why could it


Lack of public knowledge Regarding the problems of people with eye problems who often use
non-standard glasses or contact lenses, what to do about this


There are so many glasses or contact lens users who almost don't know how to distinguish
standardized glasses or contact lenses from those that don't, what should be done about this?




The process of seeing starts with light reflection from an object that is captured by the
eye. When light enters the eye, the lens and cornea of the eye adjust the reflection of this light so
that it focuses precisely on the retina of the eye. If the eye refraction works well, then the quality
of vision will be clear and focused (not blurry).

An eye refraction disorder occurs when light falls in front of or behind the retina, causing blurry
vision. Not only that, this condition is also caused by a change in the shape of the cornea or
aging of the eye lens.

Types of Refractive Eyes

Eye refractive disorders can be classified into several types, namely:

1. Nearsightedness
People with nearsightedness or myopia can see objects that are far away clearly, but have
difficulty seeing objects that are far away. This condition occurs when light entering the eye falls
in front of the retina. Severe myopia can increase the risk of retinal detachment, cataracts, and

2. Farsightedness
Nearsightedness is the opposite of myopia. People with farsightedness or hypermetropy can see
objects that are far away clearly, but have difficulty seeing objects that are close. This condition
makes the sufferer find it difficult to read writing that is close to the eye.

Farsightedness occurs when light entering the eye falls behind the retina. Farsightedness can also
cause eye muscle tension, so that sufferers easily get dizzy and have headaches.

3. Cylindrical eye
Cylindrical eye conditions can occur together with farsightedness and farsightedness. Cylindrical
eye or astigmatism is a vision disorder that occurs due to defects in the cornea or lens arch. This
condition causes vision to be blurred or shaded, both when looking at objects that are near or far

4. Old eyes
Old eye or presbyopia is a condition that occurs when the lens of the eye becomes stiff, making it
difficult to refract and focus light on the retina of the eye. This stiffness of the eye lens occurs
due to the aging process. This condition is normal for the elderly or adults over 45 years of age.

In addition to the several types of refractive errors, the eye can also experience a refractive error
called anisometropia. This is a condition in which the refractive ability of the right eye and the
left eye differ greatly.

This eye refraction disorder makes the sufferer often have to squint to see an object and the
vision feels shaded.

Signs of Eye Refractive Disorders

There are several symptoms and signs that appear when you suffer from eye refractive errors,

 Blurred or ghosting vision

 Seeing halos around bright lights
 Difficulty focusing while reading a book or looking at the computer
 Often squinting when looking
 Headache
 Eyes feel tense
 Eye Refraction Abnormalities Examination
 If you begin to feel the symptoms of the above eye refractive error, get your eye checked
by an ophthalmologist or optician. During the examination, the doctor or optician will ask
you to sit in a chair equipped with a special device.

To check for nearsightedness, the doctor or optician will ask you to read letters or numbers from
a distance of approximately 6 meters. As for farsightedness, you will be asked to read from a
special card.

First, the doctor or optician will ask you to read without aids, to assess your eye's ability to read
text over a certain distance. After that, the doctor or officer will ask you to read with a phoroptor.

After using phoroptor, your eyesight will usually get better. Through this examination tool, the
doctor or optician will determine the right type of eyeglass lens to correct refractive errors in
your eye.

Treatment of refractive eye disorders

Until now, the eye refractive disorder cannot be cured. Treatment efforts are only intended to
help people with eye refractive disorders to see more clearly and prevent the eye refraction
disorder from getting worse.

To deal with eye refractive errors, there are several steps that can be taken, namely:
Using glasses

Glasses are the easiest and safest option to correct eye refractive errors. The ophthalmologist or
optician will provide the correct size and type of eyeglass lens based on the results of the eye
refraction examination and the type of refractive error you are experiencing.

For farsightedness, the lens used is a concave (minus) lens, while for farsightedness the lens used
is a convex (plus) lens. Plus or minus glasses are also equipped with cylindrical lenses, if there
are cylinder eyes.

 Contact lens
Some people choose to use contact lenses instead of glasses because they are more comfortable
and practical to use when on the move. However, contact lenses require more painstaking care
than glasses.

You should always keep your lenses clean and understand how to use contact lenses properly.
Avoid sleeping by wearing contact lenses and changing contact lenses on schedule.

Refractive surgery
For some conditions, surgery may be needed to correct the refractive error that occurs. Refractive
surgery is performed by permanently changing the shape of the cornea, thereby restoring the
focus strength of the eye. There are various types of refractive surgery, one of which is LASIK.

To determine the appropriate tools or other treatment steps to treat abnormalities in eye
refraction, you can further consult an ophthalmologist or an ophthalmologist who specializes in

Remember, even if you have used assistive devices or performed surgery on the eye to improve
the eye's refractive ability, you still need to do regular eye examinations to the doctor.


In increasing public knowledge and attitudes towards the use of glasses and contact lenses that
are appropriate, especially for people who experience eye refractive disorders, it is necessary to have
optical refractionists to provide information and services to use health standard glasses and contact
lenses. With communication between consumers and optical refractionists, it can increase knowledge
and attitudes from the community to find out about refractive errors they experience, the causes of
refractive errors, foods that support eye health, so that vision problems do not increase, choosing
glasses / contact lenses according to health standards and how to use, and properly wear glasses and
contact lenses.
Ignorance of choosing glasses and contact lenses that are not of health standards causes people to be
easily provoked to use random glasses or contact lenses according to their needs. From the selection of
glasses that are easy to find on the side of the road, outlets, coming directly to your home, company,
school or association, online sales, or sales of contact lenses that are now spreading in beauty outlets
causing consumers who use vision aids to not think about the impact they will suffer if use glasses and
contact lenses that are not of health standards. As a result, it was found that consumers did not realize
that their visual senses had experienced visual disturbances and even became irritated when using
contact lenses carelessly just because they were sold at low prices

Optical is a health facility that provides basic eye examination services, refractive checks and services for
correcting glasses or contact lenses. Good and quality optics in the community are optics capable of
providing services that make consumers feel satisfied and comfortable.
The optical operator stated that the service of glasses and contact lenses that meet health standards
has an important role in increasing the degree of public health and protecting the community from
services of glasses and contact lenses that can harm health.


Good glasses / contact lenses are the perfect blend of design and technical skills, technology and
aesthetics. It is a system where you see it is better to solve this problem, we think the government
together with health agencies need to do counseling related to how to distinguish between good /
standardized and non-standard glasses / contact lenses by telling them how to find out which
glasses are good / standardized, namely as follows:
1. Glasses that are used fit and are comfortable to wear for a long time
2. Fairly strong (through high measurement) lens and optics / high standard
3. Aesthetic (beautiful) design and materials
4. Brilliant eyeglass / lens coating and surface
5. These glasses are UV-resistant, so they can protect the eyes from UV radiation


 Types of contact lenses

 Minus the size of the eye
 Water content in contact lenses
 The diameter of the contact lens
 The correct position / location of the contact lenses



. A. Conclusion

From the discussion, we can conclude that the process of seeing starts with the reflection
of light from an object that is captured by the eye. When light enters the eye, the lens and cornea
of the eye adjust the reflection of this light so that it focuses precisely on the retina of the eye. If
the eye refraction works well, the quality of vision will be clear and focused (not blurry). Eye
refraction disorders occur when light falls in front of or behind the retina, resulting in blurred
vision. Not only that, this condition is also caused by a change in the shape of the cornea or
aging of the eye lens.

B. Suggestions

Suggestions that the author can give:

There needs to be a method of further research on efforts to increase discussion of youth as a

way to maximize knowledge about these optics. If there are writing errors or words we

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